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[Applause] if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your [Applause] one more feet put those together authority in my life revelations [Music] [Applause] come on come on come on come on [Music] i have what god says i can do what god says i believe [Music] [Music] [Music] but i would never [Music] jesus is my righteousness jesus i would never never never be the same i would never never learn [Music] [Music] um i will never never never everybody is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend doctor eva come on you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tail you are above and not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost is your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favor get the lord the same i would never ever know the same with the holy ghost [Music] [Laughter] praise your father in the name of jesus heavenly father we rejoice that this evening we have this another opportunity to fellowship in the light of your world and we rejoice that your word is light onto our paths and is a lamp onto our feet and light onto our paths and we rejoice at the entrance of your world give it light and it give it understanding to the simple so today as we fellowship in the world the light of your world shines in our hearts the eyes of each one's understanding flooded with light veils fall off clarity comes by the world your people built up equipped edified and we decree that whatever is not planted but god is rooted out we rebuke everything that is contrary to the finished work of christ we rebuke everything that contradicts the purpose of god and we decree that your people are built up equipped edified jesus is glorified and we rejoice that by the end of this service tonight we'll all be the better for it so we give you praise and glory for answer prayer in jesus precious name and every believer sees it powerful amen lift your right hands to heaven let's release our feet together so say this words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer sees it powerful amen we want to welcome every one of you to this wonderful service tonight by way of kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram all of the social media community we're so glad to have all of you in the service today and i want to welcome all the radio audience in aqua bomb state one a joy and an honor to serve you the grace of god through the teaching of god's word whichever platform you're connected to this service by whether comfort fm xlfm radio acquired bomb you know you fm inspiration fm or heritage fm i'd like you to get ready and invite your friend their loved one and family member ask them to tune to this radio station right now live is flowing through the airwaves and i want to ask all of you on social media family and friends do me the favor you've always done let's go laborers with me let's get this word to the ends of the earth help me share the video on your page share with all the groups on your page of course create watch parties tag some people put them on monogram telegram and whatsapp groups let's flood the earth with the fact of jesus grace all our house churches what a joy to see every one of you tonight is exciting to know that we're going to study the world and grow in the knowledge of christ all our campuses around the world we welcome every one of you to the service guys you get ready it's going to be exciting as we continue our study on how and why we give i'd like you to grab your pen your notebook and your bible and you can be seated with your sweet smart self as we get into the world tonight praise god [Music] all right this is a continuation of what we started sharing on sunday morning on how and why we give we are looking at the new testament spirit of generosity the new testament spirit of generosity second timothy chapter 2 verse number 15 second timothy chapter 2 verse number 15 study to show thyself approved unto god a workman that needed not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth rightly dividing the word of truth a lack of understanding of the subject or a lack of understanding of this particular subject has has great implications to the believer it cannot be left to speculations or assumptions the truth is if one's interpretation of the bible is wrong his worship cannot be right because worship is predicated on proper interpretation of the scriptures of course like we said on sunday a golden rule in bible interpretation is scriptures can never mean today what they never meant when they were first written that is to say no one is given any right to interpret scriptures in his own way you must arrive at the same interpretation of the truth the reason for dutiful and diligent study of the scriptures cannot be overemphasized you remember on sunday we said it that when the scriptures are not rightly divided you cannot get the truth out of a lie that any scriptural teaching that is not permissed on the rightly dividing of scripture cannot be the truth it means somebody is preaching a lie to you because scriptures must be rightly divided now the word study study to show yourself approved the word study is the greek words pudasu s-p-o-u-d-a-z-o spudaso it implies to be eager in other words be diligent to make every effort be diligent to make every effort brother paul used that same word in the same epistle second timothy chapter four verse nine second timothy chapter 4 or verse 9 do thy diligence to come shortly unto me the word study the words buddhazoo diligence ii timothy chapter 4 verse 21 second timothy chapter 4 verse 21 do thy diligence to come before winter you belong greeted thee and putin's and lioness and claudia and all the brethren do their diligence to come before winter same word for spudazo it means make every effort that means one has a duty a responsibility to make every effort in proper interpretation of the scriptures he used another word in his later two titles look at titus chapter 3 verse number 12 titus chapter 3 verse number 12 when i shall send atomos onto the oticos be diligent to come unto me to necopolis for i have determined there to winter be diligent to come to me be diligent so that word diligence is the word study the words buddhazoo in second timothy chapter 3 verse 16 second timothy chapter 3 verse number 16 all scripture is given by inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness now the word doctrine is the word for teaching which means teaching will reprove teaching will correct then instruct in righteousness in other words the teacher will be educating and training he will be educating and training it is not good enough to bring out knowledge it must involve education and this education cannot come by relying only on one text of scripture it cannot come on relying only on one text of scripture let's examine brother paul's description of the facts of the gospel the facts of the gospel when we say the gospel what are the facts that constitute the gospel because many people do not know what the gospel is some people think well the gospel is any good news so if you are giving me good news about business it is the gospel if you are giving me good news about success in in career it is good news and the reason is because they do not know the facts of the gospel the gospel is a specific message a specific message like we will see together first corinthians chapter 15 verse 3 1st corinthians chapter 15 verse number 3 for i delivered unto you first of all that which i also received how that christ died for our sins according to the scriptures next verse and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures those are the facts of the gospel brother paul focused on the resurrection as paramount in the presentation of the gospel of christ look at what you will say in the same context first corinthians chapter 15 verse 14. first corinthians chapter 15 verse 14 and if christ be not risen then is our preaching vein and your faith is also vain our preaching is vain your faith is vain if christ be not risen look at verse 17 of the same context verse 17 and if christ be not raised your faith is vain you are yet in your sins you are yet in your sin so the gospel of christ is definite in its presentation of the facts of jesus resurrection it is definite in this presentation of the facts of jesus's resurrection so the message of jesus is unmistakable the message of jesus is unmistakable and unambiguous it's unmistakable and unambiguous in his facts in his facts and as we will see it has nothing to do with a promise or a guarantee of material possession the message of christ is unmistakable and unambiguous in his facts and such the gospel of christ has nothing to do with a promise guarantee of material possession the gospel of christ does not guarantee anybody a promise of material possession we will see that in details we will see believers who are either rich or poor in material possession and the fact that no believer has exemptions from industry every believer is expected to be engaged in industry as a means of financial prosperity industry investments career pursuit you know creativity innovations all of those are the mediums through which material prosperity is made available those were strong apostolic warnings in scripture and they are concerning the preaching of another gospel the preaching of another gospel brother paul and all the apostles gave strong warning on the preaching of another gospel let's hear brother paul on another gospel galatians chapter 1 verse 6 galatians chapter 1 verse 6 and i'm going to read to verse 9 galatians chapter 1 6 i marvel that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of christ unto another gospel which is not another but there be some that trouble you and will pervert the gospel of christ but though will you or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you let him be accursed as we said before so say i now again if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that you have received let him be a cost now look at verse 6 again so that we can now interpret this verse 6 galatians 1 6 i marvel that you are so so removed the word removed the word removed was translated from the greek word metatami i can spell for those of you making notes m e t a meta t t i meta t t i temi t-h-e-m-i i go over it again m-e-t-a-t-i-t-h-e-m-i metathmi it implies to change sides to pervert it is used five times in the new testament text of the bible the word to pervert now that same word that same word removed or that the same word to is the same word used in jude chapter 1 verse 4 where he used the word turning jude chapter 1 verse 4 for there are certain men crept in unawares who are before of old ordained to this condemnation ungodly men turning the grace of our god into lasciviousness and denying the holy lord god and our lord jesus christ they are turning the grace of god the word to turn is the same word for pervert it's the same word for removed now then there's another word there the word another you have been removed from the gospel of christ onto another the word another is translated from the greek word heteros he terrors h e t e r o s he terrors h e t e t-e-r-o-s it implies different or altered or strange different or altered or strange then there's another another they are in verse seven give me galatians chapter one and verse number seven galatians chapter one verse seven which is not another but there be some there be some that trouble you and will pervert the gospel of christ which is not another that word another there was translated from the greek word aloose a-l-l-o-s alluse it implies another of the same sort another of the same sort alluse now bringing all of this into context galatians chapter one verse six to nine will brother paul was saying that the strange gospel was not another of the same sort rather the strange gospel was a different sort of that which they had received a different sort another gospel all right another gospel it's a different sort or a strange gospel that is different from what they had received then brother paul says but there be some that trouble you and will pervert the gospel of christ the word trouble was translated from the greek word t-a-r-a-s-s-o it implies to steer or agitate to steer or agitate it is used 17 times for information information that you receive by side or by hearing information that you receive by side or by hearing that causes is tearing or agitation that agitates you that gives you an unsettlement or takes away from you rest it makes you unrest it gives you a rest it makes you unsettled in your persuasion about christ all right so it is it is it is trouble terrorism to agitate or to steer that word is used in matthew 2 verse 3 you can write down for further study matthew chapter 2 verse 3 when herod had that jesus was born he was troubled troubled agitated matthew matthew 14 26 matthew 14 26 when the disciples saw jesus in the sea and were troubled mark chapter 6 50 mark chapter 6 verse 50 then acts chapter 15 verse 24 trouble you with words acts 15 24 to trouble you with words then acts chapter 17 verse 8 acts chapter 17 verse 8 all right so i'll go over it again matthew 2 verse 3 matthew 14 26 mark 6 15 acts 15 24 acts 17 8 the word trouble the word to agitate to steer up to give you an unsettlement to tamper with your conviction look at that galatians chapter 1 verse 7 again galatians chapter 1 verse number 7 which is not another but there be some which is not another but there be some that trouble you and will pervert the gospel of christ they trouble you and will pervert the word pavard was translated from the greek word metra straightforward metra straightforward for those of you making note the word pavat in the greek is m e m e t r a t r a s t r e epho matra stressful it implies to transmute or corrupt to transmute or to corrupt to transmute or to corrupt it it implies the word parvat to corrupt or to transmute look at verse 8 of galatians 1 galatians 1 8 but though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you let him be a cause let him be a cause the word of course is translated from the greek word anatema anatema anatema a-m-a-t-h-e-m-a implies to ban or to excommunicate or separate from anatomy to ban to excommunicate or to separate from so this emphasizes the instructional warning against another gospel that which perverts the facts of the gospel another gospel is that which perverts the facts of the gospel please pay attention look at the book of ii corinthians chapter 11 verse 4 2 corinthians chapter 11 verse number 4 for if he that combat preached another jesus whom we have not preached or if you receive another spirit which you have not received or another gospel which you have not accepted you might well bear with him so there is another spirit there is another jesus there is another gospel please pay attention now he says if he that cometh preach it the word preacher was translated from the greek word keruso k-e-r-u-s-s-o keruso it means to announce or publish to announce or publish then observe the use of the word another another jesus another spirit another gospel the word another in this context he used that word alos alos for jesus which implies to preach the same jesus in a different way to preach the same jesus in a different way he used the word heteros h-e-t-e-r-o-s heteros for the spirit and also for the gospel so another jesus is same jesus in a different way then he uses heteros for the spirit and the gospel which implies another of a different sort another of a different sort another gospel which means a different sort now observe the next instruction you might well bear with him you might well bear with him that phrase is from a compound word and anacoma and a coma anakoma a-n-e c-h-o-m-a-i i repeat a n e c h o m a i anacoma it implies to hold one self up against to bear with it means to hold yourself in resistance against his gospel another gospel another spirit another jesus it implies that there must be a stern opposition against the preaching and teaching and the reception of another gospel a strong resistance a strong opposition against the preaching and teaching and reception of another gospel the adjectives that qualify the word faith let's look at the adjectives that qualifies the word faith the word faith in the book of acts look at acts chapter 3 verse 16 as of the apostles chapter 3 verse number 16 and his name through faith in his name had made this man strong whom you see and know yea the faith which is by him has given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all has given to him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all take note of two things in that verse number one faith in his name faith so it is faith in his name number two faith which is by him faith in his name faith which is by him then look at acts 24 24 acts chapter 24 verse 24 and after certain days when felix came with his wife jerusalem which was a jewess he sent for paul and heard him concerning the faith in christ did you observe that faith in christ so faith is in his name faith which is by him the faith in christ look at acts 26 18 acts chapter 26 verse number 18 to open their eyes and to turn them to turn them from darkness to light to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of satan unto god that they may receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me take note of that by faith that is in me did he observe so we have faith in his name we have faith which is by him we have the faith in christ we have faith that is in me let's look at the epistles and see how faith is used romans chapter 3 verse 3 romans chapter 3 verse number 3 for what if some did not believe shall their unbelief make the faith of god without effect the faith of god the faith of god look at 22 and 25 of romans 3 romans chapter 3 22 even the righteousness of god which is by faith of jesus christ which is by faith of jesus christ unto all and upon all them that believe for there is no difference which is by the faith of jesus christ now look at verse 25 whom god has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood faith in his blood to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that have passed through the forbearance of god faith in his blood faith in his blood look at romans i mean galatians chapter 2 verse 16 galatians chapter 2 verse number 16 knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by the faith of jesus christ by the faith of jesus christ even we have believed in jesus christ that we might be justified by the faith of christ by the faith of jesus christ by the faith of christ and not by the works of the law for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified so we have faith of jesus christ then we have faith in christ all right now look at galatians chapter 3 verse 22 galatians 3 22 but the scripture has concluded all on the scene that the promise by faith of jesus christ the promise by faith of jesus christ might be given to them that believe faith of jesus christ look at galatians chapter 2 verse 20 galatians chapter 2 verse 20 i am crucified with christ nevertheless i leave yet not i but christ leave that in me and the life which i now live in the flesh i live by the faith of the son of god faith of the son of god who loved me and gave himself for me faith of the son of god all right so we've seen the faith of jesus christ faith in christ jesus faith of the son of god faith of god ephesians 1 15 ephesians chapter 1 verse 15 lots of scriptures good for your health wherefore i also after i heard of your faith in the lord jesus of your faith in the lord jesus faith in the lord jesus ephesians chapter 3 verse 12 ephesians chapter 3 verse 12 in whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him by the faith of him all right the faith of him philippians 1 27 philippians chapter 1 and verse 27 only let your conversation be as it becomes the gospel of christ that whether i come and see you or else be absent i may hear of your appears that you stand fast in one spirit with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel faith of the gospel faith of the gospel philippians 3 verse 9 philippians chapter 3 verse number 9 and be found in him not having my own righteousness which is of the law but that which is through the faith of christ the righteousness which is of god by faith the faith of christ look at colossians 1 4 colossians chapter 1 verse number four since we heard of your faith in christ jesus and of the love which you have to all the saints faith in christ jesus so we have seen faith in his name faith which is by him the faith in christ faith that is in me we have seen faith of jesus christ faith in christ jesus faith in the lord jesus the faith of him the faith of the gospel the faith of god the faith of christ faith in christ jesus now observe the adjectives and the frequency of the phrases faith in christ and faith in the gospel this shows that the word faith in the book of acts and the word faith in the epistles majorly define faith in the resurrection of jesus faith in the book of acts and faith in the epistles majorly define faith in the resurrection of jesus christ now the next question i want to answer is what is received upon faith in christ when a man believes in the resurrection when a man hears the gospel and believes the gospel what does he receive at the point of believing it is important to examine what a man receives when he has faith in christ because the scriptures are explicit on the exact things that a man receives the scriptures are very explicit and specific on what a man receives when he receives the gospel and believes in christ jesus so the first thing a man receives is eternal life the moment you believe the gospel you believe in jesus you receive eternal life john chapter 6 verse 47 john chapter 6 verse 47 verily verily i say unto you he that believeth on me heart everlasting life heart everlasting life john chapter 3 verse 15 john chapter 3 verse 15 that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life verse 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life so at the point of believing a man receives eternal life look at john 3 36 john chapter 3 verse 36 he that believeth on the son had everlasting life and he that believeth not the son shall not see life but the wrath of god abideth on him john 20 31 john chapter 20 verse 31 but these are written that you may believe that jesus is the christ the son of god and that believing you might have life through his name at the point of believing you receive the life of god which is eternal life so everlasting life was only available when jesus rose from the dead so when a man has faith in christ or when a man exercises faith in the gospel of christ he has everlasting life number two a man receives sonship when he believes the gospel he receives sonship john chapter 1 verse 12 john chapter 1 verse number 12 but as many as received him to them gave him power to become the sons of god even to them that believe on his name sonship galatians 3 26 galatians chapter 3 verse 26 for you are all the children of god how by faith in christ jesus so when you exercise faith in christ jesus you become a child of god you become a child of god number three when you believe in christ or believe in the gospel you receive remission and forgiveness of sins you receive remission of forgiveness of sins and you remember on sunday we established that forgiveness of sin is not an answer to prayer is a gift of god's grace so at the point of believing the gospel you receive remission and the forgiveness of sins look at acts chapter 10 verse 43 acts chapter 10 verse 43 to him give all the prophets witness that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins shall receive remission of sins whosoever believes look at ephesians chapter one verse seven ephesians chapter one and verse seven in whom we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins how according to the riches of his grace according to the riches of his grace you can read colossians 1 14 at home and acts 26 18. colossians 1 14 and acts 26 18. it all buttresses the fact that once you believe the gospel you receive remission and forgiveness of sins so forgiveness of sin is an inheritance among them that are sanctified how by faith that is in christ jesus forgiveness of sins is an inheritance among them that are sanctified by faith that is in christ the 14th you receive is justification and righteousness the moment you believe the gospel you receive justification and righteousness acts 13 39 acts 13 39 and by him all that belief are justified from all things from which you could not be justified by the law of moses so when you believe you are justified from all things hallelujah from which you could not be justified by the law of moses romans chapter 1 verse 16 and 17 i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ for it is the power of god unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the jew first and also to the greek for daring in the gospel is the righteousness of god revealed from faith to faith as it is written the just shall live by faith so you receive justification and righteousness so the righteousness of god is in the gospel of christ the righteousness of god is not in conduct it's not in human effort the righteousness of god is in the gospel of christ the righteousness of god is for all that believe the gospel take note of it the righteousness of god is in the gospel of christ number two the righteousness of god is for all that believe the gospel the next thing you receive when you believe the gospel which is number five is the spirit of god when you believe the gospel you receive the spirit of god look at the book of john 7 39 john chapter 7 verse number 39 but this specky of the spirit which they that believe on him should receive which day that belief on him should receive for the holy ghost was not yet given because that jesus was not yet glorified then look at galatians chapter 3 verse 14 galatians chapter 3 verse number 14 14 314 galatians chapter 3 verse number 14. galatians chapter 3 verse number 14 that the blessing of abraham might come on the gentiles through jesus christ that we might receive the promise of the spirit how through faith so when you believe you receive the promised spirit when you receive when you believe you receive the promised spirit so when a man believes the gospel he is sealed with the holy spirit of promise he is sealed with the holy spirit of promise so faith in christ is forgiveness of sins faith in christ is eternal life faith in christ is justification faith in christ is the indwelling of the spirit and it means that the believer is a son there's no scripture we have read that says faith in christ is material wealth there's no scripture that says faith in christ guarantees financial prosperity there's no such scripture you know somebody was trying to argue blindly because i call it blind because you don't argue with somebody when you yourself don't even know what you're talking about after i finish preaching on sunday and he said but but the bible guarantees believers material wealth i said well he said uh deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 18 i told him okay i can quote it for you you shall remember the lord that god for it is he that given the power to make wealth that he may establish the covenant which is wrong to your fathers and i asked him which fathers was he talking about i asked him is your physical father among the fathers he said no was your father born when that was said he said no so that means he's not talking about something that you're thinking the covenant is sworn to their fathers their fathers abraham that the children of abraham will be in slavery for 400 years and then he will bring them out with great substance so them coming out of egypt on their way to canaan the way god prospered them in egypt by industry and hard work because in egypt they were slaves they worked hard so that money they came out of egypt was with was their pay for their hard work it was not free money it was their pay for their hard work then he now told them on their way in deuteronomy to canaan you shall remember that when you were in egypt it was the lord your god that gave you favor so that the labor you labored was not wasted your tax masters paid you before you left that's what he's talking about it's not saying that god will give you power to multiply money just by sowing seed no the children of israel didn't sow seed they were working hard as laborers under tax masters and then when they were living god gave them favor for their tax masters to pay them some of their monies so that they left egypt not poor they left egyptian money but even observed on their way to the promised land they were hungry nowhere to buy food they're in the bush with all the money yet they could not buy food they are thirsty they could not buy water their clothes were growing old they could not buy new clothes but they had money a place a time comes when money is useless money cannot do everything now they have money but they're hungry they have money but they are tasty they have money they cannot buy clothes they have money they cannot change shoes so what happens again god now gives them mana through the ministry of moses water from the rock all right so they can drink without money so they eat without money they drunk without money then god touched their clothes as they grew their clothes grew and never went old he touched their shoes as their legs were growing their shoes were growing you shall remember that it is the lord thy god that given the power to make wealth what wealth the basic necessities food to eat water to drink clothes to wear shoes to wear that's they say having food agreement basic necessities let us deal with the content food and clothes so god still miraculously help them but remember the miracles didn't follow them to canaan when they entered canaan they had to till the ground in order for them to have food so even miracles are not meant for sustainers miracles are just interventions of god at one point or the other to assist you but the proper way of living is industry commerce and productivity now so when he was talking about that he was not saying that in christ jesus you will have money miracles no that's not what he was talking about he was just telling the children of israel to remember the lord their god because they were on their way to canaan and moses was not going to go with them so he was telling them don't forget how god helped you so that you can continue to walk in the ways of god so it wasn't saying that there is a special world for covenant children of god there's no such thing everybody teaching you that is deceiving you there's no such thing scriptures must be rightly divided so we don't end up telling people lies because when scriptures are not rightly divided you'll be lying against the scriptures all right now let's get back to what we're dealing with here because we'll be looking at the things that when you believe the gospel you get when you believe the gospel you have faith in christ you receive forgiveness of sins you receive eternal life you receive justification you receive the indwelling of the spirit that now makes you a son of god that is what faith in christ and the gospel of christ guarantees that is what faith in christ and the gospel of christ guarantees remember on sunday we examine the man who gave money for power who was sowing a seed for to tap into greece who was sowing a seed in exchange for a breakthrough who gave something to get something when you give to get is no more generosity it is now a transaction it means you are buying something you're buying god's favor you're buying god's anointing you're buying god's grace and peter told him go and perish with your money you cannot buy the gift of god why the gift of god is what nobody qualifies for you come by the grace of god you cannot buy the favor of god you can't even buy divine health so that's when they went to preach you told them freely you have received freely give everything that comes from god is free everything that comes from god is free romans 8 32 he does appear not his son but gave him up for us all how shall he not also with him freely give us all things if it is from jesus there is a lord it will be free but if you have to pay for it it's another jesus if you have to sow a seed to get it it's another jesus if you have to sow a seed to get that breakthrough it's another gospel it's not the gospel of christ if it is from jesus who died on rose how shall he not with him also freely give us all things now that should help let me move into something okay the moment i am giving to get i become covetous i am not giving to get i am giving so that someone's need can be met that is kingdom giving the only need on my mind when giving is the need of the person who will benefit from my giving the need of the person who will benefit from my giving that's why many folks use who used to pay tithe first fruit and all of that when they discover that if they don't pay their tithe nothing will go wrong they stop because they never gave to god they were given to their greed and their conscientiousness because if you're giving to god even if you discover there's no benefit you won't stop giving because why you were giving in the first place was not just for the benefit it was to god himself but when you are giving for benefit and you discover there's no benefit you won't give again somebody says so dr damina that means there's no motivation to give i said the only motivation to give is that you love christ you love christ and you love the bread and finish and if you don't love christ you don't love the brethren yes then it is true there's no motivation to give because the only motivation is that you love christ you appreciate what christ has done for you and if that doesn't mean anything to you then there's no motivation to give and i can quickly submit to you that means you're not born again that means you're not born again because if you're born again the love of god in your heart will constrain you to meet the needs of brethren all right so the moment the moment they hear that it is no more you know there's no more cause for not tithing they just close their hands fold their arms and you know from sunday this coming sunday from this coming sunday uh from this coming sunday to the upper sunday every day from that sunday first second service to the upper sunday i'm going to be examining the doctrine of tithe and titin the doctrine of tithe and titin and we will do exceed justice on it from sunday to sunday every day it's going to be explosive and we will examine first fruit and fest-borne offerings we'll look at all of that in the light of scripture so that you have sound understanding so that you will do what you need to do for the kingdom with a clear conscience and with an understanding i'm sure that's going to help a lot now if you observe very carefully we want to quickly look at examples of giving examples of giving but just before we look at the examples of giving in scripture how did god give god give freely romans chapter 5 verse 8 but god commanded his love toward us in that while we were yet seen as christ died for us freely he gave christ to us free of charge look at romans 8 32 romans chapter 8 verse number 32 he has feared not his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things anything that comes from jesus the rising lord is freely giving there is nothing you pay for whatever comes from jesus so let's look at examples of giving luke chapter 8 verse 2 to 3. luke chapter 8 verse 2-3 and certain women which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities mary called magdalene out of whom when seven devils verse two omniverse three and joanna the wife of chooser herald stewart and susanna and many others which ministered unto him of their substance the women gave to jesus they were not giving to get anything in return they ministered to him of their substance they were not expecting to get back they gave why because their lives have been affected by jesus he cast out devils from them they've experienced the grace of god in response to that grace they ministered to him of their substance all right now look at mark chapter 12 verse 41 mark chapter 12 verse 41 and jesus sat over against the treasury and behold and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury and many that were rich cast in march next verse 42 and there came a certain poor widow and she threw in two minds which make a father next verse and according to him his disciples and saith unto them verily i say unto you that this poor widow had cast more in than all day which have cast into the treasury then all day which have cast into the treasury 44 for all they did cast in of their abundance but she of her want did cast in all that she had even all her living even all her living so this woman you know the bible says she had a little and she gave expecting nothing and that's what we are teaching here you give what you have you give what you have and be happy you don't give them the same well i don't know if that god accept it or not no if a man gives according to what he has it is acceptable you give what you have and be happy as long as what you gave sincerely is your best you'll be happy there's no point for you to be feeling like oh i don't know you are already accepted in the beloved look at matthew 26 verse 7 a woman poured on jesus what today is called an albuster box matthew 26 verse number seven there came unto him a woman having a bastard box of very precious ointment and poured it on his head as he sat at meat so a woman poured that box on jesus look at verse 8 verse 8 but when his disciples saw it they had indignation saying to what purpose is this waste they called it waste if jesus had taught them to give and get back they wouldn't have called it waste the reason why they call it waste is because they know that nothing is going to come back so the apostles knew that in giving we only give expecting nothing in return that's why they call that albuster box waste now that means when you give you are letting it go give and let it go you're not waiting for something to come back transaction is different from giving when you are giving you are not investing you are giving and letting go and then somebody says so why then do we give since nothing is coming in return there's nothing to expect why then do we give number one we give to break the hold of material over us we give to break the hold of material stuff over us to break the hold of confettiousness and break the hold of greed over our lives when we give we demonstrate that greed and convictiousness has no control over us we break the hold of greed and convergence over our lives so giving therefore is walking in the spirit giving is walking in the spirit giving is not a transaction is a walk in the spirit you need to check your motives from time to time why do you give why do you help people somebody's in need you give to them why are you giving why are you helping are you expecting something in return because people often help people who can help them tomorrow and that is not giving that is a transaction jesus said how are you different from the unbelievers so when people don't say thank you you don't give them again but when you don't tell god thank you he still gives you every day you wake up the sun shines whether you say thank you or not all the time so when people don't say thank you many people won't give a game but god is not like that some people even preach it if you don't give thanks your tank will never be fooled that's not true that's not my god that's a transact that's a transactory gospel that's not the gospel of christ you know acts chapter 2 verse 44 to 45 look at it acts 2 4 45 praise god are we getting blessed tonight acts 2 4 45 and all that believed were together and had all things come on next verse and sold their possessions and goods and patent them to all men as every man had need they sold their possessions and they gave as every man had need look at acts 4 32 and 35 acts chapter 4 32 and 35 and the multitude of them that believe were of one heart and of one soul neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed were his own but they had all things come on and led them at the apostles feet and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need nobody was given to meet their own needs they were given to meet the needs of others in acts chapter 11 verse 29 there was a farming there was drought acts 11 29 look at what happened then the disciples every man according to his ability determined to send relief unto the brethren which dwelt in judea they were not sending expectants from breakthrough they were sending to help brethren who were in need give me the next verse the next verse which also they did and sent it to the elders by the hands of barnabas and saul there was recession in jerusalem and the brethren sent relief materials they didn't give to expect something name your seed claim it and name it name it and claim it when believers have need we give to meet the need of believers kids close we don't give waiting for how god god is not mmm god is not a ponzi schemer no brother paul emphatically openly said he that wants to eat must walk he that does not walk should not eat that's apostolic industry give yourself to work hard labor in all labor there is profit look at first john chapter 3 verse 17. first john 3 17 but who so had this world's good and seared his brother have need and shut it up his bowels of compassion from him how do i let the love of god in him he shorted out the bubbles of compassion you know why he will shut up the balls because nothing will come back there's no returns you give to meet a need and we keep giving and giving until the need is met that's given in the kingdom that's giving in the kingdom of god are we still in the building here yeah that's what jesus meant by faith i mean that's what james meant by faith without walks is dead what walks love giving to meet the need of brethren who are in need and that's why james said if your brother is in need and he says brother i am in need and you tell him close your eyes let us pray when you have what it takes to meet the need he said my brother show me your faith without your works and i show you my faith with my works for faith without walks is dead in operative i can't be praying for you to have a miracle of 3 000 when i can give you 5 000. so instead of prayer what do i do i give you and that settles the prayer that said to the prayer you know a lady was used to come to this church years back and then every time the service is over she will come to the pulpit and ask me to pray for her waste i prayed for this waste until i was becoming intimidated you know and when i pray she will say it's fine the next day she's back with the waist so after a while i wanted to pray for i saw spoke in tongues and asked the holy ghost for understanding then i looked at her say sister what kind of bed do you sleep on she laughed you say why are you asking why are you asking i said the spirit of god said i shall ask you what kind of bed do you sleep on she said ah anyway it's two the bed is a six spring bed and the spring in the middle is no more so when i lie down my waist enters the spring place and when i wake up i have pains i said you should have told me long ago and save me this endless prayers how much is a bed at that time a bed was 250 naira i took 300 i told her go and buy and let us be free guess what she never came for prayer her prayer was answered by 259 300 naira took care of her worries i could have been praying till jesus comes so when he's talking about faith without walks he's talking about meeting the needs of brethren that once you are in faith that faith will produce walks works will be your love for the brethren and the ability to meet the needs of brethren am i communicating at all am i communicating at all because the fruit of faith is love the fruit of faith is love first john chapter 3 verse 16 first john chapter 3 verse number 16 hereby passive with the love of god because he laid down his life for us and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren so every man gave us he had ability nobody gave expecting anything in return we are not in a transaction those who respond to such are greedy if the only time you give is when you promise a return you are a greedy believer if you want more money go and walk meet societal needs what makes people prosper is the work of their hands whether honest or dishonest that is how people prosper in the world that is why we don't celebrate the rich because we don't know how they got it so we don't celebrate the rich we just encourage people to give as they have ability some people are going for deliverance to get a job in the company of a man that is not born again you didn't get that you are going for deliverance to get a job in the company of a man that is not born again does it make sense you are going for special deliverance and the man doing you deliverance is very collecting consultation fee collecting prayer fee you are busy paying money to get a job from an unbeliever who doesn't know jesus a lot of people have been their brains are washed in church they are not thinking straight and they keep telling you need deliverance you need deliverance before you apply for the job who is going to give you the job an unbeliever who is not delivered but you have to be delivered to get an unbeliever is not delivered to give you a job it does not make sense at all are we still in the building some people change their names to get a job in the company of a man whose name is more meaningless than theirs your name was what your name was stone stone stone so you now change your name from stone to flower stone to flower okay to go and get a job in the company of satan the owner of the company's name is satan yet you have to change your name to get a job in the company of satan does it make sense makes no sense it's just it's just it's just lack of thoroughness lack of properness in bible teaching people are not paying attention to details romans chapter 12 verse 8 says give with sincerity give with sincerity second corinthians chapter eight verse two says give with sincerity and generosity second corinthians eight verse two if you reduce what you are giving because something is not coming back to you you are still a greedy and conventious person if when you used to give to get something you gave more than now that you are giving because nothing is coming you reduce it you are still greedy and convictus because if you're sincere in your giving whether something is coming or not you will still give exactly what you give so greed and covetousness is the problem with a lot of givings in the church are we still in the building is a lot of problem with a lot of givings in the church we give more we give much more we give until the need is met those who give to meet their needs look at the church that's the first people we give to meet their needs we give to the church to meet the need of the church first corinthians 16 1 first corinthians chapter 16 verse number one now concerning the collection for the saints as i have given order order to the churches of galatia even so do ye next verse upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store as had prospered that there be no gatherings when i come that god there is not in the original as he has prospered that there be no gatherings when i come so i must meet the need of the saints how do i need the meet me how do i meet the need of the saints when i make money available to the church so that radio broadcast is going on through radio the saints are being failed through television kingdom life network the saints have been fed through social media the need of the saints are being met when we make money available for the church to reach out for the church to minister through different platforms we are meeting the needs of the saints so whatever is done within the confines of this church is done to meet the needs of the saints and he says you should lay it aside as you are making money you lay aside a portion to meet the needs of the saints you can't have a mercedes-benz living and be giving a caddo level offering you can't have a mercedes-benz living and be giving academ what is it called okay can a pep what is the international name tricycle or rickshaw for those in india rickshaw or tricycle you can be given a tricycle offering when you are having a mercedes-benz lifestyle it means you are greedy it means your convergence and it means you have not understood what it means to be in christ that's the first level of giving we give to meet the needs of sins number two you give to your pastor you give to your pastor galatians chapter six verse six galatians chapter six verse number 6 let him that is taught in the world communicate unto him that teaches in all good things in all good things not the one that the preacher finished preaching all of you will say stretch your hands towards the man of god forget you has left him let's pray for god to refill him stop that nonsense you pray for yourself don't pray for me don't the bible didn't say pray for me when i preach he say give to me that your prayer will replenish me don't worry jose that you are giving will replenish me he said let him that is thought communicate with his teacher in all good things that's what we call the honor offering every time you give an honor offering that offering comes to me it comes to me your teacher it is not left for me or teacher to decide whether to give it back to the work of god or to use it or of course you would most cases in fact in all cases in this church i give it back to the church but make sure you still give to me first i receive it as mine and i give it back to the work of god let him that is taught communicate with his teacher you know many good things all so every area of your life when there's increase when good things come to you you must also ensure that i your teacher i'm a partaker of every area of your life where good things come you increasing money you make sure i have my portion as you are setting aside for the saints you are setting aside for your teacher as you are enjoying the chicken make sure you have my own chicken somewhere to send across why in all good things let him communicate with his teacher in all good things so every area where good things are happening to you i must be a partaker in that area why because my teaching is helping to make your life better i am also laboring over you let him communicate with his teacher in all good things are we still in the building testimony chapter 5 verse 17 uh you know also says first timothy 5 17 5 17. let the elders are rule well be counted worthy of double salary double offering the word honor there means money double often especially they who labor in the world and doctrine especially they who labor in the world and doctrine so as good things are happening to you you need to communicate with me and honor my labor over you if it's clear can i have a good amen number three you give to the poor you give to the poor galatians chapter 2 verse 10 galatians chapter 2 verse number 10 only they would that we should remember the poor the same which i also was forward to do remember the poor remember the poor romans 15 26 romans 15 26 romans 15 26 for it has pleased them of macedonia and akaya to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at jerusalem 27 it had pleased them verily and their detox they are for if the gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things their duty also is also to minister unto them in canal things 28 when therefore i have performed this and i've sealed to them this fruit i will come by you into spain so we set aside monies to also help the poor to also help the poor to also help the poor now remember number four you give to widows but in giving to widows he said we give to widows that are above 60 we those that are above 60 they are the widows the bible recommends we give to and they are called widows indeed and there is a qualification for even those widows they must have received strangers they must have raised up children and they must have given themselves to prayer day and night those are the class of widows we give to brother paul say encourage the younger widows to be married they should go and get remarried if you're a young woman and you're a widow clean up yourself package yourself quickly and believe god for a man and position yourself where a man will marry you very important very very important all right now paul wrote that we must not support those that are lazy if a brother is lazy and is poor we don't support them because supporting a lazy brother is encouraging a culture of laziness we must not suppose support brethren that are lazy in second thessalonians chapter 3 second thessalonians chapter 3 verse number 7 second thessalonians 3 7 for yourselves know how you ought to follow us for we behave not ourselves disorderly among you next verse neither did we eat any man's bread for not but wrought with labor and travail night and day that we might not be chargeable to any of you next verse not because we have not power but to make ourselves an example unto you to follow us next verse for even when we are with you this we commanded you that if any will not walk neither should he eat next verse for we hear that there are some which work among you disorderly working not at all but our busy bodies next verse now them that are sought we command and exhort by our lord jesus christ that with that with quietness they walk and eat their own bread next verse but your brethren be not weary in well doing verse 14 and if any obey not our word by this epistle and give himself to laziness not that man and have no company with him that he may be ashamed we do not support brethren that are lazy if somebody is lazy don't give him your money tell him to go and get a job and if you don't get the job of your choice whatever your hand finds to do do it giving to someone who is lazy is not scriptural at all it's against the teaching of the scriptures you must make sure the person is not a busy body if someone who is not lazy is in need we know he's not lazy he has a prescribed job that we all know is just a discretion or misjudgment that got him in trouble we can rally around and help him but not a lazy person when i give i give because i am not covetous i give because i am not greedy i give because i am generous i give because i am working in the spirit can i give without love yes first corinthians 13 verse 3 you can give with without love you may have other motives and though i bestow all my goods to feed the poor and though i give my body to be born and have no charity it profited me nothing it profited me nothing so i can give without charity i can give without the motive of love i can even give my body to be born to score a point and he says it profits me nothing i must give without condition and i must give generously now back to the scripture where we started this series from acts 8 19 and 20 acts chapter 8 verse 19 and 20 saying give me also this power that on whomsoever i lay hands he may receive the holy ghost next verse but peter said unto him thy money perish with thee because that was thought that the gift of god may be purchased with money look at the next verse 21. there was neither part nor lot in this matter for your heart is not right in the sight of god so it's not gift to get it is give so others can get when i give to get my heart is not right when i give for the purpose of getting my heart is not right jesus entered the temple in mark 11 and john 2 and drove out people that were buying and selling buying and selling he drove them out of the house and he says it is written my father's house shall be called a house of prayer but you have made it a den of thieves giving to get so to tell give for god to multiply is merchandise jesus calls it robbery he has he called that a den of robbers any church where that is happening jesus calls it a den of robbers we do not give to get we give because we love god he draws that money changers anywhere you find people giving to get is a house of merchandise anywhere jesus alone will be taught in all nations in the name of jesus all of africa the light of god's word is shining jesus and jesus alone will be preached greed confesses mamma are exposed by the holy ghost that version of the gospel of merchandise greed materialism that version of the gospel ends in africa and the rest of the world in jesus name it ends making people seek jesus for the wrong reasons that gospel makes people seek jesus for the wrong reason it makes people see jesus as a means to an end let me use jesus to get a cup let me use jesus to marry let me use jesus no you can't use jesus jesus is not a means to an end jesus is the end when you arrive at christ you have arrived at the end that false gospel it makes people careless when you are given to get it makes you careless you have to learn to give without conditions and of course when you are given to get you will never give enough to people who are not saying thank you to you and that doctrine is a doctrine that makes believers living unforgiveness that doctrine of giving to get that's what makes believers leaving unforgiveness because they're not working in love they are not working in the spirit in everything they do they must get something if that's the kind of version of gospel that makes people not to pray well every prayer they must pray must be getting something out of it they can't come to prayer just to pray for the kingdom though and those are the churches where if you say let us pray now for the gospel let us pray for evangelism thank you jesus but if you say now those who are enemies that are hindering your promotion hey holy ghost fire holy ghost fire when it is prayer for themselves you will see the strength because they are living a self-centered life a greedy life coming from the kind of gospel preached to them we've got to come to a place of selflessness and only the true gospel of christ will produce people that are selfless people that are giving people that are sacrificial and people that are kingdom minded i thought somebody would shout hallelujah stand on your fingers that's close that's all i've got for you tonight what is service tonight glory amen oh i tell you i'm excited are you excited tonight father we pray for everybody understanding my voice wherever they're listening around the world on television on radio in all our health centers campuses all over the world grace are bound towards you revelation knowledge grows big on your inside jesus takes total possession of your being and we declare you walk in the spirit you work in generosity you work in willingness you are a responsible believer you are not convicted you are not greedy therefore i declare that you are selfless you give to the kingdom the kingdom of god is very vital in your life your resources are serving the needs of saints and in the name of jesus we decree that the gospel covers the whole of this planet covers the whole of africa covers the rest of the world the true gospel of christ in the name of jesus barriers dominated obstacles taken off in the name of jesus and we decree that the people of god are built up and the people of god occupy the places of relevance and are making a difference in a world that never knew christ thank you for the blessing tonight in jesus christ and every believer says a powerful amen oh glory to god i tell you what a blessing tonight oh i tell you what a blessing amen and amen now get your offerings let's give quickly in honor when you are teaching like this immediately that's a good time to give we give expecting nothing we're giving faith we give a joy and we give an excitement praise god our giving is in honor of christ what christ has done and in honor of the needs of the saints i'd like you to grab an offering if you're watching online there are banking details for you to give if you're watching on television the banking details radio audience mr michael bush in another one or two minutes we read for you the banking details and it's going to be exciting as we answer your calls respond to your question and answer you know respond to your queries by email and ask the council but just before we do that today is dr rachel damina's birthday that's my wife that's the you know my life partner the woman of god dr gabriel can wish mama a happy birthday give her a shout out on behalf of everyone that is a part of this ministry worldwide and then after that you know we just speak a blessing over hallelujah i want to say a big happy birthday to our mama we're so excited this morning even in kingdom life network as we're just convincing we just have to keep celebrating her for being such a blessing and making it possible for papa to have the time and all the presence of mind and all the necessary requirements in this in the environment in the house will be possible for him to abide and go with the mandate of god that god has placed upon his life mama we say a big thank you we celebrate you you are such a blessing you are such an example and we live ever to celebrate that we have a mother like you and we're so excited and proud of you all the time hallelujah happy birthday again mama all of us all over the world we say happy birthday and we celebrate you hallelujah oh my goodness what a blessing what a blessing my wife is to be dr rachel my wife i love you now i don't know what is how to say it but i love you and thank you for being the help mate that you've been and the blessing that you've been to my life great grace is upon you the lord continues to increase you keep you preserve you you're delivered from wicked and unreasonable man preserved by the power of god in the name of jesus you go from strength to strength from grace to grace and you continue to make impact on this world like never before you lack nothing you're sufficient in all things in jesus name happy birthday once again we love you we love you amen oh my goodness what a blessing tonight glory amen all right grab your offerings let's give him faith let's give with joy tonight lift it up father we give in faith we give with joy thank you for the privilege of honoring your world and honoring you and we decree and declare that as we give tonight our offerings are a sweet smell and we thank you for the blessing that is upon this house thank you for everyone giving your needs are met supernaturally in jesus precious name amen and amen just before i sign off those of you on radio in acquiring listen carefully tomorrow morning we resume counseling every morning 9 00 a.m we're here to counsel those of you that have needs you need to be counsel you have questions you have issues you want to talk to us about 9 00 a.m tomorrow morning we'll be here to counsel with you every morning 9 00 a.m for for the for the next one month we're here every day so wherever you are listening by way of radio or listening by television in acquiring or even in the neighboring states here you want to travel down and come for counselling we're here to help you if you've been following on radio and you have things you want to ask things you want to clarify just come 9 00 a.m every day monday to saturday we are here to counsel and pray for you and help you with sound bible excuses and those of you need prayer god answers our prayer always so you can be sure that if you come and we pray for you your prayer will be definitely answered he hears us all the time now let me also mention so from tomorrow 9am we'll be waiting for you let me also mention that tomorrow all our house pastors and i'm sure they're listening to me right now all house pastors power city house pastors all of you and district pastors i'm meeting with all of you tomorrow at 6 00 pm i'm announcing it here because the notice went out yesterday so that nobody has an excuse tomorrow evening 6 pm i'll be meeting with all house pastors and all district pastors and all welfare the welfare team all the welfare team members i'm meeting with all of you tomorrow 6 pm so any house center you belong if your house pastor is acting like he's not hearing me tell him papa says he's meeting with you people tomorrow by 6 p.m okay praise god you know i like to joke all the time so make sure you're here tomorrow we're going to have a good time six is six no late coming is allowed praise god all right guys we love you look forward to seeing the other studio with mr michael bush we'll be answering your calls and responding to your queries and until i see you in the other studio enjoy the grace of christ let's celebrate viewers around the world for being a part of this service tonight glory amen i'm excited by this message for these all the messages and books by dr abel damina please call lost234 806 800-9939 or email [Music] [Music] [Music] okay thank you for staying tuned the bank details especially for a radio audience account name is power city international there are three banks fcmb is number one zenith number two and uba number three so i start with uba 139 26 465 139 26 465 that's uba power city international fcmb is the second at this point 29.82 68 20 28 29 82 68 20 28 power city international steel and so too for 10 12 36 59 12. that's for zenith 10 12 36 59 12. for sponsorship and with that in dire need of sponsorship you know and would like to thank those who continue to be sponsors some very quiet some um you know continue to come in we're looking forward to having as many more sponsors join us so the number to call to sponsor the program to support the program is plus two three four if a game you're calling from outside the country otherwise it's weirdo three two seven five six one or four you wire an email or two to dr abell damina doctor there is jr okay so my name is michael bush i'm your uncle could you please help me now welcome the man of the moment the sex man the man global baba dr ebel damina the intercontinental mr bush so good to see you again today so nice to see you praise god okay so global we just will open with a prayer yes yes let's pray together father we rejoice that the word of god is growing and increasing in the nations of the earth amen the gospel is thriving more than ever before amen men are coming to the knowledge of the truth amen and father we pray for christians who are in countries where there's persecution we ask that you preserve them strengthen them keep them and we declare that through them the gospel is forcefully going forth in the name of jesus amen we pray for quite bomb state we pray for our governor we pray for his cabinet we ask that all public and civil servants receive grace and enablement to continue to serve this community creating an environment of peace for the gospel to continue to thrive lord we pray for other governments of nations we decree that in every nation the gospel of christ continues to grow ministers of the gospel are raised believers and equip disciples continue to multiply we rejoice for answered prayer in jesus name amen amen amen we spent the night in uh italy and it was nice to see love screws even though it was just in the spirit yes i saw i will in the spirit i'm looking forward to seeing her physically okay so global but we're starting out from italy where we spent last night says hello global baba mr bush i want you to pray for me global baba because whenever i'm driving now fear would just come inside of me before i didn't used to have that fear when i drive but now it's bad i just started to notice that um suddenly recently thank you global baba amen we love to pray for you but beyond prayer you must start acknowledging acknowledge that god has not given to you the spirit of fear but of love of power and of a sound man acknowledge that and consciously say those words to yourself i believe in the love that god has for me remember love perfect love casts out fear he that fear it is not made perfect in love and fear has torment so make up your mind not to be tormented by fear and tortured by fear by acknowledging the love that god has for you god loves you so much the enemy can do nothing about you you are complete you are kept you are heeding christ amen and we speak boldness we speak confident amen and we rebuke every fear amen and we selling the voice of the enemy amen in jesus name amen so helen in italy that was for you so still from italy blah blah blah this one says hello baba mr bush i'm doing this anonymously from italy robert i just want to thank god for your life and that of your household can you please explain first corinthians 11 24 for me because i want to really understand that verse well first corinthians 11 and when he had given thanks he took it and said take it this is my body what you are asking me for needs like seven hours of teaching to even finish explaining the dynamics without too much exigencies so my advice i have a book i just wrote on the communion table the communion table it covers that whole exegesis all of that whole you know subject matter i will encourage you to order for it and our office will make sure you get it wherever you are it will take care of that explanation bless you amen okay so global busting on our last entry from italy comes from jose who says i'm a nigerian blah blah blah but i live here i live here in italy thank you for being a great and positive enlightenment to the world number one please i want to understand what the bible means by saying touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm well again you've got to read the prejudice and the postex to understand that he was not just talking about touch not my anointing generally do my profess no harm generally it was a context it was within a context and people just keep quoting that verse of scripture all the time there's nowhere else it's repeated in the bible outside of that one place and one verse of scripture does not form a doctrine so it was a particular situation an event that warranted the composition of those words in the old testament so my advice read five verses before read five verses after if you still don't understand access again will what will take the time to do the exegesis for you okay so let's um take the second question from us he says if you attend a church where the pastor misbehaves by lying and committing adultery is the right to call and try to correct to call him out and try to correct such a pastor thanks so much i'm happy being with you always online well you cannot call your pastor out because he is not answerable to you you're just a member of the church but your pastor is answerable to people over him and those are the people that have the right to call him out they have the right to rebuke him they have the right to correct him and they have the right to put him in check you know so you can call him out the best you can do is pray for him pray for him and if you have the privilege of discussing with him you could in a very wise way tell him you know um that you've observed a few things you don't know if there's a lesson he wants you to learn or there's something you are not understanding maybe there's a depth of revelation within that particular manifestation that you've observed in him and you can recite what you saw and allow him to either explain or apologize or something you must have a way of commit bible says and treat and treat elders and treat them as fathers you entreat you don't call them out you entreat the only person that can call your pastor out is a person he's submitting to from italy we head into belgium hello global barber and the continental michael bush greetings to the legendary mr michael bush and the global baba my name is odi jaffet i write from belgium i'm a son and disciple of global damina i celebrate and honor you global baba for your labor of love in the world and doctrine thank you for teaching and molding us as every ministers of the new testament we are proud to be your sons and disciples greetings to mama the dominant girls and the entire power city family please i need clarity on these portions of scriptures in ours chapter 1 verse 15 we are told by brother luke that there were 120 brethren in the upper room after jesus are ascended to heaven who were praying and waiting for the baptism of the holy ghost on the day of pentecost we read father in chapter 20 in chapter 2 verse 41 of the book of ours that three thousand people believed were saved and added to the number of believers again blah blah blah in first corinthians 15 5-7 brother paul mentions the number the names of a number of brethren who saw jesus when he rose from the dead he equally states that about 500 brethren saw jesus after i resurrected at once my question is there's a contradiction from luke's narrative in the bible in the book of arts and brother paul's account in first corinthians chapter 15 let's clarify on the different figures in these different accounts considering the number of brethren who saw christ upon his resurrection from the dead thank you global baba always for soundness in the world you are delivered from all wicked and unreasonable men love you amen it's not a contradiction 120 in the day of pentecost received the holy ghost and on that day when peter preached two thousand souls were added and then of course brother paul was talking about 500 other people who saw jesus when he rose it's not in any way a contradiction but an explanation of three different events that occurred after his resurrection so it's not a contradiction it's just explanation 500 people saw jesus after he rose from the dead and then on the day of pentecost 120 people were in solomon's porch who spoke in tongues and of course three thousand souls were added on that day of pentecost after peter preached the gospel so it's not a contradiction okay so global i'm trying to see whether we can leave okay i'm told okay so it's exactly ten minutes they call us callers can start running in now hello thank you for joining us [Laughter] um yes we can [Music] it has been prepared and have become fascinating and sincerely uh i wouldn't say by actually surprising me i'm eventually praying i'll actually require forces whereas i've been directing with a lot of attacks i've been innovative with health challenges for the past few years of my life from the eyes that use their mouth to my entire body um so look great uh very grateful to me already reflections foreign lot but it was a time for the strength i was talking quite a bit to about um three craft questions how can you say that it was not necessarily quite practically messages now we have uh a variety of international creatures all over the world and i invested into that national and even new in the airport some years ago we invited one of them delightful for mountain rail to come and pitch in the church so i mean i listen to this motivational creatures because yeah i find that they will crash by their favorite chapter and so uh damn hello hello i i'm afraid i have to stop you uh we can barely hear you we just have two from you let's try and see what i can handle that and then we try and call again and see if the line will be clearer yes i think the first one was about prayer for healing yes and i think the second one is asking why we say motivational preaching is not the gospel brother paul says when i came i did not come with enticing words enticing words motivational speakers are enticers they are like marketers the gospel is not a marketing we are not marketing something we don't use enticing words that's right to an unbeliever the gospel is foolishness it can motivate an unbeliever it is foolishness once it becomes motivation it means a believer and unbeliever will enjoy it but the gospel of christ is foolishness to a man that is not saved it is only power to do that of us that are saved and the reason why brother paul says motivation is not the gospel and it's cut across the entire you know fulcrum of the scriptures jesus never spoke anything that was motivating that is why all of his life pharisees and sad disease kept opposing him and fighting what he preached the apostles all of them peter preached in the book of acts they took them and gave them the beating of their life that cannot be motivation motivation should be what even government will embrace there is something about the cross that is an offense to an unbeliever the preaching of the cross is an offense to a man that is perishing so if you are motivating people it is not the gospel the gospel is the message of death burial and resurrection there's a place for motivators but don't call it the gospel they have their place they motivate people but if it is the gospel of christ it does not entice it does not include men's wisdom and it has facts the death the burial and the resurrection that is what we call the gospel of christ so it's wednesday it's wednesday night high mass so why do they do this good friday stuff well again easter is not a bible concept it's a it's a concept of hiddens people who don't do god but the world borrowed it to use it for that burial resurrection and because it has become a universal holiday so we all take it as a time empower city is our time to rest and maybe just preach christ and preach the dead burial and resurrection and also the good thing about it is that it gives opportunity to all churches to talk about the death burial and resurrection including motivational speakers that is one time everybody preaches the gospel global baba this caller hello yeah thank you for joining us calling from the message that is bled and transformed my person my question is i have listened to him for some years now particularly i got to meet blah blah 2002 in jaws then he was putting uh the other gospel i i advised him but then i never i never liked him but uh my question is at what point did he realize uh this message that he's preaching now and when he got the message how did we convince muhammad and how did we communicate this message to the church because particularly in africa or in our land today i've come to realize that our leaders find it difficult to to to to accept that they were wrong and they want to make amends so at what point did you communicate this message to the church and how did you choose with people well the truth of the matter is people ask me i want to write a book on it the truth of the matter is when i was preaching the other gospel i protruded all my heart because that's all i knew sincerely so i was actually sincerely wrong but i got to a point where i felt emptiness i felt a void i felt like it's all that there is to god prosperity cars money breakthrough success is there no more you know it was too empty it was too shallow i was no more happy i find no fulfillment i felt really empty in my soul and i started losing the joy of ministry i was no more excited about preaching that gospel anymore so i knew that something was missing so what i did was i took time off the church and we traveled out of this church we went away for about one month just to go and pray and mama knew all my struggles because i lived an open life with her i told her how i felt and all that and she also told me she was feeling the same void and emptiness that the messages were not touching anymore she couldn't feel it and she knew there was more to god than just money and houses and cars and breakthroughs and get it and succeed and so we went together spent time praying and then in the midst of the prayer i was seeking to know what was wrong after one month i never came on it so i got to the bookshop and i saw andrew warmack's books i bought all his books i don't like andrew because he's too cold in preaching for my liking i like hot preachers so but i felt like everybody was listening to him he must have something so i bought his books if i can't hear his message on tv i can read these books but i never read the books we got back home long story short i traveled again and this time when we traveled i didn't still read the books i was still praying but on my way back from that trip i decided to read the books i picked one of the book by andrew womack and the first aged pages of that book sorted me out as i read i just saw where my missing link was and then as i got back i took off another time and went into in-depth studies now when i did theology i was a very good student of christology so the moment i saw that christ was the message of the scriptures by revelation it was easy for me to go back into my christology and come up with the clear message of christ it didn't take me much but then it didn't stop there how did that transition the church because for mama it was we transitioned together she saw what i saw and got through and understood where we were when i came back to our church i made up my mind that i was ready to lose all our members i was ready to start ministry afresh preaching the right gospel so i got to our church and i did a 30 days conference and in the 30 days of conference i started preaching the truth of the gospel and i apologize for all the things i thought that were not right i apologize and then i started teaching and i begged them to be patient with me a lot of people left our church almost half of the church over half left because they thought something was wrong with me but i didn't mind because i made up my mind to start afresh so i started preaching the truth of the gospel a few people stayed and some more people started coming and started coming and we kept growing and kept teaching and making correct corrections up until today and it's just a joy to know that over the years we have successfully transitioned people into the truth of the gospel of christ in our church and more and more people all over the world have been enriched by that decision to do what is right where god is concerned in spite of the pain that it brought now the pain is gone i have joy now preaching that gospel and i remain grateful to god for opening my eyes the intercontinental how much i love you thank you hello hello many thanks for joining us ma'am you name where you're calling from okay my name is okay go ahead please first of all i want to thank you for the worldwide i've been recording this program for a little while i'm really pleased my pleasure then point to my sister i have two questions us then number one question is i want to know the difference between positive thinking and faith and then the second question is the value streams that take the other thing a man to be forgiven then whosoever is the holy spirit shall not be forgiven so want to know how to hold out against the holy spirit okay thank you joshua all right thank you joshua for calling we appreciate first question uh what is the difference between positive thinking and faith positive thinking is humanistic it's humanistic it's not christ positive thinking is just telling a man think positive think i will make it think i will get there think uh i'm a bomb ready to explode think like that think positive but that's not bible that's just what motivational speakers tell everybody to think and to do to have a positive attitude to life faith is the revelation of jesus what jesus has done for you on the cross death burial resurrection and today in you what christ is doing through you based on what he has done for you that is faith and that is the way believers are supposed to think whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are good report even be any virtue or praise think on these things so you think within the confines of what christ has done second question was it what is the meaning of sin against the holy ghost well blasphemy or sin against the holy ghost is the rejection of the sacrifice of jesus if you reject the gospel you reject the death of christ reject what christ has done for you then there is no forgiveness for you because the basis for forgiveness is the death the burial and the resurrection of jesus christ hope that helps you fantastic he should okay but let's just go back a little let's just take him two three steps and backwards and go back to the last caller from taraba yet um talked about the past and all of that yes there is a free voice if you like um recording question a chronic question people continue to ask that even people accuse you that oh you now have changed because you you got all the money wanted build all the houses and all of that how do you react to those people well no man ever has enough money including the billionaires nobody ever has enough money so if i was in ministry for money i would have never changed because i never had enough money not to need more money even now i need more money and i will always need more money but money is not what brought me to the ministry honestly because when i started preaching the gospel close to 40 years ago now when i started preaching the gospel pastors were not rich it was a time where if you're a pastor it is difficult for somebody to give you his daughter to marry that's when i started preaching the gospel so my motivation was not money my motivation was a raw passion to see people born again now when people say i gathered money how much money can a man really gather it's true that people gave money when i was preaching that gospel but most of the money came into the church and don't forget don't forget that back then we already had kingdom life network kingdom life network today 17 years and county and when kingdom life network was on back then it was costing us several millions every month to keep kingdom life network on several millions and there were other projects going on in the church so even though the monies were coming the monies were still serving the ministry and the records are there we have an account session we have even a chatted accountant who is running our accounts so it's not like i was having the money for my pocket it was still coming for the ministry and when i apologized to the church and told them i'm sorry for all the things i taught on prosperity i also told him if anybody thinks he's not happy he wants to get his money back he's free to come and talk to me about it i apologize honestly but you see the good thing is this why people think i had money and i still have plenty of money because they seem to see that it's like nothing has really changed where my projects and programs are concerned and the truth is this if when i was preaching the gospel of prosperity i had money to do things how much more now that i'm preaching the gospel of christ the message of salvation and redemption people that have been affected by the truth of the gospel have discovered that they have a responsibility to the gospel and their generosity has come alive and people are given not to get but given because they are in love with what christ has done and the assignment he has given to the church so that's my response to that fantastic response fantastic response fantastic response fantastic response and pastor emmanuel i apologize to you i need to carry this to you tomorrow so blah blah blah will spend the night again in um south africa i don't know i i think we've spent too much too many nights in south africa perhaps we should just do a shock one to zambia how can i know i'm born again but i don't know myself if i'm born again may you help me be born again somebody writing from zambia well we may need to call you are the zambia president women need to connect you with pastor k in zambia lusaka he will look for you pastor k will look for you and share the message with you because it's not just prayer that gets you back again it's the message somebody needs to teach you that message to a point where you believe it and know it you will know it when you're born again so we will get in touch with you so bless you love about what we need to go um we so the the program continues tonight yeah the program continues tonight on uh on instagram nine to ten heritage ten to twelve tomorrow morning 5 45 am xlfm 11 to 1 p.m radio aquarium one two three xlfm three to five you know you fm and we're back here again tomorrow evening on comfort fm 6 pm and great grace to every one of you prayers just before we go i don't know we have 30 seconds for prayers yes father we pray for people in need of a miracle tonight amen people in need of healing we declare your body is healed amen in the name of jesus we rebuke every symptom we rebuke corona we come against every attack of the enemy on your lungs we come against every attack of the enemy on your brain cells satan get your hands off in the name of jesus and we declare healing for your body and father we pray for those in need of a miracle receive a miracle in other areas of your lives thank you father for answer prayer in jesus name amen we have our production team and the rest of the team here in your nigeria this is michael bush god bless you goodbye from yeah amen and be blessed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is kingdom life network [Music]
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 4,763
Rating: 4.9603958 out of 5
Id: d8c71DF1kXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 30sec (7650 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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