THE HOUSES OCTOBER BUILT 2 (2017) Ending Explained

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what's up everybody welcome to found flicks on today's ending explain we're looking at the follow-up to last week's video the house's october built two one year after the first film the gang are still recovering after being kidnapped by the blue skeleton extreme hot group they decide in order to move on they must face their fears and head back out on the road to visit more haunted attractions leading to new terrors when signs of the blue skeleton start emerging once more right as we recall from the end of the first film we left our gang in a pretty grave situation because they were being buried alive the whole question we were left with is are the blue skeleton actually crazed killers or just the most extreme hunters around the second film answers this with absolute certainty especially with the quite wacky and twisty ending the problem with part two is that it feels like a complete retread of the first it's literally the exact same thing where the issue lies is that it's missing that undercurrent of fear provided by the first this time it really feels more like our gang is on a vacation venturing from haunted hunt with little scares to be had along the way sure the blue skeleton is after them again but they only really just film them from a distance and that's about it until the ending so it feels like not much really happens until the last 20 minutes or so this is certainly unfortunate as there is a lot they could have done to develop the story as it was from the first rather than just doing a simple rehash regardless the ending does take several big swings that changes our perception of what happened even in the first movie and really blows up the dynamic between the group in an interesting way there is quite a bit to look at with how things turn out this time so let's saddle up for another road trip of spooks with the house's october bill 2 breaking down the story the important struggle that brandy is dealing with that shapes her own journey as well as explaining the twisty ending and what it all means as in our first entry we begin with a quote that kind of is at odds with that of the first all about our increasingly callous society and how humans are the real terror now it's argued that times have not become more violent just more televised which i guess is true in a way although i wouldn't necessarily listen to anything that jackass marilyn manson has to say which is beside the point anyway we pick up right where we left off where our spook hungry gang are all trapped in their own respective coffins yet there is troublingly already a retcon as you recall the blue skeleton had just finished filling in brandy's grave yet that has somehow changed and the hole is now yet to be filled in luckily for her a random cop shows up on the scene not sure who called them exactly ordering the masked digger to get out of there he opens the coffin and she's gone so maybe they buried her and then dug her up could be i suppose she's back in the trunk of a car with the skull guy they toss some tapes at her feet with her friends names labeled on them and abruptly peel away leaving her distraught and alone in the remote barren landscape after the group's harrowing halloween misadventures we jump to one year later and don't actually see what befell the boys also it looks like someone bought a drone since the first film which does kind of break the faux reality style of the whole thing but it is a pretty shot to be fair in the aftermath of part 1 our group has bizarrely achieved a newfound fame learning 24 million people watched the live stream of a girl in a coffin although the case is still a mystery was it a holiday stunt or attempted murder the blue skeleton group still remains a mystery yet thanks to their no-holds-barred style are becoming heralded as potentially changing the scare industry forever while brandy is completely traumatized by these events the rest of the boys not so much they're actually hoping to capitalize on their fame and intend to convince brandy to rejoin the crew they even know how much it messed her up reminding them to not say things like extreme haunt or anything like that she comes outside and immediately shuts them down upon seeing them so they pull out the big guns showing off videos of them at conventions and various haunted houses the businesses now want them to promote their stuff luring her in with the idea that they're actually gonna get paid this time she's steadfast in not being interested but they plead that they need her most of all she's coffin girl the biggest star of the bunch well isn't that something regardless she says no and they're forced to rethink how to enact their plan without her it sounds easy enough they just gotta go to various haunts post some pictures easy money right their first outing is scream town where a guy gets in mikey's face asking his phobia before shoving him into the house creepy dudes pop out and scream and they come to a familiar piece of art on the wall that resembles their old friend with a porcelain mask a big snake prop pisses at them followed by some creepy clowns that pop out all over the place that's one of the few traditional haunts on their new journey as the rest are more unique and less fright-based experiences next is paranoia which is essentially a zombie-themed escape room the boys do their best to piece the clues together to get the door code and they fend off a zombie to put a battery in the thing it clicks in place and the room goes dark a voice tells them authentication failed meaning they must have lost afterwards they talk to the owner who tells him that he's been all around the world if you're looking for something really extreme check out hellbent after they discuss they agree that if a russian tells you to seek something out don't do it well at least that's better than doing everything in your power to seek it out sounds like they might have learned something from last time no definitely not as we find out later they follow this up with a haunt and old soap factory where the story goes they used to put body parts and kids in their soap nothing gets you cleaner than bits of gore and children everyone knows that this does have a safe word in place if things get too spooky just say uncle and you'll be whisked away to safety a ghoul sticks mikey in a trunk cackling and asking does it remind him of anything yes obviously there's a room with everything upside down which is pretty cool a guy in a leotard screams out in a weird echoing voice they enter another room with a young mother holding her fetus he's coming she cries she shoots down another baby shouting to get it out in another spot they're overwhelmed by a nauseous smell causing zach to gag here they can touch you which gives things a more intense feel mikey saying that a doctor caressed his beard and made him join him for a little dance however just as our crew is back to their old business it appears that the blue skeleton is as well we see there's a nearby camera with a blue tinge filming them from up above showing us that they are back on their radar again soon after their ranks are further filled when jeffery joins them and boasts that he has a wrap ready for them oh great yeah i'm sure that'll be wonderful the others teased that they got him a gift and he can't believe it it's a drone see there you go i knew somebody got a drone it was him time to put that baby to work up the production values on this bad boy they immediately put it to use filming some dope floating shots around a lighthouse but things aren't so dope when it comes to their commercial prospects they get off the phone with a client and without brandy's involvement they don't even want these chumps around and straight up cancel their deal with vague word of zack needing the money real bad they reach out to her in a last-ditch effort to get their beloved coffin girl on board they promise it won't be anything extreme this time just easy stuff she's needled down enough after their constant begging and decides to rejoin the team after all while brandi has been traumatized by the experience jeff actually says he enjoyed it for them if anything it gave them a new zest for living for her she maintains it felt real as though she was gonna die but they remind her well you know you didn't she only scowls back that she's doing it for the brothers bobby and mikey and that she needs the money too dang these people are some serious dire straights around here i didn't want to do it at all but give me 200 bucks and i'll show up wherever you need spook me good they first have her talk to a specialist in fear about what happened as well as that elusive boundary between fun and traumatizing the core of her struggle lies in not knowing if she was going to die or that they were going to come out laughing at her what would have happened if the police didn't show up not only that but people that care about her put her in that situation which made her quite angry to say the least the doc knows that she took it differently from the boys it didn't become as real for them as for her that's also why it's hard for her to trust them now do they want her to be there for the experience or to make her the experience oh i wonder which one it is doc considers that potentially she could see this experience as a way to reclaim herself as well as to recapture the fun that she used to have doing haunts to remind her that indeed everything is fake nothing is gonna hurt her brandy wants to agree with this but every time that she goes back in a haunt she's taken right back to the coffin while sitting around drinking absinthe in an abandoned building brandy reiterates to the guys no scary stuff and they really do appear to adhere to her request passing through the small town of anoka minnesota it's the rumored origin for trick-or-treating which was put in place to distract youngsters doing pranks on the holiday always the youngsters to blame then it's off to a classic hayride haunt where they first talk to the owner who makes a bad joke about not being able to find bodies out in these woods once again our blue skeleton is on their trail monitoring them from nearby when it comes to extreme hunt it sounds as though word of the blue crew has continued to spread the demon face scare actor mentioning a place up north where they do things like steal people's shoes put them in coffins and shove bags over their heads to waterboard them which definitely sounds like the skeleton gang this is what zack is still searching for which means that he's also already lying to brandy and the guy too tells him to seek out hellbent apparently everyone in the haunted house network is talking about it whatever that is but sounds like it must be big news they finally go on the ride and for whatever reason all the dudes keep focusing their scares on brandy there's some flame shoots and another guy with a chainsaw but overall no big deal really as zack points out it's just easy money baby in another building with pulsing lights they get separated one group comes across the doll girl peering from behind a fence strangely when they pan back she's gone and the blue guy also hides nearby filming them undetected at their next location everyone first gets made up as a zombie in an unbelievably long sequence dedicated to a zombie pub crawl churro looks fun and all but it really drags on in particular a zombie brain eating contest featuring the hot dog chomping champ kobayashi and guess what he kicks all their asses not even a contest boys leaning further into the zombie theme they next venture to a zombie 5k it's like capture the flag but zombies run up and take your flags and if you make it through the race you win the guy explains when the music stops you're either one of us or one of them they make their way through the zones with some cool different apocalyptic landscapes all with zombies in hot pursuit until the 28 minutes in after they ask brandy if she likes it she gives it four skulls out of five bobby inquires if this was more fun for her than a haunted house yeah and it's exercise too good times for all except for the viewer because it's boring it's like i wanna go there but i don't wanna watch a movie about it back on the road the skull guy is really upping his game literally hanging on to the back of the rv they then pass a sign telling them to seek out hellbent man they really could not get away from this thing similar to the spooky strip club from last time they have somehow convinced branny to attend masquerade with the promise of laser titties whatever that means a guy on stage there down some gasoline and shoots out some sweet fireballs and does another classic freak show trick jamming a bunch of swords down his gullet the finale is him lifting a bucket with a brick in it via chain shoved into his eye sockets which looks most uncomfortable the same goes for the idea behind masquerade it's all kinds of gross and weird like fetish [ __ ] like eggs and anuses or people in leather gear crawling around or whatever and hey even those much hyped laser titties how about that and attention turns back to brandy with a big burly dude gushing she's mesmerizing and beautiful they somehow lose the others surrounded by a bunch of different puppets another big boy with a burned face emerges grunting you only got away cause i let you they push onwards to a room where a guy is getting blasted by a jolt of electricity and another puppet pulls away revealing that familiar skull mask behind it brandy is incensed at the sight muttering [ __ ] you guys they then show the employee the footage but he's baffled they actually don't even use that kind of mask here she then confronts the others about it positive that they did it and demands a pay raise or she's done with this [ __ ] bobby argues that they didn't do anything but she fires back you always say that which is true gotcha boys in the rv they reassure her there are no shenanigans so they asked jeff what he saw and he agrees that it did appear to be the same guy from last year zack is still dismissive thinking that she simply just got scared they cave and offer her more cast to finish as there are only a few more haunts to go she agrees to one more and they say that they will transfer the money in the morning everyone curls up to get some rest and the blue cam is back right outside peeking into a sleeping bobby in the window they then put their own grand plan into action shoving in a pipe through the ceiling that pumps in a bunch of knockout gas they then make their way in and slink off to another location the gang wakes up many hours later worried that they're not going to make it to their next haunt in time that it turns out is the least of their concerns as when they lift the blinds they discover they're no longer at the campsite but rather at a big old abandoned building a sign up top shows them they wound up where they were looking to be after all hell bent all right here we go finally some plot development thank you the door is jammed closed as a suited man and a mask appears seek out his sign reads and he thumps his watch to indicate that they gotta wait when looking at their phones they're blown away to see that they're in north carolina everyone wondering just how the heck that happened the crew know the blue skeleton well enough that they're not going to be letting them out until nightfall so they have no choice but to wait until then as suspected once darkness comes they unlock the door zack smirking welcome to hellbent there's all kinds of clowns flanking the building along with a guy at the entry blocking it with a massive chainsaw seriously that thing is huge they're let inside and more clown bros lead them where to go they instruct them to don some black jackets ordering them to zip them up all the way so they can no longer see they leave and things go dark for a moment and then the lights kick back on more guys surprise them with chloroform knocking everyone out almost immediately everyone appears passed out and after a strange transition brandy suddenly finds herself alone as usual another comes in for her she begs to be let go saying she wants nothing to do with any of this she's pushed into another room where gasoline is being poured over mikey's head someone produces a hairspray diy flamethrower setting his head ablaze well that was surprising it looks like he actually got killed right she's dragged to bobby strapped to some bed springs and they pour over what looks like blood on his face bobby writhing and choking he's let loose continuing to choke and they thwack him good afraid of suffering her own grisly demise brandy fights back and snatches his camera but quickly realizes she has no idea where to go she picks a random hull coming to jeff there hanging dead and for a moment it looks like the police show up to her salvation but it's just another clown messing with her another appears sending her the other way where she bumps into the doll girl who has some new friends as a blonde one and then another one who appears pregnant enters she takes the camera and turns it back on brandy who shuffles back in terror outside it's daylight already seeing someone shooting the shot on a drone i'm not sure who that would be exactly she is just about to leave but stops herself changing her mind a door loudly creaks open and more skull masks stepped out and surround her two more carry out a little coffin placing it right in front of her she opens it finding a gun inside and the mask guys try to stop her and pull off their masks revealing it's the gang all somehow alive they beg her to please put the gun down all really freaking out they're flabbergasted by this outcome as there was supposed to be a check in the coffin not a gun they continue asking her to put it down and she places it in her mouth and pulls the trigger the guys are in shock screeching what did you do but not so fast it's time for a rewind brandi is back at the moment with the three doll girls who show her scenes on a projector that change everything we first see the guys from the first movie who accosted her in the bathroom and for the first time see the guys in their coffins which are all just housed in the same room together unlike brandy who was outside in a grave the cops are here and they're confused saying they did everything they were asked when it comes to brandy mike elects to selfishly just leave well thanks a lot we then jumped to the moment where they all got chloroformed but the guys get up right after so as only brandy who was actually knocked out the boys are then seen discussing the layout of hellbent including things like the blood boarding and indeed go into the specifics of all the scenes as we play out the boys have been actually working in tandem with the blue skeleton this whole time watching them as they create special effects pieces like mikey's fake head and jeff's fake arm although this doesn't really explain how they were able to make the transition from mikey's real head to his fake one that they set on fire it just kind of happens so yeah this doesn't quite make sense when you start piecing it together okay oh well still got more to go after this bombshell they bring her to the coffin with a gun inside along with a little pouch of blood which appears to be a squib a packet with explosives attached used in movies to create gunshot effects one lady whispers in her ear and we jump back to now where everyone is asking her to stop and she fires now realizing she used the squib to fake them all out i'm not sure who activated it or how you're able to put a squib on the back of your head without anyone noticing everyone is beside themselves as she gets to her feet randy sneers you wanted your big ending you got it all they defend that this was supposed to be about her and they divulged what was their now simple plan they put her in these situations they ham it up for the cameras and boom their [ __ ] goes viral and they make mad cash they were under the impression the coffin was supposed to have a check and even they were surprised by the gun being there instead brandi tells him that she's done for good with these bozos despite their many apologies as the blue skull mask dude watches from above the shot zooms out and becomes a video on youtube titled coffin girl part 2 by the blue skeleton immediately racking up tons of views becoming the group's next viral hit alright so what the heck exactly happened here things got pretty out of hand once they got the hellbent and we do leave things on an especially weird note when it comes to the group everyone just kind of staring at each other the big takeaway is that at some point after the first film the blue skeleton group approached zack and the boys to work together in order to capitalize on brandy's new found fame as coffin girl as well as take their whole situation to the next level however the whole thing is that they were also kind of lying jerks to her the whole time not really divulging the whole truth about their intentions to basically exploit her for their own gain so just as before this entire thing was orchestrated by the blue skeleton leading the gang where they wanted them to go the whole time and well ultimately just gas them up and drive them there i guess but the blue skeleton had other plans in mind namely to let brandy get revenge in a sense on her shitty pals the whole thing is a big switcheroo on the boys as we took away from after the first film the boys weren't really impacted at all by what happened because they continued to believe it wasn't real the whole time while brandy struggled with there being a real threat of death that's what the blue crew provides her to have the others experience in the end when they remove their mask and try to tell her it's all a joke she turns the gun on herself so the whole point is finally they are afraid and think that this is real because it wasn't part of the plan that they were aware of now they get to feel how brandy felt this whole time and really hammer in the guilt they should feel for taking advantage of her believing for a moment that their actions led to her taking her own life for once the joke is on them and that is the main point of how things pan out this surprise also works out for the blue skeleton's latest video with not only the popular coffin girl getting to have her just desserts but also making the guys look like the selfish chumps that they really are i honestly find this outcome to be quite odd because for all intents and purposes it appears that they are actually all good friends up to this point but the two movies actually make it clear that they are willing to do anything for some cash and a taste of fame kind of a bunch of a-holes if you ask me we don't really get a sense of where things would be going forward with the gang but i would bet dollars to donuts brandi is never going to trust her so-called friends ever again they really messed that whole thing up especially in part two things officially end in the movie with a pretty lame attempt at a scare we return to the roadside sign they saw previously and the blue skull guy rearranges the letters to spell out the name of his group at that moment the rv drives by presumably without brandy on board and we pan back to the skull guy who opens his mouth wide revealing some big old chompers yeah not exactly leaving me shaking in my boots admittedly it's like they felt obligated to deliver one final scare and i guess this is the best they could come up with oh well still after two movies we really know next to nothing about the blue skeleton or just how their whole ornate operation works it's definitely a sophisticated and well organized group at the very least if they ever do a part 3 they really should dive further into the blue skeleton themselves maybe have brandy being the ones seeking them out this time in order to find out their mysteries once and for all also it's probably going to get progressively more difficult to stay underground with all these massive viral video hits they keep producing more and more people are going to be trying to find them and keeping this thing a secret for much longer is not going to be easy do you want to be underground you want to be mainstream you can't really have it both ways you know i'm sam that brings us to the conclusion of this inning explain for the house's october built 2. like i said i feel like there is still some story to mine in a potential part 3 so hopefully if that is in the cards they avoid retreading the same ground once again and really do something different with the franchise in the next entry at this point there is no word officially on a part 3 being in development but you know that could always change in the future anyway don't forget before we go you can send me requests for any movies or tv shows you'd like to see me explain by sending them my way on any of my social media accounts at foundflix what did you guys think of the house's october bill 2 and its crazy ass ending what would you hope to see in a part 3 let me know your thoughts down in the comments below make sure to like subscribe and follow thanks for watching found flicks see you next
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 552,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: houses october built, houses october built 2, houses october built 2 ending explained, ending explained, ending, explained, real, trailer, clip, final scene, end scene, explanation, true story, twist, blue skeleton, found footage, halloween 2021, foundflix, foundflix ending explained
Id: 6k1Cb6SaQfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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