3 Roundabout Upgrades Tutorial - Cities: Skylines with mods

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this is just an ordinary roundabout built in city skylines but i'm going to show you three alternative designs or upgrades with multi-level roads that you can try building in your cities to improve traffic and also to simply build something more interesting here and there to have more variety of junctions now we are going to start with the one that you are probably already familiar with and that is just providing a separate road for going straight through now i'm going to be building that with the vanilla overpass project now to introduce that if you don't know it it's basically a set of roads that are going to allow you to build very compact and neat looking entrances into elevated ramps from the median of these large roads so that's actually looking very very good i really like building with them i already used them in for example aurelia series so in order to do that we need to prepare three segments in front of the intersection and two of them at the start kind of need to be a bit short so i'm just going to use the network multi-tool and as you can see we have these two long segments so in here i'm just going to divide that in two yeah this sometimes happened the traffic just stops but don't worry that's going to be fixed soon after we do these changes i'm going to pause the game anyway so now i'm going to go into the roads i'm going to go into the large tabs large roads and in here i have these vanilla overpass project roads now they are called abc i'm just going to use the one that has two lanes everywhere this is not really like a vanilla overpass project tutorial but i'm going to just quickly go through uh some of these options okay so we have the abc roads they are basically the transitions into these so you are immediately going to see how it works i'm just going to use the the road a to upgrade the third segment then the second one for b and c for the one that's connecting all the way to the roundabout okay as you can see these are the transitions this one is the with the clipping through the center this is just with a large median i'm going to go now into the small roads i'm going to take the vop2 lane that's the one with two ways one lane each and i'm just going to do elevate it with the fine row tools and i'm going to click this note right here just build it off the road a bit i'm going to raise it with move it into some reasonable height which can be obviously changed later and with holding alt i'm going to make it parallel to these roads okay and that's basically it now we of course need to make it so that there is a six lane road in here the large vanilla road because we need to have that transition into the turning point now in here we need to have a continuation of this ramp so that's going to be exactly the same road as before but this time it's going to be the bridge segment because this uh this set of roads has very cleverly these kinds of either bridge segments or the elevated ones have this uh like just a block of concrete below them so that's looking very very neat now we're just going to fiddle with move it for example bring this closer to the intersection like this and you know do all kinds of changes that we want to of course we have to make this transition segment very very short uh as short as is needed so that the textures as you can see are nicely going to align like that so that's very good now in my experience you do need to then use these uh junction restrictions with the traffic manager right on this node and block people from crossing it because there is technically a crosswalk and it's just looking very bad you cannot click this crosswalk for some reason but in my experience this is enough then what you need to do is take the lane connector and make sure that all these lanes are going to go straight through now you cannot really do this in my experience on this note you cannot do that with the with the shortcut you can do it here but on this note is just going to create all kinds of weird connections so it's best to do it manually and obviously over here this is going to look you know something like this and obviously people can still go straight through so something like that and then you can easily just use the node controller to make the corner offset here slightly larger so the intersection is bigger you might for example add a crossing in here or just use it completely custom doesn't really matter and then maybe take the intersection marking tool and create some kind of a nice transition over here for example continue the median with the grass or something like that so that's going to look all very oh yeah and by the way this is something that can happen to you the texture on this transition it might be facing the other way around now in my experience it's best to just demolish it and build it uh from scratch you need to probably build it yeah you need to start uh from the node where the transition uh marking is going to reach the one point right that kind of makes sense that you need to build it that way okay so that's just one thing that might be a bit of a problem at first okay so that is the first design that you can try with the bypass road going straight above the roundabout using the vanilla overpass project and just fiddling with the transitions also with the vanilla overpass roads and the intersection marking tools and the node controller and as you can see the transition is working really nicely you can see the cars just quickly going into those uh center lanes it's just looking really really good so that's just one alternative that you can try the second type i'm going to show you is called the four flyover roundabout and it's very similar to this one but it's not going to provide the separate way of going straight but it's going to provide separate ways of going left from the main direction which i chose to be this road of course now we can in cities skylines we can build it using the vanilla overpass project as well so i'm going to show you how would we do that now we are going to do some kind of changes on the entrances over here because we need to change these roads and how they look like i'm going to delete my beautiful markings from this road for example because we don't need them anymore and we are going to change the input road into a four plus two road i'm not really sure but i think yep this is the network extensions two mode and we're just going to make it like this so we have two two ways going going left okay now then we are going to go into these roads as you can see here we have these brackets two and two and we're going to use the a24 entrance actually a1 looks like because yep that's going to uh match the the the median here and then we're going to use the b for down here and c for the connection to the roundabout then we're going to go into the small roads and in here i'm just going to use the one-way ramp which is the the blue line okay and that's what i'm going to use here so this one is obviously going to be switched the the one that's elevated in here we are going to delete it and we need to now prepare the overpass entrances on all four of these roads so i'm going to just quickly do that okay so i finally have that finished and as you can see it's very important to make sure that the main roads the one that's this one that's this way this direction is having this four plus two roads so that the cars are going to turn into these lanes okay as you can see they need to turn into the ramp and all the left turns so these rows they need to have it so that they are going to be exiting from it okay so that's kind of important to set that up this one has it the same and obviously this one has it on the entrance too now we are going to we are going to complete this and we are obviously not going to connect it straight but we're going to make the turns so i'm going to make this left turn obviously using uh using the bridge segment i'm going to do this and from this direction gonna do this there we go i'm gonna make sure with move it that it's at the same height it should be already and we also need to make sure that all of these other ramps are oriented the same way so this one needs to go down here and this one also needs to go down here all right now the one last thing that we need to do are obviously those lane connectors and also the junction markings the restrictions this is kind of important to set up as you can see this didn't change over here and the lane arrows or the lane connections they did oh and yeah you need to make sure that these a1s or a2 roads the entrance is the transitions they are oriented the same way okay so that the lane connectors are going to work so if i'm going to click this entrance node and hit control s to do the to do the uh you know stay in lane markings then they are actually going to look like they stay in lane okay so if i delete this for example and i'm just going to turn it around as you can see it doesn't really change it's only going to puff the smoke uh that's going to give you an indication that something happened but now it's oriented the opposite way and if i click ctrl s it's just going to do a completely weird weird lines okay so that's an indication that it's wrong and you need to make sure that you have the upgrade road tool and you're just gonna right click this and upgrade it the correct way and then it's going to look like it stays in lane all right so this road again doesn't really work uh for for some reason but this one is actually fine as you can see that these lanes can be made to stay in lane but they just need to be done manually all right so i would just do this for all four of the directions okay so all of the lane connectors are set up and as you can see it's working really really well the traffic is nicely just using these kinds of bypass roads to just bypass the left turns and use these and just like before these transitions into these ramps are looking really good i really like how the traffic is just smoothly going in it we have some more traffic coming from this so this direction is probably going to look even a bit more impressive and i just like it i just really do like how this is working it was not really that difficult to set up it was slightly more difficult than the previous one but it's still just you know quite easy thing to do with the vanilla overpass project now to be completely honest if i was doing this with like more details and everything i would probably go using the technique of just sinking these bypass roads making them go under the roundabout and that is actually kind of the realistic or the real life uh justification for these that's why it's called uh four flyover because there are supposed to be four uh bridges at uh at these uh crossings between the different levels right so it's supposed to be kind of sunken but i can you can obviously just do it whatever you want i usually would probably go for uh sunken variant but with the vanilla overpass project this is just so easy to set up it's obviously requiring a bit longer entrance and exit roads so this is not really something for like an urban dense environment because if you had like intersections very close to the roundabout then this this entrance to the ramp would have to be either super short or just much shorter or you know this just needs to be on a very very straight and uninterrupted road but that's obviously up to you to just apply this design in your cities and your environments that i'm just showing you the possibilities right i'm not really forcing you to build it absolutely everywhere anyway moving on and we are going to do the best for last and that is going to be the third roundabout which is called the target roundabout and it's looking really cool in in like blueprints so hopefully it's going to look even cooler in city skylines let's go build it okay so the target roundabout what exactly is it it's uh basically a two level roundabout it looks really cool it has the two circles on different levels and connections uh into both of them so it's looking really interesting and i would really like to see how that's going to work in city skylines so let's go build it and i'm going to use a technique that's probably a bit unconventional and if you're not using like mods or you want to do this in vanilla then you probably need to do it a bit differently uglier obviously but i'm just going to use a couple of mods to make it a bit more compact so at first i'm just going to prepare the entrances and exits uh somewhere off the main road okay because this is going to be then easier i'm then going to just use move it and copy paste it into the road or into the place so i'm going to prepare two segments of this entrance road then what i'm going to do is i'm going to take any kind of two-lane one-way road but in this particular case i would really like to actually go back into using the one-way road from the vanilla overpass because it doesn't have the parking lots or parking lanes and it's narrow over so i'm not really sure but i think that the network extensions road our network extensions mod doesn't really have that kind of road so this one is actually kind of convenient i'm gonna build it so it goes into the road and i do really need to have two segments in here okay i'm gonna use it using the grid snapping because i really want it to be parallel to that road then i'm gonna take for example the asymmetrical three-lane road it's important that i pick a two plus one road it doesn't really matter if this one in particular actually you might even do this using highways because realistically people are not gonna walk on this complicated roundabout so you know you might do it with for example the shuto expressways those might be looking really really cool and very compact now this one i'm going to orient uh this way so that the two lanes are going uh yeah like this hopefully that's right i'm not really exact exactly sure yes yes yes that is right that is right now i'm going to pick these two roads i'm actually going to only choose nodes and i'm going to make them go roughly roughly as an extension of that big road then i'm going gonna connect it together and then we will have to kind of fiddle with it so that the transition looks good okay i kind of ran out of patience so i'm just going to brute force it with the note controller and i'm just going to do the corner offsets on these kinds of roads maybe a bit fiddle with the backwards uh directions here and i'm really going to try to make it uh much much smoother as you can see pretty much just like this there we go that's looking very good yeah it's not exactly aligned in like one straight line the edges but you know i'm just creating like a short uh showcase in here now i might as well already prepare the markings as well because this is just going to be copy pasted in the entire thing so why not prepare it fully and yeah i'm just really quickly trying to do these markings even to show you how this road is actually supposed to be working okay so yeah like this now i'm not exactly sure if you're going to copy-paste with move-it these kinds of network extensions connections or sorry the traffic manager connections lane connectors if that's going to be copy pasted with it i suppose we're going to try and see how that's going to work anyway the point is that these two roads are going to go into the different levels of the roundabouts so one of them is either going to be elevated or sorry yeah elevated or surface and they're kind of going to alter between those types now what i would like to do is i would like to just clip away these connections and i'm going to just copy paste this in so i'm going to hold alt just so that it's going to snap to that segment there we go and i'm just going to delete this and put it back i'm just going to use the the pipette and grab that road with the network skins of course and i'm going to do the same exact thing on all of these roads it's kind of important to prepare this i suppose a bit in advance and well it's not really that necessary i guess it's just uh important that you're gonna get it kind of right with these lengths but i suppose it might be uh just a matter of time before you set that up and you don't even need to do that because if you hold out with uh move it you can obviously snap even to the segments as you can see right here for example this road is a bit longer than it needed to be there so i'm just going to do this and all of these roads i'm just going to clip off and complete them by just building it you know the normal way i suppose so that's going to be the start now what i'm going to do is i'm going to prepare those different levels and make the roads go into those different levels now this roundabout we no longer need so i'm just going to move it away i'm actually going to let the game run for a while just so the traffic clears and we have a bit of a a bit of a clearer playing field and this is now very important i'm actually looking at a at a little bit of a picture of this on my second monitor because i really want to make this right so these uh bigger roads that are facing each other these need to go higher okay and we might actually already make them and turn them into the elevated segments so i'm just going to take the network fine row tools of course i'm going to make them like this now on those on those perpendicular roads it's going to be exactly the opposite so that's exactly what i was talking about so these are going to be elevated and those are the ones that will go into the same height as these roads now we need to do the most important thing and that is going to be setting the center of the roundabout i'm going to be using the roundabout builder mod but that mod requires some center intersection which is going to serve as the center of the circle the geometrical center of course now we want to have it so that it's very very precisely built so what are we going to do is we are going to make that center in like a virtual center point of these big roads okay so that's going to be very important to set that up now for that purpose i'm going to take any kind of different road for example this uh this just a basic vanilla road i'm going to just build it slightly off the center i'm going to take move it and i'm going to just again with holding alt i'm going to move it so that it snaps into that center point right there okay as you can see it's it's supposed to be obviously the same as in here now i'm going to take that road again i can for example take the picker with the move it and just rotate it 90 degrees and connect it just like this now what i'm going to do very very simply is i'm going to take the network multi-tool intersection or or what is it called intersect segments mode yep and i'm just going to create this intersection that's going to serve as the center of these roads now i can for example put these roads higher or first i can clip them off that's going to be kind of easier to then continue so i'm just going to clip them off like that obviously keeping the the notes or the the center note in place and some of these segments that are connecting to it now i'm going to make these notes go slightly further into this and i'm going to connect them into these roads but they don't need to be all that precise because i'm gonna later show you in just a couple of seconds the magic of the network or sorry the roundabout builder so we're gonna just connect it it's very important that it's just connected and everything else is kind of not needed right now to make it that precise i'm going to make it all into one height and let's do the magics so now i'm going to take the network multi-tool we're gonna take uh the uh no actually not that multi-tool the roundabout builder which is the control o i'm going to pick the radius of for example 55 i kind of want to have it big and well actually 50 was enough and i'm just going to click this road and watch this boom there we go that's our first circle of the roundabout very very nice isn't it now we're going to do exactly oh sorry i'm just going to close this we're going to do exactly the same thing with the lower roads so i'm already just going to prepare them going to make them go like this kind of close to each other and later we are going to create that segment the intersecting segment now actually the intersecting segment right now is going to be much easier to be built because now we can actually use uh the upper roundabout that we already prepared here i'm just going to do the same thing as before in here unfortunately i need to clip off some of these nodes on these roads before i can come on there we go before we can create that intersection just like this now what i'm gonna do is i'm going to just connect all of these roads down below into this center note i'm going to do it i'm going to make sure that it's going to be the surface variant of these roads and where is it i'm gonna turn off move it gonna take the picker again and connect these roads now we can just destroy that upper circle don't need it anymore and gonna make sure that all of these nodes down here are on the surface now the lower roundabout again i'm going to hit ctrl o and we're going to make it slightly smaller just so it's neatly going inside the circle we might put it to like 35 for example yeah that's looking looking fine so there we go and that is the that is the second circle down below now we are going to set up the correct types of roads and all these kinds of lanes now one half of these roads are going to be symmetrically turned into one lanes and these other ones are just going to be kept two lanes so i'm just going to start with this direction for example so let's imagine it okay so you want to go and turn right from this road so you're just going to go up you're going to keep to the rightmost lane you're going to turn right on this road and then you're just going to exit on this ramp going down like this very very simple right just going to continue in your in your way on your way now let's say that you want to go straight well that means that you're just going to go into that leftmost lane on the upper roundabout here you can continue how is this actually looking well in here that's gonna be a bit of a change because in here we don't need to have a two-lane road so hey do i have any kind of one-lane road i only have the road from the network extensions but unfortunately that one doesn't have that one doesn't have a one lane road so i'm kind of forced to use the vanilla highway for example but in this particular case i definitely would use the shuttle expressways or just some kind of different roads where i would really have that one lane road or i could and well let me actually show you because that might be a really cool thing to do i am going to use the network or sorry intersection marking tools and i'm just going to make one lane in here turned uh into some kind of markings or maybe even like pavement or something okay so oh yeah my i'll just keep it as a filler doesn't really matter i'm going to copy these markings and i'm just going to paste them over here and apply now i'm just going to return back to what we were doing with those lane connectors so if you want to go straight through the roundabout you're just going to continue straight straight straight right and in here you're going to turn outside of the road very very simple now if you want to turn right then oh sorry left then you're going to continue on this red line but you're just going to turn in here you're going to go straight okay and over here you're just going to turn outside of the roundabout okay or actually this might be yeah no let's let's keep it like this so that the ref left so that the right turns are going to have their own lane like that okay that's going to be the best you could make it with this blue line to turn it down like that but obviously that's just going to create more intersecting points even though there's obviously going to be this kind of intersecting point anyway but uh you know that's just that's just a roundabout that kind of uh needs to be like that the same thing is going to be done down there so all these longer roads actually where you have the two-lane road on the upper part of the roundabout you're gonna have a one-lane road on the lower part of the roundabout okay now if you are going from the side road it's exactly the same situation so if you want to turn right you're just going to continue into the rightmost lane and going to make your turn down if you want to go straight you're just going to turn into the leftmost lane continue straight over here and then make the turn into the road in here you could theoretically make uh make the turn well actually no this is this is the only way people can turn because cars cannot enter it in here i was a bit confused there for a second but no i'm fine i'm fine okay so that's it and obviously if you want to turn uh left and you need to continue straight in here and then make the turn right there okay and uh people can also of course continue uh straight so anyway i'm just going to copy or continue these lane markings and then i'm going to show you how it's performing all right so this is the finished target roundabout with even better markings than we did before as you can see i played a bit with the intersection marking tool and i actually made it look kind of good even though i'm using mostly vanilla roads uh the intersection marking tools are just going to make it so much better and i suppose i'm gonna try to position the camera right here i'm gonna try not to move it while i talk because it might give you a better idea how this works especially now that i basically blocked all the black asphalt that's not used to buy the intersection marking tools either grass or the pavement so it's just going to give you a better overview of the different lanes and how this is working as you can see i also completed the solid lines on some of the segments inside the roundabout which is going to really tell you that we do have those uh somewhat protected not exactly like super divided but at least like painted divider there is for the right turns okay so the right turns have absolutely uninterrupted path into the intersection anyway guys that's just the three examples that i wanted to show you you can obviously just adapt this to your situation in your cities use different kind of rows different markings and whatever okay but these are just uh just an examples anyway that's going to be all from this video thank you for watching it if you found it helpful then you can put a thumbs up below the video write a comment subscribe to the channel if you are new here and become a channel member if you want to directly support this channel thank you for watching again and goodbye you
Channel: Akruas
Views: 168,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, cities skylines mods, cities skylines realistic city, city skylines, city skyline, cities skyline, city building games, building games, cities skylines assets, simulator games, akruas, cities skylines future city, cities skylines best city, cities skylines graphics mod, city, mods, cities, skylines, traffic, tutorial, tips and tricks, tip, cities skylines best mods, cities skylines tips, cities skylines traffic management, roudnabout, upgrade
Id: UyoJ-HaMW-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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