The BEST Puzzle of 2022!! The Lost Vault of Jesse James

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foreign [Music] must have been a shrub if you're here for what I think you're here for either that crazy enough to eat the Devil with the horns on [Music] sure enough you got my attention just know one thing [Music] letting the cat out of the bag is a whole lot easier than putting it back in thank you sure you want to go down this road you know they say this vault's harder to break in than a Bronco on a bad day but I tell you what you go ahead and give it a shot if you fail [Music] the faster you can say hi dang of my name ain't Jesse James foreign welcome back almost the end of 2022 and we are blessed today with an extremely beautiful puzzle this is the brainchild of Jesse born now Jesse born is known for making some incredibly extravagant puzzles including the Mayan Sundial puzzle which we solved a couple weeks or a couple months back it was one of my favorites all year and I think this one I think this one might rival it it looks beautiful it's heavy it's made of there's 3D printing there's metal there's woodwork I mean it it literally looks like a real Vault so whatever Jesse did to make this look this way I mean he just worked extra hard I left his link below if you guys want to check out his puzzles I don't think there's any of these left but you might want to subscribe to his newsletter he only made 500 of these and this is five of 500. this is Jesse James's Vault where he keeps his treasure after robbing a train so we're gonna try to break in guys cowgirls Cowboys leave a like subscribe well howdy partner this is Jesse James's vault in which he stored his treasure hoping no one else would find it Jesse born has created some incredible puzzles recently including the Sundial puzzle which we solved a couple weeks back honestly Jesse born is probably like the most prolific puzzle Creator right now I mean the quality of the puzzles he's putting out is insane this thing is heavy uh you got some 3D print you got some metal you got some wood it looks awesome so we got it all right let's take a look at all sides let's see what we can figure out we got train here in two panels on this side here we have a dial we have letters here going from A to Z and numbers seemingly random going all the way around here here we have a picture of a boat what looks like a gambling riverboat and on the front we have the Lost Vault with a combination lock here and a small handle right here nothing on the bottom and nothing on the top and that's all we're given and that's all we're given okay there's something's got to give here I'm guessing these panels come off this one does seem a little bit loose but no real way to get it off then we have this oh the top panel here slides so this panel does come off foreign [Music] keep keeping reminded of that song Something's Got to Give something's got to give oh definitely slides like this way here but it's just being stopped by something I don't know what exactly quite yet I love this I love when the first step is like the hardest and after that hopefully everything falls into place but I love when the first step is just you're left with this impossible object foreign ah this is incredible I I'm I'm 100 stuck right now yeah this panel here seems a little loose I don't know if the sound that I'm hearing on the inside of this have to do with like some type of mechanism or if it's just a loot that's buried inside wiggling around foreign slides this way oh this bar here [Music] twist These Bars only the ones in the middle thank you First Step done I had to pull this bar down twist it pull it down and now I can open this part and this part and here we go we got a bullet case it's got a paper inside how cool I'll just come out all the way how cool is that these details are insane all right so it's got a little paper in here I love that it's in a bullet case [Music] behind the mask is a hidden face under the Palm is a stolen dot dot behind the mask is a hidden face under the Palm is a stolen dot dot dot behind the mask is a face let me check the other bars out to make sure they're not wiggling around no nothing oh wait this one does slightly behind the mask is a hidden face hidden face a hidden face behind the mask is a hidden face where is there a mask behind the mask is a hidden face under the Palm is a stolen Dot what does that mean [Music] these two here kind of spin around but it takes a little amount of force so I'm wondering if that's not just the way they were made here oh never mind that just went into the hole so did that one that's two down [Music] three down one left here wondering if I could just grab what's inside here ah this one will come down yeah okay that one's stuck oh no I ripped it got a piece of paper here the city time February 2nd 1874. James boys strike Little Rock Express getting a five Master Outlaws behind the mask right remember that behind the five mass Atlas escapes twenty two thousand dollars no passenger injured no passengers injured Posse gives up Chase Monday January 31st Little Rock Express was ambushed by a gang of massed Outlaws as the train entered gads Hill at about three o'clock in the afternoon the five Bandits pried open the railway switches forcing the train to stop on the side track as it entered the station all the passengers were lined up outside the cars and The Highwaymen boldly commanded and shift and sifted through their valuables while a pair of men entered the express car to rummage to rummage through mail and packages in the safe several gold buyers a number of letters and several thick packages were stolen and passengers claim one of these was a packet containing the last month's Fuller Creek line payroll once the bandits had satisfied themselves that they had taken everything of value they stole from a number of fresh horses from the town residents and escaped while the railroad men were closing the switches the nearby towns organized a posse of 20 25 Horsemen to track the bandits but after trailing the gang to licking search was given up believed that the gang was headed for Saint Claire County although the Outlaws wore masks and did not call each other by name it is strongly believe that the robbery was the work of James Brothers accompanied by three of the younger Witnesses accompanied by three of the youngers witnesses claim that one of the men had a missing fingertip which almost positively identifies him as gang leader Jesse James if true it gives the pinkertons one more failure of their promise to catch the gank before any robberies are accomplished so there's so many different times behind the mask efforts have been plagued by intentions and rumors since he first announced at five o'clock this morning a fire was discovering the City Bank building on West Blackwater Street the Flames had already taken deep hole to the building and were beginning to spread the time Discovery I'm kind of cheesed that I didn't get this bar down okay behind the mask is a hidden face like a clock face so what if like because they said here at 3 P.M right at three o'clock entered gads Hill at about three o'clock there's also this you can't see in there but there is a let me grab my phone there is what seems to be almost like the inside of a gun barrel which I can turn here it is it is a gun barrel like a six shooter gun barrel type thing three o'clock is there a three o'clock here these numbers go up to like 54. what does that mean behind the mask is a hidden face under the Palm is a stolen behind the mask is a hidden face under the Palm is a stolen am I supposed to finish the rhyme and the Palms are still an ace behind the mask is a hidden face under the Palm is a stolen Ace or place Ace or place under the Palm is a stolen Ace I mean it has to be ace foreign [Music] [Music] oh there's a small Arrow right by this number here 40. a c e 40 54 5. foreign fifty four five to the other way oh wait it did get stuck there what was that just because I did this yeah foreign I felt something move here 40. Ace 40 54 5. foreign I mean that's got to be it maybe I'm on the wrong path here maybe Chase that's too many letters is it hidden Chase it's got to be hidden Ace right AC oh what if hold on because there's this arrow and then there's an arrow on the 40. there's an arrow here it's hard to see there's an error on the a so what if I turn this to here would give me 32. so be 40 32 and 0 40 32 0. foreign which side do we start on 40 32-0 I'm bad with combinations 40. 32 zero oh get the hell out of here [Music] ah there's a drawer we got a deck of cards here and we got like that like I was saying that six shooter in the drawer doesn't come out the drawer stuck Jesse born limited edition five 500 look at how intricate this is how cool is that come on dude that is the sickest thing that is so cool what's the next clue the bullet see maybe the bullet has like a magnet on the inside or something that I can because it kind of fits perfectly into that as you can see there does not seem to be a magnet anywhere how am I supposed to get that out unless this whole side comes off because that is completely stuck in there dude this is like the sickest little Vault ever plus it's got a spot for a deck of cards you've definitely won me over with this puzzle oh my God this is insane okay this bullet's got it do something there's got to be a magnet here somewhere it is not magnetic I don't understand how this deck comes out like unless this whole part shifts out to the side here I'm thinking this panel comes off and maybe that's all shifts oh there's a seam right here actually oh there we go there we go that was easy we've got a deck of cards I actually love this deck I have this deck and I like it a lot grab it in here hopefully we can get it without destroying it there we go this is a really really sick deck provision playing cards or by Theory 11. I'm guessing the next part of the riddle is in here since it has been cut open look at that how cool we get to unbox a deck of cards during a puzzle video nothing in the box oh interesting wait a second thought it was like a a rough and smooth deck for a second because some of the cards were all stuck together so what are we looking for maybe some some of it's out of order thirteen two three two one everything's in order um it did say ace before so maybe we're looking at the aces the deck seems normal it has nothing to do with the cards doesn't seem to be anything on the box either so it's definitely has to do with the cards the next riddle we have to solve deals with the uh that six shooter Barrel just looking at the back of the cards for any con inconsistencies why what is it about this deck they're not out of order they're in perfect order brand new order dented here but I guess that's from the box where it was uh where it was hidden holding it up to the light maybe some type of hopsin's organic there's something up with these cards though because they are a little bit like warped I don't know they're like thicker I'm really I'm incredibly stumped here I don't know now there is a spade here right there so I'm guessing maybe I have to use the cards some oh look at that look at that that is so sick out above the Spade there is a line that goes all the way here and I wouldn't have noticed this if the Notch didn't continue into the side here if that was just like that there's no way I would have ever noticed that but because of that no way it and and here's the thing Jessie's so brilliant that he knew that if he didn't add that extra Notch we wouldn't have seen it because that card indeed fits in there without that Notch check that out it fits in there without that Notch so he knew he had to make that visible that was the next clue how brilliant oh what the hell hold on here we have a key and we have this here Little Rock Express line a ticket number 1367 January the 31st 1874 that was the Train Robbery good for one first class fare via Little Rock Express railway lines with 24 hours of the marked date within 24 hours Hendrickson gads Hill Arcadia so there's something on here that we need and we have a key now anything special about the key the key is just a regular key it looks like [Music] I'm testing for magnets it is non-magnetic where where do we put the key man I am guys if you haven't left a like already you should probably leave a like this is this deserves some type of like right like I mean how fun is this I'm having such a good time dude this is the greatest puzzle okay we're there no is this thing okay the only thing we have left is this little six shooter Barrel and this somehow does something I'm not sure yet what and I'm not sure if it was just to contain those bars to drop down or what but however there is a train on here there is a train on here oh no that's where dude how clever is that that's the foot that went in there I thought oh maybe a keyhole but that's just where the foot went [Music] foreign [Music] have a look here I don't know if you'll be able to see this I've got my flashlight out notice the one that's on the bottom right isn't like the others there's like a small slight discrepancy in color my guess is that that sir is where the bullet goes foreign [Music] look how deep it is look now it's now it's there okay what does that do what does that do okay that bullet goes in a lot deeper over there let me try to wiggle it around see what happens oh I can twist it listen what does that do okay there's some type of mechanism here you guys you guys can hear that what does that do I pull it snaps back what is that what's happening wait why is that twisting oh there's a notch in the bullet the bullet's a tool there's a small notch oh wow oh it lifts up here oh my god dude this is so Jesse this is amazing I am flabbergasted at the moment this is incredible foreign [Music] get out of town look at this we've got a gold bar [Music] dude I am in shock right now this is this is this is unbelievable look at what we've uncovered and everything just kind of fell together [Music] beautifully one step after another just dude I am this is fantastic dude you've really outdone yourself on this puzzle Jessica man for those of you out there wondering hey how do we get his puzzles obviously I've left the link below but uh you guys should act quick when his stuff comes out because this is some of the best puzzle work I've ever seen incredible great job is that it we found the gold all right let's put all of this back together starting with the gold bar I like this because the reset doesn't seem too difficult and this is such an amazing piece oh my goodness all right so first this thing I need the bullet as the key the bullet is a key dude the feeling of solving something like this is undescribable I cannot describe it to you so that goes there let me lock that up this comes back down in here goes the key and the train ticket and that is now locked in there which is very very cool we'll get the cards back in there as well clever man I'm still I'm still in awe here boom that goes back there the foot now beautiful we'll get this letter in there foreign the bullet was here look at how cool the placement for the bullet is I mean there are no words oh wait the letter goes to the bullet and that's it [Music] and then these guys I'm not sure if I was supposed to pull these down because there's one that didn't pull down but I'm I wouldn't have gotten that note otherwise so I guess so guys let me know what you thought of the Lost Fault by Jesse born it's kind of insane that this is one of the last puzzles I'll be doing in 2022 and this I think is my favorite puzzle of the entire year this is it rivaled only I think by by the Sundial one hands down thanks for watching yeah well hot dang hot dang ladies and gentlemen we done solve the puzzle we've done solve the Vault this by far my favorite puzzle of 2022 this takes the cake and so fitting that it would happen at the end of the year let me know if you agree in the comments below I thought this puzzle was straight up Perfection there's nothing wrong with this puzzle everything from the steps to putting it back together to the materials to to the lore uh to the size of it the weight the quality everything is a 10 on 10. this is the best puzzle of 2022 ladies and gentlemen we have a winner thanks for watching and we'll see on the next video peace here [Music]
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 624,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles, magic, magician, illusion, science, physics, toys, chris ramsey, street magic, street magician, brain teaser, brain teasers, iq, toy
Id: oVvWmI7PNrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 56sec (1916 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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