Gun Gripes #227: "Kentucky Speaks 2A Rally + Dick Heller & Thomas Massie!

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welcome back everybody this is Eric here with Iraq veteran 8888 we got another gun gripe episode for you this is a special episode I'm here in Frankfort Kentucky for the to a rally the Virginia rally video was a huge success and you guys really like the kind of man on the street thing where we just bring folks in and get a bit of an idea of how everybody's feeling and why they're here so we're gonna kind of continue that energy with this particular video we want to know what you guys think so this is Kentucky speaks we're going to get tons of folks in see what they have to say and and let's just show solidarity for our rights I see a bunch of awesome people here today just having a great time and showing support for the Second Amendment we think that's awesome so let's start bringing in a couple of folks and I want to hear what you guys think all right it's kind of cold and rainy it's a little miserable but the hearts are warm and that's what matters okay so let's hear from some folks all right I've got a gentleman here who needs no introduction this is mr. dick Heller and he is here at this rally in Kentucky you having a good day dick the names dude gun dude as in bond James Bond such a joker life has got to be fun so how do you feel about this whole movement that is sweeping the country right we've got stuff going on in Virginia obviously that's very you know kind of front and center in everybody's minds and they're really you know looking at that situation closely because of all of the horrible things that we're having to deal with in Virginia obviously not as many people worried about Kentucky but how do you feel about this movement that's kind of sweeping the nation right now is that supposed to be an emotional reaction no I think it's an intellectual reaction the momentum is on our side the steamroller was was against us before but I think we're we're pushing things back all this crap that's going on in Virginia it will not stand all right I did you copy what I said about the New Jersey red flag law did you copy that no not yet okay watch while she fills in well what happened is a 13 year old at school had told his buddy that the school security here sucks so he told his buddy his buddy told his mother 13 years old now right mother told the school teacher about the security's teacher told the principal told the principal told the the local New Jersey State Police and at 11 o'clock at night they went and knocked on Leonard's door okay Leonard was at work and they probably knew that all right so how egregious was this violation first of all it's a violation of the kids First Amendment to not be harassed exercising his freedom of speech okay and he was actually helpful to them if they would have just been intelligent enough to listen as teachers it's a violation of Second Amendment rights because that stands on its own merit the Fourth Amendment you have the right to be secure in your person your house your papers and your stuff or your things and there was as I understand it there was no warrant and there was no due process so then comes Fifth Amendment why incriminate yourself by registering firearms and telling people what you have all right then the 8th amendment I consider that to be cruel confiscatory punishment on its own and then the 9th amendment says whenever the state violates all of those rights you're not supposed to violate those rights and when you do the Tenth Amendment says go back and review the ninth amendment so what you have is 8 elements of the Bill of Rights in my opinion that appear to be violated just by knocking on the door for exercising your freedom of speech and trying to be helpful you know the thing that we really see is that this entire like weaponizing of speech that's a very harmful president's to set and I know red flag laws are very scary way for them to achieve that right and in my fear is that if red flag laws become the law of the land let's say especially at the federal level okay that can open the doors some really scary stuff I mean you're talking getting right back into the 10th amendment thing and then going you know for the backend way of taking guns away well Jeanine Allen well that was concealed carry but it's along the same line concealed carry everyone knows the story about Shaheen Allen don't they know I know you're gonna edit this good we're not live correct okay Jeanine Allen was traveling from her home in Pennsylvania to her job in Pennsylvania and she happened to have to cross on the highway a sliver of New Jersey so a state trooper comes up behind her she moves out of the way does a lane change without a turn signal she gets pulled over cop sees her firearm she shows her in the cop her concealed carry license and I like to say well in New Jersey power-mad people they don't like other people of state concealed carry licenses so she spent 48 days in jail away from her babies okay as a single mom before Governor Christie finally because of the public our or over it finally pardoned her that's what happens when you don't have can constitutional level of concealed carry okay that and red flags and registrations well registration is like violating your own it's self incriminating it is you know it's scary that it takes that public outcry for them to go oh okay well we're under the optics of all of this right now so oh well we should do something now well being under pressure from the public eye that shouldn't be the reason that you do something right it should be because you care about the will and and the freedom of the people so it's it sets forth a really really scary type of precedence when people just clearly don't care about people's freedom you know what I mean though in the government doesn't care about our freedom and you know that firsthand oh absolutely freedom of speech once they start what is what's the phrase I'm having brain freeze right now what's the word you used for when you can't say certain things censorship there's the other word for it that's okay I'm guilty too it's been a long day I've been interviewing a lot of people so my brains malfunctioning to speech police that would be one phrase it literally is a thought police if you think about it because they want to basically infringe so hard on you that they want you to like you said incriminate yourself and they they want when speech becomes incriminating gosh I mean it then it becomes a thought police literally like Minority Report or something and then three crime the next thing comes you can't talk about guns because you'll be shamed and the one thing in my long speech I put in is that the state the State Department a few years ago floated an issue of you could not talk about gun repair on the internet D remember that okay and once you can't talk about a subject then the subject it's not visible anymore and you start to lose that whatever it is the right or a product or a market okay so that's what suppression of speech is all about First Amendment well they're literally trying to disenfranchise a lot of people by you know not allowing that information be out there and we've seen that firsthand because we you know we make reloading videos gunsmithing videos you know self-help do-it-yourself type of videos in addition to you know everything we do right so because of that yes when you remove that visibility right you you were then disenfranchised and an entire group of people who probably needed that information education is a huge paradigm that we see in the to a community if our youth can be properly educated if they can have the facts and especially if they can learn just cool things about guns and get an interest in firearms technology then they that I think the left realizes that that's like eighty percent of the battle it's just the interest and if you make that information unobtainable if you make it hard to get if you make it non visible then you're you're really going out of your way to censor that in a way it's it's literally just censorship yeah you're absolutely right all right well dick I really appreciate you chatting with us today and thank you for being on gun gripes and I appreciate everything you've done for the Second Amendment community you're like the Second Amendment Chuck Norris in my book you're too kind sir so when Chuck Norris gets a much better speaker than I am so you just keep doing what you're doing and more of it and I was going to say canceling your First Amendment right is done by Dee monetizing your websites if they'd ever done that a bit well a bit okay need to sue them well I know the man to talk to you so look guys you something you need to know when Chuck Norris gets up in the morning he looks under his bed for dick okay what a sense of humor thank you all right guys I've got mr. Thomas Massie here with me this is a gentleman needs no introduction we're going to get some of his thoughts here this has been a great day and I will say I follow you on social media and I am so happy at the refreshing posts that you make all the time because you really challenged the swamp and you ask the hard questions and I that's very refreshing and I appreciate it very much thank you it was great to be here today with so many supporters of the Second Amendment I brought them good news and bad news I brought them news about my positive legislation by the way my legislation is the in the form of repeals I want to repeal gun laws I want to repeal the gun law that prevents 18 19 and 20 year olds from buying a handgun from an FFL I mean that's ridiculous if you can go carry an m4 in Afghanistan when you're 18 19 or 20 why should the federal government tell you you can't have a handgun to protect your family or maybe there's a spouse at home and one is serving overseas it's ridiculous so I've got a bill that would lower that age to 18 the other bill that I have would basically keep from making our children sitting ducks because right now there's something called the federal gun-free school zone act it needs to be repealed because ninety five percent of mass public shootings happen in a gun-free zone repeal the gun-free school zones act some of the states are doing it on their own within that school and within the school the problem is there's still a zone around the school where a law-abiding citizen could run afoul of federal law it's ridiculous we need to repeal that one too and then I tie it today some about the legislation that we're stopping the universal gun registry some people call it universal background checks but we know it's a precursor to confiscation and also the red flag laws we've stopped those for now in Washington DC but I'm worried after this impeachment sham is over they're going to go back to gun control they've been distracted by the impeachment sham that's the only good thing that's come out of that and so they lost their momentum on gun control they're going to try and gain it back when they come back out of that and the president's exonerated well you're not lying about it being a sham either it is it's more like a circus I think would be the more appropriate term and it's funny that we talked about this age of buying a firearm right so the left is so guilty about saying oh well you have to be this age that age right but on the same other side of that coin that oh well we should lower the voting age 16 though okay so it says the person person's mind is this most important weapon right the physical weapons we have are ar-15s that's wonderful right but our mind has to be sharp first right so they want to say oh with 16 year-olds should be able to vote that they want an impressionable person at the age of 16 to be able to determine the fate of the of the free world but yet all of a sudden oh no you need to be 21 to buy that evil gun over there that's right on point in fact that's why I called this bill the safer voter Act it stands for Second Amendment for every registerable voter in other words if you're 18 and you can register to vote then you should be able to exercise their second Amendment if you can choose the commander-in-chief then surely you can choose your handgun because the more powerful thing is when you vote frankly and the Liberals would lower love to lower the age to vote I say let's just tie the age of adulthood the age at which you can buy a gun to this age at which you vote and then you know maybe the Liberals can agree with me on that it is so crazy the double standard that we have to deal with when we deal with our political opponents the issue it becomes I feel when will you approach this double standard is all right if the minute I say all right I'm a to a sanctuary County oh that's such a horrible thing oh you can't do that oh but let's be an immigration sanctuary County all of a sudden oh it's it's it's God's gift for the free world that their immigration sanctuary you know ii mean and and and having oh we're gonna have an open-door policy when it comes to bringing in all forms of immigrants right all they're trying to do is import voters and they're trying to import people that they feel going to be impressionable and that they're going to be able to give them the vote their way that double standards completely okay as long as it applies to them and what they want but the minute you become a to a sanctuary oh no you can't do that and and i think it's important to make a distinction between the amnesty the sanctuary they're trying to provide the Liberals are that's an elitist point of view it's not a grassroots movement okay because they care right no it's not because they care they want to get reelected and they see this as a loophole to do it whereas what you're saying in the second amendment sanctuary movement that's swept through Kentucky that is a grassroots movement that's supported by the people and lead and driven by the people not the politicians who are trying to get an upper hand on citizens so that's the big difference that I always make yeah and you know our rights are not granted by men and they're now and they shouldn't be regulated by men either you know that our founding documents our Bill of Rights our Constitution and the most perfectly written documents that men have ever written them as far as I'm concerned so it's like why does that need to be surrounded in confusion at all right it's pretty clear you know that the language of the second amendment is pretty clear shall not be infringed I mean I don't understand how more concise that can get right and I view that as is the ultimate grocery list of Rights right yes when you make a grocery list what's the most important things you can put the top milk bread eggs they knew that that was the beans and butter and eggs of our rights well I mean the the second amendment underpins all the other rights and besides the Second Amendment my favorite amendment to the Constitution is the ninth amendment because it says this isn't the whole grocery list you can have all the groceries we're just listing some of the groceries here that's what the ninth amendment is about and so the second amendment and the ninth amendment are my favorite amendments for that purpose so well good good talking to you here today it was exciting to have dick Heller as my guest we we got him to come down from DC the guys you wouldn't know it I think he's 78 years old and he is still fighting for the Second Amendment and he is absolutely full of fire is such a great guy I love that man thank you very much mr. Massey thank you what's your name where you're from why are you here my name is Devin Matheson and I'm from Minnesota but I've been living here in Kentucky for about three years now I'm here to support our Second Amendment rights and I'm here with my assault rifle just spreading the news that this rifle is actually more dangerous than they are 15 salt kills 2.3 million people every year salt causes your body to hold on to water which increases your blood pressure which causes heart disease and heart disease is the number one killer in the United States so go watch that salt intake guys yes you do so this rifle right here is more dangerous than the ar-15 that's clever and assault rifle I like it exactly that's right hey I appreciate you man all right thanks for having me my name is Michael Salmons I'm from Grayson Kentucky and I'm here to support the rally for a second amendment I'm a school teacher who teaches political science from time to time and the Second Amendment is what backs up all the other amendments so it's it's a very important amendment to have as a teacher how do you really feel about the way students perceive our rights particularly when it comes to the Second Amendment right it seems that a lot of the school systems they tend to really devalue it and sometimes even demonize it how do you approach it with your students and how does the school system deal with that when you want to explain like the whole white concepts of freedom to your students well the school system I teaching is a rural district with probably less than a thousand total students and because it's a rural district it's very favorable toward the Second Amendment as a matter of fact our boarding school board and the last meeting actually had authorized teachers with the proper training to be able to carry a school now I don't know if it's going to come to that yet but you know they're making progress in that direction plus we now have a school resource officer that's fully armed and you know it's just scary time in this world and students still have fears and I'm just you know trying to help solve those fears but I think in my district it's it's pretty favorable of favorably viewed that's good and you know like where we're from I'm in Griffin Georgia I know we're in a different part of the country but you know our school had a shotgun team and all that sort of thing and of course very favorable views of the Second Amendment and and the the teeth that it adds to our society right you know it keeps a free people free and it's the teeth that protect every other right we have absolutely we have a for a shooting sports team that is very active in our school district as well and yeah it's the First Amendment gives you the right to speak up the Second Amendment is what protects all those freedoms that can keep people from running over the first one outstanding well I appreciate your time and thank you for being on gun rights with me here thank you I'm clay Faulkner I'm from Southern Indiana I'm here to support Second Amendment and because Larry Carrie Sloane told me I had to be yeah and you don't go against her wishes right no no that would be that would be scary that's right well appreciate you making the drive you know I flew in from Georgia the Virginia rally was super successful and I feel like a lot of people really resonated with that video we put together so we wanted to continue the energy with this one now I know we didn't have quite the turnout for this rally but how do you feel about the turnout and how do you feel about the people that are here compared to what you saw in Virginia I wasn't at Virginia of course I've seen all the media on it it's freezing cold so I you know I respect everybody that came out here every but I've talked to has been fantastic as people from all all over and all different types of people it's great you know it seems that the the ongoing kind of talk that people tend to have about the Second Amendment is that these states battles are super super super important now this is a Friday and I know a lot of people are at work so it's a little bit less of a turnout in Virginia obviously but here in Kentucky there is a republican-controlled House and Senate so there's a lot less fear of bad things happening but we still have to stay on top of it and it's important to kind of see where people's minds are at with this stuff yeah I agree honestly I think since Trump's been elected the Second Amendment community's been asleep and a lot of a lot of bad stuffs going through because of that so I mean you know sometimes when you have a Republican majority or a pro-gun majority if you want to call them that supposed to be hey that's that's my point yeah then that's that's when people end up closing their eyes and that's that's when stuff goes through in my experience my short time on this planet yeah you know the thing is you've got to call it like you see it right I mean everybody makes you know this to be a thing of party versus party but I think it's really more about what someone says versus what they're actually going to do right we judge people by the content of what they do in their character not by what they say they're going to do absolutely and you know self defense and gun rights and all that should really be a non partisan issue everybody has the right stuff hundred percent well I appreciate you being on gun grips with me you take it easy my name is Sam Owens I'm from Lexington Kentucky and I'm here to support my Second Amendment right that most of my classmates want to take away from me how old are you I am 19 I just graduated high school last year I'm planning on going to college around next semester like next year and it's it's just sickening to see that most of my classmates on social media are just constantly posting about like March for our lives and and just taking away my god-given right now I'm gonna ask a question here maybe you can you know sort of expand on this a bit right folks in your age group and we're talking folks that are right out of high school you know getting in College and everything do you think that the overwhelming majority well you sort of just answered it but I'd like to think that an overwhelming majority of young folks are a little more liberty minded than maybe you know my generation does it seem that that's sort of a renaissance of thinking and thought that's changing with folks in your age range like I guess they value personal liberty quite a bit or do you think that maybe it's not so much I think they value personal liberty a lot but only on certain issues when it comes to guns it really depends on how they're raised and a lot of the people in my age range especially going to an inner-city school a lot of them didn't grow up around firearms so they don't necessarily know the real effects of like how to use one like properly like how to take on a park clean it they don't know like the safety precautions that goes into owning one so really what it comes down to it's really a cultural war okay and what happens is by our culture not being well represented within the school systems you know when I was growing up you know we had school resource officers come in and teach gun classes and teach about safety and different action types it wasn't like a gun class in terms of training you to shoot but at least it was least a hey this exists hey it's your right and they expanded on the idea of it being a right and a fundamental right of our society the cultural war that we're losing right you're literally representing that in what you're telling us right you're smart enough to see through the chaff and understand hey this is really really important right to self-preservation is the most fundamental human right we have that's smart of you to recognize that but what you're saying is there's a lot of folks that are very Pro freedom and pro Liberty that are in your age group you know I would dare I say borderline libertarian right in terms of the views but they don't they're they've kind of been disenfranchised of the Second Amendment yeah that's that's that's pretty much the the gist of my whole generation they they don't really know much about any any of the any of the gun laws that are that are proposed they they just follow the group and it seems like seems to be that way on both sides well it's a very uh you know eye-opening type of perspective and I appreciate you coming and going great to me thank you my name is Jacob Polston I'm from Virginia Beach I'm here to support the Second Amendment that's awesome so what do you think about this group compared to I know you you may not have been at the Virginia rally but I know you oh you were awesome see what the street was so packed it didn't work out so what do you think about the energy of this rally versus Virginia I think it's awesome you know everyone's here is really nice there's obviously not as many people here as there was in Richmond but everyone's really cool I haven't met a single rude person today well that's good to hear so I know that there's there's probably a lot of people that view what's going on in Kentucky in terms of light you know assault weapons bans and let's talk about you know red flag laws those are things that are kind of getting pushed forward even though that it's a Republican controlled House and Senate everything like that so people tend to think oh it'll never happen here but these states fights are super important do you think that people are getting complacent or do you think that it's the opposite absolutely uh you look here there's definitely not as many people as there were in Richmond I do believe people just don't think it can happen in Kentucky it definitely can yeah these states battles are super super important and it's important to not sit on the sidelines so it's really refreshing to see people out here you know not sitting on the sidelines it's cold it's rainy it's miserable out here but yet people are still here and everyone's hearts are warm and that's what's important yes sir absolutely and I appreciate your being on gripes thank you Eric my name is Erin I go by booboo Boehner on Instagram from Virginia Chesapeake I'm here to help out Kentucky a lot of people came out and helped us out in the Richmond rally I want to do my part keep telling people if we don't who will so you know it's important to do all of your neighboring states of solid right lots of folks that's a great point lots of folks came out and supported Virginia in their fight and showed that solidarity right and remember when we did the Virginia speaks so many people in that video were from different states right so it's not just you can't sit on the sidelines and say oh well it's not my state so it doesn't matter I think it's so cool that I'm talking to so many folks today as well that are here from other states because they want to show that solidarity for the Second Amendment community as a whole absolutely I think it's one thing I tell people about Richmond was in my opinion there are only two kinds of people there there were patriots and tyrants there were only people there for some people that against us it wasn't wasn't Virginians it wasn't texting it wasn't anything like that it was just just Americans and I thought that was I thought that was amazing and there were so many people from so many different states it was just really really encouraging really inspiring really so so here we are we drove 10 hours easily from all the way from Hampton Roads and yeah we're going to make the drive again in a few hours once we're done here doing what we need to do so we're gonna try to do Ohio try to do North Carolina try to do as many as we can and help out as best we can because you know it's not it's not just y'all's fights everybody's fighting some America's fight so I agree completely and and we're going to be attending a lot more of the rallies as well so I'm looking forward to go around and meeting Patriots from all around the country and I think it's really interesting you mentioned the patriots and tyrants thing well what's crazy about it is the left wants to talk about oh no borders right no border wall all of this and that them suckers threw up a wall quick of around the Capitol didn't that crazy how quickly they start believing in borders once you know once they start feeling attacked or something like hey man we're not here for violence we're just here to show em who's in charge remind them who's in charge excellent point well I appreciate you coming on great to me absolutely man thank you all right appreciate you name is Wesley gross I'm from right outside of Virginia Beach and I'm here to support the Second Amendment as we just did in Richmond people showed up him across the country to support us all I could do to return the favor you know that seems to be a reoccurring theme you know it's so funny how when you do right by other people they turn around do right by you that seems like a very neighborly thing doesn't it yeah that's exactly what it is yeah we walked around with guys from Texas Colorado I mean people literally came from all over the nation of sports in Richmond so I mean this is the least we can do that's awesome man so how do you feel about this turnout I know it's a little bit less people showed up here does it seem that in Kentucky there's a little bit less concern about what's going on versus the deep concern that people expressed in Virginia yeah I'd say so I mean between that and then of course the weather ain't exactly cooperating either but uh yeah I don't I don't think they feel as threatened as we did in Virginia but there are people here nonetheless so give them credit for that that's right well I appreciate you coming on gripes no problem I love the shirt too Chris from Virginia Beach here supporting the Kentucky that the residents of Kentucky because they came out supported us in Richmond figure we show the same same support for them that's awesome you know and again I don't want to sound like a broken clock or a broken whatever but I'm just gonna say that that's a reoccurring theme you know that when you're neighborly to your neighboring states and you go and you show support especially when that state is dealing with such crummy laws on the books that are potentially going to get pushed through that is so cool that you guys come show solidarity yeah we got to show them that you know if yeah you essentially have to start now and get ahead of it before you end up like us in Virginia 100% so overall how do you feel about the way Virginia turned out I mean I'm just since you were there I mean how do you feel um I feel like we we painted it an amazing picture like the the mainstream media portrayed us as extremists and everything else and I mean we were in the streets barbecuing hot dogs and listening to music Hawaiian shirts just here for the luau that's right and the diversity too was what really impressed me you know the media tried to spin that whole thing and this right even even here you haven't heard a word out of the media especially the mainstream media about what's going on here today and you won't hear anything about a lot of the rallies because the only way they're gonna report on it is if something really bad happens because they wanna be able to spin it to support their agenda right they're not going to show the good sides of what happens when people show up and things are just going great and everybody's having a great time they don't want to show that they only want to spin it for some negative purpose and I think that the mainstream Media probably was a little bit pissed that they couldn't spin it in a negative way that many guns in one place and that many people and man nothing nobody got hurt and and we were there we cleaned up all the trash we were walking the streets with trash bags cleaning everything up we left Richmond better than we found it I think that's a clear message that we can take out the trash in more than one way damn right all right appreciate your being on grace my name is Leah vagus II I am from well sorry not a little more it's a Nicholasville in Jessamine County and I'm here to support my Second Amendment rights and also ask questions one of my really really big questions is Bevin wants to bring illegals to Kentucky so that compiled with the gun grab that that they're all in cahoots with I want to ask what is the illegal population that he's trying to import to Kentucky going to do to our votes going to do to our safety and gonna do you know is that how is that going to affect us with our gun rights and with our safety and it's certainly a legitimate concern right because the thing is is there there is a legal process for how someone enters this country right there's an immigration process and when a group especially the government wants to circumvent that process you certainly have to ask yourself okay what's the ulterior motive here right and then when you combine that with gun confiscation with assault weapons bans with red flag laws all right what kind of picture are you really trying to paint here especially in a place like Kentucky that you know when I flew in I didn't exactly see like high-rises I mean it's like a lot of rural land I mean there's hunters out here there's people that want to be left alone they're very you know Liberty Liberty minded they just want to live like free people so yeah that's certainly a concern that's a valid question and not just that with all the illegals that he's wanting to import to Kentucky what's that going to do to our vote how is that going to taint the vote is he gonna do like New York and and give illegals driver's licenses so they can show up at polling places and vote and that's that's a common tactic that they use on that side of the fence right they they find ways to find the votes that they need and if that means importing legals if it means you know having much more lacks voter ID laws or in there they probably love to have no voter ID laws and another thing that they like to do is they keep talking about oh well we want to lower the voting age to 16 oh well let's raise the age to buy a gun to 21 but let's let's lower the voting age to 16 exactly you're not even out of high school yet but we're gonna let you vote that's right that's pretty scary yeah it really really is and I just I don't have a lot of faith in Bevin legitimate concern so I think you're right on the money there and and it's important to look at it from a very pragmatic approach and think critically right you have to think about the deeper meanings for wine things are happening and why they're being set up to happen the way they are so it's literally a chess board that's being set up to work against us and and like you said it can't be in your favor right and I would just like to add one thing to that everybody out there who's watching this don't allow them to browbeat you into censoring yourself by by being afraid that they're going to take your video down or they're gonna censor you on youtube they're already doing that don't censor yourself don't allow them to put you in the position that you feel like you have to keep your mouth shut in order to be seen and not heard don't do it it's a trap you know it's it's really refreshing that you mentioned that because it's important to remember too that the whole shaming of our side right you know you don't have to be like on either side of the political aisle to acknowledge the fact that self-preservation is a fundamental right that we all have right everyone should be able to protect themselves no matter what they think politically however I hate to draw lines but the left is very guilty of shaming people like us for believing what we believe and they do that in an attempt to get you to shut up and not talk about it but the problem is when you're shoved into this dark underbelly in society where you're not wanted your redheaded stepchild the nobody wants to spend time with and that's totally how it is you become a silent majority and what happens is they think oh we won we shut him up Election Day comes and that that's what happened with Hillary right what does she called everybody deplorable and she thought that she bought the election and then all of a sudden surprise I love the way she tried to bait Trump and to say no matter how the election turns out are you gonna go with it and here she is the one who can't go with it because she lost when you're pushed into a corner and you become that silent majority and when people try to remove your ability or at least discourage your ability you're not going to remove your ability not yet they're trying but when they discourage that that ability to speak your mind and to be on a level playing field with others now that's creates a pretty considerable thing that they they're not really prepared for the ramifications of that no it's a bulldozer and you started the engine and we're fixing a roll come election time good to hear well thank you for coming on gripes umekes good to meet you thank you I appreciate that was a good talk how y'all gonna top that my name is Brad I'm from Franklin County and the reason why I'm here is I'm trying to bring light to this situation we're all here like we're all here trying to protect our cinnamon Second Amendment rights but it's not just about us here it's about the whole country and people you know need to know that it doesn't just happen here you need to be proactive in your other states that aren't you know being infringed upon right now yeah I think it's awesome that there's lots of folks from out of state really really doing you know folks in Kentucky and you know a good solid right like we mentioned earlier there's a few other speakers we had that were mentioning hey you know they came out and supported us in Virginia so we're gonna do them a solid go over there and support them so that's great showing solidarity from state to state even if it's not directly your fight in your state if you're in a neighboring state and you can you know drive over why not drive over and support absolutely I think the other thing is like we have second amendment sanctuary counties here but what about other states you know maybe Michigan where things are kind of teetering on the edge up there or you know maybe even in Georgia they don't have that already you know places that aren't under threat but very well could be you know at the next election we need to try and get to the the polls and you know swing this fight around absolutely and it's funny you mentioned Georgia because I think two weeks ago Georgia just got its first second amendment sanctuary County I don't know which County it is off top of my head you'll see a lower third down there but but anyway you know and and I've been talking to like you know my local representatives and pushing the idea of trying to get more and more to a sanctuary counties and really you know make it a movement across the entire nation you know to show to draw that line in the sand and go look you know we're not dealing with this you guys don't you know do your thing but you know here we are and we're not going to do with absolutely we the people you know we need to remain free and we need to tell the government that you know we're not going to stand for this and we're going to draw the line in the sand where it's at completely I appreciate you being on gripes my name is Gerren I'm from Monticello Kentucky I'm here to show support for the Second Amendment it's awesome yeah thank you I'm glad you're here and thanks for everything you do awesome so how do you feel about the turnout I mean have you been paying attention what's going on in Virginia and how do you feel I wish the turnout here was a little better but with the weather I guess it still kind of good you know Virginia of course had more but of course there are more in fear than we are right now even though people here shouldn't get relaxed ten years ago Virginia thought they was safe too so that's right it's important that we recognize that react to it and as long as we keep that energy flowing and keep it going I think we're going to be ok in the long run we've got to show solidarity we got to push back when they push we push back twice as hard correct from the local level thumb to federal that's right hey pre Shh be done great thank you my name's Nate Chapman I'm from Danville Kentucky I'm here because you know I feel like is you know a young person I feel like we should be able to express our rights because I mean you know a couple years from now I mean I'll be 18 so I I feel like you know the people of the United States and they know that this country's me left us and that we need to be able to express the right that we have and take up one that's the most refreshing thing I've heard all day all right I could not be more proud right now it's important right you know a lot of the younger generation there it's not that they're not intelligent people it's not that they don't love freedom right it's that they've just been taught the wrong things and they haven't been exposed to the necessary information that they need to understand what their rights are and why they're so you know important and especially the Second Amendment I believe that that gets put on the wayside you know by a lot of schools and and also a lot of young people that are just taught the wrong thing and they just they don't understand it's not that like we mentioned in previous gun gripes I don't know if you might have saw a few of them where we talked about you know someone who's anti-gun they're either ignorant evil or insane right ignorance can be cured right just because someone's ignorant and doesn't know doesn't make them a bad person it just means that they don't know so do you think a lot of folks in your age group are just ignorant yeah I mean yeah like a lot of people my age you know they see how like because I mean one of the big things right now is you know you have all these Democrats and liberals and stuff and they feel like that's how they like they shouldn't be able to hurt people's feelings without you know them getting upset if like that's not okay hurt someone's feelings and so in that way they feel like it's not okay to express how they actually feel and their rights and so you know but you know honestly with me I don't care just you know it's like as a young person I felt you know but it's you shouldn't care about hurting someone's feelings and like you know they're you just need to take up for your own rights and because I mean we have the Bill of Rights in the Constitution that says that you know our gun rights shouldn't be infringed and so I feel like we need to keep on going with that cuz I mean you know our founding fathers they're smart man I mean they're not very they're not stupid at all they know what they're doing they know that where this country was going I mean that's what I think so I come in and I think that one important talking point we could add to that right is that rights are rights right so just because someone on our side I always like hey I'm super pro-gun I want to you know protect myself protect my family we also want that for everyone he if they're not pro-gun we can change their mind and make them understand that protecting their liberty is super important and we want that Liberty for others right we want people to express how they feel to have freedom of speech to you know not be persecuted for you know religion or all of those things right that go into our rights you know search and seizure property rights I mean all these things are I totally totality of Rights that the Second Amendment protects so when you can spin it that way make people understand that it's there to protect you it's not some oppressive thing where oh this person will the gun is going to try to put you down for the way you live it's to protect the way you live no matter how you feel about it it's called the land of the free for a reason you know freedom isn't free we have to fight for our rights and the keyboar freedom oh I appreciate that and look I'm proud of you all right so go go to college do you think and look when you turn 18 you better be going buying a long gun now oh we all have one strapped on my side definitely all right I appreciate it thank you my name is Jonathan I'm from Louisville Kentucky I'm here to show my support for the Second Amendment I'm also to show that it isn't a thing about race because I am originally Mexican I'm born here in the States but my parents are from Mexico so I'm here to show that it's it this right goes beyond race it's not just about oh well it's for white people it's for black people it's for everyone you know and I want I'm a little disappointed I don't see very many other Latinos out here so if there's any Latino viewers watching tienen que salir de aquí en sanaka tambien supportin las Armas porque este no es una recho KS para los muertos es para los Americanos que ustedes que decir s para todos so this right is for everyone it is it it goes beyond I don't care if you're black white blue green purple you have this right it's something that isn't you know it predates a piece of paper that is our constitution it's something that you're born with you have that right to defend yourself so I'm here to show support for that men don't give it to you and they can't take it away you're born with it yes sir I completely agree with that awesome that is such a refreshing perspective and we love to hear it and it's just super important for people to know that the Second Amendment and when we look at you know self-preservation life liberty pursuit of happiness all that good stuff it transcends political boundaries it transcends every single boundary because it's something that exists in everybody you're born with it it's yours you just have to reach out and take advantage of it use it embrace it yes sir I completely agree and you know I I honestly also wanted to meet you as well because I'm not sure I'm not a political person I don't really have too many political leanings and like I said I don't care what what race you are what color you are what you believe don't believe if you believe in God or not if I don't care about your political views the only thing that matters to me is this right because this right guarantees our right to to think differently to have those beliefs if you believe in gay marriage this right guarantees that if you believe that I mean heck if you don't believe in God this right guarantees your right to speak on that it's her to express that opinion openly and people don't understand that and like you know me personally I no one taught me this I grew up in a Mexican family guns were never allowed in my family I'm originally from Chicago Illinois so you can kind of understand where I'm coming from guns were never in my household no one ever taught me to love guns and you know growing up I grew up in Louisville Kentucky so they're growing up I never knew that we were even really allowed to have guns I never knew how a gun friendly my state was because of how the media would always portray guns whether it's in the news movies music everything video games guns have always been portrayed as something is inherently evil so because of that I never grew up with guns in the household and thankfully growing up in this state allowed me to to have that I guess privilege to to see boats to see both sides because of being from Chicago so I got to see it from their side their point of view and growing up now in the south I got to see from the south point of view as well so I'm very thankful for that and I'm just I'm just a patriot I'm no one special I'm not you know I'm not gonna sit here and pretend I'm some you know bad you know I don't want to I don't know if I can cuss on here so I if I'm some you know I'm not gonna sit here and pretend that I'm you know like a green beret or I served in the military I didn't my brother day he was in the Marine Corps but I'm not gonna pretend I'm just a regular person I'm just here and I love this country I love America I'm American first Mexicans second and I'm proud to say that and I just love this country I'm a patriot I really appreciate that and and also I think a really important thing to look at all of this in the light of too is that it teaches you like the way your perspective sort of forces you right to be a critical thinker and I think that's something that's missing in our society and it's not embraced as much in our society is the whole critical thinking skill right being able to think for yourself make your own decisions do your own research and come up with you know to you if something is important to you or not right if the Second Amendment is something you think you need well you do need it you just don't know you need it but it's important that people think critically and question everything I'm not saying like I'm super far down the level being like a weirdo you know conspiracy theorist god I mean conspiracies right all right so when you look at that really all a conspiracy is is something that everybody is already thinking about and just nobody's proved yet I'm just gonna say that I've seen didn't kill himself that put your tinfoil hats on guys we all know it let's just put it out there I agree though I agree it is important to be a critical thinker and you know I didn't have an easy life like I said I'm just a regular person but I'm also not gonna say that I had an easy life but for that I'm thankful because of how I grew up it as you said it forced me to be a critical thinker it forced me to question everything I mean I grew up originally Catholic and not to get into religion but I grew up Catholic my family was Catholic and I just remember because of how I grew up as a Catholic it forced me to think critically and question the Catholic Church and as of now I don't align to any religion or our church per se but you know at the same time like I said I I respect everybody else's right if you want to be Catholic you can practice Catholicism if you're Christian my brother who I mentioned was in the Marine Corps he's Christian he's recently changed from Catholicism to Christian and now respect that you know I respect people's religion I don't care what your religion is the only thing that matters to me is this right you know don't don't touch my guns a hundred percent and and I feel that a lot of people under Val the concepts that our country was founded under we escaped religious persecution that was originally why we came here we were tired of being told what to believe what to say and and that was a huge thing right our founding fathers recognized the importance okay of being able to say what's on your mind being able to you know worship what you want or don't so I think it is important too to acknowledge that fact that the Second Amendment literally is the teeth that protect every other thing you know what's to stop somebody from you know you look at other countries in the world and they persecute people because of this and because of that we literally founded this country to escape that persecution so that's a very refreshing way to look at that right and and I completely agree and just going on that I just like to say that you're right that this this right to keep and bear arms it's a teeth to protect every other right to believe what you want to believe to say what you want to believe or to say what you believe and that one thing I don't I'm not religious but my Bible is actually the Constitution I have right here in my bag I have a pocket Constitution that I always carry it's a perfect document yes yes exactly I always carry with that that with me everywhere that's my Bible and it's because I understand and that's why I'm so proud of being from this country because I understand that our forefathers and it does bring a tear to my whenever I think about it because they fully understood one thing that I firmly believe and will always believe is that without Liberty there can be no life a life not lived free as a night as a life not lived at all and this this right that we have it protects our rights to live freely and if you are not living free your slave and if you're a slave you're not living at all food for thought people well I appreciate you being on grapes with me thank you so much for having me Erika's very very great honor to meet you appreciate it my name is Joe Baxter I'm from Rabbit Hash Kentucky and I am here to protect our Second Amendment or at least I'm that's right well you look like you're prepared for that task absolutely I am in a what some people would call a militia group but I don't call it a militia group we're in a prepper group and I believe that everyone that believes in the Second Amendment should at least get some kind of training that way they can be prepared or at least a little bit ready for the upcoming of what could possibly become an outcome there's certainly an importance in knowing your community and knowing the people around you I mean even if it's just as simple as you know you and 15 or 20 of your neighbors that you know really well that live in the same area as you and having a plan right a disaster can be a wide variety of different things it can be man-made of course but there's also natural disasters that can occur and with that you know unfortunately brings out the most unpleasant side of humanity right people loot and they steal and they do stupid things and they burn cars and trash their city I mean especially in the big rural areas that we've seen like vergessen and all so yeah I can agree with that it's very important for Patriots to show solidarity with each other and with their local communities so that if there is something bad goes on you're prepared to deal with it and hit it head-on and and and survive absolutely you know one thing to keep in mind is for simple simplicity is 90 days of food get you a plate carrier and walk with it at least a mile a day that way you can get used to it and just be ready do target practice do push-ups sit-ups everything you can I mean I'm a big dude but I do it every day I mean it's the only way to stay fit and be I mean I've been wearing this all day since 8:00 this morning and not fazing you not when did it all I'm just so used to it I do it every day hey I appreciate you being right through me thank you very much nice meeting here my name is Ben Lanier I'm from Louisville Kentucky about a 45 minutes from here and I'm here to stand with the Second Amendment with with everybody in Kentucky with in Virginia and across the nation who doesn't want to see our rights you know slowly chipped away I think that's a pretty important kind of echoing statement that's happening today everybody's here showing solidarity and there's also folks from all over the country right and not just this state we're in you know there's folks that came from Virginia because you know they really appreciate the support they got from other states so you think that it's important for us to share these fights from state to state like if you're a state or two over and you've got time and you can drive over probably important to go support the folks around you absolutely yeah I'd like to I wish I would have made it to Virginia on a past Monday but I had logistics issues but uh I definitely met a met a good friend who's up in Ohio gonna try to join him in May at a rally up there and I'd like to try to try to support people in neighboring states also but I think kind of related to what the last guy was mentioning for a moment I think it's important you know obviously you know our second amendment is our ultimate right to protect our other rights and to protect ourselves and our freedoms but I think that you know these gatherings you know in Kentucky we're not under threat right now of any of these laws passing that's like a very very slim unlikely chance but you know could happen down the road we're here to hear for the Solidarity and here too you know I think the more that we organize as a as a community nationwide the more that we have a united peaceful but firm and uncompromising message ultimately hopefully we can avoid any kind of conflict I think it's pretty clear also that there's there's certainly some unintended consequences that the opposition to to gun rights and the anti Gunners they sort of wind up making this happen and they don't realize it but the unintended consequences by by going yeah we're gonna ban guns we're gonna do this we're gonna you know come out with this red flag law we're gonna do all of these things right what they don't realize that they do is it rouse people up and get some going and they awake sort of a sleeping beast right not that we're terrible or anything but you know it's just first place that's right I mean you know the Japanese they knew when they bombed Pearl Harbor they knew that they kicked a hornet's nest and that's what the ant eyes are doing they're kicking a hornet's nest yeah and you mess with the bull you get the horns that's right hey I appreciate you coming right some thank you appreciate cherry today my name is Brandon Hughes and I'm from Powell County and I'm here to show that power County is not going to stand up for what the government is trying to do against their second Amendment rights and the three things that people in Kentucky love is their family their guns and their religion and if you take any one of them away you've got a fight on your way that's right yeah I love the Coonskin cap you got the musket going on so did you have some possum pie this morning or last night now believe it or not possums not really good it's not so you've had it well I wouldn't I've never had it but I've heard that my grandma she didn't like it okay well it's all in the preparation it's how good you cook it right yeah yeah I mean it's all in the cooking of it I mean the older women they know how to cook you come to my part of the state everybody knows how to cook and they know how to hunt and guns are just second nature it's like going to the bathroom you know how to just like everybody else you know how to pull a trigger in Powell County just the same that's right it's important you know and and we've seen varying amounts of perspective in this video right folks that weren't raised around guns folks that were so the cultural war and I always mention it is a cultural thing right Kentucky is a state of gun owners and I think it's quite clear that we aren't gonna put up with it here in Kentucky and I think it's important that we show our solidarity and we're definitely doing that no I think so yeah I mean I wish more people would come out here today I mean there's not as many people as I would like this scene and more people it just makes me mad that people don't really get into politics like they should like to left us the left spends more money on politics than we ever did and we need to change that that's right and and I think too that they have to fight a heck of a lot harder and spend a lot more money to accomplish what we would I suppose perceive as being more but really though I think that the grassroots level like getting the word out just from peer to peer and person to person and and using social media as a really powerful tool to put the word out and then just getting people involved at a grassroots level like we're doing it literally right now I think that that has a lot more value than you might think oh yeah I mean if people would just spend the time and come out here and just see what they're talking about I mean more people would get involved with it I mean heck this is normal weather from Kentucky and people were scared to rain forgotten crying out loud I mean it's crazy and I got a black powder off when I'm not afraid of the weather I mean this man ain't afraid of the weather y'all you know this whenever they take my AR this is what I'm gonna have left and that's all I need I have one shot and then I'll have a club to hit him over the head with oh I don't know about you but I'm gonna stick to my scar okay and look I'll throw you one too okay that way you guys know we're not gonna deal with that we're gonna put you in more than a single shot well I appreciate it all right man hey I appreciate you all right it's nice meeting you Eric all right John McCain I'm from right here in Frankfort so short drive but I can thank you for letting me know that it was going on and I did a search couldn't even find any information hardly about it going on only past ones past rallies so without you I wouldn't even known the been here it's really important that we put the word out you know we have our tech service now I don't know if you guys are aware of it you'll see the details I think it's it's you Tex 1776 - I don't remember the number off the top of my head but you'll see it here on the screen chat we'll put it in there but we do have our mass texting service now and I think at the time this video is being cut we've got about 2,500 people on that text thread we've only had the video out three days and we're already up to 2,500 people on the text thread we're not going to spam you but sign up for our text thread and anytime there's a rally it's not necessarily just your area it's nationwide we'll send that information out in that way you can make sure you're up to date on all the rallies that are going on meet and greets rallies anything going on within the to a community that we feel is important we'll push that out to you my name is Daniel bond Bock I'm here to support the Second Amendment I'm from Dayton Ohio and I'm just here to support the the Second Amendment in a brotherhood and sisterhood and just here to support America you know you know we don't want these tyrannical laws passed and we just want to keep we just want to keep America free you know that's why I'm here brother a hundred percent I don't think and get more simpler than that the only thing is I have to bring a bigger camera to get you in the frame you know now I don't have my super expert camera crew I'm good I'm just running this thing all solo so you know I think it'll work though you're running your scar yeah just I brought the 16 out you know yeah I just threw it on you know I got this second my secondary body armor right here is just a little cheap one but I yeah it's just not you know yeah yeah man I love the scar it's one of my favorite I know you do brother you're one of the reasons I got I got to love them when you wanted to reason that bottom man you know what say you know you got the you got the 16 right yep oh you got you got the 16 inch 17 oh yeah I got 16 17 I'll have the I don't have the 20 inch the new now I know this this is about the rally but we're gonna talk about guns for say ìlook that now that that scarred 20 is a awesome rifle I know brother I've watched his stuff wanted man and I think that's one of my next purchases it's a good like eight hundred yard gun like getting out I did take it out to a grand it's like shooting it out of thousands a little hectic because it's a lot of dope to get out to a thousand with it with an autoloader but like six hundred eight hundred it's like spot-on yeah that's yeah I can't wait to shoot that for I haven't shot that for you there Thank You Man hey man well I really appreciate you coming out and showing solidarity for gun owners for sure brother and I wanted to tell you Eric man you know um you want a select handful of guys man you guys are you know some of the most important men in America right now you know with the with the gun channels like Tim colione the war mr. guns and gear you and Chad you guys are some of the most important men in America man and we need you guys you know you guys are changing a lot of hearts when it comes you know III both my parents are liberal brother and not to brag but I own machine guns you know I have my own company and everything so I all machine guns and both my parents are live where I like to crack that joke you know but um you know you know nothing was passed down to me I got my collection on my own and I and I and I support the Second Amendment oh I'm trying to change my my parents you know hard and the rest of my family I'm not only I'm like the only guy in my family that's you know that's as pro-gun oh people are pro-gun but you know that you know the media lies a lot so the media paints stuff the way it shouldn't be painted in the way it is and so you know and that's a problem we have today but I don't want to take up all your time we're just we're not taking up my time at all look it's important to that you mentioned that about the media the media because they can't use to get what they want they have to create their own facts out of thin air and they have to create their own reality you know and it's a shame that the media and in terms of especially you look at how things are reported the media and the news used to be about the facts like let's gather the facts let's be objective and let's put it out there and let people you know come to whatever conclusion they want now the media is a giant political machine that tries to change people's opinion by lying and coming up with all this fake crap and propaganda brother you know you know uh elementary school stuff meant propaganda school you know so yeah thanks Eric man it's great to meet you brother I appreciate you being here see you again brother all right thank you very much love keep doing what you're doing all right now next time give me some phone books to stand on earth what's your name where you from and why are you here today and also you brought the biggest rifle at anybody my name is Victoria I'm from Louisville Kentucky and I'm here because I'm tired of what they're pushing to you know get rid of our Second Amendment rights I'm here because all gun laws are infringement that's one here well that's refreshing actually in this particular group of people it's commonplace right in the terms I have we look at this you run your scar today yeah that's right you like the scar huh I do like the scar yeah it's it's a fun gun to shoot we're wearing your ALP and flaws your swiss alp and flage oh yeah so this is probably a good question to ask you you know we've had a lot of perspective here today and I know you probably heard Kerry speak earlier were you here earlier today when she went on about 9:00 9:30 okay you weren't okay cool one thing I want to sort of ask or mention or maybe you can just expand on this a bit the female paradigm shift when it comes to the Second Amendment right it's super super important that ladies protect themselves I know that it's a rite that's fundamentally like everyone's but do you think that there's this huge sort of Renaissance of new gun owners that are females that are looking like protect the flock so to speak I don't know I mean I'd love to see that trend I can't personally speak on whether it's happening or not I don't personally know many female gun owners I'm you know I'm the only one that a lot of my friends know so I haven't seen a huge uptick yet but I think more and more women are starting to realize it's a good idea to be arm's you know especially I think some of them or it's ironic how some of the more feminist types don't seem to want to arm themselves and then they complain about the patriarchy and all this you know unfair power and the easiest way to take the power back is to just pick up a rifle you know and and it's so crazy and and you're so correct there people look at this thing and oh I'm being infringed on or you know I believe this and I think you should believe this well if you're so upset about it why not like you said pick up a rifle I'm not saying do something about it or cause trouble but what better way to protect the way you think and the way you've lived then to arm yourself and I think that the common misconception that people have is that the Second Amendment is only for this side or that side or that oh if you the media spins the lie that if you own a gun you're crazy and you want to overthrow this person that person but I think the the more factual aspect of it is that the Second Amendment simply it's just the teeth of freedom no matter what your version of freedom happens to be it's still there for you right yeah I mean main reason I own firearms is just to protect myself from people that want to hurt me and I don't see how I think it's evil to criminalize that it's just evil to tell someone that they can't defend themselves from harm well now don't not only tell someone that they can't defend themselves from being hurt but also perpetuate sort of the idea that people shouldn't protect themselves all right the I guess the whole mainstream media social media sort of won a war right that's happening in terms of criminalizing even the idea of just being a gun owner right you know all these times that the media you know calls us names and says all these derogatory negative things about us in an attempt to change culture right so I think it's important for people to you know stand by the Second Amendment and stand by their values and their principles and be the change they want to see right we're all in bass the shooting community so if you wind up talking to other people whether it's coworkers or where anybody you run into it's important to be you know out there and say yes I'm a gun owner and this is why and and change people's minds with facts and with logic and I think most people generally kind of get it at that point right yeah definitely I appreciate you being on great to me yeah thanks great talking sir my name is Nick I'm originally from Belarus I've been in the States for 12 years now and I'm here to support the gun rights movement I think I come actually from a very restrictive you know gun culture I've been in the States for quite a while and I got into guns pretty early on when I was still a youngster and I'm one of those Millennials who are very very pro-gun actually so I'm against all types of restrictions with federal state whatever I always say that basically you know guns is basically is gonna be our last line of Defense's like you know if if something hits the fan we are the last ones who is going to be you know there to fight it I think that a lot of people tend to really undervalued when folks come from a very oppressive area especially when it comes to gun rights and gun ownership and the idea of that and the culture of gun ownership right when people grow up here they tend to take it for granted if they're not exposed to it and they're not taught about it and of course they're not taught about it because the schools you know they're not going to go out of their way to make sure people understand liberty and in that sense I think people really undervalued and they don't understand how bad it can be in other places and how lucky we are to have what we have and I will agree here because when I came to the States I was really surprised by how much ignorance around guns there is amongst my kind of people like you know my generation you would think like you know in a country that has like near half a billion of guns right now there would be more people involved but I come from a country that is really oppressive in that way and to me I kind of hold these things dear to myself I'm like we don't have a second Amendment where I'm from if they want to take your guns they know where they are they know what they are and they'll take them from you if they tell you just you know give up your gun everybody will give up their gun because the government knows everything is registered where I'm from so it's safe to say now this is a rhetorical question I know the answer and y'all know the answer he knows the answer but I'm just gonna say it anyway is that when a government wants a registry when they want you know all of these especially registry it's only so that they can take guns away when they get around to it when they get it you know enough names on the registry or then they just decide you know one day we just decide we want to do it and then they come and take them so registries are a terrible idea they're very ingenious ii and not to mention constitutional rights I'll mention briefly Canada's long gun registry okay so Canada there for a while they they had an experiment where they were trying to have a long gun registry and it wound up being so expensive for them to maintain and to take on that they just decided you know what the benefits of having a registry are so minuscule compared to the crazy cost of implementing it and maintaining it and we're just going to do away with the long gun registry no well that's what this to be honest like you know I'm very connected to Russian gun community because my wife is Russian I've been to Russia I lived there and to me registration like it's so pointless if you are a law-abiding citizen if you want to get a gun why register it like there is no point in that if somebody wants to do bad things registration won't stop but it will never stop them and a very good example of that there was a very unfortunate case of things that was encouraged Russia where a guy actually came out to college and killed a bunch of people he was 18 he went through the whole process and it takes like a good month in Russia to get yourself a gun if you got a shotgun he was still able to do this whole massacre going through the whole legal system so realistically gun registration will oppress the law-abiding citizens it will never stop anybody from committing heinous acts never and you don't need a gun to do one and it's it's certainly going to put a damper on the good people out there that want to own a firearm more than it's gonna you know stop the bad people that could possibly do something wrong I mean and the thing is to a bad guy that wants to commit a crime or do something terrible right they're going to use whatever means that they have to their disposal and even if they do want to use let's say a firearm it's not like there's tons of firearms are dead that they can't especially in Russia I'm sure that there's tons of black market stuff that I mean you're talking probably machine guns like you just go and buy a machine gun on the black market over there yeah you I guess you can now I'm not very much in the know how you see that one I guess but the finger of course not but the thing is you know there are movements over here with people like 3d printing receivers right now like you know even making their own barrels of course whoever wants to do something they can get their hands on a gun they can make themselves a gun and there's been a plenty of examples around the world that if you want to make it you can make it you will make it and the only people that will suffer after this are gonna be the actual law-abiding citizens you know everything will be blamed on us first of all you know blame the gun then we'll see about anybody else well I think what you said earlier really makes the most sense right is that if guns really were the problem in our country specifically okay there'd be blood running down the street there be the the the the streets would be littered with bodies right but it's just not the case right you don't see all of this this horrible crime that the the media wants to perpetuate is happening right and then especially when you look at let's just say crimes that are committed with a firearm I mean rifles right make up an extremely miniscule amount if you look if you look at the whole population and like you know old gun deaths you can basically combine everything including suicides you're still getting like 0.01% not enough to matter we have yeah we have people dying from other things on way bigger scales every single year and all of a sudden people are telling us the guns are an emergency no they're not it's it's so low on the total poll that it's almost not even worth talking about but they always want to paint the picture of oh well we're gonna we're gonna go after the thing that we feel from a standpoint of just looking scary right that you know they think oh it looks scary so we're gonna just go after that and the problem is like it is it is always like this and I think it's everywhere to be honest America is not exactly the only example of this we're just because the gun looks a certain way it's all of a sudden becomes an assault weapon the scary black rifle or whatever you know and realistically that's not the case obviously and you know when people are talking about all we have to bunny ar-15s well okay but I mean AR is kind of a mediocre caliber it's effective for what it is but we have so many other things available on the market and AR is just like some sort of crazy moniker that became a mantra for Democrats to just just push and just hold it's a scarab like rifle it's like you know a weapon of war well 1911 is a weapon of war more than an ar-15 probably well and the thing is too is such a common use gun that's that the argument I always like to make there are so many of those rifles in private hands and guess what they don't jump out of somebody's safe and go and go do some crazy crap right they just paint the picture that they want to paint you know the media used to be about you know gathering facts and being objective and just looking at things from a factual standpoint now it's all about oh what what what type of agenda can we push what can we do and sadly that's what we deal with objectivity has been thrown out of the window a long time ago I moved in here to the states when Obama got elected so I kind of went through his whole presidency and I kind of noticed that war was ten years ago for example compared to what is now it's so radically changed and not for the better especially for Democrats that I'm I'm kind of scared sometimes like you know what's what would the future holds for us I guess we just gotta keep pushing you know and keep standing together with all the gun owners no matter whether you like ours you don't like a ours like you know whatever your preferences are we're all gun owners at the end and we all should stand for the Second Amendment and we should always be against all governmental restrictions no matter what they are how can't trade rights and we cannot compromise we've been compromising since 1934 and it's nothing but a problem you know and has things become worse since then in you know in terms of like you know gun dance like you know problems with guns no I mean lately like I said it's been what nearly half a billion guns in in the country around that number right now if we were the problem you'd know it spoken like a true American I appreciate that hey I appreciate you coming on gripes thank you my name is Brett Ashley I'm from just up the road in Louisville and I'm here to support the Second Amendment and advocate for the repealing of all firearms laws that has ever been placed I think we would all love to see that we would all love to see that I would love to put that short barrel on the easy and make a little fun switch and have a grand ol time that's right and you know the way that I approach suppressors ok silencers is that I think they're a valuable tool for you know protecting your hearing right you know uh the the mainstream media and and and the people that have this horrible agenda against us they perpetuate all these Hollywood myth so it's you know only an assassin wants a suppressor it's such a load of crap every single person that I've dealt with that is shot something suppressed and full-auto special oh yeah they're there oh they all of a sudden if they're a gun owner and then they shoot a machine gun especially one with a suppressor on it all of a sudden you become like gun owner level three or four like you kind of go up a few notches yeah it's like I got a couple of my buddies that we have suppressors and whenever we go hunting they always let me use their suppressed guns because you know I always hunt with I actually use a lot with my Mo's and it's what I used to hunt with because you know it does the job but last time we went out they let me hunt with a suppressed from 18700 and I mean you still got to use ear Pro cuz it's still pretty damn loud but I mean it's so much better you know you're not sending animals running everywhere and I mean honestly for like a practical application makes no sense well that's enough a thing I mean you're losing 10 15 decibels and you're I mean it's not like it's not like if somebody was over there about a hundred yards and shot a suppressed weapon we wouldn't hear it we'd all hear them do it you still get the crack of the round there's a supersonic crack and my thing is is the whole shotgun and rifle barrel lengths that's what gets me that drives me insane you know the whole idea of this this whole rigmarole that we're dealing with with a pistol versus an SBR or you know the whole brace thing I mean it all kind of becomes a moot point doesn't it if you can go buy a pistol and have whatever barrel length you want well then why is the NFA even a thing why even have registered short-barreled rifle short barrel shotguns why does the barrel length even matter right I mean why is it even relevant I don't get it because like um a couple months ago I picked up a model a Uzi and I am I an import and it's got the factory 16 inch barrel on it in the folding metal stock and it looks really stupid and it's like the barrels are $100 but if I put it on it's a felony but it's like it what's the difference I mean if I were to take a little hacksaw and cut the stock a little bit it would be a brace so what is what differentiates between a pistol and like there's so many like loopholes and stuff like what's the point anyway they they want it to be purposely misleading and confusing because they want to turn somebody into a felon with the stroke of a pen that's the kind of stuff that we're here to fight right we want to see these horrible Laws repealed and we want to see them go away but you I would love nothing more than to see the NFA disappear right to have no registry to have you know suppressors off the registry to do away with the registry you have nationwide Constitutional Carry you know what I mean that would be great no you know permit lists carry would be great we would all love to see this we have to chip away at it as much as we can so I appreciate you being a part of that thank you all right guys it's been a long day we've been interviewing a lot of people and I really appreciate all of you who came and talked to me here at the rally and those of you who made the trip to come out here it's really really important that we show solidarity that we're there for each other that each States battle is our battle it doesn't matter if it's somebody in Washington State and I'm in Georgia guess what that's my battle alright because that's my country we're all while each other's countrymen here and we have to come together and show solidarity and I believe that we're doing that you know after all the folks that I've talked to and just kind of getting a feel for you know what's going through people's minds what they have going on it just really seems that there's an overwhelming majority of people that are just wanting to show solidarity for the Second Amendment across the board so we're really seeing that I was real happy with the way the Virginia video came together this one I'm sure it's going to be just fine so really you know thank you guys for supporting our efforts those of you who purchased Mankins t-shirts on the website those of you donate on patreon thank you for being a part of what we do and allowing me to come out and take on these types of events hopefully Chad's going to get to feeling better he's got the flu but you know what he'll get over it and life's going to go on but you know we'll have this video out soon hopefully I can get him over the crud and he can get this put together but thank you guys so much for supporting the channel and we have many more videos on the way and we'll see you soon [Music] you
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 81,780
Rating: 4.9354482 out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, kentucky 2a rally, 2a rally, kentucky rally, pro gun rally, kentucky speaks, Kentucky Speaks gun gripe, gun gripe, gun gripes, dick heller, thomas massie, pro freedom, libertarian, pro gun, iv8888 kentucky
Id: wkT3zsX8qOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 34sec (4834 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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