The Last of Us - 1x2 - Episode 2 Reaction - Infected

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foreign [Music] what's up guys welcome back to the channel Madison and Christian here today we're very excited to get into episode two of The Last of Us we thought that first episode was as close to perfect as it could have been I think probably the best live-action adaptation of a video game I've ever seen so we're definitely excited to get into the remaining episodes I do want to reiterate really quick for anybody who didn't see our episode 1 reaction we have played the video game so uh for the most part we do know what's going to happen in the story at least I thought that was the case um earlier today I had a conversation with Madison and it seems like she's actually forgotten quite a bit of the things that are going to happen in the story so I think that's better it definitely makes for a better reaction for you guys to watch and I'm definitely jealous I envy anybody going into this show that either has forgotten stuff from the game or it's just going in blind because it's an amazing story a wild ride and you guys are definitely in for something incredible so with that being said I think we're ready to get into the second episode thank y'all for joining us let's do it let's do it [Music] oh oh we're gonna see what happened maybe with the flower I know there was a lot of theories about the flower this is cool we didn't get anything like this from the game no [Music] so she doesn't even know why she got picked up professional ecology oh mycology that's the study of like mushrooms and stuff oh do they already have somebody turn maybe oh they got infected [Music] oh so it's made the jump to humans he's like let me show you what we got damn I'm scared she's in there alone oh is that a gunshot wound yeah they shot her in the head means she attacked or something um oh somebody bit her so she's not the first who's the first whoa [Music] what if what if she jumps up off the table that's what I'm scared of kind of yeah don't get so close to the mouth yeah what if she bites her no oh no no no I'm scared sorry she should have like steel gloves on no oh oh oh oh no oh man that's [ __ ] scary look at her she's terrified [Music] oh God the flower damn so how did it spread then yeah whoever bit her is still out there oh no oh [ __ ] that means there's a bunch oh my that's how this got out of control so quickly mm-hmm she's like We're [ __ ] there is no vaccine there's nothing God put the country on lockdown oh she went straight to that wow she's not wrong though I mean they're not gonna do that though you know damn she really understood the gravity of this like right away yeah damn and they didn't listen to her or maybe they were going to it just it spread so quickly there was no time you would have to shut off the borders like everything I mean it's not her call though around the city they're gonna have to like ask for second opinions and stuff and by the time they do all that it probably spread out of control yeah oh they were watching her to see if she turned yeah tear out a few pages there's not gonna be anything bad in here just you just you can yeah Arlington till they get it from Smugglers they're eating your jerky she's got a chicken sandwich we're doing this for us because apparently you're worth something but we don't know what you're worth if we don't know what we have so answer my question damn she's terrifying you and me both Dang if you're lost in the darkness look for the light and she's the standing under the light and Joel's in the dark we got what we want true yeah we need the battery most of all we gotta meet your brother dude so much as Twitches oh my God she was faking it don't fake it like he will actually shoot you can I have a gun absolutely not okay Jesus she didn't even eat her sandwich are they told in the qz that if they go out there they'll get swarmed I guess so to scare him yeah because that's what she said [Music] whoa damn can you imagine telling kids who had never seen any of that like what it used to be this is crazy it looks just like the game they hit most of the big cities like this they had to slow the spread somehow damn wow look at that crater oh so I guess Boston is kind of safe short way it's a long way or the lifts up in dead way well I vote long way it's based on that limited information [Laughter] me too there definitely are those yeah the Clickers what the [ __ ] was that I swore I heard somebody scream yeah they did too oh my God that's [ __ ] scary walking through a dead City hearing random screams yeah whoa this is crazy I I don't know how to swim seriously notes that's true yeah a whole generation of kids don't know how to swim God they're so mean to each other I wouldn't make any unnecessary noises you're a weird kid oh God it's just a skeleton hmm Dan they can't get through we're moving around [Music] yeah nothing can happen to you yeah she's so sarcastic yeah [Music] it's a shitty School there's others been walking around like 20 years whoa 20 years what happened I don't know she had a weird look I know she did whoa so cool whoa oh [ __ ] they're still alive yeah you went inside took a shelter and that's how they got more and more in the city bit by bit year after year damn just from people looking for the quarantine Zone yeah look at them all holy oh my God are they reacting to the sunlight long time stretching over a mile oh they'll feel it somewhere else oh my God it's like vecina that's [ __ ] up if I can keep you damn it she just steps in the wrong spot you know yeah oh look at all that wow that looked like that guy that was on the wall remember uh-huh they spread Lily packing one of these or just sandwiches [Laughter] I have a spare hand damn okay so if the mush if the cordyceps like right there are dead then they're not gonna alert any others yeah okay foreign wow multiple in first place are we sure they're all dead oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] God I hate zombies I hate mushroom zombies they're not zombies okay mushroom things I don't know it's not very silent Joel oh my god dog they're gonna have to walk on all these roots it's like blocking the staircase oh my no all right you can see people's bodies in it oh those are bodies yeah oh no oh God oh my God oh my God step where I step oh my God it's untouched up here that seems kind of surprising and a little alarming I don't trust it right oh oh everything fell well if something's in here it definitely heard all that the roof caved in yeah well that's gonna suck if there's something in here yes because they can't get out you know what was that is that a clicker no no oh my God I hate these okay oh it just walked in there's more way oh my God don't even breathe yeah you're breathing too hard yeah close your mouth girl oh my God no no oh the word that she missed [ __ ] dude you had one job shoot it oh [ __ ] oh damn this went to hell really quickly foreign checking his ammo too much noise oh no oh no oh no why do they take the camera away from it to scare us it's gonna be like right there I was legit holding my breath no I'm scared bro oh [ __ ] oh no no no somebody shoot it stab it stab it stab it nice yeah one more time okay another one okay says nice dude they're so tough they're terrifying it bitter should be the person who can't get infected yeah over there yeah I know it looks scary that was that was she's like this is the least scary thing I've done today for once maybe we can actually win a good launcher I think she might be bit she was off screen for a while she was bit I think she might be oh no I think he just looked at his watch didn't he he did it's still the same one his daughter fixed for him right and it's still broken he never fixed it again that's sad it's like a constant reminder of the day you lost everything at this exact time at the exact time too I was just thinking that yeah sorry [Music] wow that looks crazy oh that's the vehicle I think that they're gonna take oh and they're not there to meet them that's kind of suss why are they not there oh no what happened in here oh my God there's blood everywhere [Music] oh my God I'm about to pull all my hair out oh [ __ ] what happened one of them got big I guess he went in there oh come on where is Tess going she's being real nonchalant oh damn oh they were all shot who killed them well start picking up guns and ammo [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah oh wow the luck had to run out sooner see I think she's big no oh it's so close to her brain I thought it was on the leg or something confidence you know the way I felt not too bad you shut the [ __ ] up because I don't have time damn look at that [ __ ] it works so quickly oh no are they would do that just alert them I think it did what did she say they're gonna get swarmed oh my God no all of them oh my God we have to he didn't even hesitate [Music] just pull one of the bombs the floor oh my God there's so many you gotta blow it somehow girl it didn't work oh no what the [ __ ] no oh [ __ ] thank you [ __ ] oh whoa damn she [ __ ] got them all nice and all the grenades were in there too damn that was crazy it was really sad well guys this was an absolutely amazing episode I think just as good as episode one which is definitely saying something um I'm happy that they opened uh this episode with the whole Jakarta sequence to kind of explain how everything kind of went about how everyone was getting infected now we missed this in episode one but you guys are so clever and some of y'all were telling us that you were theorizing he was in the flower which they pretty much confirmed at the beginning of this episode there was just a bunch of parts in episode one where they could have eaten something with flour and they didn't and they didn't like the biscuits and he was like oh I'm on Atkins I thought that was just like 2003 reference you know because Atkins was coming on the scene but then they didn't get the pancakes pancakes or the cake and the cookies too she made cookies with the neighbors she didn't take any I don't think she ate any or took any home the cake like you mentioned there was just so many instances in episode one where I guess they could have been infected yeah and they just like narrowly missed it yeah yeah which is pretty crazy um so I did think it was pretty cool that they explained it they had the scientists come and like pretty much say like dude there's no cure yeah which makes the situation even dire too like the government officials hearing that so yeah it really did set the tone for the episode and I'm really glad they did that now I think our favorite part of the episode was the part where the clicker showed up obviously um that sequence just felt straight up ripped from the video game it really did yeah it almost felt like I had a controller in my hand or something like that like it it captured the exact way you feel when you play like the desire to just take off and run but you know you can't because they'll hear everything they'll hear you yeah so I just thought that was so clever I thought the clickers looked like they were ripped straight from the game they were perfect the makeup design the creature design was perfect um just an incredible sequence all around the camera work the acting all of it was just so captivating I think we even said during the reaction like we weren't even breathing yeah I wasn't even breathing but sometimes like I remember when Christian played that part in the game I wasn't breathing either because they're terrifying like I don't know I guess it's the fact that they're blind but they can like just supersonic hear everything you know it just it definitely makes everything scarier but I loved the camera angles in that because it kind of did feel like a video game like kind of like I was sitting back and watching the video game because wherever they would turn the camera would turn you know um so that was really cool I definitely enjoyed that sequence now we do have to talk about tests because obviously if she died in this episode um I want to praise and a Torv uh who plays Tess I thought she was incredible Loki Loki I think she kind of stole this episode I agree she was perfect I'm even kind of disappointed that she won't be in the show anymore that's what yeah that's what I was thinking too um perhaps they'll do like flashback sequences with her and Joel but I don't remember them doing that in the game so I would probably say they won't yeah and it makes her death a little bit more like impactful right like we're not going to see her again yeah I think so I I definitely think it was more emotional than in the game and there definitely were some um changes from the game so I guess if you don't want to hear this you know mild spoilers for uh the video game but it happens quite a bit differently there um I'm like I like what they changed though because in the game she's not killing the the infected she's actually defending them from some soldiers that are coming at them yeah but she's big so she stays behind to like hold them off much in the same way it happened here but I thought it was better that it was actually the infected that ended up killing her not just random soldiers yeah because it kind of fit with the theme of the episode all throughout the episode we were seeing how the greenery and the fungus had and everything was like taking over people were not in control of the world anymore it was nature ruling yes and so I like that they were the ones that ended up killing her and vice versa instead of just random soldiers you know yeah and then her fighting to keep off soldiers it's like yeah that's impactful but her going out and her last final moments trying to make sure she takes out as many of the infected as she can that to me hit a lot harder than just fighting off some soldiers you know so that was really cool I'm really glad they did it the way they did and you're right anatore she really knocked it out of the park with her performance it obviously brought me to tears and I was really upset about it afterwards so does suck that we're not going to see her anymore but that was a great scene now I hate to say this but when I played the game and I've played through it a few times now um but whenever I got to the part where Tess dies to be honest it didn't impact me that much I hate to say but like I really didn't care that much um because that it happens way at the start of the game you're only like a few levels in by the time she dies and you just don't really get to know her that much but through these first two episodes of this show I feel like she got way more character growth than she ever did in the game it even got me to tear up when she was saying her goodbyes to Joel yeah which also happened different in the game I think in the game she's kind of she's a little more angry and aggressive she's just like you guys just need to leave like get out of here I'm trying to save y'all here she actually had some really impactful lines telling Joel like you we did some terrible things in the past this could be our chance to like make things right and just focus on trying to save who you can save that was the most important I don't remember her seeing that stuff in the game so I thought that was such a good choice to um change that stuff for the show I agree and I think that's why I didn't remember her dying is because her character in the game wasn't as um like I didn't feel much sympathy for her as I did in the show like I didn't get that character growth with her because in the beginning of the show you see she's kind of like Joel you know we're doing what we can to survive we're gonna go get the battery you know [ __ ] this kid whatever let's go do this but you see literally throughout this episode once she realizes who Ellie is and what she could mean to the entire world yeah she you see her hope start coming back and it's crazy because even in her dying moments she had hope so I thought that was really cool and a great way for this character to go out all right guys this was an amazing and emotional episode of last of us we're really anxious to see you know where Joel and Ellie go from here so if you want to catch episode three with us make sure you like this video And subscribe because it definitely helps out our Channel follow our Instagram for some extra content from us and real quick we did want to make a shout out to our newest patreon supporters Michael Ryan Aaron and Aiden you guys are the greatest along with all of our other supporters now before we go we did want to announce the winner of our bonus movie reaction on our patreon and the winner was Ghostbusters we've never seen this movie before so we're really excited to get into it for you guys now our last patreon movie was Barbarian we had so much fun watching the movie it definitely scared the hell out of us and it will be exclusively on our patreon for the rest of this month so if you'd like to support the channel get an extra movie reaction and vote on our next movie we'll leave a link for our patreon down below but as always you guys are the greatest and we'll catch you in the next one peace out guys bye foreign
Channel: MAC React
Views: 34,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the last of us show episode 2 reaction, the last of us episode 2 breakdown, the last of us episode 2 review, the last of us episode 2, the last of us hbo reaction, the last of us reaction, the last of us episode 2 easter eggs, the last of us hbo episode 2, the last of us trailer reaction, last of us episode 2, the last of us trailer reaction hbo, the last of us season 1 episode 2, the last of us part 1 ending, the last of us show review, the last of us hbo review
Id: 7Mh-GCEVnls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 48sec (1908 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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