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[Music] good morning guys if I look tired that's because I am yep it's for I am quick coffee [Music] say good morning good morning yet another flight so I got this first class because you're a huge celebrity now that's true you don't write anything [Music] alright guys welcome back to another episode of daily driven exotics so you guys get to see us travel quite a bit but you don't really get the timeline four o'clock in the mornings when we get up it has that first flight now we're in Seattle and it is well it's seven o'clock seven o'clock and we've only made it to Seattle another connection to get down grab an uber overtime look at that poster over black my friend uber black that's how we roll today whoa guys it has been a minute since we've been well I've been to Ajax and since I've driven my car how's she doing I saw her as we pulled in Oh tires lair how I've missed you how I've missed you out Todd I hope no I don't have anything valuable in there so we're back marky-mark what up welcome back gutter snake by the way mark Iver for all the new subscribers we have been growing so quick you should thanks to you and Mitch and Dave's vlogging now I love Dave update really he's a natural he's a natural although he was complaining of what the size of his camera okay new friends betcha camera redish the camera dude that's a perfectly it is so cute what do you think it's not it's a size of your camera it's how you thank you guys this camera is not that big do you want you guys though it was pretty good you have to admit the quality do you film it yeah pretty good pretty good I've watered some parts for the tire Slayer oh that's right how much is that at this point how much it was a cooler Slayer yeah you guys don't know this but I screwed up the car yet again I've taken in some of the juice to be honest though this is all still lingering stuff from the snowplow incident of 1987 [Music] Cydia lankford Cydia Lankford's gonna have to pay me for helping clear the streets look at that I cleared all that just now getting around to correcting the mayhem that ensued from that one so essentially I mashed all the fins yeah you basically annihilated the AC condensers yeah and so the AC condenser is which sit in front of the radiators don't get any airflow and you have a new rain light coming for me right yes the finest you can get so heater corn style manual mercy no front end Huracan front end Huracan tire slayer check this out see that that is my current upgraded rain light push it push it again red green and blue a little hard to see right now if you haven't figured out what that is Mitch was kind enough to take that out of his Ironman costume you and all of Halloween of 2018 without the button so we roll into SEMA right now with an Ironman light as a rain light for my cars by the way this is the new shirt link in description pick up some merch boom you guys will love it and while you're at it smash the subscribe button look conveniently to give a demonstration at Ajax this is how serious they take things they pulled to the bumper we don't take that hold on let me BS these guys I'm gonna BS you guys for a minute they went as far as to be able to show you without taking the [ __ ] the Slayers from bumper off they took the bumper off of this program so they could show you the a/c condensers in front of the radiators okay Marcus proceeded to follow my BS we're wrapping what we're not wrapping Adams car okay so this is your radiator one of your three radiators that the car has okay actually yeah four and on the other side of it is the a/c condenser here okay well if we smash that thing flat I don't know like snow or something yeah I think snow did it yes No do it then no airflow goes through here and gets into the radiator and the car overheat how you doing Oh memory is right here flashback Thursday hey excited to get your all right I have your suspension are you doing cuz you got that here I'll give you that too hey what is it so warm in here yeah it's it's it's well insulated opposed look into my lap oh by gutter sink mark Iverson stuff you have fun in Vegas I will film everything so what happens in Vegas doesn't nothing staying in Vegas with this camera yeah for Dave prove it Dave's got a huge amount Mitch thank you brother until next time and enjoy fixing to pull up thora supercars you guys currently have [Music] well it's still a one-piece Dave press there's no pink on it let's put everything into the trunk and we're good to go Oh what's he doing in there I screwed up that's like harsh no and I shoved in there for Joe Mitchell real quick few hours and something a noise and I just got me a quieter rug now what shovel we are going to a desert figure cellophane [Music] all right DeeDee we are on our way to Vegas in LA rush-hour traffic this is easily the worst time to try to go today I guess we're on our way to SEMA Gabe's in the r8 behind me we have four and a half hour drive ahead of us it'll be quick for you it'll be slow and painful for us [Music] dude this drives socks you know what we got stuck you know what our problem lies waited too long and then we left that rush hour it added I swear two hours to the drive we saw our two hours away from Vegas no we're not yeah and it is a meeting at 9:30 are you serious yeah what time is it 8:15 oh my gosh and we've been up since 4:00 [Music] guys we made it welcome to Vegas baby hey what's up Wendy Savage how you guys doing and we are at the Venetian this time oh look at that huh yellow apple juice right right on in here no the guy over there he's being like mr. security guard remember the security guards Oh what do you think it quick but we have to go check it you're like one of these days hey hey did you hear that you hear that now what can do to get hit hear it it sounded like hum is it a hybrid I gotta tell you a bumper Delete on a Porsche no offence not quite it is pretty poor he's this super savage it just ripped it off on the way he remembered which thumbs up for that [ __ ] I love Vegas this is like the funnest food you've never been here to Vegas no Asian the Venetian it's bigger than your ego what do you think unbelievable I think I need on some level to get to this level with supercars where we build a tire shredder from the ground up and do some maniac stuff guys we're gonna be ripping around SEMA you're gonna come along for the ride we're gonna do like the highlight reel of our favorite cars so stick around it's all starting right now [Music] we made our way inside one of the massive multiple huge convention structures and these guys are leading me to super cars so I'm trying to get to some of the Nitty Gritty fun SEMA builds specifically in the supercar realm unfortunately this year they spread basically everybody out all over the place so for me it's gonna be a lot of work for you it's just gonna look like the highlight reel enjoy you guys play this steering wheel holy I don't stop for too many steering wheels other than our boy who makes it Erik come on Erik you need to make something as crazy as it you see that what do you think of that it would be you'd have to just always twisting your arms that's crazy so is this I think they just took the wheel and just cut it and they tap this it's active it's crazy looking for how simple that idea is this is your car seat a hacksaw blocked eight bathroom I'm totally down to make some form of my own version of like an f1 steering wheel laughs deal that's coming to the channel but this thing's wide bodied in the whole nine yards she got some girth baby I see supercars forgot a 488 a couple of 488 we got wide-body 488 you guys we've got a blue one we got a blue Liberty walk 488 thoughts on this car it's got like the very aggressive kind of almost NASCAR style little duck bill at the end so here we go got another 488 right here you guys that beautiful also color carbon dry carbon very interesting hood design there's a SEMA build you guys got up the quality game oh very interesting they kind of almost copied a very similar design to what's going to be on the pista so this is Misha designs this is the new updated 488 that my buddy Brian had on his four five eight the black car that I did donuts in that coat that blue car owned a who owns that Justin Bieber is that Justin Justin you need to get the wheels right brother [Music] mayhaps this is the perfect car for Christmas oh hey did we literally I swear I swear I did not see that wall before I said that oh you're calling me a liar day yes you're a liar what do you think of Christmas president wrapping on a car we got the giris in the house I like this color I can't wait to see some of the tuning done to these trucks these are gonna be an absolute monster I think these are gonna be king of the streets in the basically high-performance SUV world come into a street near you very soon Dave what do you think Randy house one gets in January says we can jump it Randy said we could jump risk he said is getting one and out of that second part of our knee now we're gonna jump it tell me where no we're jumping yeah next up we're gonna stick with the Lamborghini theme you guys how about an Aventador roadster again these guys are sticking with the Christmas theme we got Christmas wrapping on this one as well my favorite thing this whole red Crone but you know what your Santa and you want to go ho ho ho when around this would be the car for you lots of carbon they did a good job on the wrap whoever wrapped this car very clean lines to show off the white underneath the bad interior oh I love that interior the interior is on point for me a big fan of the interior you're a Porsche fan what do you think of the magenta turbo with the big wing your big van yeah I love the 9-3 you know that's pretty cool I like how they've got whatever kid this is that you know getting thinning the players with making it a wide bodies all molded in Dave come back here and look at the sheer size of the girth on this wing all right dude boom boom the size of the car yeah you do need a wing for your car what Kenny we're getting you a wing man what getting you E we got a yo in we did a new wing so you guys we haven't really released any information but we're working with XCOM for a tire sponsorship this is Jackson from XCOM know these guys this swooped in and took away the tire contract was Shelby I have it - she'll be here in front of me beautiful car so the tires on this car will be the tires on the tire Slayer already we have some test tires we have some new test tires coming but the crazy part is we had to stop and reference as the front tires on this car are my rear tire so I said to these guys I need a 305 30 20 and that's what's on the front of this car that's a 305 front tire that's crazy I couldn't even imagine how much grip this front end has Mustangs need it just say there is an 800 horsepower option in this car for the experienced driver oh whoa back out into the light as you can't even understand the sheer size of SEMA until I kind of hold on alright so there's all of this the convention center starts way over there runs all the way to this all of this outdoor that Convention Center all of this all of that outdoor area and all into the back of these buildings this place is massive many many people come and try to get everything covered in three four or five days and still don't see it all apparently now we're heading over to see if we've got a slingshot you guys blew this it's a freaking slingshot Randy Randy is asleep please hush Randy shut your mouth [Music] give me the highlight reel supercharged Ellis radians squirrel 65 East Rand [Music] Wow put the rear wing on I noticed what that it's back I was looking at it going what what's going on with this the wings on backwards and then okay what is the deal with the wheel tire package what's on here 25 405 25 negative 120 millimeter you guys absolutely killed it with this I mean that is look at this you could I could stand here and stare at this thing forever okay this is one of my favorite most unique crazy things I've seen here at SEMA 2018 boom hey brother thanks for sharing the car what were you doing that's okay that's okay I've been Dave I just pulled a handshake like you I did we have this thing where he normally is the one that does it right but I think I've been hanging out with a few so here we have a twin turbo it's work on very unique exhaust tip situation right here the owner of met before at a previous event great guy but this build is just so clean he killed it so look at this exhaust tip configuration I like that and then he's got all the pie cut welds you guys can see beautiful exhaust twin turbo this has the four Steiner novara kit hands-down the best looking kit I personally think for our Huracan on the market the numbers we got here twin-turbo yes twin-turbo thousand 1,050 yeah 850 will get the job done for driving around daily right then we got this monster right here and blew this we got a 458 and this is a factory 488 gt3 wing that he's installed on here with a camo rap big fan of this I love this again I know you guys want me to get another 458 I think I might have to hold the trigger I might like this is selling me on it thank you for watching the channel I appreciate it so you manage this bill yes I did I actually made it the box of the bill this is Tanner foxes GTR it's called walk Zilla very famous I love the bill molded-in wide body kit and we got to get a tour and I to do something together it's an amazing build man there's so much under the hood that people really don't even know about it's actually on static suspension to stay w3 weight club sports nice full well done thank you hopefully we'll see more of this on BB coming soon alright guys we finally made our way to probably the closest thing you're gonna see of a hyper car here at SEMA there really isn't any Pagani spending zags anything like this this is the one Bugatti as you know it's the old one it's the Veyron it's also the car that I've done donut but check this out he's got everybody's got this red chrome kind of Christmas theme going on I don't know what's up with that but what do you guys think let me know in the comments below more importantly we have something right over here that's very daily driven it's a rally Porsche and I love that they brought it to the show completely dirty play this Dave you know Dave's down to get dirty I don't know what that means but it took 30 days bro this place tell me this place is it massive right of pain look at like come on this is already lost this is one Hall like you can go that way or you can go that way or you can go that way what do you think of this I would take it to wide-body full-on oh this is this is proper build right here are the diffusers kind of mean hey cut an ankle on that does have a cup holder a cup holder nd you guys huge front splitter look at how wide this car is what's it a stamp or dated a sense for indoor/outdoor outdoor indoor in like Japanese pretty good yeah the event they're together yeah we do spend too much time together there we go trying to get to this Aventador for you guys [Music] you know I love me a g-wagen and this might be my favorite g-wagen of all time you guys 4x4 squared in some snow camo does it get more Canadian than that remember how jared and the boys and Randy own sec off-road little crafters and well built a pretty crazy one for SEMA Dave what are your thoughts on buying a raptor on this build holy this thing is mean and look at what they do to them Oh oh my gosh that's madness how much wider does this make like look at how much wider it adds to this truck I know we're a supercar channel guys but this is impressive this is a super truck as well as quoted by Randy Clegg jeez this is just absolute madness to Tassie Alcantara what a monster trucks you want to see Tropes you got to come to SEMA Wow you guys build monsters absolute monsters you guys check out SVC off-road I'm telling you if you want anything for a raptor these are your boys down and I'll put the link in description bro guys smash that subscribe button join the DD family and we will be bringing you some more bits of SEMA mayhem later in the next video morning yeah morning no you're out of gas have no way out of here Jackson I'll hold on oh yeah we do what Zack you come in come on Dave Dave's been missing FEMA is just pure mayhem I mean does did he get stuck is he stuck
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 1,315,083
Rating: 4.8559585 out of 5
Keywords: SEMA, Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Supercharged Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, VF Engineering, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Tire Change, F1, F1 Sounding Exhaust, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg
Id: _x43pgyldx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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