The Graham Norton Show 2023 FULL Episode 🅽🅴🆆 The Graham Norton 2023

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to you tonight I tell you excitement levels are going over the top a bit like a Harry Kane penalty poor Harry said at least the friends were magnanimous in Victory tonight it's the World Cup Final on Sunday Argentina versus France everyone watching it everyone watching it maybe not it promises to be the biggest fiercest International Grudge Match since Wales vs Sussex now this is our last show before Christmas a bit earlier than normal but we wanted to give the audience nine days to find a train home good luck everyone I mean everyone's on strike even the nurses came out yesterday oh in response Rishi sunak offered Hospital staff a four percent pay rise and that's him trying to get an appointment after the total to shove it up as ours [Applause] luckily for this time of year there's one cheerful old man with a beard who isn't going on strike I'm still doing my show hey he's gone from pointless presenter to best-selling novelist it's Richard Osman she's the faster winning star who's taking the lead as Whitney Houston in the biopic I want to dance with somebody it's namiaki she's one of our best loved actor star of Dr Foster Gentleman Jack and vigil it's aranjo Jones [Applause] AR of Forrest Gump Philadelphia Saving Private Ryan and Toy Story to name but a few and he's one of our favorite guests it is Mr Tom Hanks all right [Music] thank you [Applause] it's so nice to have you back in the studio Tom last time it was on Zoom how about that from Australia yeah you guys were so separated you know you were like oh look at that oh my Lord [Applause] he looks better in person right oh my Lord that's horrifying that looks like the guy who says before I kill you Mr Barnes sad sad sad portrait welcome to you Saran I think you're the only person who's ever come on the show and drank a generic Irish cream liqueur well yeah so they said what do you want I said I have just a sparkling water and then I heard that there were other Christmas drinks going and being a nana I said oh well have a Bailey's thanks so that's what I thought I would have had a Bailey's if I'd known there were babies it's a generic Irish cream liqueur but it's the most delicious generic Iris cream look here and a first time welcome to namiyaki hello and uh I'm so excited for you Whitney Houston and I want to dance with somebody and you just did the big Premiere in New York yeah I just flew in today wow there look at that for a red carpet that's taking the World by storm right there yeah okay and what what do Americans make of meeting the woman playing Whitney Houston and then you speak with the British accent oh they were really freaked out yeah because I I like I had a accidents Don't Come Easy to me at all so on set I would I would be talking as Whitney um and then afterwards I'd be like oh bloody hell [Laughter] we'll find out more about it later on and uh talking of congratulations let's keep it going because Richard Osmond just got married [Applause] [Music] [Music] and did you go in a honeymoon or is this it yeah we did we yeah we just got back from benefits I'm quite bored yeah you know and then you get to meet Tom Hanks after your honeymoon that's not bad again yeah don't say that either you peek that's it we have to cut it short by about a week and a half but it was worth it actually you say that you say that I mean lovely wedding picture there but it was missing one thing and that was Mr tomax you like to photobomb a wedding oh I'll I'll jump into that in each other oh really yeah yeah can you fight a bomb into mine uh just tell me when and where I'll because I happen to be jogging but you do it you do I they're jogging but wait it started in Rome right yes we were we needed to shoot we were shooting uh uh angels and demons and we were shooting in front of the Parthenon very famous it is also a church it's an ordained church and there was a beautiful young couple that were getting married and their limousines were in our shot and Ron Howard I don't know what we're gonna do with this wedding's going on we can't let me take care of this so I went up and knocked down the door I said young lady you were very beautiful today on the wedding will you allow me to escort you to the altar so she came out with her dad we walked through the crowd parted like the Red Sea oh my God all right that's right you know I saw that picture earlier and I'm thinking I really hope that is her dad yeah we could what there I am in my costume and we got right up to the door to the Parthenon we were not as a movie people we're not allowed inside so off they went and we she made it to the church on time over and doing that yeah very good all right let's start with Tom's latest movie it is called a man called Otto and it opens here on the 6th of January so Tom obviously you play Otto who is Otto and and why we're interested odd Otto is a man who's uh at the he thinks he has no faith in the future he thinks he's lived it all he's done it all he's retired he's alone and he's ready to sort of catch it in and then the worst possible thing happens fabulous people move across the street from another country and he thinks this is the last thing I want is these people knocking on my door and it turns out to be the greatest thing that ever happened to him and this is based on on a Swedish book a man called ove and then there was a film that so did you see that Swedish film before you said yes so six years ago we're watching uh if you're a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Sciences or bafta one of the two you get uh you get free DVDs yeah back when you still had a DVD player in your house anybody still the DVD player yeah those kids scratching their heads and we saw this and uh Rita's my wife Rita produced as well she was an onset producer and I was watching this movie is fantastic it has a performance by a man named uh ralpha uh uh lost guard who uh who played UVA which is in this video and and I was thinking this is a fantastic this is really I wonder if this could work in America and just as this was going through my head Rita said to me we have to make this movie in America I said so uh we did and we were just in Sweden we were in Stockholm last night oh and this this was if honestly if the swedes don't like what you've done to their National Treasure this is a recipe for disaster am I wrong and they actually appreciate it it's not it's a very much a an American movie and I in fact said uh to uh to our crackers Mark Forster who directed it and all the producers I said there's already been a man called UVA there's been a great performance by an actor playing a man called UVA so I will be playing a man called Otto in a movie called a man called Otto and they said how do you spell that so no weirdly that's just about in our clip this is you as also uh being very grumpy to your new neighbors played by Manuel garcio rolfo and Mariana Trevino Trevino [Music] Auto right yes oh no yeah that's what I said no okay it doesn't matter what you said Otto Otto ah Auto auto our case with the same forward that is backwards oh no it's automatic it's just you don't hear that name very often I do okay if we're interrupting we can always come what is it you want I brought you something why because you looked hungry anyway we just uh we wanted to properly introduce ourselves because you know we're going to be neighbors and I think so yeah so okay okay bye [Applause] are you always this unfriendly I'm not unfriendly okay you're not no no no you're not unfriendly every word you say is like a warm cuddle in this movie is it nice to release your inner Crouch oh it's fantastic just uh now but see okay in my in my family I I have two phrases that the whole family knows the first one is uh oh Dad is boiling okay that is boiling and that phrase is all right let me get this straight oh you ever do this you know let me oh oh I see oh I see let me get this straight you la la la la la la la la la that Dad's going there the second half is why would it work for me and that means I've gone over the edge why would it work for me why would it work for me the entire world picks up the remote and watches The Graham Norton Show anytime they want to why would it work for me I'll tell you what because the remote says menu press Source on subject a subject b yellow button none of this runs on the TV stay at home because why would it work for me [Applause] I have a six-year-old that said to me when I left the house are you going to meet Woody [Laughter] but everyone has everyone has things that trigger them surround have you got things that set you off the biggest thing it feels a bit weird to say this on a talk show but a public lose and the state of public lose like you know if you've been on a flight or you you've been wherever you really need the loo you just want it to be clean um so maybe this should be a public announcement of if you've done your business and it hasn't flushed right or whatever try again yeah you know I'm so sorry let me get this straight it's really bad it's really but I've seen try men's expectative man not that you respected [Applause] she would think the peanut butter sometimes if women ever are forced to use men's toilets in an emergency and they just go ah that was disgusting you go yeah I know we've had to use them our internal Airline and near me you were saying that that upsets you well I've got is Faye your feet yeah no because it's like when it touches me like okay so my dad used to talk to me with his feet when I was a kid okay this has turned dark I'm sorry Dad he did it it's just like you know we'd be watching TV you know I'm like eight years old and he'd be like No And I'd like turn around and open this footage and it's distressing I had once I um or a birthday sleepover one of my friends I sat on the floor one of my friends was sat on the sofa and she put her foot on my face and then scrunched up her toes picked her up my heart [Applause] one of your sons Truman yes is in this film playing the younger young version of me yes he's not the actor in the family no he is he's an artist he's uh he's going to be a cinematographer he loves where he's been carrying around a camera since he was 13 years old and developing his own film uh Mark Forster who is the director he says uh he's he's Swiss and he says well you know we're going to have to cast a young version of you too bad you're too bad you have two kids that are too old my son Colin and Chester are too old to play together but what about your youngest can I meet him I said well he doesn't want to be an actor I don't care can I beat him maybe I can possibly be doing it because then I won't have to audition a bunch of people who look like you that's all we did and our DNA actually matches and he made his secret and it matches it does I thought it was extraordinary in it yeah so uh the what I always say to the kids as they grow up it's great work if you can get it but you got to make it stick so follow follow what you want to do but his his passion really is looking shaping the shot as opposed to being into the shot but he can do either well you can see Truman and you can see Tom as a man called Otto in cinemas from the 6th of January Tom Hanks everybody [Applause] I haven't been as my generic team and a weirdly Tom is not the only person playing someone grumpy Saran Jones brings us Christmas Carol uh this is the updated Dickens it's Skymax Christmas Eve at eight o'clock and you play Christmas Carol with an E so how does this take on on the Dickens work so I was doing Gentleman Jack and I was sat in the chair the makeup chair and I said the next thing I want to do is a Christmas film I want to make something that my son who's six can watch and um because there he hasn't really been able to watch a lot of my things um so so exactly yeah good mother yes this is what Mommy does that you can watch um it's Christmas Eve it's a tale of Christmas Carol and it's Brit it's just always Christmas Carol with the name oh so she has um this company that makes awful Christmas decorations and Christmas produce and sells it for lots of money and she just rips everyone off basically so there's actually a sustainability a thread that goes through there is and it is really well actually um so we have the ghosts as you can see so let's go through Christmas pass which is more common wise a joke brand with her golden blue brush is present and she plays Joe brand she plays Joe brand yeah um and then Nish Kumar on the end who's the Ghost of Christmas future so all comedians they're just brilliant they really are this is a clip and in fact it is Christmas Carol meeting two weeks [Music] excuse me young sir we're looking for the one there called Christmas Carol that's me told you well he thought he who does all comment yeah actually Eric oh yes and he's only white you like to meet you Mr Christmas but you're both dead she's quick what's happening to me she hasn't got it yet has she no I don't think he has we're the Ghost of Christmas Past something [Music] special but morecome and wise are played by jonty Stevens and is it in Asheboro yes now they are amazing so is this what they do yeah so um I'd actually already seen them in um a theater so when me and my husband got married we actually did the more commonwise dance so we got married on our own was Tom there oh so we just got married on our own um and we played bring me Sunshine so when we came out like two seconds after this picture I fell over the dress you can just see like um and Lawrence was like oh my god um so I took him for our first anniversary to see Ian and jonty in their show and they're not in any way like um they're not doing uh a parody of them or anything that is not a tribute act they're so good and the the song Bring me Sunshine which you had at your wedding also very popular in Richard osman's house it wasn't at your wedding no it was it was my you have my first song on desert island discs so I was thinking about television how much I love television how much it's meant to me and how much it means to us as a country and that song and those two people bought the country together in a way perhaps will never be brought together again if you know what I mean everyone loved them and everyone understood where it came from they came from the musical and from you know forward of it and all that kind of stuff and came through into this incredible New World so they sort of they held us all together for years and that one song is the one song I think when you think about television you think about entertainment you think about Joy that's the song you think about yeah so if you didn't have that at your wedding what did you have your wedding I I walked on I I had my own entrance but listen I didn't have Tom Hanks I had to have something I walked on to Lose Yourself by Eminem get one shot did not miss a chance to blow that one palms are sweaty all that kind of song that walked in on the beat and they got such a huge cheer my wife who's in a little empty room Sid I was nervous and then I heard this enormous cheer I thought everything's going to be all right and then she walked onto the long and Winding Road and the whole place does that absolutely disintegrated so it's lovely ah and then we walked into our wedding breakfast to um let's get ready to rumble by PJ and Duncan so we look yeah Tom did you have any special songs at your wedding I've fought for um the theme to on her majesty Secret Service we have all the time in the world uh but uh my wife chose true love Ways by the uh oh beautiful and Naomi obviously you're planning your wedding Tom's book songs in your back pocket My Head by won't share it okay oh here she comes oh yeah yeah she's a man [Laughter] [Applause] I was officiating that wedding and you came into man-eater I would say dude get out of here as you say your son can watch this so has he seen it yet yeah he came to this screening it was the first time that he was able to come to a screening so he was um he was quite excited and but he managed to sit through the whole thing and he said yes Mommy it was very good for you exactly the reviews are in yeah yeah and then he'd had a lot of sugar and he fell on the floor and you know so Gentleman Jack is also quite adult could he not have watched could he not watch vigil well with Victor I said Mommy get uh put on a helicopter and then dropped onto a submarine so I showed him that bit and then it got a bit of violent yeah I think yeah so I mean it was great and that is really you but I is that happening are you being lowered onto a submarine no Graham I'm not I don't know so when I read scripts so I get so excited and then with this one I I immediately went oh I really want to do it because I had a vision that I would be not thinking about insurance obviously I'd be like Oh I'm going to be a helicopter and I'm going to get dropped in the middle of the North Sea or and I was in a car park of a supermarket um on a on a crane this isn't the reality no I don't want to know and when I got to the bottom there was a man here underneath the crane that threw um a load of water and I would watch that to be fair yeah live fish in it yeah did they call lunch when you were right up at the top do you know when they're checking takes and stuff and you don't hear anything and you're like did you like it or not so I was up there when I you know I'm like oh did we are we going again or what did they give you any direction up there can you have more of a look in your eyes change what's happening to me or something I mean how do they direct you I keep saying spin spin round to the camera oh because you can control that's the camera there so there's a video of me doing like a ballet dance actually is it true surround they're going to make an another vigil they are but not with submarines yes no it wouldn't be that stupid locked in places and everyone's dying no when you're in the tube that was so scary that was yeah yeah goodness yeah and I did I was submerged actually in the tube I think you forget that actually at any moment you can just say can I get out so I I you get so into it that's why stunt people should do stunts and actors shouldn't because wow yeah well we look forward to vigil too and you can see Saran in Christmas Carol on Christmas Eve very good [Applause] and this is exciting Nami Aki is Whitney Houston and I want to dance with somebody it opens everywhere on boxing day and this is a a big deal it's the first biopic it's been authorized by her family brother Clive Davis so with all those people involved in casting you yeah I guess so I mean I didn't know at the time it's just like I was just throwing self tapes and being like and then see what happened but yeah they were and it was really great because you know I got to talk to them all the way through the whole process and um you know Clive I went to his house when I arrived in the US and we had lovely lunch and then we went to a cinema room and sat and watched Whitney's live performances and I was just like like your Clive and me and then I'm just there with like a notepad while he's like pointing out all the things he found special in her live performances and I you know working with them I tried to make sure I did that wow cool yeah and listen the clip we have is one of her kind of the highlights of her career it's that amazing performance she did of the National Anthem at the Super Bowl so this is Nami Aki as Whitney Houston oh my goodness whoa [Music] once again [Music] yeah yeah hit that hit that yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh my God [Applause] [Music] [Music] that wasn't in a Sainsbury's car park was it wow wow it's such an epic Florence and God Americans do do though you can ask an American they all remember that moment of watching her sing because everybody watches the Super Bowl and everybody saw that yeah and The Voice singing it's it's a lot of it's Whitney but yeah I kind of mixed in as well yeah so there was a kind of question about how to morph into Whitney's voice because we do do some songs from when she's a lot younger and the things we don't know about in that area so I took about like one and a half of the songs at the beginning yeah and then you know Whitney and then and you know and then you know for some dramatic beats and stuff I I filled in some of those spaces but hopefully by that point you know you're along for the ride and you understand what the what the rules are and I noticed her so her Whitney's teeth are not your teeth yeah I got a gap yeah so what what was what what were they were they painted in or were they no they were fake they were like flippers we had one on the bottom one on the top um and like I had been working on the accent for about uh six months um and I thought I was like okay I've got the accent down like I think I've got this and then suddenly you put the teeth in and it's like relearning it all over again because so it took it took a second to get used to and of course I don't know about you guys but at the end of the film when you you realize it's 10 years yeah since Whitney died I had no idea it was 10 years it feels long but also quite a short yeah you know yeah and of course it was that the oddest of circumstances with that Grammy party and Tom were you at that right yes we the we were going because it's one of those every now and again you get invited to a party I cannot miss this because everybody who has ever been a fabulous singer is at this but because the news I mean the news had broken in Los Angeles it was like an earthquake it was like we couldn't believe and the question was do we still have this because Clyde Davis yeah he said absolutely we are not going to not celebrate the life of this woman it was it was quite a profound uh yeah I can't imagine and Naomi having done this film and being Whitney like what can you listen to Whitney now yeah I had to take a break I won't lie um because I was very like obviously really immersed in the world so I came home and definitely was just like all right Winnie like we'll give you a second but it's really like I actually listened to it to remember some of the moments I had filming like it was such a kind of formative time in my life and in my career that I look back on it fondly yeah well congratulations and you can see Naomi in I want to dance with somebody from Boxing Day [Applause] it's in the stage you're not called Boxing Day anything do you we think boxing days is where the families finally break off the fisticuffs we're looking out their problems but often it is all right and Good News murder mystery lovers Richard Osmond has written a new book at the bullet that miss it is the third in the Thursday Murder Club series uh so tell us about this one same cast of characters same type of people for detectives in the 70s they all live together in a retirement community look over old unsolved cases one day there's a real murder they team up and they solve it and essentially we're on the third book now uh and this one every time I release a new one I think this this is going to be where people find me out but so far this seems to be the most popular of all which which is which is lovely and lots of this is set in the world of Television funnily enough some of it is in the world of local news you know anytime you see any local news wherever you are in the country yeah there's always a guy in his 70s and a woman in her 20s this is about the guy in his 70s who who Joyce who's our hero is is essentially has a crush on and so they they start investigating but yes loads in Telly there's even a there's a even a quiz show in there as well oh yeah you've got to write what you know and here's the thing so you wrote the first two kind of under the radar in a way so this is the first one you've written knowing what an enormous hit the franchise is so did that give you confidence or did it freak you out a bit I kind of loved it it's the truth I've had a whole career in television you guys you know you have an awful lot of flops if you're in a creative business yeah and you have very excited for yourself [Applause] [Music] one of the nicest things you can have as a hit and as as I'm writing it listen when I'm writing I'm just in the room the door is shut all I've got is the cat on the keyboard and I'm trying to write so then then I'm with the characters but knowing that people are going to read it and knowing that people want to read it and know that people want to find out what happens to the characters is a joy and Joyce who writes The Diary in this I honestly find myself when I'm writing it as she is writing I think do you know what Joyce people love you you're doing such a great job and it's so it's so it's so lovely to be to be in her brain and to yeah and how does uh mother Osmond feel about book number three yeah she's I mean the the book is entirely based she lives in a retirement community and so it was when I when I would meet the people there who just had these incredible life stories I thought I've got to team you up as detectives she is she is fine with it now I think the first one she was worried for legal reasons that I was going to be talking about her friends but anytime I go down and visit now they are very very much on board when I go down there they all pitch me ideas honestly they're terrible I was down there she's got two friends honestly called Peggy and Sue I was down there because we were filming for the 10 o'clock news they were all just being interviewed for the 10 o'clock news all dressed up line dancing and and Peggy said to me oh just one second um you know there's there's a concert hall here and they're thinking of shutting it down and turning it into flats that could be a plot couldn't it and I was like I mean yeah and then soon could see maybe I wasn't buying it and she said there's a balcony at the end of the concert hall you could push someone off that and kill them now we have a plot she's beautiful so she's a tech producing the new movie you're halfway through this is that right no actually can I have that you're hiding it I do want it maybe no I just want Richard to sell books my husband could buy it for Christmas there's a water stones on pickets yes exactly I think Saran can have one thank you I've read one and two I love Joyce like Joyce is like when she does her diary entries oh I love Elizabeth she's very Kick-Ass yeah I think I'm more of a joist would you be a Peggy or a Sue I see it Peggy I guess if I'm a choice um but yeah and I play the person who's pushed off the balcony well listen there's a role for all three of you in the movie This Is Why We Do gram show as long as you can do Cockney watch this let me be that America well I think I'll get me to the church on time [Applause] next up the yearly pantai Tom you're also turning novelist do you've got to book out is it next spring it will be out in May yes yes wow it's called the making of another major Motion Picture Masterpiece write what you know yeah because I I I've read a number of books about the making no one knows how we do this everybody assumes they know out of that it is so cockamami the way you get a movie from somebody's idea to the finished screen that yeah I invested about 480 pages in about nine quarts of blood don't you find it every now and again oh it is difficult everybody says how do you write books is I write books like this yeah laughs serious yeah but if that happened on a Tuesday that couldn't happen on the Monday do you forget the character's name sometimes page 300 I changed his name to Francisco who are the best people in the whole world because if you make any mistake at all their job is to pick it up they're so brilliant the only time so everything like what kind of train is from sort of Paul gate to London and they'll say oh by the way there isn't there's no longer a trolley service on that training oh that's useful the only time I ever got in trouble was in the first books they checked everything everything and then the first book I talked about uh the waitrose and Tunbridge Wells right and no one thought to check that because of course Tunbridge Wells has got a waitrose they haven't you think they were Furious before about that and in this new book I send Joyce to Tunbridge Wells she goes on a day trip and when she's there she went I'm sure I read somewhere that there was a waitress here I see at the back of the book you can pre-order uh book four you can yeah but I wouldn't because I haven't finished it yet I'm all right thinking that that you're having a little pause with the Thursday Murder Club at that point yeah so that that'll be four I will go back to it but I want I want to write maybe a different sort of crime thing slightly more Da Vinci code-esque type thing there are certain things the Thursday Murder Club can't do they can't yeah they can't they yeah they can't kick down doors into warehouses and shoot people and I'd quite like to write a book where they do that so yeah I've got a book called we solve murders which is about detective Duo who sort of Traverse the world solving murders that that no one else can man and a woman a man and a woman a sexy American and a Plucky Britain [Applause] a minute I'm afraid Graham is playing the cop yeah right [Applause] would you ever freeze the bullet that missed is out now [Applause] keep typing it's time for music this singer-songwriter had one of the albums of the year with hold the girl here performing the title track it is Rina samayama [Applause] [Music] give you on your own words [Music] [Laughter] [Music] sometimes [Music] promises are broken to my younger self [Music] less [Music] she [Music] [Applause] [Music] so hold on [Music] sometimes [Music] mistaken waiting all along [Music] [Applause] [Music] hold on [Music] with you [Music] foreign [Applause] uh that is something else wow thank you just a great great performance and that is of the album of the same name yes and congratulations on the success of the album thank you so much brilliant and uh we we saw the amazing choreography there and like and God you can do that rarest thing you can sing and dance at the same time well just about thank you well yeah you're young the the choreography has now got you into the world of film yes so I've always shot music videos and kind of part directed it with the view that I want it to be my acting portfolio so I've like purposefully written characters for myself and there's a video called excess and bad friend where I do like some stunt choreography and I like I pretend I'm like a robot like breaking down you know all that all that kind of stuff and then I well I got a call from Chads to helski who is the director of John Wick and yeah and I was like name is like get out of town I know it's just stupid Whitney Houston and then and then so we got a call and then I was like why the hell does he want to speak to me and he goes I've seen your music videos and I've got a perfect role for you do you want to come to Berlin and shoot for the new John Wick [Music] [Applause] Ed thing I've ever done and that is easy compared to John Wick well I know you fighting Keanu or fighting with Keanu oh no the secret am I including your body you know who knows are you in John Wick five since [Music] and you're in the middle of a tour and I mean this is so many it's a world tour yeah it's my first world tour I mean my I release my debut album in uh 2020 and so couldn't tour for two years yeah and then now it's all opened up going touring doing Australia New Zealand and Japan and some of my family have never seen me live so it's going to be quiet and this is family in Japan yeah yeah most of my family live in Japan okay so they've been watching your music videos and thinking wow she looks good yeah they're like no this is this is going pretty well oh yeah but have you written any novels thank you he knows she will no actually she'll probably crank out two of them on the world tour just on the tour bus yeah yeah I finished one yeah yeah it's a bestseller uh listen congratulations on everything and thank you so much for that spectacular performance uh Rina zoyama everybody [Applause] chair who is there oh hello hello you've amused yourself wondering how I got here oh calm down you'll be fine hey what's your what's your name um Alice oh Alice Hello Alex do you know how no where are you from Alice um originally Manchester both live down here now all right what do I might do oh yeah yeah what do you do down here Alice oh um I work in project management for the NHS okay yes very good you can see suddenly very hard to flip now I do I do something very good to help people don't flip me and after you go with your story Alice good luck so it's about 16 watching Nevada cup with my dad and Tiger Wood kind of brings the ball to a slippers golf ball and um and then he just said oh they can't do that at the local golf club anymore because the point insecticide down so I was like oh okay nice tidbit and then we go to the golf club later and I'm sat with all my dad's mates who are old and I don't know what to say to them and um I just came out with oh I heard you're not allowed to let your balls anymore oh the old man all evoked I sit there going mad my dad doesn't look at me for a week okay [Applause] you can don't do this viral website this is a better address hey please say a huge thank you to all of my guests tonight Marina everybody [Applause] and Madeleine Brewer comedian Ramesh ranganathan lioness Captain Leah Williamson comedy great you Laurie top boys Michael Ward and Oscar winner Olivia Coleman on the land of a very happy Christmas good night everybody bye-bye [Applause] [Music] you can go below the surface with Saran in a gripping submarine Thriller vigil press right now to watch the whole first series on BBC iPlayer here next Emma Thompson stars in film comedy quite fittingly called late night [Music] all right [Music] foreign
Channel: Alongside Janine
Views: 162,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hello everyone, tarot by janine update today, sending ravens by janine, tarot by janine sending ravens, sending ravens, janine Tarot Cards 2021, tarot cards, tarot with janine, tarot by janine 2021, janine today, tarot by janine, Tarot by Janine with Catherine Edwards, Tarot Reading by Janine, MICHELLE FIELDING, URGENT MESSAGE, PREDICTION ABOUT THE FUTURE, The Graham Norton Show 2023 FULL Episode 🅽🅴🆆 The Graham Norton 2023
Id: vmumEW5QnYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 24sec (2964 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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