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[Music] here we go welcome to Canada boys welcome to Canada toy I would have nothing on Instagram without this man of course around here decent oh it is brisk out today ladies and gentlemens up guys how's it going that's called it is cold welcome back to daily driven exotics this is gonna be a pretty unique vlog we are here in none other than what's it say on the ground there you almost can't see it it's covered up with a bit of snow welcome to Victoria we're on Vancouver Island that's right we're home we are home and we've been having a bit of fun here and we decided since the cars are here we got Dave's new Guyardo we've got the Mersey we've got the h1 we also have the raptor we decided to fly alex troy and steve up to victoria on the island show them what the island life is alike just briefly today then we're gonna take a ferry we've already made reservations now we're gonna take them to the mainland ream the whole experience you stay with the cars we get major trouble if you park here Dave's gonna save the cars I'm gonna run in and grab the boys I hope they made it through customs you never know with Alex he's got like a permanent residence card for the United States but he flies on a South Korean Passport it makes things tricky we learned that last night just trying to book his flights no no entry hey welcome to Canada baby how you doing brother we almost left that little Asian guy in LA this morning man really yeah they didn't let him on the plane almost why well you know he has little passport issue right yeah like he's not like us North American no he's got a South Korean passport right a permanent residence card and guess what Canada requires what free registration if you're from South Korea once he filled in submitted they told him it might be 72 hours so he figured he wasn't coming welcome to Canada Choi I hear you that was my mother sleep since 4:30 hey this is awesome hey welcome to my little island you almost never made it no that didn't want to let him hear apparently South Korea people have to pre-register to come to Canada hey he filled it all he had to fill it all out at the airport over at LAX and go back home I'm so excited to get more sleep hey check it out look we got we got some new rides Dave's new car you got to see mine but look at this this way joy Manuel last time that we came to the airport we actually took Dave's truck we didn't take a cab I don't know why stupid Dave just really just really has to drive this thing any up the Raptor is sitting right over here at the parking lot it's been here for like five days Steve's gonna get the keys pay for the parking we're just gonna take it back we're going up island anyhow so we'll drop it off somewhere in the meantime give these guys the tour of Victoria and the cars and we'll get the Raptor back home it's so much bigger than this car see the thing about the Hummer the Hummer is like really wide and low it's not that high like the roof is not as high as that wait till you see this thing dude I'm gonna let you drive it you just literally want to drive over everything you see you see a little car you just you can't help to want to just like crawl up and destroy it what is there mpg look it's actually not that bad and the cool thing is they give you an exhilarating guest the fuel tank it's diesel as turbo so it sounds like it's got the turbo whistle you're gonna like it you're gonna like that can't wait hopefully fingers crossed we have an off-road track just outside of an Cooper we're gonna get to go and play on tomorrow with the trucks [Music] that's what can I join with this thing he's like this is like Korea you just way we got mountains we got the ocean so choy hungry need some food we'll take you to a restaurant give you the quick hot lap of downtown Victoria slo-mo montage style we're good we'll leave the cars here with the guys come on joy Jane take you for lunch at the Empress Hotel there's a Fairmont property super super iconic and famous this place been here for over like a hundred years guys what do you think so far kind of interesting quite small isn't it it's not as big as you probably thought it was oh this review right not bad great job stars look at this got spicy prawn pizza otherwise known as shrimp and then this one's fungi pizza with truffle choy I got you truffle it's not on your pasta it's on your pizza this time okay and then we go look at these they gave you an extra one not decided that's amazing work they're welcome so your troops putting stuffed with zip rented with prime rib hey thank you sir thank you guys Bon Appetit some more fungi please wear pointy dope we need Alex have you have fun guys how is that thing very good spicy some guy got fun guys hey guys let's do a hot lap of the Victoria and I'll show you guys that you are very officially on an island hello that awesome oh yeah this one you ain't get you ain't getting under much with that I think Dave Dave you walking almost won't clear that you want a mercy now for something with that where the doors go up you keep smiling every time you open the doors you don't say much but you get this big smile like right you gotta admit the v12 just has that purr like a v10 sound awesome but this is like yes it does yes kind of stupid it's so I told you it's super stupid it's even more frustrating because that was my only only place to plug in my radar detector which is now not doesn't work I spent a thousand dollars it doesn't work Italy speaks a little bit of Japanese he said something to Steve and but he lives here okay so here's the Empress and all of this is built actually all of this is actually built up the land this wasn't actually the land oh yeah there's not many things like you don't not gonna see a Murcielago for sure so listen all of this is on land and that hotel every year is sinking by like an inch and sorry did you know that the hotel is sinking by an inch this is all command made land all of this the Inner Harbor I'm gonna take you down around this mansion on the left that is notion you can take a bow from your home's to our house now this looks a little colder than the Pacific Ocean your Rob from now I got to tell you that wait am I won't watch your one-handed [ __ ] welcome to our island this is kind of like the official yeah welcome to Vancouver Island clean air the ocean playing with the doors don't go up join me join EADS that redbull still so anyhow this is amazing right we got it this is why we dragged him up here because we got the good weather today we're lucky you can take a boat from here to their house and they really wanted to you guys give the canoe I Canada you put him in the canoes top left maple syrup on board let's get choy like a full like Canada tracksuit we'll make them walk around a Canadian Jackson [Music] so let's go grab the Raptor yeah we'll do the tour on the way out through downtown [Music] oh I'll show have a little nap it's true Allen experience requires rushing to make the favorite because when you miss it it's like three or four hours of the next boat so we had the run home swallows the rapture for the Hummer and and head to the ferry it's always an adventure we're always late island life [Music] [Music] chosen sleeping a little bit I don't blame them even I'm tired I haven't been up since 4:00 we're in Ladysmith this remiel it's my daughter and Tyla old school you know and keep sore and that's about it if you blink you'll miss it oh I don't know if we made the Rezo but we got here hey have you ever been on a ferry before I have when I was like a little kid like me really yeah well here we go let's see if we made our reservation if not we'll make it anyhow oh the Rezo but after that that this is the very slight boarding right now all cuz of this guy right here head what do you do I'm having so much fun oh yeah dude you know what I can get into an e-card something like this that I haven't driven in about 20 years there's so much freaking fun to get into it's not about fast or slow it's just about how bad something like this is cool isn't it I love it look it's all laughing right now yeah I don't think hey I don't think anybody can understand how like get your arms out barely reach so you and this is all engine dude doesn't your tram business is all aimed engine or whatever all through here like I've never been in a car where you said so far apart from the driver you almost need a megaphone to talk to each other hey this is corphish in the lane barely it's a full-wave not one I like the sound of an easel skin ya hear that little whistle that turbo whoo it's cool the whole boats gonna sink once the stars on this oh my god careful on your right you're like you're not gonna make it if you go straight in the sky shape so guys like hold on hold on this this Hummer can't fit am this is where the big cars go we go my friend we are on the air on the boat physically in sync it with this freaking monster that's like an anchor on it tell you raise the windows we're not getting out of this man this is a no they wouldn't let us feel behind you you broke the car something one key doesn't work yeah that turn the other key is that the pump that when you turn the car on that's making that noise I've never heard of he's to make that kind of noise headed off that CTI pump that thing just came on the green green there's a warning light you see this here really yeah this just popped on turn off what is that I don't know I don't know never seen a safety wide pump before it starts and it seems I don't know diesel where you start it that thing is just it's doing something weird started to your photos right this was on when I got into the low air pressure on this pump is something's up at this year CT keep up Clemmie right here all tonight you tried to inflate the tires and it doesn't exist oh I had an accident so what it is the pump trying to turn on the inflate the tires but the hoses are connected but you can inflate the tires inflate and deflate tyres on a Hummer from inside the cab Troy to do uh see if we can get joy to talk to the captain like let them like do some donuts to the bear what do you think would you do donuts in the ferry yeah there get the full experience okay disrupted doron look at this Steve so people sometimes try to jump off these boats yeah I'm now no [Music] and that's the other way to get on and off this island right there's BMC plank Dave had an amazing idea hey have you ever had poutine no have you ever had poutine poutine okay pudding hold on no not put it Coutinho your [ __ ] be made for the boys never had never this is entry-level poutine this is not fancy stuff so don't expect too much here we go welcome to Canada boys hmm so I'll tell you what it tastes like man as an American I taste a little bit of Thanksgiving in that you know what I mean stuffing and gravy there's a bit of that into the gravy I think cheese curds it's got that taste good how much try those again like offend every Canadian person I like this is pretty plain tastes like french fries and gravy and those cheese sticks from the 7-eleven store yeah there is the Horseshoe Bay I love it we're gonna dock way over there this is the sea to sky highway will rip down all right here we go guys oh you're Eddie Foster you ready for this look at this car so we have Alex joy and Alec joy meeting for the very first time you look from you look impressed honestly I actually Dave Dave did this oh and look at this look look how obnoxious he goes like you and your tracksuit starts being one-upped almost almost not quite by the way just so you know you're my favorite I would have nothing on Instagram without this man I would be a nobody on Instagram lesyk bowling they gold look at the gold jacket what you know your age Brown burden guys so we were very fortunate to cover this Derek okay and he's gonna have us check out his garage got a few cars around here decent oh damn oh do you got this stacked oh man we were just in Arizona and our other friend had like the whole lift system but this is crazy is it connected it's a one arm lift I have never seen a one arm lift except for this one so this is this is your new car yeah you wish I really like it man the the dark blue with the orange and the dry carbon man this thing is beautiful so is it this is currently in the track setting yeah cuz it's like look at what well always like nothing so all the dry carbon and then Atlanta Cloyd is the only Atlantic blue of the 500 in the world the only other Atlantic blue is actually mike fluence and it's not one of the 500 it's actually a special number of mainframe he's the CEO of McLaren really yeah so you're at the same color as a CEO of McLaren exactly yeah probably got a few things that nobody knows about it's like I got my own Easter eggs what do you think joy drooling a little bit yeah so you got the glass and the doors that's really good I like that and then leave the harnesses geez this is so intricate the way that they do it like goes through the seed and then right into the back so what else do we have in here this doesn't all cease fire that doesn't like stalk that it's say it's got a MSO front bumper so it's like that cars actually got an MSL serial number I think it's one a 500 in world Oh Who am the Ford GT of course of course yeah the gt3 RS yeah and then vigie vigie wait and a Range Rover I've got as long as it's headed to California Oh what is that eight bimbos any they're American they say v8 z8 process we don't say process yeah carbon fibre and look how they do this like it's always out rated right yeah it's cool yeah that's super cool so extended paddles in carbon gloss so this is called real-life clickbait Sena on a 12c that's that that's rolling do not meet how is it takes to build this don't try to push a Lego car it's because it matches his car over there I'd like to watch you how many of you guys so how many of you guys would like to see Alex joy in a time-lapse build that's me you know they make a Bugatti wanna do this or wrong I'll build it okay challenge accepted shake all right [Music] all right guys Eric's gone quick everybody take a corner their garage let's find the keys and do run I'm already on it dude let's go your GT no kidding [Music] yeah doing Eric your new car build of a the work on I don't use this my god are you guys hey thank you so much my pleasure we are driving next time [Music] [Music] oh it's something Oh like how I do this watch I learned this trick from you Ryan [Music] thanks Ryan the reality is chief what do you think your first day in Canada man I've had so much fun as first tank cannons beautiful here hanging out with you guys makes it fun just want to do stuff man special subscribe button you guys want some merch shot video calm you can't have this but you can have but you can have what joins if unzip your jacket boom oh you squeeze my nipple I do [Music]
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 599,513
Rating: 4.9563451 out of 5
Keywords: A;ex Choi, StevesPOV, Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Supercharged Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg, Manual Lamborghini LP640, Police, Cops, Unlawful Police, Canada
Id: wtwbYY65na4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2019
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