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[Music] welcome back to another episode of daily driven exotics you guys if you're new to the channel my name is Damon fryer or in Southern California North Hollywood to be exact you can tell it is we have this kind of a cool view you can see through the blinds there all the palm trees I'm obsessed with palm trees we have an exciting day got to grab the keys to the tire Slayer Dave's around the corner here somewhere pretending to work I know you're always pretending the morning oh you're chatting with the elite yeah yeah so we have a membership website that while you guys are on and I applaud all the comments so I'm just going to here right now and check it out he's lying right now I love it how he always starts off the day lying he doesn't reply to all the comments because I actually replied to Dave does like to take the credit for everything watching this Dave definitely does drywall Dave Pulsar you know I have that's true but ability in a cup thank you guys we had a huge influx of people sign up to a lead you might be going what is a lead it's our personal membership site for all of you the DD fam it has a lot of unique features and some real exclusive content now Dave and I we're not gonna live the version 1 of that site wasn't the best it kind of sucked it finally dropped a brand new version and we're super excited about it you wanted to do a proper kind of shout out to all of you who have signed up to elite and stuck with us through those tough times so the biggest part of a lead that you asked for the beginning was ad free content and first access meaning no ads when you watch a video on our website it goes here first so Jamie if since he's done the edit it goes here first before YouTube in the beginning we wanted to do like you get to preview it 24 hours in advance and we figured out that just was insanely impossible to honor we don't want to say what we're gonna do that anymore what we say is its first access 90 percent of the time it's probably gonna go on the night before the morning of that we upload to YouTube you're not gonna have to watch ads ever that's what your whopping $2.49 a month covers and also all the exclusive acts that Dave and I show you off behind the scenes we take raw footage throughout our day and we drop that on to elite and you get to see that before anybody else so we give a crazy discount 20% off merch yeah and % and the truth is is I don't think anybody else does that they give it this yeah nobody does 20% if you want to create your own account which you obviously will when you go on here you can also upload your own photos and do things like that so it's interactive yes you can actually follow your friends so this guy Casey to 500 shadow to you I follow him whatever he pulls something I see it in my feed I can comment that is a wrap Nick shot isn't it yeah good job Casey nice job Casey but the community it's not just our contents also your photos of supercars and fun stuff you're doing and we can check that out and comment as well go and join DVD elite link in description it's only 2 dollars and 49 cents a month we're gonna go hit the road because John from garage bowls is having us over for a special little reveal of a car he just had tuned and he has a whole slew of supercars [Music] you want to see if it'll work so check this out you guys we've been working on a solution with avant-garde to essentially be able to turn Dave's traction control off why he swapped out the suspension and it went from like the magnetic suspension ride to obviously these amazing BC coil overs which rides a thousand times better but what it is doing is it's interfering with obviously the old magnetic sensors that are not enabling him to turn off the traction control which means he can't do any shanigan switch we're all about now Dave came up with his own solution with a little bit of research called Google I move the car back yeah and there's a fuse panel right here a fuse panel yeah we're at we've got a pole one out that is the one for traction control once that's out there's no more TC ever pretty sure to challenge though which one do we pull pause this we're getting some googling I will get back to you [Music] have you guys liked the tire slayer by the way in the number one sitting on the air this is my parking now I know some of you would be like Damon you need to air it out sit it on the ground but I'm kind of more down for the like super slammed racecar look and that it just looks good in this right height I agree we're at Joe's barbecue you guys about to find out what this is like which get you got a chicken breasts some broccoli and mac and cheese damn bro I got myself a little salad that's it yeah oh hold on I'm doing it up with the ribs guys the rib this is perfectly in alignment with my diet keto and then the grilled veggies oh oh I can highly recommend this place right here right I need like bunk beds for a nap after those meals now we're gonna head over to garage goals right down the road actually so I'm sure John eats at this place all the time Joey's barbecue you guys killed it all right let's go cook something up in this thing maybe some donut for dessert [Music] [Music] we've arrived we write I rhyme hey man thanks for having us super excited to be here yeah I've seen this guys like with all his crazy cars on Instagram and I'm like oh yeah why don't we go into this garage because this is pretty much the most best place on the planet down here look at the size of these things more and everything let's just walk us through the garage so where do you want to start this side we got the GPS great car great car a friend of mine bought the first one in Canada yeah and did the European delivery yeah showed it to my friend mark at DCM you're a BMW guy I am that's why I'm excited for you to see this car i branded my r8 BMW you guys know that a true story true story you are throwing the internet with those puddle lights aren't you Wow right so all from BMW factory Lou these seats the seat so you can see the freakin roll cage through the seats and then he's got the the half cage here in the back I love the seats in this car oh wow right look at the door panels do you guys come here you see this yeah the carbon bro or they're like this dry no one on it it's like yeah it's like a crazy material don't don't Dave of course yeah the white glove treatment you know it's super clean it's a 2009 it has 76 hundred miles on it oh yeah all the I like what you did to it because it it looks clean so you got so this is a PR and side skirts and then the wing you know if we did something like this to one of these I like this like it's really clean looking beast right beast this seems crazy fast yeah this this is at 900 horsepower it's that all you built the motor yeah I built f12 the plan is to make it a first twin-turbo f12 Wow with the all the carbon for the diffuser this is this is built right in like that's the thing I like about f12 is you can get that rain light I very cheese Li added to my car this is like prophecy properly comes with the car and then it's obviously slammed these are bigger wheels what 22 21 how many lips have you been through to monarchy back in the car was alway ss 68 Camaro this is a turbo turbo yes it's crazy this is easily the scariest car in here to drive mm the back pull tubular chassis if you get underneath it yeah going down jeez the crazy part is you could eat off of what's under here it's so clean hey hungry look at these shut your mouth when I'm talking to you you even put your hips put your head down further I want to show the size of it compared to your head for real that is I've never seen anything like that bro that's for when we're in Mexico and we drive this in Mexico alone yeah Wow I didn't even know they made turbos that big for gas meth whatever injected this thing is 630 cubic inch okay plug my ears Salo love them up guys headphone users headphone users I'm so scared right now I keep moving like all cars yeah that I have mm horse right almost all cars though that have this level of horsepower oh yeah then you don't push a button and they just go like especially this is an older car I mean this is some serious GTR not stock you guys like gold love gold once you pick it up you know it's all about modding and making it yours you get a personalized right yeah what's charge yeah 1414 honey you got more cars in the triple digits in here then sorry it's not a full thousand quad that's quite yeah so drop out snorted itself I don't know nightmare wet dream I don't know what exactly it was this thing's low-key out of all the cars in here when it almost walked by it when we were in Pasadena house Edina and you guys had the car and came up and we started chatting and you pointed this stuff out and I mean like that's gonna be not easy to do they did kill it Wow and I think there's more you ever seen a garage like that no no that was pretty insane like every car is highly customized the shop alone that Florida counted everything down there is a garage goals I'd get their name now I get the name he loves cars if you guys didn't tell I mean nobody owns a 2,000 horsepower tomorrow that's basically the Machine of death and you don't love cars Oh wifey struck his big eyes [Music] [Applause] whoa that sounds nuts get rid of your stress this is it right here oh yeah stress relief so we got the Super Trofeo stradale white red red interior beautiful and then I went a twin turbo matching GT that's got a three-piece removable roof like yeah yeah this is pretty pretty mental along with all the other cars at the garage plus the 720 we got to go and pick up so twin turbo 1/2 inner 1,100 horsepower hmm you turn TC off on this and you are having some fun it doesn't matter how big the tires are that's a 345 do you like this I don't know like I feel bad for anybody who thought they had a garage after this I mean you can collect cars that's one thing when they're all stock but when every single car you own is like done perfectly do everything this is like the real just hashtag game over [Music] [Music] you got a line man bro oh my gosh here so I'm not kidding this is the biggest dog I've ever been around hey chewy so guys should we get a Ford GT we actually have we haven't told you guys we have a new car coming we actually probably have two new cars coming but until the freaking you know ink is dry I never want to say something on the Internet don't curse it now let alone yet we're gonna leave the tire Slayer right there because we're going in this bad boy the sound of this thing you know wanted the guy that built the car he built it to kind of be quiet around the streets and then once you get on it you'll see yep listen to this there's three or four of these bumps yeah dimple my polish that's the whole point about are you gonna drive your car I graduate break it at least you tried hell yeah he just fix it makes matter this is why we get along oh shut up everyday to drive this thing in and out of here you just grind it out oh listen to this thing it is so beached like it's got that like v8 grumble but then that sound of the turbos and the blah belts it's just a good day install your car like this but it's almost how I envisioned Dave's car sound evilly turbo there because Dave's got a v8 and then if we add the turbo sound because this v8 sounds like this at the crumple right like that load Rumble right there and we put an exhaust on this car I would imagine it would sound well maybe not this good he raced a jet so I raced the jet supercars versus fighter jets 227 miles around the GTA it's a t-33 gen 5th gear at 4000 RPM 227 miles per hour it really starts to get that fishtail he turns the window up in this you got to be careful Monte's there's no TC in it there's no TC in this thing really this is manpower there's no TC no Johnny's Mitch there's no TC hey oh my god everybody's here Oh Jason bro this is sick hey goddamn reunion the whole crews here wow what a ride whoa the monster is out we're the fenders in the front lift we're gonna play the new spoiler how it's longer [Music] Wow [Music] side-skirts this is all the voor Steiner stuff and I love how angular and like crazy these um louvered fenders are some beautiful wheels the wheels are great o carbon hood dude this thing is mean much mental so tuned by VF engineering full titanium exhaust and then the kit by voor Steiner the wheel dude we gotta go take it for a hop right away man I mean seriously what could possibly be next like what's the one car you don't know it's coming it's coming I'm building it right now [Music] 1,100 horsepower and no traction control wait [Music] you guys see all right do them all so far I'll tell you this it's easier to drive than the CGT but the clutch ironically it's softer but the clutch ironically is like the CGG in the sense that it grabs at the very top so you guys know this is my very first time driving a Ford GT 1,100 horsepower twin-turbo is my first time driving any 14 Wow two days in a row bucket list driving I mean dishes driving GG was on my bucket list but to drive on this special I mean just up the game oh and I was best [Music] both these cars are just [Music] cores done the way that I would have done them does Sean and I are literally like this when it comes to thinking how a car should be I mean he's so DD it's not even fun he's keep working my face off and save up from we gotta make a checklist guys new merch in the store right now laziness yes please please buy a shirt so we can get a Ford GT for the channel [Music] this car I mean I haven't gotten on a second here cheering on it whatever is in this and special response not even rubbing it up [Music] [Music] guys John just gave me his car I'm just joking I'm dreaming garage goals go follow huge shout-outs you yeah appreciate you guys man thanks for coming out beautiful couple yeah thank you bro these things beautiful temples all right you guys that's it that's a wrap thank you for coming along for this journey make sure you smash that subscribe button join the divi fam Dave you got anything to say for yourself or delete account right now you guys 249 a month no more ads and I'm Way more me Oh Jonah end up in jail you
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 844,398
Rating: 4.9295549 out of 5
Keywords: Garage Goals Official, Twin Turbo Ford GT, 850 HP McLaren 720S, 1400 HP Corvette, 2000 HP Camero, GTR, Porsche GT4, 900 HP Ferrari F12, Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Supercharged Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, VF Engineering, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Tire Change, F1, F1 Sounding Exhaust, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg
Id: 8sgAE8Dmk40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 42sec (1602 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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