Dwelling in the Atmosphere - Bro. Eli Hernandez

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sit down sit down sit down sit down my wife will play later sit down sit down right now the holy ghost is literally dispersing stuff that's come against you personally has come against your family and some of your finances but the lord of glory has come in here with an entire atmosphere i told you last week that god was going to lose atmospheres i didn't know the detail of it until two days ago when god spoke to me and he said i'm not just losing an atmosphere i am literally losing multiple atmospheres that are going to go home with them it's not just what i'm losing in the church i'm going to lose it on their jobs i'm going to lose it in their houses i'm going to lose it in their finances i'm going to lose it in their families i'm going to lose it in their personal lives i'm going to lose it that way wherever they walk there is an effect the number 3000 came to me i said the number 3000 came to me in relation to amount of people are you hearing me yet the number 3000 came to me you're not anywhere near what god sees you as i see triple you ain't hearing me i don't just throw out numbers i see triple and the only way that's going to happen is by an atmosphere shift when there was an atmosphere shipped at azusa it caused multiplication a mile away they came off a train station when they landed on the top of that train station landing place they fell out talking in tongues filled with the baptism of the holy ghost a mile away from where they were having church because the atmosphere had so been affected that it caused people to begin to feel it an entire mile away it changes today today what has been a pathway of sorrow in your past changes today today joy starts filling in the spots that are blank spots i saw blank little spots around your internal parts where you've tried to do the best that you could just to survive you are skipping from the survival dimension to the multiplication dimension god is going to cause joy to be second nature to you that the spirit of joy will now carry you and so when you approach god no longer approach him with your suffering but approach him with your joy and the joy of the lord shall become your strength where are you where's that little skinny thing that was jumping all over the place come here you i saw you doubling over a little while ago and i looked over at you he said tell her well she doesn't understand she's not just in the spirit every time i cause that to happen to her tell her this is what the lord said every time you step into that dimension you're birthing things in the spirit it is no longer for you to think that you're in warfare you stepped into productivity so when god begins to move on you understand the birthing amen of the lord by the spirit where things are born by nature of heaven begin to produce out of you because of your desire to become transparent i shall cause to come forth from you those things out of heaven and if you will remain transparent i will continue to multiply you hear me when i tell you the devil has no option in this house he has no tenure in this house he has no grip in this house so everything that hell has tried to throw in your faith right now the lord is sending you the proprietary components to crush his head just like it says in the word i want you to understand why this is working say why perpetual question of humanity but here's the answer to the why dwelling in this atmosphere creates an environment that invites angels and not devils i said when you get this atmosphere working in your house listen i'm a musician we love music we play music we've recorded 11 albums okay but i don't have to have music to have a visitation from heaven don't make music your dependency make it your embellishment in other words the presence of the lord is here i'll play music don't be like saul i gotta have music to kick out devils that's when you don't have altars that's when you don't have a relationship that's why saul needed that why because people without relationships need music they have to have it to exist boy you got quiet quick was it something i said i didn't mean to damn for you i didn't damn for the spirit god god has lived without music in heaven for a long time wasn't lucifer the choir angel choir director well he hadn't been there for a while so apparently god's not had music for a while in heaven he's done just fine i never thought of it either i'm trying to tell you don't depend on what moves on your emotional state because the emotional state is the weakest state the will state is the strongest state that's where the brain's at that's why we don't get a will when we get to heaven there's only one will in heaven and it's his that's why thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth why because his will is the only way lucifer said i want a will he said no there's only one of us and it's me get out and he kicked him out why because he tried to be like god that's why your will won't go to heaven your spirit will your soul will your soul your will's not gone that's why you have to start crucifying your will now some of you don't like that because you're stubborn you got a strong will i understand that i'm a strong-willed person too but i have to cast my will before his throne why because there is one time god will crush your will one time judgment some people will not want to go to hell and they're going to go to hell and he'll have crossed their will i never even thought of that before i was praying for for a young lady and i was had my hand on her i said god god you never you never cross anybody's will he said i will i said no you won't he said yes i will i said okay you will explain please i need to understand he said in judgment there will be many people that will say lord lord we prophesied in your name and he'll say to them depart from me and i thought oh my god yes you will cross people's will at day of judgment i'm i'm i'm working and praying and going through classes amen so we can make it right that's the goal well you need to do more than make it you need to allow what's in this atmosphere to attach itself to you how do you do that okay put that first scripture up on the screen would you do that it's where the psalmist is talking about unity okay everybody say unity when you come into unity of the spirit do you know what happens anything that's possible can happen why because at unity there are no demons there at unity there is no supernatural dark oppression against you at unity there is no confusion at unity why because you're one with who him that's why when you get to the dimension of unity all things become possible that's why it was the greatest message for israel coming out of egypt hero israel the lord our god is one that's right because why when you get into the oneness of god that's where the greatest miracles happen brother brother reeves was an elder of mine he told me one time he said when i preach on the oneness of god is when the most miracles happen i thought what i thought it would be faith i thought it would be you know other things he said no no when i preach on the oneness of god so i begin to study why is it the oneness of god because out of the oneness of god watch what happens in unity i don't know if you can post it on these screens but watch what he says behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to what does the word say dwell the word is not visit the word is dwell here's the problem we have with unity we know how to visit it but we're not sure how to dwell in it dwelling is a different thing why the longer you stay the more you get so when you get into the divine operation of unity the longer you stay one of the greatest experiences i ever had in the dimensions amen of unity was when i started trying to exercise this principle one of the churches i was was actually there in pearland texas where your dad pastors says brother gurley and i began to god said just explore i want you to i mean there was probably i don't know four or five six seven hundred people there in the congregation i sent them all back to their seats that's kind of risky but but he said just sit down and just tell people just dwell just hang out hang out in the atmosphere and watch what happens waves started coming over that congregation you know the multiverse used to talk about just wanting to stay in the glory that's what they're talking about they're talking about dwelling when you tap into that dimension of unity why because when you get into unity with god your prayer requests change matter of fact you really leave the request dimension and you enter the adoration dimension you enter the worship dimension and worship is different than praise absolutely different than praise because there's nobody on your mind except him and so we we went into that for a little while i don't know i could have been 20 30 minutes i wasn't keeping track of time and something hit me i looked up in the ceiling opened and i saw what looked like joint raindrops and i thought that that's not raindrops though that's different what is that god and so i looked a little closer and i could see what looked like do you remember as a kid those little uh microscopes and they had all these little things moving around in that little piece of glass and they were cells remember that they look just like cells and i thought those look like cells i said god it looks like it's raining cells lord said i am reigning cells i went uranium cells what he said i want you to tell the people that i am reigning cells and i am going to refresh their cell base well if you do a study of cells there's about 100 million cells in the body i don't know if you remember this or not i don't know if you were there you were and it literally when i said that people began to worship all over what what i did not know was there was a woman in the congregation my god in heaven and angel just walked in this house and i'm telling you he's right behind me i got chill bumps on chill bumps right now and i'm telling you something's about to break in your situation at your house because you're not just going home with a message you're going home with an atmosphere i'm telling you angels are about to tax themselves to your houses that's why you have to take care of what's at your house jesus somebody just say jesus i don't worship angels i entertain angels that's what the bible says to do entertain angels i know theirs doesn't say to rebuke devils that much really there's not really a lot of scripture for doing that you got quiet because that's what we've been taught for so many years in many churches but really that's not even really the focus of heaven heaven's not worried about hell heaven's consumed with heaven does that make sense it's supposed to we're not supposed to be wasting our time rebuking devils that's a waste of time it doesn't take long to get rid of a devil just we made it long that's why you can sing a song about rebuking the devil or stepping on the devil or stomp stomps tom stomp on the devil and everybody goes why we got accustomed to it you know i've tested congregations i i've given you the grace not to test you okay so just be grateful because normally what i'll do is i'll tell about somebody demon-possessed and everybody will respond when god delivered them and they got set free everybody responds and then i turn right around behind that and i tell a story of an angelic visitation to see what pentecostals are going to bulb say well i'm not sure you know why that is because we're so accustomed to hearing the other stories and we're not accustomed like rhoda who said it's peter at the door they said oh no it's his angel they were accustomed why because they entertained them well why don't we entertain more because what's in our home doesn't entertain them so you'll entertain angels one way or the other either the ones up there or the fallen ones so here's the question what angels do you entertain at your house is that all right i'm trying to help you that way when this dimension goes with you it doesn't stop at your front door because it doesn't have space to go in we need to entertain with the atmosphere we carry what god's trying to send to our houses and we'll spend a whole lot less time dealing with devils and a whole lot more time dealing with heaven if you study the progression it's interesting from in in the new testament and the epistles all the way through you actually start from seated in heavenly places and you go you keep rising as you study the the concept of heavenly and you go all the way until you get to the heavenly jerusalem it's an interesting study because the entire progression of things are upward not downward and i thought god he said i'm trying to introduce you because we're almost going home we're almost leaving in the rapture so i'm trying to introduce you to the way things are in my kingdom all the time so instead of you dealing downward i'm trying to get you to deal upward i mean i even picked up something from the animal world when we went to the aquarium beautiful aquarium incredible but i thought wow how interesting they spent so many hours trying to train animals and build a relationship with them their their relationship building is actually downward and think about how they get your attention to have sympathy toward an animal they entertain you first it's true you know it's true they do it in every world we've been to disney world disneyland blah blah blah it goes on whether it's stuffed puppets or or real life animals what do they do they touch your emotional state to try to get you to buy in because once you bind with your emotional state then they'll get you into your mental state then they'll get into your pocketbook then they'll get you to to be one of them and what's the relationship it's downward why because the we're made a little lower than the angels just a little lower what's made a little lower than us animals well i got your attention right now and i got your brain going see god's trying to build our relationship this direction when the world is trying to build our relationship this direction why because if the devil can't attack you spirit to spirit what will he use next the next dimension down what's that flesh if he can't get you with flesh what's the next dimension down pigs let us go into the pigs jesus and we'll jump off the cliff into the water remember that luke chapter 8 where the pigs amen got filled with the demons that got kicked out of the men why they couldn't go a dimension up they had to go a dimension down why hell can never go dimension up it can only go a dimension down that's why when you get in the spirit you're separating yourself from the things of hell why because you're going up while it's going down clap your hands again i'll stop right there in that that component i'm trying to communicate something to you why because god's trying to say hey dwell in heavenly places dwell in places where my spirit's moving as you begin to dwell there i begin to cut off stuff i'll begin to take stuff off of your frame stuff off of your family stuff off of your lineage stuff off of your genealogy i'll begin to literally so i didn't forget so a sister comes up to me after service because see there's a hundred million cells approximately in your body that creates that's why they call them heart cells brain cells they're compartmentalized into groups so when i pray for you in just a moment i'm not going to pray for your disease i'm going to pray for your cell base because if god heals your salvation whatever's in that group will be healed that's why free radicals are so dangerous why because free radicals disconnect from a group and they have something wrong with them then they try to attach themselves to another group that's how disease spreads free radicals that's why you can't be a free radical in the church you got to be connected to a ministry you got to have somebody over you got to have a pastor you can't just have a ministry by yourself that's a free radical if you're a free radical you're dangerous to the body actually just to help you a little bit if that's possible and and but watch what happens here so i get done i'm leaving for the office a lady stops and she says brother hernandez i can't believe you said that what about the the the cells raining out of the sky i said yeah that was strange i never had that happen she said what you don't know is 30 seconds before you said it i've had two open heart surgeries i don't even know who the woman was see i've had two open heart surgeries i'm scheduled for a third and i said god i can't take another open-heart surgery god she said i've got to have a miracle she said what i really need god is i need you to give me new cells that's when god opened my eyes and i saw these cells falling into the building the reason i tell you that is i'm feeling the same atmosphere inside of this atmosphere right now in this service i want you to throw your hands in the air throw your hands in the air just begin to worship god with your voice lord by the authority of the word of god oh god in the dimension that you have loosed in this atmosphere today i pray god every group of cells in this place god bring a visitation from heaven upon every cell base in the building oh god where the creative motion of the lord begins to fluctuate and begins to flow in the name of jesus christ i pray god every group every group of the organs every group in the blood every group in the white blood cells and the red blood cells and the cells that make up the bones and the cells that make up the nervous system and the cells that make up the components of the skin i pray refreshing in the name of the lord [Applause] somebody just lift up a voice that's it somebody just lift up a voice don't look for a feeling or sensation just receive what's coming into your cell base down to the core of the base lord of every cell i pray a regeneration by the word and by the spirit and by the name jesus and by the blood of the lamb in the name of jesus christ see this atmosphere doesn't just exist at church it wants to exist at your house how good would it be if we could dwell together in unity do you realize if we stay in unity that when we go to our houses we'll actually still be connected let me let me explain it this way old-fashioned way there's a little old lady this is old school church and i love old school if you don't like old school fully on you we come from old school we love old school i like that old stomping get me get you you almost got me started i thought no lord i better not do that brown about to go black in a minute and you you better look out don't be doing me that way i lived on the east side of san jose i know what i'm talking about we got edumacated on that side of town but let me explain to you this way the great story little old gracie just a good old saint in the church but connected to the unity dimension washing her dishes she's in the middle of washing her dishes and the lord speaks to her and says run to the phone and call john now don't even dry your hands don't turn the water off no no no run to the phone now that's the problem we we go to church we get joy but then we go home and get entertained what god's trying to get us to do is stay long enough to both get joy and get entertained by his spirit that way we're not tempted to be entertained after we've opened our spirits and leave this sanctum and then we have a desire to still be entertained there's a reason for that and i'm not saying it's evil i'm saying we've made a trade we've got accustomed to leaving here and then being entertained out there that's why you can be in a great church service go home watch a football game you entertained i'm not against football it's fine but here's the test for you third quarter fourth quarter make it better you're about to lose by two points field goal is coming up god says turn it off can you can you even hear clear enough for god to say turn it off that's the problem we have we're entertained right that's why we can't turn it off god tested me before he had me say it i said yes sir i lost my desire i used to be consumed with that you didn't know that part that's why i don't care about your falcons losing to new england i'm sorry you got so humiliated but maybe you needed it i don't know i don't care see you think i care i don't care why because i'm trying to attune myself to what's imperative because here's the rest of this story okay what if somebody's life's at stake and you're the god connection to their world so we lose a soul because you had to finish the game watch this gracie doesn't even turn the faucet off she doesn't even dry her hands she's got soap running down her arms she grabs the phone calls says john john says sister gracie said to gracie how did you know to call me she said john are you okay see how did you know to call me well i was washing dishes i got soap running down my arms and the lord stopped me and said pick up the phone now call john i called you you okay she said no i'm not okay sister gracie said i got the phone in one hand and i've got the gun in the other i was just about to pull the trigger sister gracie and kill myself with the phone ring please pray for me how many johns are we going to let slip through our fingers before we finally realize that this dwelling thing is more than just getting a miracle or a blessing it's an entire kingdom trying to move a body into a direction like it's never been before i am telling you about miracles see let me expose myself to you a little bit as a child i was raised as a oneness apostolic jesus name stomp and go get em church and in that church we had a prophet he used to come to our church his name was munoz he was pure prophet he wasn't a pastor he wasn't an evangelist but man the guy could he had the word of knowledge like i have never seen in all my life never ever since or before the man would look at you and he'd say you got lung problems let's see uh that's about an eight-hour surgery god will give you new lungs he'd pray for the man he'd pass out for eight hours not eight minutes not eight seconds not this fall down get back up and get blessed no no i'm talking about people that would pass out because they were going into surgery i was raised with that then i tried to preach it amongst everybody and they looked at me like i was nuts so i had to taper it down but i feel safe here i really i don't tell this do i tell this story everywhere i go i do not tell this story everywhere i go because there's just some houses that won't receive this it'd be like trying to make them eat chitlins and they're from the midwest ain't happening so but i feel safe here i i feel comfortable with you and i'm glad i do uh that's so honorable of you bishop to teach these people to be able to receive different kinds of ministries and it's incredibly honorable incredibly honorable yes sir [Applause] so literally they would come back with doctor's reports no cuts in their bodies new lungs so that's i thought every church was like that so well when you get prayed for you'll pass out you'll go into surgery you'll get a new kidney i thought what's harder for god to repair the one you got or just give you a brand new one i don't know ask malcus was harder for jesus to bend down and pick up an ear and put it back on or just give him a brand new one standing there i don't know what's harder for bill gates to pick up a hundred dollar bill or just keep walking you agree with me on the money one what's god trying to do he's trying to get us to align ourselves with unity why unity is the ultimate dimension where miracles happen just just like a wave so the woman says to me brother hernandez i'm healed i'm not going for surgery i it's like god gave me a new heart i'm like wow what so i went when i have experiences like that i go back to the hotel first of all fall on my face and i'm like oh god how's that stuff even happen this is amazing i just get wild by god all the time i never take this comment never so so i go home and i i go okay god i'm the kind of guy that when something like that happens i want to know not how it happened i want to know how to get more of that to happen okay because if it happened once it's not a one-time deal he's not he's not an overnight god no no no once he releases a dimension that dimension doesn't go back into heaven that dimension stays waiting for somebody that's intrigued for in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so i would have told you i gotta prepare a place for you exploration we're like all columbuses with this wide open god says here i'll introduce the dimension i want to see how you explore it that's like okay let me let me go to the alignment process how do you get to the alignment process ephesians talks to us about that he talks the first principle in chapter four of the book of ephesians he talks about this alignment why because alignment releases god to loose fresh anointing how many of you need fresh anointing today you need something fresh to come into your spirit i am telling you it's already in this room okay so when you align yourself god's gonna start refreshing your spirit he's gonna start refreshing your mind he's gonna start refreshing your soul and some of you let me um i got a word for the prayer warriors in this house all the prayer warriors raise your hand if you're a prayer warrior you intercede if you don't know what that means don't raise your hand amen if you're a prayer warrior you know what that means some of you have stopped doing that because of the weariness that has happened in your spirit and it feels like you're not progressing and the lord said i'm going to refresh that part of your ministry and your prayer today that way when you pray it's not like a war it's more like a rejoicing or a refreshing gossip i say everybody lift your hands right now let the lord refresh that container portion of your spirit where you have prayed and felt weary i pray now for your body your mind and your spirit let the restoration of refreshing come back upon those components thereby your prayer being as the voice of war and the voice of a sword that slays the enemy without the cause and effect of weariness in the name of the lord jesus christ oh the devils believe that there is one god james 2 19. you believe that they'll do us well they believe also in tremble why do they tremble they understand if this body not only gets in unity but dwells in it i'm in trouble problem is we visit it we don't dwell on it some people do their sunday thing and they're done by monday you're back to your old statements habits issues and you'll know how great sunday affected you when you hear what you're talking about monday when you wake up the depth of the effect will have an effect on your conversation when you wake up some people wake up they say the same old junk get the same old results you ever wondered about people ministry team you pray for them they seem to get delivered three months later you're praying for the same thing i always wondered how that could be i said god are you part indian you know like an indian giver because i'm part indian so i thought we were related that way and i said i know you're not god part indian but come on why are we praying for all these people and then we're having to pray for him again that doesn't make sense to me i mean i like stuff to kind of make sense in a faith way you know it's like okay you pray they get delivered awesome let's move forward let's go on to something bigger and better right why rehearse the same junk over and over for the last 20 years said that what's going on here he said oh they're getting delivered i said well so they you take it away or what she's like no i don't take it away i said well what do you do he said it's not what i do he said it's what they do he said meekness is the only way for a seed to be maintained i've watched people get healed in the service walk out and get pain right back in their bodies and i thought what happened the lord said the miracle's still there it's just the soil isn't maintaining the seed he said because humility is the only way to maintain the seed you know he just spoke to me i think three days ago we were out visiting a few sites and the lord said you know you know what what meekness and humility really are i said what are they because when he starts talking like that i'm like yeah two years you have him he said humility is the fertilizer for the soil to cause the seed to grow automatically he said if you'll stay humble whatever i put in there it will grow he said what happens is so often people get a miracle they go back out and they don't change anything and they can't maintain what's in their soil because it doesn't have anything to grab on to i thought wow so god's loosing divine dimensions in here think about something you can change to maintain the dimension that's going home with you today because i'm sure you're not perfect because i'm not oh you are okay i'm sorry first church i've ever met wow wonderful this is amazing can i stay here for like a year it's like the first perfect church and i've been doing this 27 years this is astounding wait a minute let's try that again i'm not perfect are you okay thank you honesty takes a while sometimes right you know because we're not perfect you know what i do when we start having moves of god i think about what what can i change what can i change in my vocabulary because the vocabulary seems to be the only thing that becomes the ultimate decision of what we attract in our houses so what's your language like at home you always arguing always fighting at your house screaming and yelling stuff like that you know my wife and i've been married 33 years we've never had a shouting match and we're not perfect by any stretch of the imagination okay not at all but i refuse to create an environment that attracts hell when i can create an environment that attracts heaven now i know it hurts right now but remember you're in surgery so when you're in surgery if it's starting to hurt you start numbing your flesh you know how to numb your flesh right that's called praise in church you praise to numb your flesh so you can take more word because that's the knife right so praise is the numbing that's the anesthesia of the church house that's why we praise before we preach numbs your flesh so you can receive the word so if it's starting to hurt just start praising just start praising because god wants to put more under he's doing surgery right now and god wants to be able to attach stuff to you why it's that entire unity alignment thing that's going on and ephesians talks about it where he talks about meekness being the entrance gate of that alignment you cannot get to the dimension of unity without meekness meekness is you know one man said humility is not thinking less of yourself than others humility is not thinking of yourself at all see yes lewis watch this thing why does ephesians 4 talk about one lord one faith one baptism one god father of all why is it so big in the spirit world because hell knows when we get aligned and unity begins to work it doesn't just work in one facet it starts working everywhere so he starts out the chapter with meekness because meekness is the position where that anointing that's flowing downward that that the psalmist talked about dwelling in unity he said that's that's the place that you get to and then he said it just starts flowing down and it touches your head your mindset why because if god can't get a hold of our minds he'll never change our identities if all he ever does is just bless us bless us bless us he'll never get to our identity and he's trying to change our identity and so he touches the mind first that's why they all hits the head first and then it starts flowing down it gets down to aaron's beard and then it what does it touch next it touches clothing it touches the skirt what what is that that's your identity that's why doctors have particular robes and mcdonald's workers have particular garments that's their identity we know they work for mcdonald's you know if you see a guy in a blue suit behind the table you're not going to order from him you're going to think he's the maintenance guy you're not ordering that junk food from i'm sorry that food from there and no no why it's identity god says i want to get down to where you so align yourself with me i start affecting your identity and it starts affecting everything around you why because if the anointing affects my identity guess who's not coming over to my house when hell takes one peek inside amen my living quarters he's like not there i see anointing there i can't touch that you see there's something about heaven that is trying to make assignment happen down here on earth brother tom koppel built a fantastic state-of-the-art building in orange california in in southern california well i asked him about this because i'm putting in a book i'm writing and he said it was fine he agreed with it he said i that's totally the way i saw it too i said okay i was at my house in the backyard i wasn't praying i wasn't fasting i was just working on a little project and one of them do-it-yourselfers that cost you more than you should have just hired somebody in the first place deals can i get a witness in this house ladies bless your husband's heart he sure did try it's like honey just hire somebody next time so i'm back there i'm trying to restore a spa you know hot tub thing man i got it on edge and i'm working on it and all of a sudden i get a visitation like it's so profound brother turner's walked up behind me it's like whoa i dropped to my knees it's an angel of the lord i dropped my hammer and my tools i said god what is it lord what do you want whatever it is what do you want and i thought i i went backtracking my i thought okay we weren't arguing at our house we weren't you know showing dirty movies at our house hello well you think everybody shuts down from hearing you when you turn that on you protect your environment for god's sakes what do you want to show up at your house i mean really what do you want to show up at your house we have a little bit of thought process behind this okay if i do this i know it's going to open the gate for what you may call it to show up so we're not doing that because what you're gonna call it ain't showing up what you may call it is so that angel attaches itself to me and i'm like whoa you're close so i i get curious so i get up i start walking around it's following me that's interesting lord didn't say anything to me i was trying to figure out okay all right i'll just go with it fine so i get up i walk around a fruit tree we had three fruit trees on the side of our house back in california so i walk around a fruit tree it follows me i thought that's odd so i ran around the other fruit tree it followed me i thought this cat stuck to me so i ran around the other one i'm sorry i'm driving you nuts and i ran around the other tree and if i talk oh my lord it is here it's not leaving so i went in the house i didn't say anything i just pondered i went to the house they followed me i went into the kitchen and followed everywhere i went it followed me followed me that day that night i woke up it was still there it followed me the next day that day all day everywhere i went in the car to the store everywhere i thought you know it made me incredibly conscious of heavenly things i thought god what do you have on your mind where's that internet right now where's that internet who's got me on internet who you okay you hear me right now you're sitting inside of a bedroom and you have been tormented amen and it has drawn you into the internet with stuff that you cannot shake off of your spirit but god is literally shaking it off of your spirit he's going to send help to you right now so you throw your hands in the air and you begin to worship god and god is going to deliver you of that crisis of the flesh in the name of the lord jesus oh somebody clap your hands give a voice unto the lord my god i feel something trying to explode upon this congregation jesus i hope this is all right so through saturday night it was there i woke up sunday morning it was still there the third day i thought well it's going to church with us because i i was wondering is it for us is it for another situation i i don't know so i got dressed and we got in the car and we were headed to the couple's church he was in a dilapidated building that was not even they weren't even supposed to be having church in it it was already in that condition where they were going to demolish it uh so i said well okay he's coming to us with us to brother couples search so we drove to hours plus we got there got ready to walk in the building i took five steps into the building and it detached itself from me i went uh-huh that wasn't for me that's for this church that angel has been sent to help this man of god so i didn't say anything i kept quiet i went to the pulpit not within five minutes brother copper got to the pulpit he said i don't know what just happened in here but five minutes ago a huge angel just walked in this building i said yeah and it's been hanging out with me for three days so we both were on the same page why because we were in unity see in unity you start hearing the same stuff you start seeing the same stuff it starts connecting dot to dot it's not like man where did he get that word from no no why because there's a flow happening in unity and here's the marvelous part about it when you get in that dimension it's hard for the devil to set confusion in the house it's hard for the devil to set frustration in the house it's hard for the devil to set depression in your house why it doesn't have access there's no access because there's only one on the throne and one who sits on the throne and the angels are all around that throne the bite look when you get in unity you are in throne room dimensions when you get in throne room dimensions here's what revelation says about the throne do you have that revelation scripture that i shot at you it's toward the end i don't know if you have it or not but it talks about there it is and i beheld and heard the voice of many angels round about the what throne so there are many angels around the throne the beasts and the elders and the number of them was ten thousand times what ten thousand and thousands of thousands that's not even counting that just the ten thousand times ten thousand that's 100 million that's 100 million so when i get in throne room connection i am hanging out with minimum 100 million angels it says it i'm not dreaming this up it's there when i get around the th i'm hanging out with a hundred what devil in his right mind or wrong mind is gonna try to attack me at that point that's why the writer said and the angel of the lord encompassed round about them who fear him and delivereth them why because there's no greater deliverance than when you're hanging out around his throne have to create an environment for that you have to create an environment for that you have to create an environment for that god's going to deliver some of you today he's going to deliver your family environments today god won't embarrass you today he won't call you out to embarrass you he never does that god's got a lot more class than that he'll call you out to identify something that he'll bless you with amen there may be requirements for it but nevertheless in the end it won't embarrass you praise the lord so don't ever be afraid of prophecy when somebody's flown in unity it will not embarrass you if it starts embarrassing mark it down it's divination pride got mixed in divination is when pride gets mixed into a move of the spirit because both spirits start trying to mesh inside each other because angels and demons operate on the same plane yeah so i told him after church i mean i looked over at sarah koppel and sarah coppola's old pentecost i mean she comes from a long line of open and to move one of them you are having a move of god and no offense i love them they're great but they don't move quick you know what i mean because they've had so many generations of churches it takes a takes rocket signs plus plus plus a move of god to move them it's like i heard that before and stuff like that but god was just there i mean i turned over and looked sir said something to sarah and the holy ghost she fell off the organ bench on the floor i thought my god we are having a move of god son i thought what is going on well unbeknownst to me they were leaving that facility to start a brand new church building project they aren't in that they've been in it for years now because this happened years ago and i thought god that was amazing he said oh you're just starting he said there's so many more things i want to connect to my body wow i'll say that backwards wow i thought this see this isn't boring you tap into this isaiah said it's a kingdom without limits i see lord espanol in spanish it says a kingdom without limits sin limited so how high does this go how wide does this actually go how deep does this action if you're bored with god it's because you're issue bound he's not doing your stuff if you're bored of god you're not exploring god you're exploring what he can do you can't get bored with god why because there are unparalleled dimensions exposed already been released inside of our atmosphere and god's just waiting for us to condition our surroundings so he can attach that stuff to us you ever hear the the story of sister shanah sister chanamas is the wife of brother anthony moss who pastors the church where brother billy cole used to pastor in charleston west virginia sean amass was a 12 year old girl just got the holy ghost her parents didn't have the holy ghost she went home one night after service her mom was home her dad hadn't come home from late work and so she said baby i got to go get some milk across the street so she went door closed she heard the door open and she said mom no voice just footsteps she said mom is that you she said all of a sudden i looked up and there was a tall gentleman dressed in a nice suit with the top hat and looked at me very evil she said i realized wow that's no friend here she said i was just claiming jesus in jesus name it was a demon and it walked by a room now remember her parents were not in the church at the time he walked over to their bedroom stood by the bed and stood there while she stared and kind of put her head down a little bit and prayed and jesus named it then she heard the door open within a few minutes she said mom she said yeah baby i'm here why are you okay she said yeah she said i'm okay she said i looked over to the bedroom and the the bean was gone disappeared that's how she knew no regular human being there so she comes down the house she says are you okay baby she says i'm okay mom she said within about five ten more minutes the husband came home she said i watched with my eyes as my dad and my mom came and stood at that very spot where that demon disappeared and had the worst argument i'd ever seen them have in my life interesting so a few years later i'm telling the story in a completely different state as i'm telling the story a woman starts screaming falls out in the chair weeping before god or repenting she comes to me later she says oh my god brother hernandez she said my husband and i have been arguing over the last three months she said and i saw that same spirit dressed the same way you described it walking through my house she said it stops today lift your hands for a moment there's something that just swept in here right now revelation is in this house lord i know that there's not a devil behind every tree but god i also know that we create environments that make invitations so i'm praying right now lord the things that have caused conflict in homes things that have caused stress in houses conversations by reason of circumstances that have triggered tongues o god that did not necessarily mean to get involved lord wrapped up in things of that nature i pray now in this environment lord that you swipe clean right now things lord that have tried to curtail or disturb or turn the attention god the wrong direction i pray by the authority of the word of god lord every influence of hell every influence of this world every influence of flesh that will try lord god to distract or cause a turning or a shadow of turning to happen i pray now be eradicated by revelation and by reason of impartation of your spirit upon all flesh i pray in the holy ghost be thou loose somebody clap your hands and shout unto god receive a loosing receive a liberty receive a level yeah yeah yeah yeah somebody shout unto the lord give a praise with all loneliness ephesians 4 2 and meekness with long suffering for bearing one another in love i'll tell you why unity is accessed by lowliness and meekness because lowliness and meekness and humility they all kind of run hand in hand it's the hiding place of the church let me explain that lowliness makeness and humility are the hiding place why hell operates in pride amen heaven operates in humility that's why the bible says that he humbled himself how much jesus right humbled himself unto what unto the death of the cross and then another scripture said which always perplexed me had the princes of this world known they would not have crucified our lord i thought how could they not know i mean i read through the gospels and he's saying it out loud how could they not know they're following everywhere he's going trying to find an end they can't get in because the bible says that when he left in matthew 4 and luke 4 and he went in the power of the spirit after he was tempted of the devil 40 days it said it left him for a season right as far as i can find you're the doctor here i'm not but as far as i can tell he didn't attack him one time he had to use the next dimension down flesh he didn't you're thinking i know he didn't attack him spirit to spirit so that means he left him alone for three years imagine being able to function as a church without hell's attack for three years i mean it hit me like a ton of bricks i thought i want to go there and it ain't honolulu i want to go there i want to get to the place where hell can't even see me i thought okay the only configuration i could put together was that humility is the hiding place of the church because at the prince is known they would not have crucified our lord i thought that's it that's why he tries to get us to be proud tries to trigger a pride accord why because if we have pride we become visible if we walk in humility we're invisible i thought oh god this is that place you're trying to get the church why to die daily why it makes you invisible repentance causes you to get into the vein of invisibility because repentance kicks out pride repentance kicks out selfishness repentance kicks out self-indulgence repentance kicks out the lust of the flesh repentance kicks out the lust of the eyes repentance kicks out the pride of life think about it repentance isn't just so you can ask god to forgive you what you did wrong paul did it every day did he sin every night of course not right so why did paul say i die daily because there's more than just repenting to get your sins forgiven repentance opens the heavens read mark chapter one where jesus was consumed of john in his baptism right he was baptized of john john's baptism was the baptism of repentance now that you know the answer say it amen john's baptism is the baptism is the baptism of repentance jesus gets baptized he doesn't need to repent he has no sin he gets baptized and repents as soon as he comes out immediately the heavens open i thought wait the heavens hadn't opened since genesis in the garden before they sinned they were closed ever since then and i thought wow so the first time you get access to the heavens is when you get consumed in repentance that's why paul died daily why it's access to the heavenlies think about it think about how pentecostals think if i come in here and i start praying and i say god forgive me what do you think he's trying to access heaven or what did he do wrong that proves we've learned the limited entrance gate of repentance there's a whole lot more than just getting your sins forgiven it's an access point why because it does two things it causes us to humble ourselves and it causes him to give us access i thought oh my god have mercy on my soul i am fixing to gain some serious access here devil i'll see you but you won't see me i am about to disappear here a friend of mine a prophet uh he pastors tries to and and he he went into a church he said there were demons sitting all along the lids i'm like oh god i'm sorry he said well the pastor asked me to come to help him and so i walked in and i saw these i thought i said in jesus name he said all of them left except one he said i actually looked at him said you leave in jesus name he started to get up and i started to rejoice and he sat back down and i thought i said in jesus name you leave he started to get up i started to get excited he sat back down i thought you were out no good for nothing devil you get out of here right now in jesus name and he just looked at him and then he said then it hit me he said i'm taking credit for this pride he said man i hit my knees i started weeping he said i don't know when it left but two hours later when i got up it was gone i thought um i wonder what would happen to us if we would make a life of repenting i just had this charismatic woman tell a dear friend of my new pastor she said you don't need to do all that stuff you repent once that's it he said you mean you've never repented again she said i don't need to he said you mean you don't you've never had sin in your life since then she said nope according to john's writing she's a liar that's what john said i didn't say that john said that the man say he hath not sinned he is a john said that my god why it's not the principle of well what did i do wrong no that you missed the point that's not that's how you come in once you get in it's an access point and see the devil wants to keep it the other way that way we don't get access to the heavenlies man something just moved in here so beautiful i want you to lift your hands to the lord and just thank him because liberty's coming to your house thank him because of covering of fresh coverings coming to your house thank him because the attacks you had before you shall have no more i want you to thank him because the stuff the enemy had raised his head to do and that he had planned for you from this point forward because he had been aggressively pursuing things against you are not going to be accessible but attorney you're stepping into multiplication multiplications written all over you man my god in the name of jesus christ just worship him for a moment there is prophetical movement right now happening in this place amen what the lord asked you for is coming upon you right now and god is causing a fresh amen voice to come to come upon you that your voice has an effect like it has not had before but shall now begin to have a cause and effect for you thought you were not noticed but i have noticed you in your prayer time i have noticed you in your closet and now they shall notice you because they shall notice me saith the lord okay let's go here psalm 16. everybody knows that old scripture weeping may endure for a night but but joy cometh i mean they got songs about it there's one cat went to the extension of that song and started saying money cometh like what's wrong with him like when you got joy who needs money if you really have joy i mean we need money i know love of it destroys everything but having it answers everything another day psalm 16 11. that was shown me the path of life we all know this part in thy presence is fullness of look at that in thy presence is fullness of that's a semicolon that's not a period there's a pause why what's joy joy is when god answers your prayer joy is when you were suffering from crippling arthritis and instantly your hands go straight forward and now you can walk and your s spine that was curved straightens out overnight and you wake up like the lady brother shoe makes shirts it woke up with a straight spine overnight legs stretched out jaw straightened out hips straightened out woke up she said man i'm in pain i didn't sleep good last night at all i heard a bunch of pops honey would you rub my back i got to go to work so he started trying to rub her back the old s way and he went what what what threw her shirt up said honey honey said what your spine it's gone straight after 34 years of being a scoliosis pentecostal that's when joy comes you think they had joy that day and 10 women that couldn't have babies the lord said speak to him spoke to them over different periods of time and god allowed them to have babies you think they got happy one couple called back said here let me introduce you to our three babies pastor said bro you gotta stop prayer i said nice up to them so i don't do that part three babies later they're rejoicing they got joy right it's great and they're great that guy he he come to church from a bang bang bang background and god saves him and gets shot back in the world and has a bullet lodged in his chest right comes to church have service god heals him goes to the doctor doctor looks at him he said i don't understand he said what he said it's not bothering me i can't find the cancer he said what's bothering me is i can't find the bullet and i can't find the hole john schumacher's church nine-week revival 250 documented miracles 100 people filled with the baptism of the holy ghost in nine weeks just a god thing never preached there before in my life i was supposed to preach one service god just blew it up i'm like wow that's joy right but i looked at that scripture i thought wait that's not the end of the scripture it's a pause almost like god's saying okay i did what you want would you hang out with me a little longer so i can do what i want because the rest of it says at his right hand kingdom atmosphere our pleasures listen to what's attached to this joy isn't attached to evermore pleasure is he says there are pleasures what forever more he says when i start distributing what's on my mind it has eternal value in it it's not just gonna bless you it's not just gonna heal you it's not just gonna give you supply it's not just gonna bless your finances it's not just gonna bless your family it's not just going to give you a good life it's not just going to make you upright it's not just going to uphold you it's not just going to help you it's not just going to give you hope it's not just going to give you uplifting it's not just going to give you joy it's not just going to give you strength it's not just gonna give you power what i'm about to lose upon you has an eternal attachment to it it's something that's gonna help you now and it's something that's gonna help you forever in other words i'm putting you in a position now that you've gotten what you want now i'm going to draw you close because i'm about to loose inside of you what i've got that's got some eternal value marked on it and i'm going to invest it right inside your dimension your world your soul your god that's why that's why the old timers would hang out they couldn't explain it they couldn't put their finger on it they called it the glory of god but they couldn't leave it's like they wanted to stay and stay and stay because something in the atmosphere and i thought god what is it in the atmosphere because we live in such a knowledge need to know google.com basis era today so god what is it what is it and when i read that scripture and god stopped me he arrested me and he said now let me talk to you a little while about what i do in those times he said that's the place where you stop asking me for earthly things and i start imparting heavenly things i thought god oh god oh god help me to facilitate help me to facilitate god arenas where you begin to so i started i don't know i it was back in maryland camp i can't remember how long ago that was 15 years ago i didn't even know what i was doing not that i know what i'm doing now but it's i have a little clear understanding but back then i i didn't know what i was doing i would feel divine movements happen and i thought god we got to stay here what can i say what can i do what action can i put into motion because billy cole always taught me put something into action to cause the people to respond and you'll keep them engaged so i thought i got to think of a million things here because we got to stay a while and people have a seven minute or less retention span in the spirit the average altar call before people open their eyes and start looking around at seven minutes you know what i found out according to psychology and psychiatrists so my pastor does all that counseling stuff he likes to counsel i'm like bro i gotta pray for you who in the world likes to counsel god have mercy on your soul i'm sorry i hope you don't bishop but man counseling jesus rapture me quick they're coming i don't do i don't like counseling man it's like what is that so i found out that in marriage counseling the retention rate of a conversation is seven minutes i just found this out a couple of weeks ago i thought oh my lord they're both relational our relationship at the altar seven minutes deep on average i thought no wonder nothing's attaching itself to us we're not staying long enough for anything to attach itself oh god that's why because we leave the pause dimension we get our joy we go home nothing wrong with that god loves us he blesses us he'll continue to bless us but i see a christ saying wait before you leave i did what you wanted now would you hang out a little bit there's more i had on my mind instead of you going back to your house and watching that two-hour video that you already rented and getting entertained so would you hang out with me there's some stuff i'll put into you that's going to outlive your current trial that will outlast your current financial deficit that will out supply your current deficiency in the red i have it here and i'm ready to give it to you i just need a little bit of time to invest it you give me that time god's about to reach into several generations all at once and he's about to stretch from this location and touch soul chambers that you have not been able to get to and the prayers that you have prayed unto me i have heard and now i am causing extensions to be like hands that reach into compartments that you've not been able to successfully reach into and i the lord have already broken down those barriers and i shall reach behind those walls and touch those hearts that you have brought before my attention i've heard your prayer and now i've come to make a supply for the answer of them to begin to now trickle forth saith the lord and i will cause joy in that portion of your prayer to come because i know what you have asked and i am going to do exceeding abundantly above what you have asked or even thought you know what i think we need to do right now just entertain something would you lift your hands right now would you lift your voice right now would you lift your spirit right now would you mode lift your voice with that lift your voice with that lift your voice with that all right let that go let that go let that go render no more healing sweeping over your emotions it's not a physical thing god's reaching right into the root system of words hurt the most like streams of healing streams of virtues streams of strength streams of health just touch somebody by you either take their hand or put your hand on their shoulder just touch somebody by you and transmit what's going on in the holy ghost right now inside of the spirit chamber that's moving among us in god in the lit lord further from the seat of your throne caught to the seat of our soul that healing virtue strength power foreign no [Music] um some of you will get a heal just by reason of what's touching your soul outward some of you will get healed just by reason of what's flowing through your spiritual bosom touching literally the physical frame according to the virtue that's carried inside the spirit that's moving inside of the spiritual womb of this church loose god out of your divine throne jesus i want you to lose the peace of god that passeth all understanding on your neighbor right now somebody maybe you don't live with even put your hand on them and just according to the scripture loose the peace of god that passeth all understanding those of you that have had nerve issues let the peace of god that passeth all understanding those of you that have had sleep issues let the peace of god that passeth all understanding begin to touch your night season those of you that have had a worry issues let the peace of god that passeth all understanding now affect [Music] there comes a wind right there that's the wind of the presence of the lord let that wind karemo the wind of the spirit that is the treasure house of the lord opening the treasure chest of the lord where the wind of the lord the literal spirit of god begins to loose treasures upon your personal state that's okay give yourself to that allow the lord to sweep over you with that gentle blow and that gentle flow like just like he breathed into adam's nostrils let him breathe that dimension into your world right there right now sure no just entertain that for a little while longer it's reaching into root systems it's reaching into several generations backward and forward code and the fear that some of you have had of affecting your children with stuff that you dealt with is disconnecting itself right now and god is removing that as a concern out of your human spirit because his holy spirit is loosing another dimension upon this generation because you're not accountable rendon for what you've already repented for and put your life in a different direction toward and gandek and the curse of condemnation that has been in your subconscious is being dealt with by the breath of the lord like that's healing that sector of your mind with the where the wholeness of the m um [Music] huh thus saith the lord i've watched you soar into the dimensions where my spirit would move upon you but you could only reach certain heights and it appeared that you could not reach above that for your wings were clipped as the eagle who would be in repair would settle in the nest only to know only to a certain height will we be able to reach there have you functioned and done well but i have given you new wings today these wings are not clipped because i have tested you to see how you would trust me and i have seen that you would be faithful i will restore your wings to heights unknown to you for i the lord your god have allowed the clipping for the purpose of protection but now that i release dimensions as i have you will need the wings i am giving you this day to fly into places that are not known to you and just as i guided you and led you where you have been i will guide you into territory unknown so you may lead others so i say fear not for fear had begun to try to trickle and attack many of you in this house but i have eradicated fear and i have clipped fear's wings where it cannot fly that where you fly fear cannot come therefore i say spread the wings i have put in your spirit and watch what i will do among you saith the lord of hosts judge the prophecy if you deem it as from the lord then lift your voice and receive it as such in the name of the lord
Channel: Atlanta West Pentecostal Church
Views: 6,376
Rating: 4.9187818 out of 5
Id: cWwrC6ymXpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 56sec (5276 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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