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zip back on the flatbed sir joy that fall she wrote oh yeah beautiful sunshine palm trees listen to the birds good morning guys welcome back to another episode of daily driven exotics I'll be your host Damon friar we need to put some heat in the Lamborghini the worst part though in in a weird way when it's really really really quiet like this I hate her name is Carla Oh little update DV fams yes we're on the side of the rope we're on the side of the freeway now we did not pull over so Mia can do her makeup pay attention I just felt you like go over like a bumper of Paul or something and then like like you just dropped that bang right yeah Big Bang it sounded like something snapped which it did and we're currently stranded on the side of the freeway tearfully get up it's only 7:30 in the morning car the car aired itself oh that so I hate to say it but it happened again it happened again snap and I'm almost willing to bet if I had to put money on it same thing as before which Bobby Bobby said was a one-in-a-million chance so I better go buy lottery tickets because now it's happened two times in a million the one nice thing is the suspension is independent of each other so you can inherit itself out but I can once the compressor builds up some air it individually kind of lifts the front end up and hopefully whip this thing off the side of the freeway and get a tow truck I don't even know where I am pretty sure to this they can obviously tell just look at the top damn I want to get under there look look it was rubbing when we were driving we might not be able to go anywhere I think that's touching you hear it that was once I don't know if you'd hear that down push it up [Applause] that's going on bring it the front ends up I just don't know if the front end being all the way up that I is gonna help at all see the truck that just did that the bang-bang-bang was he's really bad basically offset areas where the concrete kind of goes up like this and then it goes down like right here and we hit something like that and that's how we that's how we ended up in this predicament I don't know if we can drive [Applause] hoo-wee my field it's like limp this thing to a Starbucks Starbucks I need Starbucks I need coffee okay let's have a look hold on I found the closest Starbucks it is 1.3 miles will we survive 1.3 miles we're gonna we're going to attempt it slowly I'll tell you this doesn't sound good how's the sound it's a fine balancing act okay check this out we've got a little trick you guys have any idea how I have the right rear just enough off of the back of the car so we can drive down the road like this play this up between the steering wheel sideways not good so each individual one of these controls each corner of the suspension what I did was I lifted the front up fully I lifted the rear quarter and to offset this rear side I dropped this side so now it's kind of teetering on the two front driver side driver side front and the passenger side rear it's kind of its kind of teetering like this and it's keeping this right rear off of the ground smarter than I look damn I hate to say it I said if I said if this happened again what would I do I would take the suspension out the air suspension the airbags and I would go back to stock that is our destination for now coffee and food while we wait for a tow truck we limped it here now we're gonna have to try to find a tow truck ah she's down guys she's down I gave Kurtis I bought my boy McCurdy's from mr. sees towing a call he's sending a guy saying guy his last time ironically and yeah she's gonna have to go to a gxo we're gonna have to do a fix here's the good news last time this happened and I had to go all the way to Bobby's place I was smart enough to grab my stock suspension because I swore if this ever happened again stock suspensions going back in so stock suspension is sitting at choice house we'll have to call the guys at age X and try to swindle them somehow and fingers crossed maybe mark diver will come to the rescue meantime what do you want Starbucks oh right about now maybe we should do wine tasting okay alright how's your breakfast good yeah I mean my advice are pretty yummy hey the cavalry my man how are you oh you know how better than risky about better morning I know I know but it could be worse right to still be stuck on the 5 do you have no hot pain or sort of rolls that's our or something wait gonna roll hey guys Steve's POV you guys gotta check out his channel thanks bro and we're gonna do some stuff together on this channel specifically because this guy fluent in Japanese knows everybody over there and that's a market I want to go and tap into we've got some surprises brought perhaps in storage dude only we do why do you keep breaking it I did it again and you know it's crazy same thing I was just driving down the goddamn road again and I hit a bump and all sudden snap bang boom and I'm glad though you know I had my daughter with me but uh opposite side this time you guys mr. C's towing always saving me please you got to do me a huge favor I'm gonna put a link at the very top of the description go and give him a follow on Instagram and look we got Steve do anything my boy by the way he does everything in Japanese so I'm not gonna go and film him right now cuz well most of you probably wouldn't know what he's saying unless you're Japanese or can speak Japanese like he can play mas what's up David what up what's up Cole Nietzsche uh say hi to all your friends in Japan we need to walk gonna eat you up homie G ah slightly difference with the pronunciation konichiwa call me twin you got it I'm getting there me whole new gene no me nuts on me help me mistake back on the flatbed sir yeah ready there you go is that we roll my boy and I we we got a routine down knowing that's how it's how we do it Damon Damon breaks up he comes to my rescue see my car never fails so who's gone by Lamborghini I feel is almost indestructible I've been trying and the only thing that ever breaks is the aftermarket stuff I put on I'm not even joking millions and billions and trillions and always and Alex joy oh he says he will not switch out his suspension because they spent millions and billions and trillions on suspension R&D and the reality is is I'm gonna have to say it Alex choice right oh it pains me Alex choice right [Music] oh there she goes yet again hey let's go in the reliable BMW this will get us now what you guys need to know is Steve has a crazy story of what happened to his car he just got it back animals tore his car apart I'm not even exaggerating this is not clickbait you guys he has a video on his channel recent video go and check it out I'll put a link in description where animals actually chewed his car apart he has chew marks they ripped the rocker panel off the bumper was all messed up it's crazy you gotta go check it out alright guys look I'm gonna spare AGX to the 24/7 bit right now does this is a Sunday and then legit not really supposed to be here but look who came in just for me none other than mark Ivor Hey it's been a minute since I've had you on your hands and knees I just came to laugh and tell you I told you so I did and now you're gonna go home I'm out that's it [Music] back in the Beamer and forth for life all right we made it to Alex's house and he said where are you I said at your door he said don't ring bell how are you good morning I apologize that I woke you up pre 1 or 2 in the afternoon this is an Alex Choi in Damon's part graveyard so there's the front gift to a Murcielago uh-huh here are some stock Murcielago bumpers and rear hatches and rear bumpers like your own boneyard right here huh yeah and somewhere in here is for coilovers told you thank you thank you always got to take a good opportunity to rub it in your friend's face that's what we want for those Steve sniff those all right oh and this is my this is my destroyed wing from the Jay Paul video oh that's the one you snapped on the video you like how I do that I'm sneaky right I just keep holding the camera and filming and I my friends do all the work I'm sorry we got a baby we knew it'll work out - think those are the front ones because that's why I got the lift system I'm gonna say that's your front yeah I'm not the smartest guy when it comes to this stuff but I'm gonna make a educated guess I'm gonna guess dude well leave this to the gutter snake though right gutter snake is gonna do the work guys Choya we'll see you day GX okay hey hold on yes I see something funny look at this some people just can't keep up she is passed out dude you see the Steve have you seen this 720 no oh yes I did I saw when they were wrapping it crazy right and now it's not all like the cool crazy-looking logos I don't know I am mess all right call us the japanese-style wrap here in the USA right the total are very holographic all we need is some LED lights and some strobe lights on this thing just a few like back in Japan maybe I'm different set on the front on the front alone so uh Larry No special delivery from al-qaeda you got it these are the fronts right oh you don't have a mag right in yours no oh sweet all I have is lift I hope the fittings still are there get it I can get it what uh uh oh what's that dangling what is that mark your TPMS that's a computer that right there is the TPMS computer dangling from a trapdoor that's what you told me yeah the computer actually sits in the floor of the car under like this trapdoor that it's actually attached to the trapdoor so if we never need to take it out we lower that panel down in the computers right there so what would happen if they got ripped off obviously the TPMS light would come on uh-huh we'd have to order your new computer to the tune of about 400 bucks and then we'd have to actually have a program to the car which millions brought millions delivery for me wheels oh you guys new wheels for the Murcielago from our friends and I specifically said not a multi-piece wheel so they had to do some different type of I guess engineering slash manufacturing to get these made because they had to do a special process or processes this is the rear what go wide that is that's it no no I'm rolling with this new it's called it's called wheel covers kind of like a pillow covers of the trampoline yeah the trampoline all right with any further without any further ado I'm kind of hungry I mean uh yeah I'm just teasing you guys here we go right now those look really good yeah that's gonna look so sick on the Mersey what do you think oh if we can put these on your car you can have them off and everything it's a beautiful wheel I'm excited and I'm excited about like there's a concave on this hey hell yeah Brixton Brixton you guys killed it yet again there will be no bribing oh my god did you get this what literally chain through the power wires on the secondary air wow it's a lot kid a close call bro yeah I really grinded that down didn't I and look at this that probably didn't do too well on the tire yeah that's the line that the racing stripe you have done how everything's right oh right here yep that's for men all right 22 we're doing well yeah consistency is key consistency that's that exact center line wasn't a tire perfectly straight that's how we used to do alignment they would actually carve on those school alignments rinks right there maybe this is my suspension yes yes it's not supposed to be able to do that it's a variable what variable mount variable adjustable very apply it's very adjustable good to see you thanks for coming out can't wait to our trip to Japan brother we're gonna have a lot of fun overseas right yeah you're gonna do some more stuff with me down here in LA we are man for real thank you thanks but how did your son to appreciate sure we'll tell him thanks for watching the channel always man he watches a lot more you than he does of this old guys so it's alright my daughter watches jeffree star and James Charles she was freaking out on the plane bro I'm like hey your dad's a youtuber was sigh yeah what's up and she's like it's dad you're embarrassing don't shoot sue from here Superman super the window what is this big monster handle thing for it's my lever lever yeah so when I want to install the shotgun pull down yeah oh you pulled that down and pushed no sharks in oh that's what keeps these guns ripped and just a straight yolk fish yo fast it's actually crazy how easy it is just to pull that down I would have thought it would have been like any more resistance once we hook the shock in I'll be plenty more ridiculous what are you doing man he did not give you permission that he would help you if you destroy your engine well it's blocking your car and so I love the fun oh that's so true I think I like it it's actually that I'm scared of it because I want to be on this bad side because mark says he doesn't want to be on your bad side napalm and bazooka so there we go guys mark diver to the rescue look what's back in there toil over and you're gonna and we can keep it so that so will air actually lift that up still I'm hoping that's the next trick is pulling that damn switch we've had take up the whole time well we know the compressor works obviously because it works with a lift but whether the system to go back to your front shocks still isn't a jive turkey we got to figure out that my car has been Mark ivory has been we have a suspension praise the Lord haha that's all she wrote Erik suspension listen hey Lamborghini spend millions and millions and billions and trillions of dollars they're good for the right person we found out I'm not the right person so at the end of the day it looks cool it's like it's like style points like it looks cool your car canario you take it to shows but day literally puts like like 7,000 miles per year on his Lamborghini drifts them jumps them off roads it and these are just not meant for it it's so true so just so you guys know look here's what you need to know that oh okay my ears are ringing little bastard the bags are fine the bags worked great the accuAir management system honestly amazing stuff super simple to use it's like essentially the Apple or iPhone technology of air ride it's simple to program never had an issue with it great stuff Bobbi's work great stuff the issue is I had a mechanical failure twice in the rear and this is what happened see this supposed to look like this right okay all right what do we what are we missing here ah yeah so that's what snapped off both times it happened in the rear passenger-side the first time driver's side this time which leads to me to believe all the sliding sideways and stress that I put on this car it eventually wears it down and then when I hit a significant bump in the road and it extends the suspension fully it just eventually snaps it off just to be clear shout out to everybody who worked on my car to put this together it was a great project we just kind of knew that I was gonna be really hard on it and we all said this is really gonna be a great kind of Rd project test of how durable can this stuff really be I'm gonna miss the air ride it is pretty sick when you air it out everybody at shows and on the side of the road garage keeping no like seriously also bags oh yeah this stuff all day I don't know cards that I like bounce on and take it to track since with yeah yeah we're gonna put some fresh tires on my daughter and I are gonna go grab a bite to eat you guys choice still working on his car are you done and then we're gonna test run it and see if it's good well there you have it boom and there you have it new tires boom and there you have it boom what are you doing she's trying to stay warm it's freezing out joy I'll see you in a bit you're going for dinner yeah Marc diver my man save the day suddenly save save the Sunday when his church on my car it's the day of rest yes you guys smash the subscribe button that's it for today's video wasn't the video I was planning on making joy are you and you guys wonder see you see now you see you wonder why like confetti bombs and like just read don't you shoot me with that I'll kill you don't shoot me oh my god do you got shoot me with that one no huh jeez I'm so scared see you guys in the next video just kick how much money does Lamborghini spend doing suspension and billions and billions and billions and billions and millions and millions and billions millions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions of hey do you want to get some air later today - installed in your car No
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 909,100
Rating: 4.931016 out of 5
Keywords: Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Supercharged Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg, Broken Lamborghini
Id: m8H1yzHZdIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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