Solving An Escape Game From a Galaxy Far, Far Away..

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foreign [Music] [Music] welcome back to the channel been a little while we haven't tackled a puzzle of this nature but I'm excited to dive into it I this I think this puzzle has been sitting around for about a month it's from I believe a Ukrainian company by the name of quest box I'll leave the link below where you can check out some more of their escapes but this does have a happy price tag coming in at roughly three thousand dollars so definitely not for just one person to solve but if you're doing some type of team building exercise at work or for a company this is definitely super cool because everything plays inside this box and then you put it all the way afterwards that being said before I get into the video guys I do appreciate all the support that you guys have given on the channel it means the world to me so thank you for all the kind messages and here's to many more adventures together uh cringe also first V6 is before we move on to the rest of the video this video is sponsored by you see I just released my brand new playing cards these are the v6s these are the brick boxes which are dope brick boxes are a box of 12 decks if you buy a brick box you also get a signed deck only available within the brick box specials they come in both red and black colorways these decks are printed by the United States playing card company and are of the highest quality possible we spared no expense when it comes to these decks crushed stock magic finish and of course with our signature gold bars they are by far to this day my favorite deck of cards that we've ever produced these are the Jokers you also get a duplicate four of Spades and a blank card you can come up with your own magic tricks the faces are pretty standard except for small variations on the court cards we kept the Ace of Spades pretty simple [Music] this deck also comes in stack for those of you out there that know what that means there's that [Applause] [Music] but most importantly they handle incredibly well whether you're doing magic or cardistry we wanted to create a luxurious classic yet still contemporary sort of modern feel and I know that's a lot to shove into a deck of cards but I feel like we nailed it with these let me know what you think in the comments and they are available now at [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you pretty cool so link below for that without any further Ado let's get into it there's a timer on the front of this thing you won't be able to see it because I'm not wearing my GoPro or anything but I think that's totally fine I don't think you need to see it to be honest I'll let you know and I gotta press the start button here May the force be with you May the force be with you okay so there's a hint coming in three minutes apparently which I won't even look at we've got five numbers here and then a pound sign that's the code for this on the front of this maybe I can just show you here there's some symbols right here okay uh it looks like stars but if we count the amount of stars it's too five five five three I can't be right oh and they're broken up these lines are broken up I don't know if you can see that properly but the lines are broken up what does that mean two one three five four let's try that [Music] that looks wrong okay what could that mean interesting is there any other Clues are there any other no there's like these latches on the side which eventually I think will open but I think this is the only clue that we're given in order to open that first part uh however like why is this one longer and these ones shorter why is this one why is this two wait four five three one two so one is five maybe five two five three five five two five three five what that was for sure at five two five three five huh I think outside the box here are these Roman numerals are they they look like constellations I'm not quite sure what to make of them five two because like my guess is because this is one like if you count the breaks right one two three four five if you count the breaks it goes one two three four five we just have to know how to translate these into numbers and wants to give us a hint that's why it's flashing I'm not taking it no hints for me it's Gotta Be it five two five three five that's gotta be it that's it it's gonna be it why is it flashing what's happening why is it beeping like this I'm I did three codes yeah you gotta restart it on 200 resident Tech engineer is it five two five three five nope all the stars look identical easy it's the number of lines so one two three four four one three four five four one five four one five two four one five two four [Music] correct wait that's gotta be it though okay well I've been counting the number of lines maybe it's the number of stars so that would be five two five three five this one has six stars not five five two six three five all right finally jeez was that that took us 10 we're a bit Rusty over here okay bear with me okay oh cool what is in here we've got this little Star Wars thing with a code on it and we got puzzle pieces here some type of Cipher should be pretty easy to figure out this is like Elementary stuff here I got 49 minutes left before this puzzle I don't know self-destructs or the internet makes a mockery of me just put this in here now so we have this uh this grid here and this says Star Wars right so my guess is we just got to spell Star Wars there's a key in here we have to let's spell star or Wars s T is nine all right let's try that a r four all right we're catching up on time I think w a is six r s is eight yes let's go easy all right we got an allen key we've got an allen key oh right here unscrewing this portion here okay any other screws none over here none over here the Box opens force be with you check this out this is cool all right do we need the Allen key anymore no Okay so we've got this Quest box BD comma CE equals question mark okay so there's a cipher here we've got a cube here we've got locks locks and locks ah math formulas with symbols okay and then a cube here and I guess no this has to do with this these symbols have to do with this it looks like ladies and gentlemen we got him so Darth Vader is zero well how do I know what's beside Darth Vader maybe I gotta start here and c e equals bam C E equals what huh what going on here okay well why do I have oh wait does this no that doesn't open quite yet time's taking 45 minutes left what to do okay these have numbers on the bottom of them the locks have numbers on the bottom six three four five in what order in what order why would they have that since 4 is here and that is there wouldn't this one be this wait that's not even a symbol there six three four five let's just try I guess six three four five I don't even know if that's the right wait this is all the Empire it's all the M no it's Yoda's there what are these little what is what's going on there's four of these six three four five so maybe that's an order of which they should go what would that give me what do you guys think comment below let me know what you would do right here without cheating without cheating no cheating write down exactly where you would go other than the hint button why are there numbers under here and what are these what are these squares I don't think these squares I don't think I know what these squares have to do yet I think I'm here we're here let's try that six three four five negative I'm not going to try all the combinations I'm not going to do that okay A B C D E F B and D B and D and then c and e B and D c and e oh is that a number is that a number like this so that's five C minus c and e C to E so C to e that would be nine because it's taking away this last bar AC and then C to e that would be three and then C to D we zero five nine three zero okay that's cool five nine three zero let's remember the order in which we open these by the way this one is number three five nine three zero yes wait no yes we got it okay we've got like a little game of operation here whoa interesting okay so what does that mean plug this in here and see what happens [Music] wait these come out oh hold on a second okay we've got three droids here that we gotta fix we got to put them I guess in a certain order and I'm guessing I don't even know that's where the key goes and the top ones have these locked in do I do one at a time don't fully understand what the game is here but we'll figure it out the hard one man this is one of the harder Escape boxes I've done it's nothing just really clear so eight seven and see this doesn't even make sense because it goes one two blank three four five six so what does that mean I think I have to do these one at a time right so let's let's try that just for fun let's just try this one at a time [Music] is it their sounds ah I got it all right so the sound that this makes we gotta follow that in order so it starts with this nope wrong one so let's go six one [Music] no no no two five one foreign oh that's the code for this that's what it is six two five one that's cool yes sweet what is this okay we got colors we got symbols oh what is this look at this oh I gotta figure out the colors cool that's sweet dude color change power on oh this tells you which colors make what that's cool okay so we got this planet which is purple and green so I think we go purple and green which makes blue is that purple by the way yeah I mean pink pink and green make blue so the first one is blue nice okay second one is purple and purple or dark purple I guess it's blue and that makes green done next one is the Sun yellow and white yeah it also makes white and the last one is this one which is green and orange there's no orange so I'm guessing green and red and it makes yellow yes whoa oh more cubes okay and what are these for where are the codes for this is that for this and this but how do I know which one's which okay hold on let's try making a shape here oh I see you can't make any shape oh I see what this is going to do it's going to give us a number it will give us a number what number is that is that the number three is that three I'm guessing like if you look at that right is that like a so it would be three let's go for the Sun I'm guessing seven three seven three seven we've got like 25 minutes left three seven that's got to be a two right three seven two and then the final symbol three seven two one that's a one oh let's go what a great feeling the force be with you all right we got a protractor great we've got these spicy little icons and fuel unit and centimeters and then this fuel stocks and planted information hold on a second we gotta go for okay standard with stops and transfers seat s from Camino to hariden five-seater this is my ticket from kamino to hariden there's hariden and there's kamino okay and how many stops oh because it takes certain fuel units Fuel stock planet information takes 80 units wait kamino to hariden now we don't start at Coruscant we start at Camino oh you can hear the ship all right since we start at Camino all right so I've got 80 units from Camino and so I can travel eight centimeters so I can go to balmora I can also go to Naboo I think I'll go to Naboo let's go to Naboo in Naboo I have 70 units but I still had 10 left over no or is that just total 570 I can travel seven centimeters I mean I can go down to calypsa gives me 60 units uh uh I can travel to Geonosis which gives me 70 units and then a straight shot to hariden I should be good nice we figured it out what's in here anything else any other surprises oh here we go these little things oh all right this is going to give us the code for this one here so ah okay why are they vertical do I just have to follow or does that give us a number that's four and five which is nine am I just following what uh what these are kind of like this just like one after another bring out the calculator that's nine we said and then or are these just number we don't add these together maybe that's 45 Plus 53. times should do bed Mass right 36. divided by that doesn't make any sense okay and we got more over here okay we know these have to go like this and I guess this one goes there because it's the only one that has that I mean my only my only educated guess is is that this was correct and I just follow the symbols along uh the line here and then my math is incorrect I guess okay the only thing I could think of is this here this symbol that appears everywhere what is the math symbol for some I found this on the web ah Sigma which means the sum of so this okay this is much easier now nine plus five plus three that's eight nine plus eight times uh nine divided by six minus one that's gotta be it 20. and then on the other side we've got one minus wait oh it has to be this one okay it's not one it's six six minus nine plus eight times nine 69 20 69 is the next number [Music] foreign yes let's go [Music] May the force be with you all right we got little knobs here how much time we got left okay we got these dials here we got this does this mean what do these mean what do these mean okay what are these dials mean oh the symbol the symbol that's here is I see and this one has to be with this one guesses like this I don't know what orientation this is but this symbol here is like this so um how do I know which one goes where oh I want to run out of time how do I know which ones line up to which [Music] how do I know that like for instance this one is like this symbol pointing this way here but how do I know is it the hands this symbol would be that one and that would be what this that symbol would be the lightsabers no guess not so let's just rotate we're trying this out we'll brute force it [Music] oh I got it ah a little red button popped out ready congratulations you saved the world [Music] we saved the world even though we did it in over an hour but I was alone mind you right normally there'd be like five people doing this I mean this is pretty cool fun interactive game uh definitely lots to do and I love the electronic components in these things they always surprise me for some reason I should expect them by now but every time I see them I'm just brought back to sort of the state of a child just blown away by things opening by themselves uh yeah let me know if you guys like this video and if you want to see more like this I do have another escape room uh sort of in a box that I plan to shoot for next week if you guys want to see that leave a like let me know in the comments below don't forget to subscribe check out my new playing cards on and we'll see on the next video peace
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 460,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles, magic, magician, illusion, science, physics, toys, chris ramsey, street magic, street magician, brain teaser, brain teasers, iq, toy
Id: c3EDlztlk0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 28sec (1588 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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