THE HUNGER GRAHAMS | Jennifer Lawrence's Best Moments on The Graham Norton Show

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it's a wonderful Whitehall until he just announced it cuz your and my phone is Jack puppy puppy I love that emergency lipstick and if you guys don't know this is where babies come from Jack and I met on a magical night out when I ate myself more than I've ever had it was probably the best moment of my life have you sorted out all your visas because I know was it when you were auditioning for the first episod yeah was it you have to come here to do it it's just like what this is just humiliate Jennifer day I was auditioning for the first x-men my passport was expiring under six months which apparently are not supposed to travel bah-bah-bah so they were like whatever you do don't tell them that you're here for work cuz I'll ask for a work visa say you're here for pleasure and I'm like oh my good god customs officer and so I'm working myself up so much through the line I'm like okay I just have to have a backstory to believe it and and so it gets there and he was like business or pleasure and I was like pleasure what are you doing for pleasure my brothers getting married where is he getting married Wimbledon is the American yes do you have an invitation no are you telling the truth no you little jail my employer I felt tiny was it wasn't the night you won your Oscar the night I won my I don't want to talk about that night I had a whole meltdown birth control confusion so I was like hormonal fell on my face I forgot to thank the director so I was just like what does it all mean nothing burst into her bathroom with a BB gun well she was trying to pee in the middle to let the rest of it go out like that's a whole really hard like there's a lot going on and then he burst in and started pelting me and it wasn't fair because we were all shooting each other with guns but you all were all in clothes we were all naked we were telling this and we were saying like she there we we're and she's like huddled on the floor in her bathroom naked and I'm we're done loading on her get an Abercrombie model yeah hey no don't make your whose to be a story so my pictures never came out it did like the whole campaign the pictures never came out and I didn't know why am i a gent wrote and asked why and they literally only responded with the photos they like their home like idea was like we want real people so they you know they like God he did I don't know we were like on a beach and then they threw us a football and they're like play football and all the other models were like playing football like in a pretty way you know like and that me I was all of the photos I've got a red face covered in sweat my nostrils are flared like at one point a girly girl just get her away from me you buy the BB gun but you've also done is it did you do a punching game this is her game she did this game what I just wanted to protect my drink Chito is this game i even TI brought it you did bring we used to do it in The Hunger Games in like a normal way because you're bored you know you spend minimum 12 hours on set so it's like you know you see the circle you get punched and on Hunger Games that's normal I brought it to these psychos and now it's it's truly truly dangerous did you look the first time ever in my career I never assume anyone knows who I am and I saw Harrison Ford and like JJ Abrams and I was like I was like yeah this is fine we're all co-workers like I can just go so I was like be right back guys I'm gonna go say hi to the Star Wars dudes and I approached their table and was like and they all the whole table is just like I realized while I was dancing I was like they have no idea who I am and so I just turned around and walked back met the trumpet all things Jennifer I haven't no I was at the dog sir and I heard he was attending so I had my full security like I was like fine Donald Trump because I was just I was adamant on finding him and then making a video of me going hey trunk [ __ ] you what a vagina it's a chat show not a whispering she's going okay so I had next phone oh there he is um and they we were at a group message with Fassbender and McAvoy and Josh Helman another actor in the movie and I was like wrote this like really serious and emotional texture was like guys there's a super embarrassing and like I knew how to like kind of write like Nick like instead of cause like ause cos Cole's yeah and I was like I know this sounds silly this is really embarrassing but have you guys have heard like god this is so embarrassing lactated from your nipples sounds really serious though honestly like you should go to a doctor you might have a hormone problem I don't see what this has to do with anything where you going up for this New York China and I think that's it yeah I'm not doing you're not doing China no no no I lied and told him I'm on a movie
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 5,248,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show new series, Graham Norton 2020, The Graham Norton Show 2020, Graham Norton Show Best Moments, Graham Norton Show funniest moments, Jennifer Lawrence Graham Norton, The Hunger Games Graham Norton, X-Men Graham Norton, Eddie Redmayne Graham Norton, James McAvoy Graham Norton, Jennifer Lawrence, The Hunger Games, X-Men, Eddie Redmayne, Jack Whitehall, James McAvoy, Johnny Depp
Id: KlDvzBBxrao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2016
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