The History of Thanksgiving for Kids!

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[Music] whatever you're about to say can wait today is one of my favorite holidays and I'm gonna celebrate it by stuff in my face wait I thought you only ate chicken parmesan well usually but today is a special holiday where we get to eat a ton of food Halloween no this is a different American holiday that involves eating come on think turkey mashed potatoes pumpkin pie mashed turkey bird wing compadre what yes mashed Turkey pumpkin pie BAE come on oh sorry max turkey pumpkin pie day is May 30th mama stay huh Thanksgiving man it's a time when people watch football and fall asleep on the couch oh your grandparents yell at you and tell you should be more like a cousin Fernando well maybe that's what some people do but it's really about spending time with your family and show me what you're thankful for in 1620 a small ship called The Mayflower left their home in England seeking a new home where they could freely practice their religion a little boat can you guys like scoot to the right a little bit we got dinner reservations slowly lowered into the lava but keeps a thumbs up before he dies that's not even close yeah these people on the Mayflower we commonly call pilgrims eventually settled on a place they called Plymouth oh let's move over there that's a perfect spot for a Whole Foods my aunt drive the Plymouth great car quite the game's guzzle every single time she started it goes not that kind of Plymouth it's a real town in Massachusetts that you can still visit today when they got there it was a really bad winter most of the pilgrims even remained on their ship where they suffered from bad diseases oh you coughed on my picture actually only half of the Mayflower's original passengers and crew lived to see the first spring in the new town you guys are missing out I heard they had a whole food in March the remaining settlers moved ashore where they received a visit from a native American who greeted them in English hey any chance you speak English no no English at all what are you speaking right now it's a new language it's called snitch mingling mmm cool how do you say Whole Foods in smidge huh then he eventually brought another Native American named Squanto to Squanto - whatever happened to Squanto one yeah I'm more of a Squanto three kind of guy the best part is when he's slowly lowered into the lava but gives a thumbs up before he dies huh Squanto taught the pilgrims who were starving and dying from disease how to do a ton of stuff like grow corn get sap from trees catch fish in the rivers I caught a snake and avoid poisonous plants is this poisonous yep is this poisonous yes okay now what about this come on man that's not even a plant yeah wow this Squanto guys great remind me to send them a fruit basket you are obsessed with fruit baskets anyway this story's from hundreds of years ago Squanto is dead relax let me finish in November 1621 after the pilgrims first corn harvest was successful their governor organized a giant feast and invited a bunch of their new Native American friends I made you pancakes what you'd never make meat pancakes this is now remembered as America's first Thanksgiving and it lasted for three whole days eating for three whole days that's like a normal weekend for me am i right or am i right this is why you are known as many videos as me although they may not have eaten mashed potatoes or cranberry sauce one of the pilgrims wrote in his journal that the governor sent some men to find furred steam and that their Native American friends are was five deer there's nothing worse than that this one time I invited my cousin Fernando over for a pizza party he shows up with a spinach Ananta took Brett bolt in the bread wasn't even pumpernickel could you believe it can you know many historians think that instead of the stuff we eat today the first Thanksgiving meal was probably mostly seafood including things like mussels yuck hey let's hang out and eat some slimy black clams I found in the water and Thanksgiving didn't become an actual holiday on that day it wasn't until many years later in 1827 the writer Sara Hale launched a campaign to establish Thanksgiving as a national holiday Thanksgiving should be a national holiday and you all should eat this live bird that I caught and put on a plate for 36 years she sent hundreds of letters to governor's senators and presidents demanding that Thanksgiving become a holiday listen up y'all y'all make Thanksgiving a holiday imma chuck this bird at your chest right Abraham Lincoln eventually listen to her and in 1863 at the height of the Civil War he scheduled Thanksgiving for the final Thursday in November and it was celebrated on that day every year until 1939 when President Franklin Delano Roosevelt moved the holiday up a week in 1941 the President signed a bill making Thanksgiving the fourth Thursday in November and there's even more history on Thanksgiving but that's just a big version of today people celebrated in many different ways some eat big meals together my family watches an old movie called Marksville with the soldiers and lots of people watch football fall asleep special thanks to my patrons on patreon especially mr. Nicklaus creative Devyn and Zach T Brandon Wright mrs. Brown's first-grade Eisley and Jude Siegel Henry and Walter Gavin and Ian Estee Gavin mighdal Brennan and Cosette Elijah Robert Nora see Dean scandal Akos Chris F Greyson Christophe Nadia and Hanna win and Ian Pirtle Jack Declan Paige Jacobo Lorenzo C Jamil Myra and Lana panas I Myka Jordan and Maya Henry and Lucas tple Audion Riley by Lee Ethan G Aria and Kieran [ __ ] in Marlene Lennon Kimsey Carrie Billy and Maura dawn Morley Lennon McCartney Jones Paige Avalon and cash Levi Dwyer Maggie and Audrey thornsberry Matthew and James Mondeo Evan Lee Amelia Murray Michelle and Conrad Wesley see Owen Liam Alfie H and Alliance h-harry Roman Matthews and zeno the shark want to get your name in a video see my videos are Olli watch behind the scenes clips and more visit backslash mr. DeMaio and help this channel out also I've hidden a secret coupon code in this video it's orange and as the hashtag symbol for it try to find it if you can you can use it to buy cool stuff from mighty spring store like this what is pant shirt Roberta pillow chicken parm shirt and more check the description box for a link plus take my Thanksgiving quiz at my teachers pay teacher's site I have a bunch of other quizzes and worksheets from my other videos there to check the description box for a link and last send your fan art to mr. DeMaio p.o box 58 keyport New Jersey Oh 77035 I just got this cool Jupiter picture from Brady and Luke Louisiana a picture of me hanging out with a bunch of little baby birds from Daniel in New Jersey a cool picture of me from autumn and Minnesota and an awesome picture of Jupiter Mars and Justin from Ian in South Carolina [Music]
Channel: Mr. DeMaio
Views: 203,737
Rating: 4.828074 out of 5
Keywords: first thanksgiving, history, social studies, squanto, thanksgiving, mr demaio, mr. demaio, holiday, learn, lesson, school, education, kids, safe, Sarah Josepha Hale, plymouth, mayflower, november
Id: h2Ix2kRDYeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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