The Intoxication of Entertainment | Evangelist Josh Herring

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[Applause] and praise the lord everybody round two you guys are the ones that sleep in huh welcome to church glad you're here oh i understand god is so good aren't you glad to be a part of the kingdom of god amen [Applause] if you love your pastor get loud and clap your hands and thank the lord for him [Music] [Applause] that's what i'm talking about that's where it's at [Music] you're very blessed to have the zunugas uh leading you they're incredible people we love them very much and and i give them honor give honor to all the pastors on staff honor to my awesome son jet the threat and my wife just had our fourth child last week and so i apologize that i'm just now getting here we're supposed to be here all last all this month and uh it's been a crazy crazy month and he took his time being born he was supposed to be here and they said around the beginning of august and so he came around the end of august and so we're we're thankful that he's here and i'm thankful to be here with you i preached a message this morning uh in the first service that i felt strongly that the lord had told me to preach here and across this nation and so i will repeat it and preach it to you here it will be obviously go different but i just feel strong anointing to do this exodus chapter 7 and luke chapter 11. if i get a little bit more monitor guys i don't know who i'm looking for but if i get a little more monitor thank you i'd appreciate it you can turn me off out there i don't care just keep me up up here amen exodus chapter 7 thank you verses 8 through 13 and then we're going to go to luke chapter 11 verse 34. and the lord spake unto moses and and aaron saying when pharaoh shall speak unto you saying show a miracle for you everybody say show a miracle and thou shalt say unto aaron take thy rod and cast it before pharaoh and shall become a serpent moses and aaron went into pharaoh and they did so as the lord had commanded and aaron cast down his rod before pharaoh and before his servants and it became serpent and pharaoh called also also called the wise men and the sorcerers now the magicians of egypt they also did in like manner with their enchantments for they cast down every man has rod and they became serpents but aaron's rod swallowed up their rods and he hardened pharaoh's heart that he hearkened not unto them as the lord had said luke chapter 11 and verse number 34 luke 11 34 the light of the body is the eye therefore when thine eye is single thy whole body also is full of light but when thine eye is evil thy body also is full of darkness and i want to preach to you from the subject this morning the intoxication of entertainment the intoxication of entertainment lord jesus have your way in this place speak to every family every situation every battle every crisis everything going on at home god we open up the doorways to not just our hearts in this room but we open up the doorways to our houses right now in the spirit god speak to our homes in jesus name have your way we pray and somebody said amen and you may be seated say that there are several steps to becoming fully intoxicated and the ultimate step is death when you're when you die from intoxication but it starts off by being sober and you get sublimina uh you get very uh slowly you graduate into euphoria and then from euphoria you go into excitement and then from excitement you step into confusion and the more you drink you go into a place called a stupor and then from there comatose and then death and that is the process of dying by intoxication and it's funny how when this pandemic broke out everyone has said the same thing including me that we are all being attacked by the spirit of fear and fears attacking our churches and attacking our people and i do think that is true because fear has still gripped people people are still not coming to church going to walmart is fine apparently and home depot there's no but going to church there's something fearful about that if that doesn't tell you to spirit i don't know what does because it's funny how we can have faith to go out in public but not faith being the presence of the lord and so fear has attached itself to people but but the other spirit that i noticed that came on the heels of fear into america by storm and you would think it would not have happened because hollywood was shut down and the sports world was shut down and the music industry was shut down there were no concerts but yet the the spirit that took america by storm during the pandemic has been the spirit of entertainment church is now entertainment people watch online they watch while they wash the dishes or while they are doing the laundry or cooking dinner and they're they're being entertained by church and so it's funny how entertainment has gripped america and i know you may not believe it yet but you will and this this spirit is very very subtle and very strong and it's very intentional on how to take out people from the presence of god the pandemic will cause one of two results in your walk with god either when this thing is over you will be closer to god than you were before because you've upped your consecration or you will be further from god than you were before because you've drifted into entertainment welcome pharaoh into the atmosphere when god told moses to go deliver three million people in one night you're going to encounter the king of egypt and this king's identity as pharaoh the first thing you're going to deal with when you deal with him moses is not the spirit of bondage or the spirit of slavery or the baby killing spirit but the first thing you're going to encounter when you deal with pharaoh is the spirit of entertainment for pharaoh will look at you and he will say show me a miracle and when you're done entertaining me moses i will bring on my worldly entertainers and they will entertain me when you are done not much has changed in the church people are entertained by the encounter the man of god has with god and the anointing that is on him but give them a couple hours when they're home and they're being entertained by something else and you ready now i'm going to find you and the reason why are you responded during the music but not that right there is because a lot of you have relationships with music but not the word of god and therefore the music engages you but the word of god entertains you because you do not know how to participate with the word only spectate when the word comes to you i have not come to entertain you and this is not a theater this is the house of the king of kings and the lord of lords you're not paying for your seat you're in a place that jesus died for every sin in our life somebody praise him like you're in your house praise him like nobody's in the room praise him like nobody's watching you you're not here to watch a show you're here to please god david said oh clap your hands all ye people and shout unto god with a voice of triumph but he told moses here's what's going to happen he's going to want to know all about this encounter he's going to want to be entertained because he he's going to have plagues coming but it's just in the human nature when when stuff starts going crazy to start watching he's gonna watch you and then look at the magicians and say now you entertain me and the problem with the entertainment mentality in church in living for god is that when you get like that you unleash a snake fight in the spirit and now moses rod turns into a serpent and the magicians turn their rods into serpent and you've got to fight on your hands your breakthrough that you get in church now wars with your breakdown when no one's around the anointing you feel right now starts fighting with the addiction that you have that nobody knows about i wish i had some people that would act like i'm preaching to them when you're in the house of god and you're in entertainment mode you like what you feel but then what you feel starts convicting you for what you watch and there's a fight going on in the spirit and god as long as i'm satisfied just well just watch the service watch the service watch the server then i'll never truly get delivered but when i start to engage when i start to participate when i start to recognize i need deliverance i've got to get closer to god i need a deeper prayer life i need a stronger walk with him when i start to get like that now a fight breaks out between what i need to do and what i want to do is there anyone that knows that your spirit is willing but your flesh is weak and what you need to do often times is difficult because of what you want to do i need to pray through but i want to watch netflix i need to read my bible i want to get on social media i need to have a walk with god i need i want to hang out with them someone needs to recognize you need to put what you want in its place and put what you need in its place and say that has to be a higher priority in my life he's like wow this is so so cool you can turn the rod into a snake you can turn in other words i like what i feel at church and i like what i feel when i'm watching the movie totally different entertainment but i'm fine definition you are carnal oh that was such good preaching i like it i like feel good at church and so pharaoh his heart is hardened because no matter what miracle you see when you are in entertainment mode it doesn't transform you that's why there's more miracles overseas in america because god will not do the miraculous in america until we stop trying to watch him and then never change when he healed people in the new testament he healed then taught and taught them to change them that was the process healing then teaching or teaching than healing but he wants to heal us and teach us or teach us and heal us we want him to heal us while we stay the same just heal the disease while i don't pray through heal the deeds well i don't get a walk with you that's not going to work that's why he doesn't heal a lot of people in america and so we're entertained by it and pharaoh said i like it meet me tomorrow for round two this is great they go to the river moses and aaron turn the rot water into blood pretty powerful magicians you do your thing water into blood in fact it was so it was no big deal to him because the new living translation said pharaoh went into his house and put all these things out of his mind in other words what he what he watched was just wow that was a great show and then forgot about it it is dangerous when you forget what was preached 30 minutes after church thank you six of you it is dangerous when you want to tell your friends about what happened to church but you can't remember the message title because in between church and the conversation something else has entertained you and took it away the memory the memory of the move of god moves of god only erased from your memory when something else is entertaining you after you've seen the power of god i'd love to tell you what happened i forget what the title was he preached somewhere out of the bible you know what i want to say if you said what were you watching afterwards what were you listening to on the way home what social media site were you on because you have forgotten what was so important round three is frogs this is very gross god you said look at the ponds the rivers the streams and from the borders moses unleashes frogs all throughout egypt and pharaoh said whoa it's kind of creepy weird powerful entertainers janice and jambres is what timothy called them the magicians that were their names janice and jamborees do the same thing and they did it too frogs pretty powerful when you can make a frog up here you're saying there's so many frogs remember you go from from being sober to euphoria to excitement and to confusion and so many frogs that press away sick now they're they're starting to get in the palace they're starting to get up here get those out of get those when you get the see it never bothered him before because it wasn't in his house the pandemic doesn't bother you if it never gets near you but when it starts to get near you and and so that's they're the frogs are in the in the bedroom moses they're they're by the throne they're i mean they're just everywhere can you can you can you get rid of the frogs yeah when do you want me to get rid of them and pharaoh said tomorrow the number one signal you are drunk on entertainment is you want deliverance tomorrow i want to walk with god i just want it tomorrow i want a prayer life i'll just start it tomorrow i want to start reading my bible tomorrow i want to fast tomorrow i want to witness tomorrow i'll start paying my tithe tomorrow you know what you're saying it you're saying i want it but i'm being entertained by something else let me just put this in your spirit entertainment does not kill the desire to consecrate it kills the discipline to follow through in the consecration entertainment doesn't stop you from wanting to get right with god but it stops you shatter you from following through when you want to get right with god somebody ought to put the devil in his place right now as i'm about to follow through on some commitments on some prayer on some desire on some consecration well i want to do it but you understand brother josh if i if i stop watching the series i'm watching i won't know who dies i'm not even preaching to you we're on different planets i won't know what's going to happen in my fairy tale world your head is buried in the sand spiritually when you say i'd rather keep a connection to a world that's fantasy and not real than to connect to a god who's calling it out and pharaoh said i want it tomorrow just one more show let's just watch one more episode oh moses said okay whatever you want one more night with the frogs and boom the next day frogs disappear and god tells moses all right now turn the ground and the dust into lice which is some translucent say ticks regardless not very friendly things you want to you want near you lice and ticks that's great everywhere and here come the magicians and they go to turn the dust into lice and it didn't work because if you stay around the anointing long enough sooner or later the entertainment will not be able to keep up sooner or later if you stay around the fire long enough what entertains you will start to say i can't do what you're do in fact the magicians looked at pharaoh read the bible and said this is the finger of god in other words they told pharaoh the guy you brought in this palace has got more power than what you've been allowed to entertain in other words your entertainment starts to scream out to you that what you're getting on sunday morning in this sanctuary is more powerful than what you're watching friday night in your living room and henna and the enemy knows i said hell knows that if you ever engage in what's going on in here you'll be delivered from what you're bound by out there but you've got to disconnect yourself from what you're watching you know why because it is the trick of the enemy to get you to have two lives going at the same time oh boy here we go yes it is the trick of the enemy to get you to try to live in two currents two flows that's what happened in acts 27 they were driving the ship and the bible said they came to a place where two seas met which means two opposite currents and they tried to drive the ship through two opposite currents and they ran the ship aground in other words when you try who when you try to have god over here and the world here but they're all in here at the same time you're destined to shipwreck you can't oh i feel it you can't be spiritual at 11 30 to 1 on sunday and then be your old self from one till next sunday morning sooner or later you've got to put one ship to death and say that ship is not sailing with me anymore i'm not going down that stream i am going to give my shutter i'm going to give myself to the will of god i'm going to give myself to the ways of god i'm going to give myself to the plan of god that's why the bible says that your your eye is the light when your eye is single your whole body is full of light when your eye is focused one vision looking at one thing trying to do one thing but when your eye is evil when you eye when you've got other things trying you're trying to put god in a box while you keep the pornography addiction over here you're trying to keep god and keep keep worshiping like nothing's wrong when you've got a pill addiction going on that he said that's when the body is full of darkness james said a double-minded man is unstable in all of his ways if you're feeling unstable you've got more than one door open in your house you're letting god in on sunday and let something in on sunday night hmm and now pharaoh's why what do i do because these guys have always entertained me but now i'm being frustrated in fact the name janus means to vex and so now i'm being vexed by entertainment fact you'll read right here pharaoh never uses the magicians again at this point because he recognized what's entertaining me is not as powerful as the anointing on this moses hmm you know you know you want some of you want to do yourself a favor and just speak out loud to whatever show it is or song it is or whatever you're addicted to and speak it out loud that what is entertaining me is not as powerful as my pastor's anointing and if you'll start speaking that and declaring that out loud you'll sense a drawing to the moses in your atmosphere and a disconnect from the magicians in your world because some of you are trying to live in the miraculous and the magical at the same time and it does not work you cannot have miracles and magic you must make up your mind do you want the spirit or do you want the sorcery we just love to watch frozen 2 or 28 or whatever it is and all the little things are no big deal just just a little bit of sorcery sorcery yeah almost all those disney movies have sorcery by the way thank you to all seven of you and those lying denying people well it's no big deal i'll show you how big of a deal it is in a minute sorcery and so he said well okay i'm done with the magicians now the spirit says go submit to moses right now ask his forgiveness let him go repent but pharaoh just keeps being entertained because there are some people that don't do any of that worldly stuff but they still come to church to watch i really want to mess with you because i see some of you right now because somehow something in this world has convinced them that they are untouchable and therefore it's fine to relax and watch what god is doing oh help me holy ghost pharaoh said hmm okay this is not doing it for me anymore i'm just keep watching the show keep doing the miracles wow flies and darkness and hail and boils all these different plagues are being loosed and pharaoh's still fine until the plague comes to his house and the plague kills his boy and the scary part about entertainment is that when you're drunk on it when you're intoxicated with it you do things you can't even fathom and you say things you can't even imagine because pharaoh comes to moses with a dead kid and moses who has power like no human being has ever had in the planet moses has all this authority moses could probably raise the dead he can kill the living he's got pretty much all the stuff he needs and pharaoh looks at the guy with all the power and says last words pharaoh ever said in the bible to moses bless me also entertainment says even though my kids are dying even though my family's going to hell make me more comfortable it's quiet now i found you make it better for me personally who cares who's losing what who cares who's going through what i want more stuff shouters now they left the building pharaoh says yes he's dead i he could he said he could say please raise my son from the dead please forgive me please pray for my boy please please whatever protect my fam no bless me who says bless me with a dead kid in front of them somebody drunk on the show watching church watching miracles how many sunday you don't have sunday night right now go back in your mind how many sunday nights were there crazy breakthroughs in this building and you watched but did not participate oh i'm feeling it now get out of here moses just go bitter spirit get just get away just get out of here moses heads to the river the red sea and when they get to the red sea mo he opens it up and they go through and pharaoh changes his mind i just want one more show and so he chases moses into the red scene you remember how he started the encounter show show a miracle and now he dies watching a miracle he dies watching the miracle wash over him oh he dies watching the power of god drown him he oh it's quiet i'm not connecting it to you he dies watching what entertained him there are people in this room dying spiritually despite every breakthrough they experience sundays everything that comes by their pew every tear that drops out of their eye it's coming and god's trying to wash and yet they're dying because all they want to do is watch come on preacher get us excited we'll get excited in a minute maybe maybe not michael looked at david her husband and he was dancing before the lord and she said oh you're just she was watching she was watching the show and everyone else was worshiping and she's watching it and she gets bitter because when you watch church you become bitter before long when you become a spectator it's easy to criticize and analyze well i didn't like his tone there and i didn't like how he said this and i didn't what he really mean by that and what you're doing is you're you are letting hell know i am no longer engaged with the body of christ i am now trying to find something wrong with it and therefore you can use me as a mouthpiece to attack my preacher and attack leadership and when you become like that everything stands out to you every little flaw of the church stands out to you because you're no longer looking for revival you're looking to critique oh i'm preaching to you and so and michael started critiquing david and she said you're trying to show off for all the girls and everything like that and david said i'm going to worship even more than that here's the end end of it when when it's over when david's done worshiping michael gets barren she had seven boys before that and michael goes barren from that day forward and her seven boys a few chapters later are executed publicly in front of everyone ready for this if michael and pharaoh were in this room and they could preach one time to you from the gates of hell where they are they would look up at you and say the cost of intoxicating entertainment is the loss of your children i could put the mic down right now but i'm not trying i'm not sure somebody would even go to the altar spirit of prayer just hit this room just now spirit of prayer just hit this room but it's not it's not on some of you yet so i can't i literally could put the mic down right now because the cost of entertainment might not get you but it will get the one coming behind you you might watch it and be fine but someone's watching you they're watching you not worship they're watching you talk about pastor they're watching you not pay your tithes they're watching you watch all kind of filth on the screen then raise your hands at church like you're pure and holy i wish somebody would wake up and stop being a hypocrite and start being real and say god save me god deliver me god rescue me i feel like preaching i'm not i'm not mad at you but there's a spirit of hypocrisy in the building and in america that says we can do crazy stuff in front of our kids and then we can go act like we're holy sh the devil's a liar someone needs to be holy in your house be holy in front of the kids pray that you're oh oh pharaoh said show me the miracles moses said show me the glory pharaoh said i'm here to watch the show moses said i'm here to be the show i'm here to do everything i can for god let me ask you something what is your family really worth to you because i promise you junior watches dad watch his mom why do you talk this way at church and this way to us why do you smile to everybody in church but scream all day at us why are you living in two flows well i'll tell you why are you trying to impress everyone that doesn't even know you but letting everything in to the ones that love you well i preacher you're preaching too hard no i'm really not i'm trying to preach to all of us that we need to wake up and recognize that this thing is coming to an end and someone needs to stand up and say i'm sick of satan getting in the house i want to block the doorways and protect the babies i want to keep everything well you know it's really no big deal i'm not saying it's a big deal to watch i'm not attacking what you watch if it's sinful you should know better already what i'm saying is when it comes to the place where you can't feel god you can't pray more than 30 seconds unless there's music in the background when they dismiss and you're the first one out the door you've got another flow going on and it's entertaining you and the spirit of fear has nothing on the spirit of entertainment the entertainment spirit fear spirit scares you but the entertainment spirit wants to assassinate your kids and your family and your marriage what do you want how bad do you really need that show it might do some of you some good to turn some screens off i know this is not going to be popular but check your screen time on your phone next week and then tell me why you can't pray five minutes a day and you know what's even worse than you is that i'm in a pentecostal church having to say that if i was facing the world i could get it but i'm talking to people that have been delivered rescued know the power of prayer know what it feels like to linger i wish god would give us a lingering spirit to where i'm not so anxious to get up from the prayer closet to check my phone but instead i can't wait to hear what he's gonna say next in his word preacher you're all alone up there right now yeah moses was alone they killed john the baptist when he starts calling out stuff like this they cut the preacher's head off when he starts calling out the dancing going on in the house and the spirits let me just mike i'm going to date myself real quick i want to say something that's one of the most powerful statements i've ever heard michael landon who played charles ingalls on little house on the prairie you and all this michael landon said before he died that watching tv and entertainment is being entertained by people in your living room that in reality you would never let in your living room let me just oh i feel the holy ghost right now i feel the holy ghost just because you're not doing what you're watching well i'm not doing that stuff but you're letting it in your eyes can i i feel the holy ghost right now some of you are letting stuff in your eyes and even though you're not doing it physically it entertains your eyes and you have more adultery in you than you realize right now because you're letting stuff in your spirit i wish you would wake up and repent and throw the demon out and say my eyes belong to god my ears belong to god my heart belongs to god my my oh it's quiet i know we're starting to clap it but i'm telling you in the holy ghost it is time well i you would never let someone do a drug deal in your living room you never let some people wear the clothes they're wearing in front of your kids in front of you why are you preaching so hard preacher i'm after a spirit if you're mad it's because you're in love with the spirit you can't cast out what you flirt with but you can get mad at the guy for calling it out and there are people in the church that defend their demons let me just say this you might be fine and still able to get up and pray i feel fine but just because you're fine that does not mean you should make your son deal with his daddy's demons and you should not make your daughter deal with the monsters that her mother dealt with someone to wake up and recognize i might be okay but i don't know if they'll be okay in 15 years when i can't protect them so as for me and my house somebody ought to get apostolic up in here ask for we are not charismatic we're the apostolic church we're not trying to blend in with egypt we're trying to go to the promised land we're trying to become what god wants us to be stand to your feet when i say egypt i don't mean the nation i'm talking about when they were there you can't there was it was crazy they're there god said you'd be in bondage 400 years i want you to get this 400 years and the bible said after 430 years they cried unto god and god told moses i have heard their cry and have come to deliver them ready they were only supposed to be there 400 years but 30 years after their exit date they still had not cried to get out and until you start crying to get out of what entertains you and what's holding you hostage until you start saying god i'm not going to the altar to be blessed i'm not going to the altar to feel good i'm going to the altar to deal with me i'm going to the altar to deal with the locked doors that i've not been the things that are going wrong i'm here to deal with me when you start to cry out boom he comes down i'm here to deliver and right before the greatest exodus of humankind when three million people left in one night there was a stay-at-home decree that was issued and everyone had to stay in their houses and they had to socially distance you to be in your home with your family and everyone was afraid everyone was what's going on what's going on put the blood on your door moses said and we're all good we know we got the blood yeah we got the blood we're good we're safe we're protected but then he said this statement he said and stay in your houses because it's scary when you try to live outside the blood and that's why you can plead the blood and it doesn't work because you're not submitted to the blood and you've got to get behind the blood because there's about to be a deliverance jesus is about to come back and you can't say well i was baptized but then i live like a devil i got the holy ghost but i skipped church every week i did this but i could care less about being faithful when you do that you're saying i got the blood on the door but i'm not in the house moses said you'll die you won't make it you won't survive you're watching your way into hell now if i tell you this you've got to understand when the world if this there's probably we're probably not going back to the way things were i hope you understand that okay some of you are delusional but we're not going back okay i love you but hello wake up but whatever the new normal is those people that are coming out of drugs out of that world out of the pain that are surviving and don't know how and they're coming looking for a church when this thing is over they're not looking for for a church with fabricated glory we got the best platform you got the coolest lights you got the biggest screen it's awesome it's cool but when these people show up this harvest is not going to care you mark it down that i said it the harvest that's coming to your church is not going to care how great all this is of they want to know can you heal my cancer can you save my marriage can you get my kid off drugs can you deliver my mind [Applause] people fabricate the real thing when they're not consecrated enough to produce the real thing but i tell you right you can have all this and it's beautiful but the one thing you've got to make sure is at the top when they walk in these doors they've got to know they've entered the house of power and authority where they can be changed and they can be delivered and they can be rescued we're getting ready to pray her baby was born august 24 21st last week and different nurses were coming in doing different things and i went to the house to check on the other three kids and how many kids we have now and uh and this nurse walked in and she wanted to test our baby his name is jackson maybe jax is hearing so she's checking on jax and she's looking in his ears and and then she told my wife this my wife called me she said man there's something different about you my wife is laying in the bed and the lady goes you know i was a pastor's wife and then we did missions work in peru this pandemic just took us out we were so discouraged she said my husband got into a car accident and she said he was so out of it and so discouraged he just gave the people information to just call me whatever his insurance went home got some alcohol just defeated a preacher and the cops come and arrest him for leaving the scene the judge throws the book at him three years in prison and she said before that we had tried different churches and we had pastor we were just and she said last week i had my first zoom call with him since he's been in prison she said it it was great until he lowered his mask and they cut the call off for him lowering his mask she said these words i told him i've got to find a pentecostal church because that's the only place i know where i feel something in the altar and she said she looks at my wife and my wife says my husband's pentecostal preacher and the lady starts just getting emotional saying okay god brought me in here and my wife's connecting with the bible study with her now a former preacher's wife different denomination losing everything and said there was one time i was in a pentecostal church and now that she's on the bottom she doesn't care about the show the lights the great sir she wants to know is there some atmosphere that can fix my husband when he comes out of the jail is there an atmosphere that can heal my broken heart while i'm suffering while waiting is there an atmosphere that can protect my baby until our family's back together and i want to ask this city and i want to speak to this city and ask this church this city needs to hear that there is an atmosphere i should preach on atmospheres next week there's an atmosphere in this city that can deliver you from anything you're bound by you might be in this room right now you might be afflicted and tormented but i'm telling you in the holy ghost we have the real thing i did a seminar for general conference last week and one of the statements i made to our pastors was this i am getting scared that our pastors are now more excited about views online than baptisms more excited about how many people stop by their website than how many people got the holy ghost god help us because we've got no matter what's thrown against us and how hard we're being attacked or persecuted we must have revival we must win the city we must do [Applause] the bible said in egypt the more they afflicted them the more they multiplied in acts 8 the more they attack them they scatter and then whenever we're preaching you're not waiting for revival you are the revival get away from the entertainment and connect yourself to the anointing get away from chilling during a pandemic and connect yourself to consecrating somebody get a walk with god somebody get a prayer life going somebody repent of some things your eyes have been seeing and let the enemy know i'm leaving i'm leaving i'm leaving i'm not staying bound i'm not staying depressed i'm not staying discouraged i am gonna be free i put the mic down right now would you pray or would you leave if you want to come to the front wherever you want to do it you want to pray in your peel but i don't want you to come pray bless me also i want you to pray god get my eyes right get my ears right if you can't hear god's because there's too many other voices you can't hear god maybe you should turn some other things down listen to the voice of the spirit for entertainment is intoxicating our people may the lord bless you in jesus name but there's no music exactly welcome to a relationship with prayer get past your flesh get past your flesh you might want to step out of the pew might want to do something different i don't know maybe you want to kneel down the pew but you might want to just fight your flesh right now the show is over the show is over the preaching is done what are you going to do what are you going to do what are you going to do moses is leaving egypt moses is headed to a mountain to meet god someone needs to recognize what's in your midst right now and pursue it [Applause] i've told you before the average altar call last seven minutes in north america we don't know how to pray help us to learn how to linger help us to learn to pray until we're out of our flesh until we're laying things down that we didn't want to lay down come on lay something down you don't want to talk about something you don't want to talk about with god deal with something you don't want to deal with admit something you don't want to admit and watch how things change watch him reach down we want answers from god and throw some extra stuff on the altar you want some answers from god elijah put some stuff on the altar you want some answers from god lay some things down you don't have to lay down but you want to lay down lay aside the sin and the weight the weight and the sin not just the sin but there might be some things that are not sinful but they're just weighing you down spiritually they're keeping you disconnected they're keeping you from having god dreams why are you getting attacked in your dreams what are you watching for you go to sleep what do you pray are you praying at all are you connected at all is there anything going on your spirit in the 930 service an angel of the lord was in this room and he walked by different pews and people randomly began to cry out randomly out of nowhere and begin to wail and speak in tongues because an angel was passing them by i asked you lord say that angel again right now let him go walk the aisles let him walk through the chairs let him walk and touch people that need their eyes open and their spirits open to the word of god come on somebody break through come on i'm pushing you but you you know how to do it you know how to pray you know how to break down and let it go let those things go let those walls down there's a voice calling me from an old rugged tree and he whispers draw closer to me leave your cares behind there are new heights to climb new things in me you'll find whatever it takes to draw closer to you lord that's what i'll be willing to do whatever it takes to be more like you that's what i'll be willing to do there we go i think the angel is here [Music] i think the angel has arrived lord loose the angels loose them into every home loose them into every home come on help us to stop getting over moves of god so quickly help us to stop looking at our watches and clocks every time the server starts to break out we we're going longer than normal today come on you're stuck you're stuck in a mentality you're stuck in entertainment mode you're stuck in a culture liberty he didn't look at his watch on the cross [Music] there is a breakthrough and a breakdown at odds right now i definitely feel spiritual warfare pastors undergo i feel spiritual warfare going on in this church right now i feel angels fighting demons in the spirit i feel like people are saying god help me and that's loosing the angels to go at war with the things that the people had let in in the demonic world there's something going on right now in the heavenlies someone needs to let the angels loose let the angels loose in your home let the angels loose in your marriage let god loosen your conversation let god loosen on the screen let god loose come on stop giving everything to the dead to the devil come on someone let the enemy know no no no no no no no esther me in my house [Applause] come on forgive us for hypocrisy [Applause] forgive us for trying to flow down two currents for drifting in two streams for trying to have revival while we're relaxed you can never have relaxed revival you can never have chilled church and see a harvest you can never have a time where you take time off while the devil keeps fighting you and fighting you we all need to rest i understand i understand those times the rest but be careful when your rest transforms into relaxation and cardinality takes over your mind and it's hard to stir yourself it's hard to awaken yourself let the word get in your spirit wake up the mighty men wake up the mighty man [Applause] [Music] somebody start praying i'm tired of drifting i'm tired having no control i'm tired of having no uh priorities right i'm tired of just letting things happen and living in reactionary mode to what happens in my day rather than taking control of my well i'll pray if i get around to it that's why i haven't prayed in 12 days i'll read my bible tomorrow i promise that's why i haven't read your bible in weeks because you're trying to get around to it it's part of the flow it's got to become everything to you i feel the holy ghost it's time to reprioritize everything it's time to put god back on the throne and prayer meeting is the most important appointment that you have tomorrow and nothing else matters [Applause] how can god direct my steps if i never check in with his orders [Applause] how can god counsel me if i never read his word [Applause] i feel prophetic anointing i feel the prophetic in here right now i feel the prophetic anointing of god in here right now pray for god to let you rest but be careful when you start wanting relaxation over rest that's when your guard is down rest is spiritual god rested on the seventh day did not say god relaxed rest feed your spirit meditate on the things of god listen for his voice oh i feel the holy ghost i feel like i'm gonna fight with something right now but i feel the holy ghost pushing me pulling on me stop drifting you're further downstream than you think stop drifting swim swim for it swim for it close with this let me get this to your pastor the first time peter saw jesus on the water he said if it's you bid me come he wanted to walk on water but the second time after the crucifixion resurrection when peter had drifted into backsliding cursing and going fishing back to his old life he sees jesus on the shore and the bible said he dove in the water and swam to him didn't ask let me walk on it just said i've got to get to him didn't care what it looked like this time just gotta get damn you know you've drifted when you have to swim for it when you're asking for lower things you're not asking to walk on the water now just god get me out of this some of you start swimming you're going to walk on the water again but start swimming start fighting the current don't let fox news and cnn be your source of peace because they'll give you one good report and you'll feel good and they want bad report and you'll think the world's ending every second get back in the word oh i feel the holy ghost right sorry for bugging you on that right there i'm sorry there's tongues and interpretation in here [Music] [Music] be in pastor the lord is going to give you a series on the mind the head some kind of series on the mind or the head soon because there is extreme this is two times in the service this morning there was tongues interpretation and now both times god is trying to get into the heads of this church into the mind and i'm telling there must be an extreme warfare going on in the minds of some great people and the lord wants to bring victory inwardly and it will manifest outwardly i felt it so strongly as he was speaking just now in the holy ghost that i will speak to pastor and i will give him a series on the mind and so i don't know what's going to happen in that but that's going to be transformative there's about to be inward victory like you've never imagined and i'm going to say this too there's about to be a flow of peace in your house in your marriage in your conversations in your finances i feel a witness of the spirit right now someone lift up your hands right now pastors coming give your mind to god right now give your mind to god give your mind to god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'd like everybody to stand real quick but the hero we receive that word you have imparted unto us you don't want to miss the next couple of weeks the next couple of wednesdays god is just going to build upon what he started today and i promise you god is up to something incredible in your life and in this church had two texts this morning neither one of them knew that we were they were texting me but i got a text there was a pastor pastor of the apostolic church in gallatin his name is marcus he had an aneurysm yesterday and he passed away he's about 40 years old these are friends of the houses and this church is in in need and we're going to pray over this church had another pastor contact me this morning and i'm going to just read a text to you he said if you have anyone in your church who can cook we don't have this is that let me just set the stage here the hurricane lord came through baton rouge and lake charles area they're in the lake charles area if i showed you pictures of their church it's devastating he said if anyone in your church can cook we don't have it anywhere to eat we have served 2 500 meals in the last two days but we can't keep it up we have just cooked on the grill on the side of the road and people have waited over an hour for just a plate of lunch or breakfast burrito it doesn't matter if it's hot dogs we have food for today and tomorrow if you can help that would be much appreciated i don't know what to do and i wrestle with these you know all i know to do is bring it to this church and pray but as god begins to transform us god's going to use us at the same time you're in a spiritual battle church you're in a spiritual battle this is not just holding on till we get through this is putting our minds into and just to confirm what you were saying just to confirm i want to tell you the verse that was going in my mind as you were saying that you had no idea it's a it's the verse that paul wrote to timothy said put them in remembrance of these things put them in the remembrance of these things i'm telling you the series that was going in my mind is things that you should never forget that's exactly seconds before you said that second seconds lord jesus i bring these deeds to you right now god we're your people we don't know what to do but in the name of jesus i speak god in authority and such a calm clarity god and confirmation i pray over this church of faith that rises in the midst of ashes and concerns god that you are the solution and that your ways are perfect god i don't know how to answer these needs but i speak a word over this family the moors god that are suffering lost through an aneurysm god in the name of jesus i pray over that church i pray over these young children i pray over the spouse in the name of jesus i pray that you would help and bring comfort and strength to them god as they navigate a new reality i pray over this pastor in mos bluff lake charles oh god that their community has been devastating god lord i don't know how we're supposed to help but i pray the answer will show up god i'm asking for bold faith i'm asking god in this revival that we would trust you lord i know there's a little bit that's uncomfortable god i know there's a part of it that's plowing up some things god that is surfacing some things that must be surfaced but give us the courage and the belief god that this is working out for your glory oh god i pray it in the name of jesus christ i speak it over this congregation and i give you honor and glory in the name of jesus come on put your hands together when you're shouting to god one more time for the shout out to god one more time come over to every man in this building come on if you're watching shout out to god every lady if you're watching shout out to god victory is on its way in the name of jesus and will you just submit this prayer say in the name of jesus brother joe we have a lot more than what everybody understand i'll give thank you joe thank you joe you got to know joe joe joe's he's not a wealthy man he's a faithful man for sure i didn't ask him to do that i promise you i don't understand for me i don't know what to do i don't know thank you brother amen i i don't i just know to obey god and say are we going to be a part of the answer yes sister say again 500 thank you to help me yes thank you thank you father thank you yes yes there's there oppression just whatever god do yes let's go thank you yes that's a single moment i'm just telling you it's either we're going to walk in the spirit and we're going to let god leave this church or we're going to try to just manage this thing but i'm telling you if we'll trust god god will do something incredible among us and i promise you there's revival in this there is a nice supernatural revival come on one more time let's just give god thank you lord thank you [Applause] my house in jesus name if you want to give that is on you you can you can connect with the church office me pastor dan but i want you to know i love you please don't miss wednesday please don't miss sunday it's going to happen i promise you something supernatural is going to take place lord i pray the peace of god i speak god your favor upon your people lord this is the day the lord hath made we will rejoice as we depart today we depart in your presence meet every family every marriage every home and god we're going to pray over remiss here in a moment but i'm asking for you god to go with those god today in jesus name amen amen brother ramez if you don't mind would you come real quickly would you just come quickly pastor dan brother billy if you'll grab my mask real quick i want to invite those if you would love to stand with thank you thank you son if you'd like to stand with romance would you just come if you want to gather around him we're going to do this real quick and i know we're going a little bit later but i'd like for as many of you that want to would you gather around for a minute he's got decisions to make he's he's got a home here he's got jobs here he's going to go away for a while and there's a lot that god needs to do but i believe the church family is what how we see things through amen we partner with one another and would you just stretch your hand forth right now would you do that oh in the name of jesus i pray the power of the holy ghost oh god god i speak your favor right now god over remus i speak a hand to rest upon him oh lord god i'm asking for you to ordain his steps and give him wisdom i pray for clarity oh god favor i pray god the an open door that no man can shut hakaya in the name of jesus i pray god god protect him as he goes i pray and bring him back safely oh lord i'm asking lord that you put angels about him and we thank you for him oh lord in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus would you just put your hands together one last [Applause] time there are
Channel: Goodlettsville Pentecostal Church
Views: 28,829
Rating: 4.9421406 out of 5
Keywords: apostolic, pentecostal church, tim zuniga, church goodlettsville, nashville tennessee, worship, jesus, preaching, god, christian, prayer, goodlettsville, hope, bible, corporate worship, church tennessee, tennessee, sermon 2020, church nashville, jeremy daigle, upci, apostolic preaching, united pentecostal church, nashville, preaching 2020, sermon, Josh Herring 2020, Josh Herring preaching, Josh Herring
Id: M_TtU3WOjPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 55sec (4015 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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