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[Music] [Applause] okay welcome back to another episode of daily driven exotics here at avant-garde with Marc Iver and your man the mission dealing with a mission so we have a problem actually we have Alex showing the house tonight Alex yeah what's up Alex good chat okay go okay start this yeah now if you're wondering what happened here what did you do you tried to mow your lawn at your house with the splitter how did that work out [Music] no boy no man no bueno needs another spare quick oh yeah hey put it up there with my front bumper hey if you guys want my bumper to diem gutter snake I'll put a link in description now Oh anywhere anywhere without duct tape nobody should in our crew someone's bound to wreck something you need to get dde addition of your whatever we didn't make their own duct tapes yes yes or doing that hello oh man I said it on camera you did royalty check high 500 it delete that Jamie what are you looking for under there a rain light it says full sense this is this came for you from a fan or something oh yeah dude open it up open it fan mail clean that up [Music] dude all the alarms in the neighborhood can't tell nobody knows these fenders are all carbon real carbon fiber yet how does how do you make a Corvette do that it's a secret right it's a club you can't tell anybody this is the most sinister looking thing on the planet it's not even warm now do you seriously have a sticker that says cops just lucky what is it they walk up and they're just like oh yeah i'ma give this guy take it you know what's crazy thats got me out of a lot of tickets really no joke the lead of the cops would be like oh well what's on the back here Cora Mike what do you mean what what's behind Mike Lori's like Oh cops will stuff cops just love you home would say as this was for you a joke I'm like no they just love me you love me right and they'll be like uh let me see your license registration and a lot of them to let me go they'll talk about it you know whatever but it makes them kind of like laugh a little bit right up until they saw this video down the road little like what was that bang bang bang was it a drive-by or the pun [Music] come on crazy bad dudes is airborne us cuz you shot a gun on do you think I'm gonna feel not gonna fit in here I don't know how much weight you think I've lost but it's not enough oh oh no I can't even put my legs together okay hold on [Music] come on bro this is awful for the vlog on the side : like besides and now your right side is alone oh oh it's so tight she said let's go [Music] Bruce Wayne going into the Batcave oh there she is you guys have been asking where's the tire slayer 2.0 and she's right here so been sitting hibernating in Alex's garage [Music] [Music] look at Alex's great light [Music] we are back I had a full of the challenge car because check this out we're gonna put for the very first time the Slayer - the Slayer there we go you guys ready for this first time 2.0 meets 3.0 hey we got the two cars together [Music] dddd this is the my newest one we got the - we got the Merc we got the mercy we got the Huracan yeah five-o I got flash blue and blue red yeah so yeah we got the two cars together what do you guys say Huracan and mercy together for the first time it's cool this it's cool to see them together for the first time we're gonna basically pick up from where we leave off here right now I'm not gonna end the vlog you don't have enough content so we're just gonna do one of these like swirl things and swirl right back up to the next day all right and we're back it's sick except for this time we're not in LA now now we're like down south Orange County area we're going to San Clemente cars and coffee and we got a crew and we're about to load up right now and take off so you guys for the second part of this vlog hang on to your panties so we're gonna have some fun [Music] Oh Oh crazy does this blue 4 5 8 sound it reminds me of my old car and it's like I love it I love it [Music] how're you guys doing so this is like one of the bigger car shows down here thanks brother I appreciate it what's up guys yeah supercar heaven there's like 300 plus cars that come to this get up we got Ferrari row right here Ferrari row some beautiful cars lots of people a lot of people Nick Jones that's my new saying for Nick like Mike Jones but Nick down so you guys took this thing out I was bored last night yeah I couldn't go to sleep so like 10 11 o'clock last night I went out but I couldn't find any mud this is cool man hold this you did well and it's amazing you brought it to the show like this this is a this is how it should be I tried now the cool thing is I have a friend who treats his CGT like that yeah Kevin look at this [Music] that's awesome you got some use out of it a few people few people come out here just a few how many people do you think are here I usually get like on a light weekend you'll get three four hundred cars here I think there's probably five or six hundred cars because now the overflow is starting to get over on the other side look at this this is proper you know Southern California car show check this out beauty right hand drive beautiful speck like the color man all right guys we need to walk around and go and check out some of the beautiful cars here at the show I mean we've got 488 so we got four or five eights this is like Ferrari row right here when we came in they have everything Mustangs I mean domestics as far as the eye can see I like this set up we got a 599 and then the f12 so you can see how different Ferrari designed this car from this generation to the next one and then I kind of do not gonna lie kind of miss having my Scuderia now I know everyone keeps asking what happened to the Scuderia it's sold it's gone I made a video at one time saying I was going to sell it and then it took a little bit and I sold it and I just didn't make a video doing the delivery or anything because the person who bought it didn't want any of that on the Internet which makes sense not everybody wants their new car delivery on the Internet so I sold it and it is just gone and I didn't really need to say anything else about it at that point but you know I can definitely say I do miss that car it's a great car a couple of AMG GTS black tinted out headlights this guy's got like a diamond crusted logo [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up on our anybody good good to see you brought the REO okay guys wrapping up the show [Music] like you guys ready for this take your earbuds sawasdee crystals and diamonds waspy and duck but I've never seen anything like that look at this you got the bling bling like nobody I've seen leave the inside you guys guys see this AMG GT and look at the interior look at that I don't even know if my camera can pick up all that detail but it's insane the whole cars like this look it all around all the air vents all the switches and look at that my gosh that's incredible - that's amazing amazing SiC have a good and safe drive all right [Music] later curly alright guys that's it for this show we ran around I used a bit of time to upload the vlog for today and you know the show cleared out while I was doing that but now I got a run I got a jumping the first layer in about an hour and fifteen minute drive back to agx I'm way down in San Clemente drop off the Huracan at Alex's House check on the mercy and then I'm going back to Canada so we're gonna wrap it up with a few shenanigans on the way back don't worry this vlog ain't over I'm just giving you a heads up as to China what the plan is now another fun day we're gonna oh it's getting warm oh it's getting warm oh I can't believe how warm it gets during the day and then at night freezing freezing my butt off but good thing I have those daily driven exotic cities by the way if you want a hoodie like my DD hoodie right here damn this is our heavyweight gray with the white logo you guys can go to shop links in description and you can pick one of these hoodies up keep you warm and we also have a heavyweight tricolor whole bunch of new merch shirts it's all available check it out links in description thanks for repping now let's hit the road so this will be interesting I have a flight at 4 o'clock it says an hour and 40 minutes to get back up into the valley and it is just about 11:30 I'm always cutting it so close [Music] that drives painful hour and 45 minutes look at you guys go this was like just all out of the car yesterday now it's back in and you guys already bangin bumpers the technology of camera you put all this back in the car yesterday I know and now you're putting the bumper back on but and I even pulled the motor out taht Tiny Tim's getting no credit for this they called me and they said are you guys really open 24/7 and I go not really and he goes no it was all my story last night we went to see how long it would take for someone to call 40 seconds and then it wouldn't stop what what other business does everybody know about I don't nobody else is getting any phone calls like you guys now the next time maybe a year from now one of those guys is like I need my car fixed where should I go they're gonna be like AGX it's 24/7 we should just put him on 24/7 Tiny Tim he could just sit here answer phones and emails like if she thinks that's funny that's already been taken so I came come on here we're gonna install the new mod oh yeah let's put tire Slayer is getting a squirt oh this is the Troy edition this is China I like it man it looks good toy edition this is funny watch the mission get into this car it's legit cuz you can't have it hid up here so it's pretty good Mitch I'm thoroughly impressed you just bring it out we'll take some photos I wanted to get them together in the daylight cold start on the mercy we got them together dude I don't know will you but like I feel like I nailed it like for me for what I like the orange and blue looks really cool together it's tough in that pattern it looks tough already for your matching new shoes Oh haven't really shown anybody so you guys as as you know when I go with a color all sudden I start buying orange shoes and orange you know orange wallets and orange stuff now I have a blue car I needed blue stuff you ready for this I'm ready three two one BAM I got I went and bought some blue vans right accessories accessories you get accessorize you know we've been thinking about being like all one brand and I think we're kind of going in a direction here absolutely you know should we ditch the r8 and get Dave a Lambo of some type it's gonna be inevitable that's put them on the insurance now it's just downhill from here yes quad add a squadra course over to the left of this thing that'd be pretty cool that looks good man I mean I'm happy with it PFS killed it the one thing the one thing that I'm waiting for the wheels you guys when the wheels come it's gonna really change the look of the car Mitch knows what the wheels are it'll really change the law big-time so it'll make it pop a little more just kind of like the orange wheels do that for for this car and don't worry they're not gonna be blue wheels kay check this out you guys so I shot a whole vlog he has the worst internet on the face of the earth I think it's like one megabit upload speed not even joking I think it's two and he couldn't upload it in time for our editor Jaime to edit it and so he went to great lengths to wrap both the r8 and his m2 in Christmas wrapping paper to the point like it looked good I actually thought it looked too good it almost like a normal rap if you cut it all out and we never got to edit that vlog and we didn't know we were gonna ever upload it because unfortunately you know it's not Christmas anymore so you guys let me know in the comments if you just want some bonus footage if we should upload choice crazy antics pranking Dave's car by wrapping it again and then driving it to Rodeo and getting reactions I don't even know what happened I haven't even seen the video but you let me know should I get Jaime to edit the footage comment below it'll be like a after Christmas Christmas vlog that keeps on giving the gift that actually is joy that is a gift that keeps on giving that's the friendship with joy that is joy alright I'm gonna take some photos and then we'll be off to choice house I love it looks so good [Music] all right thanks brother just had a nice you don't have to do the log back under there that a limbo living the mission live up hey man Happy New Year you too I'll see you next week sounds good all the sake you know things that don't hold anything you know bobbers I got plenty of the thingamabob repelling extra ones [Music] all right tonight girls thank you Alex again let me use your garage oh here he comes mr. m2 whoa [Music] why am I taking nuber why don't you just take me in this fancy thing are you doing the day after I did this mother nature decides a rain on Oliver all over it so all the pieces of paper just kind of shred it off oh that's a disaster yeah well rain does the papers Mac you fit hey Happy New Year I'll see you I'll see you next year [Music] Gepetto Tacoma for the local time [Music] what's up guys I might have fell asleep on that plane welcome to Seattle International Airport I ride these trains quite a bit now speaking of travel I'm a hold on speaking of travel I wanted to reveal to you guys the new color of the wheels and I thought what a more appropriate way to just tell you I also hit a certain status with Delta which is the airline I fly all the time and the status color is the exact same color as the wheels that I'm going to be doing so the status is if you guessed it gold yes the new wheels on the Murcielago will be gold now not a glossy gold they're gonna be like a matte gold a little lighter in tone not a really harsh yellow but that's what I meant by a complimentary color to blue this yellow goes really well with blue and gold is like a tone of yellow so I hope you guys are pleased with that again it's like a wrap you can't vision it until it's on the car so you're just gonna have to wait until the wheels are on the card or really get the picture but comment below tell me do you think I made a good decision Happy New Year I love all you guys thank you for the support 2019 is gonna be absolutely epic I can't wait to go around Dave and I want to do a tour and come meet as many of you as possible but until then smash the subscribe button join the DD family I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 615,863
Rating: 4.929492 out of 5
Keywords: Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Supercharged Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, VF Engineering, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Tire Change, F1 Sounding Exhaust, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg, LP640, Murcielago, Manual Gear Box, Avant Garde Xotics, Alex Choi
Id: adZ_0CjUXRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2018
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