HALLOWEEN Series Explained: The Complete History of Michael Myers

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[Music] what's up everybody Welcome to found flicks I'm sure like me you're all impatiently awaiting the new Halloween movie that finally hits theaters later this month so to get geared up for Michael Myers big return I thought it was a perfect time to look back at the original Halloween series giving an in-depth overview of the entirety of Michael's story from the first Halloween all the way through Resurrection the only ones I won't be covering are Season of the Witch as it doesn't feature Michael and the two Rob Zombie Halloweens which have their own separate continuity that still leaves us with seven movies to cover so there's no time to waste let's get started by looking at the entire history of our favorite butcher knife wielding serial killer Michael Myers breaking down each movie's story as well as the evolution of Michael from a young boy to something else entirely pure evil The Saga of Michael Myers begins in 1963 on Halloween night in the fictional Haddonfield Illinois seeing Michael's very first kill as a young child donning a mask we follow his p POV watching his sister getting frisky then heading into the kitchen retrieving a large butcher's knife and surprises Judith in her room stabbing her mercilessly to death then walking out to the front of the house as his parents returned home seeing Little Mikey dressed as a clown holding a bloody knife and under the mask see his expression is totally blank after Judith's murder Michael was put into the psychiatric facility Smith's Grove where he stayed for 15 years under the care of Dr Samuel Loomis until the night of October 30th 1978. Loomis and his associate Marion are required by law to take Michael to a hearing but when they arrive to pick him up shrouded in a heavy rainstorm Michael attacks Marion and hijacks their car speeding off into the night his destination his hometown of Haddonfield it's pretty unusual for a serial killer to drive a car in horror movies especially one that's been incarcerated since a child but the movie offers the explanation from Loomis someone must have been giving him lessons and a later entry expands a bit more on this idea in Haddonfield on Halloween we meet the teenage Lori Strode approached by Tommy Doyle who she is babysitting later that evening walking down the streets they approached the old Myers house now derelict and abandoned however Laurie's father a real estate agent is attempting to sell the house yeah good luck with that Tommy warns her not to even approach it calling it a spook house Lori isn't worried though but she will soon regret this as Michael has already returned home seeing Lori and Tommy from inside From This Moment Michael becomes obsessed with Lori seemingly due to her and Tommy reminding him of himself and his ill-fated sister though later sequels change his motivation for targeting Lori meanwhile Loomis is trying to track down Michael visiting the cemetery where his sister is buried where he is shocked to find that her body has been Unearthed and Loomis now knows for sure that Michael has returned home we learn he's been stocking up on some important supplies in town too when Annie and Lori come across Annie's dad the sheriff at a hardware store break-in mentioning that some masks ropes and knives were taken Loomis meets bracket the two teaming up in order to track him down their first stop is the old Myers residence where if you've wondered what Michael eats they find a freshly killed animal Loomis noting that he must have gotten hungry gross he opens up a bit more about the history of treating the boy that he spent eight years trying to reach him before realizing that he was essentially evil with the blackest eyes he's ever seen and thusly spent the next seven years trying to keep him locked up as Halloween night sets in Michael is still focused on Lori watching from outside where she's babysitting Tommy at one point the two seen watching the original the thing from another world which is pretty amusing as Carpenter would go on to remake the film a few years later in 1982 but first Michael sets out to kill Lori's friends including Annie and then Linda strangling her with a phone cord trying to call Lori for help she goes over to the house not finding anyone assuming it must be a joke until finding Annie splayed on a bed with Judas gravestone above her she sends the kids to safety but it's too late he's already inside he stabs at her from behind the couch Lori retaliating by jamming and knitting needle in into his neck she goes to retrieve the kids assuring them that Michael is dead but not so much as he is walking up the stairs right behind them they separately hide Michael going after Lori he knows she's in there tearing the door to pieces to get to her this time Lori wisely sends the kids out of the house telling them to get help from a neighbor and as they run outside screaming catch loomis's attention knowing Michael must be inside and rushing in he attacks Lori who manages to pull his mask off revealing that he is just a normal looking guy underneath not a monster or anything Loomis shows up unloading on him firing seven times knocking him over the second story balcony and falling onto the ground below Shell Shocked Lori refers to him as the boogeyman to which Loomis agrees he can't really be considered human at this point especially when they look outside and already the body is gone Loomis looking out not surprised but like dang it I knew this was gonna happen this Cliffhanger is the exact moment where Halloween 2 picks up continuing Michael's murder spree on Halloween 1978 and technically into November 1st as well his car current whereabouts unknown Sheriff Brackett and Loomis re-team to find him meanwhile Michael is loose in the streets entering into houses in a neighborhood first stealing a butcher's knife and claiming another female victim over at Tommy's House the police show up where traumatized Lori is taken to Haddonfield Memorial Hospital to have her Stab Wound taken care of at one point Loomis and Brockett think they found Michael in the streets but it's clearly not him because of the blonde hair before they can talk to him though another random cop comes out of nowhere smashing into the kid and hitting another van which probably explodes poor kid who apparently is supposed to be the boy Ben then Laurie said she had a crush on in the first film so much for that date now thanks to the great work of the Cracker Jack Haddonfield police force they're also convinced that it was Michael killed in the crash and the case is closed but Loomis isn't buying it their distraction with this allows Michael to go undetected to his ultimate destination the hospital where Lori is learning of her location thanks to a new story he hears on the radio Lori talks to a paramedic Jimmy wondering why it is that Michael is after her specifically and later has a few flashes in a dream that begin to clue Us in on the reasoning behind this seeing a young Lorry with her mom who blankly declares I'm not your mother along with Lori seeing a boy in a room at a facility clearly Michael what this means is clarified when Marion Returns on the orders of Smith Grove to bring Loomis back as his wild pursuit of his patient could jeopardize their entire program and she reveals to Loomis that some previously sealed records related to Michael have recently been open and that Lori is in fact Michael's sister she was born two years before he was committed and two years after Judith's death Lori was adopted by the Strode family making Michael's main Mo now to kill his other sister rather than randomly being obsessed with her and after learning this Loomis demands to be taken back to Haddonfield convincing the Marshall to do so by pointing a gun at him and firing a warning shot out the window well that worked however Michael has already been making his way around the hospital killing pretty much the entirety of the small late night staff making it to Lori's room but she knew he was coming leaving pillows in her place in the bed and still weak from the operation hobbles through the hospital hallways chased by her newly revealed brother eventually hiding outside in a car which happens to be her buddy Jimmy's who doesn't help much passing out from a concussion after slipping on a massive pool of blood earlier hitting his head on the horn and drawing attention to them great going Jimmy she crawls out of the car as Loomis and Marion arrive calling out weekly for help but they don't hear her and soon after is found by Michael making it inside Loomis shoots the killer a whole bunch again Michael dropping to the floor seemingly dead but come on no way dude the Marshall doesn't heed loomis's warning and gets his throat slit while Marion goes and calls for help on the Marshalls radio Loomis and Lori hide in the operating room Loom is handing her a gun as Michael pounds away on the doors tearing it to shreds Loomis fired but runs out of bullets and Michael stabs him in the gut with a scalpel as Lori watches in the corner terrified she begs for him to stop then shoots him perfectly in each eye causing blood to drip down from his mask being blind isn't going to stop him though as Michael continues to slash erratically Lori and Loomis opened the vows on several oxygen tanks the explosive gas filling the area Loomis then sends Lori away and lights the gas creating a huge explosion rattling the walls engulfing the room in Flames the ever Vigilant Michael proceeds to step out from the Flames his body completely on fire and still coming for her but collapses before getting too far it looks like everyone has their limits even Pure Evil the next morning Lori is ushered away in an ambulance staring out the window this is the last that we see of Lori in this particular part of the series story as 11 months before the events of Halloween 4 in 1988 Lori and her unseen husband are killed in an auto accident thusly the mantle of the family bloodline as well as Michael's new Target is there also previously unseen daughter Jaime who after her parents death was adopted by another family in town opening on October 30th 1988 10 years after the events of part two after the fire at the hospital Michael has been kept at The Ridgemont Federal sanitarium and is about to get transferred to his old stomping grounds at Smith's Grove and when overhearing from the doctors in the ambulance mentioning of Michael having a niece in his hometown he has a new motivation to get going attacking the guys and stabbing his thumb into one's head ouch and heads to Haddonfield to find Jaime she's naturally still heartbroken over losing her parents but Elise has a close relationship with her foster sister Rachel who takes her out for ice cream and helps her pick out a swell clown costume to go trick-or-treating him oh wait that looks a lot like the one little Mikey wore when he killed his sister well that's unsettling as there seems to be an innate connection between Jaime and her uncle seeing visions of him and haunted by nightmares as well despite appearing to not know about that part of her family history then we catch up with Loomis learning of Michael's escape and seeing his face has scars left from the explosion in part two along with the police they find the ambulance he stole the officers believing it was an accident but Loomis knows it was Michael especially after seeing the bloodbath inside sending the doctor back to Haddonfield after his patient Michael next appears bandage faced at an auto garage killing the mechanic with a pipe and happens to be there at the same moment his longtime adversary woman shows up needing to fill up on gas he discovers bodies and finds all the phones broken and turns around to Michael standing there he shoots in his Direction but he disappears taking a tow truck and crashing through the garage doors causing a huge explosion on the way out then it's Halloween night in Haddonfield once again Jamie and Rachel going out trick-or-treating while Loomis makes it to town enlisting the new sheriff Meeker to shut down the town and get everyone off the streets but some locals aren't so sure about the shutdown and decide to form a posse of drunken arm rednecks to patrol the town themselves vigilante style Loomis and the sheriff find Rachel and Jaime out in the streets and good thing too as Michael wasn't too far behind back at the police station they're horrified to find everyone dead and have no choice but to get the help of the Posse who don't exactly prove themselves useful when one thinks that they spot Michael and they blow the Unseen person to Absolute hell and it turns out it's just some random guy they knew called Ted that they murdered in a hail of bullets well strike one for vigilante justice Sheriff Meeker decides to barricade everyone at his house and wait for the state police but Michael is already in the house so they actually trap themselves inside with the killer whoops he kills the officer stationed at the door found by Rachel's friend who gets a shotgun Ram through her pinning her through a wall boy he's strong after poking another guy in the face to death the girls escaped to the roof and Rachel tries to lower Jaime to the ground with a rope until Michael pops up slashing at them causing her to lose her grip hanging onto the roof of the house for dear life he keeps stabbing at her and she plummets to the Earth Jaime distressingly finding her not moving Loomis appears whisking Jaime away to her school believing it will be safe there it's not as a momentarily blonde Michael emerges tossing Loomis away leaving Jaime on her own until Rachel reappears and blasts him with a fire extinguisher the security alarm blaring outside lures the Posse to the school the girls explaining to them that he's inside rather than try to fight him though they decide to take the girls out of town to safety but Michael's hitched a ride on the back of the truck killing everyone then going for the driver tearing his face off sending the truck swarming out of control Rachel grabs the wheel on ceremoniously tossing Earl's body out of the door onto the road and tries to get Michael off the roof then Slams on the brakes launching him off but he's right back to his feet as more police approach in the distance Rachel plows right into Michael at full speed sending him hilariously through the air like a ragdoll Jaime decides for some reason to get out of the truck and approaches Michael's body holding his hand as the others yell for her to stay away he gets to his feet and everyone opens fires sending Michael backwards into a hole a pile of crap falling on top of him well I guess that's good enough to call him dead for now at least for Loomis saying he's in hell where he belongs though Michael's inevitable return Isn't their only concern seeing Rachel and Jaime reunited with their parents at home her foster mother Darlene offers to draw Jaime a bath and suddenly we're in another masked POV that approaches Darlene stabbing her with a pair of scissors Loomis runs upstairs horrified to see Jaime in her clown costume clutching the bloody scissors Lewis is about to shoot her until the sheriff takes his gun away as others join them leaving us with the haunting idea of sweet little Jamie taking up the Myers family killing trade five unfortunately doesn't go in this direction bringing us more Michael but also developing that psychic connection concept between him and his niece hinted at in four immediately following Halloween 4 Michael is still alive yet seriously injured after getting shot up and falling into a hole this time the cops also throwing down Dynamite as well blowing the whole thing to hell just as Michael escapes from the tunnels crawling to a river and letting the current take him away he washes ashore at some random guy's cabin deep in the woods Michael tries to attack the man choking him but loses his strength falling to the ground at least he was kind of injured after all that or maybe he just needed a nice long nap because we pick up almost exactly one year later on October 30th 1989 where Jaime has been put in a hospital and is clearly affected by her previous experience continuing to suffer from nightmares as well as losing her voice due to the trauma that she went through also now Jaime is much more psychically connected to Michael than seen before perhaps as a result of holding his hand at the end of four seeing Michael Don his mask before killing a man and she is physically affected by what she sees convulsing violently as Michael kills and Loomis believes this connection could somehow help them in finding Michael trying to get Jaime to reveal to him what she's seeing the next time it happens when Michael reemerges in the old neighborhood getting closer to her sister Rachel Jaime is able to get across a warning saying her dog's name Max and thankfully get a hold of Rachel and both are safe it didn't quite work though as Michael was waiting in the closet and kills Rachel with a pair of scissors and Jaime feels this too having another seizure now Loomis is even more desperate and frantic trying to get information out of Jaime demanding to know why she's protecting him and saying that he is the one that made her stab her mother implying that he thinks somehow Michael and her connection is what caused her to attack Darlene but he's put in check by the nurse stopping his interrogation for now sending him back to the Meyer's house Michael isn't home but someone else arrives outside a mysterious man clad in all black with a thorn tattoo symbol on his wrist the same briefly seen on Michael's wrist earlier at the cabin too hmm elsewhere Michael decides to have some of his favorite kind of fun setting his sights on Rachel's friends killing the douchebag Mike with a rake first slashing his precious car before stabbing him in the face with it he then ridiculously Dons a different mask and picks up his date Tina in his sweet ride of course he says nothing at all just sits there even getting a nice smooch maybe he's thinking hey this is much nicer than killing people seeing they're being watched From a Distance by The Man in Black who is this guy anyway worried about Tina Jaime is able to see where she is and get her help in time before Michael kills her and gets her voice back too hooray but that's not going to stop Tina and her buddies from going to their big Halloween party at a remote farm and one of the kids spits has chosen the worst costume imaginable that of Michael Myers which they used to create a bunch of false scares of him pretending to be Michael but oop just a prank then the real Michael shows up pitchforking the kid in the back while they're about to get funky Jamie and her friend Little Billy show up at the farm just in time to see Michael driving the Camaro after Tina well I guess if he can't run that is one way to go faster and upon seeing the kids change his directions Billy almost getting mowed down then going after Jaime only to crash into a tree which is only a minor inconvenience as he steps out completely unharmed not even a rip in his jumpsuit or anything he immediately shuffles towards Jaime Tina jumps in to save the day but ends up getting stabbed and killed Instead at least she buys enough time for Meeker and Loomis to show up and take Jaime to safety Loomis yelling out in the woods to meet them at his old home the police set up shop there but after a call about a break-in nearby pretty much everyone leaves undoing any of the safety they were going for in the first place but Loomis realizes that only now with the house empty will Michael come Michael shows up moments later instead of calling the sheriff Loomis decides to confront Michael himself trying to convince him that Jaime can help him with the rage he has that causes him to kill he almost appears to hand over his knife but then slashes Loomis across the chest tossing him over a railing so much for appealing to his emotions I think that ship sailed a couple movies back upstairs the other officer Charlie frantically tries to put a safety ladder in place as Michael stabs and punches his way through the door Charlie pops off a few shots at Michael that only pisses him off killing Charlie with the ladder pushing him out the window hanging him Jaime seeks refuge in a laundry chute leading to a very intense encounter with Michael getting the door off just as she climbs back to the top entering into the attic she is greeted by a strangely ritualistic looking site candles everywhere along with a casket of a nine-year-old girl that Michael dug up obviously intending it for Jamie he enter is about to attack her she asked to see his face and Michael takes off his mask and when looking at him she is surprised saying you look just like me a single tear rolls down the Killer's face she tries to wipe it away the Tinder gesture infuriating Michael who flips out stabbing at her running into Loomis who uses her as bait to lure Michael into a net trap then shooting him with a bunch of tranquilizer darts and just to make extra sure beats the crap out of him with a 2x4 and Michael finally stops moving still alive he is taken to the local prison with the intent of transferring him to a Maximum Security Prison but his stay is short-lived as the man in Black approaches the police station moments later there's an explosion inside creating total Mayhem and Jaime goes in finding the place suspiciously quiet officers body strewn all around and makes it to Michael cell seeing the bars have been blown clear off and Michael is gone obviously thanks to the aid of the Man in Black and it's not until Halloween 6 that we learn of the man's identity Halloween 6 does its best to answer this question and many more concerning the origin of Michael Myers as well as developing the reason behind all of his killings however the movie had by far the most problematic production of the entire series with the title of curse of Michael Myers actually being a joke by the writer about the production but the producer liked it and ended up using the title there are two very different cuts of the movie and the theatrical version released is an incoherent mess so all these massive revelatory plot points never really get properly explored unless we also also look at the alternate producers cut which adds much more to the story it's not necessarily good but it does at least make a bit more sense than the release version but hey at least there's Paul Rudd here Paul Steven Rudd in his first role on the big screen welcome to Showbiz Polly boy what a way to start in a slight shifting to Halloween fives ending both Jaime and Michael were taken by the man in Black and brought to an underground medical facility we opened six years later 1995 where Jaime is on the verge of giving birth and it's heavily implied that Michael is the father she gives birth and the man of black enters asking for the baby taking him to a ritualistic looking chamber with a Thorin symbol on the ground the same scene on his wrist in Halloween 5. but before he can do whatever ritual he's trying to do here a nurse brings Jamie the baby helping her to get out of the facility and her uncle isn't happy about it Michael stabbing the nurse's head onto a spike in the wall sure why not put a random spike in the wall there as the two once again begin their ever going game of cat and mouse back in Haddonfield a new family has moved into the old Meyer's Place more strodes all the way back in 78 Lori's dad was trying to sell the house but apparently now his brother decided to move his family in geez must have been dirt cheap here Cara lives with her troubled son Danny who like Jamie before also suffers from Visions but this time of the Man in Black urging him to kill and it appears he's been targeted as another like Michael influencing him in a way but this plot doesn't ever really go anywhere that night a radio show is broadcast all about Michael who at this point in time has become ingrained in our culture one woman calling in even finding him attractive and while getting undressed Kara notices a Peeping Tom across the street literally his name's Tommy it's funny that's right this is the same Little Tommy Doyle baby Sat by Lori in the first Halloween but now all grown up and still obsessed with his encounter with a killer as a child also calling into the show saying Michael's work isn't done yet but this time he'll be ready for him at his house Loomis is also tuning into the show amused when they speculate that he's dead scoffing that he's not dead yet just tire and his old friend from Smith's Grove Dr Wynn who appeared briefly in the first Halloween played by a different actor has come asking for Loomis to return to the hospital to further assist in their case on Michael but he at first refuses saying he's no longer interested in practicing medicine outside of town Jaime makes it to the local bus station finding it completely empty and also calls into the show warning that Michael is coming and asking Dr Loomis for help only to be dismissed as a wacko like all the others knowing Michael is after her baby she hides him in the bathroom and escapes out the window getting back on the road followed by Michael in a van who crashes into her car sending her careening through a pumpkin patch it's here Jaime finally reaches her end at the hands of Michael impaling her on a piece of farming equipment muttering that he can't have the baby Michael coldly turns the equipment on filleting her to death well so much for surviving two movies Jaime too bad searching the truck for the baby he finds he's been duped a towel concealed in the blankets Tommy replays Jaime's call from the night before picking up from the audio where she was and follow is a trail of blood at the bus station to the bathroom finding the baby stash away there and taking him to the hospital there he encounters Loomis tending to Jaime's death and reminding him of who he is wanting to know the truth Loomis dismisses him thinking Jaime is the last of the bloodline but thanks to the baby which he called Stephen that is no longer the case and Loomis knows where Michael will be headed next his old home where the Strode family now lives Loomis tries to warm Kara's mother about Michael and she was completely unaware they were living in the childhood home of the infamous serial killer and calls her husband John about it who continues to deny it and be a total a-hole the truth is apparent though as Michael is in the house and kills her at a clothesline Kara later comes home finding her son has made a new friend with Tommy creepily hanging out in his room with the baby as well it looks like Tommy has a theory about Michael and this whole Thorn symbol thing and how it connects to Michael and his sightings over the years the symbol is actually a constellation and each time it has appeared in the sky corresponds to one of the times Michael has showed up and gone on a killing spree referencing the years that each of the pre previous movies took place the cult of Thorne is a tribe of Druids and one child is chosen to take on the curse of their namesake which occurs on Sam Hayne or Halloween one family is doomed to die so that the others can live that child was of course Michael in the final sacrifice he must make to transfer the curse is to kill Stephen well that's an explanation I guess it's pretty crazy though across the street she sees her friend Beth get attacked by Michael and after having another flash Danny Boy in some kind of Trance walks right on over there Kara finds her brother and Beth's body along with her son sitting calmly on a bed nearby she goes to comfort him as Michael shows up and she defends herself with a fireplace poker knocking Michael down the stairs though when returning back to Tommy's they find that Stephen is gone Loomis realizing the only other person that knew about him was his old friend Dr Wynn suddenly realizing his old friend hasn't exactly been truthful with him from the beginning as when is the man in black and has been helping Michael since he was taken to Smith's Grove as a child and indeed it seems win is the one that taught young Mikey to drive they enter the living room finding him along with a lady that runs the boarding house waiting for them with the baby as more cult members show up Kerry reactively Dives out the window like a crazy person Landing unconscious on the ground nice Escape Plan Loomis and Tommy are drugged and when they wake up later everyone including Kara is gone Loomis has an idea of where wind must have taken them back to Smith's Grove where win again asks Loomis to join him calling Jaime's baby the dawn of a new age Loomis of course wants to stop the evil not help it spread and refuses resulting in him getting bludgeoned unconscious by one of Wynn's cult goons while in the underground of Smith's Grove also the location of the Thorin secret hideout Tommy's searches for Kara finding her room 237 and busting the lock off as Michael appears getting her out just in the nick of time phew good thing this guy doesn't move too quickly or they would have been screwed they find an or room deeper in the bowels of the tunnels seeing win along with Dany and several others preparing for the final sacrifice luckily for them an agitated Michael shows of massacring everyone in the room and distracting them allowing them to get Steven and Danny out in another odd room that looks designed for genetic experimentation it appears that Tommy is willing to hand the baby over to Michael but it's a trick injecting him in the neck with a bunch of fat syringes filled with glowing green goo which eventually slows him down Tommy then beats the [ __ ] out of him in weird jumping flash Cuts goo pouring out for Michael's orifices and I guess that's it he's all done this Survivor is rounding up outside asking Loomis to join them he declines saying he still has business to tend to a few moments later overhearing Loomis scream and that's the end who knows what the hell they were going for with this ending in the producer's cut there's a lot more delving into the specifics of the cult and these special mystical rocks they use this time when Loomis goes back inside he finds Michael surrounded by them on the ground but it's actually win in the mask who grabs loomis's wrist and transfers The Thorn symbol over to him effectively forcing him to become a protector of Michael as he has been all these years which is at least an ending instead of just some lazy b-roll and a scream laid over it it's a real bummer that this is the end for Donald pleasence's Loomis and also acts as the conclusion for the series initial continuity that shakily started in part one because where the heck could they really go from here more with the thorn would have been a huge mistake so what other direction could they go with than a soft reset of the story removing the entirety of Jamie's movies sticking only with part one and two and bringing Mori back front and center into the story in this new continuity there is no Jamie but when the story takes place in 1998 20 years after the first killings Lori has his son John from a previous marriage and I suspected at the end of part two these events from her youth have essentially debilitated Lori even though Michael has been missing presumed dead for some time she's understandably right to be worried still believing that one day her brother will come back for her but he has to find her first tracking down loomis's last location in Langdon Illinois he's passed on but has been living with Marion the same nurse featured in part one and two on October 29 19 98 Marion returns home she finds the front light is broken and the front door left open sure signs of a break-in getting the help of some local boys including Baby Joseph Gordon-Levitt who doesn't find sides of anyone still there but notices they must have been looking for something in her office as it was completely ransacked Marion looks seeing the file out for Lori Strode and Michael appears killing her heading off with new info to find his long-lost sister after faking her death Lori changed her identity now going by Carrie Tate where she works as a headmistress at the fancy Hillcrest Academy High School in Northern California at least she was finally smart enough to move out of Illinois she's done her best to move on from the past but is obviously unable her son describing her as a functioning alcoholic and she's got a medicine cabinet chock full of meds so not doing too well it turns out she also has a relationship with the school's guidance counselor will but is too afraid to reveal the truth of who she is to him only admitting that something happened and she's tried literally everything to deal with it looks like booze still works though chugging a glass of chardonnay and ordering another one we'll use the restroom ah sweet liquor eases the pain in the downtown area she happens across John who snuck out of school to buy his girlfriend a present and just so happened to be there at the exact same time as Michael who is now able to identify his sister the rest of the school leaves on the big trip leaving only John and his friends behind the perfect environment for Michael to sneak in and slice them up it's really not even that difficult for him to get in especially with the bumbling LL Cool J as the school security guard Michael drives his truck and Parks it at the front gate confusing Elle who goes out to check it seeing no one in the driver's seat and Michael sneaks by right behind him undetected and closing the gate behind him leaving The Killer Inside good work L unaware the kids set up their stay at home party including candles and leftover cafeteria food romantic while will and Lori have some middle-aged Romance of their own but she sours the Mood by finally coming clean about her past revealing everything to Will who eventually believes her story meanwhile Mike dispatches John's less important friend characters leaving Michelle and John left who meet up with Laurie her seeing Michael for the first time face to face on the other side of a door will stupidly Fires at someone winging Ronnie in the side of the head Michael appears stabbing will from behind and lifting him into the air Lori sends the kids off to get help leaving her to face her brother all alone as the two battle mono Amano throughout the school at one point Lori mercilessly stabbing repeatedly sending him over the side of a balcony crashing onto a table below he lies there motionless the knife still in his chest Mori goes to pull it out about to stab him even more until a surprisingly alive Ronnie holds her back calming her down assuring her he's dead the police back up Michael and Laurie decides to hijack the ambulance as she's not convinced that her brother is actually dead man what do you know he Springs to life getting free of the body bag as Lori increases speed and Slams on the brakes sending Michael flying out through the windshield and as soon as he gets to his feet she runs him over Michael getting stuck on the hood of the van the two staring each other down as the van drives over the side of a ridge rolling over and over down a hill Lori is flung from the vehicle and Michael winds up pinned between it and a tree on a able to move grabbing a fire ax she stumbles over to him Michael comes to grabbing at his mask frantically and appearing confused reaching out a hand to Lori she starts getting teary-eyed and the two nearly touch but Lori pulls away flopping his head clean off ladies got one hell of a swing no blood or anything just whoop has gone dude we are left to believe that Lori was Victorious and finally slaying her killer brother but not so fast as we learned in Resurrection the Final Chapter that was so good it killed the franchise completely revealed in the beginning of Resurrection it wasn't actually Michael in the mask at the end of H2O at some point before being put on the gurney he attacked the paramedic and switched outfits allowing him to flee the scene so it was actually some random innocent paramedic with a family that Lori killed instead of Michael whoops my bad as for why the paramedic didn't say anything Michael made sure to crush his larynx first good thinking because of this Grievous mistake Lori was deemed unstable and sent to a mental facility just like her brother had been all those years ago at first she appears in a daze and a long way from the Glory that we know but is only pretending spitting out our medication into a doll she carries good thing too as Michael has found his sister slaying two security guards before head-butting into a room with his usual door destroying methods Lori surprises him with a lamp running to the roof where Michael only sees her robe left behind another trick as Lori is standing behind the door saying hello and activating a button that wraps a rope around Michael's leg dangling him upside down over the side of the building starting to cut the rope the sound aggravates Michael grabbing at his mask reminding Lori of the accident with the paramedic and wants to be sure this time reaching out to take off his mask giving him the chance to grab her and turn the knife into her chest Lori weekly telling Michael she'll see him in Hell before he lets her go and drops to the ground and with that our main heroine is gone for good pretty lame way to go out but that's only the beginning of this movie's Cavalcade of disappointments as we move on to the real plot of the movie an Unholy mashup of Internet culture and reality TV Circa 2002 a group of college kids are cast for a new reality show from the genius producing team of Buster Rhymes and Tyra Banks for real they're not playing themselves but this is seriously some bizarre casting with the Allure of Internet Fame and a fat scholarship on the line the cast of kids gather at the old Meyer's house to find out secrets about the killer all while being monitored on video cameras around the house and on each participant before the broadcast gets underway Michael is already chilling at his old house must be pretty bored with no more family members to kill and so why not kill these morons that are all up in his house turning the extremely pointy end of a tripod on a cameraman which goes completely unnoticed by Tyra in the command center she's too busy making an elaborate latte to see him die and even when sitting down refuses to face the monitors like I will never look at those monitors at any point good latte even though Busta assures a few reporters gathered outside that what they're about to see is 100 real his whole plan here is actually a bunch of stage jump scares in the house all set up and nothing real involved whatsoever of course he doesn't really lies the very real problem of Michael being in the house along with a clueless contestants so they go through the house in search of so-called Clues but soon start to figure out that things aren't as real as they appear one pair of kids getting scared by body parts launching out from a hidden wall but see they're actually props made in Taiwan this also reveals something else though the hidden room where Michael has been living in a dank sewer tunnel spotting a freshly killed rat and a picture of worry nice digs Mikey even though by now a couple of the stupid kids are already Michael meat the naive Busta is still only interested in his little fake show and spooking the kids too in a cheap bid to appeal to the internet audience and even brought along his own Michael Myers get up to scare them the only problem is some other Joker is there too wearing the exact same outfit and thinking he's an employee of his tried to him for being on set telling him to buzz off and do his job which Michael allows to happen for some reason instead killing all the other morons stinking up his house leaving only our default final girl Sarah behind chased by Michael through his sewer layer and to the garage control room spilling over gasoline onto the floor and slipping on a massive pool of Tyra's blood seriously how much blood does this woman have she hides in weight for Michael attacking him with a chainsaw as retribution for killing her friends and accidentally cut some wires this Sparks igniting a fire with the gas Sarah gets trapped under some debris Michael retrieving his knife approaching the helpless Sarah and out of nowhere the door burst open bust a boldly declaring trick-or-treat [ __ ] breaking a shovel on Michael and proceeding to go Kung Fu on his ass then getting a fat electrical cable loose jamming it into Michael's junk he definitely gets him right in the junk even Mikey feels that one falling back and getting wrapped up in a bunch of dangling wires getting electrocuted and consumed by the fire the fire department and police arrive later taking Michael's body to a morgue he looks dead until his eyes shoot wide open Michael can't ever die a [ __ ] even though this movie did Kill the franchise completely so in a way it did kill Michael for good at least for a little while until the series was rebooted with Rob Zombie's Halloween films and now we have another slight reboot slash sequel to look forward to that should hopefully jolt some much needed new life into the series there's already talk of a sequel to blumhouse's Halloween which isn't really a surprise considering it's on track to have by far the biggest opening weekend of the entire franchise's history if there are further sequels this will give us yet another new series continuity to explore later picking up after the first film and ignoring all of the others that came after it for now though this brings us to the end of Michael Myers story and hopefully this video gave you a satisfying look at his entire journey in the original Halloween series and don't forget you can send me suggestions for TV series or movies you'd like to see me explain of any kind by sending them my way on any of my social media Accounts at bonflix which of the original Halloweens after the first obviously is your favorite I'd have to go with Halloween 4. let me know your thoughts in the comments below make sure to like subscribe and follow thanks for watching found flicks see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 8,598,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halloween series, michael myers, halloween explained, michael myers explained, halloween 2018, halloween trailer, ending explained, halloween series explained, michael myers origin, backstory, halloween, history, evolution, halloween timeline, laurie strode, jamie lloyd, resurrection, h20, halloween 4, cult of thorn, foundflix ending explained, foundflix
Id: ECoB52-XNV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 56sec (2156 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 13 2018
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