The JOKER Sent me a Puzzle Box!! (No Joke)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ May 14 2022 🗫︎ replies

Judging by the social media posts, it is definitely an ARG. However, unless the "joker's wild" card posts are just part of the lead-in, it seems like the "ARG" is a puzzle-enhanced functioning object, akin to the Quest Jacket.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/agentfluttertwi 📅︎︎ May 14 2022 🗫︎ replies


At the end of the puzzle, there is a plastic disc with the phrase "Infinite Rabbit Holes" and a ".com" at the bottom. If you go to you find a website with a countdown that lets you sign up for updates. I checked the website's source code just in case, and while most of it is what is on the site, one thing in the source code that does not show up in the site proper is a line of text that says "Open the door to new realities."

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Narrow_Luck_3622 📅︎︎ May 14 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Laughter] yo what's up and welcome back uh first of all you know that if i'm wearing the gopro it's gonna be a banger video uh we've got three cameras set up we got top down we got the gopro and we got this camera here there's something strange about this puzzle i would say although i can't talk about it i can say this has something to do with batman that's all i can say it's not a movie and it's not a console game uh but there's some this has something to do with the batman universe and that's where i'm gonna leave it and we'll find out more hopefully uh within this puzzle this unique safe this almost terrifying looking puzzle i don't know how this got through customs so without any further ado let's get into it it comes with this here okay you guys can see that there did you know arkham asylum has great fajitas so many secrets all under lock and key time to slay the joker all right so a few clues here um sam has great fajitas what does that mean i said might be code or it's the joker you never know this might just be the way he uh the way he talks about things uh we do have a time here which looks like it's 602 602 and 12 or seven seconds past 602 and seven seconds 602 60207 maybe that's a combination that we can use uh let's let's have a look around this thing and look at a few key features that we see uh there's this little spiral with an arrow going this way so we know that that you know is potentially a clue we have a hole here can't see anything on the inside uh obviously this chain we have a key here which is attached to this giant lock which seems to be stuck to the top of this filing cabinet uh the lock has numbers going from one to ten and over here another key a second key as well as another lock and this combination lock goes to what seems to be 20 or 0 to 19. and yet another key and another lock over here and this is a regular combination lock again no not a regular one this one goes from zero to twelve oh like a clock ah i think what i think i know where we should start on the front end here we've got this giant indian padlock which looks like it may or may not be able to uh to function with the with the keys that we're given or that we have to unlock property of arkham asylum so this is a filing cabinet straight from arkham asylum interesting okay so first and foremost i think i'm gonna try this side here um on this little lock here because this this is the only one that goes to 12 and i'm thinking might have something to do with this clock here so 602.07 0.60207 maybe maybe i don't know we'll see yes let's go ah joker you sent this puzzle to the wrong person or the right person i don't know but that unlocks that we finally have one key this key seems to be thinner than the other ones but it does like i said it does seem to have the same sort of sort of design to it one key down i'm worried right now because i know that this lock over here also exists and we've used up all the numbers we were given so i'm worried that there is another clue hidden within this thing you never know fajitas why fajitas did you know arkham asylum has great fajitas i didn't know that so many secrets all under lock and key time to slay time to slay okay interesting very thrown off by that fajita comment not gonna lie okay there's this spiral that is the only sort of clue that i see among all the hahahas that are around this box now let's see if we can open up part of this puzzle here oh my god this is a behemoth of a puzzle this one over here all right leave that one there for now oh this one has a button here and it opens and it is magnetic aha trace the j it says trace the j i hope you guys can see that underneath it says trace the j and it has that spiral trace the j trace the j the j fajitas give me this j i knew fajitas had to do something with this puzzle trace the j chase the j and then there's the spiral there's a spiral here and there's an arrow oh wait there's another j there's so many other j's there's the joker's j is that you rip this one off as well nope pretty sure it's the fajitas because that's just so random and it's also like curvy yeah and the j that's on the uh magnet that's underneath here matches the j that i'm holding right now trace the j uh so maybe that has to do with this here which would land on [Music] 15. nothing on the back of that lock huh trace the j why would it be written on that lock i'm guessing it is for that lock and it isn't for that one that would be my guess okay it kind of fits on that spiral kind of perfectly it's like three points to it maybe 19 one and then okay this comes off we got more clues another clue maybe more talk about this mysterious fajita situation things always click into place we've got three colors here pink blue and red this was pink pink blue and red blue is there did you know arkham asylum that's great fajitas so many all under lock and key time to slay and joker there's only two j's here and they're pink and blue then i'm missing a red one cause i'm thinking if i put all the j's maybe that'll help me out i don't know how that helped me out what if we put all the pink letters together that give us something oh it's the shapes it's the shapes the shapes that's what it is that's an h this one is the j j h you see them you see what i'm picking up here this j matches this j perfectly boom j this one has the h and the blue one here looks like it might be the e so j e h and if we were to take that j e h and translate it into numbers a b c d e f g h i j so 10 e a b c d e 5 8 10 5 eight ten five eight there's only ten clicks this thing is wrong it's only clicking 10 times it isn't clicking 20 times so i'm going to try i'm going to try this way 10 what would five be one two three four five five would be ten and then eight would be halfway right hit me four okay um so it says here things always click into place and this lock is a bit elusive because it has 20 slots but only 10 of them click so i'm thinking we just got to go with the click sounds and that's what i tried doing it didn't work but i'll try again so let's go three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five one two three four five six seven eight oh i heard it okay that's it that's definitely it it's a bit of a resistance here eight yes let's go two down one to go sweet little key here we got two of these keys all right okay uh but we still got to trace the j we still got that so here we are on this last lock second to last lock we gotta trace the j this is the j this is the swirl that we're given all right all right let's see what's going on in here oh they're colors we've got colors we've got pink purple orange green pink purple orange green pink purple orange green oh pink oh it's the number of things pink purple orange green pink purple orange green and this is the top of it so it'd be pink purple let me just in what order okay that's what we got to look at there's a little x guessing it's the order this thing was um [Music] orange green purple pink orange let's start with orange one two three four five six orange is six i'm gonna line it up with that little cross there orange is six right about there got green next that's one two two two for green and then purple pink purple all right and then pink one two three four five and that's a negative let me just make sure that's five that's fine let's recount them i guess orange green that should be right orange green so orange one two three four five six oh six yes ah let's go let's go all right finally i can get this one off there we go this is a very powerful magnet be very careful with this and the final key so everything's unlocked except for that front part oh okay i already see where this goes bit of a screwdriver here ah wait they're not actually uh we got to use the ends of the keys not the keys themselves so this is something goes in there oh the end of this no yeah oh the whole thing's coming undone beautiful not quite there bum okay looks like there's another screw here and a keyhole there this looks like it goes in here there's a cool little lock i don't know if that yeah there we go so hey we've done it eureka do we dare do we dare open this box oh wait seems to be another key here wait i'm missing a key none of these keys will do um it says trace the j and i don't know if you guys can pick that up on the overhead camera but right here there seems to be scratchings of a j and we have a magnet jesus all right here we go here we come oh i thought for sure i'd have a key on the end of this thing let me try again oh i gotta start here oh i hear it now ah okay i don't lose it it's right there okay you guys can see that i gotta kind of gotta kind of fish it out of there yes yes we have a key okay let me get this thing undone here ah the joker what a clown all right i tell you the uh the filing cabinets over at arkham are pretty secure they definitely need to tone down on their security i'm not sure how many people are trying to get into those files all right here we go there we go oh the plot thickens oh my god look at this thing oh no we got a batman mask there's so many things in here okay we got this hold on we are not done here we got okay more puzzles we've got this i guess this is the plug in dude we've got another lock here can you guys see this we've got this box here which has a lock on it so many locks so many things very crammy very furry crammery rob serve pondless of macarthur bantam these are the words i am given okay oh and on the back of them arkham asylum psychiatric hospital a and b optical pattern recall assessment i think i already know what to do they've given me this mask and they so cleverly have put these red lenses in them which i'm guessing we'll plug this in in a second all right here we go and gopro you're gonna take a hit oh wow huh i don't look ridiculous at all hold on the two question mark or review hold on no there's something here ah put them together like this three so we got t h r e t e o or w o o i see t-h-r-e-e three two four three two four i wonder if the gopro picked that up that'd been cool let's see if you can pick this up here yeah there you go move this into here so you can see some of the letters stand out right you see that and if you put both sheets together they give me three four question mark two yeah the question mark is no three two question mark four there's a question mark right there so three two question mark four so i'm guessing that's what this is here so let's figure this out real quick three two question mark four okay pretty sure it's this side three two all right let's try uh two huh okay maybe i'm on the wrong side wait is there something here that tells me which side ah there we go okay uh these for my young audience these are what's known as uh relics uh these are tape cassettes cassette tapes you probably want to keep them away from that giant magnet to be honest let's plug this thing in here this is really cool by the way this is super retro i love the look of this all right where does this plug into plugs into here zap ah she works amazing we've got side a and side b we're gonna go ahead and play side a okay here we well go at you solving all of my mysterious little challenges so quickly you're quite the detective are you sure you're not bats i think the best way to truly understand the mysteries of gotham city is by checking yourself into good old ark of asylum home sweet home breaking into the archives and rummaging through the patient files truly is one of my favorite pastimes who doesn't enjoy a little late night light music in the soft glow of their padded cell so many stories to tell and so much madness speaking of madness you're almost there flip this cassette over and play side b tools [Music] uh eject here it is oh wow this little eject button here oh so cool all right oops that is morse code i gotta figure out which ones which there's dot dash and space or end right that's what i'm thinking here all right so while we rewind this to padlock here is a combination lock of four digits you see how long it takes to rewind something you never ever see those signs be kind rewind with like vhs's this is why they asked you to be kind and rewind if not they would have to rewind their own vhs's which could take hours out of their day this box is literally mocking literally mocking me okay we've almost rewound here there we go okay let me place this on top of here okay i got my phone i'm gonna take down notes so there's the chicken sound there's the fart and what else is there hold on the horn there's farts and a horn so i think the horn is a space i think the buzzer and the chicken are the dots and dashes [Laughter] this is so ridiculous it can't be morse code because there are four sounds so therefore that was one of each there's a fart hold on let's count let's count the uh so the the first one's a buzzer let's count the buzzer eight first numbers in eight parts [Music] that's five five farts and they were juicers five rewind seven okay let's go one more time one more time folks nine there's something on the lock that has these little arrows or greater than symbols so maybe it's going this way uh so these symbols are greater than symbols so therefore eight five seven nine the first number would be five it would be five seven eight nine five seven eight nine yes okay here we go oh my god it's a cake [Laughter] oh it's a cake and it says eat me that's a first i've never never had a cake in a puzzle mmm all right it says eat me [Laughter] how fitting this would have a pie on the inside of it of course it would [Laughter] there's something in here [Laughter] hmm strawberries [Laughter] there's something in here there's a phone oh my god there's a phone in here actual phone in here oh it's the joker calling he's actually calling i can't because my fingers are full speaker hello ring ring it's the joker calling oh how i've missed playing our little games i do hope you enjoy them as much as i do and very soon i will have a challenge for all of you little maniacs that should send you over the moon in a day's delirium i've been a busy little baby whipping up something special something crazy something new just for you stay tuned because you definitely won't want to miss this for now let's celebrate with pig and remember good little clowns always clean their plates i now have joker in my uh contacts list which is crazy let me put this aside he did say there's something special coming and he says uh good little boys and girls always clean their plates money you want to grab me a plate you guys want some cake yeah okay we're gonna transpose the cake onto that plate ready oh wait here i can there's something under it oh there's something under there okay it smells good it does smell good don't move because it's still under there ah got it you're good you take a cake away okay before i eat it all take this as well thank you jesus infinite rabbit holes ladies and gentlemen infinite rabbit holes wait there's a website dot com dot ladies and gentlemen what you're about to see right now is the very first time anyone's ever basically heard of this project anyone outside of a very small group of people uh if you so choose and want to go down the rabbit hole even further head to and we'll see on the other side thanks for watching we'll see you next time peace let's go have some cake [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 1,449,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 37sec (1957 seconds)
Published: Wed May 11 2022
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