A CLASSIC HORROR STORY (2021) Ending Explained

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[Music] hey what's up everybody welcome to found flicks on today's inning explained we're looking at the italian metaflick a classic horror story we follow a group of five people traveling by camper who are then thrown into a world of terror after they crash into a tree once they recover they find out that the road they were driving on has been replaced by an impenetrable forest along with a creepy wooden house that's not good you know it's kind of funny when i was putting this on i was like oh an italian horror movie you really don't see too much of that nowadays a far cry from the heights of jello back in the 70s and 80s turns out that the filmmakers apparently have the same idea on their mind as well and er in a sense it really feels like trying to recapture and bring back italian horror to life as the title suggests it really leans into several obvious homages and cliches from classic horror movies that came before it where it perhaps falters is that while it is amusing pointing out its many references in particular it owes a lot to various folk horror flicks the problem is it doesn't really elevate itself beyond the tropes there is a potential reason for this baked into the story but it still does feel perhaps a bit cheap in that sense it also diverts into an overly meta direction particularly in the end it kind of changes the overall feeling of the movie and what it initially seemed to be going for evolving more into a statement on modern society it is intriguing but it does maybe feel a bit out of left field to me regardless there is a lot i enjoyed about this one and it also does get quite confusing as more details are revealed that even has ties weirdly to the origins of the mafia and i was like okay along with leaving our final survivor with a very open ending so let's check out a classic horror story breaking down the story including the history of the cult and what they're all about how i interpret our survivor's outcome along with explaining the meaning behind the very meta ending we're immediately presented with a grisly situation that sets up the danger at hand in the seemingly idyllic countryside a girl is chained to a table looking pretty beat up footsteps are heard approaching along with a loud scraping noise someone in a robe is wielding a massive mallet and comes to her bringing it down crunching her skull a bit yikes we then meet our random group of strangers that have the bad luck of winding up in the death cabin themselves led by elisa we don't really learn too much about any of our characters but we at least understand that she is pregnant and her overbearing mom has forced her to get an abortion telling her that she cannot afford to have a baby to butter her up she offers to buy her a new wardrobe to which elisa weakly agrees telling her i'll see you tonight a notification comes in that it's time to join her new buddies a rusty rv pulls up honking and she leaves her full sandwich behind showing us she's obviously a little troubled about her situation the sweaty driver fabrizio does taped introductions for each of the passengers telling them to say hi to the viewers so that they will grow to like them more but they are mostly muted in their responses they're on their way to his hometown of calibria we learn and i'm like is this normal in italy just getting an old rv with a bunch of random ass strangers i guess so passing the time with the trivia game on one question regarding pennywise fab proves that he knows his stuff correcting that he doesn't tactically feed on children but their fear smart kid he then offers everyone some brewskis which mark in particular is stoked about beaming that he just earned himself a five-star rating in the paper there's a story about a mother and daughter having gone missing and we find out that the mafia is in the area there's more than one around it turns out the lady mayor of the town is quoted as specifically being auntie mafia and the others river on her appearance asking if she resembles a lasagna lisa starts gagging and they're forced to pull over for her to ratchet on the side of the road ricardo takes the opportunity to leave a voicemail to what sounds like his estranged wife asking her to try and work things out and to be reasonable for some reason mark wants to take over driving even though he's been drinking the others give him guff about it and he invites ricardo to take the seat but he strangely doesn't have his driver's license with no further argument he takes the helm fab and mark bond over some bullying encounters they had when they were children and chuckle about how teenagers think violence is cool or something just like in a bad movie appropriate they toast to good movies and seeing a dead animal in the road fab grabs the wheel sending them careening right into a tree elisa comes to later hearing muffled shouting and mark got injured in the crash seeing that his leg is severely broken they get it set with help from dr ricardo and then attempt to call emergency services yet no one has any phone signal which is odd you should always be able to get through to 118 the equivalent of 9-1-1 obviously ricardo decides to go up the road to look for help yet after looking out the window there's strange news there is no road somehow their car was moved to a completely different location than where they crashed they spot an ominous looking cabin nearby and then passed by a setup with speakers along with a floodlight sophia knocks on the door and it appears that nobody's home they play the blame game about the crash going between mark and fab but ricardo scoffs the bigger problem here is they somehow wound up deep in the woods not like they fell out of the sky you know he decides to try and find the road and to his chagrin fab forces himself to tag along knowing that they have to head south in the interim sophia and elisa get to know each other a little better sophia has her own jewelry line showing off a tacky heart ring that she made she asked if she thinks the wreck was indeed mark's fault and alisa doesn't think so promising her that he'll be fine fab keeps incessantly babbling about a horror movie he recalls where the people found themselves trapped in a kind of limbo but ricardo hushes him an annoyance telling him to focus on the road they then stumble across an obviously ritualistic display of three stick figures wearing red sashes also adorned with several animal heads the sign reads the three nights of honor ricardo wondering if it's something satanic fab tells him yeah more or less how does he know he warns that they need to leave now especially after noticing all the animal heads are fresh at the rv alisa notices the cabin door is now open and decides to investigate there's still no sign of anyone inside and she pauses at the deer head now knowing for certain this is the same location from the beginning which certainly does not bode well for them she takes in a wall full of old looking pictures featuring people wearing various masks a noise from the back sends her to another room with candles all over the ground the others join her at the display and fab clues them into what this is all about it involves a legend of also mostroso and caragnoso that was my excellent italian accent three brothers from another world a long time ago people then were dying of starvation and the brothers promised to save them on the condition of them providing a sacrifice in return the villagers choose a victim and then prepare the ritual they cut out their tongue then ears and finally their eyes with their blood spilled the village is rid of hunger over time the people became the brother's flock essentially becoming worshipers of them this too is also strangely tied to the actual origins of the mafia those brothers were indeed part of its founding there is an urban legend involving that as well pretty sure it didn't involve any ritualistic sacrifices though maybe i don't know alarmingly it's starting to look like the group is their latest targets as elisa verifies there were five animal heads back in the forest and yep there's five of them that night everyone listlessly waits around for morning to come mark is feeling down on himself asking sophia why she's with a loser like him and oddly out of nowhere fab starts chuckling to himself he relays the absurdity he finds in their situation they crashed into a tree and woke up at the house of sam raimi animal heads pictures of crazy farmers phones not working as he points out it's a perfect setup for a classic horror movie i'll say he leaves to take a whiz and sees two people wear a mask holding hands watching them from the trees a distant scream wakes the others everyone crowding to the window looking at the cabin there's another scream heard and the girls go to check it out they ascend into an attic sophia bravely taking the lead fab runs back with news of the people in the woods they gotta get out of here they come to another odd site a girl trapped inside of a tree branch cocoon kind of thing she doesn't say a word and we see why this is her tongue nearby in a jar looking out the window a red light washes over everything followed by an air horn siren blaring at the rv several robed figures are there so theo wants to help mark but ricardo holds her back covering her mouth to keep her quiet they haul him inside and they strap him down to the table first they set the scene with some tunes via cassette tape and then get to work taking the mallet they smash the absolute hell out of both of his feet seeing one of the fingers has a big old tongue hanging out they place a spiky device right over his face and start cranking it down getting closer and closer stopping just above the eyes they then keep cranking mark heard screaming intensely as it breaks through the skin hearing fleshy squelching sounds poor sofia having to watch helplessly through the floor slats the sirens start back up and they take his body outside the red light switches off and things appear back to normal sophia is beside herself staring off in his face with tears rolling down her cheeks ricardo decides to help the girl after all pulling the branches away to set her free she immediately rushes into elise's arms quick bonding there huh they retrieved their stuff from the rv and set off into the woods they then come to a graveyard of cars showing us they definitely aren't the first people the cult have gotten a hold of ricardo and sophia get into an argument with her blaming him for mark's death as he wouldn't let her go help he counters that well you didn't really even try that hard you could have bitten his hand or kicked him in the nuts or something if she was so inclined but well she didn't besides what could they have done anyway elisa breaks them up calling it all just a horrible accident they ask what kind of doctor he is anyway as most don't use carpooling very often but he keeps mum on the matter we see the girl has a diary learning that her name is kiera elisa asks if she knows how to get out of the forest and she writes back cryptically in response it's not a forest the sirens start up again and the gang quickly get a move on unbelievably they wind up right back at the cabin where they started and now the camper is gone too what the heck is going on here man fab appears confused as well certain that they were going south ricardo angrily grabs him and he maintains that he wants to save himself just as much as they do they find one leftover beer for them waiting on the ground and hey at least they left one behind determining what to do next they recall that the people came back after dark and even though they don't want to go back inside the cabin they decide it's better in there than out here sophia announces that if they do come back we'll burn it all to the ground nightfalls and they all split the beer that is except for fab who gives the excuse of having to be on watch sure great excuse ricardo finally opens up about his situation he made a mistake during an operation that led to a patient's death and as a result lost everything even worse in the aftermath he lashed out at his wife and now she won't even let them see their daughter anymore but ultimately he feels that she is in the right feb tells a strange joke about meeting a guy from the north while camping he kept accusing him as he is from the south of being in the mafia he tried to reason with him repeatedly but he refused to ever give in the guy came back the next day spouting the same thing all over so he says he had him killed the joke being that he was in the mafia after all hilarious kira starts laughing first followed by the others awkwardly joining in then busting into full geforce now it's elise's turn to open up and find out as potentially suspected that her parents are kind of overbearing in a pain in the ass when she told them that she wanted to quit school and do something else in response her mom took them to a seaside resort where they stayed in a gorgeous mansion she told her this would have been theirs if not for having to pay for her school cost two days later out of guilt she was back in school so yeah that's a pretty shitty thing to do obviously they already all figured out she was already pregnant elisa lamenting that the baby was doomed before even coming here feeling getting rid of it is her only option sofia gifts her with the heart ring apparently the first one she ever made saying that when she finished it she felt that she knew that she could succeed on her own the two bond holding hands amongst all the madness inevitably later the red light washes back over the area along with the sirens coming back which wakes elisa up she steps outside and the lights suddenly shut off where she's greeted by quite a scene there's a whole mob of mask wearing folks out there waiting for her along with three red robe figures prominently up front obviously we're seeing that that legend fab described earlier is in fact reality and the three represent those noble knights from long ago and well it's time for another sacrifice in their name we see that sophia is tied up and fab appears grabbing elisa back inside quickly barricading the door the tongue guy presumably the leader holds up the jarred tongue to the crowd who respond by all clicking their own tongues rapidly another one warms up a knife in the fire and comes to sofia and jams it all up in there real good as we also recall they take your tongue eyes and ears the same fate befalls ricardo getting their bits brutally chopped off piece by piece they put them each into a little display thing making a face from their parts neat arts and crafts they lift the head to his final resting place adorning the top of the person-shaped wicker thing yeah definitely getting some wicker man vibes here i don't think they would argue with that finally sophia and ricardo's throats are slit falling forward lifelessly as they bleed out elisa sobs at the horrifying site and fab weirdly tries to comfort her asking to give her a hug and i mean it already seemed like this guy was in on it right especially at this point he told them the whole story of the knights he's from this area it's like duh of course he was part of the whole thing from the beginning elisa puts the pieces together for herself when seeing the empty beer bottle on the floor realizing that it must have been drugged that's why they slept through the whole thing we also remember he did not take a drink he keeps trying to maintain his innocence but his cover is ultimately blown for good when she overhears someone calling him over an earpiece she snatches it away causing fab to have a straight up hissy fit he starts calling her a [ __ ] amongst many other things accusing her of ruining everything he looks to the deer head and orders them to take her figures immediately bust in easily pushing the table out of the way she's quickly overpowered and is dragged out screaming for help any quite drastic contrast to just before things suddenly appear quite jovial and celebratory people are picking onions and putting some pasta together looks like their latest ritual went off without a hitch and nature's bounty is plentiful once more nice everyone has gathered around a massive table and elisa is there too seeing she's been stigmatted with nails through her hands binding her to the chair the mayor lady is there from the article in the rv the whole lasagna thing we also remember she was being quoted as being anti-mafia yet here we are she's apparently running the whole show it seems a young boy sings a song all about their favorite nights seeing that half of his face is deformed for some reason no they don't really say anything about that she toes to the knights and proclaims to everyone enjoy your meal elisa looks miserable and starts bawling everyone at the table imitates her whimpering in a mocking way the mayor orders them to stop and comes up to her explaining her situation as she sees it everyone is content because she looks after them so even though they are making fun of her to them she is actually the most important of them all she's gotta die for them i mean what else you gonna do you know she also expresses the necessity to learn to adapt as the mafia is no longer what it used to be so they're rebranding it appears instead of tommy guns and fedoras it's sacrificing people and playing dress up sounds fun there's a brief moment of hope when the police arrive but the mayor saunters right over with no issue and they just drive off so yeah probably got them in her pocket too sorry elisa she's wheeled into another room looking weak and broken and learns the real reason all this has been happening in front of her is a wall of monitors with cameras set up all around the camp the signal cuts away and fab flickers on screen smirking to give us a smile he again is annoyed with her from messing up his master plan but ultimately found her uncovering him to be a real turn-on ugh pretty gross she asked about kiera and he quitely responds telling her no spoilers she's pissed realizing his game recording videos of people being tortured and killed he corrects that they're actually horror movies which sends alisa into absolute hysterics even he's kind of like wow geez what the [ __ ] lady so i end up dying in some losers fake movie she cries and names the knights as the so-called villains he reveals the mafia's next act of rebranding he's turned their founding fathers into the new freddy leatherface and jason he's so confident in his movie he boasted if he was in the states he'd already be signed on for a sequel she spits back that his movie sucks it's just a carbon copy of other films yep kind of got him dead to rights there and fab turns his ire to the landscape of modern italian cinema where horror has fallen completely out of fashion he complains no one wants to be scared but you turn on the tv and in real life there's nothing but death he thinks they actually enjoy the real thing more than fiction and that that is the future the most requested kind of content real killing real horror not mine she counters and fab cuts the signal without hesitation elisa painfully removes her hands from the nails and teeters out of the small building she comes to the camper now filled with bodies even including the goat that they swerved to miss on the road this thing really was a whole setup from the get-go this is made even more clear when she comes to a bunch of tents and it really does resemble a movie set with various costumes around including the girl's dress hung out on a line she enters another tent finding the leader's three twisted masks on the wall along with many others filling the entire room she hears a door open nearby it's fab already back on a tirade about elisa ruining his movie he tries to figure out how to fix things with a reshoot and see that he's talking to kiara who was also obviously not the whole time his sister from the looks of it she thinks his change won't work you can't knock her out again the client along with mom demanded elisa is to be awake when killed showing what a little [ __ ] he really is he moans to [ __ ] mom and only gets angrier she smacks him good which does at least shut him up groaning about his incompetence kira sticks her cut tongue appliance back in and dons her address complaining that she wants to be the villain next time a voice crackles in on the radio that is time to shoot scene 15. but both admit that they don't know what is supposed to happen next it appears elisa has figured out their ending for them kira flings open the door and she's there waiting for her with a shotgun and new costume the girl can only utter crap before she gets blown away with a shot to the stomach fat brushes out and after emptying the shell she gets him in the leg she has her own camera that she turns to face him he screams to the others weakly trying to crawl away he attempts to point out the futility of killing him so what all the others will still get her in the end and feed her to the pigs he asked her to put down the rifle so that they can find a solution he fake sobs to her that he's so scared but she's not buying it anymore and shushes him with a barrel in the mouth she turns the tables on him telling him don't worry it's only a movie he foolishly starts back on his [ __ ] talk and she fires the shot exploding out of the back of his skull well so much for that fatty boy she walks right up to the camera and removes her mask grumbling there's your ending and shuts off the tape he then ventures into the woods hearing the group's sirens starting to wail in the distance hearing someone there with her she spins around with a gun at the ready but it's just some kid wearing floaties he panics and flees leading her to a hole in a nearby fence there's a sign reading military area no trespassing under surveillance so it seems like they took over an old military compound apparently she steps out onto a beach full of people hanging around and to them she is quite the site some girls even recording her on their phones she pulls out her own phone and thanks to finally having signal is greeted by a countless new text from her mom wondering where she is she drops the phone to the ground and walks purposefully towards the water now everyone is taping her on their phones with a certain indifference no one you know asking if she needs help or anything now fully submerged the blood starts to stream off of her being cleansed in a way and clutches at her stomach it looks like that is the abrupt conclusion to elise's story but not for the movie itself as things go into a very meta twist the title blasts on screen and we see a chat window of people discussing their feelings on the movie that they just watched some express disappointment that elisa didn't die while another chimes in that the legend is real look it up another guy types out okay i'll watch it now and log's not into netflix but blood flicks dang maybe i should have gone with that instead of found flicks sounds pretty cool oh well amongst a sea of other similar looking violent content he clicks on a thumbnail for a classic horror story the rest of the mafia must have finished it in spite of fab's death it opens with that introductory video of them on the rv when we met the whole crew already disinterested the viewer skips all the way ahead to the end where elisa takes out fab after seconds of viewing his attention is distracted by his daughter popping in with news that dinner is ready he tells her he's on his way and dismissively awards the movie a thumbs down despite the fact that he pretty much skipped the whole entire thing before we circle back to elisa and her ending let's look at what they obviously are going for with this ending here it definitely feels like this whole direction at the end is to make a statement about society on a few different levels as we saw with the beachgoers behavior everyone just staring at her and taping her on their phones rather than actually helping her out in any way it shows us how obsessed with technology today we are everyone buried in their phones but this also kind of keeps them at a distance from reality seeing everything through the layer of their phones which disconnects themselves in a way from what's going on right in front of them the same goes for the bloodflicks viewer which critiques how we as a society consume violent content again he's completely disaffected by the movie despite it containing real-life murders should be you know very disturbing similar to what fab was rambling about people are so desensitized to fake violence that only the real thing will work nowadays and even that as we see already doesn't have much of an impact on the viewer whatsoever that seems to be the idea they're going for here we've all become completely desensitized and disconnected to an unfortunate degree thanks to our phones now when it comes to lisa and wear things up with her it's definitely abrupt and inconclusive but i do think there are a few hints at where she is at now thanks to surviving her harrowing trip her whole thing was about how she was being treated by her overbearing parents and she seems just kind of put up with it in particular when it comes to her baby this is important i think the intention of kiara is to show her that despite her initially feeling she isn't cut out to be a mom we see based on how she acts with her in a kind of surrogate mother way that proves she is maternal after all she does really instantly bond with and care about the girl too bad she turned out to be a lying little [ __ ] regardless because of this it leads me to think along with her clutching her belly in the water that she is after everything going to actually keep her kid in defiance of her parents now finally standing up for herself it also seems important too that when getting signal back there's all those messages from her mom but she chooses to ignore them completely doesn't try to call or anything also solidifying that she is strong enough to go forward on her own also it's amusing as fab's original incarnation of the story had elisa dying but he was usurped by the biggest trope of them all the final girl well that about wraps it up for this look at a classic horror story and don't forget before we go you can send me requests for any movies or tv shows you'd like to see me explain by sending them my way on any of my social media accounts at foundflix what did you guys think of a classic horror story and its ending what do you think elisa does next what's your favorite italian horror flick let me know your thoughts down in the comments below make sure to like subscribe and follow thanks for watching found flicks see you next time ciao
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 1,015,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic horror story, 2021 horror, netflix horror, new netflix, netflix, classic horror story ending explained, endingi explained, ending, explained, explanation, meaning, italian horror, giallo, mafia, backstory, folk horror, foundflix ending explained, foundflix, trailer, clip, final scene, end scene, spoilers, review
Id: ZwnIADhcThQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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