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if you know that you're not going to remain the same again jump up on your feet the word of god [Music] is [Music] [Applause] come on come on come on come on [Music] i can do am god says i believe i would never [Music] but i would never never be the same with the holy [Music] jesus is my righteousness i believe is no [Music] me [Music] it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend doctor ava [Applause] come on you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tale you are above and not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost it's your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favor get the lord never be the same i would never know the same [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus heavenly father we thank you for the privilege of coming humbly before your holy written word and we thank you for the privilege to feed feed on the diet christ thank you that the mighty holy ghost lives on our inside guiding us into all the truth revelation knowledge flows freely in this place whatever is not planted by god is rooted out burdens and yolks are destroyed your people built up equipped edified and jesus glorified in jesus precious name and every believer sees a powerful amen lift your right hand to heaven let's release our faith together so say this words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the word naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this series i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer sees a powerful amen we want to welcome everybody connected to this service by way of kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram and all of the acquisible state community we are so glad to welcome all of you connected by way of comfort fm xl fm radio aqua bomb you knew your fm heritage fm inspiration fm we're so glad to have all of you connected help us reach out to a friend a loved one ask them to tune to this radio station right now life is flowing through the airwaves our social media community do us the same thing what you've always done let's blanket the earth with the truth of christ share the video on your page join as many groups and share it with all the groups and of course create watch parties tag some people drop them on monogram telegram and what's up groups let's beautify the world with the glory of jesus all our campuses around the world and bible study centers we're so glad to have everybody here and those in the building are you ready for the world somebody shouted powerfully man grab your pen your bible your notebook and you can be seated with your sweet smart self as we get into the world hallelujah john chapter 5 verse 39 search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and they are they which testify of me verse 40. and you will not come to me that you might have life so the essence of study or the reason for the writing of the book called the bible is to unveil the pressing of christ the bible in john chapter one verse number one says in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god just like your thoughts precedes your writing so in the beginning was the thought the idea that precedes the writing there must be an idea an image a thought a knowledge or a wisdom before you begin to write the bible says in the beginning was the word this is why john calls him the word of course jesus never said i am the word it was john's coinage it was john who called him the word notice when he called jesus the word it's restricted only to john's writings except hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 who also repeated once calling jesus the word hebrews chapter 4 verse number 12 for the word of god is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart so the writer of hebrews also called him the word except for that one mention john exclusively is the one who refers to jesus as the world in first john chapter one verse one that which was from the beginning which we have heard which we have seen with our eyes which we have looked upon and our hands have handled of the word of life of the word of life john repeats it again in revelation chapter 19 verse 13 and he was clothed with a vegeta dipped in blood and his name is called the word of god his name is called the word of god that is john's writing so john chapter 1 verse 1 in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god why did john say that john said that because the word word which is logos l-o-g-o-s logos means a thought an idea or a thinking pattern that which precedes speaking is called lugos so he is called logos which means he precedes the scriptures he precedes the scriptures so he says they testify of me the scriptures testify of me that word testify is a strong word in the greek it refers to something that you witness something that you witness so jesus could not have come after the prophecies for the scriptures to testify of him means he predicted the scriptures you don't testify of someone who has not yet come into existence you only testify of someone that has been so jesus called the scriptures his testimony so jesus must have existed before the prophecies for them to testify of him so he is called the word that is when you put the scriptures together from genesis to malachi at this point in time when you put everything together but individually and collectively the word is christ that is when you put everything together the message is christ this is the thought behind this this is the truth behind this world this is the passing of jesus christ in luke chapter 24 verse 25 to 27 jesus speaking to those disciples on the way to email say to them all fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken but not christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory and beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself so if you observe carefully it is pointing to the same thing they testify of me notice what jesus did there in that teaching was he expounded the word expounded is where we get the word hermeneutics hermeneutics for those writing hermeneutics is spelled as [Music] h-e-r-m-e-u-t-i-c-s hermeneutics taken from harmony in the greek it means to interpret or to explain the scriptures mean that the old testament will need explanation the old testament must be explained the word hermeneutics is used for signs symbols and figures of speech hermeneutics is used for signs symbols and figures of speech it means the writing of the old testament requires interpretation it requires interpretation not interpretation of language but the understanding of the message not interpretation of language but the understanding of the message jesus said i am the message he said uh not christ that is christ is the explanation of the scriptures or christ is the interpretation of the bible that's why paul will say in first corinthians chapter 2 verse number 16 we have the mind of christ we have the mind of christ which means the word mind is the same word for comprehension we have the comprehension of christ that word mind that is christ explains the scriptures to us we have the mind of christ that word mind of christ refers to the epistles the epistles are the understanding of christ that's where we get the understanding of the scriptures so we began to examine the book of acts yesterday we began to look you know casually into the book of acts and we will give it a more serious approach today and tomorrow because it's key to know how things were explained jesus had risen from the dead then we have the book of acts which is 28 chapters and if you want to read the book of acts you just need to read 10 chapters a day you finish it in two and a half days 28 chapters that's how easy it is to read the bible why i'm taking time to explain the book of acts is because i discovered that a lot of false explanation of scriptures came from the book of acts a lot of error in explaining scripture emanated originated from the book of acts so if we understand the progression in the book of acts and the use of words and what they mean it will really help us to understand the scriptures my job as your pastor is to make you understand the scriptures that's my whole lifetime assignment to make you understand this ancient book that contains eternal truths called the scriptures that's my fundamental job and if i'm taking care of you as flock i will not take care of you as flock by coming to your house to eat a detailer i take care of you as flock by making you understand scriptures whichever way however whatever style whatever strategy if i have to run if i have to jump if i have to dance to make you understand it that is my job as your pastors to understand the scriptures the bible says feed the flock what do you feed the flock with you feed the flock with the world the word is the interpretation of the scriptures and the job of the pastor is to make you understand scriptures you know a pastor told his church i know i cannot teach the bible i know i cannot teach the bible because i am not a teacher and the members came back to that same church next sunday it's like a pilot saying i know i cannot fly the plane but let us fly you'll still sit in the plane a pastor that cannot teach the word of god cannot teach the bible is a driver who cannot drive on the driver's seat the bible says a bishop must be opt to teach he must be able to teach in the greek the word pastor is used by brother paul in ephesians 4 11 as a pastoring teacher pastoring teacher you know he gave apostles prophet evangelist if you observe it is only pastor that of the conjunction and teacher which means the pastor is a pastoring teacher first timothy 5 17 calls him a laborer in word and doctrine so a pastor can't say i can't teach but i can give you rhema rhema that's a laugh so let's look at a subject matter before we get to brother paul's revelation of identification let's look at the new birth or being born again did you notice that in the book of acts in the entire book of acts you won't find the a word used like born again not even one time there's no mention of the word born again you won't find the word new creation in the book of acts it doesn't even come not even in a prophecy in the whole book of acts look at jesus's words in john chapter 3 verse 3 jesus speaking to nicodemus jesus answered and said unto him verily verily i say unto thee except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of god verse 4. nicodemus said unto him how can a man be born when he's old can he enter the second time into his mother's womb and be born verse 5 jesus answered verily verily i see on today except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of god verse 6 that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit verse 7 marvel not that i say unto you you must be born again that's it the wind blows where it listed and now here is the sound thereof but can't not tell whence it commits and whether it goes so easy everyone that is born of the spirit that in verse six when he says born of water and of the spirit is the kai rule born of water that is the spirit he didn't say born of the water but he says of their spirit so water will be symbolic of the spirit water is symbolic of the spirit so water was used to symbolize the birth of the spirit so jesus establishes something that there is something called the new birth that is being born of the spirit it will amaze you that that terminology did not come out at all in the entire 28 chapters of the book of acts as serious and important as that word born again is john 1 12 brother john writing he says but as many as received him to them gave me the rights to become the sons of god even to them that believe only his name so we are born again we are sons of god you believe you receive as many as believe to them give you power even as many as believe on his name now notice the book of acts let's see how they address themselves in acts chapter 1 verse 15 and in those days peter stood up in the midst of the disciples and said the number of names together were about 120 so they addressed themselves as disciples bad translation the word there is the word adult force in the greek adult force in the greek is used for brethren that's the way it should have been in that verse 15 adult force brethren all right taken from delphos delfos means the womb the worm that is folks that have a single parentage used for mothers that word is brethren adolfo's is also used for jews so we have the word brethren used here another word is the word believers the book of acts chapter 5 verse number 14 and believe us we are the more added to the lord multitudes both of men and women note the book of acts the word believe a couple of times for example take down the statistics which believe which belief is mentioned 30 times which believe just believe just belief is mentioned ten times believest believers mentioned three times believing believing mentioned 24 times notice there's a word used so commonly and we use it today as well is the word a disciple or disciple a disciple or disciple that word is used 215 times in the bible just once in the old testament isaiah 28 verse 11 all right that word is mentioned just once in the old testament in acts the word disciple and disciples is used 131 times in acts the word disciple and disciples notice it's not mentioned at all in the epistles the word disciple yet it was prominent in the book of acts but it's not even mentioned in the epistles and we will find out why it's a word used majorly in the four gospels and then subsequently in the book of acts that says something to you that communicates something to you that the book of acts can in the form of language and communication be classified with the four gospels okay language and communication classifies the book of acts with the four gospels it will get clearer as we proceed in teaching the interesting thing is that the epistles were written within the same history that the book of acts captures the word disciple is the word matatis m a t h e t e s matates the word math m-a-t-h is an ancient word used for a mental effort math mental effort to think through something to think through something it deals with a thought pattern the word math so the person called a disciple is someone who follows in his mindset someone who follows in his mindset that's a disciple interestingly it was used by the jewish rabbis when they have a disciple what they do with that disciple they give you the torah and then you memorize it and you have to know the words of the torah by heart literally you are able to communicate it very well secondly it reflects in how you dress and how you speak and how you behave your mode of behavior because the word disciple is matter this matter this the key word is how you think because the thinking part is what affects all other things a disciple is one who follows in his thinking you can be a disciple just because you're always around me you can even become a liability by being around me and somebody far from me can be a disciple because being around me doesn't make you a disciple what makes you a disciple is your mind is following your mind is attending to the things i'm teaching and because your mind is attending what i'm teaching is molding your mindset so your mindset begins to affect your behavior your attitude and your character so a disciple is not one that is around a disciple is one that follows in his thinking one that follows in his thinking now it was used so many times in the four gospels and predominantly in the book of acts but notice that while the book of acts used the word disciples so much it doesn't make reference at all to the new birth not a single teaching not a single teaching in the whole book of acts on the spirit of adoption not even a mention not a single teaching not even by mistake in the book of acts on our sonship not a single teaching the book of acts no information on the new broth but measures on believing or it refers to believers as disciples one who is learning to be like learning to think like disciple but not a single reference on the new birth even in their prophecies that shows you that prophecies are dependent on what you know but curiously let's look at peter's epistle first peter chapter 1 verse 23 being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the word of god which lived and abideth forever look at second peter chapter 1 verse 4 whereby are giving unto us exceeding great and precious promises that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust the word divine nature or divine light partakers means to fellowship with that is you have access to a partaker means to fellowship with all to have access to now first peter 123 where we first read use the word spora s-p-o-r is poorer while brother john used the word spelma sperma so brother peter used the word spora for born again while brother john used the word sperma in first john 3 9 see where the word spammer is implied whosoever is born of god does not commit sin for his perma seed for his seeds pember remained in him and he cannot sin because he is born of god he is born of god so spammer will refer to the heredity the spam where the child comes from peter didn't use that is john they used that the spam where this child came from but peter uses spora spora is a seed it's used for origin or parentage spora that is when the word being born again not of corruptible but of incorruptible seed was used by brother peter it is used for heritage or origin he uses the word incorruptible which means it cannot perish it cannot perish incorruptible heritage incorruptible parentage look at the word incorruptible is the greek word of tattoos is spelled as aph t-h-a-r-t-o-s after tools is used in romans 1 23 used for god and changed the glory of the uncorruptible god into an image made like to the corruptable man and to birds and forefooted beasts and creeping things used for god he calls man corruptable he calls god incorruptible look at first corinthians 15 52 thank you lord in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed the body at rapture same word after toast in first peter 1 4 it says it's an inheritance that faded not away it means it cannot change it cannot change it means the minute it is born it cannot change it remains that way it cannot grow it cannot change its shape and it cannot diminish incorruptible another place that word is used is in festivity 117. now unto the king eternal immortal invisible the only wise god be honor and glory forever and ever amen the word immortal is the same word for incorruptible so he says we are born again of an immortal seed same word for god in romans 1 23 and festivity 117 used for god and he says our bodies will just be like that cannot diminish cannot change incorruptible after tattoos it means it will remain in the same state it will not age it will not increase it will not enlarge it's just the same it will not develop new colors it will just be the same immortal incorruptible how many of you know that god never grows up spiritually he never grows up spiritual why he's incorruptible he's immortal he's the same he says the man who is born again remains the same incorruptible seed first peter 3 4 but let it be the hidden man of the heart in that which is not corruptable even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of god of great prize talking about believing women hidden man so there's a man in the heart the outward man goes to the salon the outward man dresses the outward man does makeup okay we have pictures of the outward man we can even go and make photographs of the outward man but the inward man is incorruptible the man inside is incorruptible the man inside is immortal you know we will study this a bit later in the series because we will study immortality some of immortality the man inside has a resemblance in god a resemblance in god and that man is born of god right where you're seated right now once you got born again you are born of god inside you are the man that is incorruptible so first peter 123 is the parentage the origin of the man that is born again is the origin of incorruptibility that is immortality that is that man inside cannot die the word born again that peter used is different from what born again that jesus used they will eventually arrive at the same spot of course but you know the concepts are different when jesus used born again is the word gina oh to originate from gina oh jesus said you know another team argina o is from above what is new newness born of water which is the spirit and a team agenda oh jesus was talking about the flesh and the spirit now which is born of the flesh and that which is born of the spirit so jesus is referring to the new kind of birth now we're going to be born of the spirit born of the flesh refers to adam born of the spirit refers to the new creation so he uses the word anathem used for what is new used for what is from above and a team general peter used the word anagina o anagina o which refers to being fathered so peter's born again refers to being father that is the source the origin peter's words are stronger than the ones jesus used origin to be fathered jesus used newness okay a new birth or that which is from above if you are with me on the same page can i have a good amen even though jesus explains it further he calls it born of the spirit so which one is the same as what peter said born again or born of the spirit born of the spirit so peter's epistles explains john 3 3. he uses one of an incorruptible seed and that's why nicodemus was confused shall i enter my mother's womb the second time and be born again how so jesus explained born of the spirit so rather than peter used born again he explains it by using being born of the incorruptible seed which explains john 3 3 that to be born of the spirit what we mean is that you are born of an incorruptible sperma spora you are from a divine parentage you can't die inside you is immortality you can't increase you can't decrease you can't change you can you remain eternally like that forever huggable first peter chapter one verse number three blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ which according to his abundant mercy had begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of jesus christ from the dead from the dead so we will see why jesus's word and peter's word are not the same but peter explains being born again by using the word anagina o so he explains it better because peter's teaching mentions born again and mentions born of an immortal origin being born again not of corruptible seed and it goes further but of an incorruptible seed so he takes jesus's words and expansions on it further but the book of acts gives us no idea of this look at james 1 18. of his own will be guarding us with the word of truth that we should be a kind of fast fruits of his creature notice again that the word christian was used twice in the bible twice acts 11 first peter 4 so the word christian was not a word consistently used in those times to refer to believers james 1 18 talks about being born of god of his own will because he us first john 3 1 see the way brother john will use it what manner of love the father bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of god therefore the world knowed us not because it knew him not the word behold he see it so we find being born again later on in first john 5 4 whatsoever is born of god overcometh the world look at that first john chapter 3 verse 2a beloved now are we the sons of god now are we the sons of god born of god born of the incorruptible seed of his own will because he us but the book of acts didn't mention it at all so the book of acts uses the word children children acts 4 27 for of a truth against thy holy child jesus whom there was anointed both herod and pontius pilate with the gentiles and the people of israel we are gathered together thy holy child actually the original didn't use child the original uses servant your holy servant jesus acts 2 39 for the promises unto you and to your children and to all that are affair of even as many as the lord our god shall call the word children there is the word technon in the greek technon means seed acts chapter 20 verse 25 and now behold i know that you all among whom i have gone preaching the kingdom of god shall see my face no more then acts 5 verse 21 and when they heard that they entered into the temple early in the morning and taught but the high priest came and they that were with him and called the council together and all the senate of the children of the israel so in the whole of the semons stephen preached in acts chapter 7 he kept saying children of israel children of israel acts 9 15 but the lord said unto him go thy way for is a chosen vessel unto me to bear my name before the gentiles and kings and the children of israel acts 10 36 brother peter the word which god sent on to the children of israel preaching peace by jesus christ he is lord of all see brother paul brother paul also used children yeah acts 13 26 men and brethren children of the stock of abraham and whosoever among you feared god to you is the word of this salvation sent all right now so paul is preaching the word children was used for jews and children of israel or children of abraham or children of the prophets but brother paul used it differently in acts 13 32 and we declare unto you glad tidings how that the promise which was made unto the father 33 god had fulfilled the same unto us their children in that he had rest of jesus again as it is also written in the second psalm thou art my son this day have i begotten you so again brother paul used the word children for the jews acts 3 verse number 13 the god of abraham and of isaac and of jacob the god of our fathers had glorified his son jesus whom you delivered up and denied him in the presence of pilate when he was determined to let him go the word saunder used for jesus by peter now acts chapter 3 verse 26 unto you first god having raised up his son jesus sent him to bless you in turning away every one of you from his iniquities acts 7 56 stephen and said behold i see the heavens opened and the son of man standing on the right hand of god talking about jesus acts 8 37 when philip was preaching in samaria and philip said if god believer should older and heart darmayans and he answered and said i believe that jesus christ is the son of god acts 13 33 god had fulfilled the semen to us their children in that he arrays of jesus again as it is also written in the second psalm thou art my son this day have i begotten this so the whole book of acts does not recognize either the new birth the new creation our rights and privileges as god's children that is why that book cannot be a doctrinal material i'm still working yet a lot of doctrinal confusion emanates from how people saw or still see the church in the book of acts even when people say let us be like the believers in the book of acts let us emulate the believers in the book of acts those who are baby christians finding their way finding their way and if you observe there was no spiritual growth in up to chapter up to chapter 13. it was as brother paul came in he began to hold heavy teaching meetings where they will teach from morning till evening where they will teach from evening to midnight somebody will fall down and die they raise him back to life give him a seat and continue teaching till morning it was out of that intensity of teaching that people were called christians for the first time in antioch after brother paul has taught for one full year there were fruits and evidence of spiritual growth then the people in the city said no these people look like christ let us call them christians it took intensive teaching to bring out the realities of the people to the place where it could be obvious and where they could enjoy their relationship with god remember also there's no reference to being called the children of god the only terminology used in the book of acts was believers belief which was not often used in the epistles let me show you the book of acts so you understand where we're going and i'm rounding up look at the issue of tongues tongues that's why many people don't speak in tongues that's why many people are not confident to speak in tongues that's why many people are ashamed of speaking in tongues that's why many people when you start speaking in tongues they will say i thought the bible said he that speaketh without interpretation let him keep quiet he's my mouth your mouth my mouth is not your mouth am i using your mouth to talk did i say you must stay away i'm talking by false if you can't go now i'm not speaking it for your benefit he does speak it in tongues speaking not to men i'm not speaking it for you he's speaking to god me and my father i thought what business do you have you better go and talk your old and if you cannot talk and talk talk in english or use your dialect you even hear christians apologizing for speaking in tongues and the reason is because of the confusion that originated from their understanding of tongues from the book of acts the way the book of acts presents tongues it has a tendency to mislead but also create a lot of dark areas look at the issue of tongues at face value when you read the book of acts a lot of people think 120 people were in the upper room so when they were shouting people now surrounded them and began to hear them speak but as you study well you discover the upper room was not even where they gathered the upper room was the bedroom so when somebody doesn't understand that he will call his church upper room assembly that is bedroom assembly pentacles happened in solomon's porch okay now but as you study you also discover that it looks like you know they were somewhere then the holy ghost just fell bam and people started speaking and people downstairs had the language i ran upstairs and peter stood up and looked through the window and saw the crowd so now let me ask all of you a question to think about is it possible for 120 people to speak language and the crowd hear them because these people were 120 is it possible for 120 people to be talking at the same time in their language and people hear them it's not possible so already that is deleted then remember remember when peter spoke which language did he use how come everybody had him since they were languages since all of them came like united nations outside europe igbo efik ebibio everybody was gathered there so which language did peter use and there was no interpreter so which means people were not gathered from different nations pentacles was a feast of jewish people so when they are celebrating pentecost everybody goes back to jerusalem to celebrate the feast think about that so we've established that the book of acts does not give us details that concerns our rights our privileges the new birth the new creation sonship is all missing in the book of acts and i'm going somewhere with that amen is it clear i said is it clear and when you begin to understand the limitations around the book of acts it will help you appreciate more why you have the epistles because we're going to bring all of that out that's on our way to the in christ realities we are traveling through the books so it will be clear so we can value what we have in christ jesus hallelujah say with me i am born of an incorruptible seed on my inside right now i have a status as a son of god immortality incorruptible it does not fade away what i carry does not diminish does not increase it has an eternal status i didn't hear powerful amen see on my inside right now is the reality of god i'm born of god i'm born of the spirit i'm a man of the spirit i didn't hear a powerful amen get on your feet that's all i've got for you in this house hallelujah magical tapara let's just pray in tongues for a few one or two minutes okay in the name of jesus father we pray for everybody under the sound of my voice whose hearts are open whose ears are open to receive the engrafted world revelation knowledge keeps growing big on your inside veils fall off clarity comes by the word in the name of jesus barriers are terminated we speak to sickness and disease you are terminated in the name of jesus sick bodies be healed be healed sick bodies be healed satan take your hands off of that body in the name of jesus take your hands off body be healed body be healed and when you need a miracle receive a miracle receive a miracle receive a miracle in the name of jesus father we rejoice that your word is life your word is light your word is blessing to us thank you for grace thank you for the blessing and thank you for answered prayer in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen on an auto finality are you excited can i hear some rejoicing for 10 seconds in this bill glory dog whoa glory glory somebody shout amen now i'll be joining mr michael bush in the next two minutes but i want to take your offerings every time we come before the world we come with joy and we come ready to honor the world with our substance we honor the word of god with our givings we're giving faith we give joy we give liberally we give joyfully we are honored and excited to be partakers in the advancement of the gospel to the ends of the earth and every time we give the opportunity to give it's also an opportunity to experience you know our realities in embarking on our kingdom responsibility of flooding the earth with the gospel and i want to thank all our partners and friends who keep giving to this ministry continually and everyone that labels steadily to see to it that our collective assignment of reintroducing jesus to this generation and equipping believers to know who they are in christ what they have in christ and what christ can do through them is finding expression and i want to thank all of you lift up your offerings father we rejoice for the privilege to give we give in faith and we give with joy our offering is a sweet smell before you everyone that partners with this ministry we rejoice and we decree that their finances are blessed the work of their hands are blessed satan get your hands of the finances of our partners and friends who continually support this ministry and we command the flood gate of favors opportunities and useful partnerships release in your direction in the name of jesus now as we give we give with joy and we thank you for everyone giving online those giving through television the radio audience also giving to support this vision i decree that their needs are met supernaturally according to your riches in glory and we thank you for answered prayer in jesus precious name and every believer says a powerful amen i will be back together with mr michael bush we'll read your emails we'll respond to your calls we'll answer your questions going to be another time of learning and learning and learning we have two segments of learning the first one is where i teach doctrine throughout the second one is where we answer questions that are arising from the things we are teaching all questions from gray areas of your christian experience where you need help so it is balanced everything is covered can i have a good amen we trust that you have been blessed by this message for these all the messages and books by dr abel dominant please call los 234 806 800-9939 or email [Music] [Music] [Music] globalbuys here helped me the world to welcome this award-winning author he's written um you know more than more books than you can count very soon global by your books are going to be uncountable you know so and um it's an international televangelist and somebody who teaches the bible like no one else help me welcome globo baba dr abel damina the [Music] what a blessing so nice and then the church auditorium you know it's packed full yes it's so nice to see that the word of god everybody everyone is and they're learning yeah they're learning real good right so um i was going to say holy uh blah blah blah you know but yesterday yes you know i don't know how you do it i don't know how you do it every day you must drop yesterday you told us that holiness is not about sinlessness yes that holiness is being called out i guess the greek word argues to be set apart so but we've been using it all along wrongly yeah you know that's that's the problem with bible teaching why don't you just sit us down one day and just pack all those things that we've been doing wrongly and tell us one day not today you drop one tomorrow you know because i don't understand for instance you said baptism yes it could be an action it could be something else it could be teaching yes we keep teaching it small small preceptor from precept that's the way it starts okay it's going to take a bit of time but we'll get there okay without any further ado the global by yesterday we ended it we would see mid-air because we're just doing an anonymous anonymous anonymous and the time was up so we start with some anonymous entries today please i want to know global baby is it a mosque that believers pray for forgiveness after they might have done wrong or just the acknowledgement in our heart or mind is enough please if possible i also need bible passages to support the answer thank you blah blah blah well first of all when else you do with forgiveness or receiving forgiveness it's what you received the day you got born again and from the moment you're born again you are eternally forgiving when you do wrong you don't need to confess you don't need to cry you don't need to beg you just need to acknowledge knowing that you've done wrong it's the beginning so what do you do you make the adjustment it's like you're looking at a mirror and you make adjustments the word of god is a mirror so when you do wrong all you need to do is make adjustments and when you make the adjustments you it's fixed the blood of jesus is constantly washing you even when you know when you don't know you know the reason why people think you have to confess your sin is because people are thinking of lying stealing you know and all of this but there are scenes that are more serious that are not seen with the human eye that people commit all the time for example he that know where to do good and the weight it not to him is seen okay the bible also tells us that if you look at a woman lost fully just looking at her you've committed adultery so there are such scenes since like you know unforgiveness malice they're all there and every day people get involved with one sin or the other and you may not even know when you've done them and so that's why the guarantee is jesus his blood is constantly worshiping so when you do wrong what you do is you you quickly stay away from it get out of it like the prodigal son stood up and said i will go back to my father he stood up and he walked back home that's the way it is in in the kingdom now scriptures there are many scriptures so my advice get my book get my book on the crystal centric meal i took a whole month in the crystal-centric meal 30 days of teaching on the forgiveness of sins with all the scriptures well explained okay but i'll take two more anonymous entries and then we make progress this one what is baptism global baba when people say that when you are baptized the old sinful person dies and emerges from the water to walk in newness of life what does that mean exactly what happens if we stumble in a christian walk after baptism well again that word baptism has to be well explained within the context there's no ominibus application to any word of scripture i can't really take this time to teach you what baptism is but like we said there is baptism as an act and there's a baptism as teaching and you have to be able to know which one we're talking about at which time in scripture but baptism has nothing to do with salvation i mean what about it has nothing to do with salvation baptism is both receiving christ and water and teaching the scripture you quoted in romans chapter 6 which is baptized into the newness of life is not water baptism it's receiving jesus into your heart the moment you receive jesus you are baptized into christ that is you are immersed christ has taken over your whole being he has become your life he has become everything to you that's what it means okay i'm wondering whether that very analytical response you've given preempts the next uh lack of the question by the same senator i say global baba is they just one way or there are more ways to get baptized or does the bible tell us how it should be done does it matter well again in being baptized like we said you just get born again that's what it means to be baptized the water baptism in the bible is not it was just given to john the baptist so that it can be used to identify jesus that's the whole purpose of what baptism and once jesus was identified john and his baptism expired now jesus baptizes with the holy spirit so the moment you receive christ it comes into your heart you are saved eternally and this is the last anonymous piece that i'll be taking on this edition of the program what is the message in hebrews 6 4 once number by you said it's the guarantee of eternal salvation the other day you said it's speaking to the unbelieving jews will appreciate clarification so i may be certain when i teach others too well again i think you you're not following well because the book of hebrews is the book written to jews believing unbelieving and will be believing and when he was talking in the book of hebrews chapter 6 he was telling them to abandon the the all the rituals of the old testament and go on to perfection and then he now said that this will we this we will do if god permits for it is impossible for those who are once enlightened have tasted of their heavenly gift if they shall fall away to renew them again to repentance now this is where the lacuna is seeing they crucify to themselves afresh the son of god and put him to an open shape can you crucify jesus the second time it's not possible the prophecies say you will be crucified once the bible tells us that he died once and he rose he's not going to die anymore so if jesus will not be crucified a second time it means if a believer receives christ he cannot fall away because there is no second crucifixion of jesus so once you are saved you are saved eternally that's where hebrews chapter 6 verse 4 is actually the scripture that guarantees eternal salvation however if you if you reach out to our office you'll be shown how to download one of my books for free that deals with such scriptures and gives you depth of exiges on those subjects as i said we're done with anonymous entries that just there is just one near anonymous entry that i must handle before i go on to talk of other things i must just talk of this one says greetings my name is lucia doesn't tell us where she's writing from but it says double baba i need help with negative words that come to my mind every time they're not okay at all i'm a born-again christian this has been going on for too long i've tried all things when i try to meditate i end up focusing on these words these negative words instead of the word it feels global like my mind is controlling me i need your counseling well if your mind if your mind is full of negative words it means you are not spending enough time to eat the word of god garbage in garbage out out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks it means you're putting in a lot of rubbish into you even though you're born again you're spending a lot of time on canal things on things that are not of spiritual edification so what do you need to do you need to change your company you need to change your focus you need to refocus and begin to spend more time on the word of god the more you spend time on the word of god the more the word of god goes into you the more it begins to affect the kind of things that you think about so spend more time on the teaching of god's word and that's the way to get out of it okay global bubba by the way this edition of the program is the african edition we're going to focus only around on only on africa we know it's uh on the radar now says hello global baba and mr michael bush my name is otto bong i write from you blah blah blah i have a problem with the lifestyle that i live i find it very difficult to change can it be possible for one to live and die without being able to change blah blah blah i know that the things i do are bad but i can't just change my character i don't know what's happening to me global bob i have tried many times but as i write to you i feel very empty and have no comfort in my strength sometimes things very bad will happen making me to run out of home with nowhere to go that i would unbelievably global barbara starts with the very same thing i ran from please help me globe barbara all right nobody here that uh okay they call us are you okay i said 10 minutes and 10 minutes just now this first scholar hello good evening good evening bless you good evening thank you for joining us yes your name will you call my name is forever okay yes welcome to our show yeah welcome back oh mr michael we are very blessed and i'm privileged to tell the hobbyists and the whole word that this is god's sentiment of god in which god is pleased the rule will never clear him for this is the generation whereby the truth is then revealed and we are catching the revelation pepper pray friend of forehead i will bless your life to bless god for you thank you and we thank god for the producer sir i just want to have a question for tonight then other days i keep on touching with the anointing [Music] when we talk about this word holiness [Music] telling us that without this holiness no matter the kingdom of god how do small boys like us convince us when we teach some of these things because they say even this one lie it may be life given to him everything and everything else and now we feel deeper revelation on the word ordinance we have thought that holiness is [Music] being 2000 free from sin thank you papa as you help us on this well that that scripture that says without holiness no man shall see the lord actually it's not been interpreted well it has been abused very seriously in africa most especially you know um when the bible says follow all men with peace in the book of hebrews and without holiness no man shall see the lord it was talking about interpersonal relationship our relationship with one another that you should follow each other with peace you should leave peace with other brethren because without leaving the conduct that reflects you as a believer people around will not see christ in your life that's what he's talking about so he's dealing with christian conduct which exemplifies the life of christ so that people around can see christ it doesn't mean that you will not see the lord like see christ you're already in christ christ is already in you you know and if christ is in you and you're in him already nothing can separate that union so that verse was actually talking about unbelievers seeing our conduct and knowing that we are with christ okay blah blah blah let's get back to [Applause] let's get back to ottawa you always been hanging on okay so autobahn first of all you cannot change yourself so stop trying because if you keep trying you'll get frustrated and keep doing the things you don't want to do more and more that is the fertility of human effort that is a futility of human ability you cannot save yourself if you can save yourself you don't need jesus it is because you cannot save yourself that jesus died for you so what shall you do i will advise you if you are close by in uyo stop by 98 whenever road so we can take time share with you the message pray for you and minister to you so that whatever is holding you bound will leave you alone so you can enjoy christ the way you intend to enjoy him that's my advice for you ottoman and just in time for our second caller hello hello everybody sir many thanks for joining us where are you calling from i'm i'm here calling from away yes sir i have a question for papa fire on so before i go on i must comment papa on his honest pictures i'm a dad follower of him and i appreciate you so much for the revolutionary judgment in my eyes thank you my first question is this what is this what's the meaning of the french shall do the last and the last shall be defeated oh it was just a parable jesus gave that was a parable and you don't take parables literal because a parable has a fiction a fact and has a blessing all right so it was a parable jesus was giving and we need to read the pretext and the post text to be able to understand the full import of that parable so next time when you code that scripture tell us where you're quoting from so we can put it up read it and explain to you okay still around uyo there is another entry global barber doesn't say where she writes from but because i mean you i just think that hello global barbara my name is josefina so i am always down emotionally i'm getting tired of the massive family responsibilities solely on me as a woman let god open doors of opportunities for my husband to strengthen me please counsel my husband and my family we want to have peace and enjoy our marriage all right josephine i don't know what to cancel your husband and your family on but if i could gather well what you said is that you are the one bearing the responsibility of your family uh well again we we need more information was your husband walking before he is just temporarily out of work and then you have to embark on the responsibility or has he always been irresponsible from the day you met him until now all those kind of things are the things we need to clarify before we can counsel so what you do is send us another email and give us all the details so we can give you proper counsel bless you another caller hello hello many thanks for joining us yes evening bless you yeah my name is greg uh some teachings i listened to that talked about god creating everything for himself and that these creations describe his person but there's a scripture or there's a passage of the bible revelation 6 16 that talks about the wrath of the lamb i just need some clarification on that well again the book of revelation is a book of symbols it's a book of heavy symbols it's not it's not much of a literal book so whatever you read in the book of revelation you don't take it literal and i will advise you to order for my teaching on understanding the book of revelation that should sort you out because if i want to go into the book of revelation now we'll use all the evening time that we have for questions to begin to unpack symbols clarify what symbol is what which verses of scripture it will have to take exceed justice and i don't have the time now grab a papa will make um haste and go on to yet another entry still from uyo nigeria hello baba in polls later in first timothy 4 12 to 16 to pastor timothy was apostle paul referring to the youth especially in verse 12 where he said let no man despise thy youth or was it a general comment about the conduct of youth in ministry please i need clarity here thank you so much sir innocent in you well he was talking to the youth in paul's day which is applicable to the youth today let nobody despise you okay so peace doesn't tell us he or she is writing from it just says nigeria who claimed that she'd be from you says hello dear global baba i once heard you say the book of revelation is the list of the epistles why is it the list sir because it's full of symbols his angels trying to reveal jesus and remember angels don't even know jesus because first peter chapter 1 verse 10 11 and 12 says they desire to look into ephesians chapter 3 verse 10 says the church will teach angels the wisdom of god so the little angels know is what they have learned from us but when angels now take it on themselves to try to unveil jesus to to to john in the book of revelation they will use a lot of symbols that's why the book is full of heavy metaphors that requires explanation from the doctrinal books so that's why it's very light where doctrine is concerned because it's a book that is born out of a vision and a revelation i remember brother paul c said in galatians 1 6 do an angel or any other person come from heaven to tell you anything other than what we have taught you in the doctrinal books let him be anatomic so when he has to do with visions and all of that we subject them to the scrutiny of sound doctrine so that's why the book is a light book where doctrine is concerned still from you i guess dear dr abel damina and heaven-minded citizens kingdom greetings to all of you in the mighty name of our lord jesus christ amen love obama i'm pastor emmanuel de la i'm known as evangelist emmanuel headed on facebook i'm currently with deeper life bible church but god has been ordering me to build myself more in healing and prophetic ministry so that i can bring more souls to the kingdom of god and even the prophetic messages have been coming to me in most cases in our church but since our church doctrine is against it believing in the word of god only i have to always struggle with my spirit even the spirit of god now i need a helping hand even with knowledge to continue expounding preaching the gospel of our lord jesus christ thank you i need you to counsel me well again my advice is simple instead of giving too much time to praying for you to do miracles pray to know the scriptures because the only way you can bring people to the saving knowledge of christ is by teaching them the word of god and the only way you can build believers is by teaching them the word of god so you know give yourself a lot more to the teaching of god's word the gifts of the spirit will naturally flow as you grow in the knowledge of of god's word okay but let's just take this last one from you as we prepare to you know go outside the um the state capital it says thank you very much global baba for eternal blessing you are to the world sir please i would like to ask you whether putting on jewelries is sin put it on jewelries no it's not seen in any way there's no scripture that says this is a sin i know you're looking at one scripture in the old testament that talks about how that the children of israel took their gold and jewelry and made a golden calf well remember also the same bible you're using now some people abuse it by using it for other things other than christ it doesn't make the bible less anointed so hey if you have the money you can afford jewelry use them but remember don't put more premium on jewelry than you put on your spirit man that's the way to you know look at it a buck a buck a bag still in aqua boom state is um another an expert of course says hello global baba please according to your teaching the other day that baptism can take place without water how can we reconcile arts aid which emphasizes what are baptism i'm archibald in the back you're not listening well you're listening selectively and selective hearing is a disease it's actually a medical disease you must never listen selectively listen holistically we said there is baptism that is teaching there is baptism that is salvation and there is baptism that is water all right so the scripture you quoted was water baptism but that's not the only scripture that talks about baptism there are more scriptures that talk about baptism than the scripture that talks about water so follow the teachings and listen carefully and listen well so that you have sound understanding it's very important bless you from our back to hello global baba i agree to sir please explain why god allowed king herod to kill thousands of innocent children instead of god to kill the king alone for the sake of jesus we are confused why god had to allow this happen or were these children of wicked origin elder henry prince from naked well elder if you have been following you know it's not god that is behind death all right so and god does not control human will he doesn't control your choice for example why did god allow you to send us an email asking us a question okay why did god allow you god shouldn't have allowed you god should have told you to follow the teaching more and not ask a question before you follow the teaching ball so now hold on if god cannot control if god cannot control you writing us emails that is the same way god did not control herod god allowed herald to make his choices remember the book of james chapter 1 verse 13 says let no man say when is tempted i'm tempted of god for god cannot be tempted with evil neither tempted he any man god gave man the free will and god does not control it so whatever man decides to work with will be he will enjoy how to live with the outcome of his choices however the only part that god plays in there where the will of man is concerned is to show man mercy to provide salvation even with that god will still allow you to either make the choice to go for it or to make the choice to reject it so that's the way god functions he's a loving father he's not a tyrant next prince who writes from nigeria doesn't tell us where so we just claim that it should be around um says your messages global baba have blessed us you taught the other day that god doesn't curse please i need clarification on the curse of the victory by jesus especially when the bible said the victory wasn't in its season please put me through blah blah blah thank you it was a translation issue jesus didn't cause the tree jesus the original says he spoke to it why did he speak to the tree because he was teaching the disciples a lesson and how to exercise your authority that's why after he spoke to the tree when peter asked him the question he said to peter have faith in god whosoever shall say to this mountain like i said to that tree be down removed and build up cast to the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that what he says shall come to pass he shall have what he says so he was using an analogy of that tree to teach like he did with all the other parables in the four gospels a corporacy it's where we're headed next hello our father in the lord i'm daniel alright for me called obasi a quiet boom state nigeria i have a problem understanding the book of matthew 24 34 please daddy which generation was jesus talking about in this verse thank you matthew 24 34 verily i say unto you this generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled again when it says generation in the bible it's not generation today as you think or as you you know as you look at it like one generation two generation he was actually talking about the prophecies that were predicted about the things that were going to happen to him in his sufferings and in his resurrection what he was actually saying is that those prophecies of his death burial and resurrection will happen within that space of time in which he was talking with them in the book of matthew okay so we finally out of acquirement we headed to next door river state but i caught here we come hello global baba i am an addicted follower of your teachings and have been tremendously blessed by your exposition on the doctrine of christ and new creation realities which are gradually missing out in today's pulpit however global baba have concerns about your response to a question in today's that is on the was on the 27th of december 2020 program uh about altar calls and more specifically the confession of christ as a conditional prerequisite for salvation i agree blah blah blah perfectly with you when you responded that believing in jesus christ the condition to be saved however i became slightly uncomfortable when you went further to really get the aspect of confessions this contradicted my scriptural leanings as an evangelist and i wouldn't mind to learn more from you and understand better in this regard i'll continue to celebrate god's grace upon your life and ministry and hope to hear from you ambassador barcio corapho in potako city well ambassador basic can you give me one scripture that says when you lead people to christ call them to the altar if you can't find a scripture for it that should start resetting your mind that altar call is not a prerequisite for salvation however believing in jesus believing in jesus is what is required to be saved now i never said you shouldn't confess christ but again confessing christ is not just verbal it's not just the talk it begins from the heart all right it begins from the heart for with the heart man believe it unto righteousness and then because he has believed in his heart and he has become righteous in his heart the mouth expresses what took place in the heart all right so that's the way it works with salvation okay so from rivers we're headed next to abia we have two entries there one this one is counseling can i take this caller meanwhile hello are you there okay okay many thanks for joining us were you calling from one minute uh please my name is pam daniel all right go ahead palm go ahead please i want to make an inquiry here i want to megan yeah fire on uh please this job weakness i know that you know all of us were christians and then i want to make an inquiry because of say then they celebrate christmas and they don't use existing earrings and on this you know all these electronics and i don't know whether it's right or not how does that affect your work with christ well i think you should look for a juvenile building somewhere go there and ask them why don't you be because i'm not juventus i can't answer that question for you sure so let's let's let's stay focused on christ and what christ has done absolutely that's more important so abhiya states here we come greetings to you baba dr the intercontinental michael bush may god almighty always keep your household and you blessed as you continue all your good work please sir i am very challenged i need your prayers and your counseling too i'm in my final year of study about to graduate but it's been two years now i've been dreaming where i see myself selling pure water that such a water and also seeing myself in my primary school that's in my dream when i met inquiries about the dreams my pastors said that it means limitations and backwardness which i was told to be prayerful but sir sincerely have prayed many times even made some sacrifices in churches just to see that everything turns good to no avail instead the dreams keep coming back even more i dream of it sometimes in the day blah blah blah sometimes at night please i'm tired of going to church to make sacrifices i spend money to raise prayer altars and i'm confused please what should i do and please also pray for me something in abia state this caller hello hello many thanks for joining us you know where you're calling from up and everything that follows up my life has never been really fun again so please have a question okay that is my church but ever since i've followed you up i've come to the start of something in life and my church does not really preach the regulation that power and the resurrection of christ and because of that i can't flow anymore i'm almost throwing the church in fact i hardly go to church you guys don't do that when i find it so lazy i perform i do sing in the choir and officiate in the austrian department i don't do anything again i'm just like that so since i want to ask him what should i do because i discover within me if i go to church i don't have that peace between me so please situation six i need your advice well i think your growing spiritually that's the point you have grown beyond your church so when you grow beyond the trousers what do you do with your trouser you either change the treasure or you you mend the trousers so it's one of the two you either meant to the church or you changed the church yes that's speaking in parables too is that not a parable global baba okay let's see he's not spoken about it absolutely so let's get back to thompson the guy who's been dreaming about being in primary school or you know all the other things and as you're praying the dreams are increasing yeah so it shows you that you're doing something wrong because if what you're doing is right it shouldn't be increasing so now the first thing is the reason why you're seeing all of those dreams because they have made them important so because you have made them important you're always thinking about it and because you're thinking about it you're dreaming it more because out of the multitude of your thoughts the dreams are multiplying the first thing to do is first of all tell yourself i can never go back to my primary school it's not even humanly possible number two tell yourself i can never sell pure water it's not even humanly possible because where i am right now i am beyond where i can sell pure water for survival then tell yourself i have christ christ in me guarantees me a future and i can tell you you're in the wrong church look for a church where they will teach you christ your real problem is that church where you're going because if your pastor tells you that because you dream pure water an old primary school it is backwardness in your life it means your pastor doesn't even know the scriptures and it's not in the right place to lead you spiritually so my advice look for a church where christ is preached because when you focus on christ those stupid dreams will disappear that's my advice just in time this next caller hello good evening welcome to the program yes relevant paper ah i want to thank you for what you have done because i have been in this program from insistence of yours [Music] is okay i understand so because you're following what we're doing you're missing the prayer programs in your church so i know what he said no he's saying he's he enjoys this one more and so it doesn't feel like i think so now i think he says they're doing a prayer program in their church but because he enjoys this program he did he puts off his church phone and stays to follow this so what does he want us to do now well the choice is yours where you are fed that's where you stay if we're feeding you and your church is not feeding you stay here and keep eating because if you eat well and grow well maybe one day you will be in a position to even help your church to pray better so that's bad so from abia we still stay on the number global advices baba i'm chaplain muscle from abby instead i'm facing serious challenges in my business i take a loan to grow my business but nothing comes out every time global baba this has continued for too long and made things too difficult for me what on earth is the matter global baba well the matter is that you need somebody who is an expert on financial advice to counsel you and help you an expert in finances because you may be doing the wrong thing with the loans you're collecting and you may have even no need for the loans maybe it's not even a loan you need you just need good ideas and all of that so talk to people who are experts in that field i'm not an authority there that's why i'm shying away from giving you counsel on that my expertise is the word of god bless you lu baba globo baba he says dear mr bush my name is samuel i write from benue state is there anything that god cannot forgive please put that question to global baba for me like belonging to one of the world's renowned occult organizations like illuminati free mercenary etc i understand their members surrender their souls to their gods can they retract and god accepts them or they are doomed for life well there's no sin that god cannot forgive jesus died to save everybody so if a man is in illuminati or in a cult somewhere where he has vowed his soul to the devil all he needs is the preaching of the gospel the gospel is the power of god unto salvation and if he accepts the gospel he'll be free from all of those affiliations from benue state to go to next door nassarawa state festival this caller hello hello sir good evening sir welcome to the program you know where you're calling from i'm coming i'm calling formulator my name is miracle again yes yes i have on that question firearm and what does that mean and the generation has passed an afternoon you are reading your bible upside down you are not reading it well because what you're trying to say is that jesus lied and it is not jesus it's you that is wrong because you're not reading well some advice for you miracle carry that scripture where you read read from the beginning of that chapter read the whole chapter read the whole book read matthew 1 to the end when you finish the whole book if you're really serious then come back to that chapter 24 and read the previous verses and the verses after if you still do not understand my advice order for my book the last days the last days did a lot of justice on matthew 24 it will give you verse by vast exceed jesse's explaining the whole concept for you to understand bless you miracle in worry your last caller on this edition of the program just as we make way from benue into nassarawa state my name is reverend elijah zunde shamaki i'm watching from masaka okay masaka is actually in karuloku government area of nasarawa state the first time i stumbled on kln i concluded that the lord is using you dr ebel damina and other men of god to bring the gospel raw without compromise to our generation since then i've decided to stay tuned to the channel now i know deliverance is not a prayer but a preacher there is nothing like deliverance ministry or service god bless you and please keep up the good work shalom amen thank you for reaching out we love you stay with us and keep watching we're heating out of our out of nigeria and into other parts of africa by road ghana here we come hi dr damina my name is richmond mills from ghana why buy road yeah because that's that's a very good question i need to explain you know um from nasa where there's no there's no airport you know so we must go by road we must go by road all right all right you know you know i'm the pilot i know i don't know i i look at it i'm with you sometimes you go by road sometimes you buy water okay so i listened to your teaching on facebook blah blah blah on facebook live a few weeks ago and you said god does not promise long life i read in the book of first kings 3 1-15 that after king solomon had made a thousand burned offering unto god he appeared to him in his dream and asked him to request for anything he wanted and he would answer solomon requested for wisdom to rule god's people in verse 14 global but we precisely god said and if thou will walk in my ways to keep my statutes and my commandments as thy father david d work then i will lengthen thy days is it guaranteed that if man keeps the commandments of god there is an assurance of long days on earth i pray for response immediately there's a difference between long life and lengthening of your days they are not the same so you need to go and study find out what does it mean to lengthen a day and what it means to live long they are not the same a lengthened day means god will make your days very very productive when you have a lengthened day that means what somebody uses 10 years to do you achieved it within 24 hours that is god lengthening your day okay from ghana we're hearing to zambia we could be flying now it says hello global baba there is a search which only ends when christ is revealed to you for me immediately i listened to global baby in 2016 my spirit suddenly agreed with him that what he is teaching is the truth of the gospel since then i have not missed robert barbara's teachings because in christ i've arrived home i'm leonard from k2a zambia bless your learner we're glad to have and know that you're growing steve from zambia pastor chilungu rights i'm one of your students in the ongoing mentorship program blah blah blah i really need your counseling on our marriage for we got divorced that we want to come back together and this can only take place when we go through your counseling thank you global by greetings from my family and me and the entire everlasting joy church in zambia wow praise the lord congratulations will be willing to counsel with you and your wife so you can reconcile and come back together and serve god and fulfill god's purpose together we'll rejoice with the step you're already taking robert but let's go to ronda next quickly quickly it's fred fred writes from rwanda what's the meaning barbara of if you don't get hot or cold i would vomit you in revelation 3 16 is does this refer to loss of salvation no it refers to it refers to a mixture of law and grace that's what it refers to a mixture you're neither hot nor cold you're neither in greece or in law you're mixing it so you make up your mind whether you want to go to law or you want to go to the finished work of christ it was dealing with doctrinal issues in revelation chapter two and chapter three global we are spending the night um in south africa this one says hello global web i recently started to follow your teachings on facebook thank you for the truth of god's bible teachings are women allowed to preach or not i've read festival 3 2 12 and first corinthians and i'm getting confused with john 4 the samaritan woman and mary magdalene whom jesus charged with responsibility at resurrection this is kibbar killer mullet in blue fountain south africa well i'm glad you are interrogating more and as you keep interrogating you will also find where it says i'll pour my spirit upon all flesh your sons and daughters shall prophesy prophecy is the preaching of the gospel so when you see where the bible says women should keep quiet in the church brother paul was dealing with husband and wife relationship pointing the woman back to the place of submission that's all it means it does not affect women preaching and fulfilling ministry that's why the woman who still had four husbands jesus allowed her to go and bring a whole city to him he didn't tell her go and send your husbands away first before you preach okay so as you grow us you keep following you will understand that god wants every man every woman to preach the gospel because in the spirit there is no male there is no female is the same holy spirit in a man and a woman and we're all mandated to go to the whole world and preach the gospel to every creature blow baba we must go because time says soon but before we go we could just take one long minute and dwell on some prayer requests we have a number of prayer requests sometimes some people i'm talking concerning business others about their health others about their marriage and all of that father we rejoice because of the opportunity we have to demand and to receive on behalf of everyone who are sending a prayer request we speak healing to those who are in need of healing receive it in the name of jesus amen we speak marital favors supernatural connections and marital breakthroughs for those in need of husbands or wives in the name of jesus receive that miracle we pray for women in need of fruit of the womb we declare a miracle in the name of jesus receive the fruit of the womb in the name of jesus we pray for students who are seeking admission the favor of god is upon you and we command that supernaturally you receive help and assistance to be admitted in those schools in the name of jesus amen father generally we decree and declare right now the expectations of your people granted are released receive it in jesus name we pray amen amen with muslims this is michael bush inviting global baba dr abel damina to take us home on this edition of the i province you it's beginning again and we're so excited to have all of you thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you the grace of god and don't forget to follow our radio broadcast they continue tonight at 9 to 10 on inspiration 10 to 12 on heritage tomorrow morning eleven to one o'clock radio acquire bomb one two three xlfm three to five you know ufm and we're back here again 6 p.m on comfort fm we love you guys enjoy the grace of jesus and keep growing in the knowledge of christ we connect again tomorrow at 6pm gmt plus one be blessed good night bye from nigeria amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is kingdom life network you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 3,113
Rating: 4.7377048 out of 5
Id: h5akkNk5cf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 45sec (6345 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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