The Joys Of Remote Abandoned Mines

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this is actually pretty funny we got here pretty late because we spent more time than expected at another abandoned mine we arrive in the dark it's pouring down rain outside even though it's july and nevada it's pouring down rain the jeep is just stuffed full of stuff so we thought we'd have to spend the night sleeping basically sitting upright in the jeep which had been absolutely miserable instead we found this building at this abandoned mine working for tomorrow morning that is dry inside it's clean i mean this never happens at an abandoned mine normally you know the building's even there it's uh it's fallen down or it's full of rat crap and just gross things instead this is dry it's clean this is all our stuff we're actually gonna sleep inside this building this abandoned mine the uh the mine exploring gods have smiled upon us and we actually have a decent place to sleep tonight which is just awesome because this just never happens in a band of mine i don't always show the outside of the abandoned mines because well you guys know why because i don't want the blm or the forest service to be able to track these sites down more easily and close them up so i have to be secret squirrel about the outside sometimes but trust me you never ever see intact buildings like this it's just an insane good luck for us to have this especially this pouring down rain i mean this is just fantastic so surround sleep tonight and the mind tomorrow morning forgot to mention we're not alone in here got a girl to spend the night with it's july so it seems kind of late for her to be sleeping on the nest but uh who am i to judge all right we're starting down the shaft there looks promising that's looking back up where we can looking down again looks like it's uh starting to level off a little bit which is nice not sure what's gonna look like down there but that's why we're going down yeah it definitely levels off right [Music] there all right we just dropped down that uh very long very steep ladder pretty exhausted uh that was a long trip down so we have a longer trip back out we've got two huge oar shoots down here in the uh guts of the mine as you can see uh perhaps more interestingly behind me the workheart for servicing those shoots and uh that is a beast of an orcard to be sure it's all kind of stuff down here everything is big here all the blocks wouldn't have been huge um i don't know what the capacity of that work cart is but it's a it's a significant one in terms of how much it can carry and the bag has been rolled in a while beyond the ore cart you can see the uh rails keep running back that way there's more stuff back that way more carts empty of course and behind me on this side again there's a horse used to such there behind me on this side there's also uh stuff running off this way yeah i can see uh there's a little dynamite box right there power controls grease big blocks there's something running off to the right something running off to the left i like to look to the left right now more so let's head down left i'll see left hand raising this one pipe and valves ah man this is a very dark rock wrapping our way through here big jumble of uh hoses and pipe and such here so we've got another junction from the look of it uh when there's so much stuff lying around like this i uh i wasn't afraid i'm gonna miss something all right that keeps uh ripping off to the right there over here there's a bunch of drill steel right there um big jumble of pipes and hoses there looks like we've got maybe a raise or a stove or something here all right see which materials come down there obviously there's a stop or something up there um also there's a ladder running up here uh yeah it just goes into a stop up there yeah that's it there's a stop up there plus i'm sick of lighters right now so we've seen plenty of stops let's see where uh this keeps going [Applause] on our left now our right on the way in which was back there so running back this way man i'm still worn out from that ladder that was rough going down that that's cool old wooden barrel there i think they call those nail kegs still oh it's an ore cart cool very cool another junction here as you can see with four cart looks like some dynamite boxes and the passenger way runs off that way and also this way let's see what's down here real quickly i'll come back and take a closer look at that ore cart ah well okay stops right there oh there's a ladder there i gotta go look but um a bunch of core samples on the ground here those are always interesting least for me got a jumble of track and drill steel here [Music] pretty cool they go through a lot of work collecting those and cataloging those and there's there are a fair number of them back here as you can see oh i saw a ladder i thought something must be running up here but guess what it doesn't we have core samples and that is it back here all that work and then they just were tossed in there all right let's go back to that work hard all right we just checked out all the core samples back there here we are look at the ore cart obviously a side dumping ore cart up on its side right now you can see normally it rests level there see the oh yeah see the door on the sides even a little bit open i bet this carried a lot of loads down here pretty cool it's always fun seeing or carts uh some explosives boxes here panzer i'm not sure if those are blasting caps i don't know blasting capture what maybe somebody for the audience will know look at all those drill bits every one of those has a drill bit that's amazing um okay looking ahead keeps going just going far away a little jumble of wood here [Applause] you can tell that a drill was uh mounted on that for a while that's what made that indentation okay looks like a pretty sharp bend to the left here there's an odd little square shaped uh room or chamber huh looks like they were starting to run that way and then change their minds uh that's ventilation pipe was massive i mean really really big huh uh we got down here a while any freeze a little work bench nothing above it and let's see we keep uh running this way as far as i can see so it bends up there to the left just a block of wood oh that collapse well not so much a collapse but a failed or shoot uh i say failed because all that material blew out the bottom looking up there we got a better angle all right there's looking up there just a stop nothing much to see uh yeah it keeps twisting back that way so i'll drop down there and pick up down there all right picking up the other side now scramble down over that actual dynamite box there let's see where this section goes oh you gotta be kidding me all that work faces out right there i think that is frustrating uh yeah another explosives box right there um a little mini stop above me here and uh that's unreal yeah that is the fix i scrambled over that for this interesting the rock changes so uh abruptly right there all right guys i'll head back and uh we'll pick up back near where that first or cart was and we bypassed something on the right so i'll rejoin you there all right we just finished checking out that section and we have this one to check out here and as a point of reference for you that uh we drop down the shaft there so let's go see what is back here the rail going back there so i've been out of drift i don't know what this is yet ah looks like it just stops right there um looks like a grinder right there i don't know what this thing isn't this table thing in front of us is this looks like it might be explosives has every look of being explosive so let's have a little peek in here uh caps and fuse pretty cool i'll shut this gently here's looking yeah oh you know what i think i think i know what this is i think this is from measuring fuse given the proximity to the explosives i think that there would be fuse spooled on that yeah i just pulled on that and then it would be measured at preset lengths along here that's what those those pegs those metal pegs indicate i believe i think that is for measuring fuse i hope i'm right because uh if i'm not i'm sure the uh veteran miners will make fun of you but i think that's what that is that's pretty cool all right we uh have got the uh the drift running off on the other side of the shaft to go check out now so why don't we do that i'm going to keep the camera running because that station with or cart there is pretty cool and uh just the whole theme looks pretty awesome for mine exploring geeks anyway those are pretty loaded those shoots all right actually got air running off on the side there trying to try the best way around this work car here um let's see what is this metal thing here you know what i think that is i think i don't i can't remember the exact name i think they call it something like a a bed bug or cart transfer something like that i'm pretty sure that's what that is and the way it works is if you want to move ore carts over allow one to pass the other you stick this down and it can uh shift an or card over i'm not doing a very good job explaining that but i'm pretty sure that's what that is i guess i think they call it a bed bug or cart transfer all right something like that about the exact name probably but i think that's what that is a view of the other side that work heart and looks like we are into some serious stops back here there's somebody's long forgotten glove [Applause] wow uh stops just running up there for uh bad just keeps going up there too lots of stupid action i thought there was a winds or something dropping off down there but there's not a hose here looks like false floor right here yeah there's something dropping off sharply down there i think i'm gonna walk on that i don't quite see the uh purpose of that yet because it's all pretty much closed off unless they were dropping the material down from up here at some point who knows big big stoops though okay keep going there's a little ladder right there that's just like it's in decent shape uh that it keeps twisting back there stops just running up and up and up the loudest work of wood up there that's cool very very cool all right looking back this way a little water dripping down the rail wraps around here to this large large chamber which uh connects to the stoves up there here my boy is that going that runs up and gets vertical up there somewhere that's vertical there and it goes higher up above that and that connects over the stove sort of saw and uh interesting veins right there the uh the track just abruptly stops right here like they were starting to face perhaps there but stopped uh just runs up to there on this side ah a big jumble of wood here without tripping like i just did atlas powder company okay sorry this is slow going with all those jumble of wood and stuff here very dusty back here all right drift keeps running that way a little uh mini stop here and like i said it keeps heading back this way another little stop here and oh looks like we hit the face yep that is the face that is it all right i'm back in those stops near where we started and uh i was taking a closer look at this thing dropping down here and uh look through there and uh all right there's looking through you can see there's nothing down there runs off to the right just a little area that cleared out i'm back at that shaft and i was looking around a little bit before making that long long climb out and uh i know something interesting had missed before which is or which are the instructions for atlas powder company in wilmington delaware suggestions for minimizing poisonous gas hazards from use of explosives all kinds of don'ts it's hard to read the writing pretty faded but uh as you can see it's a very long list of don'ts that's pretty cool all right i think it's time start making that long climb out
Channel: TVR Exploring
Views: 35,133
Rating: 4.9647937 out of 5
Keywords: The Joys Of Remote Abandoned Mines, Ghost Town, Remote Abandoned Mine, Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Mine Shaft, Tungsten Mining, Minecraft, Tungsten, Ore Car, Core Sample, Mining History, Historic Mining Equipment, Tetrahedrite, Scheelite, Calcite, Powellite, Galena
Id: PVFuxE6NwsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 8sec (1448 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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