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very good donut license so you know where the brake so break break break break break break [Music] what's up you guys welcome back to another episode of daily driven exotics today we got some pretty epic stuff going on or off to the racetrack I mean I take my daughter and teach her how to drift or maybe just start with some donuts in the Huracan but before we get this day started we're gonna do a huge shout out to today's sponsor I'm always on the road the reality is I have to keep myself looking okay for you guys so Hudson and main are my pomade and my shampoo the shampoo is crazy cool because it's black it's got an active charcoal in it so we're gonna quickly go over the Hudson and main product line before we hit the road you guys this hair care is specifically formulated for men to strengthen their grooming game we have an activated charcoal shampoo as well as an activated charcoal conditioner the benefits of these are they're gonna nurse and moisturize your hair more importantly they're gonna make you smell real Gucci and they're gonna make you look good you guys let's face it everyone if you have hair unlike Dave you guys are gonna want to make sure you take care of it second of all I'm using the shaping paste I really like the rich thick formulation that they use that will control my hair day or night it gives me a little bit of a shine and let's face it makes me look good on camera they also have a matte pomade and a styling clay I've yet to use those but I'm excited to get my next order the cool thing about these products are you're gonna get three months usage out of these products for less than 15 bucks a month we're hooking you guys up with a huge discount jump on their website go to Hudson and Maine and get your stuff right now I promise you it's gonna make you look and smell better your woman's gonna be all up on you thank you to Hudson and Maine hook you guys out with the deal links in description go and pick up some product the pomade the shampoo and the conditioner I love it I've been rocking it now for about a month as you know I wouldn't let you guys go and pick anything up that I didn't use myself and believed in this is a great product look at this look at this like an amazing hair sorry Dave you can product my bad [Music] here we are Mia welcome to Willow Springs International Raceway the exciting you're gonna get to drive the Lamborghini I'm gonna get you to do donuts in it what are you how you doing good to see it's so windy back my man good to see you it is windy it is cold they begin BLS 350 I'm so cold it's cold out here it's cold like that sound like no you only expect it that's a Canadian stunt girl [Music] dick California I thought we're in Canada bro this is hiding we're hiding behind the barrier to block the whip come on Yuri [Music] [Applause] helmet he's good [Music] sink or swim ready foot on the brake okay pull this paddle yeah right paddle okay push this down thank you yeah okay now you're in control if you just let off the brake it'll go it'll start rolling take up don't don't hit anything or just gonna roll out onto the course we're gonna push this although it's in Corsa watch where you're going point your wipers okay keep going we're gonna roll out here you give us some gas yes good more gas yeah it feels like a normal car right normal car okay so here I want you to take a big left turn make a horror turn not turn the wheel all the way keeps hurting two hands move two hands now tighter tighter like this are you doing circles okay now writing about here give it lots of yes pardon break break break break break break break congratulations your first donut in a Lamborghini try it again [Music] [Music] [Music] sixteen-year-old Donuts you're a rock star what do you guys think you let her drive the Huracan you're doing good don't unless ins with dad okay then let off just a bit okay he's sitting on the wing so you know where the break is right put your fiddling up over the break more than anything okay and you're just gonna calmly go through the barriers avoid the cars and come to a stop over to the right all right man you are officially dude so break break break break break break break break break break right okay stop here heartbreak congratulations you've driven a Lamborghini brother all right man so I'm gonna admit something to you and to the people that watch your channel it's a little embarrassing but I better just put it out there right now my 16 year old did donuts before you have yes yes I am gonna bet as part of this whole story the trashy part is that a 16 year old just did Lamborghini donuts and they have a good job I'm about to get out my lease return is going back in two days let's return the lease returns least return coyotes bears same mat-su all right go out in that spot where we were it's the most open I like the open spots and you know how to turn everything off I told the kid before I came then did [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is way beyond for such a beautiful car for this step my glad Allah doing this today before I return it [Applause] [Music] we got Sam who vennett this guy's precision is so bang on there's a reason why he's hired to do all the dangerous crazy [Music] that's how you send it damn man [Music] [Music] and what do you do like you drive that you have this did all the stunt drivers get together today and go hey you guys I want to go to illustrate you got two cars ones down but this one's running great ones running great it's my first day driving it actually this is a reboot easy with an ls3 swapped into it by all you hear that yeah yeah it's got a really nice exhaust system by kusa that is custom for a low l oj conversion yeah I pulled the mufflers off because I don't destroy right but yeah come to the head oh man this is not going to be the not gonna be the Nissan Motor holy BAM Alex dude yes it was until 92 and then we did an ls3 conversion and I put an afterword wait a minute ls3 yeah and that monster in this thing it's so clean yeah like what kind of night like she does the shakedown so she's just got it and that nice that is beautiful Instagram is this right here she drives guys check the lady out Z drives this is cool I'm gonna give you a follow rad oh this is where it's always prettier under here oh yeah Wow how much power this one's making five thirty eight to the wheel 538 CJ in a tiny in a tiny lightweight little car you've got something very unique compared to me now I want you to try the hand brake David put him put in a hydraulic handbrake alright imma try it here we go alright [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you of course that is it's tricky business it is this kind of throws you off when the second or third game you pull the hammer inside it goes to first yeah and you're like hold on Pam break Oh back up to here I know we're this thing by the way this looks great you guys got to go follow the who vennett so I'll put the links in description for their Instagram there are a lot of fun to follow they're always doing something crazy okay got oh alright okay guys choice getting do a 360 he's a practicing yeah [Music] okay how's your how are your Tigers I'm not good real was just funny because last time I did the drifting on your channel with the green lights was the rear left one as well that oh yeah I see some I see some chords hanging out there homie I want to tow it back all right I don't know what I'm thinking maybe I've lost my mind but I'm letting Alex Troy drive my car hey don't make me regret this I probably already am [Music] [Music] why did I pay like $40 more dollars all over that car like think I made in my life yeah I don't know [Applause] [Music] what kind of trouble can we get up to with this thing [Music] [Music] [Music] we're going to a nightclub this is the best part Jimmy just to do that now you gotta do a little burn on the way up just like a little fun do with donuts makes you hungry huh yeah let's go that's a wrap here guys we gotta go get something [Music] throw this is treacherous we go to the track shred our tires on the day that it rains let's run on let's do a little own homeboy Oh bro yeah dude it's it's like it's bubbling out of that oh yeah that's like legit could blow a tire that's really not good dude yep just drive it I guess Oh fantastic advice thank you you can see Andrews tire is sparking drive your side all sound and why it's so wet this is light here like this is abnormally wet for Los Angeles this is not good happens when you drive on a flat tire oh wow Wow then you destroy this one oh so now you can see where all the sparks came from dude there's nothing left it up there you go that's where it came right apart [Music] hey that's like since then yeah it's like literally like up deeper soon yeah there's like there's a leak right there you see my blue finger yeah I think yeah toast and mr. yari has a tire buh-bye friend thank you sir hey go give my home a gutter snake a follow on Instagram we need we need to get you to 100k yeah I can you deserve it guys you want to rep some merch shop DeeDee calm [ __ ] you tomorrow peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 641,784
Rating: 4.9422097 out of 5
Keywords: Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Supercharged Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, Drifting, Supercar, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg, lamborghini donuts, lamborghin burnout, lamborghini drifting, Police, Cops, Unlawful police, Girl does donuts in Lamborghini
Id: SxUal9-j7uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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