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favorite car Bugatti good morning you guys welcome back to the vlog remember my boy Amir good morning the car biz so we got another epic vlog coming to you today super fortunate to be able to stay at this gentleman's house which is absolutely bonkers like this thing is a palace check out this view now it's not the sunny typical LA day but this will burn off eventually yeah it's cool right last time the Sun just like my oh my skin was peeling off for day your skin look at my skin my white I was burnt from Vegas burped from here anyhow we're gonna head out into that abyss of over haze go meet up with Alex choy and we're going to cars and Chronos that David Lee show which is always filled with hyper cars some of David's personal collection and then all of his friends so we'll see you guys in a couple of minutes once we catch up with Alex alright guys this is Dave he's my co-pilot he's jumping in the Huracan with me that's a mirrors brother and where are you going you said you're going to get a driver you late yeah I mean I'm tired oh yeah these guys are doing the the fastening for your religion right dude that we can't be easy we can't eat or drink I so I'm sorry but I'm getting a coffee I'm getting a coffee yes so this is Amir's driveway and coming up last night not a big deal but coming down you can see this is with the lift up I'm not even kidding you guys lit so he has this metal Nord so long story short this has to make it that lift keeps hitting this metal piece I don't think I could pick it up yeah the other way was better better that side right yeah trust me [Music] keep it straight country [Music] now you're good [Music] how was intense we've never experienced that the last time we had such a problem is we were with the veyron we're trying to take it up but we could and it just it's it likes it was like touching so we're like we're not gonna mess that car we're not even gonna take it up and people want to know why my front splitter looks like this w-wait that's what this lifts on that's just that's way too loose that was no problem let's go I don't know why you're making such a big deal about it a quick little loss bastings dirty bro can't take it to a car so all dirty that looks awful Oh get my day started right he was like are all three of those for you hell yeah man I'm all about that quad shotlock pain when you can't get to the store to get it you just do whatever you got to do we're basically trying to get to this show we're gonna show up an hour late fashionably late yeah we can come 50 minutes or off that guy boom oh she looks good thank you sir awesome how're you doing talk about fashionably late to the show we're gonna show up and they'll be like half an hour left I like the new design with the the door yeah I love it [Music] [Music] all right cars in Chronos [Music] [Music] yeah look at xj220 you guys that's sick all right let's go find a way to park this show is always so crazy hey what's up man [Music] hey how you doing thank you see ya yeah all right so we're gonna have you pulling right behind him actually whoa how is this for crazy what's up man what's up guys hey daddy are you doing hon a few people here crazy good welcome to Kronos doors trying to wake Alex it's like I just woke up I'm like we gotta go we gotta go sounds awesome so here's what's happening this place is so packed we got here late so cars want to leave so now we have to kind of juggle some cars around because these guys want out if this SV can get out of here driving skills right there brother [Music] madness hey good to hear that good - CEO the rest day later Carmen what's your favorite car the Bugatti Oh [Music] yeah the shear on I'm telling you one of the best sounding cars on the planet ten years ago unreal like never I never had to find my spine tingle like that in real life I mean literally you guys have never heard a CGT in person they all sound like that insane hype it's straight up f1 car huh okay so this shows nuts and the people who are leaving it have upped their game up everyone rips out of here now that's Alex like I was like since when does everybody just just drop tears and do donuts and stuff and he's like since forever but that's not true cuz I used to come here and it was like super chill and now it's just mayhem it's like one of the rarest bikes in the world and it costs over eighty thousand dollars yeah and it's cool because the exhaust exits right here in the back that's nuts always got like MotoGP style now Oliver here's a little bike action for Oliver [Music] SiC bike and look what's next to it Scuderia all right guys the stars of the show are the Huayra and of course the Zonda behind me how insane on all the little details of these Pagani's I always always say like it's all in the details with these cars they are rolling art [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] jace Radi my boy I got you here's your car you got you gotta get one of these bro I know you're working your way towards it what a beautiful car we got Strad man's car right here man look at this thing it is like the perfect spec too I think for a collector it's the most race car for the street car arguably next to an f40 or something that Ferrari ever made because what you I don't know if you know this but here's the history they took the actual challenge car and modified it to be a street-legal car where the other car is maybe extreme legal cars and they added a little race car subtle hints but this car actually off of the race car itself so this is an actual race car blue that interior so look at this you guys what an amazing car like wow you can see like how raw the floor is in this there's the start engine button I mean that's a real race car start engine button unbelievable [Music] huge shout-out to the owner for letting me look at it yes that is such a beautiful car how clean is this thing - this thing is so clean how you doing homie good to see ya just rappin hard rapping hard you guys go pick up some merch support dde at shop I appreciate it so it helps us come out all these events and stay on the road [Music] subscribers got wing action alright let's see what you got with the wing camera was awesome it's all in that down for us I'm telling you [Music] [Music] all the fun's over tons of cops now so here's what it is so you got this guy this guy here then we got another guy right over there with his lights on and then they've got a couple of guys posted up there and then I was told they like to kind of hide in the side street so I think the fun's over here [Music] there's David Lee right there all right anybody want to sit in take photos go crazy what up you guys look who I found here at hey Wally jewelers Alex supercar blondie on Instagram I'm sure you already know who she is yes you're on a tour yeah I'm like an eye kind of a US month-long tour and I'm kind of being stuck in LA because I'm blown away with the content like the cars are just crazy I've never seen anything like it so I was gonna be here for a week and then I send it again for like five days and then I extended it again sound like me yeah I should have went home like a week ago I flew my wife and daughter out to Vegas yeah so they were with me all that's nice you get calls all week right that's the deal okay I get that you got a manage both these guys awesome so literally we've just met but there's like a whole crowd waiting for him to review that car down there so I'm gonna let you go so that you can go and do that and they don't even care about me it's like the car I left the door open and I just let anybody get in it her photo behind the scenes of supercar blondie doing an insta story [Music] what's up you guys [Music] tire Slayers gonna get started by supercar blondie and we're gonna get some revs giver [Applause] [Music] do you ever get pulled over I get pulled over all the time just watch the channel when you have 5 3 minutes yeah I still have cats that's it let's just replace the mufflers [Music] welcome to North America that was sick I never get to hear my car from the outside thank you for doing that it's great to meet you nice to meet you Matt way we can do it let's do it I've never been to Dubai enjoy the rest here to her cheers Cheers everybody's waiting for Debbie's car bow bended or shoots flames like nobody else get ready for this you guys [Music] [Music] [Music] okay we're done here at hing wali jewelers this show has well been over I went for lunch with this fashionable crew and now we're gonna go with my girl Batman Fodor Alex I'm here and a bunch of other people a couple of our other friends are gonna meet us over in Beverly Hills and you never know what happens in Beverly Hills usually lots of craziness hypercars you know we see something really weird [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I love that all-wheel drive we officially meet at the Beverly Hills [Music] [Music] [Music] again dear again [Applause] oh man check out his Porsche that is so sick cutter dude where did he come from oh my God look at that thing you guys that is so sick what a beautiful car let's go when they give advice - I don't even know what's going on we got so much I don't even know what's going on we got so much going on right now you guys were on Rodeo Drive it's absolute a.m. gridlock we got crucial cali cars yelling at all the cars not set up today legitimately easiest out here and there's a ton of cars there's a mercy up ahead there's Alex's car we've got the bat vent the door behind me everybody doesn't understand what I don't even know what's going on enjoy the show [Music] [Music] they're straight up having a rev off on Rodeo you can only imagine ll that might end is there's always cops around here oh we have the DB eleven [Music] okay guys quick tour of Beverly Hills that's what some of the things are like here some of the most luxurious beautiful and expensive homes it's lined by this perfectly Alliance control palm trees but it's exactly how you see it in the movies and apparently we're stopping so that's cool I'll get to show you some more dude I've never seen Rodale that lit Saturday Rodale madness but look at it out here I mean come on these homes are perfectly manicured as you can see in the background that's it's like you know it's like out of the movies right it's so surreal even standing here without Rodell that was insane oh it was crazy it was crazy it was straight crazy straight crazy could you see that that's an entrance that's an entrance [Music] and most headlines echo this Porsche did he yeah he figured me what I finally found a hater yes so if anybody knows who drives that blue gt3 RS tell him big shadow from Damon you're a nice dude you're obviously really happy and enjoying your life okay you guys we're back on road eh oh and look what is back yo what up homie la car spotters right there guys and then me on 4x4 squared [Music] says jay-z on the license plate I don't think that jay-z though this is really not a fast payment system for for parking they just got into an accident oh wow well they tried to do a u-turn when they should know and they were trying to pull out so not in the wrong in the wrong parkings paid they got in an accident we're going for ice cream who knows what's gonna happen next [Music] okay guys that's it for today's video hey by the way check out this insane 4x4 squared with the promised package I absolutely love this color I have something in mind for one of my future builds in this color you guys smash the subscribe button throw me a thumbs up I feel pretty cozy after having my bike what was that place called scrimmage Street it's new to me it's not a Canadian thing my crew mystery fake ice cream because I had a coconut milk but we're just gonna go and chill now for the afternoon little downtime before the mayhem tonight it's Saturday night here in Los Angeles so you know something's gonna go down stick around see you guys in the next video peace [Music]
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 1,366,975
Rating: 4.9140992 out of 5
Keywords: David Lee, Hing Wa Lee, Cars And Chronos, Pagani Zonda Tricolore, Pagani Huayra Da Vinci, Salomondrin, Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Supercharged Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, VF Engineering, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Tire Change, F1, F1 Sounding Exhaust, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg
Id: SpA4QLnN9F8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Tue May 22 2018
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