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come on one if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your [Applause] [Music] the word of feet is is revelations [Music] [Applause] i am what god [Music] i says what god says oh [Music] [Music] jesus is my salvation [Music] is you [Music] me i would never it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend dr ava demina you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tail you are above and not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost is your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favor the holy the same [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus heavenly father we thank you for your precious holy written word thank you that we have the privilege to feed on your word and we have the mighty holy ghost on our inside to guide us into all the truth i ask that revelation knowledge is granted everybody connected to this service the eyes of each one's understanding flooded with light clarity comes by your world and whatever is not planted by god is rooted out burdens and yolks are destroyed thank you that your world will establish your people in the truth and by the end of this service will all be the better for it we give you praise for answer prayer in jesus precious name and every believer sees it powerfully man lift your right hands to heaven let's release our feet together so say these words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this series i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer sees a powerful amen we want to welcome everybody connected to this service by way of kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram we're so glad to welcome the radio audience connected all over acquire bomb state i want to welcome all of you connected by way of comfort fm xlfm radio acquire bomb those connected by way of you you fm those connected by heritage fm inspiration fm we're so glad to have all of you connected to this service today hey guys call a friend enable a loved one tell them to tune to this radio station right now life is flowing through the airwaves our social media community what a joy to have every one of you connected to the service like we've always done this is new creation camp meeting let's flood the earth with the fragrance of jesus's grace help us share the video create watch parties tag some people join as many groups as possible on social media and throw the light of god's word in there drop them on monogram telegram whatsapp groups and let's get the word of god out to where people who are looking for christ are but it's a joy to have all of you all our bible study centers and all our campuses around the world what a judge welcome everybody welcome again to the creation camp meeting and everybody in the building are we excited about the opportunity to fellowship can we give the lord the greatest shout in this building glory amen grab a pen and notebook your bible you can be seated with your sweet smart self as we get into the word of his grace john 5 39 jesus speaking to the jews of his day satan and you search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and they are they which testify of me so we said that the scriptures are centered on the passing of christ that the message of the scriptures is the message of a person and his name is christ in luke chapter 24 verse 25 jesus speaking to those guys that were on their way to a mouse and he said unto them oh fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken all that the prophets have spoken or not christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory next verse and beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself beginning at moses and all the prophets that was the way jesus thought he always started from genesis right to malachi those were the materials available to them for teaching so he established that the entire scriptures are centered on the person of the christ all right now so we laid a foundation and we saw how the early church in the book of acts progressed in revelation and how that their teaching took its own its own model from jesus is teaching which is apostolic and very instructive and then we came to brother paul but before brother paul we saw her brother luke laid a framework intelligently before introducing some thoughts that brother paul will bring in acts chapter 18 verse 26 and he began to speak boldly in the synagogue whom when aquila and priscilla had heard they took him onto them and expounded onto him the way of god more perfectly next verse and when he was disposed to pass into accaya the brethren wrote exhorting the disciples to receive him who when he was calm helped them much which had believed through grace and have told you to underline the world through grace now there are some things you have to take note of that means that the teaching ministry had now grown the teaching ministry of apollos because aquila and priscilla took apollos when they had him teach and they took him to themselves and gave him some training and now he became of benefit to the church the bible says he helped them who had believed through grace so the teaching ministry of apollos had grown by being exposed to aquila and priscilla who taught him the world now when he got to the church he was able to help the church observe that he did his ministry and grew in his ministry now remember what the bible says about apollos in the beginning knowing only the baptism of john we can only know what he didn't know you know we can't tell what he knew so what did aquila and priscilla do to him when they heard him they heard that the guy is mighty in scripture he can quote verses they took him and expounded the word die harmonia interpreted unto him more perfectly i like that word more perfectly is the word in the greek akiribos a k r i b o s for those making notes a k r i b o s a kiribos it's used in six places and we want to see those places quickly matthew chapter 2 verse 8 and he sent them to bethlehem and said go and search diligently on the line diligently for the young child and when he had found him bring me word again that i may come and worship him also the word search diligently search diligently talking about herod then luke chapter 1 and verse 3 it seemed good to me also having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first to write on today in order most excellent yo philos all right so the word perfect accuribos acts chapter 23 verse 15 and 20. now therefore you with the council signify to the chief captain that you bring him down unto you tomorrow as though you will inquire something more perfectly concerning him and we or ever he come near are ready to kill him then verse 20 and he said the jews have agreed to desire thee that thou wilders bring down paul tomorrow into the council as though they will inquire somewhat of him more perfectly accurate acts 24 22 and when felix had these things having more perfect knowledge of that way he deferred them and said when lisa the chief captain shall come down i will know the animals of your matter more perfect knowledge more perfect knowledge it's used for finding something or looking for something or making an inquiry in a more perfect way making an inquiry in a more perfect way look at ephesians chapter 5 verse 15 see then that you walk circumspectly not as fools but as wise accurables first thessalonians chapter 5 verse 2 for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the lord so cometh as a thief in the night a kiribati the word dear akira boss was used back in bible days for the finest details the finest detail it's a comprehensive study that is when you don't leave any issue out the finest details more perfectly if you observe peter's preaching and teaching it was focused on the jews they were not paying attention to other details they were not focused on the scriptures concerning the fulfillment of the law so as much as what they were saying was in the scriptures what they were saying was not all that was in the scriptures because they were still growing and that was exactly what apollos was doing he will court but his emphasis did not carry along every detail of the scriptures that is why he was limited in knowledge like people preach you know holiness today many churches they call themselves holiness churches and they preach holiness and their holiness is what you wear what you shouldn't wear where you should go where you shouldn't go you know and like i always tell them holiness does not mean sinless holiness doesn't mean sinless it will be careless to assume that because the very first thing god called holy was a day holy day a day was called holy the bible calls an animal holy animal an animal that doesn't mean sinless you know the bible calls the vessels of ministry holy the ground where animals urinate and people pass feces they call it holy ground so holy doesn't mean sinless but it will take you know it will take giving attention to comprehensive study arriving at the finest details to be able to see that holiness doesn't mean sinless holiness is the word hagios hagios means set apart when you take somebody out of a crowd and you set him apart he is holy chosen generation royal priesthood peculiar people holy nation called out what makes you holy is that you have been called out of darkness into his motherless light see that so paying attention to details is critical in bible study at kiribos now stay with me because we have some territory to cover in the next few minutes most of those early semons that the apostles preach did not involve all the details so priscilla and aquila said to apollos come you didn't take note of this you didn't take note of that what about this what about that in your teaching you were so limited you left this out in bible teaching you must take care of this that that you must observe this you must look at this you must look into this to arrive at a conclusion so they took him and expounded more perfectly that word is used useful be careful the finest details plutu one of the philosophers used it back then they used it for arithmetic calculations that is you take into cognizance all details you take into cognizance all details they must have taken apollos for days weeks months and then he became their disciple remember apollos and priscilla or priscilla and aquila rada we are associates of brother paul they were associates of brother paul or they were ministering alongside brother paul that's instructive look at acts 18 verse number 4 and he reasoned in the synagogue every sabbath and persuaded the jews and the greeks verse five and when silas and timotheus were come from macedonia paul was pressed in the spirit and testified to the jews that jesus was christ so they were brother paul's associates because these fellows was teaching in all the scriptures i'm talking about apollos now he was explaining concerning jesus using only the baptism of john this was a background now look at acts chapter 19 verse 3 and he said unto them unto what then were you baptized and they said unto john's baptism look at brother paul's question this is the act of baptism not the teaching of apollos so there is baptism as a teaching and there is baptism as an act so when you read baptism in the bible you need to find out what what is he implying because this was the teaching of baptism not the act of baptism brother paul's question is instructive in verse 4 of acts chapter 19 then said paul john verily baptized with the baptism of repentance saying unto the people that they should believe on him which shall come after him that is on christ jesus john's baptism can we safely conclude that in acts chapter 18 apollos the baptism of john there was a teaching yes it was a teaching paul now says in chapter 19 verse 4 then said paul john verily baptized with the baptism of repentance saying the baptism of repentance the baptism of john is a teaching is not soaking people in the water saying saying take note of that so john baptized preaching or john's baptism is preaching preaching of the gospel the baptism of john there is it the same thing apollos was preaching huh yes john's message was gotten from where from the scriptures which is what genesis to malachi very good did john confirm that jesus was the christ yes did john say it before he saw jesus that the messiah had come to israel yes what was john saying i am the voice of one crying where in the wilderness what shall we do prepare ye the way of the lord all right the high point of john's message was matthew 3 11. i indeed baptize you with water onto repentance but he that commit after me is mightier than i whose shoes i'm not worthy to bear he shall baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire did john preach christ okay so when we say he knew only the baptism of john it means the message of christ look at that matthew 3 12 whose fan is in his hand and he will thoroughly push his floor and gather his wheat into the gunner but he will burn up the child with unquenchable fire was this john's message huh yes look at acts chapter 1 verse 4 and 5 and being assembled together with them commanded them that they should not depart from jerusalem but wait for the promise of the father which saith he you have heard of me for john truly baptized with water but you shall be baptized with the holy ghost not many days hands who was the first person who talked about baptism with the holy ghost in the bible john what was the message in john's baptism john 1 29 the next day john sees jesus coming unto him and saith behold the lamb of god which taketh away the sin of the world behold so did john preach this yes what was apollo's issue he knew only the baptism of john the baptism of john did he preach christ yes did he talk about jesus taking away the sins of the world yes so what was the issue knowing only look at acts 1 21 when judas had died and they were looking for a replacement wherefore of this man which have compened with us all the time that the lord jesus went in and out among us and of course you know the replacement was matthias verse 22 beginning from the baptism of john on to that same day that he was taken up from us must one be ordained to be a witness with us of his resurrection so the baptism of john here will be what those who witness john baptized jesus those who were at that river where jesus was baptized the heavens opened and the voice came out that is the baptism of john that means they were present when he said behold the lamb of god that taketh away the sins of the earth so they were present when he said that they were also present when he said he shall baptize with the holy ghost they were eyewitnesses of that fact so notice these people had a message with the fact of baptizing jesus because john was sent to baptize jesus and in baptizing jesus point jesus out to israel so the water baptism of john was supposed to be just a solo water baptism one time water baptism we are in that baptism we are searching for jesus and as we're baptizing people we are doing elimination and the moment jesus comes in the heavens open the voice comes out he is pointed out that baptism is shot down that's why john said i must decrease he must increase that means when he comes i retire so that's why he now said i will use water to identify him when he shows up water will disappear he will use holy ghost is it getting clear now because we're dealing with the baptism of john here so his ministry just like every other prophet was to point at christ acts 18 24 and a certain jew named apollos born at alexandria an eloquent man and mighty in the scriptures came to ephesus so this fellow apollos was fervent was eloquent was diligent but let's see a difference look at his ministry and we will compare so let's see his first ministry acts 18 25 and 26 this man was instructed in the way of the lord and being fervent in the spirit he spoke and taught diligently the things of the lord knowing only the baptism of john 26 and he began to speak boldly in the synagogue whom when aquila and priscilla had heard they took him onto them and expounded unto him the way of god more perfectly that is the first ministry of john knowing only the baptism of john look at acts 18 verse number 28 let's see after the training what was the outcome of his ministry for he mightily convinced the jews publicly showing by the scriptures that jesus was the christ is there any difference from the first ministry and this one yes all right now notice john's baptism was not an evil teaching it was not just water baptism it was a message a message that did not have within it the finest details but it was a message the baptism of john was a message acts 19 4 then said paul john verily baptized with the baptism of repentance saying unto the people that they should believe on him which shall come after him that is on christ jesus they were not apollo's disciples because of the response they gave to paul because in verse 2 they said we have not even heard whether there be any such holy ghost this guy is mighty in scripture he knew only john's baptism he said christ will baptize you with the holy ghost and power in acts 19 4 notice what they didn't know verse 5 when they heard this what did they hear verse 4 then said paul john verily baptized with the baptism of repentance saying unto the people that they should believe on him which shall come after him that is on christ jesus paul has preached christ next verse five when they had heard this they were baptized in the name of the lord jesus they were baptized in the name of the lord jesus that they should believe on him that they should believe on him thus far when they heard this they were baptized in the name of the lord jesus so which means they just got saved baptized in the name of the lord jesus is not water because they believed the message and they were baptized in the name of the lord jesus that is they received christ thank you lord so they just got saved it's not impossible that they are you know by products of apollos ministry it's not impossible that they buy products over acts 18 28 for he mightily convinced the word convince if your bible is mine i will underline for he mightily convinced there's a key word there the word mightily convinced is a compound word the cateley command in the greek those making decathl d-i-k-a-t-e ducati ducati leg l-e-g comai c-h-o-m-a-i decathlete the two key words there is decathi something done up and down it is used by lawyers it is used by lawyers and luke used it it is used for effective advocacy that is when you tear down the argument of an opponent when you take all the substance and all the meat that your opponent presents as the backbone of his argument and you shred it into pieces and you render him substanceless effective advocacy that is that what they are convinced this that is you give enough evidence to your opponent that you tear down this you know argument now notice what will the jews need convincing about the jews believed in the law apollos must have understood something while sitting with aquila and priscilla that he didn't know before which john the baptist did not see and this is the law of moses so in convincing the jews what he must have used will be the law he used the law to convince the law people that is these words to tear down the argument of your opponent you first of all remove his platform you take away his platform that platform that your opponent is standing on you take it from under his feet so you render him baseless so the first thing he did to the jews was let them see that there's fertility in depending on the law he took their law and made rubbish of the law of moses and the jews were the proponents of the law so that means he collected what they trusted in so the summary there was not comprehensive at all you know we said paul added something that peter did not in the different sermons aquila and priscilla were brother paul's folks so obviously what he knew outside the baptism of john was that he knew of the fulfillment of the law that the law has been fulfilled therefore it has retired without retirement benefits he knew of the knowledge of the law and he now had to convince the jews that the law cannot save that jesus was the christ what did he add to his teaching remember the challenge with the apostles was when peter went to the house of cornelius he got people baptized with the holy ghost and the jews were angry that he had neglected the law of moses by going to the gentiles who we are unclean remember peter was praying and he saw a vision and he saw four footed beasts in the vision and he was asked to arrest kill and eat and he said it's unclean and god said what i have cleaned you shall not call unclean god gave the leeway for peter to boldly by conviction from god to take the gospel to the gentiles but what peter saw the other apostles did not see so they summoned peter why did you take what we own to share with infidels the summoned peter because the gentiles were not supposed to be partakers by the law of moses all right so now please stay with me that was a big issue in the early church and if you observe they never resolve that matter because in chapter 11 when they summon peter peter could not present a solid argument he just told them this is what i saw that is what i did what i did so the argument resurfaced in chapter 15 and in chapter 15 peter had started reading the polite letters so peter had started buying into the new testament revelation that is why peter stood up and defended paul in chapter 15 of acts but even then the argument never finished because if you observe after all the argument james stood up who was the pastor among all of them and he said okay let there be no argument let's allow the gentiles but warn them number one they must abstain from meat sacrifice to idols number two he still gave condition for salvation but at least we have made progress from where we were in chapter 11 here in chapter 15. so brother paul decided let the argument stop there for today till next time then in galatians chapter 2 brother paul now went and gathered the allies among the apostles sat them down and two taught them the gospel now stay with me if you observe in the previous verse the bible says he helped them march which had believed through grace do you remember station on the line okay which had believed how that through grace is important because they were speaking in the midst of legalists who had condition for salvation so now there was beginning to be a demarcation there were now those who believe through grace that is the law of moses does not save no condition says only the grace of christ and there were those who believed in christ but were observing the law as a condition okay so now there were those who believed through grace believed how through grace that's what peter meant in acts 15 that when peter was speaking he says for by grace we have believed you can code grace and law in the same function obviously apollos was mixing them grace and law go to acts 20. notice the progression in knowledge in the book of acts because this is a growing church 30 40 years after pentecost yet there was not much inside after 30 years of the church 40 years a lot of things were not clear they were still mixing everything that's why people like peter can kill ananias and sapira in a service because it was a mixture of law and grace the law killed it they later killed it they were still mixing the two all right now then brother paul comes in acts 20 32 and now brethren i commend you to god and to the word of his grace which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified so now what he's saying is christ is the center point yet you can know christ only by john's baptism you can know christ some people teach faith and all they know is mark 11 23 whatsinsoever you desire for them that is all about faith some teach tongues and all they know is acts chapter 2 when the day of pentecost was fully come and in acts chapter 2 even peter did not explain tongues because all he knew was joel's prophecy that's all peter knew that's why peter simon's unforgiveness changed over time so acts 20 32 and now brethren i commend you to god and to the word of his grace which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified stay with me it is not i commend you unto god plus the word of his grace it is i command you to god that is that and is the kai rule of bible interpretation or tiki is that is it is explanatory not a conjunction that is the word of his grace which is able to build you up so he's talking to the church he is saying i am commending you to the message of his grace which is able to build you up that word which is able is descriptive because brother paul used it twice look at romans 16 25 now to hear him that is a power to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of jesus christ according to the revelation of the mystery which was kept secret since the world began since the world began power to establish you jude 24 now unto him that is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy able to keep from falling able to build the word build up jesus used it in luke 14 28 for construction he'd inherit my word and do with them is like a wise man who build his house construction paul was the one who started teaching spiritual growth he started explaining spiritual growth paul was the one who brought it into the church his message was the message of his ability and at that point the grace paul is referring to is not the forgiveness of sins but ability ability paul is now talking about ability in christ the ability you have in christ that's what paul was talking about so the scriptures focus on christ but your knowledge can be limited so paul is now opening our eyes to something in acts 20 32 which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance the word didomai used for offer and inheritance give you offer you an inheritance among them that are sanctified does it mean i don't have an inheritance no look at acts 26 18 brother paul's mandate from jesus to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of satan unto god that they may receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith which is in me so we see again in paul's teaching and theology he begins to expound even the issue of the gifts of the spirit if you observe the early church didn't understand people like peter look at what peter will say about the gifts of the spirit first peter 4 11 if any man speak let him speak as the oracles of god and you know i need to you know interject something in there you hear people calling men of god oracles that man of god is my oracle ignorance is just disgracing you where people of knowledge are you are just being a mockery you say the man of god is my oracle say i am your oracle the man of god is not your oracle the oracles of god is the word of god let a man speak the oracles the word it's not the man that is the oracle it is the word of god he's speaking that is the aura the man is a man now i have to take care of that so back to peter so that none of you will be calling people arachus first peter 4 11 if any man speak let him speak as the oracles of god if any man minister let him do it as of the ability which god giveth that god in all things may be glorified through jesus christ to whom the prayers and dominion forever and ever so look at this is all peter says about the gifts of the spirit he teaches the gifts of the spirit all of them as utterance that's how limited peter's knowledge of the gifts are but paul says no there are diversities of gifts but the same spirit and he mentions nine of them in first corinthians 12 so paul's entrance opened up the church to further dimensions of what christ has done in redemption he says to give you an inheritance look at brother paul's theology in that acts 26 18 number one to open their eyes number two to turn them from darkness to light from the power of satan to god so he says this inheritance is among them which means is common to all that believe this is a community that is every believer has an inheritance every believer has been turned from darkness to light every believer his eyes have been opened from satan to the living god so this inheritance is among them is their common property what brother jude will call common salvation what is common to all of us so the believer already has an inheritance the believer already has an inheritance so paul's revelation opens our eyes to something else an inheritance we have seen ability he also says an inheritance so in the scriptures pointing us to christ we take further investigation what is in christ we have to examine that in the next few weeks what is inside christ what belongs to us in christ then he opens up to the abilities available to us in christ the word clerumia refers to possession something that is yours that is a gift granted you but it belongs to you a property so in other words the inheritance of the believer is his he has his name on it so when we say the scriptures are christ-centered we are correct but we have to investigate what is in christ now remember i have told you that if i say dr gabriel come quickly come come quickly if i say what is in dr gabriel you can't see what is inside him with your bare eyes you can only see him but you can see inside for you to see inside will be revelation knowledge so in christ is revelation to see in to see inside christ what is there and when you see what is in christ that is what belongs to us because you two are in christ that's why the world can do you only revelation can know you the world can't know you because you are in what man knowing the things that are in a man save the spirit of man that is in him so no man knowing the things of god save the spirit of god now we have not received the spirit of the world but the spirit of god that we may know revelation you can't do it by eyes christianity that does not have revelation is religion many people are in religion they are not in christ when you are in christ you are not in religion you are in a relationship when you are in a religion you are not in christ knowing christ by crk is religion because is knowing christ by journalistic reportage you've got to know christ by revelation and when you know christ by searching you never grow spiritual growth will come from revelation knowledge and that's what brother paul is introducing into the church so we have to investigate what is in christ who is in christ what is he called why is he called we will look at all the details when you know the details you are a better preacher without the details you will be mentally agitated that's why philemon 1 6 is that the communication of your faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing that is in you because you are in christ the word acknowledge is the greek word epignosis you can see that the communication of peter's faith was not effectual it wasn't it will become effectual when you acknowledge every good thing which is anywhere in christ so a key issue in the book of acts a key issue was how to interpret the law and then of course there was a fundamental fact that interpretation of the law was a fundamental fact in the polite theology it was a key factor look at john 16 12 i have yet many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now happy eat when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you to all truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to comfort him he shall glorify me for he shall receive of mine and shall show it unto you all things refers to place people and events all things it refers to place people events objects inheritance so there are things the holy spirit reveals they are mine he will show it to you he says the things the father has are mine he will show them to you he's referring to the written word not a personal vision no he's talking about the written word that's the basis of the polite theology the written word the things remember philemon 1 6 every good thing so there are things to see again remove the chapters and you will understand better he says all the father has are mine the holy spirit will reveal them to you now look at john 17 21 and 22 that they all may be one as thou father art in me and i indeed that they also may be one in us that the world may believe that that was sent me next verse and the glory hallelujah and the glory which thou gatest me i have given them that they may be one even as we are one that word glory is the word doxa in the greek means honor splendor a man's possession a man's value or worth a man's reaches he said you have look at verse 23 i in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one that the world may know that thou has sent me and has loved them as thou has loved me that is the same way the father loves jesus is the same way he loves you no more no less no more the glory that jesus has is the same glory he has given to you no more no less that word glory is the word doxa we have seen he said you have loved them as you have loved me we have said that inheritance is something given to you a possession here jesus is saying that what you gave me i have given them he said the holy spirit will reveal it to them what will he reveal he will reveal what the father gave to jesus and all that the father has a christ when he said all that the father has a mind it means i and the father are one he now says i am going to give them the glory you in me i in them that we may all be one so the holy ghost will reveal all of that to you he will reveal our identification hallelujah our what identification so paul just makes more discoveries so the polite revelation colossians 1 12 giving thanks unto the father which had made us meant to be partakers the word mythia is the old english word for qualified not suya has made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints we are in light so there's an inheritance of believers there are things believers need to see the things believers needs to see will only be known when they know who they are so identification doesn't just opens us up to who we are it also opens us up automatically to what we have so what you know about who you are automatically opens you up to what you have look at paul's rebuke of the corinthian church know ye not that you are first corinthians 6 19 no you not he tells you who you are you are the temple of the holy ghost so he associated you with it he's not just dropping scriptures so what does this inheritance mean to us that is what is called precise knowledge exact knowledge revealed knowledge it's not good enough to know the baptism of john when john said he will baptize you the holy ghost what does it imply so some things we are limited and you cannot be more effective than what you know in fact when you don't know something you see someone who knows more than you you think is living in sin you know there's a way ignorant christians think they're holier than those of us that have knowledge they don't know that what they call holiness is actually marginalization they are so marginalized that they think that they are in holiness they don't know that they are in a marginal field and so when they see you enjoying the liberty you have in christ they call it sin [Laughter] whoa glory to god they become pious they are not pious because they are humble they are pious because they don't know much in your classroom in the university the people that make more noise in the class are they illiterate or they literate it is people that have answers that talk more when the teacher says what is physics you will see those that know lifting up their hands in a hurry they will even start talking before they say answer the ones that don't know are looking for how to hide so the teacher will say you so throughout the class they are hiding so when you see people that are extraordinarily quiet it is ignorance that is tormenting them knowledge makes you talk and you talk with confidence and that is why ignorant people call people with knowledge proud if they don't know how to handle laws you know people shout them out like me when they don't know how to handle us they just say it's very proud not my ability he's a very proud pastor i've never seen a pastor as proud as he and when you check they have never met me before is radio that is punishing them radio radio is flogging them so from the analysis of department they get from radio broadcast since they can't fight me on radio they say he's a proud man he's a proud man even though they are hearing me already abel damina is proud meanwhile they have never met me one way how can you judge a man from his voice why don't you marry a woman from voice then after you marry you meet physically there will be many divorcees everywhere yes some people they have fine voice but bad character you can't judge me by radio broadcast leave radio come and meet me let us meet then when we meet you know whether i'm proud or not don't be intimidated by knowledge you too can be a custodian of it just make yourself my disciple after a while a disciple will also own a disciple if i'm teaching good shout out i hear i'm here and then in first corinthians chapter six verse two look at brother paul talking to them look at it look at it do you not know are you ignorant that the saints shall judge the world and if the world shall be judged by you are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters then it says in case you don't understand what i'm saying verse 3 knowing not that we shall judge angels the first one is say you shall judge so in case you don't know who he is we me and you people we shall judge angels that is angels will come to our judgment so when people are praying to angels they don't know who they are we are the ones that will judge angels no he not are you ignorant of course you must be ignorant to be asking nj gabriel in jamaica and uriah pray for me even the angels are laughing at you they are laughing at the weight of ignorance that you are displaying know you know that we shall first of all say you will judge the world then in case you are looking more confused he says wait wait what i mean is but we we we we here we judge angels don't you know he kept rebuking the church at corinth for ignorance no he not no he not it is when people don't know that we shall judge angels that they still keep getting visions where they saw jesus are sitting down and believers are lining up believers and unbelievers on the same line on that day on the last day on that day on the last day only through the liver shabira whether who are true believers and who are false believers a believer is a believer my dear did you not know these are fundamentals you must know these these are what we call class zero zero one first corinthians 15 34 talking about knowledge jesus awake to righteousness and see not for some have not this knowledge i speak this to your shame so we can see that impulse language was identification he kept calling christ one man one man so there's something to discover about man identification came with man man functions by identification whether you are handsome beautiful you are a man that uniqueness of your species is divine it's a platform for redemption it's a platform of the spirit that means what you see in one you see in all that was the language of brother paul in romans 5. one man one man by one man what is one man we can know what is in all men by seeing what is in one man one man can tell you what is in all men and we find that one man in the man and we find the man in the man hiya i say glory to god one man all nations so the greatest revelation god gave to us of him is in man we can't find god in things moons stars mountains we find god in man man has become the greatest revelation of god on earth today he has revealed himself through man does the essence of the poland revelation we see god in a man the man christ jesus glory to god are you blessed in this earth stand on your feet cowboy somebody shot i am blessed say with me very loud very loud i receive insight into all my realities in christ i am in christ i receive revelation into the things that are mine in christ jesus i didn't hear powerful amen lift your right hand to heaven father pray for everybody in this service everybody online those watching on television the radio audience wherever they are around the world connected to this service that the eyes of your understanding be flooded with light clarity comes by the teaching of god's word veils fall off i take authority over everything that stands as a barrier and right now i ask that the eyes of your understanding be flooded with light you are strengthened with might by the spirit in the inner man and i decree that this revelation grows big on your inside until nothing else matters father we thank you we stay in the world we stay in grace we stay in knowledge we are rooted we are built up in the name of jesus thank you for the blessing in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen on a note of finality get a good offering we want to give in honor of god's word and we want to give in celebration of what christ has done in another three four five minutes i'll be joining mr michael bush and i'm sure males have come in already we have a lot to cover i want to thank partners and friends of this ministry who have decided to help us with project those of you that have decided to support one project or the order to help us with outreach and those of you that are yet to make up your minds to be part of our projects you want to support one project i have said you as a family you do your own projects so you can do one project for the kingdom if you're interested just shoot a mail to dr ebeldamina and i want to appreciate those that have already decided and even in the church here you know all of you everyone has the opportunity to do that the radio audience if you're interested you want to help us sponsor one project this year all you need to do is send a mail to dr ebel abeldamina with your phone number we will call you and give you a list of projects and you can choose which one you want to help with dc that affects outreaches to touch lives around the world lift your offerings up to heaven everybody we want to give you joy right now father we're giving faith we give with joy and we thank you for the privilege of giving and we rejoice that in our giving your name is glorified thank you for everyone partnering with us this year we decree and we declare that everyone giving your needs are met supernaturally and we give you praise for the blessing in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen on a note of finality we trust that you have been blessed by this message for these all the messages and books by dr abel damina please call los 234 806 800-9939 or email power city office at [Music] [Music] [Music] global baba we we set cell in a moment by the way it's so nice to be back as we always do let's do that now with opening prayers for our state for the government for our people for our country and for the world everybody stand let's pray together father we thank you for the privilege we have to come before you today with joy and we are guaranteed the answers to prayer so we pray for our state acquired we pray for the governor his cabinet we pray for all of the executive council of this state we pray for all public servants and civil servants that grace are bound towards them that they are enriched in all things that the knowledge of christ increases and abounds in their hearts and in the name of jesus as they continue to serve this society we decree that this society receives the enablement it requires to bring out his best and we thank you for answer prayer we pray for the rest of the world that the gospel of christ continues to thrive that hearts of men are turned to righteousness thank you for laborers that are released globally to bring men into the kingdom in jesus precious name amen amen please put your hands together just as to take your seat my name is michael bush i'm your uncle i'm joined by my production team please put your hands together for them i'm gonna set out from the americas first though let's just um welcome this teacher like none other this prolific author [Applause] this international televangelist probably one of the leading broadcasters you find anyway in nigeria if not in the world yes i'll tell you why this man is on live radio he's on radio 11 hours every day nobody does that nobody does that every day 11 hours and he's there alone of course he's there alone [Laughter] so very nice to see him put your hands together for global barber the intercontinental doctor thank you for the privilege of always sitting or standing by you um i don't know but it's just an honor i tell you we love you and i'm thank you and love you more love you more love the church more and of course mama rachel put your hands together put your hands together okay let's run in the americas canada here we come bluebob i have noticed that when i send a question to you my phone misbehaves so i end up sending too many questions all of which are the same i request that they ask the counsel or producer disregard further message from me because they are just a duplication of messages that have already been answered any message from me fabrics iran from canada must be disregarded because i have no questions for now because of the fantastic work you've done so far thank you global barber that's wonderful great stuff yeah wonderful great stuff wonderful from the americas from canada i'm flying straight to germany and we have some very interesting entries coming from germany global baba this one says dearest doctor abel damina i sincerely want to appreciate you for the excellent and amazing work you do by unveiling the revelation of christ to the world god bless you real good sense of god i'm a pastor in munich germany by the grace of god i've been following your teachings for quite a while and i've just recently discovered that there is so much i really need to learn from you sir and your teachings please help me with the bible study plan and how i can apply for the mentorship program remain blessed forever sir i unt prince we are not sending you bible study plan you are studying with us so as i'm teaching i will be declaring the places we are studying part time the first one we are studying from from today is the four gospels matthew mark luke and john and we must read them between now and the next four weeks and the reason is because all i will be teaching will be drawn from those gospels so as you are reading i'm teaching here if you can finish the four books in one day fantastic if you can finish two books a week fantastic but just make sure you have read matthew mark luke and john thereafter we will give you the next phase of books to read put your hands together from that part of germany we go to another and this one is this book and it says my name is atta d'aqua emmanuel i live in this book germany do about like to thank you for your great contribution towards the body of christ i however have a question that has been bothering me since god is the creator of everything blah blah blah can we say that it was god who created death and all the diseases accompanying death such as diabetes cancer etc my second question global baby is that since god pre-existed creation can we say that angels who are always in god's presence also pre-existed creation revelations 4 1-11 after this i looked and behold the door was opened in heaven and the first voice which i had was as it were of a trumpet talking with me which said come up either and i will shoot the things which must be here after hoping to hear from you soon well the first question is is easily explained if you have been following the teachings romans chapter 5 verse 12 wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and dead by sin so god didn't create death god didn't create sin man created sin and death and sickness is a product of sin and death there's no evil in god god is light and in him is no darkness at all the only part god plays with sickness sin and death is to bring salvation through the sacrifice of the death of christ your second question on angels well angels were not always there angels were created to serve man so until there is man there will be no need for angels so angels were created to serve man angels did not pre-exist with god angels god doesn't need angels he is god all by himself but angels were created to serve man hebrews chapter 1 verse 14 are these not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who shall be heirs of salvation first corinthians 6 3 know ye not that we shall judge the angels so the angels were created for man global baba from this bike in germany we go to steal another part of germany berlin now dear global baba greetings to you in the name of our lord jesus christ so i am on the youtube channel every day listening to and learning from you you recently taught a message about baptism which wasn't clear to me and also i want to know if a believer should be baptized at all number two man of god we as a family take communion every weekend as the scripture says we should do in remembrance of me you know that is um jesus i want to know if we are doing it right blah blah blah please kindly um help us with the truth thank you and god almighty richly bless you and strengthen you in your inner man in the name of our lord jesus christ glory to god j.a tagneto in berlin germany all right um i just wrote the communion table that book deals with everything communion from genesis to revelation the whole thing is there i will recommend you order for that book so you have the full answers with sound exegesis okay so global what about the communion part a book okay i've written a book you will have to order for it it's a comprehensive teaching that takes care of the world okay global but let's make progress quickly quickly many questions are coming from sure so i wrote a book that anybody who needs explanation get the book it clarifies how long does it take you to write a book and where do you even have the time to write the book well again just like i prepared to teach that's how i write books so we just write wow fantastic okay so from from germany from germany we're running to france we're flying to france tomorrow fox says hello dear dr damina my name is medvel i currently live in france my question is this when did the apostles receive the holy ghost did they receive the spirit when jesus rose from the death and breathed to them and said receive the spirit or was it in the arts in acts chapter two what's the difference baba between the ministry of the prophet in the old testament and that of the prophet in the new testament well the first question i won't answer you today because as part of what i'm going to be teaching the next two three days when did the apostles receive the holy ghost you know so we'll examine that exegetically in the bible through the next few days but the second question the difference between the old testament prophet and the new testament prophet old testament prophet were people who prophesied christ's sufferings and the glory that will follow which is the the torah or the documented evidence concerning the christ so the bulk of the work of the old testament prophet was to prophesy concerning christ however they were also seers they saw visions for people they received messages for people because people did not have access to god because people were not born of the spirit but in the new testament the prophet's job is ephesians 4 11 for the perfecting of the saints to do the work of ministry to teach believers what christ has done for them however accompanied with the office of the prophet will come word of knowledge word of wisdom prophecy discernment of spirits but remember it is word of knowledge not sentence of knowledge not descriptions of knowledge a word of knowledge a word of wisdom discerning of spirits or prophecy or tongues and interpretation but the bulk of their work is to teach christ and build believers in the knowledge of christ okay from france we're heading up to uk and i guess the uk the united kingdom would be a last spot of call in the continent of europe before we run outside somewhere else so bless you uh dearest compliments to you sir my name is ola i live in the uk i've been following your teachings for a season now and i've been tremendously blessed however i need further understanding about the lord's surpass presented by apostle paul in first corinthians 11 23 to 26 if it is not necessary to share holy communion as it's been observed in churches today why then they command to do it as often as possible to remember the lord's coming thank you sir the book the book will take care of you completely that book takes care of everything from genesis to revelation okay global baba let's enter a certain yes let's enter a certain realm the realm of the anonymous because i have so many beautiful entries made anonymously and we'll get to find out why this one hello my dear daddy i first want to thank you for your labor in the world for us we appreciate you sir i got married in 2011 started suspecting my husband of adultery and also realized he loves to live above his means my husband introduced me to your messages where i heard the true gospel but he rejected it he allows me even now to listen to them and even brought me strong decoder so i could watch kln tv i started ministry in 2019 due to constant feeding on the world but i didn't use admi that's the abell domino ministries international because i didn't want my husband sat where he works because where he works is the law preaching church environment and also it's like an adopted son to the go then we had a serious financial challenge that plunged me into debt which i took so as to save him from being sucked during this period he abandoned me global baba i saw all my assets and goods so as to be able to paid off i never knew a man could be that wicked to his own wife people envy our marriage global baba have learned that the success of the marriage depends on him not carrying any responsibility him not providing for us but accepted my fate as long as i have a peaceful home but that he would leave me in the hands of my creditors made me is that creditor saw debtors my hands of my debtors made me feel betrayed and made me to start questioning the credibility of the marriage that i was wondering did i mean anything to the man during the death period he attempted driving me to the front of a moving truck twice global baba the second instance it was god that saved me as i could practically see an invisible hand stop the dangote dropped me regular closely he will also send tell me that what has that my own god that i'm preaching to people done for me then one day he used a body cream that had expired for two years to wrap our daughter's body when he knew there was no mother on earth that would take that i was so hurt but instead of reacting i just prayed for my daughter not to be hurt it would go to the dressing mirror and indirectly tell me that i would not see the next year nobody but this is long but i'm going to try and take it because it's very very important he told me twice globally i might ask me he admires me for still keeping the faith then in 2020 during the covet lockdown period our financial breakthrough came we met supplies in which my company account was used which used to be able to which used which i made i used to claim my account used to clear up to 85 percent of the remaining debts he had access to my account and thought of taking over my supremacist as i used two shops one for shops and the other for ministry he would even be saying where i can hear you know he would be talking around where i can hear that the money in my account i won't even spend a couple so i took the remaining money left in the account went to lagos to start ministry there with the hope that it will stop him from me behaving like the devil's younger brother as i felt maybe he thinks the ministry i started will make him lose favor with the geo of the church where he works he kept on disturbing my mother and made a valid statement that he allowed me to start ministry so why should i go to another state and that he doesn't want us to live apart also while painting the legal space men started disturbing me and following me around they contacted the ones that wanted to marry me by force where i work and where my husband lives and joined forces together with joy that i'm no longer with my husband so that they could kidnap me they said the heavenlies they consulted told them i'm a good woman and that any man who marries me has struck a gold mine because of that i decided to return to my husband's home so that i could have the protection of a man over me the police have been contacted and some of the men logo barbara were even locked up this year the 1st of january the go called my husband and requested to speak with me he asked me if i attended the church my husband said yes so i said yes too i felt bad global baba for lying i'm under grace and i passed or two but for the sake of my husband's job and a peaceful home i lied i know the jew already knows that i passed her undergrace because my husband is quite popular and what i've heard about my ministry i'm scared that if another persecution arises again because of the gospel he will start behaving like the devil's younger brother again though god told me he would give us seven years of plenty after i came back from lagos from his own part of the prophet he put in fixed deposit and money did not come to him like he expected so he became broke for a while and he started again by telling me to be close friends with men who can with rich men who want to acquire me by force and have even reported to the police and i told myself what type of husband will be compelling his own wife to commit adultery or mix with adulterous people what communion has light with darkness finally thankfully global baba so the question now is am i just wasting my time in this marriage i have a six-year-old daughter and i'm currently six months pregnant which made me sickly that i didn't continue with the work of the ministry i wasn't cared for and i was broke because i couldn't go to the shop to sell goods my mom had to send me money to eat and out of it i must cook three times a day clean and take care of a six-year-old daughter else i'll be called a foolish woman please globo baba what is the truth ah my goodness there are things you hear the only way your answer is ah my lord well first of all she started with the fact that the man was in adultery okay and of course any man that is into adultery will owe money he will owe a lot because he has to pay for all the bills and in paying for all the bills he will borrow the bible says a man giving to adultery we sell everything that he has and he do not eat enough to pay so that explains why the husband was in a lot of indebtedness but all of that put together what i seem to see from the analysis the woman has just given to us you know without even hearing from the husband which i would have loved to hear from the husband to give a fair judgment but to give you counsel if what you told us here is the total truth then i think you are just wasting your time with that man that man is not a serious man and it will do you good you know to be able to quickly look for counsel where you and that man will sit down with a man of god who knows the scriptures and the gospel and narrate this whole situation to him let that man be asked some very serious questions and if he fails to answer those questions you may have to seek for say pressure so you can save your life save your children's life and look for something meaningful to do with your life and if he's willing to be restored if he's willing to be held accountable and if he's willing to abide by certain disciplinary measures that will help him stretching out his life you can give it another chance okay another anonymous counseling entry global baba greetings global abandoned intercontinental mr michael bush i've listened to your wise counsel on spiritual social and other areas of life i'm fully convinced that god sent you to a generation i trust your counsel sir i need your wisdom and an insensitive matter that i don't know how to handle a stranger contacted me on facebook saying he's looking for his father after his short exchange he gave me his father's name which is the same as my elder brothers i browsed through his facebook account to see his photos and for sure global barber he resembles my elder brother and one of my elder brother's sons i did not tell him the truth that i knew his father instead i acted as if i had no idea who he was talking about i did this to protect my brother who's going through very difficult times as we speak with 12 his three children battling diabetes one of them has been in hospital for over a month now with multiple complications of post scovid19 treatment and treatment and is now scheduled to begin dialysis since his kidneys are not responding to treatment the stranger told me his age and i figured he was born before my brother got married to his wife the mother of his three children the stranger said he does not want to talk to the father but just wants to know him to be honest global baba i want to protect my elder brother from any additional stress and at the same time i would hate to deny the poor child his rightful duty of knowing his father please give me your wise counsel sir thank you as i stay anonymous bye-bye just hold your thoughts this first caller hello are you here yes many thanks for joining us when you're calling from i'm calling from you your name my name is you have turned my life around master praise god please just be patient with us okay we are we are coming we are moving to this today to the act one by one that's right all we need is understanding yes i pray to god i pray to god every day to give a quiet boom understanding amen this work is is your work is please last year december you you said something about rituals songs and and sam yes i was i just it was mistakenly i went i i turned into this station that the way that the program was going on okay and i was surprised everything you said was what i've experienced so i was like shouting i was shouting i was i was i was i was sheltered i was saying how how come because everything you think was what i was passing through you know people around me just feel feel that things are hard with them but i see things are very easy with me i just i just keep wondering trying to talk to them i i see that they don't have understanding so i prayed back that day i just i listened to you and i said oh this man this man is in the trap so since then i started listening to you started following your teachings today i say as you call thank you for calling [Music] yes we have to allow inferno bomb but normally when you call just prepare to take just a minute not longer because the world is also waiting to join in okay so global baba yeah that's that's another situation where you say ah well this is what you should do since the young man that contacted you looks exactly like your brother and your brother is in a very tight situation now what you should do is seek your brother's audience meet your brother privately and tell your brother somebody reached out to me and said he's your son i saw his picture he looks exactly like you i have not answered him because i'm trying to shield you because of what you're going through but i also don't want to deny him access to you what do you want us to do do you want me to keep it till after or do you want to meet him privately for now what do you want to do with the situation let your brother be the one to decide what he wants to do with the situation having known that he has a son somewhere that is seeking out to reach out to him and global i think i think we should also be praying we should also be praying that um god should fix that situation for them because i mean we don't even know whether the guy who's coming back comes with healing for the father yeah the father could just see the boy and spring up it's possible you know possible that's the prophet is very positive is that one a word or a sentence of knowledge another caller hello prophet are you here welcome thank you for joining us [Music] yes [Music] then in jerusalem and the lord god from the mind this creation started with god another creation the first creation now then my second [Music] [Music] of god to try to i didn't hear the second question but uh i had a bit of the first question i think the first question is that god created man then god formed man you know in genesis chapter 2 verse 7 well the first one was a prophecy and then the second one was the actual creation so it's not like god created twice there was a prophecy again that's what we always say the old testament must be explained the old testament must be explained you must sit where they sat you must hear what they heard to be able to know what moses was saying when he was communicating those thoughts from the vision that he saw so it was just moses's way of explaining the prophecy of god concerning man and the actual creation of man in genesis chapter two okay he will try to call in again perhaps another edition of the program because you didn't get the second leg of this um battery hello global baba please what should be done if someone who claims to be a believer keeps attacking you spiritually while boasting nothing can happen to him no matter how you pray he keeps saying jesus will intervene for him even when we pray and yet continues in his wickedness please sir what's your advice does the grace of god still cover this person even with his deliberate will or deliberate evil well i don't know what you mean by by somebody attacking but i think last caller i'll ask all on this edition of the program hello and i want to ask blah blah blah um if i heard it well there was a time he thought and he talked about ministry of interest that angels have put on the temperament of the the person they have about yeah i don't know if i got it well yes you heard me so my question is if for instance my temperament is to is for vengeance against my enemy and the angel put on such temperament now will i be judged by god at the end of the day for for going for committing those vengeance and will the angel also be judged for what for what he did well again when we talk about angels taking on the temperaments remember we're talking about as he relates to the old testament and the new testament in the old testament they took on the temperaments of the prophets that they were walking with so when those prophets prayed fire down and just created miracles and fire fell down in the new testament they walked with jesus so they took on the temperament of jesus so the angels in the new testament hacking to the voice of god's word they do the will of god however if you pray vengeance you are walking with demons because demons in the new testament are the ones that carry out the will of the devil which is wickedness okay number one let's get back to the last um question that i put on lisa what is your advice does the grace of god still cover this person even with his deliberate evil well again we need to know what do you mean by wickedness because wickedness is relatively depends on what you mean so my advice is you need to give us more details and i think as a believer you need to know your authority because if you know your authority there's nobody that can do anything to you you're not afraid of anything he says the lord is my help i shall not be afraid what man can do to me if you're having funny dreams don't attribute it to somebody stand up and address those dreams because sometimes the devil can come with the face of your neighbor in the dream and create anonymity between you and people and because you don't know better you get angry with people the weapons of our warfare are not coming but they are mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds so instead of targeting somebody's tag get the spirit and stop the spirit and when you speak to the root of a three to three will dry up hello global behavioral pastor with living faith church i've been so blessed with your teachings god increase you more and more you are a blessing to the body of christ amen thank you and this last one basketball an anonymous entry is healing part of the atoning work of christ well again healing is but you know jesus healed even before he died and in the old testament we see healing so majorly the way to look at it is that healing is god's character healing is god's character god wants to heal all the time the first healing took place in genesis under the ministry of abraham and all through the scripture we see god's healing power right before jesus died right after jesus rose from the dead until today god is still healing to demonstrate his goodness his character and his disposition towards man okay global baba we need to go this is where we must anchor this edition of the program i love to say thank you to all of you around the world for tuning in my name is michael bush my production team all joined me to thank you right now global baba dr abel damina intercontinental mr bush we're back again hey ladies and gentlemen we want to thank every one of you everybody in the audience on television radio and all of you in our campuses are online the online community tomorrow is going to be another one at 6 00 p.m gmt plus one will be live preaching the world and remember to follow us on radio today 1 to 3 p.m just this afternoon will be on xlfm three to five will be on ufm nine to ten will be on inspiration ten to twelve will be on heritage and tomorrow morning eleven to one to one it's radio aqua bomb and then it repeats yourself but we'll be back live tomorrow on conference 6 p.m on comfort fm we love you guys and we're so excited to be able to serve you the grace of god until we connect with everybody again tomorrow enjoy the rest of your day and be blessed goodbye from uyo nigeria [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] this is kingdom life
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 3,870
Rating: 4.7611942 out of 5
Id: VBms-guBgVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 35sec (6095 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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