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so today's video is going to be another solved true crime case today we're going to be talking about a very important very well-known case from the uk today we're going to be talking about the murder of mark duggan which happened in 2011 and was the spark in what later became the 2011 tottenham riots better known as the london riots i'm sure you've heard of the london riots and this is a case that i think needs to be talked about still more today there was a lot of outrage when this first happened it was very widely reported on but these days you don't hear about it as much and i think this is one of those cases that we need to stay educated about we need to stay informed about we need to stay angry about and so i thought i would cover this case today but before we get into that i would just like to thank our sponsors for making this video possible hello fresh hello fresh if you haven't heard of them already are a meal kit service that provides you with recipes and fresh pre-measured 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top of all of that hellofresh is just a wonderful company not only are they really into all the recycling and the sustainability and less waste but they also donated over two and a half million meals to people in need last year and this year they're stepping that up even more so if you want to give hellofresh a try you can go to and use my code which is eleanor 80 and that'll get you 80 off across 5 boxes plus free shipping on your first box thanks again to hellofresh for sponsoring this video now before i get into this case i just want to give my usual disclaimer that i mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that i talk about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything that i'm about to say is just information that i have found on the internet and i'm compiling into one video so this case takes place in london england in 2011 specifically tottenham in north london which is where 29 year old mark wayne duggan was born on september 15 1981 in an estate called broad water farm also known as just the farm broadwater farm in the 80s in the 1980s which was around the time that mark was born it was a very rough place and it had a big gang culture there were a lot of gangs and it got so bad that in the mid 80s broadwater farm had to face a huge regeneration to kind of fix that issue and nowadays broadway to farm supposedly has one of the lowest crime rates in the hall of london the area is known nowadays for birthing a lot of uk talent a lot of uk rappers people like hedy warren and the rest of the ofb collective and mark duggan's own son actually his eldest son named kamani he goes by the name bandar k you might have heard of him he's also part of the ofb collective like i mentioned and he's a big figure in the uk drill hip hop scene and mark himself actually wrote and wrapped a lot of music in his own lifetime basically this this area broadwater farm is known for growing a lot of music talent it's a very kind of musical area anyway mark duggan was born and raised in tottenham in north london to his irish mother pam and his afro-caribbean father bruner he had a few brothers and sisters that lived at home with him and his mother and father but he also had a lot of extended family i believe his mother's side of the family up in manchester in the north of england and when mark duggan was around 12 years old when he went up to secondary school he began misbehaving at school and it was a little bit too much for his parents to cope with and so his aunt carol who lived up in the north of england in manchester offered mark to come and stay with her for a while to kind of get away from whatever was influencing his bad behavior at that time so between the ages of 12 and 17 so for a full five years mark duggan moved up to manchester and lived with his aunt but he had a lot of aunts and you know people family up there his aunt julie was actually married to desmond noonan now if you don't know who desmond noonan is he is the leader or was the leader of one of the most notorious crime families in the whole of britain desmond and his brother damien the noonan family were kind of like the career twins if they were reigning in the 90s and northern they were believed to be responsible for over 25 unsolved murders over the 20 years that they were kind of the top dogs in the scene they were kind of like the biggest gangland bosses in manchester at the time but when mark was living up in manchester with that side of the family his uncle noonan wasn't really in his prime just yet he was just coming up so i don't think this really had much influence on duggan shortly after his return to london when he was 17 years old mark duggan met a woman named simone wilson and he fell for simone simone was just 16 at the time mark was just 17 like i said and even though they were so young they fell for each other so hard that they decided that they were going to be together and so they got themselves their own little flat they both moved out together mark had a job at the time selling clothes in broadwater farm in like a club shop and he was also a club promoter in the evenings for some extra cash because now he not only was he supporting himself he was supporting his girlfriend and simone said that mark was a hopeless romantic in their younger years he would buy her roses so many roses that he could barely even fit them in his car boo the two of them ended up having three children together who at the time of mark duggan's death were 10 years old seven years old and one and a half years old but mark duggan has been described as a gallus which is someone that has a lot of girlfriends or maybe they're not even official girlfriends they just have a lot of girls on the line they're a womanizer they have a lot of links i'm not going to get too much into this partly because i don't really know much and i don't really want to talk about people's kind of private matters like that on the internet but it does come into the story later so i thought it was quite important to mention i'm not sure if simone knew about these other women or if she kind of only knew half of the story at the time i'm not sure because mark duggan actually had three other children to at least two other women possibly three other women so it might have been quite hard for him to hide these complete other families from simone i'm not sure if she you know i don't know how much she knew but that's all i'm gonna say on it these other three children one of them sadly passed away when she was still still a baby and another one of these three children wasn't actually born until after mark passed away so he never even got a chance to meet his youngest child but going back to mark and simone they maintained this relationship for over 10 years over a decade they were together maybe 12 years right up until his death and for most of mark's early 20s when him and simone first had their first child kamani he was just trying to be a good father he was a family man he kind of missed out well not necessarily missed out but he didn't go out all the time he wasn't partying like everyone else his age was he was being a great father a great boyfriend he was staying at home and doing his bit helping to raise the child but then once his son comani was a little bit older that was when mark finally got out there and he became this party man he was the life and soul of the party he loved raves he loved singing dancing rapping but he was a good father from what i could see in my research he he put his family his children his girlfriend first and then his party life second he was a brilliant father he bought manny his first bite he was just doing what he could to benefit his family in his early 20s he realized that his job at this club's place and as a club promoter really wasn't ideal for his lifestyle and for supporting his family and so he went and got a job at stanford airport instead and it was money you know a job's a job it peers you and that puts food on the table but he didn't love it and so around the time of his death he actually applied to become a firefighter and that was still in progress at the time of this case in his early 20s mark duggan supposedly started his own gang now this was just him and a bunch of other young men from the broadwater farm estate area and they named this gang star gang and star gang was an offshoot of a larger gang in the area named the tottenham mandem now this is disputed by his family his family say he was never in a gang he he wasn't that kind of person and this gang that the media said that he was in wasn't a gang it was just a friend group they would they would just call themselves star gang just as a as a friend group name you know his family have never denied that he did have friends in the tottenham mandem and the tottenham mandem were very active in his general area in broadwater farmer state but they say that mark duggan himself just wasn't in a gang he he was associated with people that were but him himself was not and he wasn't part of any of that kind of activity they said that he actually had no criminal record at all which is actually not true i mean he had a few minor charges one for like cannabis possession one for possession of stolen goods nothing on the level of gang activity no major crimes whereas police and the media seem to want to paint mark duggan as a drug lord someone that supplies sells drugs someone that's very involved in criminal activity robberies burglaries and they seem to think that star gang is a very real gang and that they're doing huge bad things that this was organized crime there was even a quote from some police officer now i can't remember this quote exactly so but they said that mark duggan was either one of the 48 most dangerous people in the uk or mark duggan and his friends were 48 of the most dangerous people in the uk either way mark dugan was very dangerous in the eyes of police there were rumors that mark had links to turkish gangs and different gangs all across europe but like i said the only crimes on his criminal record were two very minor charges for possession of cannabis and stolen goods that doesn't sound like someone that's ultimately involved in criminal activity and gang activity to me maybe he just hadn't been caught yet but even though he did have only two minor charges on his record duggan and his friends were suspected by police of a lot of other things he and all of his friends were on police's radar in 2011 specifically a unit called operation trident operation trident was set up to tackle gun crime in london specifically in black communities and there was a lot of tension between black communities and operation trident because they were specifically targeted by these white police officers but like i said mark and all of his friends were suspected by operation trident of owning firearms or whatever not because they were going around and shooting people not because they were you know committing dangerous acts but because they received intelligence that mark duggan was planning to pick up a firearm police thought that mark and all of his friends were in a gang called star gang and they knew that star gang was affiliated with tottenham mandem and tottenham mandem were known for high levels of crime they had firearms they were doing really horrific stuff actually and so police thought if star gang were affiliated with tottenham mandem they were probably doing similar things similar crimes police in trident had their eye on mark duggan specifically because they believed that he was planning to get revenge on his cousin's killer his cousin was named kelvin easton he was stabbed to death outside a bar earlier that year in march of 2011 and now five months later duggan is acquiring firearms he's starting up a gang police believe that these two things are connected and that this is only gonna lead to more deaths more harm police in trident and just police in general were also suspecting duggan and the rest of star gang of doing other things like supplying and trafficking class-a drugs as well as involvement in some murders and attempted murders in the area and i just want to emphasize that this is what police suspected at the time but there's absolutely no evidence to connect mark duggan with anything that tottenham mandem did yes he was associated with some of the people in tottenham mandem but there's nothing to say that he was in tottenham mandem or that he took part in any of their gang activity but the tottenham mandem really were quite scary they did a lot of really horrific things they were suspected of kidnappings murders drug trafficking shootings some of which were fatal and caused real deaths some of which were just injuries they were suspected of torturing people and this was just kind of known and they'd only really been a few arrests everyone in the area knew that tottenham and were scary and that they were doing these horrific things but there'd only been a few arrests because if you were a snitch if you snitched on tottenham mandem you'd be next but like i said there was no proof to say that mark was directly involved in any of that he was just linked by association and by friendships on august 3rd 2011 mark duggan was at his girlfriend simone's house with his sister paulette and they were all just drinking out in the back garden it was a sunny summer day they were just having fun all three of them together they were planning to go to a barbecue later that night but mark was kind of having second thoughts he didn't really want to go instead he decided to go to his girlfriend chanelle's house and like i said i don't know if simone knew but anyway mark leaves girlfriend number one's house to go to the girlfriend number two's house there he met up with his girlfriend chanel and his daughter that he had with chanel named chevere and it was due to be chavez christening that weekend so they were just kind of put in the final planning in they were doing the final planning before the christening but little did mark know police were following him this whole time they'd followed him from simone's house to chanel's house because they received intelligence that he was going to pick up a firearm that night and so they wanted to intercept that and arrest him and get that gun off the streets around midnight mark duggan was still at chanel's house and police decided that the gun pickup probably wasn't going to happen that night it was getting late seemed like he just settled for the night and so police decided to call it off and come back again the next day at around 2 a.m mark got up out of bed from chanel told her he'd be back in a minute but instead he just walked outside got in a cab and went to girlfriend number three's house this was a woman named precious now precious was a newer girlfriend he'd only been seeing her for about four months the other two simone and chanel i think he'd been seen for years of course simone he'd been seen for over a decade he spent the rest of the night with precious and she was actually the woman that was pregnant with his youngest child she was a few months pregnant at the time and that was the child that mark sadly never got to meet the next morning on august 4th 2011 precious said that mark woke up in a little bit of a mood he just was not you know nothing major had happened but he just wasn't happy he was it was one of those days for him she said that the two of them didn't really make up until the late afternoon but finally when they did make up they had a couple of hours together before mark left and he left when they were on good terms just after 5 p.m mark decided to leave precious house and go and meet up with a friend named kevin hutchinson foster so he got in this cab and headed towards layton which is where kevin was waiting for him and this was about 40 minutes from where he was in shoreditch now kevin hutchinson foster was bad news and everyone knew it he he was a real like gang member he earned a lot of guns he knew where to get guns and mark duggan's older sister knew of kevin hutchinson foster i think he was similar to her age and she wasn't happy about mark associating with kevin but on this day on august 4th 2011 mark was going to meet kevin to pick up a gun just as police had suspected that he was doing the day before their intelligence was correct it was just a day off and so instead this next day on august 4th they decided to follow him again police actually weren't planning to start following mark duggan until around 6 pm that evening however they received intelligence a little bit early around 5 p.m saying that duggan had set off to go and get the gun so now police were behind so they raced to leighton to try to catch up with the taxi so that they could see the exchange happening they could see kevin give mark doug in the gun but they didn't get there in time no police actually saw kevin give mark a gun anyway mark duggan did successfully get to leighton the taxi pulled up kevin hutchinson foster came to the taxi the two of them spoke for around five minutes and kevin handed him this shoebox that had a gun in and this particular firearm it was a handgun it had actually been used by kevin hutchins and foster a week earlier to brutally beat a man within an inch of his life this man did survive but he was close to not surviving he beat this man in the middle of a hair salon over an argument about a girl it begs the question that why was police's focus on mark duggan why was it not on kevin hutchinson foster if they knew this man owned firearms was supplying firearms could source firearms and was brutally beating people with these firearms charlie that is the man that you should be paying attention to here not mark dugan well yes mark duggan as well for going to pick up this firearm they don't know what he's potentially gonna do with it but out of these two men which is the more dangerous one they're both dangerous but kevin hutchinson foster seems to be more dangerous so anyway mark dugan picks up this gun he gets this shoe box from kevin hutchinson foster and the taxi sets off again this time they're going back to tottenham back to broadwater farm where mark is due to have dinner with his sister and his girlfriend simone and it was on this journey back to tottenham that mark duggan realized that he was being followed by police i think he saw the van pass by so when a car is being followed they have to follow from all angles and i think he saw one of the trident vans go past him and he recognized it and so he sent out a broadcast on bbm blackberry messenger and if you don't know what a broadcast is it's kind of a message that goes to all of your contacts all of your friends all at once instead of sending individual messages it's not a group chat it's a single message that goes to each person and this broadcast said to watch out for a green van in the tottenham area because it's operation trident and he ended this broadcast with they just jammed me so he knows they're on to him at 6 15 p.m mark duggan's taxi was making its way along ferry lane in tottenham hale and it was at this point that police were all radio into each other in all their different police cars and they decided that they were gonna make their move they were planning to use a technique that is known as the hard stop where it's basically three police cars at least three police cars and they essentially box in the car that they're chasing so one car will speed ahead and go in front one car will go alongside and one car stays behind so then it's just three cars and then pavement so the car can't really go anywhere so police all radioed to each other they're approaching fairyland this was a safe place to conduct this hard stop and they decided that's exactly what they were gonna do and they go one car goes in front of mark duggan's taxi one alongside one behind and as soon as mark duggan sees an unmarked police car go down the side of his taxi he knows he's in trouble he knows what's happening right here officers in the car that was alongside the taxi could see inside they could see mark inside and they saw him grabbing all his things and like sliding over to the other seat and they were shouting it looks like he's gonna run he's gonna do a runner so mark slides over to the other side of the taxi he slides open the big door and jumps out and at this point police had already gotten out of their cars as well with their guns already raised so mark jumps out of the car and before he can even make two steps he's just changed the position of his footing he hasn't got a chance to go anywhere police shot him twice once in the arm and once in the chest as he was shot a load of feathers came out of the back of his jacket showing that his jacket had been penetrated so one shot had definitely hit his torso area mark duggan fell to the ground and half of the officers that were there began surrounding him meanwhile other officers had gone round to the driver's side of the taxi they grabbed the taxi driver by his arm and pulled him out with force the taxi driver said that they were being very harsh very callous with him that's an exact quote by the way he said that they were very harsh and callous and this man had no idea what was going on this taxi driver he had no idea who this man was that he'd just picked up and was now being chased by police he had no idea what was going on and suddenly he was being pinned to the ground he heard gunshots over by the other side there were police cars everywhere so he kept trying to turn his head to over where mark duggan was now laying on the ground to see what was going on and police kept telling him to to look away don't look at him officers actually threatened to shoot the taxi driver as well if he didn't stop looking at mark duggan they handcuffed him they had him kind of they weren't kneeling on him and he was scared the taxi driver was scared meanwhile mark duggan is laying on the ground on the other side of the taxi unresponsive bleeding out and police didn't seem to care at all they were just shouting at him screaming at him where's the gun where is it they're moving his body around they're flipping it over they and they can't find this gun they're doing everything they can to find this gun looking in all these clothes they can't find it and at this same time right there was a police officer that started collapsing on the ground he was going red in the face and then white in the face and he was all woozy claiming that he'd been shot so most of the officers at that scene even though mark duggan was laid on the ground bleeding out unresponsive most of the officers crowded round this other officer that was collapsing his legs were buckling underneath him he'd been shot they were ripping off all these clothes trying to find this gunshot wound and they couldn't find one we'll get back to that in a minute but this other officer was sent to hospital and eventually when police realized that mark duggan was unresponsive they finally called for paramedics and an air ambulance to come over but officers and i quote spent two minutes seeing to the other officer before they then went back to mark duggan who they shot twice and they know that at least one of them hit him in the torso but their main priority here was an officer so the paramedics arrive all the ambulances arrive the air ambulance arrives however it was too late mark duggan was pronounced dead at the scene he'd been murdered by police officers now this is where the story gets confusing every single person that was at the scene that day or was a witness to the incident that happened that day seems to remember it differently so we're gonna start with eyewitness testimonies so just passes by that happened to watch this murder take place and then we'll get on to like the police's story and just before i start these eyewitness testimonies do contradict each other a lot some of them haven't been used in court and it seems like they all saw a different event it's so strange one person said that they saw police shoot mark duggan when he was already being pinned down on the floor other people said that they heard police shouting at mark duggan before they shot him they heard police shouting a number of different things as well one person said they heard officers shout put it down over and over again suggesting that mark duggan had a weapon on him other people heard officers warn him multiple times that they were going to shoot if he didn't let go of this weapon however the taxi driver so the person that was literally just a couple of meters away from mark duggan as all of this was going on he says that police didn't shout anything they didn't warn mark duggan that they were going to shoot they didn't shout anything he said this taxi driver said he watched as police left their cars with their guns already raised and they barely even gave mark duggan chance to take two steps he said that duggan was three feet away from the taxi when he was shot by police there was another witness that we're gonna talk about quite a bit in this case that was across the road from where duggan was shot in their apartment so they were like a hundred meters away up in the air in their apartment looking out of the window they said that they saw all of this happen they just happened to be looking out the window watching the street below when they saw these officers do the hard stop and shoot mark duggan and he said this witness said mark duggan was not holding a gun when he was shot and he said it was quite obvious that mark wasn't holding a gun he said that mark had his hands above his head as if he was going to surrender and he did have something in his hand but it was kind of silvery like a phone it was quite clearly a phone and not a gun they're very different shapes and a mobile phone was found on duggan's body but a gun wasn't this witnesses statement has been disputed after all they were 100 meters away across the road up in the air looking out of a window they didn't have very clear vision of this but they say that they do they're very adamant in what they saw however this witness's statement can be disputed a lot of people believe it can be disputed using forensic evidence looking at mark duggan's body forensic pathologists can tell the position that mark duggan was in the position that his body was in when he was shot based on how the bullet traveled through his body and in what direction and they could tell from the way that this bullet traveled through the ligaments in his bicep it was going upwards showing that his muscle was tensed but his arm was like this they weren't up above his head they were crossed across his body as if he was reaching for his waistband so now on to the police officer's version of events all of the police that were at the scene that day have a different version of events to all of the other witnesses and from this we want to figure out why they shot and killed mark duggan when they were supposed to just arrest him and seize the weapon and get the firearm off the streets why did they murder him for simply being in possession of a firearm well the officer that shot him unfortunately i can't give you a name because most of the officers every single one of the officers that was at the scene that day has been granted anonymity they only go by like a letter and a number so like v53 the officer that shot mark is known as v53 he is v53 however i'm just gonna refer to him as the officer that shot mark to make this video a lot less confusing well he claims the officer that shot mark claims that mark was pivoting towards him reaching into his waistband and producing a gun when he got out of the taxi and that is why he shot him because that officer believed that his life and all of his colleagues lives were in imminent danger that is an exact quote he believed that his life was in imminent danger if he didn't shoot this man i have another quote from that officer he said i saw him holding the gun in his right hand onto his stomach he then began to move the gun barrel away from his body i believe this to be an imminent threat to my life another officer also said that he could see the handle trigger and then the barrel of the gun so it's slowly being produced from mark's waistband as he pulled it out however when the scene was checked over it was found that mark duggan didn't have a gun on his person there wasn't one in his hand there wasn't one in his waistband there wasn't one in the taxi this officer didn't see mark duggan reach for a gun because there wasn't one there was however a handgun found on the grass behind where mark duggan was murdered so about seven meters away from his body so mark was murdered on the pavement his taxi had pulled over onto the pavement he was killed on the pavement and then next to that was a fence and then next to that was a mini like park type thing it was grass i'm just gonna refer to it as the green and the gun was found there seven meters from his body this was a black handgun with a soccer over it and so police said oh well he must have thrown it that's the only way it could have ended up over there he must have thrown that gun when he got out of the taxi but here's the thing none of these officers saw mark duggan throw a gun and there's a lot of evidence to say that he didn't throw a gun there were 11 police officers at the scene that day 11. all of them trained to get this gun to get this gun off him they were from operation trident which is all about firearms it's about getting firearms off the street you're telling me that not a single one of them saw this gun leave mark's hand and fly over a fence onto the ground seven meters away none of them i saw a really interesting youtube video by a channel called forensic architecture i'll link it down below in the description basically they created a precise 3d model of the scene of the crime and based on police's statements because they had to give statements down to like their footing they had to say i took like two steps this way their statements had to be spot on and they were able to recreate the events of that day in this 3d model it's so precise they have the speed at which each person was moving the angle at which each person's feet were moving it's insanely precise and with this 3d model they then put it into vr so a vr headset allows you to see in this 3d model they put themselves in this 3d model to view the events from police's point of view and this shows that if mark duggan had thrown a gun up in the air that day it would have been impossible for police officers not to see it at least in their peripheral vision but no one saw it at all apparently this was a solid black handgun being thrown in the air in broad daylight not one of these 11 police officers saw it not one witness bystander no one saw it how is that possible also if officers are saying that they saw him with their own eyes reaching into his waistband to produce a gun they were saying they saw the trigger they saw the barrel they're basically admitting that his hand couldn't have been up in the air to throw a gun because it was down there and they saw it was down there and if their eyes were glued to the gun and his hand by his waistband how did they miss him throwing the gun you might argue that maybe mark duggan threw this gun before he even got out of the taxi maybe he threw it as the taxi was pulling up he threw it out of the window and then got out of the taxi that explains why there's no gun and how it ended up over there but the windows in this taxi didn't open wide enough for him to fit a gun out or his arm out to be able to throw it if i can find a picture of the type of windows i'll insert it here it's those kind of rear windows in a people carrier kind of car that only open a crack just to let in kind of air ventilation they don't fully open they don't come down enough to fit anything out so maybe he threw the gun as he opened the taxi dog before he even stepped out maybe he threw a gun and maybe officers missed it but again officers were standing there they were already out of their cars with their guns raised when he stepped out something else quite suspicious about this gun that was found seven meters away was that the records surrounding it surrounding its discovery are very shady you know they didn't log the exact time that they found it it took them a long time to find it as well bear in mind there were 11 officers there and they seemed to know that he had a gun on him why are they not all looking around the scene for this gun is it because they know there isn't one just everything about how they found this gun how long it took to find it it's all very sketchy the gun itself and the sock that was on it as well were both dna tested and they were actually found to have no trace of mark duggan on it at all on either of these items which is practically impossible he wasn't wearing gloves at the time that he was killed so how is it possible that he could have been holding this gun in order to throw it but not get any fingerprints any dna any skin cells nothing on this gun at all how is it that they can link this firearm found in the grass to mark duggan if it doesn't even have his dna on a lot of people have accused the police of planting this gun and saying that it was marx because maybe they shot mark and realized that he didn't have a gun and they shouldn't have shot him they shouldn't have killed him they had no reason to do that and so they had to give themselves a reason they had to give themselves an excuse maybe they planted this gun not only because of all these things that i just mentioned but also because two different officers claim to be the officer that found it it just wasn't adding up and there's also another witness in this story called miss jer who claims that she saw one of the officers go into the taxi that mark duggan was in and he produced a gun a handgun wrapped in black cloth it was kind of balanced on his hand and then not long after this man was seen hiding a gun on his person the gun was found in the green seven meters away from mark duggan's body and so this woman this miss chair says that she thinks that this man went and picked up the gun from the taxi that mark duggan did have he did collect a gun from kevin hutchinson foster but it remained in the taxi and she says that this officer went and collected it from the taxi and placed it on the green to make it look like mac duggan had the gun on him when he was killed and this theory can actually be backed up kind of maybe by the witness across the road 100 meters away from the crime scene in his apartment after he heard the gunshots he went and got his phone and started recording and he says he believes there's only like a five second gap between mark actually dying and him hitting record on his phone so he got pretty much the immediate aftermath of this killing and on this footage there's one officer in a white t-shirt that seems to be doing nothing he's going between all these different offices he's just walking around he's just talking to people he's just going to this car and doing something and then going over to the this officer and saying something he doesn't seem to have a job he doesn't seem to have a task and a lot of people that have looked into this case believe that this officer in the white top was kind of going and speaking to all these different officers not really doing anything but making sure that everyone had the same story and if this theory that the gun was planted by police is correct perhaps this man in the white top is the one that planted it and the one that was going around telling all these officers look we're gonna say that mark had a gun and that he threw it and it landed over there however this miss j who claims she saw this police officer grab the gun from the taxi and then plant it she has been deemed as an unreliable and inconsistent witness her story kind of changes every now and again and you know she she wasn't used as a witness testimony in court because we don't know how reliable that is but just because miss j is unreliable doesn't mean that every single witness is unreliable and they all saw similar things none of them saw mark duggan throw a gun just a side note here as well going back to that witness's footage from his apartment this clip of the aftermath of the murder was actually used in court to be able to show to be able to prove that none of the officers planted the gun because supposedly in this footage you can't see someone go up to the car grab a gun and go and put it on the green however this same youtube channel that i was talking about earlier has done a lot of tests and they've found that there is a particular part of the taxi from this footage that you can't see it's blocked out and a number of times in this footage people keep going behind it police officers keep going behind this bit that you can't see so we don't know what they're doing behind there perhaps someone was collecting the gun from the taxi and there's plenty of opportunities between that for this gun to have been passed around officers and then end up at the green with the person that discovers this planted gun also the theory says i hope that made sense but basically there were plenty of opportunities for officers to collect the gun from the taxi and then pass it between themselves and then it be found you know this tip being shown in court it doesn't actually prove anything because there are opportunities for the gun to have been passed to the green and these people analyzing the footage on this youtube channel actually also noticed that there was a cut in the footage the footage skips from like one frame to a complete other frame it's kind of like what youtubers do when they cut out a little bit of a video and then it'll skip to them in a completely different position it's because they've cut out a section in the middle maybe they stopped for a breather maybe they had a drink of water they've cut that out and now their body's in a complete different position and you can tell it's not seamlessly following on from the last clip it was that exact thing in this footage a section had been cut out of this footage what was in that section that was cut out and for some reason that hadn't been pointed out in court did anyone even notice this footage is actually really bad quality this was 2011 it was filmed on a mobile phone the quality is really bad and you can't make out anything really i mean you can't you can see people moving but if someone was to hold a gun in their hand you wouldn't be able to tell it was a gun it'd just look like a black object basically what i'm saying is that this video this footage that was used in cart is very suspicious it has a lot of sketchy things going on and it's just not i don't know how they managed to use that as evidence to say that police officers didn't plant the gun anyway all of this evidence everything i just said pretty much tells you that duggan was not a threat to officers when they killed him he didn't have a gun on him and did he throw a gun probably not no witnesses saw him with a gun it seemed as though he was genuinely just getting out of the taxi to try to run to try to avoid police he didn't have a gun he wasn't gonna try to shoot them and fight back he was gonna run and the taxi driver even confirms this he says that when he heard the door of his taxi open when he heard mark duggan open the door behind him he looked in the mirror and behind him he didn't see mark reaching for anything he saw mark get out of the taxi to run i also think it's important to know here just interjecting into the story remember how the officers said that they shot mark duggan because he was an imminent threat to their lives but that same team of officers threatened to shoot the taxi driver for simply looking at mark duggan for simply looking in his direction is that an imminent threat to their lives absolutely not to me this seems like a police force that wants to shoot they're looking for a reason to shoot they're using shooting someone as a threat this man this man was moving his head he was looking at mark duggan how is that a reason to shoot someone just to me personally this seems like a police force that was willing to shoot someone over practically nothing in the aftermath of the murder the police went to the media and the media's first reports of this case of this event were incorrect just blatantly incorrect they said that this was kind of an equal thing between police and mark they said that shots were exchanged no they weren't police shot mark duggan twice mark didn't have a gun on him the media also said that an officer was shot at the scene further suggesting that mark duggan had shot said officer but we know that's not true and this officer wasn't even shot he was just hit by a bullet that his colleague fired and the media basically said that this police officer was shot and it was only then once this police officer was harmed that his colleagues then opened fire on mark duggan which is not true we know that police shot mark first they were the only people to shoot so they're practically painting this out to be mark duggan as a very violent very aggressive person that shot first he injured an officer first and then the officers around were shooting him to kind of get rid of this danger that was shooting police officers which is the complete opposite of the story the media totally twisted this and it wasn't until a whole two days later that this was finally corrected and the media said oh we got it wrong mark didn't have a gun police shot first shots weren't exchanged this wasn't a shootout this police officer wasn't shot we got this story completely wrong two whole days for 48 hours the police and the media had the whole of the uk believing that this man that had just been killed by police was some kind of thug trying to kill police officers which is absolutely not the case it's even more infuriating when you think about the racial tension between this white police force operation trident which particularly targets the black community in the uk and it wasn't just operation trident either it's the whole uk police force i believe black people are five times more likely to be stopped and searched by police than white people there's always been this racial tension there because black people are unfairly targeted by police and racially profiled for crimes than white people are and i can't help but believe personally this is my own personal belief that this miscommunication in the media saying that mark shot first and an officer was injured and this was a shootout and this was a violent man this was a thug i can't help but think that that was intentional was it done to gain the sympathy of the white police officers that were there that day or was it done to intentionally taint the public's perception of the black community in tottenham and that's also furthered when you look at this particular picture right here this is the picture that was initially used on every single headline every single media report the first report of mark duggan's murder mark's own sister has said and i'm paraphrasing here this isn't an exact quote but basically she thinks that the media chose that picture intentionally because it makes mark look like he's some kind of thug he's got a very intimidating very serious expression on his face and she thinks that was intentional this wasn't the full version of the picture here is the full version of the picture this is a picture of mark duggan at his daughter's gravesite holding a stone that says always in our hearts this is a very intimate very soft very very emotional picture of mark duggan that the media have chosen to crop in my personal belief to make him look more intimidating because they saw that expression on his face and they thought that that would have been a better picture to use than any of the other pictures of mark just having fun with his friends because he looks intimidating in this one anyway enough about the media back to the police now police didn't actually get in contact with mark duggan's family for a whole two days after his murder his family just had to learn everything about what went on that day through word of mouth because news travels fast in tottenham his family found out that mark had been shot by police officers within the hour that it happened they rushed straight to the scene and there they were told by police officers that mark had been airlifted by air ambulance to white chapel hospital and that was where he was now being treated for his wounds so the family rushed to white chapel hospital to go and see mark and when they got there the hospital staff said no we we don't have a mark duggan here so the family rushed back to the scene only to find out the police had sent them to the hospital that the police officer was taken to the police officer that was shot that wasn't even injured he wasn't even wounded but of course because he'd freaked out and he'd collapsed and he'd gone red and then he'd gone white he had to go to hospital to be checked over and he was sent to whitechapel hospital and they sent mark duggan's family to the wrong hospital their loved one was in a critical state possibly with only a matter of minutes left on this earth he was dying and police officers couldn't even be bothered to double check that they sent his panicked family to the right hospital possibly to say goodbye to him this was possibly a matter of minutes that they had to be able to get there and say goodbye to mark so mark's family went back to the crime scene to go and speak to police and his sister paulette was speaking to an officer and this officer said oh no that man that was lying on the floor was indian so he can't be a brother and he didn't say anything more to her he just gave her this one piece of false information and then didn't say anything else just told her that that wasn't her brother and then for the next two days after mark duggan's murder the only way that his family could get any kind of information about what happened was from watching the news because police wouldn't speak to them his family know a policeman did this but they're getting no acknowledgement they didn't have police come to their home and formally tell them that mark had died which is what police do but they couldn't even do that they knew that they were in the wrong at least i think they knew that they were in the wrong and they just couldn't fix it they couldn't first go in to see his family and this led to widespread anger the fact that the police weren't even acknowledging this it was bad enough that they did it but then it was even worse that they weren't even speaking to the family they weren't even helping them and it wasn't just the duggan family that was upset and angry by this it was the whole community it was the hull of broadwater farm if not the whole of tottenham everyone felt this family's pain their loved one was just needlessly murdered by the people that are put there that appeared to protect us and now they're receiving no word no justice nothing and sir mark duggan's family and other people in the area decided that they were going to protest they were going to start from broadway to farmer state and march all the way to tottenham police station and demand that police spoke with the family that's the that's the least that police could do here so two days after mark duggan was murdered this protest began and they all made signs demanding justice not just for mark but for all victims of police brutality in the uk but already this was way bigger than just mark duggan's murder this was for the senseless murder of several black people at the hands of uk police specifically tottenham police the broad water farm riots 20 something years before this i believe it was eight 1985 were triggered by the death of a black woman named cynthia jarrett cynthia jarrett was home one day when police came with a search warrant and started aggressively searching her house because of something that her son had done and this woman was so panicked and so scared that she suffered a heart attack as police were in her home raiding her home and when police are searching your home and you're also there you're technically in police custody and police have a duty of care when you're in their care to look after you and make sure that nothing happens to you that you're not harmed and this woman died in police custody because police weren't looking after her they didn't realize that she was so panicked that something bad was gonna happen they didn't call her an ambulance they didn't you know look after this woman and save her life and the community at broadwater farm demanded justice for cynthia jarrett and they weren't receiving it and so they rioted and that was the broadwater farm riots in 1985. however when we look back at that event when when the media pursed about this event even now even almost 40 years later history seems to only really remember the white police officer that was killed in the riots rather than or as well as the black woman who died in police custody who was the trigger for the riots and that's exactly what the riots happened for justice and for police and the public to be more aware that things like this happen and police need to step up and they need to you know fulfill that duty of care that they have roger sylvester another innocent black man died in 1999 when police pinned him down aggressively with force allegedly giving him respiratory issues that he later died of eight days later smiley culture a reggae artist from the uk also died when police performed a drug raid on his home they came in searched it and he died when he was in police custody he actually died of a self-inflicted stab wound right in the heart now it's been debated whether this stab wound was actually self-inflicted for the sake of this video we're gonna say it is his children or at least one of his children doesn't believe that it was self-inflicted she doesn't think that her father would do anything like that however like i said for the sake of this video even if it was self-inflicted if he had done that to himself he was in police's care they should have been keeping an eye on him supervising him and making sure that he was safe but none of these victims had ever received justice no police convictions were made no one faced any prison time for these people's deaths and that wasn't even all of the cases that people were marching for on that day of course mark duggan's was the main case that people were fighting for justice for but this was this was for every innocent black person that lost their lives as a result of something that the uk police had done and like i said this was a peaceful protest they started at broadwater farmer state they were chanting with signs they were chanting we want answers we want answers but as the day was going on they were stood outside this police station for five hours five hours waiting for someone to come out and speak to them but no one did and as the day was going on people were getting more and more angry of course they were getting frustrated that police couldn't just come out and speak to them and so his family decided that they were gonna give up of course they weren't to give up in the long term but for that day they were tired they had children with them and they decided that they were going to give up for that day and so they began walking away from the police station and they got down the road when they turned round and saw two cars on fire behind them two police cars on fire someone in this protest had gotten so angry so frustrated with police that they had set a light to police cars in the street and these two police cars completely burnt out and that the lighting of those two cars is what sparked the london riots which were later labeled the worst riots in modern english history now before i get into the riots portion of this case and this story i just want to clarify now that the duggan family had no part in the actual riots they were peaceful protesting all they wanted was for police to come and speak with them they didn't join in they didn't condone the riots and i just want to make that clear right now because they they were just campaigning for justice they weren't trying to be aggressive or violent but the community this is the way that the the whole community dealt with this this anger and this frustration and this upset with mark's murder and the police's lack of acknowledgement so like i said it started that night with two police cars being burnt people began throwing things and shouting things at officers like very aggressive things like more than just about mark doug and people were calling officers horrible things and over the next three days things escalated very rapidly people were looting shops buildings were set on fire and burned to the ground so many buildings were burnt to the ground over 100 people were made homeless during the tottenham riots and i say the tottenham riots but this was all over london this quickly spanned all over london which is why they're now called the london riots because this was more than just tottenham now the whole of london was angry the whole of the uk was angry to be fair but people city-wide were smashing windows they were smashing up cars and setting them on fire there were thousands of people just out in the streets wrecking things people were defacing and damaging police property like police cars people were jumping on cars even things that weren't related to the police just random cars in the street they would smash in the windows people were throwing glass at police they would smash glass bottles off like a pearl and then throw the jagged edge of this glass bottle at the police there was a whole tesco's supermarket that was looted completely to the court pretty much everything was taken from this tesco's people brought out machetes and other weapons people were lighting things on fire like petrol bombs throwing those at police people were hauling huge things like freezers that they would find in shops that would break into these shops smash the windows grab the freezer from the kitchen and haul these things at police big dumpsters that had wheels on they would push these things with force about 10 people pushing this dumpster straight into police hoping to like knock them over and injure them lorries carrying cargo were stopped and robbed they were defaced and damaged by rioters people were using the things that they would find in lorries as weapons so for example people broke into a local hardware store stole all the knives in this hardware store and then stuck them to a piece of wood that they found from a lorry and threw that at police like a weapon at one point people actually brought guns out like gangs that had guns and they were aiming and possibly even shooting at police helicopters in the sky one particular police officer was sat in his police car when these rioters approached and they started smashing in the windows and one of them even lent in with a machete in his hand and just began hacking at this police officer's hand officers were attacked injured rendered unconscious there were over 200 injuries during these three-day riots the majority of those being police officers but of course rioters were getting injured in this but over 180 i think of those 200 injuries were police officers and throughout this whole thing there were chants from people demanding justice but at this point the riots had become more just about people being aggressive and this is something that the duggan family and friends of mark duggan have said is that people were taking advantage of mark's cars just because they wanted to to rob a star or they just wanted to smash up a police car and they were using this as an excuse as a reason to do that they weren't actually fighting the fight for mark duggan for him to get justice or his family to get justice they were just taking the opportunity police brought dogs and horses and riot vans they had all the full-on riot gear with their shields and their batons and they were going out into the street terrified there were hundreds of them lining the streets hundreds of police from all over england were transported to london so that they could go out in their thousands i believe on the third night or the fourth night there were sixteen thousand police just out on the streets of london now after three days the london riots began to die down and as they did riots began popping up all over england there were riots in birmingham manchester liverpool other places as well that's just a few however the majority of the riots were in london in that three-day period with a lot of rioters saying that those three dares were the best three days of their lives they described it as a war on police and they said it was the only time that they ever felt control over an authority that they're deemed to be corrupt they think the police are corrupt they're bad people and this was the only time that they felt like they had some kind of saying this they were fighting back against that system that they hit by the end of the riots there'd been over 3 000 arrests and a lot of these arrests actually had to happen days and weeks after the riots actually ended because obviously so many they can only deal with so many at a time over a thousand of these arrests were actually charged with something and taken to court and 200 million pounds worth of damage was inflicted on london over that three days 200 million pounds historical architecture was destroyed things that you know were never gonna get back like i said over a hundred families were rendered harmless i believe there was something around 48 000 businesses that had suffered some kind of loss either their property had been damaged something had been stolen now many of these arrests these 3 000 arrests were able to have been made due to social media a lot of people were not the smartest about this they were posting pictures online and they were tweeting and you know just posting that they were part of the riots posting that they'd stolen something posting pictures with things that they'd stole and bragging about the damage that they'd inflicted or the violence that they'd displayed rioters didn't cover their faces when they were out doing all of this and so a lot of them were caught through cctv footage and even through bbm bbm was used to track a lot of people that were involved in the riots a lot of people had broadcasted that they were out in the riots or that they were going out in the riots they were inviting other people out in the riots and police used a lot of information from bbm to kind of track these people down same thing with twitter a lot of people were doing the same thing on twitter there were actually five deaths as a result of these riots the first of which that we're going to talk about is a boy called trevor ellis he was shocked whilst it's believed he was out rioting himself although his family have denied that he would do that that he would be out in those riots abdul musavir harun jahan and shahzad ali were all killed trying to protect their neighborhood from the looters and the rioters it's believed that they were killed in a hit and run by people in a van and richard mannington burst was attacked by rioters killed by rioters for siding with the police and trying to correct some of the damage around him i think he was trying to put out a fire like i said he was attacked by rioters and later died in a coma in hospital and the person that was convicted for that for killing richard mannington burs was a 16 year old boy named daryl de souz and his mother was also convicted of perverting the course of justice after she burned his clothes that he was wearing that day she was trying to protect her son after the riots came to an end an inquest was done into the death of mark duggan in october of 2011. however based on just how the police had acted so far in this case the family didn't have much hope the duggan family didn't have much hurt because the police didn't seem to respect them at all or this case and this inquest would take a lot longer than expected and the family wouldn't receive any kind of conclusion or verdict for two and a half years meanwhile in february of 2013 kevin hutchinson foster was found guilty of supplying the gun to mark duggan and then finally in 2014 this inquest hearing that began two and a half years earlier was finally coming to a head now the jury had been told that they had to come to a unanimous verdict every single person in that jury had to agree that mark duggan was a danger to police and they had to answer a bunch of different questions like did he have a gun on him did he throw the gun did he try to run did he shoot at police you know all these different questions that the jury had to unanimously decide on however the jury just couldn't agree there were some people that believed that mark duggan just was not a threat to police and he wasn't trying to shoot them he didn't have a gun on him he didn't throw this gun some of the jury genuinely just couldn't be convinced that mark duggan was trying to shoot at police and this deliberation was going on for weeks and the rest of the jury just couldn't convince these two people that thought that mark was completely innocent and this was so unnecessary and so at this point after it had been a fair few weeks the jury was actually told that they didn't need to come to a unanimous verdict anymore a majority verdict would suffice because the court knew that these eight people couldn't convince these two people that mark was in the wrong because he wasn't and so it was concluded from this jury a majority verdict of eight to two that this was a lawful killing and mark dugan was a threat and this officer was well within his rights to shoot mark duggan and so no officer no police officer had to be prosecuted for this and to me that seems that the people above the jury whoever that is i'm not completely knowledgeable with the law and courts and stuff but whoever that is it seems as though they just wanted a quick verdict they didn't care about the honest truth they didn't care about you know getting this exact they just wanted to get it over and done with they wanted it getting done quick again going back to the feeling that i get that the courts and the police and people just did not respect mark duggan his family or this case an official report done in 2015 concluded that mark duggan had been holding a gun at the time of his murder and that he was actually in the process of throwing it as he was killed now going back to everything that i've said in this video i personally believe that that's impossible that he was holding a gun and that he was throwing it as he was being killed i think it was impossible and i'm not alone in that a lot of other people that have looked into this case believe the same mark duggan's family believed the same a lot of witnesses that were at the scene that day believed the same that mark duggan was not a threat and police shouldn't have shot or at least they shouldn't have shot him in the torso killing him perhaps if they believed that they were in danger shoot him in the arm or the leg or you know something to disarm him of this gun you didn't need to kill this man of course i'll let you guys decide what you personally think don't be sweared by my beliefs but please do comment down below i'm gonna be going through these comments all night because i'm so interested to hear what you guys have to say about this case mark duggan's family have since tried to appeal the verdict that this was a lawful killing however that appeal has been rejected the courts affirming their answer that that police officer was well within his rights to kill mark duggan that day the family launched a civil claim in 2018 against the police which is kind of like the last resort it was the last thing that they could do really they had nothing else to do so at this point all they could do was try and get some compensation and they were compensated it's an amount that hasn't been disclosed to the public however they did receive some money in 2018. but yeah that's all i have on this case thank you so so much for watching this video like i said please do comment down below i'm gonna be reading the comments on this video all night probably for a good week after this video goes live because i'm so interested in what you guys have to say on this one thanks again to hellofresh for sponsoring this video if you want to get 80 off of five boxes plus free shipping on your first box make sure you're going to and using my coupon code eleanor 80. huge thank you to all of my channel members for helping me decide the cases that i cover especially my tier 2 members whose names are all on screen right now if you want to become a channel member you can just click the join button on a desktop or there'll be a link in the description of this video but yeah thank you so so much for watching this video if you want to subscribe you can click right here if you want to subscribe to my second channel you can click here if you want to watch another video there's a playlist right here bye
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,443,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, documentary, killer, murder, serial killer, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, podcast, true crime podcast, bbc, itv, netflix, storytime, forensic files, 2020, crime watch daily, dateline, interview, news, horror, mark duggan, mark, duggan, riots, london riots, protest, police, uk, england, english, bandokay, 2011, cause, cynthia jarrett, pc blakelock, son, cold case files, born to kill, case, ofb
Id: lIVhAHWS7x8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 17sec (4037 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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