Solving Harry Potter's Briefcase?! - Escape Puzzle

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my friends the great gift of your applause is not for me now it is for yourselves we came today because of the craving that the old ways serve us no longer you came today because you crave something new something different it is said that i hate [Music] the magu [Music] magic blooms only in rare souls yo what's up and welcome back today we are looking at something i've been looking forward to for a little while now i'm a big fan of all the harry potter movies the whole franchise the fantastic beasts and this this uh luggage this magical suitcase resembles uh almost almost the suitcase that you'd see in fantastic beasts this is an escape room inspired by that very movie as you can probably tell by the intro so before we get into this go ahead and like this video okay now that you've done that subscribe and let's get into it further ado we got one lock right here okay we got these that come undone how does this one open oh there we go no this goes up and down oh wait it goes side to side too oh it's a combination lock okay we're looking for clues we're looking for clue there's an r here it's america new york city i'm looking at the little stickers to see if i can find any any clue i don't think the stickers have to do with anything there's nothing under okay so what's the uh what's the combination of this we gotta get in here we got a red s here that's got to be here i'm sure it's here oh turns turns looking for words hits start maybe another word here somewhere turns start turns the i really don't know i mean that doesn't can't spell south like that oh turns west all right start north east west northeast west start north east west east south let's try that north uh east west east south yeah okay that took a little longer than i thought it would but we're in you ready for this oh cool okay so we got some type of labyrinth up here uh with this thing this is cool uh we've got a cog wheel with a hogwarts emblem on it and this i'm guessing i guess that's right that's really cool i love the uh i love that that it's interactive and as soon as i do something it makes noise what's this escarbatto oh it's a little magical creature it looks like it's got lines on it maybe the lines have something to do with something maybe a path somewhere we also got this we got a combination lock here we got a lock here this looks like it needs to be lock picked by the way i i recognize this these are uh these are locks that are used for practicing lock picking we have another combination here and then we have this here we got these okay so for now okay that symbol was on that cog by the way let's start with this let's start here okay this is a maze here right so we want to we want to get through the uh the maze comes down here this goes here this goes here and down here up here uh yep this way actually yep boom what have we here what is this thing i don't know what that is oh maybe here [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] okay i guess i'll just this thing vibrates like crazy i guess i'll just leave that on there for now it really is uh is there any other clue are we given any other clue what's on the back of this maybe is that something escarbotto what is this guy and what does he want [Music] hmm wait this one here okay that one just doesn't come out huh [Applause] [Music] i'll just leave that here i don't know what that's doing okay so we have this symbol we have the nine and three quarters that was on the box very intriguing [Applause] [Music] because this no okay we know that this goes there right we put this back in there and find a different uh maybe a different path or something nothing else really does anything [Music] [Applause] okay it's got to be something if i could find some lock picks i could definitely open this that doesn't open either hmm so the only clue that we really have is this escarbotto fella over here this guy and the lines look like they're doing something oh you know what maybe you gotta like fold it in a way that gives you a number i think because it looks like there's like pieces of numbers right that makes sense that's like you guys see what i mean there's got to be a way to fold this like here huh you see how that lines up sort of maybe that's not a bad idea oh wait there is a number here wait is that 07 feels like that's a number ah see this line here on the back of it is like drawn in the back of it it's not even drawn on this side where there's these ones are drawn on the front of it so that tells me there's a fold there somewhere like i fold this like this which then becomes part of this line here that's actually actually looks like it might work okay that becomes part of that line there fold it on that line good um oh now we gotta fold this one over here and watch these lines connect that's actually working out here these lines are connecting good okay now maybe this line folds or this one this one this one this one this is the folded line ah which connects this line ah we're getting a number and then this one folded wow how cool is that that's actually really cool boom okay that goes here that's a four that might be a two yep see if that goes there that's a two wow how cool is that that i've never seen something like that that's a two that's a four and that's a five five four two boom baby let's go that's huge that's probably this here five four two yep okay there's a little cauldron in there i don't know if you guys can see that it's a little cauldron bubbling and in here okay [Music] whoa whoa that just popped open that is wild all right we got these keys there we go we got lock picks knew we'd have lock picks we've got another set of keys so many keys whatever these wires are oh my god so many of these wires more lock picks maybe they're all part of the lock picking kit and we've got what looks to be a magic wand that also has a key inside of it okay [Music] the hell did i just do ah let's get these aside here so many so many items so looks like the magic wand uh we got an owl here we got a a cauldron but the first thing we had was the symbol so we had the hogwarts symbol the cauldron the owl and it's probably more simple aha because i already touched it twice so there's probably more symbols that we have to that is really cool and we got us we got a secret key here as well that is really really cool ooh i like this escape game quite a bit quite a bit very very very cool okay um so we got all these keys and we got all these lock i think we're just going to go ahead and lock pick give you a little 101 on how to lock pick here uh we need one that's going to act as an anchor and one that's going to be a rake and i think the rake looks like this as you can see it has like a little little rake on the end of it because we need one attention rod like one that keeps the tension on [Music] oh got it whoo these anymore my goodness good thing this was an actual heist or something what's in here oh great more keys oh but we have one of these little buttons [Applause] [Music] also on this side there's like a slot here i don't know a little slot on the side maybe just for the lock or something yeah now we're looking for a combination for this bad boy right that's the next step and we have one two three sets of keys here without a lock in which to put the keys in we're gonna need some type of combination here and they didn't give us a little picture on this one no picture there's a number here it says 861 oh it says 861 on this key i don't really feel like that's a combination to that eight six one this says eight one eight oh yeah i think those are just random numbers for the keys eight four and there's a magnet here it's a pretty strong magnet actually wait there's a magnet here oh it's a hat there's a hat under this one okay so we had hold on we had the crest the owl the cauldron the hat [Music] nine three quarters [Music] so we're missing one symbol we had the nine three quarters on the box so i don't think cause the nine three quarters was on the box here right here but that's gotta be part of it that's gotta be part of it because it's it's written the exact same way i definitely think it's part of it so maybe we've got the order mixed up nine three quarters [Music] yes let's go oh there goes the keys and this goes here [Music] mirror mirror on the wall we have a mirror in a box that didn't rhyme but that's okay okay so yes one where are my keys at two don't know why there's so many keys three and four okay they're all unlocked they're all unlocked but now what now we have a mirror what the hell is going on what do we need a mirror for we have nothing left okay yes we do we have a box here we got a box here we got one of these things left everything else has been used does the order in which the keys open make a difference because the order in which the keys open make a difference i'm looking for hints for this keys and i believe there might be a sequence here i don't know what the sequence is but these keys definitely have a sequence i'm looking for over something number 906. there's numbers on the keys i don't think that matters i don't know if that's that might just be a coincidence honestly 1861. that's what's written on the key hmm ah what about this right here have you guys been staring at that the whole time by the way is that why you guys get so angry at me in the comments because you're seeing things that i'm not seeing like you guys are getting a whole vision on everything i'm looking at like this is my vision right now doing this that's what i'm seeing right now when you're looking at things you look at things like this you don't see everything all at once like i'm not a chameleon with the eyes and the sides of my head it's just you know what i mean so you guys might have seen this earlier shouting it out good for you good find actually good for you so what that means is that's pretty simple that's gonna go there [Music] okay now what [Music] oh can you guys see that in there 37 27 25 oh 25 27 37. 37 yeah [Music] what's in here ah the final puck [Music] oh we saved our little beast friend wait is he stuck there there we go we've saved our little beast friend but he looks like he's uh stuck in a hole down there so we're gonna leave him there but that is the end of this dude this is so cool no lie like this mirror bit actually like freaked me out for a second it's like a one-way mirror had some really cool elements the wand waving was really dope keys were okay all in all so much fun and definitely fun for uh anyone who's a harry potter fan i think this is a really really cool game what do you guys think leave a comment leave a like below if you did enjoy this uh maybe tag a friend that you'd uh solve this with i don't know time to clean this up we've solved the mystery over here at hogwarts guys uh thanks for tuning in and we'll see you guys on the next video peace [Music] you
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 962,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles
Id: -Wg_Lbfe9Gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2022
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