Winds Conference | Thursday Day | Marcues Baptiste & Josh Herring

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[Applause] amen got saved first pentecostal church in deland florida and so he is a an original floridian amen and we love brother marcus baptiste his sister and their tremendous impact on this generation and so we are so delighted to invite our brother marcus baptiste to come and take this pulpit and preach to us the word of the lord would you make him feel welcome brother marcus baptiste amen amen amen and it's so good to be in the house of the lord this morning so thankful to be here i know about you but it's not always every place you go that on a sunday morning you could still have a worship session so i'm thankful to feel the presence of god in this place i don't want to take too much time preliminaries but i do want to take the time to give honor to pastor and bishop myers for everything that they're doing the state of florida and for the kingdom of god this conference doesn't happen without apostolic leadership i'm thankful for them many guys are thankful for apostolic leadership this morning [Applause] to all the speakers and sponsors and everyone that's made this event possible i really do thank you for participation and propelling the kingdom of god forward i also want to take the time just to give honor to my pastor i don't know if he's watching but i got on the phone with him this morning i was just able to talk to him and i was just encouraged just to hear the voice of my pastor there was just comfort in that knowing that he was praying for me and that he he had excitement in his spirit for this morning's service i also would be remiss if i did not take the time to thank brother josh herring about nine years ago got into church and before even was a year into church he got a hold of me and i saw some things that i didn't even see for myself and i'm thankful that he was willing to speak things into existence and even speak some things out of existence in my life his wife actually prayed my sister through to the holy ghost and so i'm the product of his ministry i'm thankful [Applause] for that amen psalms chapter 22 psalms chapter 22. i've been asked are you nervous and i said no there's so many speakers here that hoping just a little bit of oil will rub off on me so i feel like i'm the sixth man but i'm just happy to have a jersey amen psalms chapter 22 when you're there say amen amen psalms chapter 22 we're going to start with verse 14. it says i am poured out like water and all my bones everybody say bones i said all my bones are out of joint my heart is like wax that's melted within me my strength is dried up like a pot herd and my tongue clings to the jaw to my jaw you have brought me to the dust of death for dogs have surrounded me the congregation of the wicked has enclosed me they pierce my hands and my feet i cannot count all my bones they look at they look and stare at me divide my garment amongst themselves my clothing they cast a lot two more verses in this passage but you o lord do not be far from me oh my strength hasten to help me deliver me from the sword my precious life from the power of the dogs i'm gonna read one more verse john chapter 19 verse 36 john chapter 19 verse 36 john speaking about the crucifixion elaborating on what the prophet was speaking of in psalms chapter 22 and he says for these things were done that the scripture should be fulfilled a bone of his shall not be broken john says that the prophet said it and now we see it in fulfillment that not one bone was broken i talked to you about the place where bones meet place where bones meet if you can set your bibles down i just want you to lift both your hands and we've already done it but i just want us just to engage the presence of the lord one more time could you lift your voice right where you're at and just begin to talk to him just want you to tell god god whatever you want to do in me this week through me this week i give you liberty for your power to flow father right now in the name of jesus god i thank you i thank you god that you're in the room wherever the spirit of the lord is there's liberty god i'm thanking you god that there's a pretty in the holy ghost this morning i pray father that you would have your way i'm thanking you for miracle signs and wonders to follow i pray god that right now you would lose my tongue as an oracle of your kingdom i pray god that the holy ghost would begin to fall and let your power begin to heal begin to set free begin to lose every captive and we thank you for what you're going to do and if you believe it could you lift your voice and shout unto the lord [Applause] come on if you're excited for what god's going to do lift your voice and shout unto you amen amen the place where bones meet look at two or three people tell them you look better than i do you may be seated in the presence of the lord i think one of the greatest blessings that could ever occur in somebody's life is to hear a word from god i think it's a privilege that god would take the time to speak to us it's an honor that we can show up into the house of the lord hear something from the messenger that wasn't conjured in the back room of an office wasn't extracted from a library or parchments from books but that something was found in the spirit where god put something in his bosom that he would release to us greatest opportunity that we have as individuals is to hear a word from god i think the greatest blessing that could ever happen to you it's not that god would just bless you financially or that god would add favor to your family neither that god would give you academic status or accolade amongst men but that god would speak to you because if god can ever speak to you he can adjust the place that you're in i would go even further to say that if god ever speaks to you that more than just changing external things that god has the power to adjust internal issues i think the greatest thing about the power of god that he does not regulate his word just on surface level things but god's power is so great that he can take the deepest sinner that has been entrenched in wickedness and not only adjust their action but change their nature are you thankful for a god that still has the ability to speak some things amen amen amen amen i think i think the greatest privilege that we can ever have whenever we step into the building is not just the great music that we hear it's not just to sit in the great auditorium that we have it's not just a fellowship with the body of christ and those things are precious and we do not take that for granted but i want to remind you that the premier focus of every service is that when you walk into this place there is an expectation from deep down within that god would begin to speak something into your situation that would adjust who you are i am of the persuasion that the people that have gathered here this morning are not people here to be entertained you have not come just to devil daddle in the spirit but you want to weigh out into the waters of the holy ghost and allow god to speak something to you and can i tell you that there is a prophetic unction in this place for you amen amen amen amen amen it is the greatest blessing it is the greatest blessing to hear from god but i would also suggest to you that although hearing from god is the greatest blessing the greatest frustration that you will ever handle in your life will come from a word from god amen amen amen can i tell you it is a paradox that the greatest blessing can also be the greatest frustration i i think of abraham that when abraham in genesis chapter 12 verse 1 abraham in genesis chapter 12 verse 1 is being called by god and he is the son of an idol maker he has a lucrative business ahead of him and for some reason god begins to survey the earth and sees that abraham's children would honor what a god would say and the bible begins to relay the fact that god speaks to abraham and begins to tell abraham abraham i need you to get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from the father's house unto a land that i will show you can i tell you that the premier thing that the word will change is your context something happens whenever you get a word from god that it will adjust the atmosphere that you live in can i tell you the frustrating thing about hearing a word from god is the place that you are once content now becomes a place of frustration and condemnation because something in you understands that i was called to do more than this something you begin to realize that i was called to do more than this and all of a sudden place where you were comfortable now becomes a place of frustration because although it is the greatest blessing to hear a word from god it is the greatest frustration to hear a word from god because when you leave this altar and hear where he calls you to go church as normal just doesn't satisfy casual things don't satisfy the mundane just doesn't satisfy because something has called you from where you are to where he's wanting you to be stay with me just a little bit stay with me just a little bit i want you to realize i want you there are moments there are moments that when we are going through this thing called this christian journey and we hear a word from god the frustration that begins to ensure because when you're at the altar calling god begins to prophesy over your deliverance but you're still struggling with the same things you battled before you came in you're frustrated when you're at the altar calling god says he wants to send your revival but you haven't taught a bible study in over two years you become frustrated when you're at an altar calling god said god's gonna bring unity back into your family and backsliders are coming home but it's been six months since you received the word and you haven't heard anything yet it's frustrating there is a frustration that ensues when the word of god comes but i would tell you that frustration is the motivating factor of any believer because once you get frustrated enough with where you're at you'll have the ability to get up from here and go over there when you get frustrated with this you'll be willing to reach for that amen amen amen hey man i want you to understand i want you to understand that is this thing called the word everybody shout the word i'm going somewhere it's this thing called the word is this word that we deal with this word that we handle john was very acclimated with the word and he he begins to say in the beginning was the word it was the word that was in the beginning in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god but then he begins to say that the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the father amen know if it's ever intrigued you but think about what god is saying he's saying this word this pure thing this holy thing this thing that cannot be tainted by man's hands this this thing called the word the promise of god the logic of god the reasoning of god is now found in flesh and dwells among us he says he says the word wasn't afraid to entangle himself in humanity because it realized that that i'm so pure that even your impurity can't change me amen that i'm so righteous that your unrighteousness can't change me and he said the word was in flesh and i think it's powerful because he said we beheld his glory and can i tell you the process of glory is when the word entangles itself in flesh amen when the word is willing to entangle itself in flesh and he says it it dwelt among us that means it stayed there for a little bit it didn't just come in passing and go i want to help you this morning because there are times where we quit on people before we ever see glory because we're willing to look at the flesh but we bypass the word that's in them but can i tell you when you're willing to dwell with someone a little bit and saying i see your humanity but i also see the word that's there glory begins to emanate from them i i know you're still struggling but but there's still a word there and when word and flesh mingle and we're willing to dwell with you a little bit amen amen amen amen i i want to take the crux of my message and i want to relate to you the reality that sometimes we forget the frailty of being human and and and we we disregard the fact that god works with frail things the bible begins to say that it was that word that dwelt in flesh and then it says we beheld its glory sometimes we're not willing to wait long enough for glory to be revealed through humanity we're so occupied trying to impress the other person that we won't be honest about the area that we need help in so god has no place to reveal glory hosea chapter 7 verse one put it this way he said i wanted to heal israel but then i remembered the sins of ephraim he said i wanted to expose my power but then i uncovered what you were hiding i wanted to show you my transformation but i saw you weren't being transparent and when i exposed what you were hiding it limited my glory because you won't come to the reality that a word in the flesh can coexist to is produced amen amen amen amen amen i want to help you this morning because there are times where we hide we're attempting to hide those things can i tell you that that there are moments where god wants to anoint us on sunday but he sees what we're hiding on tuesday amen there are times where god wants to do something with us on wednesday night services and we ask god to anoint us to sing and just like israel he says i i wanted to do something with you i i wanted to show you my power but then i saw what you were hiding it's not that i was unaware of it it's just that you wouldn't talk about it i saw the fact that you wanted to be used but i also saw what you were hiding on your phone i saw the fact that you wanted to preach but i saw the bitterness that you were hiding in your heart i saw the fact that you wanted to sing but i saw the fact that you also had input motives and god says unless you're willing to be honest about what you're hiding i can't give you my power i only expose glory to those that are willing to mix the word with their humanity clap your hands into the lord if you believe sometimes we're afraid of failure talking to pentecostals that that look good you sound good but we're afraid of failure can i tell you that there are some things that failure can teach you that fasting cannot can i help you this morning amen can i tell you that david after david's sin and in psalms chapter 55 we see the repentance of david the bible says that after god had dealt with david that then god begins to produce something in david that man is called solomon and solomon would be the one that would build the temple isn't it shocking that god would use the product of failure mix it with grace and use that to expose his glory can i tell you there are some things that failure will teach you that fasting cannot because when you fail you realize it was not me but it was christ which dwells in me i wish you would be a little honest this morning and say god mix your word with my humanity [Applause] you may be seated may be seated in the presence of the lord i want to i want to talk to you about i want to talk to you about this thing called the word this thing called humanity because when you begin to realize that there are some things that you cannot learn while you're consecrating but there are some things you learn after falling i'm not talking about living in sin but i'm talking about a god that is able to stay with you when you fail that's what's so powerful about god is not that he stuck around when you were at the altar but that he stuck around when you were failing in your bedroom not that he stuck around when you were running the altars but on wednesday morning when you're being influenced by people you shouldn't he's still there i'm talking about a god that can stay with you until glory begins to amen amen amen amen i want you to realize i want you to realize that god could use any one of david's kids but god decides to use solomon funny thing enough is that solomon's name just means peace means peaceful after failure david finds peace realize i i i couldn't work for this but i just found peace amen because when i realized who he was and who i wasn't i was peaceful with the reality that i'm flawed but that he's calling me towards perfection i think the greatest hindrance that we could ever present to you is a presentation of being flawless because flawless fruit is not a real fruit and i'd rather you have something that's presentable to god that have something that is altered i'd rather you come to the altar and say i'm struggling and find peace because god can do more with you when your failure is reconciled with his grace than when you hide what you're dealing with [Applause] amen amen amen amen amen god god god this this same god that wrapped himself wrapped himself in the flesh this word made flesh this word made flesh begins to dwell amongst the people of god he begins to dwell amongst people of god and as he's making his ways he's collecting disciples here and there he finds peter and he calls peter he finds andrew and he calls andrew he finds he finds thomas and he calls thomas he finds judas and he calls judas and as he's collecting these disciples he's attempting to teach him principles that only the word can show he's attempting to show them his attempt to show them his power he's attempting to show them his might and in this process there's a discourse that takes place the gospel of market and all of a sudden they're bickering amongst themselves they're talking about who who's going to be the greatest amongst us who who's going to sit at the right hand of god who's going to have the privilege of writing shotgun with jesus who's going to be the one that jesus calls to be used on platform who's going to be the one that's highlighted and jesus has to take a time and he pauses and he begins to talk to them he says you have to realize that if you're going to be great you need to be a servant i tell you there's nothing wrong with pursuing greatness issue is attempting to be greater there's nothing wrong with wanting to be great but god is displeased when we're attempting to be greater because when i want to be great i look inwardly but when i want to be greater i look outwardly all of a sudden i'm no longer focused on the kingdom i'm just focused about passing you now let's go somewhere this morning can i tell you i think passion is great but when it's focused on being greater when i need to be greater than you and do more than you and have bigger things than you and a greater anointing than you then we lose focus can i tell you we need to come back to the place where we're pursuing greatness but not wanting to be greater amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen hey man you may be seated i'm i'm going somewhere i'm going somewhere i want you to realize i want you to realize that there are times where we struggle we struggle with our humanity and we struggle and we wrestle we wrestle with attempting to find our own purpose our own spot and in that wrestling we can begin to climb we can begin to climb we're climbing ministerial rings trying to get to the top but can i tell you that god never called us to climb a ladder he called us to climb on a cross i want to help you i want to help you this morning because when you climb ladders in five six seven years you fall to sin there's a reason why but you cannot fall off a cross you can fall off ladders but you can't fall off crosses i think there comes about a time where as young ministers i'm talking to young ministers i'm talking the people in my peer group that we stop competing with each other trying to clap to climb the next rung of ministry trying to see who can climb the next platform who can climb to get the next mic who can climb to preach at the next conference and find a place to climb across because there's plenty of room at the cross for you and me when we run out of space on the ladder of ministry i feel the holy ghost i'm going somewhere i i want to help you this is why some of you are so frustrated this is why some of you are so discouraged because god's trying to tap into your appetite god's trying to tap into the essence of your being he's trying to stir you and the reason is because peter had to go through the same dilemma peter finds himself that he's waiting for some food to cook makes his way to the rooftop and as he's on the rooftop the bible says that before he eats he begins to have a vision and god begins to present food to him and in this food this food was representation of what would be his brothers so god said before you're willing to accept your brother i have to affect your appetite the reason why some of you can't stand someone else being greater than you because you don't have the right appetite god hasn't tapped into your hunger yet he hasn't starved you to the place where you're no longer concerned if god uses me to do it or if god uses me to sing it or if god uses to preach it but i'm so hungry for revival that if god never uses my hands to bring it into ex god has to frustrate you to the place where you can tolerate your brother being blessed beyond you because you're hungry for something greater than yourself uh i want to help you i want to help you i want to help you this morning i want to help you this morning can i tell you can i just be honest a little bit can i just be honest out a little bit i i i fear i fear that we're that we've made idols out of preachers i fear that that that we've made idols after preachers and we've deified humanity and humanized deity man i want to help you this morning because all of a sudden it's all about what can i do and every vision you get is all about what you're preaching and every call you get is about where you're gonna go and what's gonna happen with you and you don't know the last time you had a dream about somebody else and you're just like joseph god's having to take you through a process because you're so caught up on what you're gonna do and why not why you're doing it you forgot that it was about the kingdom and made it about you you thought it was about your solo and not the glory falling you thought it was about what you preached and not so much getting delivered and it's about time we come to the place where we put glory where it belongs because it does not belong on my humanity but it belongs back on the one who deserves gold you see that maybe i want to help you this morning because because there is a wrestling that always takes place and i understand it you have to realize i came into this thing when i was about 15 years old i was really hungry i was make long story short i was seeking the baptism of the holy ghost i read in the book of acts when people see the holy ghost they spoke in other tongues i'm over the persuasion that there's hungry people out there tell you how hungry it was i was calling pastors asking them if they could help me receive the baptism of the holy ghost going to church is asking them if they could help me receive the baptism of the holy ghost so so i'm hungry for this thing and when i got into this i got into this i started started seeking after started seeking after the mantle man started seeking after an identity started seeking after uh started seeking after a reputation i wanted wanted to do something i wanted to do something and i i kept on reaching and fighting for something kept on reaching and fighting for something kept on reaching and fighting for something until one day i started to realize that the last thing jesus gave before he died was his garment last thing jesus gives up before he dies is his garment he gives his identity he gives up the mantle isn't it so incredible that on one level they're fighting for his garment while on another level he's sacrificing one level they're fighting for the mantle on another level he's given up his life i would suggest to you that sacrifice is always a level higher than gain they were trying to gain a mantle while he was giving his life trying to say you're still at feet level when you're trying to gain but if you want to come up here you better learn how to sacrifice want to help you this morning i want to help you this morning because the reality is the reality is i'm talking to people that i understand i'm talking to people i i get you i know i'm not preaching hard but but i want you to realize i get you i understand you i understand your zeal i understand your passion but we can be so focused on trying to get something we can be so focused on trying to get another anointing trying to get another word trying to get another call trying to get another assignment trying to get another degree we're just trying to get something we're just trying to get something can i tell you the only apostle who left this earth with more than what he started with is judas judas is the only apostle who left with more material possession than what he started off with and we could be so focused on trying to gain acting like judas forgetting that jesus was about giving he could be so focused about what are they going to say about me how am i going to look amen i need to i need to gain reputation i need to gain prosperity i need to gain success i need to gain a name and jesus is staring down at you from the view of calvary and saying you'll never get up here until you finally learn how to give when's the last time you prayed for the person next to you and said god do for them what you would have done for me give them a greater ministry than you'll ever give me give them a greater anointing than you will ever put on me because when you finally learn to give you will find success in him all across the building lift your hands and just worship him for a moment [Applause] clap your hands into the lord clap your hands maybe seated you may be seated i want to tell you i want to tell you the reality of this is that when we are attempting to find identity we are lifting purpose choose both you can seek purpose and find identity you can seek identity and lose purpose jordan i want you to come up here you should realize to realize god is strategic you guys ever wake up christmas morning you guys had good parents and they got your gifts on christmas some of you guys had those how many guys from the island your parents thought it was a gift that you had a house i've gone josh amen welcome christmas morning all of a sudden there's gifts that are there isn't it interesting that gifts were always that for you to ever pick up a gift you had to be willing to get on feet level and there's some of us that bypass gifts at the altar because we're waiting for pastor myers to pray for us we're waiting for josh herring to pray for us and bishop morgan and pastor elves because we don't ever want to get on feet level and we bypass the gift that was laid at our brother's feet because we think we're too good for it and that's why we can't be used because you all get on feed level i pray you would get hungry enough to break a knee of pride and say god if you laid it at my brother or sister's feet i'm willing to get on feetly shut down thank you thank you wanna help me wanna help you wanna help you how many how many altar calls we always talk about the power of god how many miracles were waiting for you but they were waiting at your brother's feet always trying to be used always trying to do something how many gifts of the spirits were waiting for you but they were waiting at your brother's feet but but but you were just too prideful don't you know who i am yes that's the issue we know who you are and we don't know enough about him don't don't you know my name yes that's the issue but we don't know his name because you're too consumed about yourself because if you would ever realize that i was called to be a servant because if i'm pursuing greatness i have to be willing to get at feet level can i tell you why god was willing to descend with gifts it's because he found gifts when he descended because before you can ascend you have to be willing to descend clap your hands up to the lord all across the building clap your hands into the lord if you're willing to go down a little bit to find something come on lift your voice if you're telling god i'm willing to get down there it is fine sit down sit down for me ah sit down for me i love myself interestingly enough the the older you get the bigger you get the lower you have to go to find it see when you were young you didn't have to reach that low four or five year old walk up to that box that box would be right where he was all of a sudden at 14 you gotta bend down just a little bit lower then at 40. you gotta bend down a little lower and and here's what's crazy about it the older you get the harder it is to bend down because because you've gotten so used to standing at this posture that you don't know how to get down there anymore and when we stunt our spiritual growth because of our pride we we we can't sustain hunger because because because we're so critical about what our brother has and and here's the problem with the brothers of joseph is that they were willing to talk about their brothers what joseph did but wouldn't talk to the father because if they talked to the father they would have had another opinion of joseph they would have realized that their brother wasn't there to compete with them but their brother was there to save them and can i tell you we spent so much time talking to our brother about a minister but we won't turn around and talk to the father when you're willing to talk about somebody and never pray about them your motives will never be right but if you could ever come to the place to realize that you were here to help me not compete with me i don't know how long i've been preaching but i'm going to come to a close i'm going to come to a close stay standing with me stay standing with me i want you to realize i want you to realize that the scripture that i read the scripture that i read begins to prophesy about jesus christ the talk he's talking about the crucifixion that would take place the psalmist is attempting to express the agony that jesus would go through his attempting to relay the pain that jesus would go through hear me tonight hear me this morning that as jesus is going through this pain the psalmist has to remind jesus that not one of your bones will be broken because the place where bones meet is at galgoth's hill and when bones meet at galgoth's is torn but the body remains the place where bones meet is where flesh is torn but the body remains when your flesh that has pride and ego is willing to break a little bit for the sake of the unity of the body that's where the blood is revealed amen amen we we sing about the blood we we talk about the blood but the blood only shows up when flesh gets torn the blood only shows up when flesh breaks and god begins to prophesy through the psalmist and begins to say your flesh will be torn but he says not one of your bones will be broken can i tell you what these times have proven our flesh is being torn we're being torn in our pride being destroyed we're being torn in our agenda being destroyed we're being torn in our wills being destroyed we're being torn and what we thought should happen when it should happen being torn but while the flesh is breaking the body is being sustained because there is strength in the body that cannot be found just in the mere flesh and the scripture relays that when the flesh was being torn and the body was being sustained the blood was being revealed we love the scripture i love it just as much as you but it gets to talk about how precious it is for brethren to dwell together in unity what does he say he says it's like the oil that ran down aaron's head came down his beard said even touched the edge of his garment use that for submission and i think it's appropriate i think there is a downward fall of the anointing that happens through submission but i don't think it's only talking about submission i think it's also talking about connection that god made you with an intrinsic weakness that you get satisfied by yourself but then he also made a sister over here with an intrinsic strength that she can't release by herself but when the body gets connected when bones begin to meet and flesh is torn it is like the oil and your strength begins to touch my weakness and and your power begins to touch my frailty and your faith begins to touch my sickness when we begin to connect [Music] [Applause] it was at calvary that jesus was stretched to reach someone else i'll tell you what's going to take place my my assignment is just to establish a spirit of unity then there's going to be demonstrations so i'm going to do that but can you crucify your flesh just for a moment and could you stretch yourself towards someone i know a lot of times we lift our hands towards god but i just want you to extend that hand toward a brother because what you don't realize is as you're extending yourself towards them your healing wasn't at the altar it was in them your word wasn't at the altar it was in them and i just need to know this morning can you break the knee of pride and reach out and get a hold of her brother this morning [Music] healings in this place cause your brother came here power's in this place cause your sister walked in the room because when we get connected [Music] that's it all across the building lift your [Music] you're waiting for your pastor to give it to you you're waiting for the prophet to give it to you but the power is in your brother [Applause] [Music] lift your voice all across the building lift your voice all across the building [Music] when we get good [Music] the word you need is coming from your brother the heal you need is coming from your sister [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] oh [Music] hey oh say all to jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh i surrender i surrender oh uh i surrendered [Music] i surrendered [Music] come on let's lift our hands up to god right now i surrender to you jesus i surrender to you jesus hallelujah lord god if the angels bow at your throne o lord jesus what should stop me if angels should lift up and worship you with everything they have then what should stop me jesus i surrender unto you i give you everything that i am o lord god hallelujah jesus hallelujah jesus [Music] angels bow before your throne miracles happen in your name what a mighty god you are [Music] angels bow before you're gone miracles happen in your name what a mighty god you are angels bow [Music] before oh is is is is [Applause] jesus [Applause] [Applause] jesus say hallelujah [Music] the thing you've been waiting for to receive in this conference is laying at the feet of your brother the thing you've been wanting god to do in your family is laying at the feet of your sister i wonder if you have enough guction in you if you have enough hunger in you to find a brother or a sister and begin to pray over the pyramid because when you release what you have god can trust you with what he has i want you to find somebody if they're next to you and you feel comfortable too and you're bold enough to pray at their feet i know this is a little bit different but you're bold enough to pray at their feet not because you're worshiping them but because you're giving them what you have because you have enough confidence god's about to give you what he has the release is about to enter the building you've been waiting on god says it's here it's here it's here it's here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is is miracles happen in this pain what a mighty god you are angels bound before your [Music] angels vow before your throne [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you up higher and higher [Music] [Music] [Music] you are a great car [Music] you are a great god [Music] you are a great [Music] so god you are so great you are so great you are you are [Music] [Applause] you are [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so you are great [Music] you do miracles there is no one else like there is [Music] like [Music] there is no one else there is is like you [Applause] there is no one else receive it into your spirit receive it into your mind i am my brother's keeper jesus we love you we praise you we exalt you [Applause] what a word we have received here was more than a word it was life-changing receive it into our spirit spirit carry it home with us and let it forever impact us we bring to this pulpit for our second dose of the glory of god a young man that has traveled the country even the world he came to west palm a few years ago with his beautiful wife transformed what rock was all about 124 young people received the gift of the holy ghost in one service when he ministered came back a couple years later for mother's day nothing ever happens on mother's day we baptized 28 mothers in the name of jesus on that sunday morning [Music] he takes his energies and his times and he invests into young men his wife and the young ladies to produce the most powerful anointed young men and women you will ever meet for a time such as this i want you to welcome to this pulpit josh herron will you put your hands together and give god god thanks for such a great man praise the lord everybody amen what an atmosphere we're in right now there is such unity in here unity is the precursor to demonstration and there is apostolic unity there's no competition in this room right now and where there is no competition there will be demonstration something great is in this room and i give high honor to pastor myers if you love pastor myers would you clap your hands amen give him high honor for having this vision for this conference and for so many other things in my personal life and what he's meant to my family and i bishop honors bishop meyer's honor all the great powerhouse superhero preachers over here i give you honor all the giants i give honor to my beautiful gorgeous wife and my four children who i love dearly and appreciate janae and the kids give honor to my pastor bishop kinsey for all he's done in my life i thought i had direction last night during the service and the lord whispered a couple of things and so i went through some old notes but then amen he began to change something so i want to give to you what the lord has given me second kings chapter 8 or chapter 2 verses 8 through 15. john chapter 3 verse number 8 marcus baptiste is going very far the hand of god is upon him what an anointed word from the lord what a life-changing word from the lord second kings chapter 2 verses 8 through 15 and then john chapter 3 verse number 8. elijah took his mantle and wrapped it together and smoked the waters and they were divided hither and dither so that they too went over on dry ground came to pass when they were gone over that elijah said unto elisha ask what i shall do for thee before i be taken away from thee and elisha said i pray thee let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me and he said thou hast asked a hard thing nevertheless if thou see me when i am taken from thee it shall be so unto thee but if not it shall not be so came to pass as they still went on and talked that behold there appeared to cherry to fire horses of fire and parted them both asunder and elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven elisha saw it and he cried my father my father the chariot of israel the horseman thereof he saw him no more and he took hold of his own clothes and rent them into pieces he took up also the mantle of elijah fell from him and went back and stood by the bank of jordan he took the mantle of elijah and fell from him and smote the waters and said where is the lord god of elijah and when he also had smitten the waters they parted hither and thither and elisha went over when the sons of the prophets which were to view at jericho saw him they said the spirit of elijah doth rest on elisha and they came to meet him and bowed themselves to the ground before him john chapter 3 and verse number 8 john chapter 3 and verse number 8 simply says the bible said jesus said that the wind bloweth where it listeth and thou hearst the sound thereof but can't not tell whence it cometh and whither it goeth so is everyone that is born of the spirit amen i want to preach to you from the subject this morning access to the wind access to the wind you're unified with your brother now look up to your god and get ready for something to come upon you in this atmosphere that changes your life get your hands ready to be used get your mouth ready to be used because the gift of faith has just entered the atmosphere we take dominion authority over every demonic power and every satanic spirit over every sickness and disease in the name of the lord jesus release your authority and your power on every man every woman every boy and every girl we give you all the glory and we give you all the praise and somebody clap your hands and add your voice to it and shout unto god with a voice come on let the devil hear you let the demons hear you let the depression hear you let the anxiety hear you let the fear hear you there's something anointed upon you give god in prayer hallelujah high five your neighbor tell them let's roll you may be seated elisha was a country boy working in a field plowing the ground nobody knew him nobody had any idea greatness was inside of him but that all changed the moment elisha met elijah when elijah walked onto the farm and in one moment elisha went from a farmer to a prophet called by god in his future great things were inside of him that he had no idea god could use he was such a young man but the will of god can explode onto your life and into your life out of nowhere and one moment you can be this and the next moment you can be that if the right atmosphere gets where you are kind of like last night when you came in with some wrong priorities but through the words of the lord that were preached through two mighty men of god you left here with a different mentality because something shifted in your spirit and now something great is beginning to burn it was called by god anointed by elijah not just called but connected that rarely happens that you get called and connected at the same time normally you get called and then you go through a process of hell and then you get connected but elijah he's one of those guys that you're jealous of you know before you get right like brother marcus preached he had all the favor i instantly who would you want to hang out with besides elijah in that day and you're just sitting there plowing the ground and out of nowhere now you've got a future you're going to be elijah's successor and you get to hang out with the greatest prophet of the world called and connected i think that there are two two things that have to happen for every young man every young lady if they're really going to operate an apostolic demonstration i think there are two things you have to have consistently you need to have encounters with god and you need encounters with men and women of god i think it's powerful if you have a dream to be great for god but i think it's also amazing when you get connected to people that walk in deeper territory than you do have seen more mountains move than you have and are willing to connect with you and teach you is there anyone thankful for their pastor in this room right now it's amazing to walk with god and walk with elijah so he started serving the great elijah the bible said that he poured water on the hands of elijah this is this is this is more revelator than we realized he would pour water in a drought of a desert on the hands of the water that would quench his own personal thirst he said i'd rather the water fall on your hands and hit the ground and just land on the ground then give me what i need the reason why this is so powerful is because years later elisha when he would do the miraculous half of his miracles involved water where he served in submission was where he was trusted with dominion thank you three of you where you pour out of yourself onto your leadership is where god can trust you to have dominion in your future you cannot expect to be a millionaire if you're not going to pay your tithes you cannot expect god to give you power over the sick if you're not submitted to your authority there's something about submission that connects you to dominion so you read the miracles he did he would do all these water miracles where did that start through submission to the one he was connected to pouring out the water and now he's serving the greatest prophet in the world what a moment and he is walking with elijah but if you'll bear with me i don't think he was walking with god yet because the bible said when elijah came to him he went after elijah elijah threw the mantle and from the beginning of elijah's ministry it was all about the mantle because that's the first thing he was exposed to when he was called was a mantle came upon him and so he chased after elijah let me just say this it's not enough to know that your pastor walks with god it's not enough to know that your pastor's wife is an intercessor you've got to get your own relationship you can't just walk with the man of god you've got to walk with the god of the man and so he became consumed with elijah you have to be very careful because sometimes like brother marcus already preached we can get into idolatry when it comes to humans if your favorite song is i am a friend of god no offense big deal so is judas there were two people in the bible that god called friend but they both had one major difference abraham was called the friend of god and judas was called the friend of god jesus called him friend but there are two there's one thing that they that they were separate about you can find it in genesis 19 27 and john 18 1-2 in genesis 19 27 abraham the friend of god went to the place where he met god every morning but judas in john 18 1-2 knew about the place that jesus prayed they both were the friend of god but one had a walk with them and when you have a walk with god and you have a relationship with god it transforms you into being closer so it's it's amazing how we can get caught up in this person's coming to preach this person said this you got to hear this message and i'm all for it but be careful like brother baptist already said that you do not start glorifying humanity when there's a god in the atmosphere that refuses to share his glory these are all super giants in the spirit and i admire all of them and i can't preach half as good as all of them but there's only one god in this house that i'm going to pray there's only one god i'm going to worship there's only one god that's going to get me bowed my knees he's the king of this uh man this is amazing i'm getting to be with elijah and he's walking with him he got to be there when elijah cursed ahab and and jezebel he got to be there throughout different crazy things and now it's getting time for elijah to depart we've had some elijahs depart billy cole n a ocean jt pew james kilgore nona freeman verbal being kenneth reeves i can go down the list of incredible powerful people that if you heard one of their messages two of their messages it would change your life because something about them was different from everybody that was around but they're not here anymore elijah i've got to go what do you want before i leave what a moment and uh i just want a double portion of your spirit just want to be greater just want to do more than he said you've asked a hard thing but if you see me when i am taken from you you'll have what you ask the reason he said that was because a whirlwind or a tempest or a storm as it is in the hebrew was coming and he was telling elisha if you can still see your leader when the storm is if storms make you backslide don't expect a mantle if storms make you walk away from god don't expect power don't expect authority when people hate you if that gets to you don't expect to be somebody clap your hands for your pastor right now clap your hands for your elijah clap your hands for the one that god called to lead you if you see me when i'm taken from you you can have it and you've got a storm and you've got horses of fire in the sky pretty cool moment chariots of fire maybe you have those moments all the time i don't think i have pretty big deal even though all that was going on he was still focused on elijah my father my father and he is so attracted to the mantle that he goes after the mantle instead of the fire whoa can i i'd be saying can i go with you hello heaven immediately no death no pain jesus he said i gotta find that mantle all about the mantle i am so tired of everybody having everybody's mantle if you've got the person's mantle why don't you do what they did you've got their mantle but you don't have their power something must be off and so he goes and gets the mantle whoa and he's so hungry to be used of god and do great things that he goes right back to the same river that elijah just hit with the mantle and it split open and says well i'm gonna do it too there's nothing wrong with wanting to walk in the footsteps of the elders that have gone before you that's honor but when it becomes competition i'm gonna go do it too and see if it works and the bible said he took the mantle and he smote the waters and i'm gonna preach something to you maybe you've heard it maybe you have not but nothing happened because the bible said he himself also had to smite the waters again what happened there he smoked the waters with the mantle and the water stared him down and immediately he gets a revelation i've been consumed with the man of god but not the god of the man and so he says where is the god of elijah jesus said have faith in god and so the bible said when he said that he also smoked the water signifying he did not use the mantle he smoted himself and you'll never find elisha using the mantle for a miracle ever again [Music] because he received a revelation it's not about the mantle of the man it's about the god that breathed life into that man and if i get that god [Applause] the water's open he walks across and this is what i want to preach to you the sons of the prophets the critics in the atmosphere they said the spirit of elijah doth rest upon elijah it's been all about the mantle but when you get the real thing people don't see the mantle they see the wind something from the elders is on that kid something from billy calls on that young man something from merle ewing's on that young something this is probably one of my most if not my most prized possession right here oh it's a 20 tie must be a broke evangelist this was billy cole's tie he wore it twice once at a wedding and wants it because of the times when he changed the movement forever i treasure this but it won't cast out devils but if the wind that was on billy cole gets on me if the wind that made him say by the authority of the word of god and by the power of the name of jesus if that gets in the atmosphere [Music] what would happen in this room if the spirit of the elders who've gone on entered this atmosphere and got on some young men and some young ladies that say we're ready to change them the gift of faith is in the room right now something's in this room and your hands will be used of god and your mouth will be used of god on the day of pentecost they were with one mind and one accord and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all that what would happen in this room i want all these powerhouse preachers to come up here please all you evangelists pastors bishop morgan i want all you men of god to come up here on the platform for a second there's some serious power heading toward this platform serious stories you'd love to hear serious encounters the same god of billy cole the same god of elijah the same god of paul and peter the same god of all the great elders who've gone on is on these men of god right here if they took this mic and began to prophesy and begin to speak faith it doesn't matter what cancer is in your body what demons in your house what spirits on your kid if they started speaking the will enter the atmosphere because they have the real and you have the real thing you can lay hands on the sick and they shall recover jesus never said go pray for the sick he said go heal the sick you pray to be saved but you've got to know what you have when you get the holy ghost you've got power and authority over everything is there anyone that wants to see the sick healed is there anyone that wants to be used to seeing the sick healed is there anyone that wants to cast out devils in the name of jesus is there anyone that wants to be used of god in the last day i don't want to just go to church i want to be used of god i want to see the things the only god can do i want to be used mightily i want to see the gift of faith i want to see demonstration i want to see the power of god into the atmosphere [Applause] you want to use it you want to be used to it come up here everybody wants to come up here hola ma rica chat here's what's gonna happen can y'all stretch out across the platform for me and cover the whole room in prayer this morning i did not even know he was going to be here i didn't know if he was going to be at this service but i knew what i heard in the spirit the lord spoke to me and as at the end of your message you will give the mic to bishop morgan and when he prays the spirit of the elders the wind that was upon them will enter the atmosphere and it will get on the young people and they will never be the same again would you worship the lord in advance right now would you worship the lord in advance right now your hands are about to be weapons your mouth's about to be used of god you will cast out devils you will lay hands on the sick and they shall recover get ready the spirit of elijah the wind of the spirit is in the room right now [Applause] [Applause] i'm going to ask you to i asked brother herring i said i need you to give me some very the specifics i want you to impart or to pray over them things that the elders have put in you before he said that there's one thing that i felt very strong in the spirit i asked the lord one time i was on my way to the philippines to teach ldi deal there and why are we not seeing miracles why are we not seeing the gifts of the spirit response back i mean i had my notes that's what they wanted me to teach on i had my notes lord spoke to me on that plane and said when you start loving the body and people like i do the greatest thing that was ever imparted to me that i ever learned was love compassion this is where miracles flow from miracles do not flow from faith miracles flow from compassion jesus was moved with compassion miracles begin to happen so right now by the authority of the word of god the power of your name these are the things god that were given to me that i'm still learning but i release it this morning in the name of jesus christ let the true love of god fill this building right now by this shall all men know that you are my disciples that you have loved one toward another when we love as we should someone else that's how we covet the best gift whatever gift is needed to help that brother or sister [Applause] we release it right now the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus jesus name jesus name jesus name [Applause] now i'm going to give you some more instructions and we're going to pray for each other god's getting ready to use some of you moderately i've heard a lot of teaching on covet the best gift earnestly is it the audible the spoken gifts word of knowledge word whatever no the best gift is when i see your need and i know i have no way to help you except through him and whatever gift is needed at that moment to minister to you is the best gift so you're going to pray for somebody close to you and when you get ready to pray for them you're going to ask the lord i don't know their need unless god speaks it to you i don't know their need i don't know what they're struggling with but i ask you right now father because i've got to love them like you want me to love them i'm going to ask you to allow whatever gift is needed to flow through me to minister to my brother or to my sister i feel it in the building right now so if it's appropriate turn to someone next to you and that's how it wants you to pray and then from that i want you to pray for them in the name of jesus i want you to pray god's getting ready to use you right now some of you been missing a key i think the key is here right now [Applause] let the gifts of the spirit operate right now let healing operate let the gifts of healing operate that the working of miracles operate now you know their need and these are the gifts of the spirit it's the spirit that empowers us to minister to them when we're moved with compassion for that brother or sister and their battles and their struggles [Applause] yes [Applause] jesus name [Applause] jesus name there you go now let it flow through you let the love of god flow through you let the love of god flow through you to [Applause] minister i pray with her right now that whatever the miracle is god there you go [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] uh come on pray in the holy ghost right now pray with authority pray in power pray in love pray in the spirit pray in the spirit pray in the spirit let the lord pray through you you don't have to know the details pray out of compassion change the atmosphere for that person change the atmosphere for that situation speak as god's oracle speak as the vessel of the lord speak change it change it change it be healed right now in your body in the name of jesus be delivered from depression and anxiety in the name of jesus be set free from fear in the name of jesus be rescued from the attack of the demonic in the name of jesus in the name of [Applause] jesus [Applause] demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate the love of jesus demonstrate the authority of god demonstrate it you don't need the mantle you need the wind you don't need the mantle you need the wind you don't need the mantle you need the wind you need the wind of the spirit [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah all back pain be gone in the name of jesus all joint pain be gone in the name of jesus arthritis be gone in the name of jesus fibromyalgia be gone in the name of jesus let there be healing let the gifts of healing and the working of miracles loose in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Applause] there's unity the body is ministering to the body [Applause] i want to say something to you i want to say something to you want to say something to all of you if you can hear me we're going to keep praying i want you to hear this everybody i want you to hear this my mentor just passed away this year brother eli hernandez walked in deep deep places one of the things he taught me over and over and over and over and over he said when you enter an atmosphere where there's faith and where there's miracles the most dangerous thing hell is afraid of is not what you can do as the man of god but what the body can do if they get loose in the atmosphere he said hell loves it when preachers come in release the gift of faith speak miracles have a good service but the body stays tied up when they leave but if everybody was loose in the spirit the miracles would not be contained in this room somebody can be healed at target this afternoon it's not dangerous if one or two preachers lay their hand on you but it becomes dangerous when you say i can do this too and you believe god and god anoints you by the authority of the word of god and by the power in the name of jesus let there be apostolic transformation right now from the pulpit to the altar let it happen from the platform to the altar in jesus name somebody shout jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus you don't need the platform you don't need the microphone just be used of god just be used of god [Applause] [Music] let the wind blow let the wind blow let the wind blow [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now don't bury it don't waste it but use what you have use what you have use what you have you've got more authority on your campus than every devil in hell use what you have use what [Applause] [Music] right now i feel a spirit of victory in here right now i feel like somebody's right to be used of god someone's trying to be used i know i know that people ask me what we're about to do why do you do that everywhere what we're about to do i get asked all the time why do you do that everywhere and all i can tell them is this when we do what we're about to do it breaks off every shackle of intimidation fear and worry and people leave ready to do something for the stories continue to come of people being used mightily of god after what we're about to do takes place and that is this for 30 seconds we are going to shout unto god with the voice of triumph like we never have before and every demon and every spirit that came in here with you is gonna die in the altar and get away from you and you're about to be used of god like you never have don't patty cake it prisoners don't need you to paticate they need some kind of anointing that delivers them and when you worship god and you give god everything when it's over you will leave transform like the bones in the boneyard and something mighty will be upon you [Applause] are you ready to do something for god you will shout and you will dance and you will worship and you will be free to do what the lord tells you to do 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 7. [Applause] be free be free be free be free be free be free be used of god be used of god be used of god be used of god be used no music just the showers no music just the shouters just the shouters just the warriors just the praisers i'm ready that's a war cry right there that's a war cry that's an atmosphere changing pride that's an atmosphere changing anointing as an atmosphere changing authority that's a demon chasing power you've got the real thing you know what hell's thinking right now they're shouting and there's not even music going on that's something real in the atmosphere they're not responding they're stepping forward they're not reacting they're moving in the spirit [Applause] [Music] turn to your neighbor and tell them i have authority in the name of jesus [Music] tell them i can speak in mountains will move [Music] and believe what you say tell them you do too and when you leave here use what you just gained access to and watch god change everything around [Applause] you [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is lord we're ready is [Music] yes [Music] is come on singing with all your spirits is holy [Applause] thank you hallelujah [Applause] oh we love you lord why don't we lift our hands and love it one more time thank you lord for your presence thank you for the demonstration of your spirit lord let your love be shut abroad in our hearts hallelujah by the power of the holy ghost amen we rejoice with a young lady who's been seeking for the holy ghost from west palm for five months she just received the gift of the holy ghost [Applause] the evidence of speaking in tongues the wind is blowing hallelujah i got great news for you uh two things you're gonna be excited about one is we're gonna take a five minute break and get uh set up for our panel discussion the panel discussion is gonna be amazing and then after that we have lunch free for everybody here in the life center after the panel discussion i couldn't announce it last night i wanted to just announce it to the group that's here during the day you guys are an awesome bunch and so uh brother dawn and sister bev at prevent provided a great lunch for us for everybody after the panel discussion but we're going to put up a five minute clock we're going to get the stage set and we're going to come back for a great panel discussion on unity and on demonstration it's going to be moderated by pastor david elms brother joel urshan brother mark morgan brother marcus baptist and brother josh sharon are going to be our panelist and you're going to be blessed by that god bless you five minutes in jesus name [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] praise the lord everyone it's a joy to see each one of you here hasn't these services been fantastic what a win from heaven has been blowing in this place and all of you here in the middle of a week brother marquis uh marcus baptiste this morning you mentioned how the lord can move wonderfully on a sunday morning and he does that too but he does it on thursday mornings as well and so here we are on a thursday actually an afternoon with all of you what a delight to see each of you and it is truly my honor to be on this platform these with these four esteemed men of god that are so wonderfully placed by the hand of god all across america and used around the world and i do want to say we have accentuated today the subject of unity and brother baptiste preached on that powerfully and then brother josh herring was used mightily in the subject of demonstration and that's what our goal is today is to revisit these subjects and the delightful thing about a forum is that we can unpack what the holy ghost just mysteriously blew in to your life and put a handle on it so you can find a way to transition from the heavenlies to the place we're assigned to walk so i want to start let's go with a beginning emphasis of the talk of unity i think everything starts with unity and if you don't mind we'll start with you brother urshan if you have something pressing in your spirit about the subject of unity it's an amazing subject and what do you feel when you press into that dimension [Music] behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity it is like the precious ointment um i think that's what we have to understand about unity is that it is it is like the anointing it is like the precious ointment particularly he said the ointment the precious ointment so so you have the ingredients of the ointment that are crushed all of the ingredients are crushed and they are poured into the substance of the olive oil which is also crushed and a result of a crushing therein you have you have a picture of unity occurring it occurs when all of us are crushed all of our opinions all of our speculations all of our preferences and conjectures all of that is crushed and and poured out into the the anointing of god which which rests upon christ he is the anointed one so unity does not occur by me deciding to agree with you and you deciding to agree with me and us putting aside our preferences that's not where unity occurs unity occurs by all of us abandoning everything and coming into christ it is in christ where you're right absolutely brother marcus baptist what a tremendous message you preached today what a word from the lord and the process of unity with regard to where you stand and i i will i appreciate the if i could say it we're cross-pollinating here this panel we've got uh so many places represented here when you speak an evangelist they're the wanderers nomads if you will not really but i was once one i understand and then we have brother the the left coast the west coast brother morgan brother mark morgan uh here bringing that flow but brother baptiste as we look at unity what was pressing from your spirit amen uh i think something that i kind of had to learn especially just as young guys you know had a lot of passion is not not to let my personal call get in the way of god's kingdom agenda and so what i mean by that is is that a lot of times we take ownership of what was never ours and so the call wasn't necessarily for us it was for us to give to someone else and so really unity happens when you lose identity you know i can't say it better than how he just did but but just kind of on a practical level it's that abandonment of what i'm doing you know what i'm going to do and it's what we're doing and what we're going to do and when we take on that kingdom agenda if i feel called to be an evangelist but my pastor needs me at home i'm not going to get i'm not gonna allow my personal call to get in the way of the kingdom agenda if i feel to sing but i'm asked to work sound that's my personal call but as a servant i'm not paid to think i'm paid to do and so i render what i want to do for the service of the kingdom amen it's it it takes us to our default starting spot in acts 2 where they were all in one accord it's so easy to run to where we're all headed which we all know is the outpouring and we hasten past that one accord moment for the herring what a powerful word you gave to us and as you unpack what you're hearing now and you're feeling an impression where does unity flow towards that before we go to demonstration i think that if you're connected you can't compete spirit of competition is defeated by connection if you're if i'm connected with you i won't compete with you if i'm competing with you i won't connect with you so you defeat competition by connecting with the person you make that your agenda and you admire them and you find things to find about them that are amazing to you to kill that competition your spirit my pastor bishop kinsey said this he said that god will accept your sacrifice abel and build you up higher than cain then turn around let kane kill you and you still have to keep a right spirit and the right attitude so i think that if we can constantly you know the bible talks about edifying each other and esteeming others higher than ourselves we we esteem the greats the elders that are powerful but if it doesn't mean just the elders it means everyone so if someone's been in church five minutes can i esteem them higher than i am it doesn't mean that they have more revelations or more experience but yet they're part of the body and so can i esteem them as a higher part of the body than i am that's what i think unity boils down i hear a a thread flowing through this from brother urshan mentioning ointment which is a process it's not just one article but it is the blending the coming into one unity and as it flows through brother morgan when you took it to i think it's one of the greatest things you said here earlier when he talked about how the greatest gift is the one i need right now that's the greatest gift but then how you spoke of the fuel of the gifts is love which i'm convinced that unity cannot exist without trust and trust cannot breathe where there is no love where would you flow with that first of all we're going to get to be able to hear him uh first of all i think a better word for what we're trying to describe or explain is found in the prayer of jesus when he said i pray that you're one with the father true unity is not us coming together united for what we think what we want we come a true unity when we're in oneness with each other and then we're in sync with god's purpose with the irshan mentioned psalms how good it is for brethren to dwell together in unity i know a lot of people that can kind of be in unity with something but we're not together right so i think it's important brother baptiste's message today just really stirred a lot of thought and first of all we talked about the anointing a while ago and he mentioned it flowing down in the crushing but the other description of that unity was like the dew that descended upon mount hermon and i was asked one time to explain to me my view of the united pentecostal church and i was scrambling around when i kind of got this little thought the dew that descends upon that mountain or even snow i guess starts up at the top and as it begins its descent it creates a little trickle and then these trickles flow together and become a stronger flow and then they join it's not that we're asking people to move away from their own bringing influence or whatever to their area but true unity is when all those different continents flow together and by the time it gets to the bottom of the mountain it's the mouth of the jordan river and that's why the psalmist said for there god commanded the blessing and life forevermore but it didn't start that way and unity has has a power of us coming together because a little twig or a branch falling a rock can stop a flow at that level but if we combine together in unity and we're in sync with his purpose then it creates a stronger flow and if we ever get it together you know we i've been very fortunate to be involved in big meetings or whatever and we wonder why is there such an anointing there well because there right god commanded the blessing and so there's something about us coming together in unity that there is a commanded blessing because i think we're fulfilling the prayer of jesus that we're one i'm hearing the voice of a 15 year old young lady who has prayed and sought god to use her mightily and yet her sphere even at school is screaming the tearing apart of cultures and of people groups and yet god is trying to put it together if we can take this and put it as a garment she could could put on brother herring you've been blessed and that you have been a gatherer of ministry uh if you are speaking let's i just want to make it for and she's not imaginary she probably really exists probably sitting somewhere over here but as a 15 15 year old girl wanting to be mightily used in a realm where supposedly the ladies aren't as whatever that's not true but that could be a pressure in that that world and yet wanting to be anointed and used in a world that's trying to tear apart what would you say to her to say here's steps one two three to fight for unity i mean first of all don't try it alone unify with those someone around you uh one can put a thousand fly into ten thousand and so i think there's something powerful about a young person that that gets the revelation that i can't do it on my own i can't change the whole world but i can change someone's world and if you don't try to take on the burden of everything but just try to find one person that you can you can be a blessing to you can change their world you can minister to them that will create that flow where you where you get a hunger for it and obviously it grows and manifests i i think that there are so many young people in this room and in our world in our movement that they look up and they think i'll never be able to do these great things i'll never be able to be used like that i'll never be able to do this or that and yet they have that hunger to do it and but if you can just focus the hunger on someone near you change their world be that light to them be the voice of unity to them and you become just as powerful and just as great as anyone on the platform at youth congress or anything you're doing something in the eyes of your father that no one else around you can do for the baptiste you s you said something amazing earlier when you were referring to the garment the mantle and how they gambled over it it was the last thing he had lost but it wasn't about that piece of cloth it was about the sacrifice on them on the cross there you also acted like you're from the caribbean is this an accurate statement yes sir okay he he he played that card like if all you had for christmas was a house you're supposed to be happy but your journey to ministry to usefulness somewhere in there you have found some handles to grab that brought you through moments where you felt forgotten and abandoned and yet you knew god called you what were some of those handles for these these out here that are trying to take that step millennials that are saying yes it's it's my hour but i need something to help me through that spot what's brought you through those seasons yeah so um just kind of make the long story short but i was first one to come to church i was 15 years old like i elaborated earlier and uh without getting into great detail uh just i didn't come from a very apostolic background there was just a lot going on but uh when i when i first got into church i didn't really know much about anything but if there's something that i can look back on now and that i've learned is the sensuality of fatherhood and i say that and give me a second to elaborate but paul says you have many teachers but have not many fathers and the lord began to reconstruct my family unit spiritually speaking because you are where you come from i know we like to say well you don't have to identify with your family with reality is you do identify with your family it's just that god reconstructs your family and so i connected with the father i know this is taking a stretch out here but but jesus connected with joseph before he connected with god right and so there was this there was this transition that takes place joseph brought jesus to the temple and that's where jesus began to be about his father's business so that being said uh my pastor my pastor uh really function as the role as a father i don't say this lightly i i truly mean this um brother herring when he when he got a hold of me uh i had never fasted never prayed i remember i went on my first day of fasting and uh i mean he typed me up i mean i'd call him like hey bud you know he'd hype me up and you know you're going to change the world and i'm fasting one day and i remember i went to school i had like 15 canteens with me i had tomato juice i had broth i had water i mean just fast in one day at the time he told me it was acceptable but he he him and my pastor i've i've grown from them i just stick with the tomato juice and broth i cut out the kool-aid but um at the time at the time i could not see myself what you have to realize is that adam didn't understand who he was because he had a mirror he understood who he was because he understood who his father was and so god was the reflective nature so he saw who god was and said that's who i am and so god positioned people like my pastor who played the role as a father brother hang who played the role as a brother and these people just begin to speak into me and i could not see myself especially if you don't come from an apostolic home i did not know who i was for me if if i made it out of high school if i didn't get someone pregnant that was that was acceptable so how do you go from that to seeing millions get the holy ghost the transition was somebody who was in the middle who could connect me to the promise even though i was still living in my family's past and so i want to encourage you you have to connect with the father your pastor needs to play two roles and you really if you don't have it because i have a great father but we just didn't connect on that level uh my pastor was not only my pastor he transitioned into becoming a spiritual father and that is a process but the lord had to take me through that and as he took me through that i saw who i was supposed to be because i understood if that's my father and i'm a son if that's my big brother and i'm the little brother i should reflect their nature and that's what gave me the handle so i held on to them when i didn't believe in myself because i understood that if i can trust them and they trust me i can trust myself indirectly because of what god's saying through them oh that's awesome to hear from these various voices is so impressive to me and i'm gonna ask for the joel erschen to wrap up our segment on unity because brother urshan you wouldn't say this but i will you have been a savant preacher you were preaching as a young teenager substantial meetings you know it you lived it i watched it and everybody here knows the hand of the lord has been demonstrated through you various ways great legacy your father great pastor your grandfather we all are here because of wars that he fought on our behalf but that comes with a heaviness as well that many times people are not aware of they're not cognizant of the price that comes with that to be so dynamically used not of your grandfather not of your father of the lord as a teenager i hate to tell you you're not that anymore i mean i like the pink specks in your socks and how you're working the shoes uh and you're even getting by with jeans don't you know they were not on the no anyway but but you have earned the right to speak with regard to this what are some of those moments where you felt that loneliness where you did not feel like you were attached even though all the trappings say you are what brought you through that and kept the unity well i want to say thank you brother alms for your very kind words and it's it's one thing to talk about unity and it is such a great ideal uh and a wonderful prospect to consider but it is agonizing to be in unity and the it is the reward to those who will survive and endure the agony involved with humanity because unity becomes complicated when the twigs and the rocks disrupt the stream as bishop described you have to endure those twigs and rocks you have to get beyond that you have to get beyond snide comments you have to get beyond betrayal people who were your friends who betray you you have to love them anyway and here's the thing about that the father sees in secret and rewards you openly so when you love someone that you know does not love you you know it because of varying reasons god honors you for that and god god will bless them and change them i i've heard people describe and the word that comes to my mind is the word forgiveness it's it's the biggest word that we could factor into this equation and it and it's comprised of two words it's a compound word it's forgive if you invert it it's give for and that's what we have to understand that jesus did he gave for so nobody owes you anything they don't owe you love they don't owe you anything jesus gave for them and so that gives you the ability to forgive them because you know he literally paid it all so there's no debt there's no debt nobody owes me anything so i i refuse to be offended it doesn't matter what they said about me doesn't matter what they didn't involve me in i refuse i refuse in the name of jesus to be offended because jesus gave for me already and he gave for you already that's forgiveness it's give fourness and so you have to believe that and as far as when your trust is broken and you mention trust fast realms the importance the significance of trust is so important what do you do when you can't trust somebody when they've proven that they you can't trust them you trust them anyway give them the gift of trust because it's not them you're trusting it's god you're trusting trust in the lord with all your heart and i choose to trust that god will protect me to a greater degree than i trust that they will hurt me and when i trust god enough to keep me while i love them though they may hurt me it changes them in the process that's the kind of love that causes a roman centurion to stand off in the distance after seeing the wounds and the bruising and the chastisement and the affliction and the smitten nature of christ and say truly this was the son of god and it changes their heart if you think if you think that being forgiven feels great you ought to try being forgiving forgiving it feels greater than being forgiven weep within that we rejoice with them that rejoice don't get that turned around don't rejoice with them that we when your friend gets elevated rejoice with them when there's promotion rejoice with them the father looks upon that and he and he's greatly pleased and he will honor you and i will say i've heard people say don't forgive people don't forgive people for what it will do for them forgive them for what it will do for you i've heard people say that i take exception to that no forgive them for what it will do for them expunge their record remove it from their record i will not hold this against you i remit that in the name of jesus say like stephen said lord lay not this sin to their charge do you know what he was saying he was saying when they stand before you in judgment don't bring this up don't let this be one of the things that stands against them if they hurt me if they kill me don't hold it against them that's forgiveness and that's what changes the world when jesus said father forgive them for they know not what they do what did they not know they were doing they knew they were putting a spirit aside they knew they were putting stripes on his back they knew they were putting thorns on his head what did they not know they knew not that they crucified the lord of glory and what the person who offended you does not know is that when they've done it unto you they've done it unto him father forgive them for they know not what they do and that's what changes we've been bouncing around this you know you preached about the cross and being crucified it's impossible to crucify yourself i went one time out in the garage you've got a hammer and a nail i mean i didn't actually pound the nail on my hand but i held over here just see i had i can i can nail this one but as far as i can go so god allows people into my life that are agents of crucifix that's why he calls judas friend because he was helping him go on to fulfill the purpose of god in his life and he calls peter satan because he's trying to stop him from doing the will of god in his life and so god allows people into my life to see if i'm really dead or they're going to help get it done they're not my enemies they're my friends so what i'm hearing is that the ability to arrive at a place called trust supersedes the object that you have to trust it transcends their faithfulness into your purpose and so as much as i would like to tell all of you that you'll never have those come against you and stab you in the back and people will not speak of you and about you differently than they speak to you that we're hearing that they're just agents of your transformation and that if god be for you who so if you can hold on to that the next time you face a betrayal that'll help you keep walking because our transition is moving from the place of unity to the place of demonstration and i'll and and we're going with a a sacred order here that is sort of chaotic but i've started with brother irish and went that way this time i want to go this way and then rebound and let brother morgan hear it last but i'm coming to you brother morgan i i've been working on this thing called the hierarchy of holiness that's at least what i called it and it's just three components it first starts with knowledge and then when you move to the next level you arrive at wisdom and then the highest of it all is understanding knowledge you've got to know at least the ingredients with which you to work wisdom is discerning what does this mean in the bigger picture understanding it means where am i to move things what would god have me to not know not to think but to do demonstration brother morgan you have been used mightily and i'm not trying to flatter because flattery's not real it's obvious to the whole movement and you have been used prophetically and then god placed you into an administrative category which didn't fit real good but you wore it good you handled it because it's needed it's the difference between the high priest and the prophet both both of them are needed but i want to hear when it goes towards demonstration the journeys you've taken from southern missouri all the way to where you are now in beautiful california what's echoing in your heart with regard to demonstration i want i'm not in your generation you're much older than i am okay but [Laughter] but having said that i'm too old for the generation we're speaking to this conference is for those that are leaning into the wind for a generation that is here but not yet known what would you say to them to move into demonstration um i can't believe you said that about me being much older than him let's talk about it dairy queen yes uh i think brother hams and then preach after they got married their first revival in a little place called oak moggy oklahoma matter of fact sister ms father billy hell pastored there i when i first went there everybody talked about for the good brother hale was here brother hell was here so i decided i better find this brother hell and get acquainted with him and i did and it's it's it's been a great relationship so uh on a saturday night in prayer there was a season in my life where every saturday night about 9 9 30 he would walk in and it was i don't know several weeks some of those sessions ended me going directly to our sunday service through the night that's such a visitation uh revelation began to come and one of the things that started there was i'll uh i'll give you understanding about sonship and so then he spoke and said and tomorrow night i will give you my perspective toward the miraculous and tomorrow night i will everything in the building and i thought man and so he gave me a little thought about the children's bread when the woman needed a miracle jesus referred to it as the children's bread he didn't call it a miracle this is just what a father provides for his children so it kind of helped me so the next night you know i was so used to emotional response sunday morning i preached about oneness and they were you know buying chunks out of the ceiling but we got back on now sunday that we're going to have a healing service tonight when we got back i don't know why up to the congregation that was there sunday because they didn't come back sunday night because it's more about entertainment for pentecost okay let's see you do your little tricks up here you know pull the rabbit out of the hat or whatever and let's let's see what you're going to do so i preached children and it was dead and now i don't know what to do because i felt and god was teaching me to separate their emotional response from what he spoke to me so so i come off the platform i'm sorry if you need a miracle line up so they did first lady in line had parkinson's and i'm like oh great yeah now we're serious this is a big don't put a guy in the batter's box and start out throwing 98 mile an hour fast balls let him warm up a little bit a couple back aches some headaches yeah stuff people can't see what really helped me get a little blood disorder nope i really didn't have the faith to do it and this is where god taught me the lesson on the gift of faith my faith can only go so far sometimes my faith is insufficient so this is where the gift of faith operates it's god giving me that gift to compensate for the lack of so i stepped off the platform i felt something draped over my shoulders and i heard the voice of god say the gift of faith now rest upon you and so i didn't even get to go pray for the lady i started over there you know with my ball of oil and i'd already had my cards printed up faith healer coming to town [Laughter] i didn't get to pray for her i got maybe 10 foot from her and she just starts spinning now remember i mean her arms drawn parker's and she's just spinning and then when she stops spinning the arm come down and i'll never forget it she looked at me like surprised oh my god it's gone and i'm just standing there like wow [Applause] and the next thing the lady behind her is healed i haven't anointed a person i haven't even prayed the prayer it's just happening all the way down the line across the back everything and that building that lined up that night was healed okay let me go hasten the next day we want to have lunch dylan's dad my ugly brother jeff i hope he's watching too amen dylan looks just like his dad oh i know acts just like him too [Applause] and jeff and a guy by the name of steve clark were there so we went to have lunch and they were so excited oh my god that service last night i didn't like it i really did and i backed away from it because in my mind everybody that i had known that had been associated with the gift ministry went wacko and ended up in waco they shipwrecked so i said there's no future in this there's absolutely no future in this so i backed away um two or three months go by and girls are getting up getting ready to take them to school the phone rang i picked it up it's back you know when the days you kids don't what i'm talking about the long extension cores it twirled all the way up you had to have a phd to figure out how to untangle it and so the phone rang and i picked it up hello is this brother morgan yes my name is marilyn chennault it's my first introduction to the prophetess my name is marilyn chanel and god has spoken to me i've been praying for you and god spoke to me something i said okay i don't know if you'll receive a word from a woman i said well sure well some men want i said yeah i've met a few she said the lord this is what he spoke have you not been asking how to be used in the gifts of the spirit and not be destroyed and i said well i'm sitting on them i said yes ma'am i have she said the lord told me to tell you the answer i said okay she said the gifts must flow from through and by love and if you operate them outside of that you're on your way to destruction she said it will take you a while to learn this but you will and she said now this is not from the lord this is from me expect that i can tell everything i need to know about a man by how he treats his wife have a good day click boom so that's why i was saying a while ago it's it's i'm still not there yet brother ewing brother mclean these people that came into my life it wasn't please don't miss it wasn't great faith that they exemplified they had it it was great love a lady said i seen in a vision a service and she said all of a sudden it moved from faith to compassion and she said when it did the miraculous broke so i really do believe that the key to us being used in that demonstration stems from what i've said a while ago it's me ministering i have this word from god but at the same time i'm looking out there and i'm thinking man my preaching is it's not meeting the need i hate to say it the word is but but it's when that compassion comes in i'm watching this and jesus the bible said he was moving compassion when he seen them they were like sheep without a shepherd and you look out there and you see so many needs and then you understand that there should be a companion with the word it's called confirmation he confirms his word with signs following every sermon that i preach i usually pray as i start that sermon i pray that you confirm your word the signs following yes then i learn not to attach it i mean i don't care if you're singing fast slow talking about buying carpet and i'm in the service i know what god spoke to me i'm very confident in that and then once i speak that then i know that he loves those people enough to allow that demonstration to be spontaneous and to happen and for there to be a flow it starts from me flows out to them and i'm trying not to preach here the fruit that jesus talked about was not souls you don't bear fruit you're going to be cast of the fire men aren't going to cast into the eternal lake of fire that's what he said angels might but not amen right the fruit is the very first thing that paul talks about is the fruit of the spirit the fruit of the spirit is love and the fruit that jesus was talking about is love and if you stay connected to me that will flow through you i cannot produce it it's a gift that comes from him and it flows through which is where i believe it gives the spirit flow through and that demonstration that we're talking about but if i get disconnected so i i know this is way off what people think but i really do believe that a part of the demonstration of that service hinges on me making sure i'm connected to the vine that it can flow through me to them yes now sometimes i succeed in that many times i fail that's my idea about the demonstration of where we will see this demonstration out now they can give you some more practical keys and all that but this is my driving theology and philosophy about and we're going to see it the stage is being set right what a great opportunity we have by this shall all men know that you're my disciples that you have loved one not four tolerance but loved one toward an expression yes and so i think that it's set the racial tension all the anarchy in the streets everything is just what a great opportunity for the church to manifest if we really want to talk about a demonstration i think the world needs a demonstration right of the love of god yes i know that's a little off what we're talking about here today but we're if we'll go out there and just demonstrate it it's what he said a while ago these signs will follow them that believe yeah if i look on them with compassion and love and i see them as jesus did and i can start ministering to them i'm taking too much time that's good stuff you know it's crazy how in our lexicon as apostolics we have our own vocabulary and when we hear the word demonstration we're thinking sunday at church a move of god well anybody who's a newcomer in our movement which we're continually thankful that it's growing and bursting with newcomers they hear demonstration they're thinking of pickard signs and walking out and you know doing that kind of stuff and and i think somehow the con confluence if that is the word the coming together of both meanings are correct brother josh you have been used of god you know it's one thing to go in a room it's another thing to read a room but it's even more to move a room and i've watched your ministry as the lords continue to have it blossoming it seems like the power of faith comes through your voice and you're able to take those people who might feel fragile and hesitant and move them to action where do you find that the secret if if they're not trying to be josh herring because they can't be they're not from alaska there's only one or two of those people in the world um but if they can't be josh herring but they can know the god of josh herring what were those things that moved you from being that football player in alaska to be in the man of god where you are now were there words of boldness that you got a hold of that you could impart well uh thank you and um i'd say there was a lot of rebukes and a lot of suffering a lot of fasting a lot of praying a lot of loneliness i'll start by saying that i remember when bishop morgan came up to preach for brother blackshear in alaska and i was just i just started preaching so i was around 18 and i was so excited to meet bishop morgan i mean i could not wait this is like you know the man absolutely and this is me i have inside acts i live at the church i mean i'm gonna get to hang out with him ask him all these questions so he comes in and preaches and blows it up on wednesday night and brother blackshire comes to me and says i'm taking for the morgan out to eat you're going to take mace and my son home see you tomorrow and i was like but he's leaving tomorrow he said if you're going to be an evangelist you better embrace the cross of loneliness now and it was the most powerful revelation at that time because i had all these hopes to be connected to greatness and just be noticed by greatness be in the room with greatness and yet it was a wrong motive it was you have to go die go die go die i'll say this about demonstration if you want god to use you mightily god has to trust you one of the greatest lessons i learned i learned watching brother hernandez preach a message he had preached at a church two different sunday morning services 9 a.m and 11. i watched it online i learned something that hit me in the first service he's preaching and he said the lord just said three thousand it was a crowd of about five or six hundred people he said the lord said three thousand they all got up and clapped the next service he said the lord spoke to me this morning the first service and said three thousand i don't know if that's three thousand people three thousand dollars three thousand souls just received the multiplicity of three thousand right now and they kind of received it and they kind of just stared at him and then a few minutes later he he named somebody he said is there a such and such in this room gives the guy's name nails it and it hit me the lord gave him a number and the human tendency would be to when you say god said 3 000 would be to when you don't when you're not received well by the people would be to add to it there's going gonna be a three thousand soul revival god's gonna give you three thousand people but god didn't say i'm gonna give you three thousand people he'd said three thousand so when brother hernandez did not cave to the pressure of the response of the people and just looked foolish by saying it god trusted him with a word of knowledge a few minutes later said there's a certain person in this room with this name he he didn't worry about the connection with the people he worried about his connection with the voice of god i remember i remember uh one time i'll tell you two little things and i'll get out of the way i remember at one time being on an airplane this happened it was a little season where this thing these two things happened in about a month's time i was on an airplane lady sat down beside me and i was hungry for this stuff that bishop walks in and and i was sitting there and the lord said ask her about rick i said who he said her i said what this has never happened to me asked her if she knows rick i mean i even said hi to her do you know rick exactly she went no i said thanks a lot laid down closed my eyes felt like a fully said tell her rick's gonna be okay absolutely not i rebuke this demon whatever is wicked in my head i don't want to be a weirdo i look over she's half asleep do i have to you rick's gonna be okay she goes oh my goodness do you mean my son patrick who's in prison who i've been asking god about is he going to be okay because this court date comes up next week he only gave me part of his name i felt foolish about a week later i'm going to preach in a town outside chicago and i'm driving there and the lord says pray for xavier who's xavier he didn't say anything and i'm just going to be very transparent and tell you what happened you guys can just blast me bring it i'm used to it um i get to that hotel and he says again pray for xavier and i said okay god whoever xavier is i pray for him in jesus name thought nothing i went to the church start preaching my message in the middle of the message he says have the congregation pray for xavier and here's why i missed it i was worried about their response bishop so i said does anyone know an xavier he didn't say ask them if they know xavier he said pray for xavier no one responded it got tighter and tighter then he whispered xavier is a child have them pray for xavier and i said does anyone know xavier he's a child you talk about getting the really rough atmosphere stirred up he's a child nothing then he said xavier is a child he's in danger i said someone please do you know xavier he's a child he's in danger people started walking out of the room there's about a hundred people in church starters about 20 people and a man on talks to a lady runs up and says we found it i said what he said this lady right here said xavier is a five-year-old boy in her class his dad's in a gang was just released from prison this morning at the house and i thought what and i'm just being i'm just going to be very honest with you after that moment pastor elms that went away all that whispering the names that went away and when i saw brother hernandez do that 12 years later a few months ago the lord said i took that away because i could not trust you you were more concerned with people's reaction that obeying my voice he brought it back but with a painful lesson of 12 years of delay i want to tell you in the holy ghost i feel god right now who cares what people say around you obey god and don't add anything to it but just do exactly what the lord says and you'll step into demonstration hallelujah hallelujah brother baptiste why don't you add to this conversation amen there's there's not much to add but um i when it comes to demonstration that's that's kind of what brought me uh to the place that i am now just kind of make a long story short i got in school i didn't really have many friends kind of live my life i taught bible studies and listen to sermon listen to guys like these actually just about everybody on the platform uh that's just kind of how it was and my family kind of followed that my sister got in church she saw her first bible study the next week to like nine of her friends darian if you could raise your hand product of that my little brother's here as well but that being said uh we kind of engaged a climate of demonstration it was something that we made a part of us and there's something that i've learned that demonstration has a purpose and sometimes we remove the purpose but we still want the product and uh the bible makes it remember scripture has been quoted so many times these signs shall follow them that denotes activity if you're not going anywhere nothing's there to follow you and the issue is that we want people we want demonstration but we don't want to reach people we want to see miracle signs and wonders but we don't want to love people and so we're going anywhere so nothing is able to happen and so i would say when it comes to the thing of demonstration the biggest thing they have to change i'll be honest as an evangelist i remember the lord convicted me i was just praying one time god just asked me plainly said does it does it not bother you that as an evangelist you see more people healed in a building than you do outside there's 7.5 billion people in the world and the only time i'm willing to speak faith is when i'm around 100. and something in me was adjusted from that point forward and i'm still there that i i realized my motives for demonstration were wrong because bishop already said it confirmation was to the word i needed the i need the demonstration to confirm my ministry right and here's where it gets even worse is because when you want cancer to be healed but you have to be the one to pray for it do you love the person or do you love your reputation and the thing is that demonstration comes at the cost of your pride because you have to be willing to step out even when it doesn't happen if there's one thing that i've learned by these men that have been used in the gifts is that for every one person that they've seen healed they've seen 10 that weren't healed and and i think the reason why the lord does it this happened just really quick this happened in the book of joshua i i think it was the tribe of benjamin that was up fighting uh the rest of israel and uh the people of god said god shall we go up and shall we go battle and he says go and they fail and they go again he says go get into gossip shall we go they go again and they fail the third time says go and this time you'll have victory and i've always asked god why did you send them two times prior and nothing happened i felt the lord speak to me said i had to send them two times before the victory so that when they got the victory they didn't think it was them doing it and we can't be trusted with the nine times of nothing happening so we don't receive the one time of it actually happening and can i tell you if there's something that i've learned especially just watching these men is that if you're going to see things happen you have to be willing to step out not because of what you're going to see but out of obedience i had to learn to pray for people out of obedience not out of results if god told me to pray for you and you're in a wheelchair it's not that i did not believe it would happen i just knew that the master told me to do something we're trying to be ceos when we were called to be servants and if we would come back to obedience we would learn to see demonstration the ministry of basketball in philadelphia minister alan iverson said practice practice tell them about practice practice greatest books ever written was the practice of the presence of god do it because it's the right thing you obey brother urshan give us what's bubbling in your heart about this well i think it's all interconnected uh unity demonstration um and i i was so moved hearing bishop morgan describe the the root of demonstration is in compassion and you see that in the ministry of jesus so many miracles prefaced with the fact that he was moved with compassion and there's a lesson in that alone to know that when you are moved with compassion you are on the precipice of the miraculous where does compassion come from how does one cultivate compassion compassion comes from suffering so when you are suffering god is developing compassion within you you did not know how to have compassion and you can't just have compassion because we say to have compassion if you'll have compassion then you will you'll see the miraculous no you are going to have to have a genuine development of compassion within you and that is going to come through suffering and it will it will take you through a very deep and dark and challenging journey and there will be moments when you do not know where god is but the light of god will shine upon you so deeply it will forever change your life and you will have compassion upon people who go through those deep and dark valleys so do not resist the suffering the suffering is developing compassion within you i'm going to go back just real quick concerning the matter of forgiveness and the matter of unity because it it relates the guy that at the crucifixion of jesus the the centurion that makes me the the most frustrated is the one who took the spear and drove it into the side of jesus because my thought is really yeah really i mean he that you have mutilated this man an innocent man and you you have destroyed him physically and you're going to just take a spear and ram it into his side like he hasn't suffered enough and that frustrated me and then what's interesting about that is that when he drove the spear into the side of jesus he did not jesus did not wince he didn't he didn't blink he didn't react the only response was that blood and water flowed and the reason for that is because he was already crucified and and the test of whether our flesh is crucified is how we react to those who wound us if my if i react then my flesh is still alive jesus wasn't crucified when he was wounded or bruised he was wounded and bruised when he was wounded and bruised he was crucified when he gave up the ghost and that's how your flesh is crucified you give up those ghosts and and and you become crucified with christ and when the wounds come the test of whether your flesh is crucified is that only blood and only water will flow and and that's where compassion comes from is through the suffering the fellowship of his suffering my great grandfather was going to go to persia after having received the holy ghost in chicago he wanted to take this message of the holy ghost outpouring and infilling to his family and he knew that he would die he went with the expectation of being a martyr and there in his mind there was no question i'm going to die there was severe unrest the armenian genocide was underway and he would absolutely die as a martyr for christ and he was willing to go and on his way there he prayed this prayer he said lord i need all nine gifts of the spirit in order to do this work for you and the lord said you're praying the wrong prayer it's one of the beautiful things about communing with god is he will teach you how to pray and if he can get you to pray right it's limitless what he can do through you and he said you're praying the wrong prayer and it stunned my great-grandfather and he said okay well then at least give me the working of miracles and the discerning of spirits because if i have the gift of discerning of spirits and the gift of working of miracles i think i can just about take anything you know i can deal with whatever comes against me the lord said you're still praying the wrong prayer he said lord teach me to pray and he said pray for compassion and he said every gift of the spirit will flow from compassion i was i was praying years ago that the lord would help me hear his voice and i said lord i want to hear your voice the way the prophets heard your voice you know in the bible the word of the lord came unto ezekiel that the word of the lord came unto jeremiah and the word of the lord came unto isaiah and the word of the lord comes to me and i'm like putting it through this process and i'm checking its bags and i'm checking for identity and checking there's no expiration on the identity and and by the time i actually hear what god is saying and act on it the moment has passed and i said lord i don't want that anymore i want i want to know your voice and i want you to speak to me and i want to respond the way the apostles and the prophets responded i was praying this and fasting that god would let me hear his voice and it was in the middle of the night about 3 30 4 in the morning that i woke up and i just kind of sat up in bed and put my feet out the bed and stood up and i just felt like walking out of the room and so i did and i walked out of the hallway and i just kind of went downstairs just out kind of out of instinct you know there was no real directive or anything it was just i wanted to go downstairs so i went downstairs and then i went down through the hallway that led to the kitchen and and went into the kitchen and just stood there and there was the phone over there and i i wanted to go pick up the phone and i thought i'll just check the phone so i went and i picked up the phone you know just kind of out of instinct i guess picked up the phone and knew this was many years ago so it was we had a landline and there was a voicemail indicator there were eight voicemails on that phone i had gone to bed about 11 30 p.m i'm now up at 3 34 in the morning and there are eight voicemail messages this can't be good i checked them and it was the voice of one of the ladies in our church in indiana at the time her husband was dying of a massive heart attack i i hung up the phone i i got myself presentable i ran out the door and as i turned to lock the door the lord spoke to me and said you just heard my voice and i thought i stood there for a moment i thought lord i don't remember you speaking to me and the lord in that moment and it was just a moment but he taught me something in that moment he said my voice is not external to you my voice is within you when you have my holy spirit my voice is within you my voice is when my instincts replace your instincts and the just waking up and wanting to get out of bed was the voice of god walking out of the hallway was the voice of god just going down the steps it was the voice of god just i wanted to go do it it was my instinct to pick up the phone all of that was the voice of god so i began to understand how the voice of god operates i don't have to wait for him to say something i i whatever whatever whatever i'm feeling it is god speaking that's you you cannot trust your instincts when you're operating in the flesh but when you're walking in the spirit you can trust your gut you can trust your instincts that's the voice of god so fast forward a few years i'm pastoring and i'm with a family in a hospital room and i've learned a little bit now how to walk with the voice of god and to hear the voice of god and to flow with the voice of god i'm standing in the hospital room and they're they're grieving over the situation with their loved one and the i hear the voice and the voice says send everybody out of the room and brother hearing i said lord and then what yeah you know all right everybody out of the room and then what am i gonna stretch myself out upon the man and this isn't first king 17 this is 2 000 something and i get i get hauled out by security and i'm telling them but god told me this and i said lord then what what do i do and and i didn't i disobeyed the voice i disobeyed the voice i didn't send them out of the room and i walked out of that room i was so devastated i i was so upset at myself i i felt so badly that i had missed this moment and i i went to the lord in prayer and i said lord i'm so sorry that i missed your voice i disobeyed and then i said but lord in my defense in my defense then what what do i do after after you say send everybody out of the room and and the lord spoke to me so gently and and that's what that was what was so beautiful about it was that he he knows my frame and remembers that i am dust and he was so careful with me and he said i would have told you what to do next and that's how the voice of god works it's one step at a time and some steps are really big bold steps take them anyway send everybody out of the room you don't have to know what's going to happen next all you know is the voice is speaking now fast forward a few years from that and i'm about to wrap up but a young man in our church and his fiancee were sitting at a red light a car going 60 miles an hour didn't see them there hit them full speed the the fiancee had just a few scratches and bruises thank the lord but the young man was was actually dead on arrival and when they went to pronounce him dead on arrival his pulse came faintly to the surface and they they rushed him to uc university of cincinnati hospital and they proceeded to to work on him they removed half of his cranium so his brain would swell he was they said he will die he will absolutely die and if by chance he lives he could be he would be a vegetable only there's no no chance of any kind of normal function ever to to be reimagined in his life the family was devastated the church went to prayer we all prayed we all fasted we all sought god there was no improvement he was he was just lifeless on life support with his cranium off of his head half of it his brain swelling out there was no hope this lasted for about 50 days and it was near christmas and we were having a get together with some of the church leaders and and the call came in the call was the family's been called in jared is dying please pray this is it this is everything has come to a screeching halt so we prayed and i we all gathered there were 15 to 20 of us we held hands and we prayed and we rebuked every principality and we bound every demon and we cursed every sickness and we did everything that we knew to do and we finished praying and the lord spoke the voice spoke there was this instinct i couldn't stop praying i had to go pray somewhere and so i went to the corner of the living room and i i knelt into the the corner of the living room and i prayed i was trying to be discreet because people just kind of wiped their eyes and went back to normal little chit chat and that's okay but but the lord told me you don't get to stop praying so i don't know what to pray i rebuked every demon i know to rebuke i don't know what to pray i've bound this thing a hundred times and nothing's happened so i don't know what to pray anymore and when you don't know what to pray pray in tongues the spirit maketh intercession for us and so i prayed in tongues and i spoke in tongues and i spoke in tongues and i spoke in tongues and i spoke in tongues and i just spoke in tongues until it lifted pray until it lifts and when it lifts something has happened it lifted and i came up from that experience and i did not know what to do but i knew exactly what to do i knew to do whatever happened next whatever you feel to do do it whatever comes out of your mouth say it doesn't matter don't question it don't hesitate i stood up and i walked over to the phone i didn't even know what's about to happen but i said give me the phone we need to call aaron back and just as the spirit gives the utterance for you to speak in tongues the spirit was giving me utterance i didn't know what was about to come out of my mouth i said i need to get a hold of aaron we need to tell aaron to go back into that room the icu room where jared is laid this is the brother-in-law the future brother-in-law the the man in the hospital i said when aaron gets in there aaron pray for jared and i said i don't mean ask god to heal him we've done that pray for him he cannot pray for himself pray his prayers for him pray his prayers that he would pray if he could pray them and he stood at that bed and he said lord this is aaron i'm going to pray the prayers jared would pray if he could pray them lord lift me up off of this bed of affliction lord heal my body spirit of the living god come into this room and raise me up and he prayed like a house of fire like it was jared praying and that compassion started moving it was that deep love that he had for jared that had him praying jared's prayers and and he and it lifted and he walked out of that room do you know the next morning jared came up out of that coma in the name of jesus hallelujah jared jared married the girl that was in the car they have two beautiful children jared is a coveted survivor he he has a great job graduated from the university of cincinnati the lord is good and he operates through compassion and and you can trust your instincts when the compassion of god is moving on the inside of you for a person that's the voice of god speaking to you you can trust it go with it and obey obey as brother baptist said what the lord has put in your spirit to do oh my this is awesome oh hallelujah thank the lord for his word we have some people that have ministered in food for you to go to from here and here's what's so exciting we've already been ministered to from brother herring and brother baptiste but do you feel the virtue coming from brother urshan brother morgan this is just the beginning of what god's about to speak to us through them so you want to be here the rest of this week god's brought these men for us here now master go with us as we come into the power and the unity of your calling for you have positioned us particularly here for this people and this period bless the food we're about to partake of let your anointing be upon us all in jesus name we pray amen god bless you why don't you give all of these forums participants a great hand of appreciation
Channel: Eastwind Pentecostal Church of Palm Bay, Florida
Views: 10,405
Rating: 4.9381442 out of 5
Keywords: first, pentecostal, apostolic, sermon, pastor, david, myers, palm bay, melbourne, brevard, county, florida, upci, upc, bishop, j., e., jackson, ellis, Eastwind, Eastwind church
Id: -k-WZOtzctM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 22sec (11542 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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