Walter’s Radio Puzzle - Level 10

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to the tallest fault people in Hell want ice water you're running up my electric bill it's not like outside now you would have a boyfriend no oh yeah you weren't sure be crazy [Music] [Applause] from my window [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign solve the puzzle we'll talk later [Music] yo what's up and welcome back hope you enjoyed that intro that was my homage to everything everywhere all at once I mean if you're not going to stick around for the puzzle at least leave a like for that intro and if you're not going to watch the intro I mean leave a like for the puzzle ladies and gentlemen I'm super excited today because we have another puzzle from Deadwood now if you recall in 2021 I named angry Walter my favorite sequential Discovery puzzle of the year and the creator has now made Walters radio he's got a whole post-apocalyptic story that goes along with these puzzles and this sort of universe I'll leave the link to his website below where you can check out future puzzles of his because these are sold out now this puzzle is a level 10 it is highly difficult between 25 and 30 steps are involved in order to solve and find the chip the dead chip so I guess wish me luck leave a like subscribe and let's get into it the aforementioned Walter angry Walter 2021 puzzle of the year in my opinion we now have the next puzzle in line being Walters radio thank you for purchasing Walters radio from Deadwood crafts no force or prying necessary no spinning necessary no striking or hitting no crying whining unless necessary there might be a lot of the last one the goal is to find or remove the hidden dead chip DED dead chip okay something we can take away from this is it doesn't say no gravity is involved it's kind of like magic trailers when we sell magic tricks for like no strings no magnets those kind of eliminate to the methods and you're left with only a few other methods so kind of the same thing so upon closer inspection inside this uh this turns by the way inside this little cubby this little Grill there seems to be a sort of triangular block of wood and behind that block of wood is a pattern of four lines there's this which looks like an emblem I guess I don't know we have what looks to be a button on the bottom a button on the side perhaps a button here it can be depressed a little bit a button here and a button here so one two three four five buttons and this and that is it so first things first let's try pushing the buttons so this one goes in a little bit this one goes in a little bit but that's about it nothing else moves my guess is if I turn this I might be able to press one of the buttons try this one there might be a small Groove here maybe even if I do this I know with uh the Walter puzzle angry Walter there was a magnet in here that you had to flip around and then you had to turn this upside down for it to fall out sorry Walter uh perhaps that's the same thing going on here I will continue to try and push buttons while spinning the dial here oh so although this moves quite seamlessly even when I press these three buttons when I press the top one it ceases to move seamlessly so therefore there's probably some type of slot in this that is going to open up so let's gently uh or in some type of GrooVe here as you can see this is keep going once again we find ourselves with a little Groove there perhaps and again maybe has something to do with the piece on the inside that I have to maneuver it's just really hard to see because the Grille is uh the depth of the grill is in such a way that as soon as I tilt it to try and see if there's a hole somewhere in the inside it blocks any sort of visual on the inside of that so makes it quite hard a little flashlight out here so I don't know if you can see this but there is a hole on the top side here and a hole there let me get a little patent pen so what I can tell from my first sort of reaction to this is this Grille that has holes sort of like this pardon my drawing skills um has what seems to be a hole on either side of the top here right here and right here however nothing really happens so I'm wondering if the like I said if the thing on the inside perhaps I need to maneuver into that hole aha look it fell down oh how cool um on the inside here you can kind of see this mechanism as I turn it oh now it fell out of place there is a magnet here now is that magnet at bank that was probably yeah I see a little magnet on the inside here so that magnet was probably just to keep this in place however this might still be a tool I will try and rotate this actually let's get the cylinder back to where back to where it was and see if we can do the same thing but on the other side that's a negative okay so now what I'm thinking is that little block on the inside which by the way is shaped like this um we place it in here it ejected one on this side perhaps we place it on the top and try the same so we got to rotate it because I'm trying to get the thin end oh I can do it this way oh can I get to the side here okay okay we should be able to do what we did on the bottom here we go seems to be getting stuck right here do the old magnet test that's aha definitely a magnet here again possibly just to hold pin in place here how to eject that pin I do not yet know let's continue seems to be another one right here these magnets aren't strong enough to pull this out but it is strong enough to just detect the presence of another magnet which might be important so what did this do what did this release is the point here to remove all four pins is that what we're looking to do here let's see this one you turn it just applies enough pressure to get this one to release that sort of piece on the inside just kind of like shoves this one out of its socket but it does not do the same on the other side at least I don't think it does oh that is something there is either a button or a magnet here because when I do this it snaps back into place and I do feel something shifting so I'm going to keep that there that is doing something indeed maybe that's a move for later does say no prying so I'm not going to pry so this is definitely a move there is something There's Something Happening Here the puzzle was like this there's something happening on this side we've got this one out or rather this side but I feel it happening here okay maybe we'll get back to this move maybe we can't just we can't do it yet can I rotate it on the other side and does it do the same thing also doing the same thing on the other side this button seems to be really sort of pressed in rather I feel like there's only a certain number of things we can really actually do here oh I definitely heard something click there what was that clicking what did that this button definitely feels like it's being pushed in more now okay let's go back to this side because something happened over here yeah something's happening here so on this side here when I extend it to that there's feels like there's some sort of mechanism and the button in the back feels normal [Music] ah when I turn this and I press this button it stays pressed in as soon as I Let Go it comes back out so there is some type of connection with this end and this back button here whether we have to do that now or later I don't know but that is good to know that's a good clue all right so I've kept my finger on when I put it in this side now I bring it over here and there is clearly a loud click happening and the click just disappeared okay this side so this internal mechanism here which had this block and a magnet here has now has now been retracted good enough a hole here when that block is now there's a button on the back as well this is on the back when that button when this sort of shape is put in this hole here and then I spin it something happens a click when I do it on this side something happens with the button but right now something's clicking over here so I wanna I wanna explore that a little more there what is that clicking's gone there's also a bead in there I'm not sure what the bead does either trying to figure out what this moves if anything at all I'm trying to observe all the little sides here boom if I just hold it okay so you clicked again something happens here I'm not sure what it definitely has to do with orientation I not sure if there's a blind mechanism on the inside here but my gut feeling is that I have to place it I have to push whatever mechanism is in there without disturbing it too much move the block to another mechanism and then help it get through a passage somewhere cannot consistently make that click I think there might be like a little Force required here just to sort of shift something into place you can clearly hear that there's something happening I just don't know what and it has to do with this back button here [Music] foreign [Music] this affects this here you can see it [Music] watch this button here [Music] [Music] now when I Let Go [Music] something's blocking this button I'll keep my finger on that button try to rotate to the other side very interesting mechanism slightly frustrating is that I feel like I'm going insane because I'm just trying to think same things over and over but there isn't much to do I feel so unless it has to do with orientation and I'm just doing I'm doing the right things maybe I'm just not doing them at the right times or at the right angles I think those are my only two options there's also a passage here so the stick can go through here it can go through here it can go through here obviously and it can also go through here in this current position I press the bottom there's a clear click here you can feel the tension and all of a sudden bam so I'm guessing that has to stay like this let's see if I can get that stick a different hole without that clicking and a clip if we can consistently get that click to happen I feel like we might be onto something is it when I press this has nothing to do with this I think perhaps the bead is being trapped somehow because sometimes I do this move and I don't get the click and now I get the click so I don't know like now it's gone yep just lost it does it have anything to do with this button I don't know this button this button [Music] ah so at this point I actually I reached out to Dee who's the creator of the puzzle uh Deadwood and asked him for a hint you know reluctantly I've spent almost three hours trying to find this next step it's been grueling excruciating my fingers are numb and uh I just want to kind of move forward and there being 25 30 steps me getting stuck on step two not a good sign um so yeah I just thought it'd be transparent with you guys and and hit him up uh he wrote me back and said focus on removing this piece next so that's the only hint we got that's all we know so far so at least it gives us some sort of Direction it isn't uh you know it isn't like do this or do that it's move in this direction so I appreciate that it's not too much of a hint um because so far all we can do I've gotten it to the point I don't know I don't even know how this happens but I've gotten to the point where when I put the block here on the left side I can trigger something here and then it like if I release it it'll click that's all I got that's the only thing that I've been able to do on this side there's also that same mechanism but it just kind of like it doesn't lock into place there's some resistance and when I do that there's also uh it pushes on this button basically uh and that's about it focus on removing this I'm guessing this has to come out now I don't know if it has anything to do with this locking mechanism but we'll go ahead and try and do that the thing is with this locking mechanism as soon as I go down that's when it sort of uh falls back into place so I'd have to lock it and have to go upside down here and now there's no way for me to get this block down there without it triggering there it goes so maybe maybe maybe this is for like another step Let's uh let's hope so anyways we're going to focus on removing this next piece I you know I wish it was just as easy as as doing this is what we did last time to get this piece out but realistically it isn't there's really no way of telling this is really a hard puzzle this is super difficult right now so looking all the way down the barrel we can just see the other side of this wood piece that we have to extract but no no indication really of how to do that now I've even tried putting this back in and maybe using this as a tool but it's really just not I mean it's just there's nothing to do here I if you can't tell by the sound of my voice I'm pretty discouraged right now like I don't even know what to do it does take a lot I do have a lot of patience when it comes to these things but uh you know once you try the same thing over and over a thousand times and nothing works it gets the point where you start convincing yourself well maybe it's a puzzle maybe something's wrong with the puzzle and I know there isn't anything wrong with the puzzle but just kind of what your brain goes through is you're trying to convince yourself that you're not insane for trying the same thing over and over um I just wish I knew what was connected to what so I could work on something also does this symbol have anything to do with the symbol that's on the inside which is you can slightly see through here is that a clue or is that just design as much as I'm having a hard time with this I I love this puzzle I think it's so cool so Compact and the fact that it's so difficult and yet it looks so simple is just blowing my mind I I have no idea what's happening on the inside of this I feel like I've solved harder puzzles but then again all right so maybe like now when I try to get into that clicking part lock it in it just kind of it stops abruptly there's a there's a small mechanism here and a small mechanism here I'm trying to move this mechanism it moves this button every time I move it so I'm trying to move the mechanism hold the button and then maybe move the block down here so I can shift over this that's the plan maybe get the block down I'm not sure how I'm supposed to extract this I'm guessing it's the same uh the same thing that I should do that I did on the other side but it seems like there's no there's no contact with that block wait unless [Music] unless this has to go back in oh there we go finally oh my God that really took forever all right now we can get both sides out nice cool oh yeah a little mechanism right there as you can see this thing here and it sort of locks into place there too I'm guessing that also happens on the other side oh this now this went in what does that do this goes in what does that do let's see wait maybe I can push it out with this I don't know wait I think I know what I can do I can use this to like can I use this to like push on something ah hold on I can use this to perhaps push the block that's on top okay hold on let's uh let's get back here I don't think it goes up any further I think that's as far as it goes yeah right there it's really hard to see in there but uh you're gonna take my word for it there's the block that I pushed up and there is the other piece that's inside now I think this block it definitely needs to be pushed up for something I can only really use it to push up the middle because here when I push does it go through no it doesn't go through so it only goes through in one of those holes in one of the two openings here what does that do what does that do I'm I mean my guess is that it's really just meant to push that part up but I haven't been successful in that attempt yet let me try one more time hmm it doesn't actually reach to the very top as you can see there's a there's a small Gap between the two pieces of wood why would it stop there am I missing another piece oh no hmm okay I thought there's maybe a way I can slip a piece in there and then push that piece up but that doesn't fit this is starting to make more sense to me now see once you get the one thing going is it to lock the circle into place maybe it's for after or maybe one side's larger than the other maybe let me see here does this go all the way through stops there do I have to use it as some type of Leverage system why would that protrude the only thing I can see is that yeah either it's to stop the Wheel from turning or to leverage the piece so I can push that up both of which don't really help me right now because it doesn't lift the piece high enough so I'm missing maybe a third piece to insert there these won't fit through the grid and for it to stop rotating I would need a reason for that I don't which I don't have right now so that same locking mechanism is also on the other side we've heard it before however it doesn't show here so it's probably it's probably locking something else and uh remember there's also a whole here so yeah this one was locked here and this one there's there's a hole here for some reason now we've got this giant piece coming in here we figured out this mechanism this mechanism we figured out this [Music] thank you [Music] oh well a small bead just rolled out there's a small bead in there now look oh that's what those grooves are for that's for sure what those grooves are for wait will that give me oh can I place it to where it's up there okay oh we're getting somewhere okay now we have a marble what do we do with this marble maybe I gotta put the piece there first the bead is now here the block is now here maybe I'm just not lined up you can see the block is now there the bead is underneath the block it seems to be stuck but I can maybe shimmy it alright so that piece just is stuck so my guess is that there's one of these mechanisms that's still holding this piece so here's what I'm going to try to do I'm going to try to get the side mechanism engaged one that I can control here hold that button right now while holding the button I'm gonna try to do all this where's my bead there it is come on bead it still seems to be locked all right my guess is I don't even know how I'm gonna do this but I guess I have to make sure both mechanisms are probably unlocked and I don't even know how to unlock the other one here why don't we get rid of the uh little ball bearing for now there we go I can tell you keep my finger on the button get the block I'm just not sure that I unlocked both sides to be fair but we'll see I want to come out oh wait it did come out yes oh God thank goodness we now see the inside here don't lose that can I take the tool out can I take this little block out now yes I can great okay but that is not the end of it because we haven't found the uh wait is that this is dead wood but I don't think that that's the uh I don't think that that's the DED chip oh okay interesting mechanism here is that the thing is this what we're looking for no that's just a a little blocker because I still have this side that's uh that's got that clicky part and I'm guessing that might have been it so I'm thinking we might have to get this piece out so to get that piece out can this fit do I want it oh maybe I um I mean I literally have a bunch of pieces here that I could just push through oh don't lose it um oh no that's that piece [Music] this is turning into such a chaotic experience I really hope I remember how all this goes in at this point I don't know if I'm just taking the puzzle apart but I also feel like I'm looking for the Deadwood chip and I don't think that this is it the dead ship it looks like there's something in there and I've noticed that since the beginning and there's also a hole here so if this is anything like our buddy Walter over here there's still some more to discover I'm just looking around have a look around the whole actually maybe no it doesn't seem to be anything on there so we're working push that out oh [Music] there's a switch on the inside here using this little hook here I can pull on that and it's a small switch and I'm guessing the bearing was in there now what is that for again I just feel like maybe I'm done this puzzle I'm just destroying at this point so there's a hole here that's where that's where that came out of and then there's a hole here does that fit that doesn't fit [Music] seems to be a perfect little slot for this little plastic thing oh wait where did that fall out of [Music] ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen that is the dead chip do you know it you know it when you find it oh my God this act is a little button this bearing here I'm keeping my finger on it where did that fall from hold on I'll get that bearing back in there what a weird key this is associated with a guy with big hands ah it came from here look at that how cool oh my gosh all right let's see if I can remember while I still can that goes back in there [Music] you're done um what time is it it's 4 41 I started at 10 6 hours and 40 minutes including lunch [Music] hot day I'm so dead right now I'm so beat my voice is shot my fingers hurt the raw the tips of my fingers are raw I can't remember the last time I spent over six hours solving a puzzle I think other than Excalibur it might have been like the earlier lock puzzles but I am absolutely brain dead right now um super fun but extremely difficult I did not expect it to be that hard so it is currently dinner time but I don't have time because I gotta pack my bags and I'm headed to Austin uh going to Texas for the week with Wes and Tobias dosto filming some cool stuff down there uh so I gotta pack my bags get my magic stuff ready pack my clothes my gear we got another four or five hours of work ahead of me and it's Saturday right now anyways I appreciate you guys sticking around till the end I really do [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music]
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 273,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles, magic, magician, illusion, science, physics, toys, chris ramsey, street magic, street magician, brain teaser, brain teasers, iq, toy
Id: 7PrfAJ24OSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 1sec (2041 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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