Remember This Dance by Josh Herring

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[Music] I'll say he's I'm not about to start a message without letting you hear from him first because he's probably one of the greatest preachers in the world and he is gonna be is gonna get up here and say something he's not going to sit out there and hide out there's no way so brother bounce I want you to come I want you to greet the people in Jesus name would you clap your hands and make one the greatest preacher in the world feel welcome tonight [Applause] everybody it is so good to be here tonight to feel what I feel wow there's something about the power of the Holy Ghost and the brother began to run across this through the food and altar area holding the handkerchief there was something come all over me let me know something happens when you praise Him [Applause] praise God it is so good to be in service with you it's good to see but evangelist Harry and his wonderful wife appreciate them and just give honor to this church we wanted to come for several years and we happen to be down at the extravaganza also we decided to come to be in church with you wonderful people this church is making an impact all over the world your your concept the global missions your leadership or the mire and how much we love and appreciate him and his family and and appreciate just just the leadership here but the Faubert appreciate you and your family and God so good it I'm fourth generation Pentecost I've been in this all of my life 38 years old my wife is fifth generation Pentecost which makes our children sixth generation I've been in Pentecost I've grown up I was born on a Sunday my fourth son was born on Pentecost Sunday he was born with red hair a man that was a fire cloven tongues like a fire that is set upon him a man in all of the years that I've been in this I have never seen what I'm seeing right now we are in the last of the last days the Bible says he's gonna pour his spirit upon all flesh and this sons and the daughters are gonna prophesy old men are going to dream dreams young men are gonna see visions it was January the 29th I last year I saw in our area about 17 miracles I'm talking about cancers disappeared canceled surgeries and tumors disappeared and liver disease that somebody had three months to live not only got the not only did it reverse but there was no evidence there was ever any disease and this 51 year old man I've seen so lucky Nia healed and God's doing something but on January the 29th of this year I was telling her the herring about this I walked into our church that we have in Guatemala and on a Sunday night when I stepped into the sanctuary I looked and coming through the door somebody was carrying a bed and I said to myself I'm about to see that scripture fulfilled take up thy bed and walk sure enough they carried the bed in and set it in the sanctuary and they carried a lame man in that night who had a tumor in his body for two years and he hadn't walked in for two years and was also blind they laid him on the cot he was so sick prior to the service but somebody believed that he could get a miracle that night he couldn't even get a drink of water without assistance but in the first five minutes of service the glory of God filled that building no one laid hands on him there was there was no one that helped him just when the glory of God come in just like I felt just a moment ago he stood up and he said in Spanish he said the tumor disappeared they woke him up head and walked in two years and here he came up with us his scrawny lanky legs he had used in two years when he got on the platform they begin to tell the congregation they begin to worship like you are right now and in that moment you know what he also received his sight he said I can't see I can there's something may we say cheese' something happens or something Monsieur Jesus oh that there's power told you and now I get to follow that isn't that a blessing amen amen God is doing great things I told you this morning we're seeing unprecedented miracles of God and news of the Spirit amen the book of 2nd Samuel chapter 6 verse 13 through verse 23 2nd samuel chapter 6 verses 13 through 23 i heard that brother bounds kids took first place in that quizzing tournament that's some serious oh we don't like him now that's some serious authority when you walk in the enemy's camp and worship God hey man we ought to give them a hand too for their kids that's awesome huh god that's what Gideon did Gideon did go down to the enemy's camp literally and when he heard from God the Bible said he worship and returned to the house of Israel he didn't worship in the house of history worship in the enemy's backyard that's powerful he was a coward going in but when you hear from God real strongly it doesn't matter where you're at you feel that presence of God it'll make you a worshipper in the enemy's house and not fear anything that devil has said to you a man 2nd samuel 6 verse 13 it was so that when they had bared the ark of the lord had gone six paces he sacrificed oxen and fat wings and David danced somebody say David danced before the Lord with all of his mind and David was girded with a linen ephod so David and all the house of Israel brought up the Ark of the law or the glory of God the presence of God was shouting and with a sound of the trumpet and as the Ark of the Lord came into the city of David Michael Saul's daughter looked through a window and saw King David leaping and dancing before the Lord and she despised him in her heart and they brought in the Ark of the Lord and said in the place in the midst of the tabernacle that daven had pitched for it and david offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before the Lord and as soon as David had made an end of offering burnt offerings and peace offerings he blessed the people in the name of the Lord of hosts and he dealt among all the people even among the whole multitude of Israel as well to the women as men to everyone a cake of bread and a good piece of flesh and a flagon of wine so all the people departed everyone to his house then David returned to bless his household and Mykel the daughter of Saul came out to meet David and said how glorious was the king of Israel today who uncovered himself today in the eyes of the handmaids of the servants as one of the vain fellows shamelessly uncovered himself and David said unto Michael or Michael it was before the Lord who chose me before thy father and before all his house to appoint me ruler over the people of the Lord over Israel therefore will I play before the Lord and I will be yet more vile than thus and will be based in my own sight and of the maidservants which thou spoken of of them shall I be had in honor therefore Michal the daughter of Saul had no child unto the day of her death look at your neighbor and tell them you'll remember this dance turn to your other neighbor and tell them you'll remember this dance I believe what started a few minutes ago was over the Lord because I asked him if that's what you want me to do then give me a signal but that's in the atmosphere and right before we got to the pulpit a spirit of dancing and worship tried to take over this place but in the name of it will take over the entire place tonight as we celebrate what the king of kings is and the Lord of lords is can you clap your hands right now and can you lift up your voice and magnify the name of Jesus Christ hallelu you may be seated I don't have to tell you I'm sure most of you know this story because it's pretty much church folks in here tonight but I don't have to tell you that that when David brought the Ark of the Covenant back this time this was not the first attempt to bring the presence of God back into Israel after the Philistines had taken it but the first time he brought it back they were on their way and they were trying to have a move of God literally moving the presence of God without any worship without any sacrifice they had him on the car and they were pushing the Ark with it with the oxen pulling it and as they made their way into the toward Israel one of David's right-hand man touched the ark because it was shaking and God killed him on the spot in fact the Bible said God made a breach upon us or in other words God split him in half God put a hole right in the middle of him and God killed him over dead you never take the presence of God lightly when the presence of God is among you it should not be one no big deal that we had great church today no big deal that everybody got healed no big deal that God's filling people with the hold it goes that's a dangerous position because when you think it's no big deal you think you could just touch God anytime you want to and when the move of the Spirit takes place I can reach out when I want to then and that's not how it operates really in the house of God we ought to worship every chance that we get we don't deserve to be here tonight we don't deserve to raise our hands over in China they would do anything they could to have an atmosphere like this right now what you filled this room right now Bernie's God and he dropped the half of the Ark of the Lord off a nobody in his house because he said we're not gonna go near it now it's too dangerous he was upset at God and for three months oh but Edom had the presence of God in his house and God blessed his house any house that has the presence of God and it will be blessed of the Lord if you're always fighting in your house it might want to get the presence of God back in the home you might want to start talking about the goodness of the Lord and how great he is and how powerful he is and praise him because he'd wells in the praises of his people and if everybody's arguing in your house I'm just suggesting that tonight rather than go home and start another fight go home and start declaring how good god is and praise him with your family in the house if you want your house to be bought the Ark of the Covenant bath you went to old buddy Tim's house and said we've got to take the presence of God back to Israel and as he begins to take in the Bible said this time that they they they didn't just carry the ark on the on the car with it with the auction pulling it but this time they carry it on the priests shoulders and as they were coming in to the presence of Israel the Bible said that they stopped every six paces every sixth step one two three four five and six and the seventh step was the step of sacrifice they sacrifice oxen and they sacrifice fat legs do you know how many oxen had to be taken on that trip for every seventh step they had to kill one of them David was so humbled to be back in the presence of God he was so thankful to be back in the presence of God that every seventh step he said we've got a sacrifice before the Lord let me tell you something that's why you're here on Sunday night anybody can come on Sunday morning but if you really want to be in the presence of God you make your way back on Sunday night as a sacrifice to let the Lord know it's my seventh step I want to be in your presence it's not some little thing I plot my hands to you I do it because I need you and I love you and I adore you and I worship and sacrifice and when he would sacrifice the Bible said he danced see it's easy to dance when you get healed it's easy to dance when the boss calls you in and says you've just gotten a promotion it's easy to dance when the loved one is in the altar speaking in tongues praying through that's been Bachelet and for years and we should dance in those circumstances absolutely but what most people do not know how to do is dance while they're sacrificing sacrificing involves pain and death of flesh but David understood something about God that if you can take pain and give it to God at the same time that you're sacrificing flesh begin to celebrate that you get to sacrifice see most people don't like that Billy Cole preached that the reward of sacrifice when you sacrifice to God the reward of it is you get the sacrifice again that's bent over like a lead balloon Billy Cole also saw a million people get the Holy Ghost in fact at a conference one time he looked at everybody and all these young preachers these hotshots on the front rows and he said all of you out here can out preach me every single one of you can now preach me he said but none of you can out sacrifice me and when someone makes up their mind to live their life as a sacrifice to God they will see the power God in ways that other people around them will not see no matter how talented they are how gifted they are how love they are you make up your mind to sacrifice and God's hand will be on your life and he sacrificed and when he was sacrificed I don't know why but he he began to dance before the Lord there's something about worshiping when you don't feel it totally makes a tyre there's something about shouting when you feel like sitting there's something about worshiping when you don't feel like even being there there's something about you while you're in the flesh and I don't feel God at all I'm gonna step out even though I'm not the spirit yet and I know one way to get from the flesh to the spirit is to begin to dance before the Lord I know there's one way every time if I begin to shout if I begin to celebrate I'll go from flesh to spirit every time because God dwells in praises and when you begin to dance before the Lord hold it oh stop here right now someone needs to stop being bitter and get your dance back tonight you need to forget about who said what and what they did to you and just get your dance back tonight now dare you let someone robbed you of your worship to your king who cares what they've done to you don't let them steal your moments in the miraculous presence of the king of khang hallelujah it's starting to brew in here the Holy Ghost there's nothing like dancing when you don't feel like it there's nothing like being depressed and raising your hands anyway and saying though he slay me yet shall I trust him but he did just he didn't just do a cute little Bible said he danced with all his might I would dare say that the elder that was dancing down here was dancing with all of his might you know the difference wing dancing and dancing with all your mic you can dance and look good if you can't dance it all your line look good there's that really means in the Hebrew he world he world with everything he had he's began to give God everything he was spin you got to worship God to your spin worship God teen don't even know where you're at worship God so I can't tell who's over here and who's over there God is everything I both his hard Steve will it be told his kids when they came in one time they said dad these people did it's wrong he said you go pray through to you're dancing again they did the kids wrong and he told the kids here's how you get over people doing you wrong you pray so hard until you get your dance back and when you get dancing in the spirit you could care less what anybody says what anybody cause because it's not about them anymore you've tapped into a dimension where it's you and God let God arise I'm gonna ask a question to all of us to me to you when's the last time you danced with all your might could it be that we're asking without dancing for asking for miracles but not our praise doesn't match our requests unprecedented miracles also require unprecedented worship and praise and I have faith that God's gonna do it and David started dancing and we wasn't long that the Bible said all of the people were shouting you were tell you some if you get one person like he said tonight when the man began to dance when one person gets on fire it gets contagious I bet he wasn't the only one I felt it too when the man began to dance before the Lord I felt like dancing I feel like running I feel like doing crazy stuff forgot why because when somebody stirs up the atmosphere and to sit there if you want to throw a party for the Lord I've got a worship go a worshiper can't sit there a worshiper can't Bowl his arse cuz if they're worshiping I need to worship if you're praising God somebody praised it for a moment right that's what I'm talking about a widow out the aisle right now just buried her husband but she's dancing before the Lord that's what I'm talking about when you can worship God no matter what you've been through you've got the heart of God you can be seated you want to chill for a minute and everybody was having a party in fact the party got so while David said take the party home with you that's it needs to happen more on Sunday night we could we get wild worshipping for God and go home to the dungeon of doubt arguing flesh strife carnality but David said what you're feeling up here everybody he got them some bread and he got them some meat and he got them some wine he said I want you to take the party here home with you that is you wanna make the devil stop stealing everything you get on Sunday it seems like you get a break through Sunday and you lose it Monday or you lose it Tuesday or you lose it Sunday night let me tell you how to keep man you got to keep worshipping all the way home you gotta take what you've got in the presence of God and you're gonna bring it home to your family and David since the party home and he says I'm gonna go home and keep partying at my house I'm gonna go bless my house and we're gonna worship and celebrate only problem was there was only one not a worshipper in the whole city and she lived at David's house lucky Dave and she looks out windows I know another chick that did that in the Bible her name was Jezebel and when the king came in Mike hell looks out the window with disdain be careful when you start judging other people's worship with your critical spirits because it may not be Michael you're being like she might be modeling Jezebel oh it got real quiet you didn't expect me to turn that did you when you become a non worshipper yours the people that are non worshippers are mad at God about something but they blame it on other people and when non worshipers get in an atmosphere of worship it's hard for them to be comfortable because everybody around them is doing what they don't want to do see some church to go to if you're the worshipper you stand out and some churches you go to if you're a non worshipper you stand out if you're a non worshipper in Palm Bay you stand out especially from up here because when you look at me and you say how come four hundred people are loving Jesus and one person I was in New York City last week it's a couple days ago and and one of the guys that was there with us he was we admit him before the service he and Bishop Mitchell got to the platform and he he said I want everyone to stand and worship God and everyone stood about not here people clapping worshiping I looked up in the balcony and there's homie he's the only human not standing and then Bishop mitchison let's all raise our hands and nobody said anything to him and after church I don't even know the guy but I met him I said you've got a bad spirit he said what I said I don't care if you don't worship what I preach but your bishop was up there and your bishop said let's all stand and you folded your arms he said you saw that how'd you see that I say non worshipers stand out to me man he's the one going through stuff I said you might be going through a lot of stuff but when your leader says let's worship God you want to get out of the stuff you're in don't sit there with an attitude get up with you don't feel like raise your hands when you don't feel it clap your hands when you don't feel it listen when Pastor Myers is here preaching next week and you're tired and exhausted if he says let's clap our heads don't pattycake him get up and clap your hands get up and show hey I'm with my pastor I'm with my leader I'm believing in what God's do but a non worshipper usually can't keep their mouth shut because non worshipers have one thing in common they critique worshippers they critique them they say things about them they do everything they can can you help me yes ma'am come on I have seen some of you when mama bust out of the Pew and dance I have seen some of you roll your eyes put your head down but no she told me this morning she said see her sister died of cancer and the next year her mother and her sister another sister died a cancer and then she got cancer and the doctor said she was gonna be number four the first three died of cancer that was four years ago and so she said when I'm up here she said I can't just sit still I have to worship the Lord listen I bet you never roll your eyes at her again when she when somebody worships God like that there's a reason there's a reason somebody shouted the Lord right now come on grandma worship God come on let's say praise the Lord magnify the Lord when you do that they may think nothing of it but the devil hates it when you say I will give him glory I will give her praise I feel the Holy Ghost let me just say something while you're standing for a bald man you've got a testimony you've got a reason to dance I mean you some of you may not be physically able to but if you can't dance outwardly you could do it in Fort Lee and some of you you get a reason to worship God that no one on your Pew no one in your section no one in this building has the same reason God has done something for you he's done for nobody else and he don't like it when I get an attitude and forget what he's done but he loves it when I come in here remembering what the Lord has already done I propose to you that you cannot be a non worshipper when you think of the goodness of Jesus and everything he's done for you you really can't be a non worshipper when you have met birth it's in there we're getting close let's go a little bit deeper almost there you can be seated and her critique was to David you took off your royal garments now what that means was the outer layer the kingly robes that he was identified by perhaps the crown he took that robe off so he looked like a normal guy and she said you've got a position and you're not acting dignified oh I love dignified worshipers they sing look what I've done for me I healed my body I touched my mind I saved me just in time oh I'm gonna praise my mind she said you you're higher than that you're better than that you look like a normal person you've got a business people respect you why are you up there acting like a fool you've got Authority I've been feeling the Holy Ghost lately two or three weeks ago I asked God I'm just going to be very open with you okay okay I'll be transparent you can judge me whatever what I said gone you're letting me see thousands and thousands get the Holy Ghost and thousands get baptized and I've seen a few miracles here and there but I want to know why I can't see more miracles like we see a baptism and Holy Ghost he what he told me you're in love with authority I said what do you mean he said you know how to act in authority but you don't break out and be yourself and worship me and he said if you would lay down the reputation and the image take off your coat once in a while when you preach I'm gonna I'm just gonna be real with you stop act like a big shot and give me glory I'll start doing stuff in front of you and guess what I counted this afternoon the last three weeks 140 different miracles I've seen God do in the last three weeks I told you about some of this morning let me tell you something it's nothing to do with me but I made up my mind if that's the key to the miraculous then let me worship and look like a fool you can judge me all you want to but if you can heal while we're shouting I say it's worth it I think it's worth it I think it's worth it you want to take off the tote take off the reputation and praised up there it goes again hallelujah somebody shout right now somebody dance right now somebody praise Jesus [Applause] so stay standing for the Holy Ghost stay standing so I said god I don't want to just I want to do everything what do you want me to do so I that was a couple weeks ago so I'm driving in the car to a service in California and I'm watching an old Steve Willoughby Prix he was a worshipping machine man and he's preaching and he says I would like everyone the congregation to do some with me and he says I wants to clap I wants to clap above our head and so he said here's why he said when God gave me the Holy Ghost he said I'd pray for it for five years for the bounce he said I couldn't get it cuz I was too dignifying he said one night I told God do whatever taste good the Holy Ghost and God said clap above your head he said but my friends are watching yeah clap above your head he said so I started clapping he said guess what I got on the fifth clap and gone to him with the Holy Ghost and he said so now when I clap I can't just do this very much because my mind goes back up when I want to feel God plain foolish wait so he had the whole church do what you just did he just died of cancer but three years ago so I watched that message and I'm weeping I get to church that night and I'm worshiping God and God says to me will you keep Steve Willoughby's Clapp alive please I said what he said everybody wants power but if you would learn to praise like men that walked with me and be humble I would do things for you that you couldn't see so on a Tuesday night in the little Church in Sacramento I I look foolish but a little church about 8090 people God's field 14 people that night with the Holy Ghost let me tell you something it may look food I don't care anymore I don't care about anymore I want to see a move of God I want to see a move of God I want to see God do something it looks crazy but you are glorifying you when you you're telling everybody around you I praise in the one who sits on the broad I'm done and she said how dare you act so undignified and he said you don't understand there was another King in the room he said it was for the Lord he said see if I'm the if I'm the number one head honcho I can act dignified but when there's the other King in the room I'm no longer the one everyone's looking at I'm no longer the one everyone wants to his opinion or approval on or judgment on the King of Kings was here so I have got to act like the people act see they were shouting because David was there but he was shouting because God was there that's what I'm talking about right there when you recognize ha ha ha and he said if you think that was something you're gonna remember this next dance he said I will be more vile than I was he said I was just gonna settle with giving God undignified praise but when you told me how disappointed in me you were I could sit back and get intimidated by that spirit and said well I don't want the notes I think bad of me but if I want to be like David I can't do that David said you think that's something you're about to see me worship God like you've never seen me worship God and from that moment on Mickael could never have babies because God made her barren there's when you judge a worshipper who's given God everything he has God has just cut you off from being fruitful in the kingdom of God and David said you're gonna remember this dance you made think something you may talk big now but when you're in need don't come crying to me when you had a chance to dance and a chance to worship you talk bad about the worshipers listen to me never let it be said but on a Sunday night you rolled your eyes at someone beside you that was trying to give God everything they have never let it be said of me that wants for the bounds get on the floor and I thought nothing up and when people are worshiping God I ought to be giving God everything that I so here's what I want to say me when the balance is gonna help me in the moment I'm just gonna ask you David said what you just saw was not my best dance he said oh I think I can go to another level you're telling me to not act dignified and your criticism is making me want to worship God like nothing makes me want to worship God like a chirping demon that says you cannot you shouldn't be doing that there's nothing's gonna change why are you acting crazy he said I think I've got another dance in me that's nothing like I've ever done here's what I want to ask you if this is what you normally do when you're giving God everything if you do that right now that's not going to another level that's staying where you're always staying if maybe this is what you do and when the gun starts moving on you right now you do the same thing that's not the David dance the David dance is I can take it to any level necessary it's determined on the opposition that's talking to me so if the devil's not bothering you and all God deserves this okay but if there's anything talking to you messing with your family messing with you don't give God the cute dignified you should just be thankful I'm here Lord that doesn't work but what works is when you worship at the same intensity as the opposition that's coming against you so if the devil's messing with you and he's coming at you hard then give it right back to him right now and say hey you can say what you want you can do what you want but I'm about to show you that you'll remember this - you'll remember they shout you know read that but when I praise God [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] I see the teenagers doing it I see the teenagers going after you've got the hots up I dare you right now to let the enemy know you'll remember this - you shouldn't have pushed me you shouldn't have said that you shouldn't have told me that it's gonna make me worship God like nothing ever has before [Applause] Alabama Sakata vietato if you need a miracle get your dance out did your praise I'll get your shower [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there comes a time when your dignity needs to go down and your worships gotta go up these were these there's another King in here there's a king in there what do I do don't let him know I need you I love you I adore you I praise you I worship you [Music] I yell about circa that's what I'm talking about that's what's up right there hallelujah I don't need a background beat this is about the king and the road [Applause] that's what's up right there that's these kids praising God [Applause] hahaha [Applause] Oh hail King Jesus all hail King Jesus Oh hail King Jesus oh Jesus [Applause] [Music] feel like doing something right now I'm at but the boughs about to come up here I felt like saying something I want you to do something right here I want you to turn to your neighbor and say neighbor please don't watch me because I'm about to look undignified don't think less of me but this isn't about you he's already healed me he's delivered me he saved me these were they somebody praise him praise Him hallelujah [Applause] poly they are tireless [Applause] now grab their hands and dance with them before the Lord God is here God is here [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus come on while you're dancing God is healing while you're dancing God is giving miracles while you are dancing tonight the Lord Aleppo sham Nanak on the opposite I come on appraise him the way you feel like it good and praise here hallelujah hallelujah in the name of Jesus hello Jean la la la ba ha he ha ba ba [Applause] here's what I want you to do tonight here's what I want you to do tonight I don't want you to stop I'm going to give you a word and I want you to just flow with it until you feel the breakthrough happen just one moment just one moment just one moment stop worshipping just just for a moment growing up in church I said on this side of the church beside my grandmother my grandmother was known before she came to the Lord she was known as the tini the teenage grandma every Friday night she would go to the dance hall and dance with the teenagers there from the high school club when she came to the church she never stopped dancing she just started dancing for the Lord now my grandmother had one of those dances like he preached about tonight it wasn't the one that they were doing Friday night it was one of those there was no dignity in it it she would start it sounded like when the Lord would start moving in the service and all of a sudden of a sound like the pressure cooker building up you start hearing the womb as a kid set beside of her I knew any moment and start getting a little bit louder Lulu she was about 95 pounds soaking wet with that big old white hairdo she'd have but all of a sudden when all you would have filled that pressure cooker go off she goes that high-pitched voice of my grandmother but she wouldn't stop there she came out of them out of the side of her seat and she will start dancing when she started dancing it looked like she was directing traffic it's okay I just do what my grandmother would do in church she knew something like this that's hot dancing Church I'll never forget Sawyer I'll never get bit in that youth choir camp choir practice when I was 11 years old and the Lord did for me what you were talking about he said I want you to dance before me it was in a youth camp choir practice and I said oh God what do you want me to do I don't usually dance in church oh god no don't let don't make me do the Mimi dancing or whatever living I don't want to do he said are you here to worship me I said God I didn't come here to do anything but to please you and if that's what you want me to do then that's what I'm gonna do I was 11 years old you know what I did I swallowed my pride and my dignity something come all over me I got lost in his spirit I feel like something like that's about to happen in this room you know you're not gonna know what happened between now in the next two minutes that God's gonna give you a miracle that's gonna give you a breakthrough come on go ahead and praise Him the way he has told you to praise Him can I go to dance the way he told some of you to round the aisle that don't stop don't stop [Applause] come on no way on anybody else find somewhere else in the building to go to and there's not enough room but praise him shout like you've never shouted dance like you've never danced raise him like you've never faced him with all of your might raise me the hook go ahead go ahead don't stop go ahead [Applause] [Applause] [Music] any time God demands of you something you're not comfortable doing it's a signal of promotion in the spirit it's a test because you're about to go to the next place in him and this is the access code into that dimension and when God says give me a praise a dance a sacrifice that you would not normally do he's not doing it to humiliate you he's doing it to remove flesh from you so you can go to another level of spirit you can't enter a new spiritual territory with the same level of flesh that you have there's got to be a removal of flesh to go higher in the spirit and when you do something like this your flesh looks bad but what's going on is God's removing flesh off of you so you can walk in the spirit like you've never walked I would be shocked if some of you did not walk in the gives of the spirit this week like you've never walked I expect God to use you I expect you to hear things and see things at declare things because when you step out of flesh you step into the spirit start thinking away how can I remove flesh how can I remove flesh how can I kill the Ox how can I kill the Ox and if God says it's a hip it's a dance that's a fast if it's giving if it's praying seven nights this week at the church it's a print all night whatever it is when God tells you to do something that's sacrificial remember this sacrifice means flesh is dying flesh is dying I mean fire is going to fall God is going to do something that it cannot do until the flesh dies and when the flesh dies the glory invades Solomon sacrificed the animals and the glory will be so thick in the room you can't even stay in the building that's the secret in the spirit world when God starts telling you remove flesh he's trying to push you in something in the spirit and you won't be able to see in the flesh so guess what somebody that were dancin acting crazy feeling I feel so foolish at the elder back there still dancing around right now don't be shocked when God says here here's a blessing from my world here's something you've been praying for wanting to hear wanting to see wanting to know my voice won't have an encounter with an angel wanting to have a dream for me whatever it is you want something from God tap into the spirit one more time as we're done I feel like we've danced and we've shouted but I want us to leave here and not let the devil or the spirit of Michael steal what's going on if something starts talking to you and mocking you then dance in your car dance in the parking lot dance at your job do something if that did mikoto a hotshot I'll make it so that the enemy would rather not talk to you because if they know every time I talk to her she breaks out worshiping every time I mock him he cries and we raise his hands at his job they'll leave you alone they're doing it to you cuz we got pride but if we lay the pride down they'll back off they don't want to mess you at your job when they know how witness in a second if you tell me not to I'll pray for him in a moment if you say not to I want you to pray with me I want you to pray that God keeps what you felt from brother bounds and this message tonight in your spirit and I want you to pray for the Lord to help you walk in the spirit this week okay walk in the spirit that's your prayer right now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I find everything the devil is going to try to say I'm gonna try to do to them I pray a worshiping spirit on every man every woman every boy every girl remind them when the devil tries to mock and talk to get their praise out and get their worship out and help them walk in the spirit this week let them see things they've never seen let them hear things they've never heard let them know things they've never known give them discernment and the gifts of the Spirit let it flow through them I pray let them witness let them pray for others in Jesus name some of you are walking out tonight with a spiritual key fob but the Willoughby said this after I heard from the Lord to keep his clap alive I watched some another move his message and he said if you walk in the power of God you said you want to go higher what gets you higher is not knowing more I understanding more he said it's uncontrolled worship when you know I've got a hold of something and then you even though you know you've got a hold of a gifting you say I'm not going to be consumed with the fact that I got a hold of something I'm gonna give God every ounce of me that I can he said that propels you even higher in God and more authority remember this as you're dismissed he's worthy every moment this week he's worthy he's worthy publicly privately secretly he's worthy god bless you in Jesus name [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Faith Once Delivered To The Saints
Views: 11,132
Rating: 4.9434628 out of 5
Keywords: God (Deity), Holy Spirit (Deity), Jesus Christ (Deity), Religion (Literary Genre), New Testament (Religious Text), Old Testament (Religious Text), Christianity (Religion), Pentecostalism (Religion), Apostolic (Religion), christianity (religion), monotheism (belief), religion (tv genre), Oneness Pentecostalism (Religion), the bible (religious text), salvation (belief), believer's baptism (religious practice)
Id: qud02zBjv40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 17sec (3497 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2017
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