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so today's video is going to be another solved true crime kiss today we're going to be talking about a case from london that is nicknamed the honey trap murder i'm sure to a lot of you you can now kind of imagine the way that this case is going to go so i'm just gonna jump right into it but before we do i just want to thank our sponsors for making this video possible magellan tv michelin tv is my absolute favorite documentary streaming service you guys know this by now they have over 3 000 different titles on a range of different topics as well from earth to space science history and of course true crime i can almost guarantee that michelle and tv have documentaries on cases that you have probably never heard before i don't care how much of a true crime junker you think you are there's cases on there that you have never heard of i would put money on it for example one of the last documentaries i watched on magellan tv that i really recommend to you guys because i'd never heard of this case before the documentary was called the family who vanished i've never heard anyone talk about this case before it was about a family of five the chohan family from london and they literally all just disappeared off the face of the earth all at the same time so there were so many theories that maybe they'd just run off to start a new life but then later on in the investigation it was found that a few of the family's bodies had actually washed up on uk shores their bodies were in the ocean there was so much more to this case than they even imagined going into it and i'm not going to give any more away so please do go and watch that on magellan tv it was such a good documentary magellan tv add new titles literally every single week they do weekly updates so there's always something new for you to discover it's completely ad free and you can watch it on pretty much any device that you have so what are you waiting for and for a limited time michelle and tv are very kindly offering you guys 30 off of an annual subscription which makes it get this 3.50 a month 3.50 a month for a streaming service that is insane to me but there's even more they will also give you guys a two-week free trial to kick that off if you want to make the most of that deal you can go through the link down below in my description make sure you do it it is a limited time offer like i said so i don't know how long it's gonna be around for make sure you're getting it at 3.50 a month thanks again to michelin tv for sponsoring this video and now before we get into the case i just want to give my usual disclaimer that i mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that i talk about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything that i'm about to say is just information that i have found on the internet and i'm compiling into one video on the case so this case takes place in southeast london in england in 2011 specifically a part of southeast london called black heath as far as i'm aware blackheath is a relatively nice area of london it's got quite a villagey feel which is quite uncommon for the capital city it's also got quite a bit of greenery quite a lot of nature there it's probably not the greenest place you've ever seen because it is in london but it was nice it was a nice little area nice community feel but in the early hours of saturday february 26 2011 this nice little area became the setting to one of the most tragic crime scenes police had ever seen so that night police had been on patrol as they often do you know when they just kind of go walk in the streets or they'll go out in their car just to kind of patrol the area especially on weekends making sure that no one's up to no good you know just keeping the area safe and it was around 2 a.m on this morning that one of these patrol officers was just out in his car not looking for anything in particular but then he saw smoke billowing from quite a secluded little lane so he drives over and as he's getting closer and closer to this smoke he realizes that this is actually a huge fire just in the middle of the road this was a whole car that was just engulfed in flames in this secluded area so immediately this police officer was very very concerned because this car was very clearly abandoned and the reason for the fire could have been down to multiple different things could it have just been vandalism could this have just been someone setting another person's car on fire just to i don't know part of a fight or a feud or was it much deeper than that was this car set on fire in order to destroy something inside it or maybe destroy the car itself so this police officer calls for backup from the fire department and they come down they extinguish this fire and it was then that the true horrors of this situation were revealed they started searching around this car trying to just figure out what was going on why it was on fire and when they opened the boot of the car the trunk of the car that was when they discovered a man's dead body stuffed inside the boot this man seemed to have been tied up inside the boot although there wasn't much left of whatever was tying him if that makes sense from the way that the body was in the boot they could tell that he was tied up but whatever had been physically tying him had burned in the fire so now police were left with a much much more serious crime than they ever expected i think they just thought that this was some kind of vandalism but now they were looking at you know what looked to be a murder and an intentional cover-up so immediately police got to work searching the crime scene searching the whole car the whole surrounding area for any weapons or just any anything anything that could tell them more about this crime because obviously with it being a fire that meant that they lost a lot of potential evidence because different things would have been burned away like forensics and you know the clothes that this person was wearing literally anything and everything that would have been in that car would be burned beyond use for evidence and let's be real that was probably why whoever set the car on fire did what they did because they were trying to intentionally get rid of that evidence so honestly they really didn't find anything at the crime scene there was no identification for this body it wasn't like there was a wallet with an id there was nothing so the body was transported to a mog where they hoped that they could identify it and perform an autopsy find out what the cause of death was but this poor person was burned so badly like beyond recognition so any kind of visual identification or identification through clubs or anything like that was completely out of the question they were gonna have to rely on forensics to be able to identify this person so maybe getting hold of dental records or any kind of dna if they could identify a potential victim then they could maybe compare dna either way for quite a while in this case especially in the immediate case on the morning that they found this and they were trying to get to grips with the investigation they had no idea who this dead body was so in the meantime police knew obviously it was going to take a while to identify the victims so they tried to work on other aspects of the case they thought of a few initial theories you know for motives for this murder it was quite hard to speculate on a motive when you don't even know who your victim is but based on specific parts of the actual crime like the fire psychologists told police that maybe that indicated that whoever did this to this person was angry at them there was anger there they wanted to see their victim up in flames of course there is the element of getting rid of evidence and i think that is probably the main reasoning which can also tell us a little bit about the killer maybe they were quite an anxious killer maybe they had a lot of reason to want to cover this up i mean i suppose any person that kills another person will want to cover it up because they wouldn't want to get caught for it most of the time i mean you would think so maybe this was someone that had stuff going for them in life you know they didn't want this murder charge to come back to them they wanted to keep going with the life that they had so they're desperately trying the biggest and boldest thing that they can think of to get rid of all evidence but like i said these are just theories just initial theories without knowing anything about this case or this victim those are potentials so police are looking at this case and they know they need to identify the victim they need to start getting to work on this case and so they felt that the best place to start was with that car itself if they could identify who this car belonged to then there they go that's their first lead in the case maybe it belonged to the victim or the killer or maybe it was stolen and then they could try and track it that way so they took the license number on this car and they put it through this big database and it brought up a result for the owner of the car it seemed to belong to a young woman named amandeep singh and amandeep's home address was actually in bexley heath which was about 15 minutes it's a 15-minute drive from blackheath where the car was eventually found still in southeast london so actually very close to black heath i suppose so police went down to amandeep's home and they knocked on the door hoping to speak to either her or literally any other resident just to kind of understand how and why her car was found 15 minutes away with a body in the boot and it was set on fire so they knock on the door and an older woman comes and answers it and she says that she is almondeep's mother and then very quickly amandeep appears behind her mother so police sat both of the women down in their living room and they told them that they had discovered amandeep's car 15 minutes away engulfed in flames i don't think they told them at this point like straight away that a body was found in the booth because let's be honest at this point not that they're suspecting armand but this was her car let's be honest so they kind of wanted to keep their cards close to their chest they weren't telling the women absolutely everything they knew just yet partly because they didn't want to and partly because they didn't really have any information at all at this point so amandeep and her mother are sat there listening to the police tell them this and they are just so confused so like this was so beyond comprehension for them probably because it was so late it was the early hours of the morning they'd just been woken up they were tired and now this was being struck on them they had no idea what could have happened it took them a little while to understand the gravity of the situation but when they did amundi really started panicking and she told the police that her older brother had actually borrowed her car that night her brother was 21 year old gargan deep singh he told her that the night before he actually had a party to attend and so she allowed him to borrow her car to go there but she was now realizing that he'd never actually come home from that party of course they didn't realize before they went to bed because they just assumed that he'd probably be back once they were already asleep but now they were awoken at five in the morning police officers at their door and there's no sign of gargan deep but the car is on fire so police asked amandeep and her mother as much as they possibly could about gargan deep just to kind of get a bit more information about the situation in order to move forward so like i said he was just 21 years old very very young and what concerned police the most was when they found out that this young man was actually a millionaire pretty much self-made as well i mean he did come from a quite wealthy and successful family his father was very very successful and wealthy with his own businesses but gargan deep had done all of this stuff himself of course i don't know the ins and outs of every single business move he ever made but he was doing a lot of things from his own passions and his own ideas and his own motivations he wasn't you know handed all of this on a silver platter he was hard-working he was a very very talented young man he was a businessman a tv executive he actually started his very own tv channel called seektv and upon hearing all of this police feared that if that was gargan deep's body that was found in the boot of his sister's car when it was burnt out then maybe they already had the motive for it maybe it was his money and his success maybe he was robbed or maybe someone was jealous of him or maybe it was competition just trying to get rid of him anyway gargan deep had always been from a child such a bright intelligent independent boy i think growing up it was just him and his younger sister armandeep and of course his mother and his father all the way through school he was such a high achiever even outside of school like extracurricular things again such a high achiever his parents were so so proud of the man that he had become and as he got a little bit older as well he actually was one of the founders of the british sikh students federation and at the time of this case he was actually the president of that federation he was doing amazing amazing things and i'm sure you can tell from the few examples that i have given that gargan deep was very very passionate about his religion and doing as much as he possibly could for the sikh community especially in southeast london he was very very well known and respected and admired in those circles and in that community so many younger sikhs looked up to him as an example of the man that they want to be when they reached 21 at 21 years old he had pretty much made it so pretty much all of gargan deep's life had just been smooth sailing he'd had a really good life that was until 2009 so about a year and a half before this incident when his father very suddenly passed away well isaiah passed away but what was even more concerning to police was to learn that gargandeep's father was actually murdered on a trip to india i briefly mentioned it earlier but gargandeep's father was equally as successful and wealthy as his son was he had these businesses i think he owned an employment agency and he would work in india he would work in the uk very very rich and successful man and so he naturally had a lot of people jealous of him had a lot of competitors and although i don't think this was ever officially like legally confirmed but it is believed that the motive for his murder was due to that it was some kind of competitor or someone trying to get money out of him or something like that someone wanted him gone his cause of death was from a gunshot wound and police actually theorized at the time that it was from a hitman they believed that someone had hired a hitman to shoot and kill gagandeep's father so this was some huge huge operation to get this man gone someone somewhere if the hitman theory is correct had paid a lot of money to get this man gone and so it was so scary that now his son a year and a half later could have potentially just been found murdered were they linked was this already another lead in the case but i'm skipping ahead i'm just gonna carry on talking about gargan deep's life after his father passed as i'm sure you can imagine this was a very very heavy thing for the whole family to deal with and both of the children gargan deep especially fell into a depression he struggled so hard because not only was this the loss of a loved one of someone that they all cherished and loved so so much but this was also the loss of the man of the house and in the sikh community that is a huge huge role to have within your household the man of the house takes care of so much and i don't want to generalize too much because of course every family is different but the singh family in this case they were very much kind of ruled by the man of the house he had a lot of responsibilities he had a lot of stuff to take care of and of course when his father was murdered all of that responsibility was then shifted on to the then 19 year old garganti so not only is he really trying to grieve his father and come to terms with the fact that one of his best friends has just been murdered but now he's also got all these other responsibilities all the household responsibilities but also his father's businesses as well this was so so much for him and he wasn't ready he really was not ready to grow up so fast at 19 years old he'd never really had too many responsibilities his parents were so amazing just kind of letting him be young and a kid and a teenager and then this happened and all of a sudden he had to grow up overnight and he did it you know i mean he looked at this situation and he thought what other choice do i have my family need me my dad would be proud of me to fill his shoes in this way so he just took the ball by the horns and did it and he got on with it and he did it so well given the circumstances i think he even took over managing the family's packaging company as well so not only has he got all of this stuff going on but now he's also got another full-time job at 19 years old plus all of his own stuff that he's doing as a tv exec on the side and i think it says a lot about gargan deep and his work ethic to show that he managed to do all of this stuff for british sikh students and seek tv the tv channel that he made plus all of his father's work like this man was a powerhouse and he was 21 years old anyway after their father's passing gargan deep and his younger sister armin deep became very very close not that they weren't close before i think they were you know you know they were just brother and sister growing up but then after their father's passing they really became more like best friends because it was just something that they could bond over and comfort each other with and it was a shared experience they were going through this together and it was her that really stressed to police on this day that she thought her brother's disappearance could have potentially been linked to her father's murder it hadn't even been two years since he was killed so the possibility of it actually being linked was quite high maybe they saw how well gargan deep took over all of his father's responsibilities and his businesses and they decided to come back for him too she initially told the police that she was scared that maybe he was kidnapped or maybe he was being held hostage maybe someone wanted some kind of ransom because it was no secret that this family was very wealthy and successful so that could have been a huge huge possibility so his sister amandeep started calling around every single one of gargandeep's friends that she knew and she was asking them if they'd seen him if they'd heard from him all of them said no none of them had seen him the night before but one of these friends did suggest to almond deep that they could make a missing person's poster and then start like spreading that everywhere so they got to work making it they put pictures of him on it a description of him they put contact numbers and then with this missing person's poster they flooded the whole internet as much as they could with it they were tweeting it putting it on every social media app they had every single facebook group they could possibly get into like southeast london ones bexley heath ones meanwhile police back at the crime scene are still searching for evidence this is still going on and at this point daylight is breaking it's about 8 a.m and it was then that one of these officers noticed a security camera on one of the walls at the end of the road so this wasn't near where the car was found they didn't think they were gonna you know catch the car being set on fire on this tip but they did think that it could be useful for something i mean maybe they would see a car entering or maybe they would see people fleeing the scene because someone had to flee the scene surely the murderer brought the body onto that lane in the car and then when they set it on fire they had to have left on foot so they got the footage from this camera and they took it back to the police station where they started looking at it and very quickly they identified two suspects and i say it like that because these suspects on the tape were nothing more than just silhouettes of people literally just moving figures but this did tell police a lot and that it was two people that had done this that had set this car on fire and then they are seen running away from the scene on this camera footage so while the quality wasn't good enough for them to be able to tell literally anything about these people they couldn't give any physical characteristics couldn't even say whether they were male or female but they knew it was two people now but that was when one police officer pointed out that one of the suspects even though it was just a silhouette they looked as though they could have been wearing a turban and gagan deep singh often wore a turban and i mean obviously he is not the only man in south east london that wears a turban of course not but this did suggest that it could be him on the tip and this gave police mixed feelings because of course a positive dragon deep seemed as though he was still alive if he was seen on footage after the car was already on fire and then that was him then he's still alive great but the negative of this situation was that maybe this meant that gargan deep was one of the killers maybe him and this other man on the tip had murdered that person in the car and then fled the scene but police didn't get too confident with this theory because like i say it was entirely possible that this wasn't gargan deep just because this was another person well potentially another person wearing a turban they couldn't even tell a hundred percent if it was a person in a turban or not but even if it was that doesn't mean it was gagging deep so this was just the theory again for the time being and his sister amandeep said that at this point in the case she actually hoped that her brother was the killer or at least he was like involved or framed or an accomplice in some kind of way as awful as that would be but at least then he would still be alive at this point the body that was found in the car still wasn't identified and either outcome would have been awful for the singh family either they are finding out that their loved one has been murdered and their body was burned in the back of a car or they're finding out that their loved one had murdered someone and burned their body in the back of a car either way this was awful and they were going to have to wait even longer for that identification and for that autopsy report to come through because the body still had not been identified the singh family even sent off some things with the police to maybe speed up the identification process they gave them one of his combs that had like his hair still stuck in it they gave his toothbrush so that they could test the dna and then finally at 9 00 pm that night so almost a full 24 hours since the body was found that toothbrush was tested against the victim's teeth and this body was identified as that of 21 year old gargan deep singh his autopsy revealed that he had sustained a large amount of blunt force trauma wounds to the head he'd been beaten so badly to the point where his brain was actually swollen in his head we'll talk a little bit more about his autopsy report later on in the video but he had gone through such an awful ordeal when he died so now police had identified this body it was gargan deep singh and they now had to think about how they were actually going to break this news to the singh family because his mother actually had issues with her heart and they feared that if they gave her this information then it could make her physically unwell it could be potentially life-threatening for her to learn this information and to have so much stress on her physical body so they actually asked the singh family to meet them at the hospital and they decided that they were going to break the news at the hospital because then if anything did happen at least his mother would be around paramedics people would be on hand to help straight away so police started off by taking his younger sister armandeep into a room by herself and they broke the news to her first she was the first person to find out and then it was up to her to break the news to her own mother that her only son had been murdered and i cannot imagine how hard that must have been for her when she's just found out that information herself but now she has to compose herself and tell her mother in the best way that she can and see her own mother's reaction it just it breaks my heart so much and when his mother found out she said that in that moment all she wanted to do was to die along with gargan deep she didn't want to be here on earth if he wasn't here she wanted to die with him the singh family did tell the police that they wanted to see gargan deep's body and police warned them against it they said look you you really do not want to see that it he was in a really really bad way when they found him and they said it would just be traumatic for you to see you know you do you don't want to see him in that state but they were adamant they wanted to see him one last time before they laid him to rest so police allowed them i mean at the end of the day it was the family's wish to see him one last time so they they let them and first up was almond deep they let her in just by herself to go and look at her brother she was the first one the family have described what they saw in interviews and i don't think i'm going to use the full descriptions because they are quite graphic but as i'm sure you can imagine the top few layers of his skin were just burned off and all of his flesh was exposed one of his eyes had actually sunken back into his skull his family probably fortunately were only shown from here up he still had those sheets on the rest of his body and the rest of him was just as bad if not worse there were different injuries all over his body that just it's heartbreaking to even think i bet he didn't even look human like i said i'll go more into his autopsy report and the list of injuries and stuff later on in the case i feel like it'd probably fit better when you kind of know the situation but now his family were faced with the task of burying their only son the man of the house just a year and a half after they buried their father and they tried to give him the absolute best send-off that they possibly could his mother said that she was so upset that she was never going to experience his wedding that he was never going to have a wedding and so she decided to try and make his funeral as much like his wedding as she could she wanted it to be more of a celebration as opposed to a funeral so there were rose petals at the wick she spent so much money on all the flower bouquets and almond deep likened his funeral to be like that of a king you know there were hundreds if not thousands of people that turned up to pay their respects lining the streets people everywhere and it really just showed how respected and loved and admired gargan deep was in his community this was such a turn out this family of four was now a family of two due to two separate tragic incidents and police just really wanted to do everything they possibly could to solve this case and get the family some answers so that they can finally just put this to rest so we know that gargan deep was borrowing his sister's car to go to a party that night so then how did said party end with him being murdered and burned in the boot of the car that he was driving there so police used license plate tracking technology on like all the speed cameras in the whole country to be able to put together the route that that car took on the night of the murder and it wasn't as straightforward as bexley heath to blackheath where the car was eventually found it turned out that gargan deep didn't actually go to a party at all he traveled all the way down to brighton on the south coast of the uk they even followed his car on this license plate tracking stuff and he stopped off at a service station of the m25 he goes inside and buys a stuffed animal like a teddy bear what was going on here why was gargan deep heading to the coast with a stuffed bear telling his family that he was going to a party but even then after all that after going all the way down to brighton he somehow still ended up 15 minutes away from home in blackheath in this car so police started asking around all of his friends and pretty much everyone in his life actually to see what he could have possibly been doing in brighton you know did he have any ties to brighton did he have any friends that lived down there and there was this one name that came up maybe a couple of times from a few different people and that was that gargan deep had a friend named mundil mahill that lived in brighton mundell mahill was a 19 year old medical student who lived down in brighton for university and gargan deep had such a huge crush on this girl he had done for well over a year now he was like infatuated with her the two of them met through a mutual friend who was actually gargan deep's best friend named harinda sharka harinda had met mundil a year prior at a martial arts thing and the two of them had kept in contact and there was one time that harinder was due to meet up with mundil and he brought along his friend gargan deep and that is where the two of them met and he fell for her immediately this happened to also be around the time that his father was murdered and so he really confided in mundil he really felt safe and comforted by her and this only made his feelings grow stronger and stronger he was thinking this woman is so wonderful she's so kind to me she's so just comforting in the way that she said everything and he is becoming more and more in love with this woman but sadly mundell didn't feel the same way about gargan deep she liked him she thought that he was nice and friendly and she allowed the flirting he would flirt with her and she would just i don't know if she would really reciprocate it but she would welcome it but she didn't want to be more than friends with gargan deep singh i think she just liked the attention she just liked being admired it wasn't like she led him on but she definitely didn't let him down if that makes sense she let him just keep trying and trying and trying she never really shot him down but she never really reciprocated anything either she would let him call her all these cute little nicknames and buy her presents and things like that but again she just didn't want to be with him but gargan deep thought that this woman was like the best woman to ever walk the earth she was intelligent she was a medical student obviously with a very very bright successful future ahead of her and he just thought she was amazing but his family didn't quite see mondale in the same way that he saw her he worshipped the ground she walked on and his family really didn't like her dragon deep's mother definitely didn't approve of mundele she said that this woman was just not anywhere near classy enough for her son mondale wasn't quite as strict with her religious practices as the singh family were with theirs so she would have late nights out she had a mixed friend group boys and girls and she would go around to these boys houses sometimes even alone and that was something that gargan deep's mother did not like about this woman she just didn't feel like the woman that would be suitable and perfect for her son she wouldn't be doing those kind of things that's not the way that she'd raised almond deep almond deep didn't do those kind of things and so she didn't respect that mandel did those kind of things his mother had actually expressed to gargan deep before that she didn't like this girl she didn't want him hanging around with this girl and gargan deep was quite defensive at first because obviously he had so much like love and adoration towards this girl and he didn't like that his mother didn't accept her and so he said to his mom he's like well i i haven't done anything wrong nothing's happened you know we're not a thing at the moment and his mother said i don't care i don't like that girl and i don't want you seeing that girl i don't think she'd ever even met mondelma hill in her life but gargandeep's mother just knew that the vibes were off about this girl probably some kind of mother's intuition and now they were finding out that gargan deep hadn't been to a party on the night that he was murdered at all he'd actually gone to see mundelmer hill in brighton and he'd even taken her a present stopped off at the services bought her stuffed toy to take with him he lied to his family with that cover story of the party because he just knew that they didn't approve of mundell so he couldn't go downstairs and be like okay i'm just going to see this girl that you all here otherwise of course they would never let him go so detectives were quite confused with how this could have possibly ended in murder if he was going to see this girl that he had feelings for he even bought her a present on the way down so does that not suggest that they were on good terms that this was a good thing and that he was excited and you know that a gift would be well received so how did this end in murder and how was his body found back up in london so detectives were able to track down where mundell mihil lived in brighton and they were able to get cctv from one corner of the street so they weren't able to catch outside of her house on this footage but they did catch gargan deep arriving in that mercedes in his sister's car that he was driving that night and that his body was later found in he drove down there he parked just down from mundel's house at around 10 p.m just before 10 p.m that night and from what they saw on that footage everything seemed fine i don't know if they actually caught the car leaving or if the camera maybe cut out after a certain time of night or something because i don't believe they saw gargan deep get back in the car and drive away but they knew that he was there so detectives went back to the singh family and just kind of updated them just told them what they knew that gargan deep was seen on cctv going down to mundelmer hill's home and it was then that when police said the name mundilmer hill to the singh family almandeep told police that she had a confession to make she said that earlier that day she'd actually done some investigating for herself and this was before the body was even identified so before she even knew for sure that her brother was murdered she managed to find mundil mahil's number through one of gargandeep's friends and she decided to give mundell a call herself mundil answered the phone and almond deep explained to her that gargan deep has not been seen since the night before he's missing they don't know where he is and she just basically said did he come down and see you and mundell said no so amandeep pulled her up on this and she said well i've just called some of gargandeep's friends and they said that he was going to see you so what's going on and that was when mundill rather suspiciously changed her story she then said oh yeah gargan deep did come down for a little bit but he never came inside my house we just kind of stood outside and spoke for about 10 minutes and then he left which is quite a bit different to the original story she gave of oh no i didn't see him at all i don't know where he is her original statement or her original story to amandeep actually just goes completely against the cctv footage that police had as well because his car was literally parked on her street so how could she say it oh no i never saw him she was so obviously lying about seeing him and yes she changed her story but why did she lie in the first place police were so suspicious of this woman and so later that same day they decided to go down to brighton and go and see her at her home trying to speak to her interviewer but when they got there mondelma hill had done a runner she'd fled all of her housemates i think there were about five or six of them they were all home but mondale wasn't and they hadn't seen her in a while so things were just getting more and more suspicious so police then decided to send an alert over the whole uk letting them know that they wanted to arrest this woman if anyone was to see this woman at airports or borders or anything to detain her and bring her to the police so in the meantime police decided to go and speak with mundel's flatmates her housemates and her neighbors from that street because if anyone was going to see or hear anything from that night it was going to be all of these people one particular neighbor told police that on the night of the murder they had heard some commotion going on from the street outside and so they got up and went and looked out of the window to see two men carrying a large heavy-looking object out to a car and shoving it in the boot immediately this is not looking good it looked like these two men were carrying a body and ditching it in the back of a car and so this neighbor at the time of seeing this even though it was like the middle of the night and they were tired and it was dark they got immediate bad vibes from this situation they knew that something was off and that this could be important and so in that moment they actually decided to note down the license plate of this car which by the way just a side note if you ever get a feeling like that if you see something and you think something about it is off just make a quick note of it on your phone or on a notepad or something take note of specific details because this really really helped the investigation that license plate number that this neighbor noted down was the exact license plate number of the car that gargan deep was driving that night it was armandeep's car so who were these two men that placed gargandeep's body in his own vehicle this was two more suspects that were now added to this whole thing and this is where mundill's flatmates come in because police were now asking them if they knew who these two men were obviously because they were literally inside the same house as these two men so maybe one of them knew and while none of them could give the police names or anything they said that they didn't really get that involved with their flatmates lives and their friends and stuff like that they didn't know names but they did know that mundell went to go and pick them both up from brighton train station that night around 9 00 p.m so less than an hour before gargan deep actually arrived at the home mundell had gone and picked up these two men from the train station her flatmate said that those two men were in mundil's room with her pretty much all night until about midnight and they heard quite a lot of commotion coming from in there as well like banging and noises which is even more concerning what all of these banging noises actually the murder taking place when all of mundel's flatmates were literally just meters away from her in that same home also just a quick thing to add in here in these conversations that police were having with mundel's flatmates they were just trying to ask what kind of person she was what their relationships were like with mundell and that was when one of the friends actually told the police that she was kind of a friend therapist for mondale if that's a way to put it you know mundil would come and vent to her often and she would comfort her she was kind of like her emotional support friend um and this friend said that there were a couple of occasions that mundell had come to her to complain about gargan deep and she would say things like oh i'm just going to kill him i want to kill him which you know people do say things like that it is just kind of a figure of speech spur of the moment angry kind of thing to say but now it was looking extra ominous that she'd said that on a couple of different occasions and now gargan deep was actually dead but anyway now police had another piece to this whole puzzle and that was brighton train station they knew that mundell had been there and picked up these two men on the night of the murder so maybe that could help them piece this together so they followed the investigation there and they asked brighton train station if they could have copies of like all the cctv footage from about nine o'clock that night and sure enough this footage does show mundil mahill arriving at the train station in her car she gets out and goes to meet two men she then brings them back to the car with her and they look as though they're like laughing and jerking on the way back to the car and luckily this cctv footage from the train station was a lot better quality than the first lot of footage that they had from the crime scene it was actually so good that they could just visually identify all three of these people that were on it of course one of them was mundell mahill and then the two men were also identified and it was not what police were expecting at all one of these men on the footage was actually found to be harinder sharker now i don't know if you remember me speaking about harinda earlier that was gargandeep's best friend he was the one that had originally introduced gargan deep and mundale and now he was on this cctv with mundell on the night that guardian deep was murdered surely he wasn't involved in his own best friend's murder and the other man that was on this cctv footage was identified as darren peters who was i think just one of harinda's home friends i think they were friends since they were children they go way way back i believe they were both 19 as well harinder and darren mundell was a little bit older i think she was maybe 20 or 21 closer to gargandeep's age so anyway police took this information back to the singh family once again they were really good at keeping them updated through the whole case every single new piece of information or lead that they had they made sure that the singh family were in the loop so they went there with this footage and they showed them it and they said okay we've identified these two males as darren peters and harinder sharker do you guys know anything about them do they have ties to gargan deep at all and the family didn't really know who darren peters was i don't think they'd ever really heard of that guy before but they were very shocked to hear harinder shurka's name brought up like i said the two of them were best friends they were so close harinda was always over at gargan deep's home they would always play video games together watch football they would hang out they would eat pizza together that was like their favorite food and they used to get it all the time at his house gargan deep's mother said that he very much acted like an older brother to harinda who was two years younger harinda didn't have the best chances in life um i don't think his home situation was very good he often didn't have a place to stay he often didn't have much money he was very much kind of wrapped up in crime which was the complete opposite of gargan deep he had a very very blessed upbringing they were very lucky to have what they had he was comfortable and he just wanted to look after harinder he saw him as a younger brother and so he helped him with everything he could he lent him his credit cards whenever he needed food or new clothes he would let him stay over at their house he helped him get job interviews he literally helped him improve every single aspect of his life and the singh family did everything to make harinder shurka feel welcome in their family gargan deep's mother would cook him food she treated him almost as if he was a second son to her they let him stay over whenever he needed and now they were just so shocked to learn that this boy that gargan deep had done everything for he did as much as he possibly could for this guy and now they're hearing that maybe he was involved in his murder as shocked as she was to hear this amandeep said that in a way she kind of wasn't surprised she said that she'd had suspicions about harinder sharka for maybe 24 hours at this point this was a very fast-paced investigation by the way on the day that they woke up and realized that gargan deep was missing and the cow was burnt out like i said she was ringing around every single one of his friends saying have you heard from him have you seen him do you know where he is they all said no and one of those people she called was harinda sharker she called him up asked him if he knew anything and he laughed down the phone to her and said why would i know and amandeep said that from that phone call he hadn't said anything wrong wrong but at the same time this is your best friend's little sister who is worried about his whereabouts and you're laughing down the phone to her and just being unhelpful not really concerned she just sensed that something was wrong maybe she didn't sense that this was her brother's murderer i don't think it was quite that deep in her head but she just thought something about that was off the way that he went about it was weird but here's the kicker of this whole thing as police were having these conversations with the singh family about this boy they found out that harinder sharker actually also had a crush on mundelmer hill could there have been some sort of competition some sort of rivalry insecurity or need to get rid of gargan deep in order to have mundill to himself but just like with gargan deep mundil didn't reciprocate any of her sharka's attempts to get with her she just was not interested i think she just liked the fact that she had two boys swooning over her giving her all this attention and she didn't need to do anything for it but she didn't want either of them to be her boyfriend she wasn't interested in either of them she didn't have feelings for either of them but she liked that they had feelings for her so now police had a potential motive for why harinder sharker would want to get rid of gag and deep sing they also had cctv footage of harinder sharker arriving in brighton on the train and meeting up with mundelmer hill and they also had the neighbour's witness statement of them literally seeing two men loading what looked like a body into the back of gargandeep's own vehicle and all of this was enough for police so they decided that day that they were gonna move in and arrest harinder sharker at his home in southeast london i believe he lived in greenwich at the time and they took him back to the police station and there he decided to exercise his right to silence he just sat there and said no comment absolutely everything which respectfully if this is your best friend's murder and you had nothing to do with it and you're not suspicious you're not a dodgy guy then would you not want to do everything you possibly can to help police solve that unless you had something to hide or you were scared of implicating yourself then why can you not just answer questions you know i don't know around the same time on that same day they also arrested darren peters and again he was kind of doing the same thing he wasn't really saying anything in his questioning at this point police were still trying to find an arrest mandelma hill but to no avail they literally just couldn't find her anywhere she was still on the run so in the meantime while police had both of the guys in custody they decided to get search warrants for their homes and they went to harinder shurka's house didn't find anything really but darren peter's house in there they found some empty petrol canister jerrycan type things they smelt like petrol they'd had petrol in them and so police theorized that maybe this was how they'd set deep's car on fire maybe darren had taken these jerry cans of petrol poured them all over the car and then brought them back home with him but now at this point in the case police were kind of at a standstill because neither of the men that they had in custody were talking they weren't gonna talk until they got a lawyer so they had to wait for that to happen they also didn't have mundilmer hill because still on the run but then maybe a day or two after this police received a rather unexpected phone call and this was from a woman claiming to have some information on this case and this woman was mundilmer hill she told the police that she'd seen reports on the tv of a body being found in the boot of the car and she'd heard the descriptions of this car it was a mercedes c-class in this particular color you know and she recognized the description of that car as being the car that her friend gargan deep singh drove so she's basically saying on the phone that she's concerned for her friend maybe that is the guy whose body they found in the boot she's coming at this from kind of a concerned friend perspective but police just knew way too much about her to fall for this she didn't know that police had been on her back for days so then after this phone call police were able to track her down and go and arrest her the third suspect and police noted that when she was first arrested she was so calm like she didn't care she was acting like she was just like with friends she wasn't quiet or nervous or reserved she was so chill about this whole thing so in her questioning mundil decided to maintain her second story the second story that she told almond deep on the phone and that was that gargan deep had come to visit her that night but he didn't come inside her house they just kind of had a chat outside and then he left she said there was absolutely no argument no fight no confrontation this wasn't even like a negative conversation that she was having with gargan deep she said that everything was fine they ended things on a good note and he left and when he left he was all safe and well so she said that something must have happened to him once he'd already got back to london and the whole time the police were just sat there in that interview room listening to this story that she was telling they were just thinking yeah right i mean everything that she was saying was going against all the evidence that they had her housemates heard a struggle break out literally in her bedroom when these two men were there her neighbor saw these two men taking what looked to be a body out to a car so police knew that they weren't getting the full truth out of mundell and so they decided to ask her some other questions in order to kind of i don't know try and get anything they can out of this woman so they're asking her more about gargan deep and their friendship how they met and it was then that mundell mahil dropped a huge bombshell that police were not expecting they were not aware of anything like this up until this moment she said that they'd known each other maybe a year and a half at this point and their friendship had been really really good in the beginning but then she told the police that six months prior to his murder gargan deep had overstepped the line with her in a very serious way she alleged that on this one particular night she allowed him to stay over at her house in brighton and he sexually assaulted her or at least he attempted to the details on this are a bit fuzzy i don't know exactly what mundell said to the police about this because some sources say that gargan deep tried to rape her some of them just say that he tried to get into bed next to her so i don't know to what extent he actually tried to do this or if he even did remember this is alleged his family of course said that he's not the type to do that he didn't do that but all we know for this case is that mundell alleges that he did he did sexually assault her on that night and from that point forward this completely changed their friendship she told gargandeep that she didn't want anything to do with him from this point forward and he really tried to apologize he text her like multiple times every single day for weeks after this just saying look i misunderstood i'm so sorry i overstepped the boundary like i didn't realize that you didn't like me like that he was apologizing over and over again saying that he misread the situation and she was just ignoring every single text and the ones that she didn't ignore the ones that she did respond to she would just be saying like leave me alone stop texting me i just don't i just don't want you in my life and so he eventually did he respected her wishes and thought okay she doesn't want me in her life she's very upset i'm just gonna leave her alone just gonna stop trying and sir the two of them from that point up until the night of his murder they really hadn't communicated at all for about six months i think it was actually the night before his murder that she actually reached out to him for the first time since this happened she texted him out of the blue just saying look can we can we talk about this can we talk about what happened and he responded being like what well i didn't think you ever wanted to see me again and so mundill said come down to brighton i really want to talk this out with you can you be here for about 10 pm tomorrow and of course gargan deep jumped at the chance he still had so much love and adoration for this girl that you know this was so out of the blue he didn't understand but she was giving him an olive branch she wanted to make up with him and he wasn't going to miss this opportunity so of course he said that he would and it was in this text conversation that gargan deep actually sent one really quite ominous text message that said can we talk civil or do you just want me dead which i really doubt he actually knew what was going to happen to him that night i don't think he thought that was her intentions i think it was just a really unfortunate wording because that is a saying isn't it or they want me dead they really don't like me you know what i mean who knows maybe he did get that sense from it but maybe it was just a bad choice of words i really don't think he knew what was awaiting him that night when he got to brighton so police bring these texts up in their interview with muntil and they're saying explain this explain why you wanted him to come out of nowhere and she's she's desperately trying to explain it and you know make it look like it's not suspicious until eventually she just breaks she changes her story once again and so this is her third story by the way she says that she was still so upset with gargan deep for what he did for overstepping those boundaries for assaulting her well she claims that he assaulted her and she said that she felt as though gargan deep needed to be taught a lesson for what he did and so she enlisted the help of her friend harinda shirker who just so happened to be gargan deep's best friend and this is where the honey trap comes in because it turns out that gargandeep's murder was a setup the whole time she lured gargandeep from southeast london all the way down to brighton on the pretense that she wanted to make up with him she wanted to be friends with him and she knew that this man wanted her in his life more than anything she knew that the second she text him he would be right back on his knees willing to do anything for her so that's exactly what she did she said please will you come to my house in brighton and speak to me and of course gargan deep went for it but of course that was not the plan the plan was for mundil to get harinda sharka and darren peters to her house at about 9pm so they would be there before gargan deep and police actually later found texts on her phone that proved that this is exactly what she was doing she was texting gargan deep saying like oh where are you how long are you gonna be and he would text her back saying i just stopped off at the services don't worry i'm only gonna be another hour i'll be there soon and as soon as she received that text from gargandeep saying that he was an hour away she would run to harinda sharka text him and say oh dragon deep's an hour away how far away are you and he would reply saying i'm on the train now i'm only 20 minutes away don't worry so they were timing this perfectly to set up the perfect trap to kill dragon deep sing was that their intention to kill him they all knew what the plan was that night darren harinder mundell everyone except gargan gargandeep who thought that he was going there to rekindle this friendship that he lost and that he felt so guilty about as well mundill told the police that the plan was to get those two men darren and harinder to her house before gargan deep and there they made this plan they said that once gargan deep arrived mundill was going to bring him into her bedroom where the two men would be waiting for him and there they would give him a stern talking to which i think anyone with more than three brain cells would know that that was never gonna happen what do you mean you were gonna bring everyone down from london to give someone a stern talking to her that wasn't that was not the plan she wanted to teach him a lesson by giving him a lecture shot like that was just not that's just not true it's just not true she was keeping something from the police and they knew that they knew that violence was probably involved in this plan some way or another it wasn't gonna be you know a formal chat so police knew that she was you know still keeping something from them but they felt as though they were getting closer to the truth eventually they felt like she was telling the truth about the fact that she lured him down on this pretense of making friends but they knew that she wasn't telling the full truth about what their plan was from then on was their plan to just straight up murder him was the plan murder from the get-go and was this very very premeditated bringing all these people down from different cities just for the sole purpose of murdering him was the plan just to assault him just to beat him up and teach him a lesson and then maybe was he murdered by accident or was the plan to assault him and then as everyone was getting so into it and so emotionally involved they decided to just kill him in the spur of the moment what was the plan and how did it end in murder let's be real mundell mahill knew that harinder sharka was head over heels in love with her and would do absolutely anything for her if it meant that he got even closer to a chance of being with her he wanted to be with her so bad that if she turned to him and said look please will you beat this guy up for me or maybe even please will you kill this guy for me harinda doesn't care that this guy is gargan deep his best friend the man that has done everything for him helped him when he was so low when he needed so much help he doesn't care who it is or what it is he would do whatever mandel wanted him to do but what was darren peter's role in this who was he who was he and why was he there because he had as far as we know no loyalties to anyone in this situation he was just school friends with harinder shurka he probably didn't even know mundell mahel before this incident even took place so how did he end up in brighton helping them commit murder especially the murder of a guy that he'd never even heard of before well police believe darren to be of quite low intelligence and easily persuaded he was a man that was very much involved in violence anywhere just around where he lived he was quite a violent person he was very physically strong as well so police believe that when harinda was asked to beat up or even murder gargan deep he maybe he panicked a little bit and he thought oh my god me versus gargan deep dragon deep is gonna win there was there was no chance that harinda would win against gargan d he was much taller than he was he was much i don't i don't know herrinda just would not have won that fight so it's believed that harinder went to darren because he knew that he was physically strong he knew he was quite a violent guy and he knew that he was not the smartest and quite easy to persuade so harinder just asked him if he would be up for it and for some reason darren said yes so that is exactly how this attack went ahead instead of it being horinda versus gargan deep even though gargan deep wouldn't have even wanted that it was now two men versus gargan deep and he arrived in brighton and he must have met mundil at the door given her this teddy i bet he was expecting such a nice reconciliation such a nice conversation a nice evening with this girl but then when she took him to her bedroom that was where these two men were waiting for him i think the attack began as soon as gargan deep stepped foot in that room i don't think he even had a second to assess the situation and realize what was going on before these two men launched themselves at him and started beating him both with their their hands their physical body punching him kicking him but they were also grabbing these big heavy objects and hitting him over the head with them they beat him until gargan deep was laying unconscious on the floor and i'm not sure what they thought in that moment i don't know if they thought they'd killed him or if they just thought he was unconscious but they kept going and kept going horinda sharka even broke his fist broke his whole hand during this attack because it was just so savage it was so brutal and they kept going until they believed that gargan deep singh was dead during this attack they gave gargan deep a broken arm a broken leg like i said earlier his brain swelled up in his skull and one of his eyes was hit so badly that it sunk into his skull but what the group didn't know at this point was that they hadn't actually killed gargan deep he was just unconscious they thought he was dead they thought this was over but he was just knocked out regardless all three of them then took garden deep's body and rolled him up in a duvet and then carried him out and put him in the boot of his sister's car of the car that he was driving one of the men actually found flex ties in the boot of this car and they used them to tie his body up inside this duvet and then they shut the boot and i think they just went back inside mundelmer hill's home just to kind of probably talk about what their next steps were and all of this had happened so fast gargan deep arrived in brighton just before 10 p.m and by midnight that night both the men darren and harinda were back in that car driving gargan deep's body back up to southeast london they drove it onto this kind of isolated little lane and there they poured this petrol on it set the whole car alight and then just stood back and watched it for a while they watched this car burning with gargan deep's body inside it and at this point this is one of the most heartbreaking things in this case at this point gargan deep had actually woken up he was awake inside the boot of that car and i can't imagine the thoughts that were going through his head that he could feel himself tied up he must have been in agony from all of those injuries that he sustained during the attack he knew that it was his best friend that had done this to him as well and now he's tied up he can't move and he can feel the heat of this fire getting closer and closer to him and it was actually the fumes from the fire that killed him in his autopsy it was found that there were soot deposits in his lungs which meant that he was breathing as the fire was going and he was inhaling the smoke he was laying there knowing that he was about to die and there was nothing that he could do meanwhile both of those men are actually still standing outside the car just watching the fire for a while and oddly enough harinder shurka decides to call mandel mihil on the phone they were on the phone together for about an hour and a half i think he was like walking home on the phone to her and he was telling her everything that they'd done just kind of updates on on gargundy and at one point during this phone call harinder even said to mundele that he was willing to go to prison for her he was willing to go to prison and do 21 years for this murder for her it was all for her so anyway in december of 2011 all three of them mundil mahill harinda sharka and darren peters were all put on trial for the murder of gargan deep singh before the trial actually gargan deep's mother was warned by professionals by quite high up authority not to cry in court not to cry in front of the jury or the judge or whatever because then she might be kicked out of the trial and not allowed back in which on one hand you can kind of understand because they try to keep trials as objective and immersionless as possible they try to get rulings and verdicts on just straight facts they shouldn't really be steered by emotions or influenced by emotions at all even though it's it is hard to make objective decisions as human beings when we are such emotional people emotional beings even it is understandable but at the same time man this is a grieving mother how can they tell a grieving mother to sit there and just listen and enjoy this whole trial where they're talking about every single individual injury that her son sustained they were going to have to read out that whole autopsy report about how those boys broke his arm they broke his leg they beat him so severely that one of his eyeballs sunk into his head his brain swore swelled up she was gonna have to sit and listen to them talk about his final moments about how he must have been laid there in agony both physically and mental agony knowing that he was locked in that car boot and he was about to die he knew that those were his final moments and he couldn't do anything about it the family also had to sit there in the court and listen to mundell mahill get up on that stand and say that she had nothing to do with this murder she said that she never had any part in the actual physical killing and that this was not her intention at all she said that murder was never her intention all she wanted to do was teach gargan deep a lesson but the thing is gargan deep's sister amandeep really believes that mandela hill was putting on a whole character for this she was pretending like she was the innocent high achieving medical student that just got swept up in the wrong crowd you know she could never do anything like this she wasn't capable of harming anyone she had a promising life a promising future a good track record she'd always been a good sikh girl and she could never even dream about murdering another person she was doing it all for sympathy of course she wanted people to almost feel sorry for her but how do you feel sorry for someone that lured an innocent man to his death that calculated and premeditated a whole honey trap to get him alone in brighton away from his family and put him in this situation how are you supposed to feel sorry for that person thankfully no one in that whole courtroom was falling for this and the judge himself even referred to mundell mahill as manipulative and deceitful at the very least even if she didn't physically touch gargan deep during the whole attack maybe she didn't have any physical part in his murder but she did lure him down there and she did stand there in the same bedroom and watch these two men murder him if she really wanted to stop this she could have in a second but not only did she watch the murder take place she also watched as they rolled his body up in a duvet carried him out to the car and then drove him away drove away his dead body or what they believed was his dead body at the time at the very least she was complicit in this killing whether she actually physically actively partook in the murder or not she was complicit in it at the end of the trial all three of them decided to plead not guilty to murder luckily the jury wasn't quite falling for it and so harinder sharker was found guilty of the murder of gargan deep singh and for that he was given 22 years in prison i believe the reason he was given exactly 22 years was because the judge had heard of when herrinda was on the phone to mundil and he was telling her like oh i'm willing to do 21 years for you i will do that 21 years for murder for you it's all for you and so the judge was like you say you'll do 21 well he's 22. darren peters was actually found guilty of manslaughter and given 12 years in prison which i find kind of disappointing of course i've only researched this case online so i only know what is literally on the internet police and everyone in that courtroom knew this case in better detail than i do so i trust that it was probably an informed decision to make i don't know exactly what darren peters physically did to gargan deep sir i mean maybe that is a suitable punishment for what he actually did i don't know and mundilmer hill actually decided to take a smaller plea of gbh grievous bodily harm with intent and for that she was actually given just six years in prison but three years later she was actually let out for good behavior so she served half of that sentence when dilma hill served three years for luring a man to his death and she has just fully gotten her life back she is now a successful woman who has reintegrated into society everything literally she looks like she's living her best life it's actually sickening right now she's actually married to quite a high up labor politician and this husband actually became the mayor of red bridge which is an area in east london in 2019 two years ago she was a mayor s a woman that has committed such hereness acts lured a man to his death and pled guilty to gbh with intent was now may arrest she was in a position of authority and respect and let me tell you gagandeep's younger sister amandeep was not gonna let that happen and good on her she started so many petitions she reached out to every single politician that she could saying look this is this woman's past she should not be in this position of authority she should not be respected and trusted and you know partly leading this area of london a whole media storm ensued as soon as this man was elected mayor and all of mundel's past was brought up it was re-reported on this whole murder and finally after like only a week of being mayor her husband decided to step down he actually said and this is a quote that he was doing it he was stepping down in order to shield her from public speculation and hearsay i mean it's hardly speculation or hearsay when she literally pleaded guilty to gbh with intent she literally admitted that she lured a man to his death it's hard it's hardly speculation is it she literally went to prison for it she literally in the eyes of the law she was guilty of that was it speculation anyway just for a little update on her life i believe she is now working as a personal trainer in east london so if you're looking for a pt in that area maybe watch out i also think it's quite interesting to know that one of mundill's brothers is actually a police officer which i find quite interesting you're a police officer and your sister literally made up a whole plan to murder a man but but anyway that is all i have for this case thank you so so much for watching and thanks again to magellan tv for sponsoring this video remember they are currently running that limited time offer where you can get 30 off of an annual subscription making it just 3.50 a month plus a two-week free trial if you want to snatch up that deal do it while you're still thanks it is a limited time offer you can go through the link down below in the description of this video huge thank you to all of my channel members for helping me decide the cases that i cover especially my tier 2 members whose names are all on screen right now if you want to become a channel member you can just click the join button on a desktop or there'll be a link in the description of this video but yeah thank you so so much for watching if you enjoyed please leave a thumbs up down below because that would really help me out if you want to subscribe there'll be a link to do so right here if you want to subscribe to my second channel there'll be a link to do so right here and if you want to watch 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Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,955,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, eleanor neale makeup, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, documentary, killer, murder, serial killer, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, podcast, true crime podcast, bbc, itv, netflix, storytime, forensic files, 2020, crime watch daily, dateline, interview, news, creepypasta, horror, gagandip, amandip, gagandip singh, mundill, mundill mahil, mahil, harinder shoker, honeytrap, honey trap, darren peters, court, released, mayor, redbridge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 41sec (4601 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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