THE HOUSES OCTOBER BUILT (2014) Ending Explained

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how's it going folks welcome to found flicks i don't know about y'all but i am more than ready for the spooky season and that is the motivation behind today's video the houses october built in this found footage setup a group of friends go in search of the scariest underground haunts as their trips seem to reach a dead end strange things start to happen and it becomes clear the haunt has come to them like i said i am trying to invoke the halloween spirit and this one really hits the mark for me in a lot of ways it is a typical found footage flick but it's the concept that i really like we have a group of pals going around to various real haunted houses looking for the best spook around and honestly i'm like man that sounds like so much fun i wish i could do something like that so for me just seeing various haunts in texas is a lot of fun and really does get me into the spirit it's also interesting as this actually began as a documentary exploring attractions around the country and they still include portions from this in addition to fictional bits clearly the filmmakers are intrigued by the idea of what scares us and how that has evolved over time and now has led to what are known as extreme haunts i feel like this one pays homage to the biggest one in the field that i'm aware of the absolutely terrifying sounding mckamey manor in tennessee basically it's the most intense and terrifying setup imaginable the actors can do pretty much whatever they want to you tie up waterboard you whatever everything is game and there is no recourse thanks to having to sign a 40-page release there's all kinds of tales of messed up victims from the experience that is said to last up to eight hours and spans multiple locations but no one has ever completed the entire gauntlet so why in the hell would you want to do this in the first place well the prize for completion is 20 000 bucks which is obviously not chump change all you got to do is survive the hours of torture and madness again it seems like the filmmakers are really playing with this idea how far are you willing to go to be truly scared as our group encounters the mysterious blue skeleton group that appears to really push to limits or are they in fact crazed killers that's the question we're left with especially with how things turn out so let's take a road trip to spooky town in the house's october built breaking down the story what the blue skeleton is all about and explaining the ambiguous ending a quote lays out that they are not afraid of any kind of spooky stuff but more afraid of what real human beings are capable of they then set up just how big haunted attractions really are nearly 2500 different ones launch every year some guy clearly in authority i mean he's from shares that 30 million people a year visit these kind of haunts woo that is a lie peeling back a bit behind the scenes they talk with some scare actors who feel that there is no bigger rush than getting a big scare yet there is a concerning side as there are rumors about hiring actual murderers to work in the haunts you can't speak to that but when it comes to using real human remains he admits that he wouldn't be surprised if that happened there are some tales of alarming incidents like a 17 year old who accidentally hanged herself with a noose or a 28 year old sex offender who was arrested and yet another employee who slashed up his whole family so yeah you don't always know who exactly is hiding behind the masks in these attractions our main found footage was shot by five friends during a road trip in 2013 and the wrath was allegedly filmed by the blue skeleton group an underground hunt with no fixed location it looks like things don't turn out so well for our gang seeing brandy getting stuffed into the trunk of a car her hoodie covered in blood she starts coming too hearing her captors laughing and we jump back to six days prior to see how we got here things are jovial and exciting at first with a gang of friends reuniting at the cowboy palace and it seems that it's zach in particular that is leading the charge to find the most extreme haunted house in the world he shows off a video of a girl tied up and points that's where i want to go they reinforced that idea that the old kind of haunts where people just jump out and say boo does not cut it anymore they're desperate to find that feeling of being scared again and everyone chose to a happy halloween and party long into the night another interview as a worrying extra consideration to our scare actors that they don't do background checks but are looking into it into the future okay great so the guy hiding in the wall with a big chainsaw whose job it is to terrify people no need to get that checked into of course brandi describes feeling excited despite not knowing what she's getting herself into and zach chimes in that she is a jumpy person and hasn't been to a haunted house since she was a kid they've come a long way since then proving just how much of a lightweight she really is mikey spooks her and she shrieks to his amusement although she's actually hopeful that they can provide her a real scare not like the ones at theme parks where someone runs up to you while you're waiting in line for a hot dog zack promises that it won't be like that out in the country there's no rules or regulations i'm not sure that's exactly comforting bud after getting directions from a local who makes sure they really want to go there they arrive at their first attraction on the way in they get brandy to stuff herself in a coffin that freaks her out immediately and she really is an extremely easy target getting followed by a guy and seriously losing her [ __ ] on every single scare in a trippy room featuring famed clowns one keeps harassing her but it's still pretty standard stuff by the looks of it entering an old cabin set there's a girl wearing a porcelain mask with strands of hair hanging out she gets up in her business croaking to come play with me and inquires if they want to be a pretty doll like her no thanks hearing a chainsaw revving up they rush outside having survived their first haunt they talk to one employee who agrees that there probably is some shady [ __ ] going on in places like this but does not elaborate further they climb up on a roof to film an overhead shot and mikey yells happy halloween to everyone over a megaphone the employees are not too happy about it two clown guys seen murmuring to each other taking their leave they encounter a clown waiting for them in the road everyone feeling a bit weirded out they honk at them as they drive by and get back onto the main road well that was weird hopefully that was the last of that they later tuck in for betty buys and shut off all the lights yet it appears that they have a new friend following them moments later there's rattling and a shadow slings by outside mikey grabs the camera and shoots out into the darkness he turns back to someone wearing a mask but it's just his buddy laughing at him for [ __ ] in his pants that idea of how far to go for a scare is brooch once more the guy saying well you can't bash him or drag him off so they do everything they can before reaching that line of actual violence however he's heard tale of a place in new orleans that does some crazy stuff but admits that he wouldn't go for that well that sounds exactly like what our gang is looking for their next destination is a zombie themed paintball course which honestly looks like a blast they debate if the zombies will have guns wondering have you ever seen a zombie shoot a gun in any movie they say no the fools as there are two different romero movies that have zombies wielding guns some horror experts these chumps are with some extra time on their hands they pull off at a campsite to have some pregame drinks and joke about how they never go camping a dude with face paint appears asking if they're enjoying his fire they wonder if he works at the haunt down the road and he says yes still seems weird to be living out here randomly in the woods but you know whatever works for you pal the concept of the no holds barred backwoods is broached and he's confused by what they mean by backwoods leaving them all in awkward silence undeterred they set off to do their paintball taking out the zombie hordes and it's all fun and games until they're back at the rv the same porcelain masked girl appears there to their confusion as she was from a haunt over a hundred miles away no way it's the same girl right mikey bravely goes out to talk to her and she says nothing but curiously follows him back onto the camper they kindly ask if she needs help or something happened to her car or what and she only screams back in response and then just leaves oh that was weird after that everyone is ready to get going and can't really blame them there people are then interviewed after leaving a haunted house and one guy says while his lady doesn't like getting spooked he sure does he's looking for the real stuff like faces of death which actually isn't real either but you know i get what he means if it's real it makes it scarier when going in the haunt he says on the road they're still hung up on the weirdness that's been happening brandy feeling like these people are almost like fictional characters zack is still on the hunt for that rumored spookiest haunt of them all having to find clues for a password to the blue house until they find out more it's off to the terraplex and mansfield which appears to definitely be quite backwoods as they hoped they're initially disappointed deeming it a [ __ ] that looks like it was designed by high schoolers once night falls rather than wait in line zach elects to take a whiz out in the woods he's surprised by a guy appearing there in a bloody rabbit costume he tries to play things casual complimenting him on his duds and the bunny whacks and acts on a tree and then starts stalking after him he yells to leave him alone and falls on the ground he pleads asking what do they want and the rabbit is apparently just messing with him clicking his tongue and dancing around before walking away guess he ain't such a big man after all zacky boy huh get surprised by a bloody rabbit in the woods and you fall to bits but the point is is that it appears to be happening in the real world outside of the safety of a haunt real people scarier this hunt is a bit more intense than prior as we see several victims of our ghouls and it starts to bleed that line between scare actor and what looks like a straight-up killer even these guys start getting concerned brandy can't handle it but is forced to continue onwards a guy cackles that he wants a piece of her and they sneak past a skinny kid who follows after they then find themselves in an elevator there's a loud bang and the walls all shake the door is open to someone in the baby outfit which is pretty creepy and another dude attacks scouting to take it you sucker a lady in a cage reaches out followed by a werewolf head they then enter a little kid's room hearing a girl's constant wailing the woman somehow knows brandy's name telling her that she's gonna die a clown shows up and he too knows it cackling about her death she brings up to the others that is quite odd but bobby dismisses it well they probably just told him their name to freak her out huh well how did they find out her name how would that work exactly whatever you say bobby nothing suspicious here whatsoever to tack on to the increasingly unsettling feeling an employee recounts a story of another employee that accidentally hung himself while the house was open by the time they got to him he was long dead just hanging there lifeless without anyone even knowing so i'm starting to get under my skin a little bit there creepy can you imagine that you're just like oh that's a cool prop and you're like no that's an actual dead dude man yeesh for their next stop zach is tight-lipped as usual but offers the clue that it's something mikey is a big fan of and it fits the theme of the trip and already i'm like a spooky strip club right yep as anticipated there's zombie strippers and everything looking like a grand old time for the boys but brandy is less than amused after a proper motorboating for all the dancers it's time to venture off to phobia off another rural texan highway they overhear more talk about elusive location in louisiana which piques zack's interest the guys know that it's called blue skeleton as they went there last year themselves all right we got a real lead here folks meanwhile in the rv mikey is hitting on a scare actor asking her to do contortions and stuff which is kind of weird he apparently sleeps with her because on the way out a clown her brother it seems stops the gang with some beef over this he demands to have their tapes back while mike insists that he wasn't recording anything things eventually calm down and the guy walks off but mikey is a liar he did tape the whole thing i mean seven cameras on board you're gonna put that [ __ ] to use right pissed off clown brothers aside there was a more alarming lingering presence that appears to still be following our group once they're out for the night we see someone filming right outside they then make their way to each of them while they're all fast asleep even caressing brandy's face to no reaction he then turns the camera to a window seeing his masked reflection there they don't even discover this violation until the next morning zach discovers the video has been posted on a so-called hot chat site and they're trying to figure out how exactly this happened bobby is particularly worried as they're not out on a haunt they're in the middle of nowhere zach demands that he not tell anyone about this for now but well the cat is out of the bag mikey opens the fridge and immediately retches finding a big old hunk of meat in there they all instantly blame zach but we know that he couldn't be responsible he was asleep just like everyone else almost teasingly they then get an email to head to baton rouge and ask for giggles they're getting closer to that ultimate haunt they are so hung up on the others aren't so sure about going forward after everything going on but zach reminds them that they're the ones that were tired of the mickey mouse [ __ ] they pull into what looks like a rundown warehouse and even normally stalwart zack apologizes for its appearance it's where it's said to go it's pretty dead inside and all the inhabitants appear to be scare actors still wearing their makeup they approach a dude asking if he knows giggles he says that he does and offers them to take a seat he'll be here any minute he promises thanks creepy old man somebody puts a song on and a ghoul starts dancing and swaying around they then come up right up to the table and cackles uh assume you're a giggles oh no sorry just some other weird clown guy don't burn me they're asked to turn off the camera and come with the guys and they do follow their instructions seeing the cam left behind two other dudes started playing with it and decided to make a movie themselves which apparently just means being perverted as they go right into the ladies room and fling the door open to an aggravated brandy they get more aggressive cornering her an excuse that it's all just for fun she flees and the others are growing worried that this is getting out of hand messing with mikey is one thing but brandy is extra bad you leave our token female alone not cool dudes after that dead end they regroup to figure out what to do next but are interrupted by a loud banging at the door they lift the blinds and there's more bangs bobby thinking there's someone on the roof the lights cut out and they try the engine when the headlights come back on there's a shitload of people gathered outside surrounding them completely just as quickly as they appeared they all vanished getting real spooky around here another interview subject further cements our main concept that they're phasing out more traditional stuff everyone wants things more hardcore stopping just short of literally killing them you gotta keep pushing it further and further so is that what we're seeing going on with the group or are these guys actually a bunch of maniacs that is the question that we are increasingly wrestling with here on halloween itself morale is at an all-time low zach coercing a weak smile out of brandy and demands that everyone has a good time i specifically requested it there's more loud rattling and zack goes to take a look he finds a pumpkin ominously waiting for them along with a note to carve me attached bobby brings up again how crazy this all is they were able to find them in the middle of nowhere again pretty impressive operation going on here they carve it as instructed and discover an invitation inside to meet them on bourbon street at 10 pm they consider if it's them and it's like who the heck else is it going to be you dodo birds regardless they feel at this point they have to try this is what they've been searching for this whole time they open the front blinds and there are several blue masks trapped in the wipers one for each mikey complains that this isn't what he wanted and stresses the difference between an extreme haunt and hillbilly surrounding them in the middle of the night well it's pretty slippery slope but zach on the other hand thinks it's cool and defense well they didn't actually do anything that's all fine easily convinced as usual they arrive at the hopping as always bourbon street they're on the lookout for someone with a matching blue skull mask and do see one guy up on a balcony with one but when trying to get his attention he disappears they quickly get separated in the crowded streets and jeff spots the masked guy and follows him down a dark alley it was all a setup as he's joined by the doll girl and the bloody rabbit she starts yelling and they overtake him dragging him away the long-haired clown guy retrieves the camera and it looks like it's so long jeff the others call him and it's straight to voicemail but it's actually changed telling them that if you want to go to blue skeleton show up at this address at midnight they're lured to another location well off the beaten path and bobby lays it out they either see this thing all the way through or go home but they don't want to leave without their pal so looks like there's no turning back at this point either way the choice is made for them when a bus pulls up from the other way and stops right in the middle of the road the door opens and outsteps someone dawns in all black giving him the stare down zach is surprised to get a text informing him they have 60 seconds to come out or his friends all die they begin counting down but mikey isn't scared still certain that this is all fake wrangling up everyone to get out there they text back you will be scared and frighteningly as he points out somehow they can hear them zack tentatively steps out and gets another message surprise and the window explodes brandy screeches why are they doing this and a phone starts ringing don't look up it says the dudes all storm the rv and everyone is taken captive we then switch to the blue skeleton's own camera pov seeing everyone tied up with bags over their heads they're shoveled onto a bus where the other guys mess with them making loud noises to keep them from talking they're unloaded separately leaving randy all by her lonesome they then reach their last destination and the other captors step off only brandy and the camera person on their own they order her to count to 30 before removing the bag over her head there will be a video camera next to her and tell her to pick it up and film everything she sees he undoes her restraints reminding her they'll be watching yeah figured as much she waits and steps out shuddering and crying the others are all in their own respective hell zones one left with only a glow stick to illuminate a pitch black room another enters an old looking living room moaning that he's over it and demanding to know what he's supposed to do bobby is alone in another area with his own camera as brandy comes to someone on a couch zack yells to get me out of here hearing someone in the room with him revving up a chainsaw mikey comes across a little girl asking her the way out but she stays mom the skull mask guy comes to brandy causing her to flip her [ __ ] zach is screaming wanting out of here the chainsaw sounding like it's right in front of his face bobby rounds a corner to someone in a land mask and confesses the props are pretty scary as the lights go dark in another room he comes to mike on the other side of a pane of glass and seemingly can't hear him he shouts for him to get out of there now still with his pathetic glow stick the guy rips through the door with his saw zach begging him to please stop he pops up in the hole telling him he's gonna [ __ ] his world okay what does that entail exactly another approach is bobby in a blue mask it's not a haunt he stammers now it's gotten too real for you bobby boy like he said you will be scared they live up to their promises at the blue skeleton at least another guy enters asking if he's having fun and hear him getting pummeled by something the guys load branding in their trunk taking us back to the beginning scene she starts coming to in a coffin already nestled deep in a hole and they close the lid just as she's getting her wits about her mikey and all the others are in their own coffins and they get to work filling in the dirt for brandy's grave the others all struggle to get out of their coffins to no avail and brandy screams feudally to hell the skull guy just staring back menacingly we jump to one last interview the actors saying the best part of the job is they get to not be themselves for a few hours a day to get out of the tangle mess that is their head and take up their pent-up aggression on someone else they want to make it so that they can't escape for example if they're a zombie their goal is to eat their brains while their victim's goal is to make it out if they can however if he had his way it would be their last visit anywhere this really lays out the dynamic of our crew and the blue skeleton especially with how things pan out in the end the big question is this truly just a next level fried experience or has our gang actually been given death sentences the end doesn't really answer one way or another and if we looked at it from just this entry i would feel differently about it in relation to where things go in the sequel when i first watched this my initial takeaway was that i thought they were all ultimately killed by the group even if things are left ambiguous i mean we don't even see jeff after he was stabbed and dragged off in the alley where'd he go although they had plenty of chances to kill them along the way if that was really their goal so i think the real takeaway of the group as is heavily established throughout is that idea of always pushing things right up to that line but what the blue skeleton does is they leap right over that line for them anything is fair game this does for our thrill seekers provide that next level experience as by the end they're all pretty much blubbering messes after being so confident of their prowess that is until they encountered the group now we don't learn too much about the organization but it definitely seems pretty well crafted and sophisticated at least in some capacity from the very first haunt where he met the porcelain girl zach and his pals were already on their radar by this point and really this whole thing was kind of them pulling the strings even from the beginning pushing them further and doing more elevated things all in order to frighten them they could have easily bugged the rv with their own cameras and was sneaking in it would know where their target was at all times easy enough again the idea of taking a haunt out into the real world outside the perceived fantasy and safety of an attraction if it feels real as they say that's what makes it scary after all that it is still worth mentioning that even if the blue crew were just trying to scare the hell out of the gang they still literally crossed multiple lines and broke several laws in the process unlike mckamey manor where things are legally on the up and up thanks to that hefty release document this is definitely not they just beat the crap out of them and kidnapped them all kinds of stuff without their permission although on the other hand the group does constantly keep searching them out so really it is kind of their own faults that it led to them finally encountering what they thought they wanted all along which turned out to be way more hardcore they were anticipating as we had hammered into our heads throughout people just don't find the classic stuff to be scary anymore and the blue skeleton has really pushed that limit to its max and beyond ultimately although due to their actions i still believe they are of definitely psychotic and disturbed time back to that whole i'm not scared of vampires and stuff quote that started the movie it's what real humans are capable of that's truly scary and that's what we've kind of seen here folks however the sequel really makes it clear the blue skeleton are just providing them with the most extreme spook experience around and pushing that envelope as far as it can really truly go as for where things go next well that will have to be saved for another video covering the sequel coming very soon with that we've reached the conclusion of this ending explained for the house's october built and don't forget before we go you can send me requests for any movies or tv shows you'd like to see me explain by leaving a comment or hitting me up on any of my social media accounts at foundflix what did you guys think of the house's october build and its ending what's your favorite haunted house flick let me know your thoughts down in the comments below make sure to like subscribe and follow thanks for watching found flicks see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 720,248
Rating: 4.9635253 out of 5
Keywords: houses october built, houses october built ending explained, ending explained, ending, explained, blue skeleton, real, backstory, halloween, trailer, clip, final scene, end scene, review, found footage, houses october built 3, foundflix ending explained, foundflix, true story, mckamey manor
Id: HCSqzK9P9B8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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