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we're going car shopping what do you want to drive first let's go what's up you guys welcome back to another episode of daily driven exotics I am just packing up I are off to Kelowna we're gonna go car shopping you guys we're looking for yet another supercar for the channel and probably more importantly to wifey we're looking for a new vehicle to get rid of and replace the Range Rover Sport that we've had it's been a great vehicle for the most part until we had an engine issue where they couldn't really figure it out they put a whole new engine in the car now that's not to say that that's gonna happen again but we're looking to mix it up we get tired of our vehicles quickly so we have to go and catch a flight today now before we take off and jet set hear me out for a minute I used this toothbrush it's called dazzle pro it's a sonic toothbrush it's absolutely amazing they're sponsoring today's video a lot of you have seen me use this time and time again and they always do these limited discounts on this product it's absolutely phenomenal and it's made my teeth actually a lot whiter which is great because I'm in front of the camera and you guys all the time but I think the average person likes to brush their teeth and if you don't that's just gross here are the benefits of this it will brush your teeth 40,000 strokes opposed to the 400 or 300 that you can do manually the other cool thing is it's got four modes so if you turn it on it's got clean soft massage out whiten and massage and you can use those different modes however you like I switch it up all the time it's got a two minute timer as well so it'll tell you when to switch and where to brush in the zones opposed to just brushing in one area and possibly not getting that area clean enough now one of my other features that I love about this is I hate how you just have your toothbrush sometimes sitting out up top up here and well let's just say the bacteria from around the bathroom attached itself to the bristles this is going to prevent that from happening why well right here in this little bad boy you have your own sanitization chamber that's right right in here if you take this off pop that in there and just close that up like that see how the light came on you got ultraviolet light which is going to sanitize all the bristles that's always a huge thing for me now it's also very light and portable I'm going to bring it with me on my trip because it's what I used to brush my teeth and well it's in my bag like so you guys go and pick up yourselves one of the sonic toothbrushes the dazzle probe links in description huge discount I promise you're not gonna regret this it has been an amazing product it helps me you know make it more mindless in the mornings before I rush out the door so I know exactly that two minute mark and brushing around my mouth that I need to get some my teeth stay nice and clean and white like this okay now we need to run out because we're off to the airport laying around the tarmac Victoria all right guys we made it to Kelowna the plan is coffee I'm dying that no coffee no breakfast but we made it and we made our flight I thought we weren't gonna make it wifey no she lied she said we got 35 minutes to get to the point you gotta hurry some like rushing and then we're like halfway to the airport and she goes oh babe you can slow down we actually have an hour I just know you're always late for everything good one you got me let's go find some coffee and then get on with our day so here's the plan we're going to August luxury motorcars we're going car shopping wife he's looking for a new ride probably an SUV not too sure of course oh she's already decided she's getting up you know you're telling me okay why he's getting a Porsche I thought you wanted you engine any impact I'm sure the guys over at August have something for us I was just talking to Mike from August and he was like you guys are sitting at the airport I'm so sorry I'm gonna send one of my guys over right away and then he texts me Matt August the owner of the dealership is coming to get us right uber are you are over what hell bro here I give you a pound because I got coffee like to introduce you to my wife only this listen to this Carbon everywhere this is like the Kelowna uber black right just take it easy our friendly Royal Canadian Mounted Police are right there waiting for well probably me or you of knowing you in this area I still that a bit of a degenerate without any coffee in the morning she's like we're getting a pork like how do you know we're getting a pork and then she just stares at me I'm like we're getting a Porsche she wants to see what you guys said now they have in the corner speaking of horses the car you want in white if you're gonna start driving the family deal Kevin SUV yes okay we're gonna go look at some cars Mike set them all up I picked what I thought was most practicable for the family come on why are you scared you should trust me I'm your husband yeah it's all what do you mean it's me it's me I can't trust you I didn't do anything to Dave's car that was all Alex yeah after you milady okay so I've got a few vehicles lined up here I told the guys what we were looking for a family vehicle that will be good in all four seasons because we obviously live in beautiful British Columbia where now the seasons have changed it's gonna snow at some point you like this that one right there yeah I got something a little more special in store for you I know you like SUVs but I thought I'd throw in a truck a real truck because people sometimes give me a hard time that I call our Range Rover our truck so here's what I have for you you said a Porsche what do you think of the white Porsche Cayenne okay come check this thing out we have had one of these in the past at turbo it didn't go over so well this is this is not the turbo model this is a GTS so pretty yeah okay and then the other thing was I figured a slightly larger SUV so this is not just your normal AMG this is a BRABUS customized AMG GL or I believe it's an AMG GL it's the GL anyhow I know that much we're working out the details here so this I believe has a third row does it not Yeah right and it's pretty cool because this is the BRABUS yeah so it's the GL 63 this has the really bad motor in it but look at it what do you think of the wide body kit and the big wheels so those are kind of our normal run-of-the-mill choices but then I thought you know what I always say truck so I also got them to pull out the Raptor what do you think why can it not be your daily driver a big beautiful red Raptor now this isn't just a normal Raptor either kind of like August does they don't do normal this is a Velociraptor so this is supercharged by Hennessey performance this truck yes how much horsepower this truck has I don't know 700 horsepower and the best part is I'm gonna make you drive it today studded I think they're studded tires if this prepping for winter it's just prepping for winter you'll be good you'll be good okay listen I know you're thinking I'm sorry it's not big enough right you're like I want it to be bigger Damon by the way we're talking about trucks guys keep your mind on track here what about this why we have enough in our neighborhood well we have enough jacked up do we do this would decimate all in our neighborhood you're good you're actually sure heads shorter than the door handle go ahead get in there please it's not happening just for fun they gave us the keys do you want to try driving it down the road I actually don't want to see it is basically a monster okay so that's a no but I have one more vehicle that I have to show you first so this is a definite no-no okay I tried what about an old truck Hummer SUV truck esque it's definitely a truck chassis this one this is the h1 you're not gonna drive it okay hold on I just want to show you how wide these trucks are hi way over here you believe you sit here as the driver and the passenger has all of this space hey what do you think good for you impress Lee I don't think either of them this end that or probably a boat is practical what do you want to drive first it's got 700 horsepower Drive you okay let's go Velociraptor fire this thing up I want to hear it's got 700 horsepower Hennessey performance is a performance shop that does all sorts of aftermarket modifications to Raptors and they build their own supercar and everyday well that doesn't sound like a normal Raptor give a little gas I'm going to steal an app I'm not stealing an Akron I'm not stealing an apple I can't do it on camera we take the road the first road we hit was like a double school zone we are now free yeah let's show everybody with this vehicles made out of punch it give it give it hammer it before I'm here right now oh you feel like top here listen to you so how does that how does it feel driving an actual pickup truck you're driving a truck it's pretty comfortable but the like suspension in the Range Rover is tighter yeah this is designed to absorb a lot of like yeah shock yeah it feels like a little bit like phony to be on the road little votive and it needs to you find out we look at driving it thank you a lot of guys like a girl drop the call and a lot of guys like a hot girl driving a pickup truck I thought you were just gonna straight-up hate it but so far so good you got one of these I would drive it I don't think I would want it for my daily driver or something but I would be opposed to us having one for our family so now that there's nobody in front of us absolutely floor the gas for a minute you feel the supercharger look at you tossing it right into a corner I know I got you I got you do up on the blog baby Huracan Oh fastback Mustang so what do you think of this thing I love it I see why people get these it makes you want to just like over yes it does make you on a Russian door what I need all right let's go on to the next one is the BRABUS GL 63 looking forward to this one a little more what you're thinking of okay I'm ready cold start this thing baby sounds mean for an SUV this thing sounds cool it's got a little grumble like look at you and your seat that's true what do you think the interior of this I like it yes keep the kid busy yes just what you want when you're a parent you want to be left alone if you're the only parent in the vehicle driving Alcantara leather steering wheel yeah and this is the design Oh package so it's got all the fancy like sports stitching and soft leather and this is this is called piano black wood banging olsen sound system well let's just take it for a drive okay don't run over they are eight that's our ride for the rally so first thoughts what do you think of this one AMG motor engine right yep a hand-built yeah this will suck back the gas yeah especially if you drive it the way you were just driving it up that handling yes and we are driving it in sport and we have the dampers on right here so that's the perks of an AMG it also has like much less road noise oh good point it's nice back here babe there's way more room like it's really roomy back here in the GL it is a significantly larger vehicle but considering this is as far back as I would want for legroom I still have plenty of legroom it's cool that the screens are here you get a lot more light back here it's not really dark because you have the panel roof above you and the seats are really comfortable like this is a really comfortable seat the one thing I will give the Range Rover for the back seats is they have a little more support where if you go around a corner in this seat and it's leather it does you do kind of slide out a little bit it doesn't have quite as much hug and then you've got the extra seats right here so you got a seven passenger there you go hon this thing's pretty nice so nice we could have more kids and fill it up oh boy he can drive so we are obviously now in the Porsche Cayenne GTS and oh she's still going just having fun I think she likes it sporty yeah Porsche is known for their handling yeah when you're ripping up their cuz it's turbo tits got that little turbo fart that little sounds good you really got on it you're just flying up that road good thing we're in a private area what are some of the standout features that you notice of this vehicle all posed to the other ones we drove this seat took you a little bit more oh definitely I like the steering little better on this than the Mercedes why it's stiffer because you were saying that the steering wheel itself was small it's small the finish is gorgeous I liked the back seats that they have like more support in them how do you like it the console kind of on this angle with the shifter like that like no other vehicle so now we are in a GTS with a pedo roof there's a smile wife he's happy now yeah much better yes that this is a year newer yeah but essentially all the same so instead of carbon though this one's got like that piano black finish which I think it's nice give us race car wifey mode just hammer it out of this corner floor it oh here you go my turn my turn you've had enough I like the look of this one all black thoughts guys and it's got the cool like quad LED headlights oh I'm a bit high how'd you feel with the power like this see we had a Porsche before you guys we had a Cayenne Turbo is a 2011 and it was just the absolute peace uh it was a lemon it was a lemon we have not given up on Porsche this is maybe the Cayenne that'll redeem it all for us we have a nice view up here you're gonna help us choose what the next family wagon if you want to call it that it's going to be like a velociraptor smash that subscribe button wife you and I are going to think about what it is one of these could potentially be for the next fryer fam DD fam SUV or a Mike hey thanks a lot for letting the wife and I take these SUVs out slash truck I couldn't believe it she was actually more impressed with the Velociraptor than I anticipated I like the Porsche I think she does too but she was kind of going on about the AMG a little gangster in the wife a little room for more kids oh no no no no no I was gonna get you guys out and this I thought it would be a blast to have you guys go for a cruise in this car I would absolutely love to go for a rip in this however I know exactly why we're not going for ripping it because when it's wet out this is not the car this is not the car you want to drive but at least this has TC yeah but very cool so original I'm just joking whoa this is a really really well done car hey this is a 427 it's a 427 model yes but that's a 300 so what kind of power does that put up this one was dying I love how I would just put you on the spot you better know your numbers we just got it in I've got the dyno chart I don't know exactly what it was and I don't want to guess I would imagine that it's enough cuz that's not exactly a a tiny motor for a car that weighs next to nothing yeah to be honest the soup that the SUV things wifey's whole deal but I'm looking for always another supermodel it was cool that we got Dave his r8 however that lasted all of what a couple of weeks and now I'm back to like what's in it for me what's in it for me I remember seeing a couple comments you guys were saying you like the four or five eight yeah so we just got one in so a 2015 458 Spyder correct pretty sick oh man we'll have to chat a little bit yeah how about this one you're not gonna see anything a wine law c-could you a massive Burnett you guys look at this view even with this liquid sunshine what a beautiful view of the lake gorgeous - right I'll go for a dip in the lake there you go for some dinner you guys we had a phenomenal day you've got to help us out let us know what you think wifey and I should get for the next fan van I know I called it a fan van family wagon vehicle whatever you want to call it and I already know what you guys think about the next DV supercar take the four or five eight out of the picture was there anything else in the August luxury motorcars showroom that caught your eye that we could totally make a DV tires lair wait that's for you that's for you wife you wants a white gt3 Porsche the one that's in the showroom it's it's not but we got to have goals thank you so much - Predator Ridge for allowing us to yet again stay in this beautiful cabin this happens to be the exact same cabin Dave a nice day today identical so we got that gorgeous view in the morning looking over the greens tomorrow we're gonna go for a rally we're going with our boy Ryan Ryan who has the eight Lamborghinis so who knows what he's going to bring tomorrow I'm excited to see what he does show up with and I will be tonight again brushing my teeth with my dazzle Pro sonic toothbrush you guys links in description go and pick one up for yourselves like a like look at this beautiful smile right that toothbrush is legitimately giving me whiter teeth since I'm right I can't tell them I drink anything other than redbull you guys smash the subscribe button join the DD family wifey and I are going to get some food we've had a hectic day this is a brand new camera I broke the other camera the mic jack going in right there the red one something's wrong with it I don't know I had zero audio for like the last ten clips that I saw today which really sucks but I believe I have enough only time will tell when Jamie gets a whole the footage so once we fix this one up well have two cameras which means that one will be getting handed down to Dave Dave look out you're gonna have to learn how to vlog my friend and everybody's expecting it Cairo peace you
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 1,213,713
Rating: 4.8733468 out of 5
Keywords: lamborghini, car shopping, buying a new car, buying my wife a car, august motorcars, porsche, cayenne, macan, ford raptor, hennessy, mercedes benz, amg, gl55, hummer h1, hummer, dodge ram, lifted trucks, rolling coal, luxury cars, car review, buying first car, lyft, uber, rental car, road trip, travel, british columbia
Id: mXELGI2xKhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 22 2018
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