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[Music] hello mom dad this guy's tire Slayer put back you got the front bumper back on I am excited yeah look how beautiful this looks we've got the wing back on we got what I call a rear bumper that's actually the bumper it's not the cover there's a difference my rain lights back on Bram I still work work sweet so this is new no one's seen this so now it's like it's an actual complete kit so we've got the DD proofing there this looks so good you guys I shouldn't say you guys you built it right so a lot of people want to touch my pipes Dave keep saying that he's like fames changed Dave everybody's want to touch his pipes good this works I'm so so excited if you couldn't tell I'm just waiting for them to give me the thumbs up and we're gonna send it for you guys hard are you sending here send it here yes I can handle it we'll keep it right within this circle that some mysterious person made at some point yeah you tell me this makes noise yeah they're not as aggressive as Alex that's fine I didn't want that aggressive guys I didn't want that aggressive I want reliability for precision driving and stunting [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm so excited this is kind of the moment that I was waiting for like I didn't build this with Alex to race cars I built it to be able to like stunts have a little more power so that on the exits of donuts and things like that I could still keep the wheel spinning into like third and even fourth gear where before the car just didn't have enough power you hit third gear and it would just hook no matter what even if at DC off [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh I left a few marks you guys Wow Kevin hey how's it sound it sounds like crazy oh now I'm gonna get an R wsr anybody you need a rear-wheel drive car hey good work you guys killed it listen look at this thing it's art it's ready higher higher Slayer is back but we're going right into the next thing this car is getting completely rewrapped so we're gonna have to reveal the new rap to you guys we're going to PFS we're stripping this bad boy down ain't gonna look like this and about a week look good skin look really good hey guess what no more camo no more gamma we're going ray slippery ray slippery got something been waiting for it finally got it I can't modify the Murcielago all that much but I can make it look cool how do you think that's how's my personal plate for the Murcielago birds leaving the nest boys please be safe out there please well what do you mean what's this mean why did you do that across your shadows it's okay this is there's no TC in this we should test it way today so we test it [Music] yeah yeah there's there's no TC hey hey Alex all right boys and girls at the maiden voyage here I was shipping my cars like not moving really that was you flooring it that was blowing Wow yeah so it's like I almost that guy puts the brakes it's quick yeah you'll cars jumping I'll tell you this I think it's gonna keep up on gas consumption - this thing in my emergency yeah it's horrible dude I was watching it like legitimately you can see the blue disappear as I did like pulls from basically where we were at CP - here I agree Z do I like it thought the apocalypse won but what is it where it's bad Mac Mac Mad Max very mad man all open and crazy look again the spear we called the TV tire Slayer Impaler okay you gotta go to FedEx right look in the back I'm just trying to keep up to everybody else that's not stock we're going in a FedEx on time you made it screwed okay you run it this is a horrible idea in such a good way jump in Jason Jason Jason you gotta come for a quick ride my god you know I put on your seat belt I advise that now that this has a standalone engine management system the stability control was still wanting to override the you know the car from doing donuts in a way yeah so you can turn TC off well you can turn stability off so I had them just code out all of it so this car literally has a thousand horsepower it's rear-wheel drive and it has zero traction my god dude this is an epic how's the sound it sounds nuts you finally got the turbo spool man I wanted that I do a loud exhaust Troy can do the loud exhaust yeah I know this is this I hold this button down so watch a Rev watch i Rev right watch but if I hold this button down watch [Music] so we've got a brand new wrap to reveal we do yeah we're excited about it too something we talked about for a long time then we get weren't sure if isn't be doable no more camo bye-bye to the camo come on come on Kevin hasn't seen the new colors now there's multiple colors I'm gonna show you one color kind of like the previous color I would say brights for sure this is PFS is new rap this is the livery off of can you name it come on you wanna been a GTR right yeah so this is off the Senate GTR a replica of that and my boys sporting the DD BAM look how nice this looks I really like how this turned out I mean of course I've always called this car because of the voor Steiner kit the baby p1 GTR so it really just goes with the whole McLaren look and beam but [Music] [Applause] [Music] alright Jason we're gonna reveal part of the livery it's gonna look just like a racecar that was meant for the street and we're replacing kind of the color because the color is specific to this race cars paint so you know there isn't a specific vinyl to match perfectly I don't want the mats perfectly but I love the idea of the of the race livery so we're just gonna swap it out for is that bright enough for you guys I think anybody's gonna notice that is my face orange that's gonna be pretty damn bright so yeah and and you guys honestly on screen it's not even gonna do this justice you have to see it with your eyes because it's so vibrant so neon orange gloss and then we have a couple other colors to finish the livery but this is all I'm showing you guys for now I love the turbo sound that's all I wanted was turbos down that's what I want yeah baby yeah yeah then you ready you you go and I'll catch up go [Music] where you got fun in LA there's like a whole bunch of people coming up what is no we are back Rodeo Drive and we hold it up guys hey we're gonna go to a parking lot I'll meet up my new suit Black Widow Supra it says basically terrorizing Beverly Hills [Music] all the guys all the guys working like pop their head out or like kept open we're smiling a couple of them were like scared you know I'm pretty sure that all all the people at the Luxe Hotel have called the police so we cannot go back into Beverly Hills tonight thanks to you I had nothing to do with it so you got Chris in the house whatever oh hey how's the Evo just fixed it just for you what would you do to it a couple of red straight in half cuz too much 42 psi aboo-seer you're like the Choi yeah of tune tuner cars yeah all the time you're like just on that same level right right I don't have to pop my hood open I don't have to call triple-a tonight I'll be surprised really damson Evo so it's all wheel drive yeah but your manual so yeah that's so you have the all-wheel-drive grip yeah but then I have the shifting on you yeah I'm gonna GG are showing up listening look sick check out Chris's car you guys now if you don't know Chris for some weird strange reason this is the supercar suspects on YouTube check them out we'll put a link in description but like check like you know you're serious when your tires are as meaty as your ears I try to make it a sleep or add it modifies oh this ain't no sleeper you pull up beside this it's like jeez flash the lighter in there again there you go yes yes max we've been on a bit of a Fast and the Furious tear lately and that we had Jesse O with us yeah I feel like we need Jesse looking under the hood right now I'm legit scared around the block I mean just around this yeah we'll just go left here we'll just like zip around this I just learned how to break loose too so I don't know what that means I'm scared this car is all-wheel drive it's 900 wheel horsepower around 900 wheel horsepower so we haven't even left the parking garage we've set off alarms can't look out the windshield it's not clean but here we go you ready seriously I'm not scared in many cars but that's scary you got to drive it next time no yeah it's so violent it is because the booze just kicks in at one time here's a twin-turbo yeah so it's like smooth kinda this is very smooth it just smacks you it did it smacks you and then in between gears I felt like a three inch gap between my back in the seat the Nessie comes back and kicks you in the back alright so you took me for a ride oh my god absolutely only right that we take you in the literally twin turbo tires you just get it back today yesterday [Music] [Music] [Music] damn gotta take him for the hot lap that fun dude that ensued your hearts going tonight like finally turbo rose well you you know I don't know your name is leverage I just say Choi's gonna be here so I'm glad you showed up all she would have been just a scammer yeah I mean dude nobody knows me people when we watch the vlog for Dave Dave starting his own channel he's taking over heat Lily yeah it turned out good and it's pretty quick hey it's just they were breaking a bit of traction [Music] faster silent upon choice cars oh my god isn't that supposed to like not hit you it almost took your head it almost killed us that day too don't well I loved it you don't don't why because you're a stockholder stockholder lives it's a little scared to race the twin-turbo Huracan against the testee I think we got to get that on camera I mean that's you know Oh bro you don't want to lose I think I think the fans might be a little upset if the you know tire Slayer got smoked by an electric I would destroy this thing zero to six [Music] trying to pretend like I'm trying to talk my way into a win without racing [Music] it's always just number this guy [Music] all right you started a war now we got the Supra getting in is this it it's the loudest or you've ever heard I've never never heard ah Oh bro facing you are ready this country that's the party ender all right maybe on three I got the cow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is something else no comparison no hold on Desai you Philip guess $10 a gallon yeah you're not spilling any so it's probably not wasted this seems really safe to be fully charged you have to be in you have to be fully fully heated the battery secondly nobody on my channel give your excuses oh he's right up against the frickin big boss II drove over here what are you doing Nate [Music] open the door [Music] I was good [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Logan you roll you guys smash the subscribe button pick up some merch shop links in description Kevin Kevin spires we're all hi guys [Music]
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 861,146
Rating: 4.9602761 out of 5
Keywords: Twin Turbo Lamborghini, Sheepey Race, Cops, Police, Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Supercharged Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg
Id: w9AZDlIuV50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2019
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