Adventure Games: The Dungeon - GameNight! S08E13 - How to Play and Playthrough

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hello all like much of the rest of the world we are currently following the shelter at home orders for our area fortunately we here at game night had recorded a large number of videos prior to the current epidemic so we will be able to continue showing these new episodes with you over the coming months this is one of them so please stay safe stay at home and enjoy this week's episode [Music] game night tonight on game night mickey deborah lincoln and myself dave are going to play adventure games discover the story the dungeon this is a choose your own adventure game that is going to be spoiled if you watch the episode but not the whole game it's in three chapters we're going to play the first one but bear in mind if you watch this episode you will have the first chapter spoiled for you the game by the way is published by cosbos it's for one to four players and it's designed by phil walker harding and matthew dunston so are you going to join us hey dave yes lincoln will you teach us adventure games discover the story the dungeon sure i did i get that right yeah i think i did sweet sure as the name implies this is uh sort of one of the it's a cooperative game and it's one of those uh adventure games that's kind of like uh point-and-click type stuff back in the day it's kind of a cross i think between exit and time stories in a way right we're gonna we're gonna all turn over a room card and we're gonna try to explore this dungeon and look for clues and figure stuff out it's actually a story in three chapters uh this is the first chapter each chapter takes they say around 90 minutes so we're only going to do one chapter and reminder again this is very spoilery spoilery we're going to spoil chapter one for anyone watching okay we all have a different character along with a a little character figure for them uh i am cassandra the attentive which i pick simply because i like being yellow but i i have no idea if these characters come into play later in the story it's one of those things where they teach you sort of the bare bones of the game and then go just jump in as the adventure unfolds right so who knows uh for the heck of it i am rf the knowledgeable i will also be keeping group notes as the knowledgeable one i'm okoro the strong and i will be strong i guess haruka the skilled all right there you go um even though it's cooperative game it's not like say an exit game and more like time stories in the sense that we will all have individual turns even though we can discuss openly and on your turn you are going to um move your meeple from one location to another if you want to you don't have to you can stay in the same location and then you get one action all right one of your actions is you can explore where you are and in fact i'm going to turn over card at the beginning of the game we're going to turn over card and read some flavor text but i'm going to do it early just so i can explain how things work all right so this is where we're starting oh no we know too much already all right so within the room that we're in each location has numbers and they're all three-digit numbers that was a roommate it was that that applied to where you are in that room so if on my turn i wanted to go over here to see what's underneath this cot i'm going to put my meeple not on the number but next to the number 601 and then i'm going to read from the book okay 601 and that will tell us something and it might get automatic 601 and it might give us cards we don't know what it's going to do but it might get us some of these cards where it might not so what yeah all right on so that's my entire turn i'm gonna put my i'm gonna move to a location and i'm gonna take an action so one of the actions that i can take is that i can it can explore a location number like i just did another action that i can take is that i can combine two adventure cards so this is the deck of adventure cards this is where it's sort of like exit game they're numbered 10 through 92 and if um i had cards say 10 and 92 and let's say i felt like they went together in some way let's say card 10 is a can opener and let's say card 92 is like an unopened can of cat food and i wanted to open that can of cat food i would combine those two cards the way combining works in this game is you always take this you're gonna create a four digit number with the smaller number always being first so in this case i would that number would be one zero nine two okay 1092 then i would go to the book and i would read entry 1092 and if there is something if for example i have correctly deduced that i'm supposed to apply the can open there will be something in the game very clever there'll be text that says hey you've opened a can of cat food all right um there are going to be times when the book tells us to then find new cards there will be time when the book tells us to remove cards from the game once cards from the game are out they're out there we might be instructed to put cards back in the deck um but that's how the cards work and then the third action you can do on your turn is you can combine a card with the location number so let's say one of those cards was a key and i thought that key opened this door so on my next turn i would have to physically move my thing to where that door is and there's no movement points thing you just anywhere within a location it is funny i would think that you could just explore this room by yourself don't need four people in this cell to actually investigate and then i would take the key and if the key is locked in there it's true and if the key required look around you would do the one zero one zero one again you're going to combine the two with the smaller one first you're now creating a five digit number and you would look in the book and look that stuff up okay um we are going to collect cards from this deck like say the can opener if i have it i can at any point on my turn just give my ken opener to one of you that is not an action that is uh completely free and it will allow us to essentially if you if you're over here lincoln and i find say a flashlight over here rather than me going there to get the flashlight on my turn maybe i can give it to you it just saves us time common pool of items correct i mean what we're trying to do is get out of this dungeon and we are in theory going to do it because i have not explained these health points yet but you can't actually die to the best of my knowledge in this game so there is no fail necessarily it's sort of more like a scoring system it's not going to be you died of dysentery how well did it take how well did you score to get out of this dungeon and um since we don't really care about the scoring system we'll look it up at the end anyway but we don't think um but since i've gotten there we all start with three health points there are possible ways in the game to lose health points when you lose when you turn it over when they're all turned over and you lose a health point you lose the card if you're down to your last card which you cannot lose if in this situation i need to lose the health point but i'm down to my last card and it's flipped over nikki loses the health point the player to your left will lose yeah okay so worst case we'll all be down to our last card okay cool there are ways to heal your health and turn cards back over but there aren't ways to take cards that have been removed from the game to come back into the game all right um that's i pretty much think that's everything uh other than if at any point we draw cards or read parts of the story that somehow go against the rules that i've just said the card or the story takes precedent okay over what the actual rule is so here we go are we diving in sorry yes uh one more thing so we're doing a1 these are the three chapters a1 a2 a3 and these are the five possible endings oh wow so i don't know how that works necessarily so we don't technically need a2 and a3 cards for this game um but i will read the beginning for you are you ready okay here we go rf is ready you wake up from an easy sleep and search around in the dark your eyes wide open you still have goosebumps all over your body weren't you just walking through a torchlit stone passageway and then there was a noise or was it was it a scream that's what woke you now all is quiet again almost for you can hear a sound too quiet to pinpoint its location yet loud enough to be disconcerting how did i even end up here you ask yourself trying to remember makes your head hurt though so you decide to take a look around you first in the moonlight streaming through the bard window you slowly start to make out details you're lying on the stone floor of a dirty cell a dungeon you quickly look back to the window indeed it's barricaded with solid iron bars feeling apprehensive you take another look around you can make out several shapeless shadows on the floor yellowish light flickers under the door probably from a torch on the other side there didn't one of the shadows just move it's it's another human then you hear a voice where am i what happened it's followed by a groan it sounds like someone else can't remember either the voice sounds familiar but your head starts to hurt again when you try to think who it might be slowly but surely the others begin to wake up you can't remember anything but one name remains clear in your foggy brain berengar he was is a friend maybe he's locked up somewhere within these walls as well you resolved to find out what happened to you who imprisoned you here and above all how to escape from this dungeon all right take mission card a1 and read entry a on page two so go ahead and read a1 a1 escape you want nothing more than to escape this dark dungeon find the exit be on your guard though who knows what else is hidden within these walls all right uh as you look around the cell a huge locked wooden door with several scratches on it right um i think 301 scratches the door is one the scratches are 201 um in front of it there is a grating in the floor 401 on the bunk you see a box 701 beneath it something maybe hidden in the shadows 601 a brick juts out of the wall to your left 501 while a skeleton clad in heavy iron chains hangs to your right 301 and moonlight flies into the cell through a bard window 801 all right there we go why don't you start us off me start sure why not oh boy all right well i'll try to role play it a little bit i am the knowledgeable so you're gonna go in the box i think i'm gonna try it for the box okay so here i go i'm gonna hang out next to the box i'm the strongest all right i'll go to the door no no this is her turn oh this is entirely her turn so seven seven one go for it wow boom here we go there's a lot in there it is well it's all three chapters as well sure yeah okay on the bunk is a small metal box unfortunately it's locked and there's no keyhole at first glance you can't see a way to open it magnet that's it that's it that's it you don't even get a card or anything completely useless it's not useless so we have to do that find something to figure out how to open that's a magnetic release um all right what what's your name cassandra it's gotta be he's gonna be in 401 you think or the brick or maybe under 601 but i think it's going to be there you want me to go there we might need something to go in the great room let's go to the brick okay let's go to 501 and see what's what here me again okay yeah oh boy i just read all that other stuff promote your voices i'll be in my trailer another short one all right here we go who knows what the loose brick might be useful for take adventure card 10. all right loose bricks brick brick an old brick with a hole in its center is it from saint louis days ah not anymore so technically i am now holding this brick okay so if we need to apply it to somewhere either has to be me that does it or again i can give it to any of you at any time during my turn or not even during your turn yeah it's available pass cards freely as far as i can since we can read no i'm sorry during my turn oh oh okay during my turn there's a couple long long armed people here that we could just reach across the right i like it hand it to each other all right nikki nikki uh the rules say that when you're down to your last health point and you have to take a hit and the person to your left it says think about that as them like jumping in front taking a hit for you i want to look at this skeleton okay so maybe he's got some stuff in his throat what are you skilled at [Music] his arms are still chained to the wall with bronze shackles since he won't be needing his belongings anymore you decide to search the half rotten tunic that still hangs from his chest groping around you manage to locate a pocket do you want to reach inside of course if so take card 15 you did why would i not i don't know it could be a poison needle dart or something yeah or a scary something all right what do you got i have a coin a coin great for buying stuff all right all right we have a coin well i'm going to go to the great since nobody wanted to go there 401 yeah go for it 401. you find that's 409. i was going to say you find a cleaning bottle all right it looks like the iron grating in the floor runs into a drain you try lifting it out but it's heavier than it looks and won't budge i know yeah for an instant you think you see something glittering far below ah you're not sure whether your arm is long enough to reach it do you want to try anyway sure if so read entry 122. oh hey go to another one all right there's rats 122. you feel around with your hand there's something moving oh in a flash a snake wraps itself around your arm and sinks its fangs in you withdraw your arm in fright which causes the snake to fall off and disappear back into the sewer that certainly wasn't what you saw glittering you'll need something longer to reach it okay it seems like is there anything maybe under the bed i mean yeah i mean i will go check under the bed i think that's good all right move me down six on one let's go for it all right no reading on this side of the table here uh i'm all probably ready 601. you're definitely a better reader you reach under the bunk and feel something small and metallic in the dark take adventure card 13. 13. i'm a hundred percent here for this game a small bronze key all right well we know what that will do probably the door all right well or what if we take one of the the box have no key what if we take the bomb but that doesn't it's like the finger like we could reach in with the arm and pull that we would have been able to do that option we wouldn't look at the skeleton and click part right um well that was that maybe the iron bars yeah i'm just going to go look at the door since we have a key i mean we might be able to get to room b we could try to smash sorry smash the box with the brick oh maybe maybe well it's got no it's got no uh i'm strongly willing to try that at some point yeah it's very possible that stuff we need for room a is in room b if we if that key now there's a question if we have multiple locations out at a time yeah can we still do the trade on your turn okay yes we don't have to we're all just moving forward correctly i'm gonna go look at the door okay i'm gonna go look at one i want what about two or one two on one's scrapes two other ones the scratches i just want to see let's see fingernails i'm sure the door hey an iron lock can only be open with the right key there you go not a bronze key wow it might be it's just with the right small but there's no how do we actually actuate that then you would add the key to the thing and you know okay one zero lower number yeah of course right now only deborah can do that i think what the it's the thing down there is really what we need i would agree and i and it could be that we have to put something through the brick like maybe a coin i don't know no no like a string that i don't know the brick has a hole through it sure one of the iron shirts i think maybe not knocking so i'm going to go look at the iron bars okay okay you know right here you want to read it on the beginning number one 801 is going to be like a lovely view the end the bunk creaks as you stand on it to examine the window the bars are too close together to squeeze through when you rattle them you notice that one of the iron bars is loose take adventure card 11. now there we go hey look at that iron bar you put the brick yeah and it goes to the top of that totally goes through this does it should we hook it together should we do it just is something i don't know does have to come back around if we're gonna follow the rules technically either i could do it or nikki could do it because sure she can only pass cards in her turn well the the only thing is i don't know that we know quite what we'd be doing it for example yet exactly but we still need to get the it does seem like they fit together though i agree and we can do it but it makes it makes like a sledgehammer well what else is true what else is left just to basically maybe we haven't looked at the scratches so i'll do that two by one maybe it makes a sledgehammer to hit the box i don't know me it doesn't help with the grid i don't feel like we should smash the box sledgehammer the upper half of the door is more damaged than you first thought if you were able to hit with something sufficiently hard you might be able to break it all right tada deborah already knew what we were supposed to do all right so nikki will do that on her turn okay okay you can't do that i don't have the bar technically nikki can only pass me cards in her turn okay so he has one pass yeah during your turn you may also share adventure cards to other players that's what it says right is there like a room for us to at least sweep this place up while we're waiting for that terrible i don't think there's anything for me to do so i will i will watch interestedly i would agree well dave passes his brick on my turn i'm going to give you this thank you so much you're welcome so then she's going to look up 10 11. yeah or yep that's 10 11 to get them together yes the smaller number first so 10 11 10 11. i'm going to roll it out that way down 10 11 10 11. here we go 10 11. the iron bar fits in the hole in the brick almost perfectly this makeshift hammer will surely have some power behind it return adventure cards 10 and 11 to the box and take adventure card 12. boom boom yeah um i should pass that to the strong person shouldn't they yep for band hey did you build that all by yourself i did says right there on the card i did so yeah pass it to lincoln okay can she do that still on her turn she can give you as many cards okay so far it doesn't seem like it has mattered yet but so now we would do 12 101 uh 201 yes one two two one one two two one interesting mechanic there all right you wanna read it too okay one two two one come on strong person you repeatedly swing your makeshift hammer with all your might and smash it down to the weak spot in the door the door the wood splinters after a few strokes and soon the gap is wide enough for you to squeeze through your tool is no good for anything anymore though return adventure card 12 to the box place room card c to the right of room card a and read entry nine zero one to the right nine zero one so i skipped these i'm gonna move these just out of the way sure this is scary with a queasy feeling in your stomach you peek through the hole in the door there can't be any guards around or else they would have heard you trying to break out with a sigh of relief you realize that the coast is clear and you can't see anyone in the torchlight place your character there's a torch yeah oh there yes okay because i didn't i thought we were in the dark um place your character figure on a on room card c and read entry c entry season the very front yeah so i figured you find yourself standing in a hallway with four more doors two have golden locks 105 and 205. golden locks yeah that's closer and one of the and one of the doors is open 305. a sign hangs above the doorway to your far right a symbol has been etched into the wall above the stairway leading up 405 between the doors there are three levers sunk into the floor 505 605 05. yipes okay well there we go lots of things lots of things just think about oh boy it's my turn yep hmm [Music] go to the open door the open one yeah 305 is actually open yeah but i have keys right but these were gold i think as well yeah i think it would say brian hinting at us oh yeah that's a bronze key um but the the levers really interest me go for it i'm gonna start with a lever i think sure all right you just you're just like drinking it's going to be one of those things where we're going to have to have them in certain positions yeah and they're probably going to affect stuff like in other rooms that we don't see but go for it should we do that well then maybe we don't do that first hey you do what you want adventures you know rf is just an anagram for fear of which i have nine 305. the door to the second cell is unlocked you notice some melted metal on the floor in front of it are these maybe the remains of the lock that must mean that someone else has escaped too unsurprisingly you find there's nothing left in the cell of any value all right well this is too easy let's just keep looking at stuff let's go all the way over to here see what's going on with 805. you know it's smart too to do it rather than doing like uh 101 102.1 because they're not next to each other you can't accidentally see right it's very very well we didn't go from a to b either right we went from a to c as well right so they're they're right you i didn't look at anything in the other one so i'm only going to the one and it's good it's figured out the way but it's it's possible you should read the one above or below it's really wise they're doing it the sign above the door reads guards quarters you gingerly try to handle and find that the door is unlocked you listen briefly for sounds but hear nothing i wonder what's in here cassandra do you want to open the door quietly and carefully and take a look inside if so read entry 141 or do you want to rush into the room ready for battle if so read entry 156 oh my goodness alternatively you may retreat quietly what should i do i don't know do you guys want me you're attentive you want to gingerly look around huh that would seem like something cassandra might do 141 here we go oh it's all rainy it's all danger it's all danger you carefully open the door for the hinges when it's open just a crack you catch of a man in the next room exclamation point you immediately stop opening the door and are just about to close it again when you hear a friendly voice that says don't be scared oh no i'm not a guard i'm going another guard and going by the way you're sneaking around here you're trying to escape too just like me my name is edric take room card e and place it to the right of room card c is it edric edrick wasn't he in 305 805 i don't know about andre no no barongaard oh well we can ask about that look at his room there's edrick yeah i don't think he's not uh take adventure card 90. if you want to mess with you and place it at the center of room card e so that all the location numbers are still visible then place your figure on room card e and read e so they're all visible oh there he is that is so cool e upon entering the guards quarters you see a table 107 an oven 207 a shelf 607 a cupboard 307 a barrel 507 as well as a door 707. oh man so many things oh my goodness what do we do talk to the guy do what you want i mean there's value to exploring this there's a value to exploring here do whatever you want what would you normally do if you were if you were in this dungeon what would you do well you bothered him i didn't i didn't knowledgeable once he's gonna be he's quote unquote friendly mm-hmm for now yeah till he gets home oh you can deal with them i'm gonna go look at door 105. 105. it's just going to say oh it's locked okay the first door has a little bard opening and a golden lock does anyone have adventure card 74 no no all right so do you think this is the hub maybe for what we're looking for wait is that what says well it says if you have it then you read five two two but we don't okay okay so otherwise read entry five four four all right i think maybe it's like a torch and you can see through or something maybe or a key or the golden key oh you know oh no do you want to read this one is it huge yes oh my gosh five four four yes all right here we go wow it's almost half the page when you look through the bar to the door you see a very old man with a beard leaning back against the cell wall you clear your throat quietly so that he notices you he turns slowly to look at you well well well what are we here you don't look like a god to me then my congratulations on your escape he grins at you curious you ask him how long have you been down here he considers for a moment [Music] i've long since stopped counting the years when i first arrived here i was still young and had a full head of air that was a long time ago i've been working in these mines ever since digging up stones and earth day in and day out but where are my manners i'm monty it's a pleasure to meet you his smile reminds you a little of your friend berengar and you return monty's warm greeting say monty i just like leaning in to say like 1940s do you happen to know what's beyond the stairs he frowns i'm afraid not all i know is that it's apparently very dangerous as the guards mentioned a trap so i'd be careful if i were you take adventure card 81 and read it out loud boy howdy i opened the camera you did oh i hope 81 is an actual can of worms that'd be very cool a friendly conversation monty appears to mean you no harm thus you decide to call the others are you calling the others place all character figures on room card c as you arrive his smile widens a rare sight to see this many oh sorry we're outside to see this many friendly faces down here well let's see what can i give you who will accept his offering oh okay listen to this okoro entry 155 hakura entry 255 arif 355 cassandra 455. you don't know what he's offering yet nope he's just like wow friendly conversation i'm next you want me to just do it sure i i can't you've already taken a hit that's true he's not he's a friendly guy more importantly though what would he offer us differently yeah exactly and and should we know right is there a way for us to know or is it just like a random thing to sort of make the adventure have kind of like twists and turns to it well does the game always require that you play with four characters oh that's interesting i guess not right you don't have to play a four player game so well here's here's my question too because we can trade items and things like that maybe it's something that can disobeys the rules and can only be used by that person or something like that got it right or maybe they're making it specific or maybe what you guys said maybe it's just like you want to give it to the next person maybe it doesn't move you all there right i mean we happen to all be in the room but yeah all right what do you what was your character's name again i mean you're next you want to give it to him all right all right 155 country 155 you look pretty hungry says monty here take this he passes you a piece of stale bread take card 71 it might heal him right maybe i like it that could be perfect okay then return this card to the box 71 right yep 71. okay find out here you are sir stale bread free action you may eat this piece of bread to heal one health point when you return when you do return this should i do it why not okay some yummy bread is that this is one health point right yeah it just flips back over it's interesting it doesn't look like you could pass it so in a way it doesn't matter who takes it that's just interesting yeah i mean you couldn't yeah well we don't know what the other ones were thanksgiving do you think he would give different things to each person well i'll tell you this right now yeah my plan is when we're done to go back and look because i want to know i would like to know too yeah right so that was my that was that was nikki's turn now healthy again i can i'm gonna go talk to edric okay 407. hi edric i'm very little next to edward you are [Laughter] are you exploring this location for the first time if so read 468. was that when we opened it i feel like we're exploring it for the first year i think so oh it just revealed this oh so location 407 is the location so we are exploring it for the first time okay that means we can go back and talk to him again so if so then read entry 468. that's actually very cool in a way right it's a way for you to come back to talk to someone again and get a different answer yeah you approach the man warily he smiles at you broadly all of the guards suddenly fled the dungeon in a panic last night who cares why one of them dropped this yellow potion the label says it's aqua regia it melts gold it sounded almost too good to be true so without further ado i tried it on the lock of myself ah that makes sense i sprinkled just a few drops on the golden metal and it immediately began to dissolve and here i am now searching for something to make up for my imprisonment before i make my escape you eye him with interest so what have you found so far edric pulls an assortment of items out of his bag see for yourself maybe there's something you might find useful if there is then i'd be happy to sell it to you after all i have to think of the time after my captivity don't i okay and he gives you a wink to purchase a medicinal herb return one coin to the box and take adventure card 18. to purchase a ring return two coins to the box no to purchase a bronze key return one coin to the box we have a bronze key but this is a different card yeah uh you can purchase as many items as you can afford you can talk to edric at any time to make another deal oh there you go okay well we should save our coin for now because the herb we don't really need right now but we might want to get that before we leave and the ring could end up being yeah valuable assuming that the arab is what we think it is which is like another way to get health back right was it two points for the ring two coins for the ring all right that means there's a coin somewhere yeah probably the shiny thing in in there 401 maybe in the metal box yeah yeah we still don't know any of that stuff all right my turn oh dear okay um i've already forgotten the box had no no keyhole no keyhole um it was metal it was metal and it looked like you'd get into it but it just didn't have a like a keyhole okay magnet maybe oh i like it he's been saying but he didn't offer up the stuff he used to know the melty stuff the melty stuff he did not unless that's the medicinal potion but i don't think it is okay there's too many places to go i know that's why this takes 90 minutes that's right lever so i could like 805. well he did 805 which was to get into the room oh yeah yeah so it would be 205 in case something but it may it may just be a lock and no further information all kinds of places all kinds of stuff in here that he's been saying yeah he's been searching so it'd be kind of lame if it'd be great if they were all nothing i know because he's been there for so long he's looked at everything you we already know nothing no he just got in he's like a piece of paper or anything was it no no he's the one that came out of 305 correct and then 105 was um no 805. he came out yes that was his room correct he melted that lock and there's nothing in there he's not that we saw that well he noticed there's no gold it all dissolved yeah well until we know what to do with the levers just want to look at this yeah beneath the st uh the door frame there so 405 has this symbol on it and the knowledgeable person maybe i'll look at this that's the lock dissolve yes that is yeah i pointed that out earlier okay i didn't see that no worries so i will go to 405. all right even though even though we know there's potential danger up there i guess we don't have to go it's only going up i would agree we'll see what it says hopefully it'll let you have that choice exactly it didn't let me have the choice oh look at that go up the stairs up the stairs i can't look at the center of the middle passageway and find yourself in a long corridor okay you sense danger ahead but keep going what what is wrong with you what could possibly happen just like me you stride on boldly and the quarter soon soon begins to widen again after a few more steps you spot a mighty portal take room card d portal and place it above room card c then place your character on room card d and go to entry d see it it ends up working out potentially right don't open that door this massive wooden portal is secured with three bronze locks so obviously we need three bronze keys 109. whatever lies behind it must be pretty important to the left of the portal is a pile of wood 209 thick spider webs cover the ceiling 509 there is something scrawled on the wall to the left 609 just close to you a stone slab sticks up a little from the ground this is the cleaner 409 to the right [Laughter] and to the right uh which stands bard 309 a large stone mask casts its gruesome gaze down upon me from above take adventure car 80 and read it aloud oh my goodness without doing anything that's the mask i'm sure well i think this is key and key and she's already got one well he does have a key that's what i'm saying yeah i think this and this i told him we've already they've got the word the stone mask when you took your last step you already had a hunch that the mask was watching you as you want to continue your way you hear a whistling sound coming from the mask's mouth an arrow shoots from it no no if you are arkuro read entry 159 paruca and continue so i am rf i will read 359 and then return this adventure card to the box oh okay i hope you're fast i hope not not only you're not you try in vain to avoid the arrow but it pierces your arm as you do your best to tend to your wound your gaze returns to the stone mask and you realize this trap is triggered when you get too close next time you do well to steer clear of the mask you lose two let's go get those herbs yeah now we need herbs okay interesting well it is to your left right no you're right so i'll take the hit i i've heard no it's to the left he can't take the hit and two you're only allowed to take a hit when she's down to one card i i realize that i'm just saying we don't have to worry eventually all that matters is for the scoring system as far as i can although who knows it could be you might be too weak to do something later on that's true oh my gosh wow clearly we need coins which means i think we've got to figure out how to open this money in there because they locked us in a room with money but maybe it was hours and they couldn't figure out how to get it open or i don't know all right well let's start i don't know oh we're not brick anymore uh what about uh the metal the solution well he didn't he didn't offer that let's start looking at stuff let's go to this barrel over here 507. it looks like a barrel of fun let's see what's good we can roll it out my barrel was not a barrel i'm ashamed of laughing we didn't look at that yet you might get a big barrel with a tap stuck in the back room could that hmm oh red wine splashes under the floor when you turn the tap on you quickly kneel in front and gulp down a few mouthfuls why not the end really yeah can you even give your health you should get health benefits red wine no but we might need it for later for something right that's true at least dude i don't know you know what i stopped reading at the end of the passage lincoln all right nikki yes sir boy well clearly the rent let's try did we do 205 we did two no did we do 205 nope no i didn't because i was like she's like let's go up 405. well i thought there's stuff up here we can explore too i didn't know of forced march down the hallway it might i hate to say this because i didn't think it was going to be this way yeah it might be of value to start running on these numbers that we looked at so we know we looked at them sure sure so you want to start with i mean we've we've done a yes so within c we've done everything but this no five in the three levels and the three levers correct we still need to do the we don't really need to make notes for that and 205. and then everything here everything here and everything here except for those two yeah yeah you didn't do seven or seven yeah i did 507. i was going to go in the cabinet all right go look in the cabinet there might be something 307 307 please i'm going to have my head pointing at the number it's like mysterium yeah don't read ahead how dare you i have to prepare i know there's nothing in the cupboard but cleaning utensils the broom might come in handy though oh to get the uh take adventure card 17. let's go back to 401 and get that key with the broom you think a simple wooden broom should pass well maybe i think it needs something else and you can just hit them with a hook or like something we put gum on or or a magnet i think you're over magnets for this but no that's a point-and-click adventure you know gum on the end of a stick that's a thing so i'm running around with a coin and a broom okay sure um so i'm in the room i will look at two 707 then pointed it at seven of my pointy seven a jet to the right is a heavy door it has neither a lock or a handle so it's impossible to open from this side we're gonna probably let them out at the end yeah interesting well pretty much everything i've written down has a question mark next to it so right now edric is not a guard right so we'll see all right it's you now me oh uh where do you want to go oh it is me now oh boy up there with an arrow i mean i'm not i don't want to get close again we were told there was danger again but she didn't have that i was looking at this symbol i totally understand totally except the number's way up here that's why it's at the bottom but that's why it's new no it's upstairs okay no i was wondering if we can read the symbol the real question is what would we have found ahead of time that would have saved us from that maybe something but like well the guy saying the trap i think is supposed there's a trap send the strong person up oh i see yeah yeah yeah there's a draft less damage right or the skill yeah exactly here's where these things might come into play remember we talked about earlier right it gave us options yeah my that's my guess um well i'm nervous that if i do anything in this room without disabling the trap just don't get too close to it this is the furthest away i had no choice last time crawling on the floor you are pretty weak you took two hits i think i kind of want to wait all right all right come back down i think um just go to can she go just here there's no movement points right i know so you just moved wherever you want yeah let's finish that room off or did we do two corners no we still have not done 205 yeah it's a cabinet i think it's like a shelf up there there's a shelf okay there might be a spider up there already down or an ounce might be an elf up there i will go down to 205. okay um just to finish it out pretty kind of but we don't know the levers but we don't have any information about them yet i bet one of those levers would have disabled that trap it's quite possible but like it might be like that you know some kind of order right open that door yeah but still that's why i was asking if the dude had like a piece of paper because it might be like the order of the levers or something might open that door though one of those two or five it's true just like the first cell door the second also has a little bard opening and a golden lock do you have adventure card 75 no i do not no one does no uh if so read 522 otherwise read 6 44. that is the second time they've asked for card 75 i'm sure it's a golden key it's a golden ticket 644 yeah there's only five of them this one was open too wasn't it no no only the store was in there yeah this is pretty much the same as 105. a prisoner's face appears in the opening oh hey you he misses please help me get out of here you reply apologetically i'm so sorry but i don't have a key for this lock is it say that i like it that's rf it's like a flower i just got hit in the arm that's right with an arrow um damn i'm going to run away in here don't despair maybe there's a way to get you out what do you know about this dungeon he thinks for a moment not much like most of the other prisoners i work in the mines he becomes more animated if the guards have gone you may find one or two gemstones with a little luck oh if you get me out of here i can tell you a thing or two about them i used to be a jeweler you know oh look at that you didn't even know your eyes see the it's the steps falling ball uh-huh and the mask you think that's a map yeah i think that's this mask oh they would shut off the mask wow if we just looked at those pictures well that's why i should have gone and looked at them and i didn't do it oh i see steps ball mask where is this supposed to be here you should you should hit that one for the next time we go upstairs yeah uh your eyes flick to the sign above the stairs what's that strange symbol oh no he's quiet for a moment and then says with amusement why it's the emblem of the league guardians don't tell me you don't know that then you can't have been imprisoned here for very long they kidnapped us locked us up and forced us into slave labor oh i see you say with a nod but before you turn away he gives you an urgent look if you can't free me then could you at least get me a strong drink ah i'll give you something that belonged to the league of the guardians for it all right so we need a cup yep or just put it in his hand for a dime no no no we got the wine we just need a cup uh maybe on the shelf yeah go for it 607 here we go you find a cup strong drink a pewter cup you climb up onto the table reach the top shelf on the wall to the left as you fumble around your hand closes on a coin yeah all right number two take card 21. so we could get the key no it was i'll just give that to you now oh which could possibly be a gemstone i don't know right great for buying stuff pushing two all right nikki did you just give her the coin on my turn i passed the card to her it just makes sense to have all the coins with her sure not that it ultimately matters so we've pretty much done this room then right nope 107 and 207. yep okay well let me just go dude it's my turn oh it is oh that's right you just got handed a thing yep it's nikki's turn i'll be down here i was pointing at that what's 207 i can't even i can't remember it's like a little furnace or something we read it when we read the room description and now i don't remember i'll go warm my shackles all right shackles all right you're no longer shackled i don't think you were shackled you just threw it through the oven is still hot and warms the room someone must have prepared a meal here not so long ago unfortunately there's nothing left of it now that was fantastic well but we have an oven that's letting us know we have an oven i mean it said oven in the description but all right lincoln okay um then i'll do 107. 107. i don't know why we even put this book back stomach growling you eye the almost empty plate on the table there's only a tiny piece of cheese and a knife left on it edrick clears his throat i'm sorry to see you hungry i can't what was the edward voice i already forgot i'm sorry to see you hungry but the roast mutton was simply too tempting take cards 24 and 52. all right there's the knife 52 is probably the remainder of the cheese morsel of cheese we might have to tempt a mouse knife ah free action you may eat this piece of cheese during your turn to heal a health point boom here you go give it to me yep thank you yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum cheese emin taller tall all right all right you want to start pulling levers we probably should let you do that in the first place right well especially lincoln is right lincoln is right i will admit it never occurs to me to like fully examine these things which is dumb you should totally be looking at them because we think we have to go and read it rather than just actually these aren't even that small like they're pretty easy to see if we could just look that was the i thought they were drained so yeah i recognize the mask so i'm going to go you think that's the mask 705 looks like a face to me 705 looks like a face you lose your face and all your health points okay you pull down firmly on the lever but it seems to be stuck you just have to do it is room card d already in play it is oh well if so then read entry 165. otherwise nothing happens but let's read 165. in roon 65 another arrow shoots in here with a jerk jerk you finally managed to move the lever down it seems to have triggered a mechanism because when you press your ear to the wall you can hear a soft hum and the clattering of gears the stone mask above the portal in the room across the corridor finally closes its deadly mouth fantastic all right you found a way to deactivate the trap return room card d to the box take a room card q wow and replace it very well i see it's the same room yes but yeah but it's going to be nice the yellow then place all of the character figures that were on room card d oh on room car cue read entry cue his mouth is closed and that's cute the mask has closed his deadly mouth you can now reach the portal 709 and the wood pile 809 okay oh wow i was going to have you go to the woodplane you'll notice you'll notice there are different colors i noticed that in room card those would be to indicate that they were too close okay it'd be my guess right uh-huh okay those are the tough ones you would have gotten shot or whatever yeah so i am just going to offer that we don't just pull those because while this one did a good thing yeah stairs could suddenly mean that it like becomes a ramp or something like that where the ball falls the ball falls down on us so we'll we'll wait we'll wait we're not sure it means good things yet all right that's me oh hey leave right yeah i pulled the letter we've done this whole room correct correct yes correct okay let's pull a letter just kidding after that big speech uh well let's go up there do you want to look at the door what do you want to look at i call out guys it's safe to go up to this one whatever this is 609. that's stuff on the wall all right okay it's right in front of you 609. you find yourself in san diego san diego is that the area yeah southern california you see a message scrawled in the stone wall beware of the beast from the depths doesn't sound good i don't really think i would need that message i know wouldn't you be wary of any beast from the depths i mean maybe go nikki me maybe part of the beast is what bit you there yeah there's a snake oh from the depths do you wear the beast from that yes [Music] yeah you wouldn't get a warning from this room for something that you were already going to do by accident so if we took the broom and just did the 12 401. do you want to try it it just wouldn't exist okay nikki go there so we're done with everything in that room until we come back to buy stuff all right and get one broom so 17401 let's see you find a cup let's see if there's even an entry for 17401 that could is helpful too 17401 the broom is too slick you cannot use it to grasp whatever is down there okay dang it i kind of figured but no reason not to try i wouldn't move the box with the broom handle on my neck we needed to use the the brick bar to do that one i don't think so because if we had to do that it would be again well and also it was the only way to get out of the room sure yeah so the most important thing is we don't have it anymore the game has removed it from us so we're obviously not using it anymore sure but but but there could have been a choice it could have been like you can either use it on the door or on the box but because it i'm going to go to 409 wouldn't be able to get it cleaning 409 cleaning or racing 409. no i like it there you go one of the stone slabs in the floor is just near you wobbles when you step on it is something hidden underneath it do you want to lift up the stone and take a look underneath if so read entry 322. i think i'll read it of course you do you can't it's risking you i don't know it's a snake again hi remember me it's a beast oh man it could be there's no chance with you try with all your might but the to lever the stone out but the crack is just too small maybe you can manage it if you had the right tool ah okay so 12 24 315. no you're that's another action that you're not allowed okay okay you have taken that's not 3 15 anyway uh what was it 322. yeah yeah so 322. yeah okay you're up here with me right uh not yet but i'm coming up so i would think the brim would probably be the better thing for that wow i like it look at you i play a lot of point-and-click adventures um well so there's the barrel there's the wood pile we should roll out that barrel but see it's eight or nine right i mean is that wood pile you think wood pile yeah because we had to disable the trap to get to it there's got to be some there's got to be something all right 809 in fact look i'm getting the card deck ready yeah you're finding something in the wood pile for sure you find a coin in the wood pile take adventure card 23. there you go that's mine and on my turn i go hey uh coin lady [Music] well barrel it up right we haven't done this yet nope 309. three can you stand on it probably yeah there's no number above there's a big barrel just near you you curiously pull the lid off and peek inside it looks empty but it's kind of too dark to say for sure do you want to reach inside just hand good is this the creature from the depths ah you're on the side it doesn't seem depth depthy enough read an entry 909 do i want to do it i haven't lost a hit point yet come on who's not gonna do it not gonna do it okay no one's gonna try to optimally play this game 909 what was it that we you were going to go back and look at as you fumble around in the barrel your hand closes around a coin card 22. we can buy everything we can trade everything that edrick has done two for the ring one and one five yeah do you only have one i could get my medicinal herbs we could get um the key and the ring and then the ring do you want to do that now or do you want to do the broom would you want to pass up to somebody uh herb witches yeah and everybody's like where's the h i mean they must be british because we're all saying herbs herbies um what do you want me to go buy stuff now or you want me to sure go sweep let's buy stuff cobwebs uh i think she should she's got the broom sweetie well she can give you the room well even in a different room yes apparently none of that matters she's got a shorter arms than it's all lucy goose yep you were gonna try the knife give me the broom i'll do the cotton lincoln can oh yeah there you go lincoln can always give you the roof so i'm gonna go buy stuff so i go talk four seven here we go back to 407 407. and you just want me to buy everything if you can so yeah uh if not ah it's you again oh boy do you maybe still want to buy something my prices have gone up no i'm just kidding i'm kidding totally all right uh medicinal herb one coin and take 18 a ring two coins and take 19 and a bronze key one coin and take 20. do you want to do this in a certain way let's just do them all 18 19 20 18 19. we can still come back and talk to him again okay sweetie how did you know that and how did you know it says that how did you know where to read this time since we had already said right there if you're if you're in here before just keep reading ah okay so uh should i go like 18 or 20 sure 18 magical herb or herb oh look at that you remember that spiders avoid this herb i do free action you may eat the herb anytime during your turn to heal too healthy there could be a spider in that cobweb all right i know the rings yeah but you're with a broom that's what that's what you used to get spikes i couldn't agree with you yeah small take them outside small ring with ornament no jewels it's got a z or an end on it something yeah yeah put it in and turn it maybe and a bronze key small bronze where is it i assume i'm the rick moranis [Laughter] yes i have some so i'd probably be the dan or the dan aykroyd maybe maybe i don't know which ghostbusters are we let's pause the game temporarily to discover which ghostbusters we are the secretary lady i'm sure oh i love it i'd probably like many pots yeah yeah you probably would oh you're totally the econ yeah 100 okay um oh knife uh 24 4 9 24 49 24 409 24. pink gets harder towards the back two four 409 yeah nope no entry really oh uh that's true i don't have the broom okay never mind all right that's funky my turn yep um 17 509. huh wonder what we could use to wedge that open something later something iron probably like an iron some kind of crowbari type thing if we had that pole for example still although that's probably too thick nothing it's 17 for uh seven 509 oh wait i'm looking at the wrong thing here yep 17. there we go 17 509. uh when you use the broom to sweep away the spiderwebs something tinkles on the floor what kind of a spider spun these webs anyway uh-oh when you glance down at the broom you see that it is crawling oh i know you're supposed to get that herb grossed out you toss it away return adventure card 17 to the box take adventure card 25 25 i think i'm okay i tossed it away is that it yeah i'm not hurt so what i wonder what we need here because we thought it might be the key but we should go to 709 next what are the three bronze keys for they're for seven units pass those to dave then you can look at it now i mean are we ready it's a portal i mean well other than these levers we've done nothing else yes we've looked at everything else is that correct we can't get this and we can't get into the 701 and 401 are and getting wine for 205 are our outstanding issues so he's not going so yeah you want to pass me the keys and i'll just go for it gopher and it sucks you all need to turn in the portal let me just catch us up here 401 yep here's kind of a crazy notion do you want me to apply the keys to the door without actually reading the door first because we haven't read that yet well it was one of those things where like because they kind of make you do stuff i didn't want to go to 5 509 before using the broom because i'm pretty sure i would have got bit by spider yes 100 yeah so the question is if we think there's danger should i read it first all right we'll pass me the keys all right i won't use them but not yet on my turn i'm going to pass these to nikki and now i'm going to read the door so that if she needs to go there 709. it's kind of a weird system in that regard a little bit yeah well it's thematic planning it's thematic and it gives everybody sort of a turn but like the free-form nature of it would be also equally fine you feel around the edges of the door with your fingers and you feel a slight draft could this way lead to freedom well you need three bronze keys to open these three bronze locks though if you have three bronze keys oh hey let's just assume i haven't passed yes well you're if you have three bronze keys you can use them here arrange the card numbers in ascending order and read the corresponding six digit entry uh one three two zero two five i assume we want to do that right yeah yes because because what else are we doing since you're at the door yeah there you go one three we back up slowly [Music] hey i haven't taken it yet it's about time one three two zero two five [Laughter] you turn the keys one by one and unlock all three bronze locks and push the door open at first you're blinded by bright sunlight then you realize that this is the way to freedom you call your companions over and gather at the exit return adventure cards 13 20 and 25 to the box take room card f go ahead and place it above room card q go ahead and just move everything down i guess then place all character figures on room card f a note 212 hangs to your left and to your right a box three a twelve but your eyes are fixed on the drawbridge spanning a deep ravine oh be aware of the blocks through the deep down it lies ahead of you one one two the path leads across green meadows before vanishing in the distance you eagerly suck in the fresh air as you approach the drawbridge you could now breathe a sigh of relief but your eyes nervously flick back and forth fearful that you will still be discovered by any remaining guards a piece of parchment lying on the ground catches your eye as you bend down to read it or sorry you bend down to read it gruel for prisoner monty naha and lin as punishment no food for brig brigh in 404 two guards to berengar in the tower ah so your old friend berengar is also locked up here and well guarded at least he was until most of the guards fled you can't abandon him and decide to free him too hmm all right with renewed courage you return to the dungeon with a new mission friendly in sight well done you have successfully found the exit this concludes chapter one calculate how many points you have received or lost throughout the adventure bearing with the cards that have the exclamation point symbol on them do we see any cards what have we done wow at a point for each health point available oh maybe we get some point cards later oh like this escape no it's no it's got a little symbol in like two brackets okay do we see any of those in any of these rooms i'll go back and look i don't think so at a point for each health point this is your score for this chapter make a note on your scoring adventure sheet 11. take adventure card 67 it explains how to start chapter two when we're ready for the next part of the year so there you go we escaped so a lot of this stuff doesn't even pertain to this chapter which is actually kind of cool yeah but you're going back you're going back well we're not leaving yet right right you're right but chapter two which we're not playing which sort of makes sense right if this were a book yeah chapter one would not be escaping by any means was actually really really cool interesting did we get any exclamation marks there dave on those cards i'll go look nikki what did you think uh i liked it that was really cool i like the putting together of the numbers that i don't know if i've seen that before that's in the exit game um it is well no no the exit games you add the numbers together yeah okay this is you're making a code out of the two numbers to go read something it's not bad no i think that's i think that's actually very smart yeah i think it's why it's i think it also it mixes things up in a really nice way in books it also means you don't have to check for false positives for math [Music] but it also means that you it seems like you'd have more well the math i guess does it but you have more flexibility because you can add apply this to this or you can apply it or whatever and come up with a different code and a different thing to read yeah yep so and this is so great yeah you can like put and i assume you can the shelving matches it all matches it's so good the thing the plate that part is fantastic so obviously you love that i love this this is super fun i mean the only thing like any point-and-click adventure kind of game like that is you're a little you don't have the ultimate freedom uh which of course i'm a fan of with role-playing games uh but it was it was open enough um you know it's frustrating when you're like oh i want to look at the symbol and they're like you walk down the hallway and get shot and you're like that's not quite what i was trying to do are you certain that those were stairs because i think he said something about that so but i see what you're talking about like i learned about that symbol from the guy next door yeah so that was sort of an awkward yeah i wonder what 605 and what 505 well also that as well like you can't examine the levers you have to just pull them so it's a good thing to know going into the game it doesn't ruin the fight since it didn't force us to go through i was absolutely going to have us look at these two before going anywhere of course and we're not even going to go across the bridge we're going to we're going to go back i'm not going to go back all right so you remember that remember the friendly conversation yeah you opened that right you you he gave you bread correct uh okay so cassandra that's me if it was me i would read entry 455 and 455 did that how did the coconuts get here was it maybe a swallow carrot one of the guards one of the guards lost this bottle a while ago maybe you can find a use for it so that would get me card seven to give the guy some wine card 70 is free action you may drink this potion during your turn if you want to read entry 525 we don't even know what this does potion so okay it might heal you then you could give it you could give the guy some wine and then whatever he will but if it heals me it would say like on it i think the coconuts are gonna wear like a cup or something let's just see 525 oh that could be surely this stuff can't do much damage can it yeah so you take a little sip and wait expand wait uh expectantly for the push to take effect the watery taste doesn't seem very promising after a while you still haven't felt anything maybe you need to add something a little stronger so mix it with the wine was it 70 so five oh seven all right we're shooters we're not shooters because we'll never go back and do this well we might no you might come back into some of these we can't we can never talk to that guy again oh i see what you're saying this is the path i'm reading now we can never take everything that's true i wouldn't do that honestly i wouldn't do it otherwise 70507. you want to mix the wine with the black potion you've got a hunch you have a hunch this is not a good idea so okay so we don't mix that i don't know what we're supposed to do with it but what's interesting is again i think do i get that because i'm the attentive like you got because you're a strong guy you got something that helped your strength sure right food helped your strength so what did what did anybody else get in let's see uh 359 for you deborah okay gives me a book yeah no that's the stone mask where is it three 355. look rather clever maybe you can figure this parchment out oh a guard dropped it a few days ago and i've kept it hidden ever since i kept asking for paper card 72 what does it say diary entry day 300. do you want to have a diary i do have a diary what an awful day of being on guard duty i was ordered to dispose of some rotten crates in the sewer one of them allegedly contains something dangerous and is marked with the symbol of the league of guardians so we have information about a dangerous something in a crate you think that's a dangerous something in the crate it looks like a ball but i mean this one might not shows it falling though i think that drops a ball somewhere it's in the sewer so we're not in the sewer yet i don't think yeah i guess oh maybe we'll get down there maybe we get the shiny thing later when we go right under that right yeah maybe maybe what was nikki oh yeah let's find out what nikki's was uh you were 255 akuro hakura with the thing oh it is willy wonka 255 golden ticket you find a goose monty moves closer and closer to your face until those clouded eyes wine with surprise yolanda how wonderful to see you here my darling daughter oh here i have something for you does he think you're yolanda his eyesight can't be that bad can it but he seems to be happy so why disappoint him card 73 lucky charm if the entry says that you lose health points you can use the lucky charm then you won't however the other consequence of the entry stays true interesting so if something you read says you lose health points you just don't lose them so would that have helped no because she wouldn't have it i think it only applies to nikki's character or whoever's holding this that's what i'm saying if we had yes if we'd given her the lucky child we passed it to me they're magically delicious apologies sometimes they're just there and you can't avoid them this is fun though i can see it's a bit of a variant on the um it's not i don't i mean we're just it's just the beginning so i don't know about the puzzly aspect of it but you know how exit is very puzzly um but i do this is always the way these games go you have to really look at everything yeah yeah and those are i mean i didn't see them that stuff is actually not that small it really isn't we we could have very easily looked we played we played that one unlock game that had the little tiny print all over the that was a little crazy um here's what's really great about this this is the thing i love so in a lot of these games there are a lot of dead ends and little things and they sort of have to be there to give you not just the flavor but also to give you gameplay right otherwise you're through it otherwise it's a linear path and you're through it really quickly and what i like about this is some of these dead ends that we encounter are probably not dead hands that's really neat yeah like now granted if it was one giant three-hour game then they wouldn't be you just go back to them but i like the idea that so what the rules say is of course you just put all the cards back right the cards you've removed or they go back into the deck because the cards you remove you can keep removed but you don't have to you'll never use them again so if you want you can put them back in the deck to where you had them they're not going to get in your way right right they just basically say take a picture of this with your cell phone yeah like take a picture of your situation just so you don't have to really remember it and then next game we could just set this so we start with all the things that we have yeah just set it up the way you do and just move forward right and the beauty is you can't you can't mess anything up necessarily yeah but i like that part of it i like the um that the dead ends aren't necessarily yeah although some of them might be right yeah i feel you have to find things it would be a drag that you go into some space and nothing comes of it but um i would like to see where this goes you know what it what yeah i'm curious yeah yeah exploration and like we it tells you to do those things but i'd like to see more combination experimentation right you know with the different items to see what they do i'd like to figure out like that slab that would be cool i'd like to know what that is okay right can we read q again because like one thing in point-and-click adventure games that i dislike at times is there are things that you know you're supposed to click on because the icon changes or something but there's no real reason to look there do you mean you mean d no this is no q q is the safe one do you want the unsafe one right the first time you encounter it well the first time you encounter it uh which might be d you get zap first because remember you have to read 405. essentially what i want is when when 509 is introduced to you why do they introduce it as a a point of interest do they say you see something glitter up there or is it just saying that yeah what it tells you at least when you first go upstairs there's d and then read what it says see and just see when it's just about 509. the massive wooden portal is secured with three bronze locks so that's how we knew that right uh to the left is a pile of wood thick spider webs cover the ceiling 509 there's something scrawled on the wall to the left 609 close to your stone slab sticks up from the ground so well for the most part i think this avoided that issue but like something like that like i just wish there's a little flavor to say why the spiderwebs are absolutely it catches your eye yeah rather than just like here are the five things you can look at something that sort of says these are the these are the reasons why these five things are interesting um as opposed to just basically telling you where things are to a certain extent the room cards as you saw as you read them yeah are all none of them are flavory text right they're all very just descriptive sure and i think part of the reason they're descriptive is you're looking at the room right so but i know what you're saying but you could have done that here as well this always feels more like a bookkeeping thing particularly because if if in if you're these aren't really exploration they're engagement right so if i go to if i look at 509 i'm not really looking at 509 i'm engaging with 509 and any consequence comes from that so i that's why i feel like i would like more description to give you an idea so i can choose how to engage with it so i know to use the broom first or something do you think at 509 they should tell you that you see spiders in that web or like you see spider was in the thing is there something moving in that web like do you want something like that i think spider webs are enough of a clue but what i want is why do i even care about spider webs right this is why i mean i think you should i would like to see there's a little you see a spider spider webs but something glistens in the light like there's a reason i want to look at it is that what there was was a coin up there there was a one of the keys i think yeah the other key was and also the keys were in the coins one of the coins oh one of the coins also like why is there a coin in the spider web you know like little things like that right i do i do get curious about now look i love games like that yeah you know i understand so it doesn't totally ruin understanding you want those elegant little touches that take like an eight or an eight and a half to like a nine or a 10. i totally exactly like i i wanted to feel like someone was thoughtful about each little moment well it's interesting because there's a lot of these games now that there's a lot of storytelling going on the legacy games do that um and the exit games do that um it's really exciting to see that kind of material come about um we've still not played pandemic legacy season two and i've heard that that's narratively more exciting even than one which you haven't finished no i know um one of these days i think never happened i was thinking that we should we might play it on a live stream so some of it you know i mean but we should play it because it's really fantastic speaking of storytelling we didn't mention the game uh has an app if you want it that will read all these entries so you can just punch in the numbers i assume we didn't actually load it up but yeah i don't you can punch the numbers and it will read the stuff out so maybe there's sound effects and stuff too i i looked into it but it was but the point is there will be some people out there who are not going to want to read these aloud they're self-conscious or whatever yeah exactly whereas of course yes please yeah yeah especially because we're not working um i don't mind the whole turn-based one-action thing i could i feel like that's in place just to make sure that everyone is involved to make sure that everyone is forced involved but i would see and again you can play it anyway you want i would i don't see any reason to adhere to the you can only pass items on your turn yeah right right not that it wasn't easy to figure out but again maybe it comes to play later in the game maybe at some point we actually can be physically separated if you if you do away with the rule that um like if you say you can we can share items however we want but the only contingencies you have to be in the room with the person that i kind of like because it feels really and and it would mean that as long as we're all in the same space you're just saying oh here here's the knife try it you know and that's thematic but if you're down here looking at something and i go oh man i need his knife either i've got to go to you you've got to come to me yell for it okay well a lot of these games don't even have that step right a lot of these games the objects are just a common pool of stuff well in that exit mode right but in the exit game mode it's more escape right so you're kind of always all together anyway because this can separate you that that could be a fun like home brew sure i mean there actually may be more to it later on who knows i don't know exactly this feels like it's a smaller space um for the most part because these are all just this is the hub like i was saying then you go up to this which takes us to the exit but we've decided to go back in they do cover it in a weird way they do say parentheses imagine like running past someone and you hand them the thing sure like that sort of is their way of covering well we know you might not be in the same room right right well cool dave thanks for teaching us you are welcome and thank you for watching game night have you subscribed to the board game geek channel or perhaps liked us consider it doing so if you haven't and if you do subscribe hit that little notification bell and we'll read entry one two four nine five [Music] you
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 25,026
Rating: 4.9307361 out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, session, board game, how to play, show me how to play, How to play Adventure Games, Show me how to play Adventure Games, KOSMOS
Id: 1yEs_-llkn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 58sec (5038 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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