Chris Pratt Talks Accents, Getting Naked & Stealing Food | The Graham Norton Show CLASSIC CLIP

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you like getting naked yeah yeah I liked I've spent a good amount of time naked yeah yeah but even when you were a kid I was always getting naked I was always getting in trouble for getting naked they're like you can't just pull your dick out it's like in your sitcom yes yeah Parks and Recreation the sitcom I wonder if this is okay I guess it is I you know basically there was a scene like in this in the second season of the show I play this guy who is is dim-witted and guileless but a real idiot and-and-and but lovable and and he lives out in a pit outside of this he lives in a hole in a tent and he's like kind of a homeless guy and and he but he got kicked out of his girlfriend's house anyways long story short she has invited him to come back to the house for some reason but I think it's to hook up so I come back naked and of course they give you these briefs that are like like little underwear but that are skin colored because they'll pixelate it out but now I open a knock on the door Amy Poehler's character opens the door and says sandy and I'm naked and that's the bit well it was like late in the day and amy was going Andy but it to me it didn't seem like she really was reacting to seeing my dick drop trou as an improv she'll open the door and then that will be the take that they will use right by the way it is the tape she opens the door and she goes Andy whoa and I ran it by the boom mic operator should I get naked he was like and then I got a letter from NBC saying basically never ever do that again there is a protocol to being naked you must give everyone the option to not see it the yes there's not that many people in the room but there's a camera and behind the camera is a ton of people watching you know so I got naked and then and then they sent me a letter and I framed it I got it right next I got it in my office I loved it and it's said it said first of all this is not a joke you're being reprimanded this is this is the last warning it can't happen again and also we don't want you going around and talking about this letter like it was something some kind of joke in restaurants you oh yeah oh yeah so you worked in Hawaii but then you worked in LA as well yes I worked in at a restaurant in Beverly Hills to pause it was what tried to be it was a it look it was a terrible restaurant and it was it was just awful and I was a major contributing factor it was it it was just real garbage it's been revamped now but I loved it it was the name give you free meals I mean they will give me that's how I ate I mean when you're when you're in Hollywood and in other places like you need a job that gives you four days free so you can try to audition for projects so I'd work the weekends I've worked the nights and that would that's the only I did I had no money and no one was coming to the restaurant so I wasn't making any tip I'd make like 20 or 30 bucks a day maybe and so it was really a place I'd go to nourishment to eat yeah yeah that kitchen fed me for like the time that I was there Isis oh man do you ever do this where you I would like a lady would come in and she'd be like what do you recommend I'm like 32 ounce porterhouse I said listen here's how you want medium rare with some mushrooms on the side year-old woman and so I bring the steak out to this lady she I'm not I'm not hiding in the corner watching like it she's like how much is she eating and how much do I get you know if she was like I can't eat another bite yes the steak is left we have to sing called the tunnel which is an area between the dining room in the kitchen where they keep all the soft drinks and like the silverware and stuff and that's I've been busted so many times eating off people's plates that they were like you have to stop doing that like it's really really bad you know so anything I ate I had to eat in the tunnel my safe zone the customers aren't gonna see me eat their food and the chef's not gonna yell at me for eating the food so it was like I had about 14 maybe ounces of steak that I had to get down in about 10 feet wolf the stake down you know that's the three days where the protein right walk back out and the lady was like listen I'd love to get that steak to go oh man let me go I'll go check and I was like Oh what do i do what do I do and I said I'm so I'm so sorry I already threw in the trash I threw in the trash and she said it's for my dog it's fine just fish it if you don't mind just fish it out put in the boxes I was like it's on the fly man don't ask any questions just give me one right now and so he started cooking at stake and I was like [ __ ] I went out to where I was like ma'am I'm gonna get you that steak they just took the garbage out to the dumpster I'm gonna roll up my sleeves I'm gonna jump in that dumpster I'm gonna get it for you because what kind of dog Pomeranian no way I love that so this week that steak and she ended up being so like happy that I would be willing to dig through the garbage for her dog that she gave me a giant tip and she left early cuz she couldn't wait for the steak to be done so I got another steak and like this is a weird thing so Chris Pratt is this this seems so unlikely that you have now learned how to do the voices from TOWIE yeah sort of yeah we love that garbage TV crazy about it and when I was here filming guardians we shot guardians the galaxy here in London and my wife on a came out to visit and she fell in love with this show TOWIE The Only Way Is Essex it's this show that's like basically their jersey shorts the Jersey Shore from from here it's like this town somewhere Essex I guess these folks are just like the worst it's like I'm a parrot a little bit and so when I hear when I hear it all the time I just started picking it up and started like I could pick up their accent and do their accent a little bit them anomaly I'm okay it's gonna sound really embarrassing to do in front of a whole room full of Brits here but I'll try it anyways so it's like mmm so I want to say like a silly scar yes they did like like Michael cheat on me was in a be far and also telling me is I you know unless you or whatever [Applause] okay I need a volunteer should I doing a card trick for I love my life okay okay so here's what we're gonna do this is called burnham and it works 50% of the time so I'm gonna make three piles now may I call you will I am yeah yeah okay yeah um take this card and pick it up and put it on actually no put it on either side of these piles you want face up this card right here Oh take you that car take that card and put it face up on either side oh yeah I get a choose yeah yeah and now take that card and put it put it there face up hell yeah now this is your card but do not let me see it but show everybody okay that's your conference already see it okay how much and don't say anything oh good car and when you're and when you're finished committing it to memory put it back in the middle pile anywhere anywhere anywhere you want in the middle part hide it and make it so that I could never know where you okay you got it ya know ooh two fours I call this trick two fours i taked 1 4 on the bottom 1 4 on top now what do I know I know that your card you remember your card don't tell me this is somewhere inside this little deck but I don't know where it is so I'm gonna put that in the middle let's and put that right there now I want you to shuffle that four times oh [ __ ] now I told you this only works half the time so if it doesn't work I'm gonna be really embarrassed okay one shuffle mm-hmm - shuffles three shuffle but that's okay let's try now what all great magician face yeah okay now I'm gonna look cuz I'm gonna find your car don't don't don't look at my process wait wait how many chances you get to find the car though cuz we can sit there for hours I guess four oh you get four chances yep that seems fair thirty minutes each yes Graham Norton Show yeah okay let's see here no no that's not it oh it's coming it's gonna be here okay horn I think I got it nope okay come on have four chances wait a second where you count four chances to just shuffle through them or four chances to show me you just know you just look at me something for your card I'm looking for your card okay I got it the first chance yeah boom okay it's called Burnham I take one I burn it I might have burned your card your card is it your card yeah just tell me your card now cuz this could be it what is your card you can tell me now because I wouldn't be able to take it out it's an a an a of har a of Hearts yeah the ace of hearts rhyme though your card a a is in this pile Sam will ah Shazam wait I'm not done give me a fist bump wait a second magic fist bump keep it right there don't move it squeeze [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 11,195,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, Chat Show, chris pratt funny moments, chris pratt graham norton, chris pratt interview, chris pratt and jennifer lawrence, graham norton full episodes, graham norton full episodes 2018, graham norton funniest moments, graham norton chris pratt, chris pratt graham norton british accent, chris pratt graham norton card trick, Super Mario bros movie, Mario movie, Super Mario movie, Chris pratt mario, Chris pratt Mario accent, Chris pratt mario voice
Id: 5Epez-jCTic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Wed May 23 2018
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