Starting with nothing… once again - Rimworld Ideology Ep. 1 [Rimworld Cold Bog Randy 500%]

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[Music] hey there and welcome back to room worlds my name is pete and today we complete the first episode of a brand new series it is finally time to play some rimworld ideology before we jump in though i want to start this series of rights which means we are having ourselves another giveaway to celebrate the beginning of a new adventure so i am giving away three copies of the rimworld ideology dlc and if the winners don't already have them i'll throw in the base game and the royalty expansion as well all you have to do to enter the giveaway is to leave a comment including but not limited to the phrase giveaway below this video and i'll announce the winners in the next episode you can find all further information in the description and the comments down below and i think now it is time to talk about what this series here is going to be the scenario for this one builds upon our two previous rimworld series which i highly recommend you check out if you haven't done so already and we are once again going for a modified naked brutality start modified because we are using the no research mod for this one a minor adjustment that makes it so that we start with not a single research project unlocked meaning that we have to research absolutely everything from pemmican to passive cooling by the way you can find all mods used in this playthrough in the description below although there aren't that many as i would like to keep things as close to vanilla as possible additionally our colonist is also once again considered a tribalist increasing research times by 50 to 100 depending on tech level needless to say we will not be making any major technological breakthroughs anytime soon the wanderer joins event is also disabled just like in our previous two series giving us a bit more control over who joins the colony and who doesn't now what is already shaping up to be a challenging scenario is made even more difficult by returning to randy random as our storyteller in my opinion still the most entertaining of the three ones available here however having now completed two series on randy's hardest difficulty setting losing his fun i think it's time we ramp up the challenge even further by using losing as fun as a bass line and cranking thread scale up to 500 percent all other settings remain untouched and at the losing is fun level but this alone will drastically increase the size of raids to a point where i can almost promise that this will be the first series in which we are going to lose a few people just to prevent the loss of progress though should we experience the rare crash which can always happen with mods or without we are going with reload anytime instead of commitment mode here but you have my word that i will play by no reloading honest man rules so no saves coming just a lot of pausing and thinking that you thankfully do not get to see for our world we are now going with the seed steakhouse as an homage to our last rimworld series and we are once again setting globe coverage to 100 we are now also able to activate a few more factions so let's do that and bring in some more variety with three new additions cannibal pirates a cannibal tribe and a tribe of nudists in exchange i have decided that we are going to play the series without mechanoids this might be a slightly controversial decision as mechanoids are a core feature of the game but i think at some point especially in the late game when max make up the majority of raids things usually start to get a bit repetitive their absence also makes it a bit more likely that we will be able to refrain from building an elaborate kill box otherwise likely needed on this difficulty but something that i would like to stay away from as much as possible this time this will also make the acquisition of certain items and materials a bit harder especially those obtained from mac clusters so all in all i don't think this will make the series that much easier on top of that playing without mechanoids also simply fits what i have in mind for the overall story and setting of the series so let's get to that next as we create our planet and here we are welcome to the cold bog a frosty wetland packed with lush vegetation survival in this biome is not going to be easy it might not be as punishing as the ice sheet or the extreme desert but instead of the harsh temperatures we will have to deal with frequent diseases short growing periods slow movement speed on the swampy soil and an overall lack of solid terrain to build upon additionally we are settling on a tile here that features both a large river as well as a coast to the sea so space will certainly come at a premium on this map all of that water can of course also give us some interesting strategic advantages and we also have some small hills featuring marble and granite but more often than not nature will work against us here by the way for the map size we are going with the default and our starting season will be summer just so you can play along if you want to now speaking of nature working against us let's talk ideology the new expansion allows us to create our very own belief system and i have one in mind that i think fits quite well to this environment we are however not going to jump in with a completely fleshed-out ideology simply because that would probably require quite a lot of explanation for the next few minutes so instead we are starting small with a fluid ideology that we can build up change and develop over time as the series progresses at the beginning we have to choose our ideology structure and the game says it already this is a mostly cosmetic choice we are going with animist the belief that spirits live in everything around us and i think that fits quite well with what comes next following that we now need to pick a starting meme memes are sorted by gameplay impact so how heavily they influence your colony and to begin with we only have access to memes with low or medium impact unfortunately though the meme that we want to start with has a heavy impact so let's use the magic of editing and the game's dev tools to select tree connection our starting meme trees are the essence of life and we must be near them that is the core belief of the cult of jinx the ideology of our yet to be born colony named after one of my lovely patreon supporters this ideology is now expressed through a set of so-called precepts these are basically the rules that translate the meme into something a bit more actionable if you will now most of these precepts we can flash out as we see fit but a few are required as part of the tree connection meme first we need to have a strong connection with the kaurenland tree but what that is and what it does we'll find that out later secondly and this is arguably going to be the biggest pain in the ass at the beginning our ideology demands that we do not harm trees chopping wood will cause our colonists moot penalties but it will also be essential in the early game especially in the cold bark so that is certainly going to be interesting to perhaps kind of make up for that the last two here then actually work in our favor as a rough living removes the mood penalties from sleeping outside or eating without a table and tough temperatures also don't cause us any troubles as long as we don't start to suffer from hypothermia that is the rest then remains pretty much on par with what you would expect from a regular game of rimworlds with the exception that slavery organ news and executions are perfectly acceptable anything else would not really make sense considering our starting colonist but we'll get to that in just a second we also have some roles here some rituals a few specific buildings a relic and a few hairstyles and tattoos that our ideology prefers none of that is crucial to explain at this point though as we are all itching to get to the gameplay one final thing before we jump in though let's meet our starting colonist once again chosen from the list of patrons in the naming rights tier and above this here is spectral phoenix specs for short the protagonist of today's first episode and hopefully of a few more and i think it's safe to say that she is quite special with the bloodlust and psychopath traits we are dealing with the personification of crazy spex loves to hurt people she actually gets a hefty boot increase for killing strangers while her mood is unaffected by slavery organese butchering humans and wearing the skin as well as any sort of social interaction in general in short we are sort of going back and maybe beyond our ice sheet roots with this one and i'm sure this is totally not going to backfire at all now with the tribe child and buffalo shaman backgrounds spex has a few skill points in shooting melee plans and social coincidentally also the only skills she has any points in at all everything else is set to zero and passions are also only allowed for those four skills resulting in a colonist worth roughly 1000 points well below the average rimworld colonist and roughly on par with stake from our last series so we will definitely have a heavy need for helping hands early on by the way on the topic of additional colonists we are going to handle naming in this series just like we did in our previous two adventures everyone in the naming rights tier or above over on patreon will get a chance to have their names appear in the series be it as a colonist an animal or some other nameable aspect of the game with that being said though i think i have talked about the setup for long enough let us now jump into the gameplay and begin our playthrough of rimworld ideology [Music] the universe is an endless cycle of creation and destruction the spirits of trees are mighty as they bridge the power of the air above with that of the ground beneath and protect those who live below their branches it is said in the ancient scrolls that the spirit of the great jinx the mightiest spirit of them all will one day bestow its power upon the chosen one do you have what it takes to be chosen that is the question that sets us off here today as spectral phoenix awakes in the cold bog naked and probably hungry for blood before we set up camp let's take a quick look at the map which is certainly unique and quite different from what we have played on previously we have a small strip of sandy coast to the north with a river running to the sea from down south and everything else is overgrown swampland our first task is to now locate the anima tree a tree added by the royalty dlc that allows us to meditate near it doing so for long enough also allows us to unlock scicaster ranks so we don't necessarily need the empire for that so for our first day we will set up a rudimentary camp right next to the anima tree thanks to the rough living precept specs will not mind sleeping outside for the night our next priority then is to collect some food and we can do that with some berry bushes right next to our starting location and there are plenty of these scattered all over the map even though with a planned skill of only two a harvest is not always guaranteed a short while later though we have assembled a small stockpile and can now start deconstructing the steel ruins right next to our first campsite here the goal is to obtain at least 60 units of steel and it doesn't take us too long to get there which means we can now start crafting two knives on one hand that is of course done for protection but arguably even more important than that is that we increase bexa's crafting skill currently at zero we need to increase that to level two to be able to craft our first ranged weapon and until we have that every raid or manhunting animal poses a serious perhaps even deadly threat to us we do however get lucky with the first knife here which is of normal quality definitely not the expected result with that little crafting experience but we'll take it and equip it right away knife number two then cannot keep up with that but at this point we are doing this only for the experience as the sun then slowly sets across the swamp we spend our first evening meditating at the anima tree which also does a great job increasing specs's recreation need and combined with the absence of many mood penalties from rough living i honestly think that mental breaks should not be a major concern here at the beginning eventually then it's time to get some rest we can see that the anima tree has progressed to 64 so we will soon see what happens if we reach 100 the knight is then cut short as temperatures are slowly becoming a problem and to stay warm we need to construct ourselves a shelter with our remaining steel and that from another ruin on the beach we can construct a small wall creating a tiny hideout on the side of the hill here at this point though it is then unfortunately necessary to chop down our first tree as hypothermia is starting to set in and we need to construct ourselves a campfire chopping down a big cypress tree with a plant skill of only three takes some time however and so it is around midday as the trunk finally falls putting up the campfire then sadly also fails and wastes some valuable resources thanks to a construction skill of barely one but luckily we do at least manage to get ourselves a door constructed and with that our small shelter is finally closed off as we then have no other choice but to chop down another tree for the campfire we have our first event of the episode as a wild boar has self-tamed and with that our colony has just obtained its first animal this time the campfire construction also succeeds and so we now have some warmth inside of our shelter the only thing missing to make the day complete is some food so let's gather some berries next after a fruity dinner spex can now go to bed in her new home and we can see the hypothermia slowly fade away in the middle of the night then she is warm and comfy and ventures outside to do some killing a sleeping squirrel seems like an easy target and indeed with one swift chop animal's head is off and spex can go back to sleep at this point we can also name our boar once again with a name from the list of patrons in the naming rights tier and above and fatty mccool is probably the funniest animal name we've had in a long time so welcome to the colony by the way we can't bring fatty any closer to our small shelter without the construction of a designated animal pen and we neither have the time nor the resources to put one up at this point for the time being though fatty will survive just fine out in the swamp a few other animals have not been quite as lucky though as an arctic fox as well as a hair have died near the beach possibly from a fight with each other in any case we are now collecting what's left of the corpses to chop it into meat at our newly constructed butcher spot with our campfire we can also cook the meat right away and turn it into a few filling meals in the afternoon we then have to sacrifice two more trees resulting in a small -2 mood penalty but if we want to get that crafting skill up then we need the wood a dead timberwolf on the beach delays our crafting endeavors a bit though but an animal providing enough meat for three full meals is just too good to pass up in the early game and since the day is almost finished anyway we might as well wrap it up with some meditation spex's recreation need is certainly not going to complain we are also hitting that 100 now which means the anima tree has just sprouted its first patch of anima grass once 20 of these grass patches have grown any tribal colonist can start a linking ritual to grant a level of styling and with that unlock various psychic abilities and as you have seen getting one patch of anima grass to sprout does not take too long so this is a viable way of becoming a powerful zycaster something that i think i want to explore a bit more in this series compared to the last one where only stake had some psychic abilities due to his royal rank now on the next morning it is once again time to construct our small shelter is already getting cramped resulting in a small yet avoidable mood penalty and some construction experience is needed as well as vital constructions like traps for example are locked behind a certain skill level we are carefully watching the range of the anima tree while building here by the way as every piece of artificial structure placed too close to the tree will reduce its strength as a meditation focus needless to say that is one more good reason next to our ideology to leave nature undisturbed after a lengthy cooking session we can also finally continue crafting and this time we are making war masks requiring 25 units of wood and 50 units of work these are the most efficient items to make in the early game if you want to train crafting and have nothing else unlocked and we can even wear one of them for a bit of protection and an increase to spex's paint threshold meaning she can stay in the fight just a tiny bit longer if she gets hurt because our ideology follows the animist structure war masks are also made in the animalist style resembling what seems to be a tiger or perhaps a bear but offering no actual bonuses otherwise during the night then we are informed that we have made it into summer and as such hypothermia should probably no longer be a concern at the same time it might be wise to use the rich soil of the swamp to grow some food so in the morning we can watch specs cut down a good number of trees to plant some rice her mood is of course quickly taking some hits because of that but we have food and her recreation need is also still satisfied so that should balance things out the planting does take until the late afternoon though and with another war mask to make today's meditation session is cut a little short on the next morning then we finally reach level 1 in the crafting scale and thanks to a healthy supply of wood we can keep going for a little while longer our work is interrupted though by fatty mccool as the lack of an animal pan has caused our boar to start roaming away like i said though constructing such a pen is really not a priority at this time so we'll have to accept the situation for what it is of course we are not letting fatty just leave a bore is valuable food after all so spex now makes the long trek through the swamp to put an end to fatty mccool my apologies that can obviously also happen with naming rights but your contribution to the series and of course to specs of survival will not be forgotten for the remainder of the afternoon we are collecting more berries with spex's currently barely existing cooking skills the chance to obtain food poisoning is a little lower if we just eat those and speaking of which as she consumes the meal she brought with her food poisoning strikes for the first time in the series since other illnesses and injuries are likely to follow sooner or later it might also be a good idea to build up a small stock of herbal medicine although our first attempts to obtain some from the wild hill route growing in the area are sadly unsuccessful at the anima tree meanwhile we managed to get the second patch of grass to sprout only 18 more to go until we're ready to go psychic on the following day then spex is sleeping in and spends most of the day cooking meat the food poisoning is still slowing her down somewhat for that reason she also only makes one more warm mask before it's time to meditate again all in all a rather uneventful day before going off to bed though we can burn the masks that we have made at the moment they are only eating up storage space and drive our colony wealth up and with a 500 threat modifier and no ranged weapons so far we might want to keep that as low as possible for the time being on the next morning we are then disassembling the rest of the steel ruins on the beach because we want to craft a few more knives and while spex makes her way over to a second small ruin to the west we also received the info that a grandland pod has sprouted nearby this part can now be harvested and from the seed inside we can grow a gaurendlin tree the heart of our ideology however we are not doing that just yet as the garandland tree needs daily care to really be useful and at the moment we have more pressing needs to take care of for example we still don't have any medicine but this time spex's harvesting attempt is successful and despite all the steel collecting we still don't get around cutting down another tree as our campfire has gone out and it's probably not a good idea to attempt to make knives in the dark speaking of which as the evening rolls around and spex finishes the third knife of the day we are about one third to level two in the crafting skill so that precious bow is getting closer after the evening's meditation by the anima tree the night then passes by uneventfully and on the next morning with a bit of rain setting in we can clear the knives out of our small shelter and get back to chopping wood for the next round of war masks spex's mood penalty meanwhile has moved to a hefty -10 for harming all of those trees but at least for the time being i sadly don't see any other way around that now a few hours of crafting and three more masks continue to move us in the right direction but we are still not quite there yet another small steer ruin to the east is there for our next destination providing us with the means to make at least one more knife and leave the trees in peace for a little while longer in the evening anima grass patch number three is underway so we are making good progress on that front as well and even though spex has become quite bored of meditating every night it is still enough to keep her recreation needs satisfied and her mood at acceptable levels with another knight and another knife behind us spex is then heading west on the next morning passing by in ancient danger we are of course not going to open that anytime soon instead we are much more interested in the steel sarcophagus right next to it that one provides us with enough steel to make one more knife unfortunately though still not enough to get us to crafting level two so with no other options in the vicinity we have no choice but to go back to tree cutting raising spex's mood penalty to -13 good thing that we have been able to meet all of her other needs so far otherwise her mental state could be looking much much worse thanks to a short berry collecting trip and another round of meditation we don't get that much work done today though and to make things worse we also have an eclipse setting in now despite the tough living precept the dark still bothers specs and for the next day or so she will see or rather not see quite a bit more of it at least the inside of our small shelter is brightly lit though allowing specs to craft three more war masks on the following day unfortunately though number three only brings us within a hairs breath of level 2 and with 30 more units of wood also still needed for the bow itself we are going back into the forest once more thankfully the mood penalty remains at -13 for now it can go as low as -20 and so during an evening that is for a change not spent meditating we finally reach level 2 in the crafting skill as a result we can now make ourselves a short bow and with that hopefully make life a lot easier for prospects even though the weapon is only of poor quality we now have the option to hunt small animals relatively risk-free obtain some leather for our first piece of tribal wear yes max is still naked despite that mask of course and we should also be able to hold our own against the first few melee enemies that the game throws at us for our first episode today those have been almost suspiciously absent so i'm sure we'll see a bit more action in the next one for today though i think we have reached a good point to make the cut a new rimworld adventure has begun and even though the first episode here today was a relatively quiet one we all know that randy random likes to change things up within a heartbeat so i am very excited to see where the journey of spectral phoenix will take us as we wrap things up for today i also want to say thank you to sunnybrook one who designed the thumbnail for the series as part of a little competition that we had over on the pete complete discord which you can join as well if you support the channel on patreon and i have to say despite the fact that i was only able to provide very few details on what this series was going to be like they captured specs in an absolutely amazing way however i also want to thank everyone else who submitted artwork as part of the competition which now allows me to already finish the very first episode with a lovely showcase and as always your fan art submissions are more than welcome for the rest of the series as well they were a big part of what made the last runworld series so special and if the community is up for it then i would be super happy to keep that trend going if you want to send me your artwork then you have various means of doing so you can simply send me an email to pete you can also find me on facebook where i check my messages semi-regularly and if you are a patreon supporter then the patreon message feature or the pete complete discord work as well apart from that i don't have much else to say other than please do not forget to take part in the giveaway if you want to and a quick reminder if you want to have a chance to see your name in the series as well then feel free to head over to the pete complete patreon where you can support what i'm doing and receive a bunch of cool stuff in exchange that is all i have for today though so as always i hope you enjoyed the episode and are as excited as i am for the start of this new series and if that's the case then i would be very happy if you could leave a thumbs up if you like what i'm doing and want to support me and my channel further then you can subscribe to stay up to date and get notified when the next episode goes up grab some merch over on or check out and maybe even pledge to the pete complete patreon thank you all for watching and i'll see you next time cheers [Music] you
Channel: Pete Complete
Views: 335,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rimworld Ideology, Rimworld Ideology Randy 500, Rimworld Ideology Randy Random 500, Rimworld Tree Connection, Rimworld Naked Brutality, Rimworld starting with nothing, Rimworld cold bog, rimworld swamp, Rimworld Pete Complete, Pete Complete Rimworld, Rimworld 1.3
Id: WPrv-EI5tXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 14sec (1574 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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