Heidi Baker at Dimapur Kingdom Invasion Sunday night

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hallelujah praise the Lord shall we all stand up together let's all lift up our hands towards heaven let's close our eyes for a moment I'm an Slavic gulity category bow I mess up hot hop aboard a race [Music] show me [Music] you're [Music] tonight is to know your heart deep - love you from the bottom of my heart willing to lay down our lives for you thank you Father thank you Jesus Thank You Holy Spirit surely [Music] and [Music] [Music] see that's it for the last I've made on your face [Music] [Music] [Music] your power [Music] if I could just see [Music] yes Father we acknowledge you know Jesus be acknowledging Holy Spirit we acknowledge for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever amen let's give the Lord a mighty hand of praise come on come on [Music] I like to give the rest of the time to our mama Heidi [Music] I [Music] we could just see your face [Music] [Music] Oh Jesus show me [Music] showing to meet you [Music] I could make it Judy I could just see your baby oh no never say sorry for getting undone never more Lord more Lord more Lord more Lords more Lords more Lords more Lords more lords warlords more Lords more large highly more Lords more Lords he's here he's here he's here there you go Chocolat why he's here whoa well come on shocked Arabic Arabic she more Lord did I read this and he sees his rekt it's so good to be wrecked I prayed in the Western world when I when I spoke I spoke on my face for about five years I'm so lucky them with Mozambique I could stand up but uh in the West I was on my face was a big baby holy I contend for this I longed for this that we all be undone the king will say to those on his right come you who are blessed by my father come on son ba ba ba she's gonna say baby come you you daddy's last ones come take your inheritance I want to see your face do you see update the Yule upon us tonight one way I remember you can see him I make it up I get the Cuba Libre is in the face of a hungry child book like he cannot say daikon by the cueball father said take your inheritance of our self Milliken don't somebody movie the kingdom rasgueado we pray we cry we cry out let the kingdom in abroad Nagori I'm a gun Conde up me like a Raja we cry out your kingdom come your will be done I'm gonna come to yourself in your garage y'all hear me off you like each other shark arava and Earth's as it is in heaven sarkodie Kimmy Goss a pretty with a homie when it comes time when it comes time for god's little homie harvard daddy gods ha ba ba to cry out come blessed oh maybe I'll even take up that inheritance that I've given you a down payment boy up ago they couldn't do some don't somebody they are saying to Lou it'll be the kingdom prepared the palace oh the glorious kingdom of God prepared Mahima rasgueado clean immediate diarrhea say I've prepared it he says since the creation of the world we know Panaji Brahm Wapakoneta are greedy shame holy spirits here but without my idea say my friend oh this is healing the sick he's healing the sick I'd be mad about curiosity is removing cancers cancer had IDs a cancer you need a healing from cancer just lift your hands thank you Judy up big cancer you can survive helium on a hot I can I shall get on you about to be thank you Jesus I'm evaluation so you run over to the healing tents shock Arava he's healing arthritis I'll try this Kippy bajalia say he's healing all kinds of diseases that have to do with the stomach Betty key monkey Kiki Simba Simba Mara see the soft I'm algorri hace ulcers are being healed so bubbly digestive disorders are being healed Avila digestion their better digestion father what are some algorithms a food allergies of all manner of food allergies are being healed right now Microsoft is our pal good idea say you you hear it you receive it up Neil who need me I don't know be Jesus is doing it ji-sook um curious a Holy Spirit my friend is here boy like I saw a popular achma yeah say Oh matter of allergies all food allergies they're being healed right now in the blood of Jesus but I cannot dick Dargo today allergic on sob kissing kissing vulgar esad sobre throat ulcers in the throat in the tongue are being healed you are obligate Rodney Alcala de keiki ulcers cannot say so baby healed right now if your Baloo be bowel disorders being healed right now you so does come about the soda ski get yourself a luge is a all manner of digestive disorders being healed right now now Jason Bohn Arkansas polish is a balcony they say Jesus said when I was hungry you gave me something to eat it's always your book like Adam the up Nemo get Kabbalah keep a decision can you see Jesus I'm new so get the chaos in the night can you see do you know that every human being is created in the image of God he saw he saw an Islamic on when I say in Gaffney Johnny 9 as a name do you see the hungry child buck up watch other Dickie naughty the game when you feed the hungry you give Jesus something to eat are there any hungry ones full of compassion are they are there any hungry children here Popat uncle miss of mine come on I mean he's speaking about physical and spiritual hunger Dietmar our moms with a book logical that we're saying ah remember oh yeah could be remember the poor Monica economy remember the poor Monica I was thirsty boy biast lucky dog and you gave me something to drink I row up Neimoidia kabbala decision he said he was thirsty I could say type yes where did Jesus go in the Bible when he was thirsty jisu just lucky in the bible it could be diagnosed a he went to a little mama my mama local DJ she's a little mama who had no child watch I'm not like that Malibu these I say it's in the book of John John de ganar see though Jesus went to a little mama and when he was thirsty he sat down Jesus like my mother would Josh I'll look it up Yas like he said I bleach it and he looked at little mama in the face Gerardus I said you know that there are many starving people all over the world ugly Johnnie name as an ape or a pretty with a book like I'm an abyss ya say altitudes in multitude mishima noisy lost how do you know hungry boo clucking desperate poor be monozukuri was it some of them wearing Armani Gucci and Chanel designer labels good Nevada like them design oh don't be fooled by their this guy be fooled by their disguise I gotta need to run like a dick he gonna uplink I'm tagging it took and open up will happen in a TV god wants to open your eyes he saw about me like a super cool it with the woman asked when he was thirsty he stopped for a little woman Mike we got he got piast like I said nobody else wanted to sit with her because she was a little despised little woman couldn't be to Mikey look what we will him undeniably don't make it like them sauce for acting like am i kick that accusation but Jesus he sat down will be easy suit i sat down he he looked at her witness his eyes he dialogued with her he saw her the kitchen he looked her in the eyes and Jesus himself he asked her Fred dream nice food is hiking out jisu bad I get but how will he give up on him and easy leaves his heavenly kingdom it's so humbles himself so humbles himself Sheboygan I'm a brat the Hogan ah he so leaves the streets of gold and is born among the poor of the earth Sean I love that Rasta Tata gimmicky bundle original family she's already carrying power and glory full of Holy Spirit sees one little woman she's all alone nobody wants to talk to her don't make it classic couldn't be could eliminate classic you know we have complicated revival to death today I'm gonna come revival let me make them I loved when our grim pastas Jesus is his qualification look Jesus is his qualification developer collaboration I say Jesus is his qualification Allah forgive us Holy Spirit's is method method ser vation perfect just perfect policy I love it I tried really really hard to figure it out I spent 10 years studying systematic theology those are my systematic college everyday one moment in the anointing Oh back to my story so Jesus looked at one little woman this is like my kicked aside and he didn't shame her I don't think it's so wrong to love it she wasn't clean you see she wasn't holy she was doing things that weren't pleasing to anyone but Jesus had time he had time and he was thirsty does anyone here in this field would any of you like to be a project somebody's project vamanos Nike kunavaram mondo like the combo voluminously don't go project Romano like the project hopefully Mona's not sweet amazing man of God I see no hands processing your yeah yeah I don't want to see any hands I want you to translate I want you to translate because without you I can't do what I'm called to do without the body of Christ we can't function I need you tonight without you I cannot do anything I need you we need each other so I don't want him to raise their hand because I think they understood yes would you stop was I so nobody wants to be a project couldn't a project call him one night but we want everyone to know the love of the Father but we're soft money but like I'm more on the qaeda voluminous a so if nobody wants to be a project did it would be the project holy would we like to be you who only want to say we would like to be seen I'm gonna say we would like the god of the universe who is the god of the universe who Stoops so low that he asked us for a drink hey man I'm gonna do is so pretty but not good I cannot eat the bunny act among us a kilo Lima say what kind of a God stoop so low give me cash or technoboy money chair money buddy argh oh my god Amiga nice or he emptied himself out and became nothing in the Georgia colleague rejuvenation he became even in the appearance of a man my moon is an illusion although he was always fully gone I know he's all really mean the mono nice now he emptied himself out he's okay colleague or addition it became nothing I'll write them cally wishes so that we could find out who he is by the corner sage anyone imitate I need yoga Kali Christian God showed himself to her sword need your geeky Mikasa I mean I'm gay because he stooped so low time mummy-ji he went so slow I'm on a stage I said any song I wrote down my ticket division he said could you please give me water I don't looking for all panicky low buddy boy now our God who is God's I'm gonna soar and even Jesus full of Holy Spirit as you walk to the earth it's a pretty view Adam maybe probably should abort no mistake about it it is called in the worry of even though he emptied self out he was still God knee-jerk allegory the limit is order usage but he could have just BAM hit a rock and water would have come out so I say the gun in a path or him are gonna be bunny all about they will party with a listen it Jesus full of holy spirit could do anything any miracles he sought me out never bored aqua NASA to connect kick will live in miracle any time the crew operable water would have flowed out Marty gonna bunny all up with your buddy willing but our God who is God stoop so low Olivia amical I saw you could I meet you I say that he chose even chose to become needy Domino is like the Wichita what kind of a God chooses to become needy Kimmy guy Sorek that Domino is I so that he could bring dignity and destiny to a man to a woman to a child victim on oh look at the MIT liver departure logo they up there like a minute ago he so humbled himself the Georgia tiny number authority as he walked the earth then he asked a little woman for so humbles himself so empties himself so becomes enough a man humble looking at Nietzsche I can make them Kali when I do it's born in the womb of a woman hey Mike you like a bit did you know my she literally is nursed at her breast I don't think I'm Mikey like a dude but you like another it what kind of a God would show us that kind of love our goal Kinney guys soaring the right man down warmer on the cob oh I mean come on I saw a bride the couple who is God's sake is Sora saying who is God that he would died in the house or of Deputies at the decisive tahadia say subgenus or say that he sees the one even dialog discuss theology should we your ship where should we go what should we do Derek Morgan he could evoke good deeds of all and he said that time is coming when true worshipers true worshipers gonna worship in spirit and in truth I don't think we say Lord I don't think we should go home boy I say a soul worship put a mana mahasabha up mother they get worship for the moon she went ahead she gave Jesus water you don't go to there you saw a bunny dishes nobody else stopped for her it was in the heat of the day you know I know about the heat of the day cuz I still live in Mozambique boys I make them think around a chaotically Mozambican I've been travelling ahead 1/3 of my life and now the Lord says it's a half but the other half is my own home and my own pillow in balsam b2b right actually medium was a big and I take my pillow with me to the bush so I am always on that same pillow the more what I Bush still looking at I our own weight every diplopia say but I feel very much at home here I feel very much accordion is not so there with Jesus though your sword I'll put it because of my home I know about the heat and I know about thirst and I know about hunger for Rome's I did that honey medium way to go home lava Johnny my PS because my my job my calling which is my Joey Kelly gula melaka come condo muay Matassa do previously previously two-thirds of my life Waylon bhakti do etymology digital is among the poorest people on the planet oh hell they know they're in need although that can tell you they can you do door gauzy nobody wonders about needing anything good probably do door card if you touch their clothes they shred in your hands like a product which if you go to a village when you go to a village the first thing that happens is children run who stood each Icicle a bunch of cooling any guy here thirst thirst just like a thirst is even more in a more desperate thing than hunger they're just longing for you to pour water down there absolutely bunny like I do believe on us a MOOC thing that's true thirst to our soup to hungers when you see bloated bellies bloated bellies and people sitting even sitting in the Sun because they can't move anymore and they have no tears left a suit book like you got the man wonky debate hooligan either with the roster deep weakness I'm super deep in the life I have the privilege of seeing that kind of hunger in thirst of the privilege with crazy awesome massive team we're like a team acidity Mike Pettine who believes that all of us can go slow and go low we must say that you do be strong program you can sob I'm making me cheer up I stay EE for a tribe who sees the multitudes and yet knows that God takes us back to you just seen your neighbor new cholo sorry that I never get a Kiva man ok be sitting here let me get your neighbor give me the Qibla parallel do you see God is interested in his whole body loving like he loves sevilla peace or no styling ACOG assault mono get more angry it takes engineers to drill the wells to bring the water to the land it took Indians an entire company of Indians who built the huge drill rigs that we now drill rigs with they came from India they came from India they came from India somebody had to create that beautiful drill rig wooden Obama no brother you do Matti Khandala commissioned open up open I would like it I get you laid somebody had to create this sound system on about the sound system open up all I get is a somebody had to create those cameras and somebody had this CB somebody had to know how to play a song good mother gonna go away Johnny more like it somebody had a gift to bring flowers no mother pool pool and it will let me like it knew how to make plastic jam a bus teachers when I believe somebody somebody somebody listen somebody listened and stepped into their desk no mama no hoonigan I think a lot listened and stepped into their place you know um you know Guney cannot mine Julia gonna take a later we use within the wheel within the wheel the wheel that's made up of children God's children you sure like a bunch I'm Robin I can either like the wrong somebody had to hear could Obama know who knew well again all of the circle to hear I mean gone so who never gonna apologize for that woman you do Michael she started to get excited I don't think Adam cushy but what he started to feel like somebody actually saw her how do people want to be seen my lord the Cuban people you want to be seen absolutely love big meetings I don't want meetings bottle again I love my love when God's people come together and worse he's so like a mannequin get that yarmulke rigna worship Him we do I love it I love it it's my cast I love that millions of people see it I love it my logic innovation my November Dickie boy don't get me up Robbie because it's encouraging for us to come together Callooh Callay it taught me gun shop Milligan I highly encourage Jesse are you encouraged couraging we got increase curiosity around but this stuff of kingdom invasion happens when we all go all of us go one by one by one by one by one by one let me get the amiga and action hñhñhñ Kalina job Oh into the I'm their Kingdom invasion - adorable come on everyday we go I mean you know what I mean oh hope I did not meet on Java or retail who died in engineers go engineers and chubby scientists gal Chinese Canterbury professors go chubby professors Canaries girl chubby missionaries go do you know what you need okay if you are gonna build a city to the apneic - the airborne over less you're gonna prototype somebody new people are needed somebody has to dig in somebody has to design and somebody has to bill come on the boondi well I get design girl like a bonala sorry a sticker cubano people over like somebody has to sell good Obama somebody has to nurse the baby monkeys howl again somebody has to do the things come on Monica come guru a lot better needed okay like a toe comfortable and we have some hell limited what it is to be a missionary down to this one thing preaching preaching goddamn me co-led do you know most of you are called to preach behind the pulpit I've even enacted a soft wanna do the pulpit Abra's are gonna come Adonai come on there are no lesser sons I'm a guy could become they become sharper than a nine it's time we start understanding who we are we cannot say would you believe time we should start seeing fathers destiny over a life of a gym and they keep manzil phonetic and I say it tooks securely homie oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] every child is called to full obedience got a manual you got it Matt DSS every child is called to radical love I'm gonna move any mother say and no one's called to be blind couldn't be no you know nobody's called to be blind conversable we're gonna bet on a mother life you will see people I will never see he will see people I will never know you will see people she will never know and she will people see people he will never know I've become goofy adjoining Ginetta man listen Amanda one a plebe imagine a monotheistic you vote aye that's not a monopoly the keyboard God created us for connection I mean created us for love Sorbonne become Milligan either he will girl a when I say I mean come on that little woman got so excited she went back and told everybody and everybody in her village came and heard about Jesus so Mikey the bishop who she went for like Ana Lucia so people just saw boosting - organization hallelujah come on clap for him you're awesome I can't do anything without to your soul okay I love languages I I picked up a few of them along with my brush up I like it we have 26 languages just in my nation Mozambique well - a Claddagh 26 we need each other I'm a junkie Johnny okay you know you hear about revival who's gonna teach in the school revival and I mean who knew you couldn't the school DC cover shaaka novice somebody good nominee has to say yes to their destiny good no bomb another dangling of manzil carne Roy at our Google i/o we have to see I'm gonna start seeing it I'm gonna pray tonight that there's supernatural site-to-site at Malibu super cool ball and that you're gonna see the hungry of the earth I don't pretty be they book leather the army Gandhi keyboard you're gonna find Jesus just look at all you're gonna find him there just should be up near the keyboard well come on he's oh he's he's crying out Oh somebody stop somebody see somebody feel somebody care somebody move good no mama no rookie be good mama no Dickie be Obama no mrs. Kubik Obama do he levy we want a kingdom invasion in Asia rapping on a Shetty Kingdom invasion like you know in an oil do you want it so what do you think it looks like oh it looks like all of us each one of us stewing the peace that God gave us to do I'm become something I survive kundo dignity you do curry will again every single thing is important so to do it now let me stop the and board and I said there's not a single person here that's not important in the kingdom of God it should become night could be night the only way we see the kingdom is when we all step into our destinies and we obey the one who is the one and we love him with all our a sofa couldn't manzil their maker give my dear sister di McConaughey Makarova it to them they are Megan is sola gracia to the keyboar anyone wanna be that one good abbas a the mono holy one time way in the back let's love him with all our awards I'm gonna die get more and more memorable and see the hungry around I mean oh sorry that a book like I'm gonna want give all see the thirsty realm yes like I'm gonna get the key ball let's take what Jesus is giving us sir tiny job record OD say it oh am I gonna go it's care I mean I would actually care I remember supplements actually care what's up everyone I'm gonna balls do you know this world has enough food to feed every child every child there's enough food to feed every geek lol a little pretty VD publishes it but somehow child still die of starvation there are enough preachers enough ministers enough lovers of Jesus over a billion people call on the name of Jesus vicious a come on are you a boo Romano Allah say a billion billion nobody what if each one of us each one of us Imam Germany though each one not some specially powerful amazing one only because actually all powerful amazing when God looks at us covered in the blood of Jesus he's all keyed up I applicant is so la cumbre cover gonna be cast master sons la allakum to come to the shop Borisovich [Music] you just do our thing we worship a shuttle at our site we don't see I mean we have programs we have lots of programs the programs in this big huge crowd of people not one person raised their hand they wanted to be a program money won't be Jesse tonight we need to be seen like you we need to be heard when you were lucky we need to be filled we need to care so we need to see each other we actually need to see sweetly to see like he calls us to see you again do you want to know how I started to see anybody there really quick vision the version and the vision version and the vision do you want to hear it some of you might have heard it but here it is again go out of a goal a very amazing man Randy Clark prayed for me one day Randy Clark and I said I was tired and I wanted to give up more do cannot exert much higher volume on that occasion but I went to a meeting anyway and I was way in the back the meeting was about this size now I might want to exhibit my way in the back and he was talking about God wanting to spend people how are they so look up with the way that you say mandala vodka that time billable you another my first thought was I'm already spent my boil up when you get machine guns fired at you haha you get thrown in jail you get beaten you get stoned you feel like you're already a little bit famous company commissioned somebody wobbly jelly Monopoly game Marikina jelly rocky to apne but it wasn't that I wanted to give up on Jesus I just was sick of mission so he tell him one giant even oil it my mission Connie lucky man look Jesus in the cave he's perfect love Jesus City came like the whole demo room gonna be so no more impurity so I kind of just wanted to get a minimum wage job worship Jesus in the King's me like he's a ministry to connect mom only coming tonight so Oliver super-evolved I already hired an audible voice go to Asia Africa and England what evil voices watch them Georgia I wasn't the honeybee oh no nice awh I mean one time in my whole life I heard the external audible voice well the guy's life the callee egg buddy I wash I wash back though who knew I wasn't gonna to fix or z16 how old so lofty so lost I'll make it a great day come on captured my heart it's sort of boiling up one realization and he said I don't think what you're called to be a minister and a missionary to go to Africa Asia in England I'm a missionary mother say Africa Asia England a I said yes started preaching the gospel by that time that I was super exhausted already been in Asia for 12 years England for three years and Mozambique for one year I was in Asia for twelve he said he would but I saw a girl in four three England intellectualism peak for one wasn't big exhaling I had I thought I fulfilled my destiny thank you Jesus I'm done somebody shoot me now my Baba now what is it a vision I'm gonna lose a voice Shaytan the software's Yamaha giggling my video I got tired boy good boy shame if they decided he put a gun to my head I I didn't care go ahead shoot me I'm tired mama no Mowgli mama methodically much sleep-wake what love name mummy could you come I don't know if it was bravery or exhaustion why another day the moon that was only one time sixteen machine guns pointed at my head I burst out laughing Oh 16 mission comedy was huge it was like it is pretty funny but I scare the devil wish I done gave I scare the devil wait wait Hagan a behind what anyway I was tired so I just thought I'll just do retail work you know I don't want to do anything stressful just bizarre how could you hurt thank you so so I was like they're loving so loud yeah keep going he's super funny isn't he yeah so so I was like okay god I'll do anything for you except could I please quit missions which is our way I'm gonna kick us off on eBay pepper cool cuz I took this literally you know when when you see the hungry feed him the thirsty the hungry I took it literally oh the guillotine hace muy give me colicky Nakano she took it literally guillotine asana graduation when you invite when you see a stranger in vitam in Abney knowing that exactly thank you for t-midi me so I just sit on a street corner anymore us that is I gonna get naughty baby hungry child any dying child I just say come live with me I didn't even know where to put him Oh God really mad at me would you sort of McGee like you can't put three children in one bed ectopy Saladin demotic ineligible I said where where do you want me to put him you give me another bed I'll put him in another bad mood I didn't give up I said whatever mukajee they're dying in the street in rags dying of starvation mouth creamy will he be solid impasse I was tired with the Bashar so I went to this meeting the meeting these I say some of you retired tonight frustrate good my mother take them out anyway you're in the right place you're in the right place in the right time can you go any up any picnics immediately so that man's talking about being spent [Music] do you spent God spending you give God your life like you can do it yeah you gave him yours I know it I can tell shut up I you don't hide it at all we are given only said you want to be given up need nobody moved could be human I couldn't stand it I could not stand it anymore hold in the buddy I just ran and I plopped myself right in front of that preacher and and I'm so glad the security didn't get me cuz I just start screaming me you know sobbing security one movie know the bazooka venom a logarithm is not they didn't stop me come on any lean hands on my head preacher we said God wants to know do you want the nation a muzzle me he saw Jenny volume on a safe name wasn't big like a dish nobody monoselenide Oh God sweet Jesus none of us can take a nation by herself right we're not know how anybody here gonna win all of Asia by themselves hello hey shampoo reasonable but the Lord let me yes or no is looking for catalyst a biggie be sorry I say for people who will say I will be the one that you asked me to be a polemic icky when I would the woman I say you do hobo any woman lookit I be sorry I say he's looking for those who will just say I don't care man would let me homeboy I don't even care how many other people you're gonna have to send a help mm wanna say but every gonna leave me boy I'm gonna give myself well majority ball I'm gonna see what you see and do what you do as much as you show me I'm gonna do it up Nikki DeKeyser grew up Nikki commonness a garage up Nikki kuru when I say the Corvo holy spirits starting to fall on people right now yes he's falling on people right now mono loco boarded a curiosity he's calling people this hunger to give your life fully to God look like I'm on the run get you some food I'm one day well it might be say God if you say you can give someone a nation I saw Julie happen acquiesce happening - Monica - people but I wanna nation it's all like that - don't know if you said you can give someone a city sure they openly break the city team Ohio one is city moisture needle of all does anyone go to bar Seneca does anyone want more than you've ever seen does anyone want to give yourself so thoroughly to go me Josh shucks they will in time I know kielbasa this fire could power could not shop around you could either walk well I said I said I screamed out yes and I screamed out with all that is within from where I was this is my head did not engage my heart my Raimondo come from I had I thought about it I don't wanna I would have ran out that building had I've thought about it and what it would have come in jail for the next 19 years ha ha ha I would've ran out of the building Judy I only look at 19 years and I'll get it killed will se the Janice you believe what I just screamed yeah I think I say and then he said the blind will see the will walk the Deaf will hear the poor will hear the good news I'd always show my wish I did banger manically whoa come bingo put on my new colleague Romano who who who who believes that what God says he will really do in you Goomba sauce bearnaise a sort of Aikido a guru buddy whoa come on I mean you guys down here here back there it's okay to raise your hand you do that I'm a no one has helped me police be sociable I had to do what God says it's over kid why he will do Thank You t-bone he can do crime you could've all up me pornography what about the Lord Jesus Christ said Jesus or pushing the kingdom of God is near Razia dogosaurus heal the lepers if the lepers can get on the gas tank Academy heal the blind super demonically to heal the death camping I'm on a crusade the poor bigger a man want to kill a me he's got a pond all of that do in my name well again I'm this soft creamy tigress even who would believe that God can do gonna be saw scream so through you apne brown what he said he can do like a cool quick guru buh buh buh if he has no lesser son's byron Dorgan to do what other night what are we waiting for woman keiko NATO piace the only problem is we are still blind WC cell you see that when you see more you know I was so I was so determined that when God said Mozambique that I would never leave Mozambique then I was determined not to leave Muslim big for even a day so lucky pneumonia Muslim big gonna go same way Monday night so I went to the street I prayed for every blind person there were lots of blind people in my country the time we went there poorest country poorest nation poorest people everybody's poor so the blind don't have any antibiotics they just go blind blind blind blind blind cataracts blind blindness everywhere the only muchacha de bicicleta time that you see Mui Chavez homemade them they dope on it you do Gary mannequin now he knew aleena but it also boutique another I was so sure that God was gonna heal the blind immediately when my source was a sort of poverty wall I Drive my truck around the city around the village looking for the blind jump out of the truck and grab them cuz they couldn't see me we look at Gary DJ Kanawa dominocus I say Gary bro like an Amway blodnik or you say can you attack a Makita Kulina but I believe the Word of God over my life way is all about what doesn't get Biswas goodie I believe the Word of God muy so la da da DB saw school I haven't seen anybody seen nobody not even a little bit of light nothing they would I would put their eyes into the Sun they wouldn't see one day one lady in a village egg Dini that time I get boosted a little hut hut hut Church might be like I'm on the leave she she comes in there with poor red rags and starving poor blind will down my cheek tight um got it holding or pulling little boy pulling her mic that way I don't make it equally bad to regional organization I started weeping crying out to God somebody needs to weep tonight somebody needs to know they need more power than they have right now it will happen even like a baby shoe a low-powered I say somebody needs to believe tonight they are who God says they are I saw Becky quite entertaining happening and a genetic phenomena Jenny will again come on somebody needs to say God if you said you can use anybody this are using me to they have any way up in the commercial about mortgage allow me somebody watching needs to say if you said you can use anybody you can use me come on John McGee I said you need the way I should happen more utility company go over a home or we need to be used by God I'm a I'm a dinosaur Gitchell about people again he longs for us to be used by God I believe wanna say he gives dignity to every human being so um I know you know what I do but when I say when they know Jesus you see that anymore washed in the blood sapote no longer or fence daughters so monitory tree the inheritance of the kingdom of God not telling up don't somebody'll oh man you're gonna say and in the kingdom there's no deafness no blindness no cancer no starvation I don't know sir and I say this you go put that man and I can't be I'm out of my cancer and I booked like I'm on an eye you want Kingdom invasion I mean I'm Kingdom amazing like a invade Earth or invade enjoy myself a little me let the invasion be an invasion of radical laugh a lot more on decolonization only where people are not projects but people are seeing mano de mano rats olive oil in a big people are seen by Oh God more room I saw more room who have I become another toll I'm on annoying day too I pray Oh day one I prayed for the lady she fell down a year I prayed nothing happened she fell down her white eyes turned brown Mikey gave pull up brother who said no I was so shocked I was shocked and I was sobbing and I was happy and I was I was just beyond beyond beyond rape victim wait for another blind guy oh and she had my name my name is i dead home mama Ida she had my name mama Ida they all start saying mom I too can see I thought was in my that they're gonna die you don't make it to the humerus a yes or then I stopped at a gas station prayed for a man with a tumor in his head a little band a mortgage I wrote you a story short I called my friend who's a surgeon he flew to Mozambique cut the tumor off the man's head praise God with us I got uses surgeons surgeons are a gift from heaven amen well of a sudden surge indignant thank you thank you madam she died about Q mocha DJ he serve a surgeon come capítulo pray God has no less her son's sort of delicate but uh but a connectome Gump in the brain surgeons surgeons surgeons are gifts from heaven they saw but the acevedo thought I mean God has no lesser daughters he soared up I get it again day two prayed for another blind lady in a hut BAM she went down screamed out I could see she saw me wearing a black shirt long story short she was totally healed her name was also mom Ida I like that magic on a brother who is a mighty big Ganesha both monitor Fabri arrow Elega sukoon he say that like a mom in the number-three I was very Pentecostal I got so Pentecost where are the black Hey disco hole we were renting it for our meeting pink disco hole I can abuse Quahog they were preaching one precisely don't worry about it but a big disco hall in central mozambique chamoy you sir I said never mind I said bring me the blinds were cliches come on honey behave even preach the message you should want a and a little ladies being led up there with a little boy pulling pulling pulling pulling it was so exciting I was like yes her eyes went white gray brown know that lost what'd he say I I had already been saved for over 20 years I had prayed for the blind for over a year no one ever signed three days three of them so three days three people saw just say that that's good enough sorry I missed it three days Dindin three blind ladies saw Dean - so go put the helmet on DJ come on three days you know what happened companies I knew he was Jason I was pretty excited so exciting that I bent down from the stage and I said what stage brightening Aquilino crochet what's your name lumpy like a monkey I said and her family started screaming up poor little face picture my mother died on my kicked occupation in our country when do we get excited we get excited they start tossing in this old lady mama de Cuba si what my other German friend with me she was angry we like the Germans everything said they've seen so much today she was she said thank you see what is her really not that mom Ida what's her real name the real name son I'm the Guido the family looked at her like come on you guys so she told you her name names mom Ida I love the number mama I'd as a mom I too could see mom I love you whatever they kept on singing and dancing and tossing up kind of lies a dance present my friend was shaking her head bowed her knees Mata he lies I don't kneel down Grissom here's the final point last day the 0.80 say I bowed my knees maybe whale of a sort of took a shame because I I was I was wondering what it meant I never seen anything like that you tune is dumb waiter I'd seen people healed headaches because you're seeing hundreds of churches planning Church gun blunt gravity Keisha but I never saw anything like that maybe I'm a healing evangelists keys anyway healing evangelists Allah you know I heard the Lord say Adam dim way so look we not easy you're blind apne andar zero I said what could she I said I feed the poor way book like I'm gonna kill a monkey can I that's pretty pitiful isn't it sometimes in Hawaii where the god of the universe tells you you're blind you tell him you feed the poor the pre-trip and isaura Abney Andaz Apna vulcan Guerriero and then got worse cuz he told me I was blind again no I don't like that do you were watching miranda's Amit on the Arusha pol a cover biology and I had the audacity of telling him I was a missionary I don't waste it on when God tells you you're blind so get up near and asik of all you actually need to pray for sight I've no sabisu wa namida pratik rouble again and right now it yeah a lot of you this shimano you just need to see again you need to see Kukui well again your neighbors no sorry the Hammond over all over India India something all over to time Bhutan day all over Nepal Nepal there all over your own Nagaland nozzle na you need to see because when it comes the time when Jesus was separate the coats it from the Sheep Araroa do psychology Allah Allah time cadet I saw a ball just so I can I get a lock or Abajo do you remember what he says you remember what was in the word apnea great so push a button the kick was gonna say when I was hungry boy book like Adam day you fed me up Nemo dick you lazy you gave me something to help my comedy show there is radical starvation out there soft a book like I'm an Aussie I spoke about it this morning God has given you fresh bread are you wanting me to love what that was about Nikita's on route DDJ you only can get this bread as you live in the secret place with Jesus every day of our life what is all all the apneic like we're not the harem be helped need to root the bubble but I want us to stand please marambra Keurig rivo I believe that God is gonna open our eyes in such a way my sauce is a surah G redeeming Allah suka quality ball compassion will hit us more on the palatable the third time when the Lord spoke to me and told me Dean by what I saw Bucky tell McGee coucher that I was blind boy and our signature I put my hands on my eyes with him a hottie I've been crying out for the last children would be shaken I couldn't see the hunger in the church good church their book lado de Kanaya I couldn't see any nation but my nation Mozambique muy destroyed a stick-on Akali Malaga days to Dickie say Mozambique but when I opened my eyes after I prayed for myself Hibiki diem I knew Joe got a partner who knows so vocally say I suddenly saw you boy up I saw you boy I saw you hungry boy booklet are you thirsty just lucky enough I saw you needing fresh I saw the church in Asia Asia the church convocation I saw the church in North America North America the church did you say saw the church in Europe Europe teacher sticky say I saw the church in in America saw the church in the islands of the world sobs are they searching Africa Africa teacher Scott Isis all the lost children of Israel Israel boys and woj Oh God boy so take take my little life and multiply me go Louie Louie Louie Louie Ginobili beloved if you could see them you will ask God to multiply your life Judy up neither schooling at the canticle Avenue so if you go boom will I got even got a bishop and I didn't if you could see you'll stop giving God excuses for why he cannot use you the Avenida de anza kaliyappa near it's okay I know Sonny Bono telling him how he cannot use an engineer and how he cannot use a surgeon and you will yield yourself to go engineer surgeons get a guinea a cello and a buddy boy - look we can happen Esau gave me the ball you'll stop telling him how a meager driver cannot move in the kingdom realm Razia direct the driver bikini become guru Nepal would open imagine opening the rockabilly start comfortable I'm an artist Here I am use me Oh buddy wake the artists I say yes yes he saw me my surgeon Here I am use me when the surgeon us a muggy jalopy I'm a business owner here I am use morning business like a malaga say ammonia gas mo getcha lobby I want to see boy did you want is there anybody any token of a say in this place yeah hey there wants God you saw get your order the universe breathing up analogous or to open your eyes you can see hunger and thirst look like a PS like a mano get DQ lay eggs shredded rags you see without the righteousness that comes through the blood of Christ sabe I mean I'm gay HOSA dynamic DUP an idea though into proposition of a Cumbre he we are in shredded rags and everyone who doesn't know Jesus Kisuke madam a is homeless because our home is with the father a big on some corner hominin is nasi lemak like a cordoba below what they say and they are orphans orphans all around you Asia there are orphans everywhere elephant's orphans orphans can be XI Asia they say because without the love of the Father we are not sons Killingly is so like a hola mi can't delegate but I'm no without the sacrifice of Christ Jesus we cannot be daughters cocooned o bolita and sacrifice Jesus has a message for you will it be jisu up like on these spirits falling on people right now yourself close your eyes lift your here look upon gonna be hot dog ha ve close your eyes lift your hands look upon gonna be a hot javi he will say to you who can see I am think we say kundi kiss a you who will stop every day for one egg jiminy me give me a good conru keyboard you who will love the ones eggs on give a good one for you who believe that daddy loves you daddy loves you daddy loves you daddy loves you daddy loves you daddy loves you daddy loves you a big on jewelry sauce crazy baba more aggressive baba more aggressive about more aggressive and instead of telling you he doesn't you just say thank you but my modem do Karina gobbling up Nene call me Bob and get anybody ever sees the heart of the father Robby Bob are on the levels lift your hand Avila haataja be all over this place receive the spirit of adoption Aloha spirit of adoption a dog growling ah Atma do you see the spirit of adoption admire his spirit of love Madame Lagarde my PSA receive Holy Spirit what's not my lu b he says I will give you another one my counsellor will come Holy Spirit will come thank we sham will helping you don't get the counselor but that would walk me to the art my people he will comfort you and counts you are up Ahmedabad council people Peter was afraid to even spend time with a few fishermen women Peter don't be she's gonna come Jared Mastromonaco time believe me because when he was filled with Holy Spirit only be that get it Bobby the hot mama batta who she could speak to one woman or a crowd of 3,000 I hate them on okey become mighty give me good luck only but I said 3,000 hands as Holy Spirit hits you boca rod Maupin to get your money bow as you feel heart your heart being warm up feeling a mundo quorum up mrs. Carreras you hear the Lord calling you it's all about I was hopin engineer wooden your screen you wouldn't yell oh my wife you driver you housewife you physician my look priest you I'm gonna strive Ergon bargain bootcamp Oregon you sound menus you musician you artist song all of the professions engineers engineers all of us all of us all of us sharp - sharp - sharp takes all of us like a tsunami waves tsunami nation our wave I mean I've seen the wave worry Tommy we Cody keychain the souls the souls in Asia is AA billion souls a shift so hot love and art Mullen how will they come by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one action action action action yield your tongue to God right now up in a book it's all gonna be the held your heart to God right now I'm gonna show you the media asked for the filling fresh fire of the Holy Spirit war feed rod mana daza I'll go I will run a muddy be the fire fire fire fire fire joy joy joy joy joy joy fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire tree tree tree tree I think I was hungry you gave me something to eat boy Poquelin I'm gonna keep on killing okay I was thirsty you gave me something to think about Kelly J when I was a stranger you invited me in nothing in the mono dakara ever never get muddy Shay when I needed clothes you clothed me Golikov Aomori dependability shame when I was sick you looked after me some believe on us in a nice someone I'm on SMA all around you all around you oh sorry sabe I'll be no sorry I've no sorry there are people starving dying hungry Manuel Maria's a book lucky now Maria say many of them wearing suits and saffron robes Missy mano on the suit and a couple I can only people here so hungry hungry huh look ligase poker yes I'm uh no one Jesus gave you bread they saw me rutila Jesus gave you drink swapnika commonly this is gave you himself news Oh Ganesha OH stop being selfish and me so many paparazzi's sons me Giovanni Bubba no would have but I know me no worse selfish daughters brand-new jewelry Papa Laguna Manila more selfish Christian need your gun abominable Christian novel they will know we are Christians by our love Alana more open economy mono gravitational settling all Christians pile right now everyone listening so nobody else in here lift your hands come on Tony I'm gonna be more column e yields yourself to God [Music] when I was in prison way more recently the harem day you came to visit me up me Lucas how many I say every day what I did hundreds of thousands of children are being sold for sex all over me she must have an Bishop but along with the magical book on eating and give be gris-gris sa all the reach sold is sold and sold there legally when I say they got jelly I see prisoners to the greatest tale the world has ever seen God is calling abolitionists they saw happening in Maidan say don't get my towel in there are people starving people dying people trapped model broken people sick muddle them or yes mmm I'm not booked lucky can a buggy get out who will say yes to being a son good Google hi boy yo what up say yes to being a daughter come on Amy Amy Amy Amy Amy I mean the king will reply Raja Bradshaw up the ball you said Kingdom invasion up I'm going keep them invention well Kingdom invasion look like something Kingdom invasion documentation at the game Kingdom invasion looks like every single subject of the King Kingdom invasion the sub Raja like I'm on a mission at the game having eyes to see kukuku Laguna like the king of glory mahi Malaga ears to hear who running a car like the King of glory Maharaja edition our hearts to love more umbrella come on like the King of glory Maharaja listen are in hands to give out there like a heart like the King of glory Maharaja nation our do you want the King Raja gave up me gooshie boppity-bop wanna say do you want to please the king of me Raja get cuz your bubble given what I say do you want to please the king of me Raja get cushy Bob with everyone I say how many come on Joe I can't well begin - honey do one I was really oh sorry really what Sabra really what's a bra really I was to be do you want to please the key oh sorry not a cliche bhavati one when I say do you want to please the king the kingdom is wherever the King rules Raja Raja who come July it was a does he rule inside of you up nila gabador day juvenile tyranny who come to lies in the night will you obey Him the money won a Money Ball will you pay good money banana money ball will you obey Him come on even on a man aboard he's sending you by opening it what is a he's sending you right but I are saying with eyes open hooligan up whaddaya say ears open God hooligan abode is a hurts more love life more Impala ganapataye say in hands with fresh breads ro8 a sorrow t looking a hearty looking up at is a who gone job or who will good job good job good job oh cool John Bull couldn't jump oh good job boy kou-kun job oh good job good job good job good job good job good job good job Chappell Chappell fire juhi IV is falling on the sacrifices commands and sacrifice karateka nobody is a fire Julie is a fire three fire three fire three it's here yeah that's it all the volunteers all the volunteers what does this guy look at there's go you just run up run up sideways back ways anyway you can't run up to the stage and kneel down all the volunteers all the Power Team run up run up because you're gonna be praying for a long another couple hours you're gonna be praying we're gonna end the message but you're gonna pray all the Power Team run up here up to the stage counselors Power Team consoles power teams wanted there so maybe you just come you said you said you said you ago you said you will go come on come on you said you would go you said you will go you said you will go you said you will serve you said you will go I want you to kneel lift turians all of us all of us all of us someone or someone Oh Joe give me all of us all of us all of us all of us come on guys all the Power Team Kali counselors power people in there someone over they the counselors counselors power demon leaders come again save you I want you to lift your hand what about Bujji be someone at all counselor yeah yep yep yep counsellors volunteers are a power demons you're about to serve you they're about to serve you like an ugly don't you save us I serve you in a minute all the way to the back I can appreciate it though eyeball they're gonna go all the way to the front on a frontier eyeball they're gonna go to the right they're gonna go to the left die buying something trouble with a gun they're not gonna go with a little power inaudible noise you're gonna go with great power now our power Lina Georgian and even is this this broadcast is being broadcast I pray for the power of the resurrected Savior to touch you ro TV become boots is my original signature a lot tougher probably to Hanoi in progress a okay this stage can take it there's room squishing I mean you just squish it you just squish it all of you all of you on the power team squish in the other side all you volunteers volunteers you got prayed they already got prayed for today you're gonna help us [Music] [Music] ha get the troll Oh Oh setup [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Nagaland & North East Cornerstone Channel
Views: 2,068,514
Rating: 4.5967665 out of 5
Keywords: Nagaland North East India Northeast Cornerstone tv heidi baker, kingdom invasion, heidi baker, dimapur, revival dimapur, revival nagaland
Id: kJBWme3zpYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 21sec (4941 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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