Abraham’s Well Puzzle Solution

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hi everyone i saw the chris ramsay attempt to solve this puzzle and um i didn't see i didn't watch the entire video so i just scrolled to the end of the video and um i saw that chris did not manage to solve this puzzle the only thing i saw was that he managed to get this thing out of there but how he did it i didn't know so that was the only piece of information that i had in addition to what is written on the box and uh immediately after i saw chris solomon i went to mr puzzle's website i ordered my my unit and uh yeah i got it and i was preparing myself for uh days and days of puzzling but i maybe i did luck out but i managed to solve it in three hours straight uh from uh basically from the that is three hours for the round trip that is going from this date to the salt state and back to this state so now um i want to go over the solution and explain to you the mechanics of what i've found how this works so um yeah spoilers um disclaimers are now disclaimed so from this point onward proceed only if you want to know the solution so before we begin i want to um explain well actually no let me first start by highlighting some of the things that are important for solving this this puzzle first are the instructions on the box they say the ultimate goal is to find the uniquely australian token okay there are many separate steps to solve the puzzle can be broken down in 23 individual parts and now [Music] no bashing no external tools no physical brute strength this is important as needed you need don't even need to lightly tap anything which is also important there's a tool for everything user brings natural braun now when i was solving this i saw uh actually after i solved this i i got this thing this uh well piece or the bucket piece out in a different way than chris ramsay did and uh what he did it was actually he actually forced it out so that's that actually is contrary to what you're supposed to do to use your brains not your brawn it's actually quite difficult to just stick your fingers in here and pry this this out um i had a different solution but not more elegant but a different solution to this again i didn't know how he did it i only watched the video afterwards because i wanted to see how he progressed the other important thing is i don't know if if chris's box had this let's just get this into into view here do not put anything through a hole that has a black circle around it so you can use the piece that has this black circle uh around a hole but nothing goes through the hole and that is i think i haven't seen this on chris ramsay's box i think they may have added because people were probably attempting there's so many combinations with this puzzle that people were probably attempting uh even impossible things i have to say i attempted many many many many things before i stumbled i literally stumbled upon the solution by accident and it was completely different from what i thought it would be so now let's get into the salt so uh before i actually show you how this puzzle is solved i want uh i want to explain the mechanics of this first part and how you remove these thingies that hold this turning handle in place with thread so there is a maze yes there is an internal maze and initially when you turn it you hear something inside so there are pins but also something is hitting against the inside of this this metal bucket and i was really thrown off at first i thought there is a ball bearing inside in addition to some pins that you have to sort of navigate and literally for the longest time through the solve until i actually popped out this piece i thought there was a ball inside or there was a ball inside there isn't it so here's how it works there's a little drawing a terrible drawing i have to say excuse my my terrible drawing skills but it should convey message across so these dotted lines show the slots or the tunnels where these rods are now there are actually four rods one two three four that actually prevent when they're sticking out that prevent these things to come out so there's this maze that you have to navigate through and the two positions you want to have them in is one side completely retracted like so one side sticking out and the other side completely retracted and the diagonal side sticking out like this so this is one position and this is the other position that you want to have them in now what makes this even more difficult is that there are not only these four rods along these sides of the cube but i assume this is the only explanation that i can give is there are two additional rods that prevent actually these rods from hitting the hitting the furthest wall so this rod cannot fully retract if this rod is here but this rod can vice versa this rod cannot fully retract if this rod is pressed against this wall so how do you move these rods well these rods are moved when you tilt when you tilt when you tilt the wall like this you move these rods you move these four rods now these two rods that are here when it removed when you tilt this thing like so so it's actually far more tricky than you think um i haven't been able to find the moves uh a hundred percent it's like you know it's like learning an instrument really it's uh basically i haven't found a foolproof way a foolproof set of moves that will get you from one position to the other position so there's a lot of trial and error which makes this hugely time consuming to actually remove this hole to remove this whole structure so anyway with this function out of the way you can hear it you can actually hear it and feel it so with this out of the way let's now proceed with the solve and yeah here we go well that didn't that didn't help okay here we go first one nope well you see it's it's it's very tricky as i said it's there's not a foolproof way how to get from one position to the others but now we need to get into the other position and it's locked it doesn't go inside anymore because there's the rods sticking somewhere in between trying to keep this in frame do you just try and zoom out of here see if we got a better view oh yeah that's much better for the frame anyway yeah it's it's not an easy puzzle the tricky thing is every time you move it that these pins are so sensitive that whenever you move them they just just the slightest okay we no we didn't now it didn't move oh actually it did move a bit okay here we go see okay so we're making some progress here it's to retract but we're not gonna let it sometimes you get like you know when when when one side wants to go this side wants to go and this side is stuck you know that on this side these two rods are probably now pressed against this side thus these two rods are clamping down on this part of the structure while this one is loose i'll show you when when this comes out this is what happens so here the spin move didn't work nope as i said oh here we go okay let's try and do the next move okay see getting somewhere the thing is once you even though you understand how this works okay here now the two rods are pressing against this side so this side is loose it wants to go out it wants to go out but here nothing so here the rods are clamping down so here these two rods are pressing against this wall thus not allowing these rods to free this part of the structure yep oh okay and now the other way so now this side wants to come out and this one is stuck so crazy thing about this is even though you know how this okay here we go there we go we're out and so now you look here here you have the two rods and this one so i don't know if i can get a good enough let me just try and zoom in see this is the situation where these two rods are here these two cannot come come apart so there's these two rods cannot retract and hide but these can because they're free so there's space here and they can hide here and here and so this is the situation where one side wants to come come out and the other just doesn't anyway so yeah okay i had a i had a view of what what a good yeah this is a good view so here we have one side sticking out and one side's sticking out like this so this is a good this is a good setup this this is how you want it but again i haven't found a 100 sure-fire set of moves that will get you into a position like this so there's many random moves that get you there all right now so we have the first part down let's examine what we have so we don't need these things anymore but when you look closely these holes in the bucket they have threats they have threats so there something should be should be able to we should be able to screw something in there all right now for the tools there is um there are two screws here that when you loosen them they loosen these two wooden pieces now this piece has a magnet quite a strong one at that this little thing has this little wrench thing where you can slide this thing out and you have this thing which neatly actually fits into this so you can use this to screw this in or out and you can use this tool let me just zoom out okay you can use this to unscrew this uh so just keep this nice and tidy yep there we go these two this little thing here then bolt number one so i can separate this and separate this thread as well and last one and you get this now there's a little hole which if you turn quite slowly a little wrench will pop out or you can just oops quite a strong magnet there or you can just stick your fingers in here and pop this out but remember it says use your brains not your bra so this is quite a crude way to remove this and i don't think everyone has the strength to just put their fingers jam your fingers in and just pry this out notice let me just zoom in again these things have threats so what actually works is what i was trying to thinking is that these threads actually fit when i was examining how this works and where these threads will fit well these threads these bolts actually fit in here and i don't want to insert it on an angle so i gotta keep it you gotta be very careful so you don't it's kind of difficult to do this with the camera but yeah here we go there's one there's one see and let's do number two i'm going to do this off camera because i it's kind of difficult with with your with with with the phone and in front of your if you're in front of your hands when you don't see what you're doing but trust me if if it's and it fits nicely there we go so here's screw number two and it fits it fits perfectly now my thinking was you should use these things to fashion some sort of you know some sort of tool that will help you these look like pliers don't they some sort of a tool that will allow you to grip against the edges as i was trying to do that i accidentally discovered the solution so here it goes i tried to do this and somehow try and get this out somehow and use this as let me just zoom out as leverage and whatever yeah i'd sort of yeah it didn't really work but look at this when you look inside there is something at the bottom now where did this come from probably not show up on the camera but one of these things you'll know which one has a little hole and the magnet inside this bucket is so strong it will draw out a tool from behind from behind here inside here is a hidden compartment that hides a nail and the magnet inside here is so strong that when you put this thing inside the bucket like so it will remove this nail which is now right here and this is the tool that you need to solve this puzzle and this nail fits really nicely on this wooden piece and the magnet now how i got out how i got this thing out i got it out like this i put this uh there's some very minimal grip that you get now let me just before i do this um i'm pretty sure that my solution is not 100 i'm pretty sure that these things can be used somehow in a way that i don't know how that you can you know turn them into some sort of tool that will help you extract the and this is how i did it i mean i'm sure there is more elegant solution but this is how i extracted this this bucket and now it's stuck okay oh i see see the wrench i didn't i didn't take out the wrench now actually i'm surprised this is another oh man this is another layer that i didn't actually discover because in my last attempt i had the wrench pop out of this pop out of this hole and i thought i could just use it like this but hang on let me just get it back in there oh this is funny you can't get this out without the wrench coming out oh this is ingenious interesting see this this is another layer to the puzzle that i did not even think about i know how what the mechanism is so i'm trying to uh get this wrench back in hopefully i'll succeed but maybe won't maybe i have to okay okay so all right let's keep this tool prepared and now let's rotate this very very slowly so that the wrench will pop out and yeah let's do this very slowly i'll be keeping the hole on on the top so the thing can't drop out okay we're stuck now since we're in the stuck position well i mean this actually surprised me because when i was solving this the first time around the wrench i was trying to turn this i thought there was a ball bearing inside here so i was turning this cop sorry for the wheel i was turning this thing constantly and eventually the wrench just popped out just just like in the video of chris ramsay now i didn't do that i thought i know how it works there is a little slot inside and this is how it fits inside i mean this is how it goes inside so it's kind of upside down it's kind of upside down hanging like this and uh yeah but now i'm actually surprised that even though i know exactly how it works i'm still taken aback by this okay now it's spinning again so it's spinning again does that mean i can now remove it let me just try no i cannot so i have to try and get this thing to pop out [Music] and stuck again [Music] so it's oh wow this is ingenious really i didn't i haven't thought about how difficult it would be to get this thing out so now this is something online puzzling okay here we go now maybe just try it now no it doesn't want to come out unless so i got to keep turning gotta keep turning gotta keep turning so wait i know how the cylinder looks i know what the cylinder looks like it's got grooves on the side and this thing can just slide out and you know jam jam this whole thing and prevent it okay here it it happen again so it's probably jammed now so i gotta turn it over try and get it back in yeah there we go okay here here here we go it's sticking out so finally yeah here we go look it's sticking out of the hole finally come on all right here we go cool now now here we go here are my two my bucket extractor there okay again i need to get enough grip on the screws so as i said i'm pretty sure there's more elegant solution that i'm you know than what i'm showing you here but this is pretty crude and it actually works really really really nicely see so here we go here's the thing oops and now this is the inside let me just zoom in again here comes the solution you probably see there's a little discolored thing here now when you look at the markings these brick outlines you'll notice one thing two things actually you'll notice the width is actually the width of the snail and there's an arrow right here it's got a hole or a little dent on every side there is an arrow which has a dent right here and right here now you can go trial and error and i know now where the hidden compartment is so just going to go ahead and look inside and i see it as right here on this side can you see it it's going to pop out and see if it's here so i'm just going to put this nail inside here and jam it in there jam it into the hole and you see the compartment is coming out so there you go this is the hidden compartment but where's the pewter object once to get it you need to remove the nail and it's going to come out and this is the pewter object oops so yeah there you go abram's well solved now to get back to the state i was beginning to solve from you just reverse the process so yeah i hope you enjoyed it's an amazing puzzle i was just zoom out it is an amazing puzzle i was delighted well i was really glad i i got it and i was really glad i solved it i solved it by complete accident um even now on the second solve i was surprised how difficult it was to get this thing out without having first removed this wrench and yeah so i hope i hope this helps and i'm looking forward to mr puzzle releasing the actual solution because i'm pretty sure that this is not the way to get this thing out i'm pretty sure there's a more elegant way to to do something out of these tools and structures and things to remove this i mean my my thinking was was completely different and i stumbled upon the solution by absolute accident i was trying to use the nail on actually try using it on all four sides before i stumbled upon the one where it let me push it inside and something happened on happened on the inside so anyway great puzzle have fun thanks cheers thanks for watching
Channel: Kamil Peteraj
Views: 54,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Well, Puzzle, MrPuzzle
Id: Ba95jnlqmlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 13sec (2233 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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