Rev. Josh Herring - Divine Adjustments

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[Music] come on let's do it tonight bless his name tonight give him praise tonight [Music] thank you mighty god amen how many's come to bless his name tonight amen you come to give him praise why don't you put your hand together and clap unto the king hey man he's a great guy hallelujah i said he's a great guy oh yeah praise god praise god it's good to be in the house of the lord on a monday night amen been snowing all day amen but it couldn't stop the church you man i i said yesterday if we have 14 feet of snow we're having church amen i'm tired of all this foolishness the devil's trying to do amen snowstorms and everything else it's it's time to have revival amen hallelujah praise god praise god amen we're so thankful for all of you that are in the house of the lord tonight he met a lot of people not here amen due to weather and sickness or whatever but we're glad that you're here and we're so thankful that the presence of the lord is in this place amen what a great outpouring of the holy ghost we had here yesterday amen at least 19 people filled with the holy ghost i think we ought to give god praise one more time for that [Applause] praise god praise god amen we're so thankful to have brother herring with us there's something wrong with this microphone brother max i believe amen we're so thankful that brother herring is with us amen we want him to come tonight how many is going to help him preach [Music] amen brother heron come take your liberty god bless you in jesus name we're so thankful that you're here at the lighthouse [Music] and praise the lord everybody yesterday was a bad day for the devil and i hope it gets worse tonight amen [Music] something so powerful about group of apostolic people agreeing meeting in a place like this and worshiping god power of unity in the atmosphere and uh and what a great great breakthrough give honor to your pastor i do it everywhere but i i honor your pastor here especially he's doing an incredible job 19 people getting the holy ghost during covet that's that's a special church that's a special pastor special people [Applause] amen [Music] and their revival will continue i just believe the lord is just stirring things up and just starting things off for you i give honor to the smiths both elder and and pastor smith and give on to my beautiful wife and my kids and jude's back here with me tonight and we will get in the car head back to indiana tonight and get up about five and drive to pensacola florida who wants to drive to pensacola tomorrow yeah no one wow that'll be fun and uh but i'm so thankful they're supporting me and and helping us as we do this i've been wrestling with two messages all day and since about six o'clock this morning until tonight so feel a shifting here to this one acts chapter eight apologize to the media for not giving you anything but uh thank you for being flexible and rolling with me here acts eight verse three and four you see my buddy riley here tonight from muncie acts 8 3 as for saul he made havoc of the church entering into every house hailing men and women committed them to prison therefore they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the word and i want to talk to you tonight from the subject divine adjustments divine adjustments lord jesus have your way in this place take authority over every spirit human and demonic that would try to hinder or distract anything thank you for what you did yesterday only you could do something like that we give you the glory and the praise which you're going to do tonight what you can do the rest of this week in jesus name and somebody said amen you may be seated my mentor brother hernandez taught me something and what he taught me was hell has no power to create they only have the power to react it's funny how the word creating and reacting have the same letters but heaven is always in a creative mode and hell is always in a reactive mode it's amazing how we give the devil credit for coming up with these incredible schemes that are attacking our family or our church or our nation but the truth is hell from the beginning of time has never been able to create something they have to copy they have to mimic or they have to react demons never know what you're going to do when you leave the parking lot they don't know if you're going to go left or right they don't know if you're going to go to a restaurant if you're going to go home they do not know what you're going to do a lot of people think the devil's watching them everywhere they go but it's really not true and if you think the devil himself is watching you you are pretty powerful because he only dealt with seven or eight people in the bible himself so so but most of the time people give the demonic credit that the demons know what's going on that's why they're attacking the truth is this demons do not know what's going on in your world but demons know what's going on in the spirit world and so demons recognize when angels are coming to you and that's why they react and go crazy when there's something powerful in the atmosphere of heaven that makes its way toward earth hell responds with some kind of chaotic activity to distract the church to frustrate the people because they see what's going on in the heavens i hope you realize what's going on right now if you had a bad day today it's not because you're a great spiritual warrior 19 people got the holy ghost yesterday i fully expect the devil to be mad right now i hope he's very mad if the enemy attacked your family don't throw in the towel and backslide you ought to thank the lord it's a reaction to what they see heaven doing and if hell is reacting heaven must be creating something in your world and in your family so if they're attacking you it's a compliment from the enemy that something good is headed toward your house so i'm not gonna bow my head i'm not going to be defeated i'm not going to be discouraged i'm going to shout the house down because something powerful is headed to my atmosphere and if it's headed to my atmosphere then i know one thing if hell's acting up god has big plans for me you want to act like you believe it you want to tell the devil thank you for clarifying thank you for validating thank you for focusing me on the breakthrough that's coming [Applause] oh you're driving them crazy right now they cannot stand it when they have reacted and messed with you all day long but on a monday night your hands are raised your mouth is open and you're saying though he slay me yet shall i trust him and god is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all i ask for things somebody take a praise break they're just reacting they never retreat they re-strategize when this doesn't work then they shift to this they can hold an entire church hostage for years without great demonstration with all kind of distracting spirits and attacks here and there and drama and issues but the second the church gets through that it has the demonstration i'll tell you what's going on the spirit world right now they are re-strategizing because all the drama they've tried boy i feel something that they've tried to put you through it's no longer going to work because you've broken through that dimension where that type of distraction could hinder you from having your breakthrough oh so while the devil is town don't sit there and wait but keep praising god because you have entered a new dimension as a church where god can trust you with revival like he's never given you before i'm telling you drama is ceasing distractions will stop that's no longer the channel that they're going to be able to operate in you know why because they realize the end game of that dimension was demonstration you broke through and got into demonstration so therefore they do not want the life of the holy ghost they do not want to bring that type of attack to you any longer if you can ever break through what they're trying to distract you with you can connect to what god's plan for you the entire time and it forces hell to change their tactics [Applause] all he wanted to do was make jesus fall you can sit down all he wanted to make jesus do is fall to temptation but he tried it three times and it didn't work so he re-strategized from i don't want to tempt jesus now i want to kill jesus now so he had to go recruit judas because as as i've been taught my whole life demons can do nothing without humans involvement and so they had to get humans involved because he couldn't kill jesus he couldn't tempt jesus he had to get people that were carnal and disconnected to be the vessels he could flow through that's why if you ever get unified and stop gossiping and stop complaining and stop murmuring and stop being carnal you can have a revival that's endless but the devil's always looking for the one vessel who's mad and critical and looking for a judas to kill the revival that's what he does he restricts so so if he can't get you through the mental attacks he shifts to the financial or can't get you there he gets you he gets physical or he'll get emotional he he finds the channel and the whole time he's looking for one thing i want you to write this down your brain he's looking for you and i to react in the flesh here's why if he re-strategizes the attack and brings the attack in a different form and it causes you or i to react in the flesh we are now following the plan of hell because hell is reactionary and if they get me to react i'm following even if i don't break down i just simply say something i shouldn't say if they're getting me to react to it then they're driving the car again [Applause] but if you can get in the shokata if you can get in the spirit you can get ahead of what they're trying to make you react to and you can see the attack that's on the way because you are in a creative mindset not in a reactive mindset you've got a heavenly mind yeah and you can turn patmos into paradise you can take a situation where they're trying to get you to go crazy and get a word from god in the worst type of atmosphere so there's certain things that we know we can't adjust with the certain things we know to hold on to there are certain things there's strategies of warfare that you know personally and the church knows corporately that works against the enemy we know we know the doctrine works the devils fear the one god we know holiness works we know prayer works we know fasting works we know giving works we we have a few weapons that we know if i step into this i can stop the attack we know that that's not what you need to adjust but when they try something new but i feel like i'm prophesying for this week right now when they try something new on you the entire motive is to get you back into the flesh and here's why i'm off my nose but i want to say this to you every morning when you wake up there's three dimensions of warfare you will step into if you live in the spirit number one is the flesh and that's why you wake up and you pray to god and you talk to god before you talk to humans because your flesh it needs to be put under subjection of the spirit and so after you conquer the flesh war you don't just step into the spirit world in between the flesh war and the spirit war is the worldly dimension so you'll get out of you you'll conquer yourself in prayer you'll repent of your sins and you'll go out in public and the devil tries to use the world to get you back into the flesh so someone will cut you off in traffic someone will say something someone walk by whatever they can do to get you back into the fleshly dimension but if you do not react and you do not respond you step out of the worldly dimension into the spirit world and the devil doesn't want you there because that's his turf and that's his atmosphere and if you just stop reacting to everything the devil says to you you will see things that you've never seen before you'll hear things you've never heard before because you're now in a new dimension so in acts 8 up until acts 8 verse 4 the first seven chapters of acts the first three verses of acts 8 leadership did everything leadership called the prayer meetings leadership spoke out leadership fasted leadership preached leadership went to jail leadership did everything on the front line but when they released a new attack that said get in your house and we're coming after the church and you can't have church it unleashed the body to go from leadership doing everything to everybody doing everything see what the devil fears more than anything it's not a great breakthrough anointing at the holy ghost what he fears is you getting loose and following that and walking in that he doesn't mind if an evangelist comes in and pastor and bishop and the advantage to go around praying everybody through that doesn't bother him it's when you start praying people through it's when you get a bible study at starbucks it's when you witness to a co-worker it's when you invite your neighbor when that stuff starts happening then the body is step yes we're under attack but it's called the divine adjustment to where revival goes from controlled to uncontrollable and all i'm telling you tonight is god wants to give you an uncontrollable revival that hell cannot stop but it's going to take people on the back row in the middle in the balcony in the front everybody has got to loose himself and say i've got to get involved in the kingdom [Applause] it's a divine adjustment what they fear more than anything is a church or group of people or an individual getting in the spirit turn to your neighbor and say get in the spirit drop the grudge drop the drama drop the distraction and get in the spirit they said john we're going to kill you on patmos we boiled you every apostle is dead but you you're going to be sentenced there to die with the criminals but the bible said john got in the spirit and if somebody gets in the spirit it doesn't matter what you sentence them with where you sentence them who you sentence them with if they get in the spirit they can turn any atmosphere that's hellacious into a heavenly atmosphere because it's a divine adjustment remember when noah was stuck on that boat for over a year you talk about uh maybe maybe you would like that but i'd be pretty miserable with the same people and animals every day on a boat especially if i was hungry and there was like cows right there or deer and you have to feed them instead of anyway and for a year they're in the boat no sign of anything changing the ark rests on the mountain which by the way if you check it out in your history the ark rested on mount erat the same day of the calendar year that jesus christ rose from the dead so anyway just saying that was for free they rested and they're sitting there with no sign of life so noah in the flesh with logic says choose an intelligent species choose an intelligent bird to go find evidence of life so he chooses a raven which is the most intelligent of all the birds ravens are amazing at finding things they are incredible they have incredible vision there's all kind of just read your story recently blow your mind how smart they are so noah logically says if i choose a raven that's the most logical way to find evidence that this storm is over and god's gonna bring us out of it yeah and the but i want you to get this the bible said the raven went to and fro a lot of preachers say the raven went out and never came back that's not true read the bible it went to and for it kept coming back here's the problem it was comfortable it was faithful it was committed but it was unfruitful there's a lot of times we get comfortable with things that aren't working well i'm gonna preach my entertainment message next week because we're not shouting [Applause] and just because it's comfortable what do you mean it's because you pray 30 minutes in the morning but you haven't spoken in tongues in six weeks just because it's your routine doesn't mean it's working oh i feel the holy ghost right now about to mess with somebody because god is not in your routine he's interested in you getting a breakthrough every morning in your prayer closet and some of you think i'm talking a foreign language because you don't know what morning prayer is but can i tell you in the holy ghost if you will shift into the spirit you will see things happen that you can't even fathom happening and the raven was coming it was it's he's coming back so i mean it's it's just comfortable it's just it's just good church it's it's just this this is what we do around here and that's why sunday morning god made me stop the shouting oh it's real quiet this is fun because when demonstration enters an atmosphere it has to kill what's comfortable and while we were having fun shouting and i'm all for it something greater was behind the shout and we had to stop what was comfortable to connect what was divine and so god is telling us this you i know you love to do this but this attack is still here so if you'll just stop the train and trust me a moment i've got something that can give you that can alter the atmosphere to where if the devil tries to do anything it's not that we shout down and we have a good time it's that people get healed of cancer and they get delivered from drugs and they get the holy ghost and they get baptized because there's a new dimension of power does that make sense some of you getting it okay so noah shifts and grabs another bird that logically this this one does not make it's a dove not very intelligent but noah realizes what i'm doing with logic is not working let me make an adjustment well someone's about to give a dove idea in here makes no sense in the flesh but noah had no idea he was getting in the spirit because hundreds of years later when jesus christ would come out of the water in baptism the spirit of god would descend upon him like a dove not a raven and noah shifts from what was comfortable into what god demanded and it was uncomfortable but the dove comes back with evidence of life that changes the atmosphere can i preach to someone right now someone in this house is about to get ideas from god that your flesh are going to say that's not going to work that's not going to make sense but if you will trust god and you will make the adjustment the dove is going to bring back more fruit and more in everything you can fathom than what you've been trying i know i'm way over some of your heads right now i'm just looking down on you like what are you talking about i'm talking about changing your routine changing how you pray changing how you approach people at your job changing what you talk about at the dinner table changing who you talk about at the dinner table if some of you would stop talking about leadership and start talking about revival you would see evidence in your family of revival and the blessings of god i know when i hit flesh that's not a spirit that's flesh hmm esther you're supposed to die this that's the that's the plan of hell you're supposed to die in this scheme and everything esther did didn't work until ready until she said call it fast and the second esther stopped eating it was over the second esther said i'm not gonna eat food just a tiny little thing for three days god said that's all i'm looking for somebody made an adjustment and got in the spirit because you can't eat food and live in the spirit all the time because food is flesh but when food feeds your flesh but when you say no to food you step into the spirit yes the devil gets mad yes things happen but it's because he's reacting to you saying i'm not satisfied with what i'm getting access to here at this level i believe i can get closer to the key and get an answer from the king that i cannot get by eating so i'm going to push shokata i'm going to push the plate away to access and answer my god if someone realized that the answer is so close it's just taking an adjustment on your part [Applause] y'all didn't like that huh keep eating god will send you revival once a year but if somebody gets in the spirit and starts fasting and starts praying and starts seeking god you'll see this thing break out where the building can't contain it and the walls can't hold it because the spirit demands new evidence y'all remember when paul and silas with the midnight hour we all preach about that you know every preacher's ever preached more than five minutes let's preach that the midnight hour and they were beat up you know paul and silas prayed saying i won't know what they were doing before midnight they i know they weren't praising i know they weren't praying so what were they talking about because whatever they were talking about and whoever they were talking about kept god locked out and as long as we are satisfied just talking about everything we lose everything god can invade with and admit someone needs to take the midnight shift at the midnight hour paul said i'm going to stop talking what i'm talking about and i'm going to start praying and praising you know what paul did he went from the flesh to the spirit and he stepped into the spirit in a dungeon but his his connection was so powerful that god wanted to get down in the dungeon the problem was the dungeon couldn't hold god's power so when god stepped in all the doors exploded all the chains fell off because dungeons can't hold the spirit and chains can't hold the spirit if the show i feel like if people keep coming and they're not getting delivered if people have chains on them and they come to the house of god and they leave with chains on them it's the product already of people in the church talking about the wrong thing oh i'm in the holy ghost right now you can blame any preacher you want you can say to them that didn't have the word for me but if a church is talking too much the signal that a church is not speaking in the spirit its people don't get delivered but when you have a prayer meeting on a saturday and you say we're all going to pray till something breaks open and we're all going to start speaking spirit words then on sunday morning when they come in bound shut up and they come in addicted you'll see them leave filled with the holy ghost because it's a change [Applause] can you put up for me jonah two i'm sorry guys i got two things for you first jonah two verse nine and ten okay i would like to say something about jonah he runs from god we all know it he's entitled not gonna go there not gonna do this and god puts him in a storm he still doesn't obey god god throws him into the sea still doesn't obey god and a whale swallows him and he still doesn't obey god for three days you give me three minutes inside a whale i'm submitting to god some you're like me i hope god sends you a shark then three days not praying not doing what you want you talk about pride some people will some people won't come to the altars because you ask them to there's a better chance of them come to the altar without you saying anything as a preacher because the second you sound like everyone i'll show him i ain't going okay jonah enjoy the whale enjoy the unanswered prayers enjoy the darkness enjoy the storms god tries to give us access out and sometimes we can't see it because of pride and so jonah is entitled he's rebellious and for almost two chapters he runs from god but something connected in chapter two and he's praying and then at the end of the chapter he adjusts what he's saying and he says i will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanksgiving i will pay that i have vowed salvation is of the lord verse 10 and the lord spake unto the fish and it vomited out jonah on the dry land watch this up until two verse nine he's entitled and rebellious but in two verse nine he adjusts from entitlement and rebellion to thanksgiving and commitment and all god needed from jonah was to be thankful and to be committed and as soon as he changed his posture and as soon as he changed his speech god said everything that's holding you back i have commanded to release you everything keeping you from your destiny has just been commanded by god to let go of you when you change your speech [Applause] what would happen if you made a divine adjustment and began talking differently reacting differently because i promise you you're going to leave here tonight and when the attack comes tomorrow or when's the earth something's gonna whisper to you don't respond the same way don't say what you always say don't fall for the bait because hell's plan is being exposed and they're doing everything they can to get you back into the flesh back into the drama back into the distraction but you have stepped into a revival and you can't afford to let this revival die you can't afford to say well that was a good sunday but you don't know what they said about me it's time to drop the grudges it's time to drop the rocks it's time to drop the anger [Applause] acts 8 is the greatest revival in the book of acts acts 7 a preacher dies by being stoned to death his name was stephen and they got right there's a whole lot of stuff here they take rocks to stone him and he looks at them as they're attacking him with rocks and he's and they and he he's he's being hit he goes to sleep but right before he does he says lord lay not this sin to their charge ready on judgment day don't bring this up here's what he's really saying everything they're throwing at me god i don't want you to see it i don't want you to remember it now watch this look at samson look at stephen they both died the exact same way they both had rocks hitting their head they both could not see samson was blind stephen fell asleep they both died calling on the lord the difference is this one thing samson died praying god avenged me and stephen died praying god don't avenge me samson couldn't get over boy for the holy ghost what was done to him he died angry he died mad he died ticked off and yes god answered his prayer but stephen in the exact shuttle in the exact same situation said god erase this don't avenge me and god said i hear that because there was a young kid named saul and he was going to wreak havoc in the church in the next chapter but somebody in their dying breath made divine adjustment and said i forgive everything chateau i forget what you said i forgive how you acted i forgive how you attacked me and god said unleash the revival unleash the revival somebody is finally in the spirit well you don't know i just can't get over this i just can't get over that and you're holding back your own revival oh want your kids saved but won't stop gossiping about something that happened 10 years ago oh i hit it right there there's unforgiveness in the atmosphere and i can feel it somebody's holding on to something and it's the very thing holding your revival back and god whispered to you here's a breath here's a glimpse of what i'm going to do for your church nice change how you talk change how you react stop holding stuff against people for no reason eight weeks before billy cole died god visited him on his recliner and god said you have been a success like the apostles you've seen more people get the holy ghost than all the apostles combined and he said thank you lord and the lord spoke back to him and said but you are a miserable failure at being like me and god named eight preachers that had attacked billy cole that he had to forgive he named him to billy cole and for six weeks billy called billy cole called all eight of them until every single one answered their phone and he repented to them even though he didn't have to and he forgave them for what they had said about him and two days after he talked to the last one he went into a coma and died two weeks later a million people getting the holy ghost in his ministry but god said there's an adjustment somebody hurt you somebody said this somebody did this and oh i feel the spirit world warren right now and you gotta i'm upset that preachers talk about forgiven you don't know what they said you're right i don't know what they said i don't care what they said why are you making them god why are you so fixated on what they said they're holding you hostage with their words from years ago someone needs to stop letting them be in control of your future stop letting your past guide where you're going to and disconnect i feel the holy ghost right now i don't know why i'm doing this but someone needs to make an adjustment in how you talk and what you forgive you're trying to go forward but you're not letting go of something can you put it up for me first samuel 1. i'm almost done guys first samuel 1 verse 10 and then in a moment put up verse 18 and but you're fast hannah can't have any babies and she's bitter and this is how she prayed with bitterness you know her soul she prayed and you know why she was bitter because somebody in her life was talking trash to her the other lady that could have babysitter what's wrong with you what's your problem and it caused hannah to be bitter and when you get boy can i say it when you get bitter at flesh you get better in the spirit and now you pray bitter god kill him god remove them god avenge me god take care of it god defend me god stand up for me bitterness you can mask it any way you want to it's bitterness and bitterness only gets her slapped in the face bitterness does not answer her prayer and right before she goes home put up verse 18. she said let thine hand man find grace in thy sight so the woman went her way and did eat and her countenance was no more sad and they rose up in the morning early and worshipped before she's praying bitter now she's worshiping with joy and the bible said elkanah to his wife the lord remembered her the lord gave her a son named samuel nine months later all she did was adjust how she prayed all she did was forgive the one that was attacking her all she did was let something go and you she went from barren to blessed with a baby inside of her instantly because god was just waiting on a small adjustment to release a divine miracle he someone needs to hear me right now that the bitterness that you keep justifying and you keep defending in your own spirit is the very thing that is keeping you from birthing what god wants right now i'm off my subject but i'm in the spirit so god visits a church 19 people boom how quickly god can take you into revival and then the only thing is he asks just change how you speak he's not trying to attack you he knows hell is trying to come to get you to keep talking the same way and if you keep talking the same way you kill what he's trying to burn i'm in the holy ghost this is um and all he's telling you because he's creative is hell is going to attack you and try to get you to react with your mouth it's coming don't fall for the bait because if you fall for the bait you will enter the drama the witches can curse you again the stuff can keep distracting the people can keep attacking that stuff's gonna but if you just say i'm not gonna respond i'm not gonna say what i want to say right there you have predefended yourself in the spirit and god can trust you with more things i know we're not shouting but you ask job if i'm wrong when the first two chapters of job satan unleashed all hell in his life with the last 40 chapters he never mentioned satan one time you know why he never mentioned satan because he realized the all this attack is to get me to curse god to get me bitter to get me angry i'll show the enemy i won't even mention them i'll say though he slay me yet shall i trust him i'll praise him when i could get mad because i already know stand to your feet right now for the holy ghost and god gave job double ready when he prayed for his friends the people that hurt him the double portion revival only happens when you change your speech about the ones that have hurt you and you say god bless them and strengthen them and help them and defend them and keep them and god says now i can give you what i've always wanted to get [Applause] and that's how you go from 500 to a thousand i feel like telling you in the holy ghost there's a double portion revival on the doorstep of this church and you saw the first crumbs of it you saw the glimpse of it on a sunday morning and all the lord is looking for in this atmosphere because the tongue cannot speak sweetness and bitterness at the same time and the lord oh jesus right now pastor the lord altered the speech sunday morning and the lord said to tell you this i wrote it down the outcome is about to be altered i'm going to alter what could have happened because i see you make an adjustment the adjustment will alter the outcome oh here we go there it is there it is [Applause] i come against distractions i come against distractions in the name of jesus some of you have people trying to distract you with their words some of you've got relationships that you need to sever right now because the enemy is trying to keep you in the flesh and keep you disconnected from your purpose and your destiny and you need to sever it in the holy ghost because if you sever it you will step into the plan that god has for your life [Music] any spirit that would get you to start getting vocal against your pastor against your pastor's wife against their family you need to hear me in the name of jesus any spirit comfortable talking to you like that is a demon from hell that wants to sever you from your destiny and make you reactionary and not creative but i unleash creative anointing up in this atmosphere right now i release creative ideas and creative agendas and creative strategies and creative plans upon people that are going to adjust their speech [Applause] [Music] i'm going to say it because this is what i see in the holy ghost i see a spirit of korra korra korah acts one way in front of moses and another way when he's away from moses and he tries to turn the people against moses cora's name means bald or uncovered and cora is comfortable talking to you about your pastor because you have not shown any creative ability to speak up against it you just keep bowing and reactionary flesh and the holy ghost said to tell you that moses said get away from korah because just listening to korra can kill your destiny get out of his tabernacle get out of his tent moses said get away from him you're not even saying anything wrong but the spirit is changing who you are and you're reacting differently and you're thinking differently and that demon is going to take you down and if you just make an adjustment and get away from korah guess what god's going to do god is going to save you and defend you and connect you to what he has for you i know you're not shouting [Applause] but i'm saving you from a pit that's about to open up and swallow you whole bitter bitter bitterness keeps you barren bitterness keeps you barren but if you change your countenance i'm gonna worship god anyway i'm gonna praise god anyway i'm wounded but i'm a worshipper i'm hurting but i'm anointed i'm discouraged but don't meet don't make me get into that alter i'm going through hell but if i get on my knees the devil's going to have a bad night i know they're attacked me but if i get on the floor it's over if i make up my mind to get in the spirit this thing's done if i make the adjustment the revival explodes the favor explodes the trust of god explodes in my life [Applause] you know it's real quiet is because there's contemplation in the atmosphere what do i do people check in their spirit people trying to get over the anger people bitter people mad people forgiving it's all in here it's all mixed up right here here is your direction look for the dove god god direct me to stop doing what i'm doing and connect me to whatever your purpose is for me no matter how insignificant it may seem and if you'll humble yourself right now on a monday night you'll connect yourself to the greatest revival this church has ever had because i tell you in the holy ghost 19 getting the holy ghost is not some coincidental thing it's god letting you know what he's capable of doing that's just the beginning of what he wants to do but it needs the people to make an adjustment and the adjustment is in the tongue would you raise your hands right now and would you start praying until everything is forgiven until everything is repented of until everything is removed i feel the holy ghost right now if i brought up some people's names i bet you'd get mad i don't even know who to bring up but i guarantee you people's names and faces those are the ones that those are the ones oh there's a line in the sand right now there's a lie in the sand right now there is an adjustment that the lord is asking of you that will connect you to everything you're asking for for a minor adjustment will bring a major miracle a minor adjustment will bring a major answer a minor adjustment will bring a major revival the altar is open for real prayer the altar is open for real prayer the altar is open for significant prayer the altars open for flesh dying the altar is open for changes the altar is open for serious prayer the altar is open for somebody to be forgiven that you never expected to forgive in your life they don't deserve it they did you wrong and yes they should answer to god but you're stephen not samson and you're gonna let something go that you didn't have to let go and you're gonna forgive them and you're gonna be the reason they make it to heaven one day because you're literally stopping god from judging them uh [Music] come on somebody get real come on somebody go for it come on somebody go big or go home right now do what you got to do i feel the holy ghost and i know i'm in a fight in the spirit world but it's because i sense a great revival in your own life in your own church i sense something greater than you can expect and so i'm having to sever something right here in the spirit [Music] cora bye [Music] step into your destiny step into acts 8 lord unleash acts 8 unleash acts 8 in this church i know there's simon the sorcerer i know he bewitched the people i know he tried to get them out of alignment with the lord but i'm telling you the revival the bible says have you suffered these things in vain having begun in the spirit why are you why are you trying to finish things in the flesh that you already started in the spirit why are you trying to get off course why why are you trying to disconnect from your destiny [Music] huh come on [Applause] come on let him go let him go let him go let him go let him go come on let him go father forgive him for they know not what they do foreign some of you the lord is telling me to tell you it's time to change your tone in your prayer your words are right but your tone is angry your words might be right but your tone is bitter he's not your peer he's your king he look oto stop yelling at him every time something falls apart stop yelling at god who do you think you are there's an answer to you he he doesn't answer to me he he is god we answer to him stop blind oh i feel the holy ghost somebody stop blaming god somebody in the pew hear me stop blaming god that's the reaction hell wants you to live in i feel the holy ghost i don't know who i am preaching to right now but i sense it in the spirit you're angry because you feel entitled you're angry because you think you deserve better you're angry because you think he owes you something have you forgotten the cross have you forgotten his mercy have you forgotten all the times he's looked the other way oh i feel the holy ghost i feel the holy ghost right now i'm not rebuking humans but i'm cutting something in the spirit world help me jesus to stay in the spirit there's something strong in here right now help me god guide my mind guide my words drop the grudge against god stop saying stop saying that here's i could hear a voice speaking i don't even know if he's real you're reacting to what he did not answer oh there it is how can i forgive my brother if i'm angry at god how can you forgive your brother if you're angry at the lord how can you love your brother if you hate oh there's there's so many things going on in this room right now there's so many if you could see what i'm there's so many answered prayers on the way there's so many blessings coming towards you the lord is just waiting for that shift from bitterness to thankfulness from entitlement to humility from i deserve this to i deserve nothing from avenge me to don't avenge me real mercy says don't defend me save me the bible said stephen prayed lord jesus received my spirit he didn't say receive my flesh that would be saying get me out of this get my body out of this i don't want to be hit with the rocks but he said receive my spirit meaning i know i'm about to go through something that hurts me but don't let it get in my spirit i know my flesh is suffering but don't let it get my spirit don't let me get angry when i'm dying sever my spirit from the attack i'm going through in my flesh disconnect me from what my flesh wants to say my flesh wants to do for your purpose sever my spirit come get me jesus come get me jesus that's what he was saying come get me jesus i've been i've been trying to be right i've been trying to be good i've been trying to be don't let me don't let me crash and burn come get me jesus i want to react so bad but come get me jesus come get me jesus don't let me say what i want to say don't let me do it i will come get me jesus [Music] somebody ought to be real tell them i'm not strong enough to react the right way i'm not strong enough to handle i need you to come get me disconnect me from the situation that i know i'm going through don't let it make me angry don't let it make me better don't let it make me resentful oh i felt the holy ghost and stephen kneeled down his flesh was dead right there he kneeled down you don't kneel down when someone's throwing rocks at you if you're in the flesh you run you duck you fight you would but he knelt because he had conquered his flesh and he forced his flesh to submit to what the spirit of god had for him he conquered and steven's name means crowned lord jesus lay not this sin to their charge they said that they saw his face like an angel he went from the flesh to the spirit and they couldn't make him do what they always made him do they couldn't make him react the way they always want him to react if you get in the spirit they can't stop you if you get in the spirit they can't stop you well every time i watch the news or listen to the news i just get angry it's because you're being fed with something that knows how to stir your flesh get back in the bible i'm in the holy ghost if i've ever been in it right now well i just you don't know what they said on social media about me then sever it i didn't get much amen on that but the devil will feed you anything to keep your flesh reacting i'm on a mission to sever my life from anything that the world wants to feed me because all the world's food does is keep my flesh reacting i want to get in the spirit you're quiet but you're hearing me i want to get in the spirit yeah there's tongues and interpretation in here same message if i forgave why do not you forgive if i forgave why do you not forgive i forgave you if you will forgive i will connect you to resurrection revival i will connect you to resurrection revival i don't know what revival this church had a long time ago something big happened in here and the lord said i will resurrect it again and the latter shall be greater than the former oh my soul and you have endured your gethsemane and you have endured your calvary and all you need to do to step into the revival is forgive while you're suffering forgive while you're dying and while you're hurting let it go and i will connect you to what once was and can i just say it the tongues and interpretation is not the culmination as brother hernandez would say of the gifts of the spirit it's the entrance point of the gifts of the spirit in the atmosphere and this is just the beginning of the gifts of the spirit flowing in the body of this church the gifts of discernment the gifts of knowledge and wisdom and the gift of faith and the working of miracles and the gifts of healing and all the prophecies this are about to be common it's going to be common in here lord open the people's eyes that want to see right now in the name of the lord jesus christ open people's eyes right now as of tonight in their dreams in the visions this week in the night time in the daytime open people's eyes they might see open their ears that they might hear open their mind that they might understand open their spirits to what you're saying in the name of the lord jesus christ of nazareth open up these people's spirits right now open them up to what you have show them what you're doing show them where you're going make them sensitive to your spirit would you receive the word and worship the lord right now and be ready [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm gonna give this to pastor i'm gonna tell you what's going on right here boy i feel the holy ghost what's going on right now is the only way i can describe it's like when that that kid came to elijah and said we're surrounded by the enemy reaction look what's attacking us now look what's talking about us now look what's coming up now reactionary but elisha was creative reaction says hmm we're going to go down we're getting attacked this is going to be bad but creativity from god says open his eyes let's let me see what's behind oh yeah and the bible said he saw the mountainside full of chariots and horses of fire round about elisha he saw in other words the heavenly host or the warring angels of god behind elisha when someone said i'm not going to react i'm going to create and what just happened just now in the spirit the lord is right there with that little prayer the lord just stops several of you from seeing things the way you always see them and as of right now you're going to start seeing things the way god wants you to see them and when the enemy tries to do something you're going to say oh something must be behind you you wouldn't be attacking me if heaven wasn't coming to me i see in the spirit i hear in the spirit i'm sensitive in the spirit so you ought to thank the lord right now because if this church was ever in the spirit it's there right now you're in the spirit right now you're in the spirit right now your mind is open your ears are open your eyes are open some of you that spirit keeps coming and messing with your sleep you keep getting waking up afraid tonight when it comes it's going to come to someone tonight when it comes you're going to wake up and you're literally going to say this don't make me get up the same you that's always like oh lord what is that don't make me get up i'm not reacting i'm not going to be afraid i'm not going to be wondering i'm not going to have anxiety i'm not going to be depressed i'm not going to be discouraged i'm not going to panic i'm going to create in the name of the lord jesus christ i'm going to speak with my mouth i'm going to speak life in the atmosphere i'm going to speak covering to my kids i'm going to speak favor to my pastor blessings at my job i'm going to be shut up i'm going to speak come on adam call her eve god said she's gonna die but adam said i speak life to her and god said i'm gonna cover that god blesses when you speak life to it open your mouth and speak life open your mouth and speak life open your eyes and see open your ears in [Applause] here [Applause] uh [Laughter] [Applause] come on speak it out speak it out open your mouth and declare it open your mouth and declare it don't hope it speak it out speak it in jesus name oh oh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] come on open your mouth just a little bit longer jesus wants to hear your voice [Applause] speak it out speak it out declare it out here rendezvous foreign [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] oh thank you jesus would you clap your hands together right now give god praise all over this building give god praise all over this building god what a word from heaven has been spoken into this place tonight amen thank god for what we've heard and what we have received amen divine adjustments we're going to make the right adjustments we're going to speak the right thing with the right tone in jesus name praise god i'm ready for a double portion revival i said i'm ready for a double portion revival i'm not going to let my mouth get in the way i'm not going to let my words get in the way of what god wants to do praise god thank you brother herring for the word of the lord amen everybody say next sunday morning next sunday morning at 11 o'clock right here in the sanctuary we'll be back in revival and then i want you to be praying for those that are sick amen pray that god would touch them in jesus name we rebuke all the sickness i don't know what it is it it if it's the flu if it's go whatever it is we rebuke it in jesus name get out and be gone praise god amen but next sunday morning 11 o'clock amen brother herring is going to be preaching we're going to be having revival praise god let's bow our heads ask the lord to go with us jesus we love you so very much thank you for meeting with your people tonight thank you for the word that we've received in this house pray that lord you would go with us tonight keep your hand upon us i pray that you'd protect us and keep us safe in jesus name and everybody said in jesus name amen god bless you the roads may be a little slippery tonight so be careful on your way home go in jesus name you
Channel: alcdayton
Views: 16,281
Rating: 4.9562364 out of 5
Id: 1G4udb1rgBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 7sec (5047 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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