GameNight! S09E12 The Key: Murder at the Oakdale Club

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[Music] so [Music] tonight on game night nikki deborah and me lincoln are going to teach and shadow play the key murder at oakdale club a game for one to four players designed by thomas singh and published by haba we know who the murderers are let's see if we can find the clues hi lincoln hey deborah will you teach us the key ward in oakdale club or murder at the oakdale club i know that it does have german on here which i think although this may be french no this is it is it's french and french and english and then they've got our little but we've got german here and then they've got all the different languages for some spanish yeah they have the i mean leafed jid leafjid okay i don't maybe that's dutch for age interesting anyway so we are investigators that have been called in because there have been a series of murders at the oakdale club and i think deborah's gonna have fun reading the little little bit here when we get to that moment we'll go over there in a second but what we're going to they're asking us to do they've already arrested the the suspects uh but they we gotta make sure the evidence fits to determine who did which crime and the way the game works is we will have so normally it is a qua a competitive game there there is a cooperative mode when you just play as one player but you are going to be drawing these cards and you only draw ones that are related to the case you're playing so each one of these keys is a specific version of the case so some of these cards don't have there's nine colors and they don't all have all nine colors this tells you on the top what information will be on the other side of the card this tells you time this tells you weapon this tells you location when you put those on a zoom cam over there this tells you all three of those notice the different costs that that's uh so the way it the scoring is is those red numbers at the top a two point question is less information than a four point four point one notice there's three different bits of information on that 4.1 with the the suspect the time and the location you have cards that are from alibi cards that's the green eyes there's we'll go ahead and leave it there because we're going to talk about the icons as well then there's eyewitness cards there's lab cards there are getaway vehicle cards the next card there is just the time and locations the indication with the watch the broken watch there is telling you what time the event it happened and you'll notice that each card has different colors those colors pertain to which investigation version of the investigation that we're doing there's also information two is that big the yellow two is an indication when the uh which case it is which murder it is in this case and then also it has we joked that the car has exhaust but they're probably electric golf carts maybe that's the uh yeah so um that will let you know that some vehicle information okay but if you notice there's also vehicle information on that one right that that's more that's more about where the vehicle probably was last seen or something like that but you'll flip it over and then you'll get that information go ahead and flip one of them over that one tells you mick khan was at the gazebo at 7 55 was seen at the gazebo at 75 that was a that was his alibi i guess that's not his was seen this so but his alibi so maybe it was thing the next one there is it's an eyewitness card so that one's going to tell you the getaway vehicle was green was not green at that time at eight o'clock do the vehicles change color no but there's three different lights because there's a climate we're solving three crimes yeah so saying that okay and you're going to get that information and cross it off on your board so in the the competitive version we're each trying to do that at the same time secretly taking the cards they're all going to be spread out on the table here since we're going to be talking about this it makes it more interesting we are going to play as one player so it'll be cooperative and we'll look at all these things and then when you figure out when you think you have all the information you're going to look at these grids here and see what order the the in order of the case so case one two and three let's go ahead and show that on the zoom cam because it's kind of small but that will give us the first digit of the code for us to check it up then the second one is going to be the murder weapon and then the order of the crimes one two and three then the location and then the vehicle which license plate uh it is then you put those numbers in the boxes down below and then you take the key for the case that you've chosen and put it into the hole into the key the order that you that you think it is so we'll say we did the brown one you flip it over and we were wrong so it's it's possible to make mistakes we actually played the easier version of this game which has which we might do in a little bit um it has footprints and we kind of we only saw one footprint card so our first exposure to it i i guess it has always has all three footprints and you're trying to figure out which one is the perpetrator um so that's i think that had probably a footprint and a location but the way you solve that one in that game is you hold the mirror up to the footprint to see it and i guess what you're trying to look for is what we have in the book this doesn't actually have footprints in this is the dna okay so there's the book that you get so that has the dna that will look that'd be pertaining to the weapons and maybe other things we don't know we um we've played one nicky i played this on the live stream and with scott and it it actually had dna connected to the weapons and we found two of them which were four point cards um because you know at the end of course you're going to rate yourself against what the i won't go over them uh until we actually do it but they tell you how well you did based on how many points you that you used to get the lower the better obviously we tried to do one where it was only two-point cards two-point cards don't give you a lot of information but we actually did okay it was kind of interesting but it was a lot more cards they should actually should be point value and number of cards probably like some sort i know every time there's we have been exposed to another mystery game where we're like same kind of scoring stuff and they're like what do you think i'm like well i don't i don't know what the answer to that is it feels like it was a weird it's it's funny like how they do this one seems like it's actually pretty great um so one thing to point out if you are playing it competitively this is actually your player's stream so it it goes together and you have there's one forever yeah just dry erase them the ones that you figure out you know it's like most of the deduction games um and it's pretty quick and it's fun so we will first choose a key that will help us determine what cards we're going to pull you just put all the cards in a big pile spread out so a lot of them aren't even gonna be necessarily valid to this investigation okay somebody grab a key we're playing the goldenrod one okay that's the fancy word for orange i guess so don't you think i mean that's really golden i guess so that's definitely yellow but yeah it's orangish i say golden orange should be oranger than that but and that's like when you get multi the paper and scripts like it's your golden rod yeah yeah right and you know so why don't you read us this then we'll each go over one of the different uh the uh biographies of each of these um or the the motives the potential motives of each of the uh the suspects okay investigative team the following information is all we have about the current status of the investigation a terrible series of murders has occurred at the famous oakdale golf club the venue was meant to host the presentation of one of the most important film awards the day after the murders occurred many distinguished guests including actors and members of a science club were present on the evening before the planned event three unscrupulous perpetrators used the hustle and bustle of the party to commit their crimes for three guests the party was fatal they were found at three different crime scenes around the grounds unfortunately the grounds are only sparsely monitored with surveillance cameras to protect the privacy of the most v the mostly very wealthy guests that's why we need to rely on numerous witness statements in our investigations the three perpetrators have been detained despite many witness statements and numerous lab results the police have not yet been able to pin any of the murders on a specific suspect to get a conviction we first need to establish which perpetrator used which murder weapon at what time we also need to work out which golf cart they then use to flee only when we know this can the perpetrators be put behind bars we are asking for your help and relying on your unparalleled intuition to properly analyze the clues and irrefutably prove the circumstances thank you for your support wow there's a lot of 20 words in there very cool so go ahead and read the one for lady i don't remember her name karina windhouse oh there we go there you go we got chuckles out of that lady karina windhouse 54 years old one of the most famous actresses of in england her eccentricities and jealousy means that she doesn't exactly have a lot of friends amongst her colleagues i don't know i can't top any of that i'm gonna do the justin bieber one dude justin beau justin bow 19 years old the teen heart throb was recently voted france's most handsome actor he doesn't like competition so the other nominees for best up and coming actor are living dangerously oh no he's going to take him out he's not a good guy then we have amit khan 37 years old when someone in the film industry needs money this generous billionaire is a sought-after partner but a fortune like his also brings envy and blackmail to the table did someone need to be eliminated so the murder weapons are a trophy golden trophy from the clubhouse a bottle containing poison and a standard golf club every golfer has wow or owns then we have the crime scenes there's the um at the second hall of the golf course then we have next to the side patio of the golf club club and we have by the by the large palm tree at the lake and you see we have these all on the map here we have okay go ahead and put that on there we have how far it takes how long it takes to get to the different locations on the golf cart so it's a pretty big golf club yeah then we have the three different getaway vehicles the the blue cart has a license plate of 9185 so the red cart a red because there's obviously more of these the red cart has 7434 license plate and the green one is two four eight three the golf clubs in the back are different the blue has three golf clubs the red has two and the green only has one golf club so that's gonna help you yeah that's gonna help you because different bits of information for each of these things will be able to um will help will lead you to the to the who did it and you know you'll be able to cross off other things when you know like if they were certainly at this location during that uh of that that location during the crime then the other ones that can be checked off that they were not there so they're not suspects for that like your classic exact logic grid it's pretty simple but it's pretty fun now we'll put this aside because we won't need it till the end or maybe near the end we have to replay it figure it out and then we're going to have all these cards all over the place so we're just going to smear them around here wow and then we will pick out ones it's tough because i feel obviously the 4.1 give you lots of information but they may we had an instance where one of the um four pointer ones gave us information we already had i see right you can you can actually there's going to be repeated evidence and again we're only looking once for ones with the orange or goldenrod and how are we buying cards we don't we just we just take it yep you just your cost is going to be what at the end of the game you add up these points and the more yeah the higher point i got yes the worse the worst you've done yet so i don't know why they're even talking about that it took us that many to get there because we're such good investigators we want to be sure we're not putting innocent people that's right and it's three of them three i know they've already without evidence assumed these people yes i know that's well they do they found them at the scene of the crime so i guess that's pretty good yeah i'm not sure it seems like you wouldn't necessarily arrest them without evidence to prove that they did it but you can hold them yes i guess so so let's start off with a card what do you guys want to do do you want to do a um basic one well we can do that both of these are look they both get like similar information but this one's going to be better information than the other so i i think nikki's got to point you start with a higher one because the more information you have the more helpful less information right yeah well this is another four this is these are all the same kind of information you have four that has that would be three be awesome if we can find one so dig away a golden one no that's not golden four we actually played here's no no we actually played one here's one with uh three bits of information we actually played this and had three two cards come out that were not in the cr the investigation and we were like what's wrong all right is that the one we want to start that is going to be the one we're going to do all right here we go so that's what we saw earlier right this is military time but yes 1935 was at the park bench i guess is what an eyewitness is okay so we'll keep the card over here and we believe eyewitnesses but none of them would lie to us well this is this is his alibi oh this is he is saying that that's where he was at and they're probably he might witness them there um well this is because it's it's relating to how long he he was here but he wasn't exactly the cards are true yeah there is no there's no yeah exactly there just may not be enough information to help you out you have to keep them in mind as you go along so 7 35 at the park bench he probably unless so there's only one park bench right and there's no murder there there's one here one here and he's more than five minutes away from any of the murders correct so that's good so he is not the perpetrator of number one so you can absolutely do that so we say he didn't do number one okay that's that's like that's how this works right now great so then we'll look for another gold card and choose here we go here's one that's we'll connect it's the perpetrator and which case it is there we go so that one's valid for six of the cases right yeah yeah okay a male perpetrator killed at 8 00 pm or 8 am i guess this is all p.m if it's right so male perpetrator killed at 8 00 p.m okay so it's either of the two which means not her correct yeah well we're getting somewhere okay what do you got nick what do you want to do i i don't know i think the twos are not bad this is another one that's location do you want to keep going with the people or do you want to try we can absolutely look for something else i just keep finding ones that have people well again if we can if we can get an answer that again will give us better context well this one gives us a weapon that well but i wonder if we narrow down the people that therefore will have my only concern though is that you end up getting potentially the same information on on a different character so it sort of would be good to like look at different no this one actually does the location and the weapon and the location and this is for murder number one the weapon so the golf club was not used for murder number one okay okay well there you go it wasn't a mitt and it wasn't a golf club it wasn't the golf club was not used so then we could go i mean we're not quite there yet but we can do the lab stuff this is the first ones are interesting first let's just do one that's a four yep let's go forward we're going to find out who touched that weapon all right look at our golf club and it's blue red green yellow red blue red green yellow red blue red blue red green blue red green yellow red so i have omit blue red green yellow red so here uh blue red green yellow red okay and it shouldn't repeat anywhere i mean i we could try to check because we we had we had had the same kind of question and we we couldn't find them we don't see it anywhere i don't know we were getting some that were blue red green the other direction there's a blue red white or whatever but no blue red greens except for up here but then it's an orange so i think that this one looks more orange in here than it did golden rock it is goldenrod and natural so amit used the golf club so we know he didn't do it here so we already have that is that i'm going to draw a little there you go on him or musical put it on the stave yes um so when we know what he what he did correct you know what time he committed his murder his golf club okay well he's common golf club that everyone has there's another time in person so this is this is an eyewitness it's not an alibi let's try that one eyewitness okay between the murder by uh ladies karina and ahmet exactly 30 minutes past so that's going to be these two right because the other ones are going to be which means her and him am i right well is it the correct oh yeah that's right because we don't have that information yes because there has to be 30 into them too it can't be him he did it he did this one which means he did this one tada you know that so you can cross out the golf club on him as well yeah great okay so we had a time 7 35 right so we know that could he get there in that amount of time it was at seven yeah it's at 7 45. so 25 minutes away is that what it says wow okay wait a second yeah no he was seen at this chair no half an hour sorry half an hour to get there and it was at the oh we don't get 25 minutes that's right so yeah we could probably figure it out without even so he's he's 30. 20 20. he can do that one he can do this all right so he probably did the house yep so we'll do a little we think it's that okay we'll double check it if we can't yeah i think that i think we're right though because because this is he can't get 30 minutes away anywhere else and this is really far away 25 45 minutes or something 25 minutes a month he needs five minutes to commit the murder yeah at least well it was a golf club any of these things the poison might have taken longer that's true he has one was there a struggle we don't know okay well that's cool we actually got a lot of information so far it was a good good card so we sort of want to get another um i'm nervous though i feel we probably should get well we have four bits of information or i mean we have no golf cart information yet we do but yeah location and golf cart is sort of where we're yep let's look at a vehicle i saw a bunch of two-point vehicles yeah i don't think of four right now for that but hey but there you go person vehicle except that's not the color that's not the color it's funny you can't yeah i can't you see what you uh personal location that's not such an important one we don't really need these anymore the time although that's not a card we can use this is not vehicle need a little exhaust fumes very very spread here we go person exhaust goldenrod yeah that's pretty good there you go okay ah right well we'll get the get his car so fled with more than one golf club in the trunk so it wasn't the green one he's not green fantastic um just before you found that one i had this one okay but it's a person again but i don't know well we can try it it hopefully it won't be the same same information do not flee in the red okay we're getting somewhere hmm okay well we did one dna they're expensive though we may not need to do another one now that we have one that's locked down we might be able to get it from something else logic yeah here's another murder weapon time when we're in a weapon vehicle i mean where do i only issue with those we don't have that much of that information so i don't know i mean obviously we'll keep it and it can help us later again we try poison was not transported in the red so that's what's tricky is that correct we don't actually we can't really i'm actually one it's already it is already x'ed off on that one on that one but nothing we can kind of do here so it was not transported in the red so it could be this one or you know actually no it's this one because we crossed it off we cross it off here it can't be oh no it could be this one it could be yeah because this is not because this yeah well but he he could be the red and then it could be on the blue or green over here so we see we still don't know exactly but how much i'm gonna put it there because it's good information but we can't cross anything off yet well it has to be right because it's not transported in the red right so it has to be related to this crime oh no it could be this one but it might not be that's what i'm saying right yeah it could it could be this one okay well what do you want to do what do you got here another location weapon location is helpful yeah let's do that the trophy was not the murder weapon at the house we don't we already know that that's uh yeah we're failing another maybe situation but we you know i like that i think that is likely correct to die i agree okay come on goldenrod here's another one with a weapon that might help us since we pretty much know we're okay with doing a forward yeah because it's going to dna right dna for the trophy green red orange yellow green green red orange green red orange yellow yep uh green red orange yellow green justin green red orange yellow green it is jc boost he used the trophy so then that answers that yep so that's that which means this is this which makes this cool complete yay so we know also that information right that this was not at the um this was not at the house so you can cross out the house yeah that's right but again i think we're already sort of know that but yeah yeah we because we think this is correct yes we already sort of know it yeah so we don't need weapons anymore location and golf carts we know people yeah here's each of those there's a day two eyewitness golf cart thing or not day two sorry yeah it is it is murder too but uh yeah it's also both of these green golf cart was not at the palm tree yeah we don't really know that well it's well then i mean i'm trying no no no no no i'm just saying yeah it would be one of these it would be one of these two um we don't know yet so again okay four later there was the other one that nikki had here we go oh yeah okay there's another one yeah that's got time yeah the getaway vehicle was not green at eight we already started that yeah two points we didn't need now here we go here's another vehicle location one the red vehicle was not at the second hole again you still i mean it could be this one it could be this one or no it's likely not this one but yeah it could be either so we're still having i think what we need what we need to do actually is be picking things that combine stuff we know with stuff we don't know so not the two things we don't correct so we need people and location people and location or people in the car yep people on location um we don't need to know the weapons people taught that's four pointer yeah you know it's we're not seeing a lot of well they're in here somewhere yeah of course well like here's a people and and oh and it doesn't have gold yep nope there's a people in locations here we go yeah let's see a person without glasses killed at the house so obviously that's not him so i i mean huh yeah that one's kind of it doesn't really give it doesn't give us much except that it confirms what we're already yeah what we're thinking we need one of these other people to see to have the location weapon oh hey but weapon and location is helpful that is helpful the golf club was not the murder weapon at the second hole again confirmation of what we are yeah have guests well what do you think should we go for something big i don't know i don't really want to use i mean we can do dna again we've done it twice right yes they're only on the weapons i think they're only on the weapons the time and location because again we'll know exactly what that is and it might just yep solidify it's a big one but let's go for it then um i guess that means nine o'clock for near the palm tree is there a nine o'clock time there isn't there's just so it means it's at well there's no hands yeah that's weird well i mean if both hands are ripped off well no here's the deal if you look at the way that watch is damaged yeah it yanked the hands off at the 8 45 7 45 time so it's like what's undisturbed right okay so this tore off so it's it's the uh we think it's the eight 15. is it eight fifty oh yeah yeah yeah eight fifteen oh well yeah there's something yes i think you're right there's something right okay so seven this uh 8 15 at the palm tree so we're thinking this yeah which would make this this right which jives with this okay do we have any other information okay we know that wasn't it too green not at the so it would you know possibly uh not be this um if you don't know how to better represent i think that's correct i think so yeah i mean it works with these other ones well then that helps us get a little bit more here mm-hmm well no we have two we have yeah we still have two green implications essentially it means we know the location we're fairly certain about the location because we think he's palm tree he's house and she's the second right and she didn't use the red which we already knew that yeah boy these are some of these are not giving us a lot okay well here's another person location cart and not the color we need we want we want a um we want a vehicle something come on vehicles so i didn't tell you the mix but here there's a there's actually not that many of each type of card there's a hundred eyewitness location eyewitness cards there's 24 watch cards oh those are the 100 witness statements then there's 24 watch cards 24 license plate cards and 24 dna cards and 18 alibi cards so there's not a ton of some of these other ones yeah let's go ahead and do that one blue was not at this point so we are here so we're it's green we would say that's green which would suggest that this was not which we were already thinking crossover probably i mean i will leave it as the question marks but yeah um so that means this is not so it's just between blue and red darn yeah that doesn't do it's quite enough it's not green was not at the palm tree which we already know are already surmised here's a person vehicle here's a weapon weapon vehicle either of those work for me let's do this one that's probably the one we already have so the trophy was not transported by the green which we already know okay yeah once again wow we got a billion cards yeah i'd like to see yeah let's do this she fled with less than three golf clubs in the trunk which we already know but again it confirms yeah we need one of these lighter ones i can't even imagine how many points we have we're going to be we're going to be high we're just having fun looking at cards well here's another one weapon location come on give us something not the murder weapon at the two which we already know i mean we have to have it we don't care about anything except for the cards so it has to have a right transport thing on it like here's i mean yeah it's the wrong color but if we had a transport in time or okay well let's dig here there's a two transport location but it's a four here's a two time and vehicle vehicle those two are vehicle related i know i wanted to do that i kind of wonder like maybe we should have just gone with one of the fours that had like a bunch of that information so red was the getaway car before blue oh well that probably um that'll solve it right because it's this one and then this one so we basically have it do you want to try to go for it yeah so we think it's poison club trophies four uh is golf course golf course house palm tree three three and then green red blue go ahead and do it all right 24 31 this is going to be the hardest part yes very good 24 31 come okay on let's find out how terribly we did this we're gonna try again um all right let's see so we used we did not use this one yay saved ourselves two points yeah this is going to be more than the total angle oh boy it's gonna be pretty bad it's gonna be bad well that's see that's the problem it gets fun to turn over so you have to well i also i actually have a lot of fun with the twos i just think that they're you know there's they're not a ton of information but they're fun eight 10 14 16 20 22 24 26 90 30 34 36 40 okay 42 44 46 48 50 even okay so greater than 39 points unfortunately you failed the investigator's test why don't you try again so let's do that let's just scramble it up pick another key we won't do that one that is too bad yeah we did terribly but we got too many of the same thing i think that's the the curse of the twos right right right you're getting such general general but helpful information that you have you run into the chance of them repeating which boy i think we had a lot of repeating cards we should have actually looked at that see how terribly we did okay key key color okay lincoln you pick this one yeah i will oops i'll save the red key okay red red red i know we didn't really have a lot of only it helped us figure out for sure that which one uh yep did so that that was kind of interesting but that was like the only time one amount of time based on so maybe i mean they're hard to find though because there's so many cards okay well what do you guys want to start with i don't know i don't know if that four one really helped last time what is this well that one it did we finally flipped over that first four one really helped we we got a bunch of information off of that first four but we might have just been lucky too well i don't i don't i mean there's that other one the four with the watch face though which we figured out no that was the later one but the very first four that we picked up i just don't know how much they're how great they are for that stuff this one is vehicle and location and a four obviously it's not red yes um hey look at that there's a four with three and that one's okay that's another alibi i mean that's great let's start with that okey-dokey get a lot of information out the gate all right oh jason was at the bridge is it jason or j justin jason it is okay it is jason blue i said justin bieber got nikki sanchez i think he did i think he did jason with the sunglasses all right so 8 25 on the bridge there's the bridge so we've got a 20 minute to that murder or 15 15 to that one and then a lot to that one so he i mean he can get to either he can get to either he can get to either the the number the second murder he only when he probably can't have done is number three because it's 8 15. so he'd need 10 minutes to get here which he can't do from any of them so he's not number three is what i'm going to logic from that what did you buy that five yeah a ton of information no it's weird a four-point a four-pointer that's not really a bunch yeah but it'll all fall into place you just don't know click click a mitch did not kill right before or after the lady so which suggests to me that neither karina nor amit can be the middle murder so jason has to have committed murder number two murder number two number two why were there three murders i know it's they're not coordinated i want to know what's going on no so then this one too oh yes thank you all right well unfortunately this kind of gave us the same information as that but for much less cost come on lincoln pick something for a dna one that would work because i'd like to just get one weapon i liked that one i thought that gave us a lot of information just not seeing them which a weapon one a dna dna yeah with a red mist or dna there we go dna with red there you go it's a four yeah yeah the dna is expensive all right yellow green gray blue yellow yellow green gray jason again yellow gray yellow green gray blue oh blue it's this one it's emit backwards green gray blue yellow yes so amit with the trophy he's getting all the icons yeah that's my truth okay there you go okay that's information we needed it it sort of looks like a fertility symbol okay so we've spent 10 points already yes we have there's a two red right yep red you can do that yeah here's weapon and vehicle as well that would be location for this one let's do that no i don't know all right at eight o'clock the house was not the crime scene okay dun [Music] i'm just organizing twos that are not twos cards that have red on them you could do that you could be super organized and like go through pull out all the reds separate it's a lot of cards i know i mean there's a ton that aren't my brain would want to do that but for the for uh the competitive mode yeah we want people to just go through yeah stabbing each other with their nails exactly okay well i want to go with one of those let's see um that's another dna well if we get time kind of like time in person yeah because again it's a constant so we it might give us actually just don't be justin bieber jason he killed before her so yeah yay boom boom boom boom that was good yes it was and we know he did it with this right we know the weapon for this day sweet and not here all right okay so this is weapon and person and time or locate murder vehicle vehicle and for this number i kind of want to do person yeah person weapon or person location a person vehicle you know i mean yeah since we know we really should just pick like you said based on ones that we know something we know and something we don't know okay let's see this one all right lady lady did not use the poison so she used the golf club and sweet he used the poison all right also very helpful here's another person location all right a person with blonde hair killed at the palm tree so wait so yeah not this person yep but either of them but that's helpful they like those ones that that link to people so person we don't need weapon that one can go um a person with blonde hair yeah so then this right the person with blonde hair killed at the palm tree so either of these oh i'm sorry you're right opposite i got it confused yes so one of these two right here okay a good catch because that would have been yeah you're missing this going forward here's time vehicle yeah that's nice one blue was the getaway car directly before red well i like these bits of puzzle because it means red can't be first and blue can't be last right okay so it's like this this is our other choices we need well so well that's not even going to help us anyway um more of vehicle and location we have vehicle and we don't know locations so this one's not bad this is person location okay ahmed did not kill at the see he did he killed with the house again that gives us yeah yeah and then yeah blonde but these are still both ones information that applies to both so weapon time we know that we don't need that well if i said this is vehicle number one yeah i mean that might be that yeah day day or yeah um green was not at 7 30. so blue so this is blue which immediately proceeded red which means this is green [Music] so we're back it's just location for this so something with a two or three on it or with sure you know two or three with location well this is weapon location we didn't use that one well no this is what's the weapon vehicle we already know that yeah [Music] i mean if we can get by with it too that'd be great here's a no here's time location that's not bad since we do know it's funny i don't think we've flipped a single three there must not be a lot of them in this one because both times i don't think we i'm just like there's no red on this i mean well i pushed a few non-reds and things that were not valid for us pushing things right so we really like do we like time and location yeah we should go with that one that might be good between the murders of the palm tree and the um exactly 15 minutes past so that's these two but we just don't know what order or do we believe it's the order that they wrote it um i don't know i don't know would they do that palm tree to tea or to golf hole number two exactly 15 minutes past is it in that order i think so that seems to me like that would be so but it could be it is a two right tree let's see what we're at we can spare the two 2 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 22 24 26 wow we are not very good wow i say we go for it yeah live dangerous go for it okay just like the people at the oakdales yeah just going to this event i'm going to keep this here because i'd like to see if it would be helpful right okay okay so red key so we're going all right palm tree for number two right we're going with this and this yeah okay so ahmet ahmed jason karina won then trophy poison golf club six then house palm tree golf four then blue red green five okay 16.45 [Applause] so what was our total again 26. okay we're at least on the board that's half of what we did last time oh my gosh no major limp person okay 26. fantastic your boss is impressed and all the villains for your investigative skills that's crazy okay so let's go over what the different ones are first let me see if this has helped us red was not at the house would not have helped us i'm glad we didn't do it so the uh the best score is wow you've become one of the top investigators in the field even sherlock holmes would have learned something from you 21 to 23 that's below 21 points 21 23 you're the best investigators around nobody can fool you fantastic advisor then we got wow you're a real master investigator so it's really not terrible on all of these very good you're clever sleuth you're a good investigator not bad but you probably do better yeah that was a close call this is 36 to 9. next time you should consider cards you investigate more carefully which we did this time for sure well those are tight margins too yeah and they could certainly combine why don't you try again together yeah this is fun i i like how this one works and i think it's really because this is haba habit does a lot of family games it is for people eight and up well and i have to say i don't know if it's the right but like the statistician in me or whatever is like how do you logically in creating this game wrap your mind around clues working for you know what is it yeah 12 or 10 different tender yeah and but here's the deal it's not even it's depending on the cards you're drawing as well right so it's what i'm saying is look at this and go okay we need a clue that'll work for all four with these two things in it yeah i mean absolutely yeah what a brain tease of putting this it wouldn't surprise you that a lot of uh designers are mathematicians uh freedman is like an abstract mathematician and it really shows in his game he's definitely someone has a spreadsheet somewhere yeah that would just make me so happy well there's lots of games designed on spreadsheets it's crazy i don't even have that brain so you know it's like beyond my stuff let's look at some of the more advanced fours you know like four cards we were so see these just basically tie it's the alabama alibi on that one so look at this one this time one yeah that's probably what they're doing that one shows that it's eight o'clock yeah it's funny though because that one didn't really necessarily seem obvious but i guess the 815. no because it's showing the uh the hour hand pointing up if i've got that correct yeah oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh yeah underneath well that's fascinating and fun the sum of oh here you go this is there was one that a license plate some of the digits was thirteen well that will give you i haven't seen a license plate one yet i don't think we did have one that was did we and then one of the numbers is two times the other oh well that was the one you played not just now yeah yeah exactly the sum of the two times the number yeah but yeah two did not flee with two golf clubs and shrek those are such such a weird clue like that's more likely what we're going to see mm-hmm one that will give you when you do the card like this the twos seem to be pretty though straightforward and they're only going to give you kind of one answer they're like did not i know it was not considered unless you're smart about it and you already have the information it can give you more right but but they're absolutely yeah alone exactly they're only absolutes boy it's crazy i don't see threes in this there has to be a three in here right two point one i mean i don't know that but there there are two and fours maybe they are maybe on this one it's only two and fours i believe the other one had threes there's a no i'm sorry that there's three three three yeah interesting so then that means that they're either well they're not necessarily super obvious that one time one definitely had us here's another one that's all torn off and there's blood on it and it's so interesting i like the dna once those are fun i also like it one of the dna center but i think it would be covering up you can even see a little bit of something there but it could be upside down couldn't it shouldn't be though no i don't think they do that i bet you they did because look at that because they're covering up all the numbers is there any other information on there that's of something i mean no there's no numbers but no except you can see the little center of the thing and a little tiny bit of the yellow hand so i think if you line that up you know here that matches to match it here here let's show that on the screen we're all like okay so let's see so here this kind of matches things down there we go here this kind of matches that which makes me think it's covering that card's upside down doing that yeah but then this one if you were to try to match that one is there anything like a the crown or anything visible on the edge of the watch no wow wow that was really really nice i think that's the only orientation that that works it's just covering up the six and the three and the nine and the twelve are busted because this how would i get the yellow what if that clue would only involve a weapon that was like you could bludgeon them with do you know what i'm like is is the poison one going to have this i mean obviously if there's a tussle no i see oh boy you might be thinking too yeah maybe too much but because i suppose he could be poisoned and then fall to the ground and bust his watch as he fell to the ground sure that's true kind of thing also we don't know anything about the victims no these are just random people we don't care that much about uh-huh it's interesting though i mean i like that there's that kind of information this is definitely you know it's more for the observing you know the observant like teaching kids to like look for specific things like because this is kind of cool i didn't know the the shoe one was we only had like i said we only had a shoe clue once i think um in the game we played and that was the easy version of the game yeah all the way supposed it's the same eight and up but it is definitely this is the medium level game for sure and the the lower version has one less strong right shorter thing to figure out well i would definitely i mean i i do you think it would be a little challenging for an eight-year-old you'd have to play with them oh yeah but i do love i mean i i think it's suited i mean other than the murder yeah throughout it um it is it is i think it is a simple enough logic process that you could do it at any point that's funny though that they're only i wonder if it says that in the book i didn't even notice it that there would only be two and four value cards i can't wait for the hard version oh i'm sure that people really want to see what that's about yeah yeah look at the drawing like they show it like big pile of cards i mean it isn't and you want to get them so that everybody has access to them yeah but man it's a lot this is a very very large deck the other one was certainly not as big but of course you're dealing with one full less level of clues but i mean it still had time i know it was date it was calendars calendar days yeah they were sabotaging a amusement park okay so um and there was great there's a um you they got pictures taken by um guests and they were getting around the park doing this stuff in the costumes and so you could see traces of the weapon you could see the weapon in the photos it was yeah i spotted it i'm like okay guys where do you know it's pretty llama llama yeah because it's a llama land but yeah yeah it's great so this is the fourth time we've played this i think so yeah yeah yeah so it's interesting i do enjoy it and i like the the breakdown of either the days or the murders or whatever the case may be i like the keys and all the different um elements that and the reuse of the cards like you were pointing out earlier is just kind of mind-boggling but cool and i do like that you know it it's a kid's game so it's got that nice family game yeah that family murder i agree with it scott was saying he's like wow you know in germany well think how how abstracted is the murder in this game yeah yeah i don't know who it is distracted it's just like there's some three it's funny that motives don't matter though i mean even though they talk about it like we don't need to yeah we don't need to i mean obviously i guess that's they'll they'll confess it that what what happened but yeah we don't know you're right there's the we have no idea what who or what the victims were um and so then it makes it so that it doesn't you know i mean we played the black stories cards you know where you're given a it's a you read the the like the the crime what happened and you have to figure out how that person died now they were in a bank thing you're like so how did they die and it's one of those um there's an old game that i think derek has milton bradley game that has um same kind of things where you've got the you read just the thing and then you have to figure out what it is by you know logic what was going on there was you have to you can ask questions that they can give you when you ask questions and i think that that that's kind of interesting i like this better because i feel you are you're at your own ability to figure out what you instead of asking those questions like getting the right question that will help you um right because you know there was a little bit you know the one where there's a little water outside the wound yeah and they have ice bullet right you know whatever the traditional one that you always hear about right um but those are cool too you know what i mean like figuring those out but this is a little bit more um especially for kids right they're not going to be able to logic those all the time but i think that's a valid type of thing too like it's like clue as you sort of said it has that same you know you get little bits of information that then make a clearer picture and that's about murder as well i feel like that's true you could play clue with the eight ten yeah that's true and we were in the same way like you're saying about clue is we were deciding that we wanted a card with specific things so just like in clue you're like well i don't want to go into that room because i already know it's going to tell me this and this so i need to go to this room because it'll probably tell me you know help me well there's a lot of things like that yeah but this is much more you know the pictures are really great and the choosing of a card is a little bit more exciting like we said we got excited about picking cars oh my gosh so again 50 some points worth of cards a bit more tactile than blue which is you know good well cool thanks for playing thank you for teaching lincoln absolutely and thank you for watching if you like this video hit the thumbs up button and consider subscribing to our channel if you click on the bell to get notified when we put up new videos see you next [Music] time [Music] you
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 7,815
Rating: 4.9176955 out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, session, board game
Id: vA82dB0CYxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 32sec (3452 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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