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the house of blood was one of scotland's most infamous and horrifying crime scenes well ever when police entered there was blood lining every single wall ceiling and there were pools of it on the ground today we're going to be talking about the massacre that took place behind those four walls in the house of blood so today's video is going to be another solve true crime case but before we get into it i do just want to thank our sponsors for making this video possible magellan tv magellan tv do i even need to say it i feel like i do it at this point it's my favorite documentary streaming service who got it right 10 points to you magellan tv is perfect for true crime junkies like me and you that feel like we've watched every true crime documentary in existence because they have so many cases from all over the world that i can guarantee there is at least one that you've never heard of and they also add between 15 and 20 hours of content every single week so there is no way you're ever gonna get bored with magellan tv one of the new releases that i watched recently and i really recommend to you guys if you're into the jack the ripper case watch jack the ripper the german suspect it's well exactly what it sounds like they're talking about this new suspect in the jack the ripper case this documentary looks into the theory that jack the ripper could have been a german sailor which i think is so interesting every time i hear about a new jack the ripper theory i'm like gimme gimme so if you guys are into all those theories and stuff like i am i recommend this one a thousand times magellan tv is completely ad free and you can watch it on pretty much any device that you want so what are you waiting for and right now when you buy one gift card for an annual membership you'll get another one completely free when you go through my link which is down below in the description that's two christmas presents ticked off or like if you want to keep one for yourself then that's your own christmas present ticked off i suppose and someone else's but yeah thanks again to magellantv for sponsoring this video now before i get into it i do just want to give my usual disclaimer that i mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that i talk about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything that i'm about to say is just information that i have found on the internet and i'm compiling into one video just a couple of content warnings before we get into this one there will be themes of domestic abuse and violence domestic violence and also a mention of rape although no rape actually takes place in this case so if any of that is something that you feel like you can't watch right now you know yourself better than anyone please do click out look after yourself i'm sure i can see you again a different time with a different case but with all that being said let's just get into the story so today's case takes place in glasgow scotland in 2004 which fun fact that's actually not fun at all it's actually the complete opposite don't know why i said that glasgow actually used to be named the murder capital of europe at one point in time which is crazy and belfast island is actually not that far behind it in terms of like one of the worst european cities in terms of murder um but anyway murderous geography lesson over this case starts out in 1968 in glasgow where edith mcallindon was born not much is known about edith's childhood or her upbringing other than the fact that she was raised in glasgow and we don't start to learn more about edith and her life until she actually turned 18 because that was when she fell pregnant with her first ever child and she ended up giving birth to a son named john and supposedly edith was a very brilliant devoted mother she was very caring she was there for her son she tried absolutely everything that she could to provide for him although money was such a problem for edith some nights she couldn't afford to feed both of them both her and her son and in very very desperate times edith turned to theft and prostitution as a means to make ends meet this did get her into trouble with the police quite a lot i mean she was caught for her theft time and time again she wasn't really good at getting away with it but i mean she wasn't trying to be a career criminal she was just trying to provide for her son so yeah she was convicted she was in and out of jail a few times and i don't actually know where her son would go when she was in jail because as far as i'm aware she didn't have much family like parents or anything to give him to her but every time she would be released edith would find herself homeless with her infant son the two of them would often have to sleep on the streets if they didn't make enough money to get into a hostel or a homeless shelter eventually edith did create like a bit of a support network around her of friends and family who would always either give her the money for a homeless shelter if she needed it or like offer their suffer for her to sleep on eventually she just had that security it wasn't the best security at all because she didn't have her own place but at least she had the security that she could find somewhere to sleep you know they weren't going to be on the streets still such an awful situation for a mother to find herself and her infant son in and it was around this time when edith was bouncing from shelter to shelter that she met a man named david gillespie he too was homeless and bouncing from shelter to shelter he and edith had a lot in common they struck up a conversation and they actually got on like a house on fire they made each other laugh they understood each other more than anyone else could ever understand them and they just felt this real connection with each other they felt a real bond from the second they met they became really good friends and then quickly began dating and this kind of put them in more of a family unit not that david gillespie was by any means like a stepdad to john because he wasn't but it just kind of gave them a bit more of a unit you know which when you're homeless and traveling from shelter to shelter and stuff like that you need you need family you need you know a bit of a a group a pack and so that's what they had and they were happy you know they had this little like family i suppose it just made their situation a lot easier to handle now they had company they had added security of like you know always making sure they had at least some money for food because if they didn't have enough maybe david would overall they were just all a little bit happier now that they were together and edith and david very quickly made two more friends along the way 67 year old ian mitchell and 71 year old anthony coyle now these two men were much older than edith and david were and the two of them had been friends for decades now they went way back ian and anthony were both retired they were both single from previous divorces and so when they did split up from their wives they were just like well should we just like move in together it'd make it cheaper we'd have a friend they just decided to be roommates in their retirement and so ian bought this flat and he decided to rent out one of the bedrooms to anthony and this apartment was essentially like the group's social hub this was like their meet-up place this was where most of the stuff they did took place i suppose so now edith's got a boyfriend she's got a friendship group for herself things are really starting to look up that was until she got herself in trouble with the law again in january of 2004 when edith mcallendin was 36 years old she was found guilty of a very serious assault charge now i wish i knew the details of this i wish i could tell you what happened but i don't know i couldn't find any information online about it although it must have been a very serious assault because she was actually sentenced to nine months in prison and during that nine months that edith was serving david gillespie her boyfriend actually started to get his life on track a little bit now that he didn't have her he was 42 years old now he got himself like a permanent place to stay he signed a long-term let on one of the rooms at the alexander thompson hotel in glasgow town center and sir he had an address now he was no longer homeless and this was one of the best things david ever did for himself because now it allowed him to do so much more on top of that you know go out and meet people get a job he was starting to gain back some independence he was really starting to get like a normal life back and then on october 16th 2004 his girlfriend edith mcallendon was about to be released from jail that exact day before she left the jail she called him on one of the phones and just kind of asked where he was going to be she was so excited to go and see him he told edith that he was round at ian and anthony's apartment and they were all just having a drink and she should come and meet them and they should have like a celebratory drink and she was like yeah let's do it she was really excited so she's released from jail she goes down to this apartment and by the time she gets there all three men are already very very drunk they were all very heavy drinkers and so edith starts joining in she's knocking back drinks trying to catch up to the men and her first day out of jail is going really well by their usual standards i mean this is the kind of stuff that they really enjoyed doing so she was having a great day but then after a few hours the group actually ran out of alcohol and none of them wanted to be the one to go and get it from the shop because they all struggled financially all four of these people so no one wanted to be the person to pay for the drinks no one was volunteering to go to the shop so they were all just sat there waiting until someone did and it was at this point that edith started to get like a bit angry and upset with her friends for this she was like guys come on i've just been let out of jail for the first time in nine months why will no one celebrate with me obviously she had been behind bars for nine months so she'd had no money she had no way of making money that whole time so she had nothing to spend anywhere she was just like guys come on can't someone take one for the team and just buy the drinks but all of the men just started getting defensive like no we bought the first round of drinks earlier before you even got here so why should we buy the second round as well they were saying like oh it's someone else's turn to pay now i'm not paying twice in a row and as this argument's going on edith is getting more and more upset and angry by the second she felt really offended by this that her friends wouldn't even just put down a little bit of money for her welcome back party she felt as though her friends didn't care about this and so she starts arguing with them she starts screaming at them in fact she's only getting louder and more frantic as this argument's going on and then all of a sudden she turned her head and saw a knife laying on the kitchen counter edith didn't even take a second to think before she launched forward grabbed the knife off of the counter and turned to her boyfriend david gillespie without saying a word edith brought the knife down and stabbed into david's thigh over and over and over again it turned out she completely severed his femoral vein and because he'd been drinking all day his blood had thinned dramatically and so he was losing blood at an alarming rate eventually when edith stopped stabbing her boyfriend's legs she looked up at ian and anthony who just looked terrified they were white as a ghost they couldn't believe what had just happened and immediately all of them knew how serious this was as well they saw where edith had stabbed and how much blood he was losing they all knew that david could die from these injuries ian and anthony just jumped up and started running around the apartment trying to find anything that they could to be able to stem the bleeding you know grabbing towels and everything and it seemed that by now edith had snapped out of whatever bridge she'd just been in and she also realized just how serious this was she told the men that she was gonna run into the next room grab her phone and call for help and so they're thinking okay great an ambulance is gonna be here to save him soon but that wasn't going to be the case because when edith mcallen didn't said that she was going to call for help she didn't mean an ambulance because she was actually scared that she was going to go to prison for what she'd just done obviously i mean yes people do go to prison for stabbing someone like that she knew that there was going to be big consequences for what she'd just done and so there was no way she was going to call anyone like law enforcement ambulance anyone and so instead she just called her son john who was now 17 years old and she asked him to come and help her i don't really know what her plan was at this point in time i don't think she had a plan i think she just panicked she knew she couldn't call an ambulance or police or anything like that so she just wanted her son there but either way john got straight in a taxi and came straight down to the apartment and when he arrived he actually wasn't alone he'd brought one of his school friends 16 year old jamie gray when john and jamie arrived supposedly everyone that was still in the apartment was still arguing still fighting and their arrival only made these arguments worse because ian and anthony were absolutely furious that edith mcallendon instead of calling the ambulance to save her boyfriend's life she'd called her teenage son and his friend what were they gonna do to save david gillespie's life absolutely nothing but to make matters even worse when john and jeremy had jumped in a taxi across glasgow to get here they hadn't actually had the money to pay for that taxi so they hadn't they just got out of the car and left which obviously left a very angry taxi driver out on the street demanding his money as he should so this taxi driver was causing a scene out on the street like beeping his horn shouting screaming so everyone in the apartment was like [ __ ] we need to go downstairs talk to him try and like smooth this out we can't like draw our attention to the situation right now so they all left the apartment left david gillespie bleeding out on the floor in the apartment and they all went downstairs to go and argue with this taxi driver again none of them wanted to be the one to pay for this taxi edith was saying she had no money john and jamie were saying they had no money and so eventually ian mitchell had to be the one to pay the taxi fare because you know he did actually try and argue quite a bit he tried to be stubborn and not pay it and then at some point during this he remembered that his friend was dying upstairs and that yay probably should just pay it i know that this group struggled financially a lot but when your friend is dying upstairs why did this argument even happen in the first place someone just paid on the way back up to the apartment ian was complaining about the fact that he just had to pay this taxi fare the whole time like he was not going to drop this he was not going to let him forget that he was not happy about this and it was on this walk back up to the apartment that ian and anthony realized that an ambulance was never going to come was it they were just now realizing that edith had only called her son she hadn't called her son and an ambulance they had no help on the way right now so they all realized how serious this situation was they'd left david gillespie in the apartment bleeding out and there is no help on the way so they all started running back to the apartment and when they got there it was too late david gillespie had already died while they'd all been down arguing about who was paying the taxi fare so john and jamie immediately just start freaking out because remember this is their first impression of the situation as well this is the first time they've stepped foot in that apartment they'd literally only just got out of the taxi outside so they didn't even know that david gillespie was stabbed when edith had rang them up and asked her son for some help that's literally all she'd said that she just needs some help she didn't describe what she needed help with and her son had no idea that it was a stabbing they could not believe what they had just walked into but john 17 year old john the older of the two boys he had a lot more of a calm head about this and he very calmly pulled his mother to the side and said right what are we gonna do about this because we need to do something you're a murderer no he said to her look you just got out of prison this morning for a nine month sentence if they find out that you have murdered someone you're gonna be in prison for the rest of your life so you need to figure out how you're gonna hide this body and how you're gonna get away with this he then pointed out to his mother that those two men ian and anthony had seen her do it had been witnesses to the murder and you know david was their friend so if police ask of course they're going to tell them what happened edith understood what her son was trying to say with this she knew that something had to be done about ian and anthony so the three of them edith john and jamie all hatched a plan to murder them as well they decided not to think too much about it they weren't even gonna create a plan because right now they knew that they had both of those men in that apartment outnumbered as well there was three of them and only two of those old men and they were quite elderly they were in their late 60s early 70s so edith john and jamie knew that it would be so easy for them to overpower those two men just don't say a word and attack out of nowhere and that's exactly what they did because by now ian and anthony were very unsuspecting i mean they were just sat on the surface next to each other talking about what just happened about what they were going to do about their dead friend of course they weren't expecting more murders to happen beyond this point and sir their guard was down and so 17 year old john mcallendin decided that he was going to make the first move he walked into the kitchen grabbed a knife and then went and sat next to ian mitchell on the surface literally within a split second of him sitting down on that surfer he didn't even give himself time to think about it he launched himself over and started stabbing ian in the chest over and over and over as soon as anthony who was sat on the other surfer as soon as he saw this he jumped up and ran straight into one of the bedrooms as far away from this as he could get he ran into this bedroom locked the door behind him he barricaded the door really tried to protect himself as much as he could but at this point the group didn't really care about anthony they were way too focused on ian besides they knew that anthony couldn't really get anywhere he's in a locked bedroom so they were just gonna focus on ian for now and anthony was still gonna be there when they were ready for him i suppose by now john had already stabbed ian so many times that he'd stopped moving he probably was already dead but just to make sure all three of them edith john and jamie all decided to take turns kicking ian in the head to make sure that he was dead when they were finally done edith then suggested going and finding anthony but john wasn't convinced that ian was actually dead i don't know how he wasn't convinced because his skull was literally open you will hear when we go through the crime scene evidence later he was very clearly dead but john wasn't convinced he thought that maybe him or david gillespie could be pretending to be dead or maybe they're just knocked out unconscious passed out so he came up with a plan to make sure that these two men were actually dead and that they weren't just playing dead he went over to the kitchen boiled the kettle waited until the water was boiling hot and then took it over and poured it over these two men's heads he said that there was absolutely nowhere that if these two men were actually alive there would be no way that they could sit and get scolded by this boiling hot water without flinching and that was how they were going to tell if they were alive or dead but when he poured the water over both their heads nothing that of course they were already dead and so now attention switched to anthony coyle who has locked himself in one of the back bedrooms the group knew exactly where he was and how to get to it well actually that wasn't gonna be that easy because like i said he locked the door but there's ways to get past a flimsy little bedroom lock it was at this point that edith actually spotted anthony's mobile phone still sitting on the coffee table in the living room and she pointed it out and she was like ha he wouldn't have been able to call the police so they knew that anthony will have just been sitting in that bedroom just listening to all three of them murder his best friend and as well there's the fact that he knew that they'd be coming after him next of course they weren't just gonna leave him alive so it's the anticipation of waiting for his own death the whole time he's in this bedroom but anyway outside the group are now running around the apartment looking for anything that they can use to get this lock open and then all of a sudden one of them found an electric drill they knew that they could use this drill to physically take the lock off of the door like take the screws out the door get the lock off so they could literally just push it open and get an entry i actually can't imagine how horrifying this must have been for anthony who sat inside that room just listening to them drilling the lock off of the door knowing what's about to happen to him when they get inside it's genuinely like something out of a horror movie i know i say that a lot in these cases and like i mean i wonder why because they are true crime cases it's all scary but like this especially oh my god the the intensity of that moment i can't imagine as soon as they got that door open sixteen-year-old jamie gray swung it open and ran inside that room with a baseball bat he started chasing anthony around the whole room anthony managed to get out of the bedroom and now they're chasing him around the whole flat this whole time jamie keeps getting close enough to actually hit him with the baseball bat so this whole time the chase is going on he is actually being beaten over and over again and his physical strength is weakening this was quite a prolonged ordeal apparently this chase was going on for a long time and after a while anthony was actually so badly beaten that he couldn't even run anymore like he couldn't even try and get away from jaime anymore and so he collapsed and finally then jamie had him on the ground he could hit him as many times as he needed until he was sure that anthony coyle was dead anthony suffered the longest and probably most painful death out of all three men that night and probably the most horrifying experience of the night as well and once anthony was dead the whole group breathed the sigh of relief because this meant that there was no one to tell police what edith mcallendin had done all three of them knew that they could get away with this if they were smart about the aftermath if they were able to get rid of these bodies properly then they might all get away with this triple murder but this is the part that john and jamie didn't want anything to do with they were gonna leave all of it to his mum edith mcallindon and sir john and jamie just left edith didn't get to work straight away she just kind of sat and let everything dawn on her she sobered up over the next few hours and as she did this the gravity of this situation is just setting in deeper and deeper she knew that she had to come up with a plan and that she did she came up with a plan that she thought was absolutely perfect the first thing she did was go into the bathroom and clean herself up a little bit she washed the blood off of her hands she washed the blood out of her hair it was everywhere she put on clean clothes she made herself look as though she had nothing to do with this murder scene and then she went outside her plan was to go and knock on one of the neighbor's doors and pretend as though she'd just come home to find that horrific murder scene in the apartment so around 3 a.m on october 17 2004 a man named jim sweeney got a knock on his door he went and opened it to see edith mcallenders standing in front of him and literally all she said to this man was something bad happened she asked him to follow her back to the apartment and he did of course he had no idea what he was about to see once he saw the hallway james said that his stomach was already starting to turn and he hadn't even seen a dead body yet but just from all the blood all over the walls and the ceiling and the pools of it on the floor he couldn't believe what he was seeing before they even entered the apartment james told edith to wait right there with him while he called for police and an ambulance because he didn't want to step foot in that room before help was on the way so he called up the police and as they made their way down to the scene he and edith decided to go into the apartment and have a look around they made their way into the living room and that was where they saw all three dead bodies two of them were laying on the surface and one of them was just laying on the ground in between them at this point in time i think edith was actually still waiting outside the main door she hadn't come into the apartment yet and so james turned around to her and said please don't come in here you don't want to see this he knew just from looking at all three of these men that they were definitely dead there was nothing that he could do to save any of them and so there was no point even trying because all he was gonna do was contaminate the murder scene contaminate the crime scene so james turned to edith and just said let's we're outside until police arrive but edith refused she saw david gillespie's body laying on the ground in that apartment and she ran straight over to him and she was sobbing hysterically she grabbed his body she started screaming wake up wake up don't do this to me she was putting on this full like theatrical performance hysterical literally when the paramedics and police arrived she still hadn't gotten off him they had to physically pull her off of david's dead body she was really going to town on this performance like but anyway paramedics police they were there they got edith out of the room they checked all three men's vitals and of course all three of them were pronounced dead at the scene so one of the first things police did was take edith mcallendin down to the police station for like questioning more as a witness not really as a suspect they weren't suspicious of her they genuinely believed her story actually but they just wanted to talk to her really so they took her to the police station but we'll get back to that in a second because meanwhile the forensic investigation was taking place back at the apartment and like i said in the start of the video glasgow used to be europe's murder capital so the police in that area have seen their fair share of murder scenes like gruesome murder scenes but this one really takes the cake all the police officers that were there that day said that this was the worst crime scene they had ever seen in their whole time doing that job this was the most disturbing it was so bad that it even made senior police officers that had worked on the homicide squad for years it made them sick like they had to leave the apartment to be sick so one of the first things that police paramedics pathologists are what are they called who crime scene investigators one of the first things crime scene investigators were able to conclude was that this had been a very long very violent drawn-out ordeal like they had been physically fighting for a long time because there was blood all over the house i've already said this all over the walls ceiling floors pools of it on the floor it showed that the victims must have been bleeding for a long time and they were running around that house trying to save themselves even the bodies of ian and david were found with anthony coyle's blood all over them from where anthony had been chased around the apartment he had been chased around his two dead best friends corpses and this told the police that anthony had been the last to die because of course ian and david's bodies must have already been on the floor for him to have been running around and bleeding on all three of the men's bodies were so badly beaten that police actually described them as almost mashed pieces of flesh and burn were actually found on the curtains like up on the wall high up in the high up on the wall and this suggested that there must have been some big impact with like a big heavy weapon for fragments to have flown that high up on the wall in fact these fragments of flesh and bone were later identified as brain and skull fragments of all three men they'd all been beaten so severely that fragments of all their brains were found around this apartment this is genuinely one of the most savage murders i've ever heard of through the rest of the apartment police were able to find a whole plethora of weapons that seem to have been used throughout this attack and all of them were still covered in blood so i'm just gonna list them all off for you now there was a hammer an axe a baseball bat golf clubs knives metal files a belt and some random chunks of wood that seemed to have been used as weapons because they had blood and in some cases chunks of flesh on them police actually said about this crime scene that there was so much blood in the flat that it was impossible to be precise about the details of the violence the blood spatter all over the apartment was analyzed but you know like the police said there was that much blood that it's kind of hard to tell they all blend into one another but from these blood spatters police were able to conclude that there was more than one person involved in these murders there was more than one killer they theorized that there was actually three and because the force used against the three murder victims was so huge police believed that they were probably looking for male suspects male suspects with like a lot of physical strength but at this point in the case police were growing a little bit suspicious of edith mcallendin i mean she wasn't she wasn't a great liar she wasn't a great actor and she was starting to raise a few eyebrows so police were very much under the impression from when they first met edith mcallindon you know when she was like grabbing hold of david's body sobbing screaming screaming like wake up wake up don't leave me it clearly seemed to police that edith and david were a thing you know they were in a relationship that's what they believed based on this woman's behavior and we know that that's true we know that edith and david were in fact in a relationship they had been for years but why did you just tell the police that they weren't then why did she say that and we know that that's true david and edith were dating and they had been for years but she told police that they weren't she told police that they never dated and that they were just friends why police were a little bit wary of that and so they decided to keep digging and that was when they got in contact with one of david's ex-girlfriends named violet and she gave the tea immediately in that phone call violet said to police that edith was lying and that her and david had definitely been together for years and that everyone knew that violet herself seemed very upset to hear about what had happened to her ex-boyfriend david she said that she knew that edith mcallindon was not a good person she was just absolutely horrified and she urged police to actually look into edith so it was at this point that police theorized that edith mcallendin was very much involved in these three murders and that this whole cover story that she just came home and found the apartment like this it was all alive but police didn't think she'd acted alone they still thought that there were three suspects that they were looking for maybe edith was one of them but who were the other two people that helped her police now needed to identify two more accomplices like i said police actually believed that they were looking for men at this point because they believed just with the strength and the power of all these blows that you know it had to have been a man police tried to get it out of edith they tried to ask her in her questionings but she was not giving anything up edith was sticking to her story and so police had to just try and figure this out a different way so police knew that edith and a lot of her friends were homeless or had been homeless at points in their life they'd bounce between homeless shelters and hostels so you know a good place to start looking is probably the hostels and homeless shelters in that area so they started getting in contact with all these homeless shelters all the hostels to arrange interviews but before they even could breaking news in the case police back at the station had obviously you know been working on other parts of this investigation when a man named brian gallagher walks in and says that he needs to speak with them brian was homeless living in a shelter in glasgow and he came in to police to tell them that the night before john mccallenden had stayed in his homeless shelter and he'd spoken with him he said that john came stumbling into the shelter like in the early hours of the morning and he was very clearly drunk but he seemed like he was in good spirits he seemed like he was in a good mood it was just like he was excited about something so brian looked over to him and he laughed and he was like oh what's got you so happy and so john turned to brian and proceeded to tell him exactly what made him so happy john drunkenly blurted out stabbed a guy in the legs man there was blood everywhere it was a fella who tried to rape my ma i had to teach him a lesson and i did my mars boyfriend brian had not expected that to come out of his mouth at all and now brian is literally just frozen still he's so terrified of john mcallender this man had just confessed to stabbing someone and he said i did my mars boyfriend what does that mean does that mean killed so brian like i said is just frozen there he doesn't want to say or do anything because clearly if john is capable of stabbing someone else he's very clearly capable of stabbing brian too but it was clear that john wasn't finished with his story and so brian didn't say anything and he just let john carry on telling him about how he just stabbed someone all the way through this story john kept referring to someone as my brother my brother and brian was a bit confused because he knew john and he knew that john didn't have a brother he didn't have any siblings so he didn't know who this brother was anyway once john was finished telling this story he just passed out on his bed next to brian gallagher's and brian was just sat there thinking what has just happened he wasted absolutely no time he grabbed his bag packed all his things and then ran to the police station literally as soon as he walked through that police station door was when he just finished having the conversation with john mcallen of course by the time that brian got to the police station and told them all of this they'd already found the murder scene the investigation was already going on there but this is how they knew that brian was telling the truth about this encounter with john mcallindon because this case hadn't been on the news yet it was so fresh that it just hadn't hit the news so there was no way for brian to know any of the details of this murder unless he had been told them by the killer himself and everything that brian told police that john had said completely matched up with every piece of evidence you know how each person was killed it was all the exact same so that same day police went down and arrested 17 year old john mcallendin and that same day they also connected his friend 16 year old jamie gray and arrested him as well police made all three of these suspects given dna samples and these dna samples were tested against dna found at the scene and they were all found to be a match all three of these suspects were the killers and this was the confirming piece of evidence that police needed to charge all three of them with the murders and they were to be put on trial in 2005. all three of them decided to plead not guilty to their charges by the time the trial actually took place it had been about eight months since the murders actually happened and none of them edith john and jamie had seen each other in that time obviously they'd all been kept in separate police custody and so on this first day of the trial it was the first time they were all seeing each other again and they were treating this more like a reunion than a murder trial they were like laughing smiling giggling waving over to each other like as if they weren't in the same room as their murder victims families at the trial the prosecutor relayed every single little graphic detail about this whole murder and i'm about to give you a quote of this so just be aware it is a little bit graphic he said that the victims had been beaten with knives metal files a belt and pieces of wood they were hit with a bottle punched stabbed and stamped on the head and they had boiling water poured all over them at the trial the prosecution actually called up a surprise witness that no one knew was going to be there it was kind of exciting and this was the downstairs neighbor of the house of blood this neighbor took to the stand and told the court that her ceiling was literally shaking that night with everything that was going on in the apartment above she likened the noise to like thunder it was like a thunderstorm up there they were running banging so there was that piece of evidence on top of all the other evidence and then finally the jury was shown the police's body cam footage of the first time they stepped foot in the house of blood so bear in mind in this footage absolutely nothing was cleared up the bodies are still there all the weapons are still there and the jury well everyone in the court sat and watched this full body cam footage they could see all the blood everywhere they saw all three bodies still laying there their brains sweeping across the floor they were practically mutilated they were that mauled and beaten i forgot to say this but the jury were actually told to prepare themselves for what they were about to see before this video was put on because like it's actually it could be a bit traumatizing if you didn't prepare yourself but yeah like i said in this video as the police are walking around you can see all these different weapons just still laying next to the bodies and stuff like that is so eerie and the prosecution actually brought all these weapons into the court with them as well a few of them actually still had chunks of flesh on them i don't know why they didn't take them off but they didn't also at another point as this video was playing the prosecution paused it and pointed out some clumps of hair that were like laying on the floor throughout the apartment it turns out that this hair was actually anthony coyle's and it was theorized by police that it was pulled out as part of this ordeal when he was running away from them they were trying to grab him and pull him back by his hair after all this evidence had just been presented to the court all three suspects actually decided to retract their not guilty plea and instead put out a guilty plea because they knew there was no way they were getting getting away with this it's like they saw all that evidence presented in front of them and they were like yeah [ __ ] there's actually no way i'm getting away with that might as well just plead guilty but they actually had a plan and i hate to admit this but this is kind of smart i think it was their legal teams that advised them to do this and that was that they decided to split up the charges instead of all three of them confessing to all three murders and therefore being triple murderers they decided to all just confess to one murder each so edith mcallendon decided to say yep i killed my boyfriend david gillespie and then john mcallendum was like well fine yes i murdered ian mitchell and then jamie gray pipes up and he says yeah actually i murdered anthony coyle realistically everyone knows that all three of them murdered all three like all three of those suspects had a hand in each of those three murders all three of them worked together but there's no way to argue against it so like the court just kind of had to accept it because at least they were confessing to the murders you know what i mean like it's something but this actually worked for this reason all three of them ended up getting only slightly shorter sentences than they would have got edith was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum of 13 years which made her eligible for parole in 2018. i actually don't think she was awarded parole i couldn't find anything about her status post 2018 online so who knows she might still be in there she might be out now let's hope it's the first one she's 53 years old now by the way i don't don't know where i was planning on putting that in there but she's 53. john mccallenden and jamie gray also both got life sentences however their minimum was one year less than edith's hers was 13 and there's his 12-year minimum and the reason that edith got one year more than the boys was supposedly because the judge felt that she was the reason that this all happened like if she wasn't there no one would have lost their lives as much as john and jamie are to blame for physically murdering those men if edith hadn't called them to come and help none of it would have happened you know even after they were sentenced all three of them have just been told they're getting life in prison by the way they're all still giggling and jerking and you know like just having fun with each other violet david gillespie's ex-girlfriend if you remember she said they go down the stairs laughing as if this whole thing is just a big joke there's animals on the street that are better than these people they are scum so all three of them were sent off to prison but this case does not stop there because edith mcallendin had a plan because you know you kind of got to have a bit of a strategy when you go into prison i mean i've never been myself but i imagine you'd kind of need that because everyone in there is proper scary and intimidating and violent and like you know you gotta have your wits about you in prison you can't seem vulnerable or as if they can walk all over you edith wasn't about to be that girl she was gonna go in there and show them just how scary and intimidating and powerful she really is and she decided to do that by bragging about her crimes she would sit in that jail and tell them all that she is the edith mcallendian from the house of blood you know what i mean she thought she was a celebrity she thought that making the other women aware of how like scary she is and like what she's capable of she thought that that would make them so scared that they'd just like do whatever she wanted but it didn't quite go down that way the other prisoners just like didn't care like they didn't care everyone in prison is in prison for bad stuff like you can't like no one was impressed i don't know i just didn't really just didn't really go how she wanted it to in fact they actually told her to shut up on a number of occasions like they were getting annoyed with edith it got to points where they actually threatened violence like if she didn't shut up they said that they were gonna beat her up if she didn't stop referring to herself as the woman from the house of blood eventually she settled into prison life and like learned how to be less annoying but she actually found herself a girlfriend in there who was just as murderous and evil as she is pamela goulet known as the bedsit butcher repeatedly slit her neighbor's throat and then left her body slumped behind the door of her bedsit for police to eventually find edith and pamela got into a relationship while they were both in the same prison and i don't know how it ended but pamela is now out of prison and she's actually like living her best life she's got a husband she's got a new job i don't know if she's got kids she might have kids i know she's got a house she's got a dog she's actually just like out there living as if she didn't slit a woman's throat a few years ago that's insane but anyway back to edith while she was in jail and i mean she probably still is i don't know during her time in jail she and her son john mcallindon who is also in jail they write letters to each other quite a lot and honestly these letters show how john and edith actually feel about the murders like they clearly have no remorse they they don't feel bad about what they did they see this more as an inconvenience to them that they're now like stuck in prison i've got two quotes from the letters here one of them said keep the grin above the chin and the other one said we've lost our freedom and gained [ __ ] all but we keep smiling so [ __ ] them all in 2012 edith was actually given a new cellmate named anne now anne was a little bit of like a she was a little bit vulnerable she was only in there for like a small theft charge she wasn't going to be in long and for some reason they decided to put her in with a triple murderer oh actually sorry she was only found guilty of one murder but like we know we come on we know come on we know what happened so they put this quite anxious vulnerable girl in a cell with edith mcallendin and edith just chews this girl up and spits her out she started to manipulate and abuse and she treated her like a slave she like would like blackmail her and threaten her to do anything she wanted she would steal all of anne's medications she would steal her money so that edith could take it to the shop and buy stuff with it like she was awful to anne anne said that she lived in constant fear of violence throughout that whole jail stare all because of her cellmate it wasn't the fact that she was in jail it was the fact that she was with edith mcallender as for john mcallenden he just kept his head down in prison and was actually so well behaved that he got let out early in 2016 so it's only a year early but you know shortly after his release john met a woman named lauren cassidy and he fell head over heels for her and the two of them quickly started dating and john was very open about his past about you know the murders with lauren and she was willing to put his past behind him she believed that john was a changed man and that you know he had his reasons for doing what he did back then as was mentioned before in that quote that he said to was it brian gallagher the guy in the shelter he said something about someone raping his mother i don't want to brush past that but that is genuinely all i read about that online so i don't know if that was a thing i don't know if that was just something that john said to justify the murders or if that was actually something that happened but either way i don't know anyway that was a complete tangent sorry john's now met lauren she's completely okay with his past they're in a good relationship for a while but it doesn't last this relationship very quickly became toxic and abusive on john's end john was the manipulative abusive one and it started out small but then it just spiraled out of control until it all came to a head in july of 2018. one day john and lauren were spotted together arguing in glasgow city center at 1am the person that spotted this decided to stick around and watch for a little bit longer just to see what happened here and he actually ended up witnessing john kicking lauren repeatedly he was screaming at us saying get out of my [ __ ] way you [ __ ] so the person that saw this called the police they came down and unfortunately lauren didn't want to press charges against john and so nothing ever happened from this i don't know if john and lauren are still together today i genuinely couldn't find that anywhere i hope for her sick that they're not because he has clearly shown that he's just not changed he is just as much of a violent man as he was the day that he murdered three people he is never gonna change men like this don't change people abusive people like this do not change so if you find yourself in a relationship like lauren cassidy please please please get out of there please get some help i'll leave some numbers in the description but yeah that is everything for this case thanks again to our sponsors magellan tv and remember right now when you buy one gift card for an annual membership you'll get another one completely free all you have to do is go through the link down below in the description of this video a huge huge thank you to all of my channel members for supporting me and helping decide the cases that i cover especially my tier 2 members whose names are all on screen 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Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,949,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, documentary, killer, murder, serial killer, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, podcast, true crime podcast, bbc, itv, netflix, storytime, forensic files, dateline, interview, news, creepypasta, horror, the house of blood, edith mcalinden, john mcalinden, house of blood killer, glasgow, triple murder, edith, house of blood, scotland, david gillespie, house, horrors, house of horrors, 2021
Id: 1zRceDqPBNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 17sec (2957 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 30 2021
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