2015 Southwest Believers' Convention: Don't Forget the Cloud (3:00 p.m.)

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if you got your Bibles would you turn with me to the book of Hebrews chapter 12 book of Hebrews chapter 12 I want to close out my part of this great Southwest believers convention here on this statement about ready to say you know since the social media has come we have lost privacy I mean you got drones flying over your house there's Facebook and Twitter and I don't know I think we got don't we have 600,000 people on Facebook that we have in our ministry or whatever 2.2 million view I'm you gotta I mean you never you know people just watching you know and but actually you've never had any privacy at all when it comes to heaven and earth because there's people watching and listening and what we're doing at all times I'm gonna prove it right now and Hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 it says wherefore seeing those who were seeing wherefore seeing we also are encompassed about with so great a cloud the witnesses know Seth let us lay aside every weight and the sin which is a so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us why verse 2 looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith now let me tell the ministers this some of you guys might build a church and you get into financial trouble did God author it or did you author it see God's under no responsibility to finish something he has not authored and you might just want to do something in and all of that but did God author it because if he authored it he will finish it looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him knows who's enjoying the journey endured the cross despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God I'm not go back to verse 1 wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses time of this message today is don't forget the clouds because see there are people watching you or listening that you never thought know anything about you there's angels all over the planet earth and you you have entertained them every one of us that not even realizing it unaware you be surprised who you may be talking to so I made up my mind are you saying that if my mama's in heaven she can see me well maybe she can maybe she can't but I know something there's a great cry out of witnesses I've went before us and they want to know what we doing and I person to believe this I'm going to tell you this you don't want to believe it you don't have to believe it but when my mother went home to be with the Lord in 1982 my Meester she went home did the Lord about 8 o'clock in the morning on Easter Sunday and my father asked me if I would preach her funeral I said made that on I mean I was you know I was the preacher of the family let me just say O me your momma would love that and all that kind of stuff well that's easy for you to say cuz you don't have to do that you only got one moment in your life you understand what I'm saying so I did and I was just really struggling I thought my god what am I most saying I'm gonna do this and you know everybody family waiting for you to break down everybody looking for somebody just a break down you know just concept and I thought my god man what I'm gonna do and the presence came in that room and it was the Lord I knew it I felt it but with my mama - but did you see no I didn't see but I know my mama's voice my mama right now she'd holler in the back of actor Jesse I know I voice cuz he's been by behind me with that voice many times with a broomstick switch skid and I and my mother was a soldier boy I mean she was tough as a nail for a woman so I preached old soldiers don't die they just fade away General Douglas math arc of it Mike author's uh you know speech to the Congress cuz she was a little soldier she just faded away from this life and she said you'll do a good job you can do it I heard that with my ears and I heard the Lord said yeah I've chosen I've had made your dad and I did 47 people got born again at my mother's funeral I listened I didn't have a chance to give an altar call and my mother always wanted flowers she said oh because my dad was not into giving flowers my dad gave my mom a set of roses one time in her life and they were plastic that's true because they don't wear out my dad didn't have a lot of sense 12 for astok and the funeral parlor asked if we could use our ministry vans just the carat of ours cuz they were everywhere I know Mom I believe the Lord let mama see that cuz she always loved flowers it was it was just a great day and I preached that sermon and I don't know why humor follows me mama had the biggest funeral in this funeral parlor they had several other funerals going on at the same time all wakes let me say that the funeral but actually we had the main chapel and all that kind of stuff because of the amount of people but to make a long story short the microphone went out now I'm standing like this and but you couldn't see the funeral director he was on his hands and knees and I looked like that and there's flowers everywhere you know because my mother's coffin were like wrecking fly was another kind so he just told me to do this so I backed up like that and he crawled on his hands and knees stuck his hand in that kind of look whooping looking vain whatever they use you heard he goes but what he did was hooked me up into three other wakes true story hook me up in three other wakes that are going on in this massive funeral place now I'm on my preaching my mom and now I'm preaching for three guys two guys one woman I didn't know who they love so people sitting anyway else and they hear me talking old soldiers don't know and then people literally got up and walked out of their own wakes and came over to where my mama was my brother was leaning up against the back wall this man said I don't know who he is but I want him when I die and all of a sudden I felt the most strange no my no accident ask people they want to get saved I said if you want to meet Jesus I had a chance to say and 47 people lifted their hands up so we got people say that Mama's feeling it was amazing I mean even the dead follows me it was a wonderful time but you know what I really believe that now you can't prove it's true and I can't prove he's a nice lad who said I really believe the Lord allowed mama to see that because he wanted to see what the flower man she wanted to see that city it was such a blessing wherefore we are encompassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses now what does that mean me and you that are now living in the flesh right this now we are called to be trustees of God's final word to mankind in Christ Jesus see we are allowed living physically we are God's trustees of his final word to mankind in Christ Jesus this is the age of Jesus Christ ladies and gentlemen the prophecies have almost all under the environment you probably they made maybe seven prophecies left to come to pass we're living in the age of Jesus Christ and God has entrusted us as trustees of his final words now people say well don't forget the clouds and not only do I have people watching me that are alive but I know heaven wants to know what's going on here they're interested they're not dead you see what I'm trying to say there's an economy going on up there is but the best word I could use there's something happening you see so if we call to be trustees of God's final word to man County Christ Jesus been the great the greatest essential of our faith and life is sincerity Sal sincerely believed the Word of God I'm sincere about the Word of God I'm not embarrassed about the Word of God because I wasn't embarrassed about sin when I was a sinner if I wanted to smoke dope and I didn't even go to jail I'll smoke a joint in a second I used to make big joints don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about before I will say if I drank a fifth of whiskey a day I smoked a little dope a week I snorted cocaine PCP crystal meth when crystal mett won't even know whether like we make it took hi I mean Chuck trips and never left the house oh just come on back the miracle of God I live my own doctor said I won't live to 24 years old because of cirrhosis of the liver something you've heard me say that but you see when I got born again all things passed away I became sincere about the gospel why not only so that you can see Christ in me but that those that have gone on before me that great cloud don't forget the clouds because you see they paid a price that I am NOT going to do great I've refused to stomp the blood of Jesus Christ on the ground so these great men and women that have died for this great cause to mankind some died preaching Jesus Christ in foreign fields you don't think I know what's going on I really believe they do so we called to be trustees the greatest essential of our faith in life is sincerity see we are not beginning things we only carrying them on see what I'm doing today is just carrying on Apostle Paul's ministry we're not just beginning things we are carrying things on everything every time you preach a message you caring on the person that wrote that epistle that ministry let me say it again we're not beginning things only carrying them on we as believers are bringing in the final age of mankind we're living in the age of Jesus Christ I would be totally shocked if Jesus did not come in my lifetime now if you know if you don't come get me I go get him anyway I'm going that's not there sure I ain't afraid to die I had a man estimate with them aren't you afraid to die no I'm never died kind of dumb that's stupid to be afraid of something ain't never done I cross that bridge when I get that but there's a generation that won't see death how many all believers you yeah why can't I be the reason why I don't want to die I like to go in the rapture some people don't believe in the rapture stay here but I want to go for that ride I want to do that you see I'll be at 39,000 feet in about an hour an hour and a half from now flying back to New Orleans I've been I've I've been I mean I've been apartment 62,000 feet before I mean I've been up there I've flown the Concorde I'm talking Mike chew with your hair on fire me and the poodle $10,000 a seat and the lady was going shopping in London and she brought her two dogs with her $10,000 a piece for the dog the dog didn't go in the bottom of the car on the seat that's when they hit the Concorde I don't forget that I said man what are you doing I'm going to Harris I'm gonna show up today and I'm gonna take the Concorde back tonight I looked at the dogs and they're just us two poodles they got some rich dogs in the world yes dad I said rich dogs I'll never forget that look like and he went him they start feeding the people and they went to put the food on the floor ahh she said nope put the tray down them dogs at $10,000 a seat now these guy damn dogs stuck the two paws up on the tray and ate their food like everybody else ain't nobody said nothing and the dogs didn't seem to mind at all pull out the dog whoo-hoo hey come on see that with my own physical eyes that lady loved her dogs she was sincere about him she believed in him enough to pay $25 the Gorder she trusted them dogs and dogs trusted her it was amazing the Caesar somebody you've traveled with very very very what I call a super rich ain't talking about somebody got a little money I'm not with a super rich super getting past 100 million Mach you know getting to the billion flow super rich and you know they the sweetest people you everyone meeting you is the ones I think they got a little money that's mean as a snake I know several billion s then a nicest people I've seen you laugh how you doing Robert man I should like your house what oh man what you flying today I get around somebody I got much much I don't think y'all had a plane how much did that plane cause they never asked that there anything we can do for you Reverend I said not a thing not a thing they like me for that don't shout me down with a preaching good why are you saying that I'm a trustee the only Jesus they may ever see is the Jesus in need don't forget the clouds because not only am I being a witness to these that are alive but I'm being a witness to those that are going on before me are you hearing what I'm saying the eyes of multitudes are upon every one of us past and present I'm telling you well I'm not a kid they can't know what Moses and Elijah knew where to go they showed up but not Transfiguration you don't think they saw Jesus climbing that mountain don't shout me down when I'm preaching good listen to me that's some stuff out there and you will never know it's amazing what God will do you don't tell us everything you just expect you just experience that as a trustee of God's Word that's why I refuse to make an excuse for the blessing of God in my life whether spiritual physical or financial some people get mad at me only main figures and I'm not showing off I could care less about that I don't mean that I'm just giving God glory you see I don't know why people can't understand the glory of God on the financial side I mean my son and you've heard me say this before somebody got up here tonight and said you know I was the biggest center for words ever seen but I gave my life to Jesus led night y'all shout screaming I look alright I got look at that somebody walk up there so you know I had that pancreatic cancer y'all talking about but I went the big guy checked out there's no cancer survivor' screaming-hot glory to God bye structure here somebody get up inside take you one thing block I gave an offering Monday night and my lord I made I made 37 million dollar letter I am so filthy rich don't know dude myself some of y'all say wonder why you gotta say that he or not be saying it like that dang right even talk I get am I telling the truth but if you can give God glory for salvation give God glory for him and why can't you give God glory for the blessing of Finance it's the same God it's not bragging it's giving God glory you see and those that have gone before see it too I wonder how many of that made know something you know we should have believed that maybe we wouldn't had it as hard as we did don't shout me down I'm preaching good you know how many preachers to me I would suffer son you're gonna suffer I didn't that doesn't mean I didn't have hard times no no right now yeah but that's not suffering all times I just knew God would and it wasn't hard to believe that why cause I don't complicate my faith I learned it from children they don't complicate faith you tell them something they believe it you tell your children I'm taking you to dinner where I go down the street telling that by we going didn't work y'all won't come with us okay how much it cost how much the tickets are okay about any of that see they don't complicate it we're not God's adults ladies and gentlemen we're God's children don't complicate just believe I mean when I tell Cathy to go shopping on when she tells me she's going sure I don't complicate are you sure now I know she says I'm gonna do this ain't no telling what she gonna come back with it's just okay to me then Megan give it to me I don't care I don't mean that rightfully I meant we don't complicate it so I refuse to complicate it because see I hadn't forgot the clouds I'm going to be a representative Jesus Christ and I'm gonna be a representative of Moses and I'ma be a representative of Elijah and I'm gonna be a representative of Elijah and I'ma be a representative my god of people of Kenneth Hagin who's on having all these people are in heaven why not glory that God and all of these schambach won't somebody want somebody run around this tent somebody I did like RW you know I you know how I met him he gave me a compliment on KJ in first radio station ever went on a mullah he came on the eight o'clock I came on at 8:15 he said I want to tell you how I want you to listen to me now there's a little Cajun preacher coming right after me I don't know him but I heard it me name is Jesse new planet and you know now you know I know the proper when I hear it and I know that knowing when I see it then when I go off Jessa come on you listen to that one compliment I rented the Lafayette municipal on until nobody ever filled up the Lafayette Municipal Auditorium other than RW schambach and Jesse new planets because he said that people games are coming cuz our never said you okay ah God you see he was a witness and then we became friends and that was such a blessing of the Lord see the eyes of multitudes upon us past and present are you a believer listen to this we as believers mistake all faiths all truth and all hope on his power you got to stake it we as believers my lord listen mistake our faith all truth and all hope on his power I just do that I'm gonna get on an aircraft in a few minutes I can't fly it but I got pilots that can fly it but I can buy it they can't buy it but they can fly it I can buy it and I can't fly it but if we get together we go to New Orleans so I stake my life today me and Kathy and Pat and pastor Nathaniel and Michelle we will stake our life in the training that I have paid for input on those pies they gonna take us out of there we can be flying about 580 509 maybe 600 miles an hour don't take home to get the new order when you're flying like that and we're gonna sit down have something to drink and they're gonna fly that plan why cuz I stake my life on now they're staking their whole financial life on me that I will pay for them and I will pay them they have no they don't they don't know the finances of Jesse Duplantis ministries this girl here works for me oh yeah no Freda she works in my partner services and have you ever ever been late with your check no never been late ever even doing Hurricane Katrina fact they shut down them but they wouldn't let anybody get into New Orleans I sent my finance a drug that's how I gotta get that injects I gotta pay my people and they say you can't go on it my finest director and there was Tammy moon here she said listen to me preach me I got to go get some money to pay for people you know y'all got some money yeah she said let him through gonna let her go she got some money paid our people they were in four different states it was an amazing thing now we became a witness to a lot of ministries in New Orleans we're calling our ministry the employees of other ministry said did y'all get paid yeah but Jessie paid us the next day we had paid in six weeks see some of those ministries forgot the clouds Fritz has been with me about 31 years have I ever been late on your check not wonder not bragging on that we're giving God glory why cuz God always filled up the accounts why because he said he would supply all I'm a witness to that and so of many others so we as believers mistake all faiths all truth and all hope on his power he said we should have enlarged mind own conviction and affirm will see small minds I'm gonna say some small people will never understand great people not that the great people is better no no it's just that if you got it if you give God puts you around somebody smarter than you shut up and listen and listen you learn something you know I wear out sounding probably know a little bit about finance okay but I was raised very poor you know what I did I was fifteen years 14 years old I found the richest man in my town his name is Madison Funderburk ml Funderburk whoo Lord he owned two banks in town and everything I own property and I was a soda jerk anybody know what a soda jerk it and those days every drug still had a soda fountain you know you'd go get you a prescription whatever and you might get a malt or you know soda cherry coke this is when sugar was wonderful for you know yeah you get anything won't drinking then you want it was a great day and he would come in and we served ice cream there is some great ice cream ice cream was ten cents a scoop okay it was a nickel and it went up to ten cents y'all remember when a coke went to six cents I like to had a fit I said we can we gotta quit drinkin cool well when we'll get another penny ain't got the little pen mister Funderburk coming in I said mr. folliver you delicious man in town he looked at me he said yes ma'am I said I want to take you to lunch he looked at me say you want to take me to lunch cuz he like black walnut ice cream Jerris of a Lexington we found a place where they serve that's the you know hardly ever seen that anymore he said you want to take me to lunch he said where you want to take me to lunch at I said I'll take you to Samaj which was the best restaurant I saw watch you have enough money for that I say yes up I said I want I will let's go to whole course he said we're gonna talk about I see you gonna tell me how to get rich he looked at me said little man I'm gonna take that when do you want to go I said tomorrow I showed up I ate as slow as I could eat I wanted to hear everything he said and I sat there and he began to talk and I listened I said don't you get a steak cuz I knew it took a little time to get a steak is it I mean I went the gauntlet man dessert everything when I finished I still use those financial principles today why I wanted to go somewhere I had to witness something mile and you know he knew a lot about my heat cause he's passed away now there's many many years ago but I mean when I began to get blessed he said me and I said how'd you know how'd you know to do that I said well you know I at that luncheon what launched it I took I took up ML fund about you take out management you saw that and it was a wonderful thing see why because he was a witness to me then I had to witness to him because he lived a lot longer that actually whether drugs always was right across the street from the courthouse so a lot of lawyers and people I would come across and get the shoeshine there was a shoeshine place that he ever heard popping a rag you get a guy like a flat shocked me Kushiel's up in the middle or something it was another day in time it really was it was great it really was boy these lawyers getting it and I died serving my scream and stuff like that boy I got here more get about all that kind of stuff and I won't be listening that day they say you listen I said I remember us I don't just listen I remember I said cuss one day I'm gonna get a soup like you got I didn't have a soup I got I said one day I'm gonna get a soup like that and I said it's gonna take work that's one thing I can do is work he see what I'm saying they were witnesses to me well after I came to the knowledge of Jesus Christ even till today Abraham is a witness to me I am the seed of Abraham I'm related to the man y'all should have shouted there so are you I'm physically related to him Abraham Isaac Jacob Joseph Jesus Jesse I'm in the lineage and they left such a wonderful track record but they're not dead they want to make sure that we do right with what they left us with you see what I'm saying that's what I'm talking don't forget the clouds who should have a large mind listen to me wake up hear a strong conviction affirmed will we must be a witness to others that our confidence in God must never be misplaced my confidence in God must never be misplaced I've said this many times oh you're something I'm gonna get mad what I said it I have a hard time sinning I just got to get in the flesh I gotta make myself but if I crucify my flesh daily instead of Sunday I don't fulfill the lust of the flesh I ain't the ugly as a man in the world I get hit on every once in a while can you believe it the craziest thing I believe mullah hung up my girls I can be their daddy and granddaddy you've heard me say before they think I got money they write I that ain't my money that's Cathy money she ain't give it a no huh say you've heard me say that I don't know what a hussy is but I know Catherine don't like she ain't much on the hussy I've walked with Cassie she said coach oz I said what there's a hussy over there I want to mother most I'm a little greasy but they cute little hussy that's hustle wynacocha okay well and then you might get the Vig what'd she look like whistling you only knows you look like I know I don't know see we must be a witness to others that our confidence and God must never be in this place I can't miss place that I don't want to hurt you some of you like me and you found out I committed adultery that would hurt you I'm not gonna do that ah no you see what I'm saying it's a craziness years ago why I'm so glad I got my own plane I've been flying not my own plane since 1994 but when I used to get on planes me it's amazing I mean any people will do admit it's an immoral world and mom I mean I've sat on planes but on Delta Airlines and women grab my leg and I tell me Holy Ghost in that leg they turn loose LA was what I'll sounding of crude I've had women stick their breasts in my face when I went on I mean I'm you know I mean you're trying to give him an engine and you kidding you know it and I thought the my said look at this did ever see what you think about that I ain't thinking about that I trying to breathe look at Kelly uh I have had that happen and that Devils trying to work on you I've had some people say where you going that's the dumbest question as a person they sitting chewing the same bland what are you going the same place you are fool you're on the same way that's a stupid question one of the funniest thing I think I was editor believers convention I got a phone Southwest Airline yeah say cuz they got them seats in on it facing like that boy this lady coming in I mean see it short dress I mean super short very buxom is that the right word a million and no song could hit a feat you got the revelation there didn't you I think we'd never get sunburned our heels so y'all got it yeah I got it I'm reading the USA Today I have a taste I've said too many guys is so funny man sorry all of a sudden I see these three guys next time they go boom Lord look at this fellow look at this mom and I just kind of look like it but I had my I was reading this article I want one defense and this lady comes up to me sticks on these book bumps my legs I look up and she goes hello I said hello the guys go Paul you know man's so stupid you know huh she said where you going stupid questions it's the same place you are she said well if you have time I have time happy I don't care these three guys Oh oh I mean if you're black you get your lien no one even know what I'm talk about there get the lien go answer and I mean she could pick me cuz these three guys are just freaking out man they just love all this I said uh-huh you wanna mess with me DEP I said ma'am would you please back up like this you know would you would you please back up a little bit so she backed up and I just got up please full and I smiled at when they three got going here I just pointed my finger there I went home Babylon Oh Babylon she goes crap and come off to the back and those three men said this room and said where's Babylon we go on the Babylon i sat down took my USA today and finish my article and ever didn't mess with me no more like only thing if you don't embarrass sin sin will embarrass you forgot the cloud up here we have to stand an honor to be respectful and honor and live the life Christ wants us to live and a woman's not a sexual object to be conquered see that's been put all over the world for Millennials it's wrong hmm that's what I mean we must be a witness to other that our confidence in God must never be miss clay I can't help myself you don't David fell wait David ain't your example Jesus is your example David enjoy example Moses ain't your example even though they left a good track record but they got they got some dirt back there but Jesus ain't got no dirt you understand what I'm saying you want to follow somebody want to be like somebody be like Jesus not not Kardashians Oh ah I'm not against no Kardasian but why would you want to be known for your rear end all over the world that's the craziest thing cuz this come fall down I'm on my word maybe it's gonna fall down okay how pretty or let me tell you young people take pictures cuz it's falling down baby they're going down but so what that's not who you are see we must maintain great possession because we belong to a race of conquerors and kings all these great cloud of witnesses are conquerors and kings and priests we must maintain great self possession because we belong to a race of conquerors and kings we must not walk as people with measured steps we don't lauder or linger I don't walk with measured steps once I know what I'm gonna do I'm moving on something and I don't have the suppose they don't work syndrome let's just move on this way that's what God said let's go what suppose it don't work but suppose it does what you're gonna do if it don't what you're gonna do if it does I mean you're gonna get all out on time who cares about that you on a mission see don't forget the cloud there's a great cloud of witnesses let me say it again we must maintain great self possession because we belong to a race of conquerors and kings we must not walk as people with measured steps no no but when I know I'm gonna do some time I'm moving on it will move our interests our impulses and by our aim see I know what I'm gonna do and I go do it now I mean you may be able to do it better but that's alright that didn't make any of it I'm gonna do my best there are some people's best better than your best but it's still best see long as you do your best I always told us that Jody when she was in school Jordan all I ask you to do is do your best now the best grade you can get as a C in this sub that's hooray if it's your best but if you get machine you can do in a something wrong here you're lazy that's right so you just do your best and all that God called you to do because you don't forget the clouds because there are things going on that you don't even realize right now we're being bombarded with every kind of every kind of radar and stuff we've been hitting like crazy right now as we speak I'm on I have a wireless microphone slapping you in the head there's no wire to this thing sits right here you know why yet it's finding that receiver turning me my voice is the electronics of that and pushing it back out through the speakers as my boys some of your telephones right now sending all kinds of stuff all over the world you see somebody's listening and if you're Christian you got all a heaven listening and I'll tell you what the listening for they want to be proud of you say so you keep your possession as a conqueror in the game because so many other people went before you saying it could be done so we must not walk as people with measured steps we are moved by interests our interests impulses and aims see I don't want to become a water long vessel saturated with inconsistencies there are a lot of people that have waterlogged vessels they saturated with inconsistencies it may be embarrassing to you if you told into a celestial port you don't need to be told into a Celeste report you need to drive into that celestial Pole you see what I'm saying you can't tell there nothing you can't do because Jesus you can do all things so when people say when I tried that y'all are trying and trying don't get nothing done I'm not gonna try to fly today I am going to fly today that doesn't mean the devil don't fight I was in Sacramento with pastor Billy there's bill right there and no one says we flew in that Sacramento and planes are Italy it really amazing we had a public when we opened up the compartment of baggage kabob they found with the glass oh it's like oil or whatever hydraulic fluid what is this we found out that we had a piece but this big that popped and we wasn't in danger but I mean you know we but we still we couldn't get that part in California so it was it we found the part my immediately my pilot's call my my head mechanic said we got the part out of the thing cuz I had to go to Hawaii the next day yeah so so I said they said they found it it's a New Jersey I said okay get the thing fly not we call it we fly we call it flying counter to counter if you don't think about aviation sometimes if you got to get something your flight counter the kind of day they admit their airlines would do that for you say that they know what they're doing so we found the part and now all of a sudden now I'm not gonna be able to go and leave it at the time I had preached for pastor bill that night I was supposed to leave early that morning but she said God didn't break the part but God designed something see that I didn't know what's coming up so I said can we get this parts a piece of stainless steel only about this big but it can handle very extreme pressure well anyway so it was supposed to be then we were supposed to actually better fly out this time well somebody forgot to put it on the plane so now we got to wait another four hours so they get another plane but that plane wasn't flying direct to California you know a lot of times they don't know what direct this like you want to go to Florida so you got to go to Atlanta first but you live in Birmingham Alabama where you want to go that latter phone oh you need to go to Minneapolis but you're going to Cincinnati first or you want to go to Hawaii you go to Chicago no no it's the other way you don't say well to make a long story short we got to get this part then you got to have the time and so was it a weekend bill oh it was a Thursday or Friday something well they shut down this there's the shop we need to have the shop to help us well well we don't come in until about a little nine o'clock ten o'clock we're supposed to leave real early but it worked out perfect because what happen when they finally when the part got there they were kind of lazy around cuz they like to waste time cuz that's money we're paying them hourly but so we got a chance to go to lunch with Bill and his wonderful wife and maybe we I mean we had a wonderful time that was a blessing of the law it was just I mean we were just just talking about the wonderful things of God which I really needed myself it was a blessing of the Lord finding all of a sudden they found the thing again they put the thing in there and everything but I got to spend time with Bill and his wonderful wife and it was a blessing and normally I don't do that I don't have the time well I mean but it's oh it was great so I'm I'm eating and and as I'm saying thing bill write them down lordy Lord I got Louie I guess people looking that's like we're gonna lost our mind man but well you know we retreating revelations and it's just such a blessing finally I got on a plane and you know throughout the Hawaii I sweat cuz I had to preach in Hawaii I mean you know on the schedule you just do with that but once it so that was how much was that fourteen hundred thousand that was a thing is expensive was it a thousand dollars I can't really you remember what it was over do you remember we hug women no money thousand dollars okay why is it so bill said how much that thing cause I said I don't know I don't care what it cost I don't mean that rudely well right but I saw Heather call my uh my pilot so how much they the thing cost yes I think was a thousand dollars anyway is this long it's this big it's a piece of stainless steel tubing I said that thousand dollars a thousand dollars yes I said well I had the thousand dollars but that wasn't it but I thought God man I need to go in the stainless steel tubing business if that much is thousand dollars well you know what we found it they sent a check that messy and paid for the part we didn't ask him I said no no they said no no man he know he knew good ground where he was now we're just sitting - I didn't ask it's just the Lord being the blessing that God is and I know God's blessed her from then it was amazing didn't ask I had the thousand dollars brother that's not the issue I know Cathy had it for sure so I wouldn't worry buddy I had to back up on me here glue that God you know how Louie I mean if you need to refrigerate it Cassie take it out of a purse this amazing with that woman got in that person come up with anything Lord Jesus well we got it she can get that thing fixed and I thought why I felt so I sounds so nice it's so nice to do that it's God's aircraft you see the witnesses here on earth and the witnesses in heaven witness that bill the generosity of a believer it was a great day it was a great day and then so my pilots told we're we wanted the part back they said the other one's cracked let me see if it's cracked ship it to me you know and it cuz you know sometime you know how people do you know and and the pilots that call those those people that helped us and they said not only that we thought a thousand thousand but someone that somebody paid for in sacrament what he means somebody just paid for it yeah they couldn't get over that well that just don't happen I said well it happens in Sacramento California see now that became a witness so we did we just really tell him who y'all what we just said there was a church I said telling the name of the church let's give honor to whom armors do it was a blessing so now sinners figure that out why because we had told the Lord they won't take care of us mm-hmm well he did in every area see we were moved by that so we're not just waterlogged vessels with a bunch of inconsistencies that's why I me and Jerry we always like to bless Jerry took me close to this yeah he took me to a restaurant and a Hawaiian name called buco - pepper anybody ever heard of that book honey my neighbor her book with the pepper gotta speak in tongues to say it book with a pepper it's an Italian place or something it's like the it's like The Godfather it's like a mob it's got pictures anybody know what I'm talking about if they have one here didn't have one in Footwear Booker - pepper well man we really like that thing man unless awesome my god this thing is not what we went back to Hawaii I had to do some more preaching and I probably only man the world get bored in Hawaii Lord I'm there three days Jesus Kathy says look at the ocean Jesse I said I seen it won't you come out here and lay by the pool so I start walking out in the pool looking for heathens uh-huh I'm gonna tell somebody about Jesus I'm I gotta do something been three days it's somebody need Jesus on this island so that night we went with a nate mature they came with we brought in it and share whether we went to book of the pepper now and say we order our food and all that kinda stuff and to make a long story short they said you ought to get to dessert I'm not a real big dessert but Michelle loves dessert because Michelle can be sad you say dessert it's like the glory of God come upon the one she loves dessert which is okay finally so they said y'all to get this uh what they call I think of Sunday uh look like but I didn't realize how big it was it's this wrong it's this hi got us is whether Sunday Monday Tuesday was that means anybody it's that big I mean you can eat it for seven days it only test about this huge I'm telling I'm not exaggerate so when we got it me almost embarrassing Jesus I couldn't see Nate was across from it the Saints had extinction so they all brought us four spoons now you can have your own section of it and not touch someone else a second now many neatly Michelle just overnight Wow and she start eating her that's Michelle right that law and she just enjoyed that's a cafes honor I'm on as I said the ain't no way to eat all this in no way now doing the time that we were eating we like calamari you know you know he introduced me to calamari Gloria Copeland I never you call it mine before my life she I said what is that she said don't ask just eat it was okay first time will be a column are called overcome said you'll get you like this so we did so so make calls away this is complete he said I'd like to know the percentage of the tentacles must have done what he said you know I like calamari with the tentacles not just the cut round pita is if 40% 30% 50% 70% man says well how much you want he said what I like seventy percent even tentacles I said temples so the guy brings us the column iron when I evidently Nate didn't think the percentage was right so he calls the boy by kisses look at this does that look like fifty eighty seventy percent I would say it looks like 22 percent I want to say shut up mate just eat the calamari man this guy loud go in the back spit in the food you understand oh you don't make waiters of what you suspect I mean he is nailing this guy to the wall and anyone change something in their Lord he's gonna make it and the Lord said bless that man I said I'm gonna bless that waiter so anyway cuz I thought Lord Jesus he's gonna take America and they weren't trying to make him a good late wants what he wants you know anything all kinds of stuff you know so he we finally got it we never got all the percentages right on the column iris I mean say hey but you know we got all that stuff anyway so we are the desert he brings this big thing I'm they take two guys to carry it I mean things huge I was good God so eating this thing there's no way no wait and Michelle can flatly put down some dessert since then ain't no way you can finish this so there's a there's some three two girls or three girls sitting at this table across from a man I don't know there I said man it's kind of crazy there's let all this go so I pull of the spoons out I picked the thing up I walked over to the their table and I don't know do I put it on that said y'all won't this eat we have no diseases did I say that man look I got there was some girl she said I'll eat it then he said hi girls I'll eat it man they got their spoons and they does even they couldn't finish that thing I said I haven't we have no diseases I'll give you the women so the guy comes I said I won't appreciate I really appreciate you taking care of us like that so he gave me Ben I gave him twenty percent tip on the I said here's an extra hundred dollar Oh God the people get excited what other way doesn't know what happened he gave an extra hundred other side points he did good no I sure he should have sat at my table yeah yeah it's not talking again and I was then the man forgot about the 30 percent 40 percent that Nate was driving a man crazy over the tentacles they don't make it count Nutella this one anyway without cheats I don't want to think we so great we got to be some witnesses in here Nate just eat the calamari you don't say well then people that they got up left before us all of a sudden another way to come back they said sir they was at $20 it was $20 right they get $20 25 can't remember I think is 20 $25 but uh they gave you this I said no I didn't want no money I just wanted to let them eat it you know the thing well they just want to do it I said yeah a lot of people can't receive see so I said my god man I said I sure wish I could meet those girls again somewhere at least to say thank I didn't want the money so I thought now their waiter who we did I look I said would you like to have this yes I said well let me so listen to your life so yeah I said yeah the Lord's blessing you here I said that yeah that's your table right you had to clean it off but yeah well this dip loaded oh no sir they gave it to you as a No well I can do what I want with in this mind it yeah I said well I give it to you oh thank you thank you come here anytime you want just come we was supposed to go to the theater after we walk out and guess what there's the two girls or three girls then I said why did y'all give us some money oh we just view was so kind of what he's overdone I said no we didn't need the money that I said ma'am I said what we did we actually gave it to you wait is that okay oh yes not a man but didn't meet the man but the girls were there I don't know III know whatever happened to him and and we went to the theater watch this so I mean it all just worked out perfect that God set us up to be witness what do y'all do what do you do well I'm a preacher preacher yeah preach of the gospel really yeah I said what are y'all doing in a wine I said preaching well y'all staying at the grad Hilton Hawaiian dirt mm-hmm that's a nice place I said we always say at nice places really yes y'all seem to be doing good I said better than that much better for that we're not to do it good only much better than that I'm not bragging about that I'm giving God glory since the witnesses they gonna remember that he stood up saying they're gonna remember that well how do you do that well my soul and give I see Lee ro Thompson he's a great friend of mine he said uh he loves RV and he's ended at RV and stuff and well he got a nice on V and all that kind of yeah this guy comes they said well that's not very expensive RV lehre whoo yeah he said what business you in he said preach it he said was another way you invest your money he said preach it no no way no no way you put your money out he said well I'll give it to the work of the Lord no no that means getting that no no where do you invest your money to buy stuff like that he said preach is my gospel man giving money to God chicas all he ever heard is pulled on preacher ain't got nothing they can only handle it it boggles at mine what do you do preach it oh well you like him uh-huh you got army no I got a jet ha a jack yeah where do you invest your money the gospel no no no where well what stocks to you well I said the gospel no no no no I said the gospel they can't handle it I'll say one more thing and JP Lord is it if your hand object I decided I wanted a bar gold for my desk remember they take 100 troy ounces you figured out it well I actually got a pretty good deal you got me a good deal on that one glory to God cuz Katherine gave me a bar for our 25th wedding anniversary she gave me a bar of silver I said I got to get a bar go gold labeler expensive than silver she said what you're gonna do that I'm gonna put that on my desk I said you ain't go put a whole bar go up it's a paperweight on your death yeah what you gonna do with it I said when I get up and I walk around my office and say they went out with silver and gold and there wasn't one feeble one amongst them you see I don't care about it gold I'm just doing with the scriptures and I walk around my offer cuz it takes millions and millions of dollars to run this medicine Millions yeah it's a billion and I just walk around with these bars Cathy says I can't believe you leaving that kind that's a whole bar that's just that's a hundred troy ounces of pure full 9s gold and and silver and I'm walkin around with ya blew it I got so many went all over new on-demand got bars of gold and silver this and people want to feel it cuz it's everyone mom you know I just hold it back at you there's a blessing well you know the other day I found the receipts you sent me you know I've made over a hundred thousand dollars on that bar go if I want to sell it maybe want to buy another with that's a good job I made over a hundred thousand dollars walking around my office said they went out with silver and gold that ain't kind of silver board I just that one I got a lot of more of that but I'm just said this one bar over $100,000 in profit is she with that's a cloud of witness and I don't doubt people that went out a gypped that are in heaven going look he did the same thing we did he just took the gold and silver with it and one fever one amongst this and people want to touch it they go yeah I can I hold it yeah oh man then I was at that area and then I went to Alaska one time and somebody put Goldust in my offering Goldust I still gotta go miss heavy like I look at this here what a blessing of God I went to Vegas and they put chips in my offering I'm telling you chips Brothers passes it oh you got some chips bridges chips $100 chips thousand-dollar chips well you think I'm gonna say no I said where these chips come from well they come from the Venetian a Bellagio what you want to eat tonight the Bellagio we're going to the vision we're gonna cash in these chips so they're coming go to the window I must say that I've said it for real oh look like you did very well did you win I said no I was given to me my offering what I said I'm a preacher the guys I just preached a meeting down there somebody I don't know they just gave me some chips wow we never had anybody come cash out of chip at a church I said I'll tell you what I said man this is a blessing him I said yeah I got some more man Wow make it real good I said no they did I guess I said let me just catch these things out what you gonna do with that money I said I'm gonna give it to the gospel he shouldn't don't you want to gamble I said no I don't need the gamble I said my faith won't get me everything I ever needed now you know I'm not against anybody they do what everyone do isn't on their business you know and if God told me to buy a lottery ticket I'll buy one don't shop man I made you mad right there I can tell that I mean I'm you know but I don't live by chance I live by faith but don't tell me if you bought a lottery ticket in you won 500 I'm not taking a cat that dirty money you wash it as fast as you can it's called laundering I told one of the vice-president of Chase Bank but that hunt that dead bar he said the Lord told you about it I said yeah this is a troops that he called my office it listen it's God tell you anything about the price of gold would you call us you know they just bought 55 million ounces of silver I didn't tell them to do that but in that amazing that these gurus these Wall Street gurus people that know finance if God says anything would you tell us no you know why they got money they believed for it you know why the church doesn't have it they don't believe well for the center later for the just how can God be legally gets the wealth of center and give it to you why it's yours why how did they get your money how did they get your money they believe for it they believe for church says well we don't like receiving our budget we'll put a basket in the back and hope you won't do something that's my god the churches with fire than Satan's Kingdom everything he got belong to us don't shot me down on a preaching good that's why I brahma was very rich in cattle sylvan go you know he let me close to this they say are that white and physical thing you thought that was a spiritual cow i mean did that call see i got a word from god eat chicken thank you that hey chicken now that was a physical cow right you live in an economic world not gonna allow the devil to take what is rightfully mine why because I must be a witness to you and a witness to those who have went before me that when I stand before God and my record is read aloud there will be some good things in there you see what I'm saying so I preached out of Hebrews today just a few words and continued the Apostle Paul's messages you see what I'm saying you understand what is it and when you understand that the power of God's Word it's amazing what God will do for you I want you so blessed cuz it's not a money thing this is my last closing wealth is so easy to get you can't make it here in America yeah go make it anywhere else it's so simple my god don't complicate it that whole thing out there is based on faith and fear this whole Southwest believers convention is dealing with faith and every one of these speakers in one way shape or form the guy that selling the stock leave is going down but God is buying stock believers going up all kind of its faithful fear fear and faith faith in me Lord mial pray and ask God will you have you do you don't have to be in me vauban Wall Street that's not the issue it's more important to hear God's voice outside the church instead of inside the church because the wealth of the sinner is outside the church and then when that happens allow God if you obey God got your mind you live in a nice on last call but even we don't care but I don't care what kind of car you drive Oh what kind of house you live in Church world does I mean my secular world up you don't care cuz on your best day you can't impress God with your wealth he's got gold streets you got asphalt a concrete you know don't yes that what happens in when these things come you don't you're not defined by it you're defined by the character of Christ in you then you're able to be the blessing God wants you to be and he don't mind I'll say it I live in a beautiful I live in one fabulous house and my rights with her you work for me I don't mean that private I might but I'm telling you one thing son you walk in my house your job your chin gonna hit your chest I'm not bragging on it why I've heard Kathy tell Jessica live in a tree house I don't care hey you guys didn't do it that and all the reason why I built that place God told me to he said I'm gonna use it to provoke people I said what I see is it for you to say they can't see you they see me he said so what did they see you what are you gonna say I must say I said it's he that gave me power I will not make no excuse me hmm I don't mean a pride kick I'm no better than you I was raised up in trailers they call this trailer trash anybody ever saw what tracks yeah and you know what you've lived in trailers it's hard to get the trailer syndrome off you Cathy lived in trailers too not too long ago catches it let's go see one of their new double wides Cathy's kitchens big as the whole trailer she lived it good got a Bobby but you know when it's my dish it don't make no difference if I live in the trailer all right shout I don't care I know that bother some of you that don't but I'm not defined by that I had a man tell me from New York my god man you got a home like the people in the Hudson you know the Vanderbilts in there and all I got I never been out there with him big ol Wednesday I never saw her Dave I've seen him on television never I said that's very kind I never thought of it like that Keith Moore bought me a hat and a cane he said you look like a Southern gentleman I have a balcony in that house you look over the Mississippi River the other day I was out there just looking at car slammed his brakes are how does it feel I'll say it feel good I feel good dananananana hi you know who loves it the best the black people oh man black people look ma do it do it Reverend Wow then white people I just a thing one thing I doesn't like to get my is that real wrought iron yeah not bragging give God well even Gloria came and slept she goes Jess I said you like are you comfortable don't mean to leave me out on ya and they're the same way it's not about stuff but the stuff is a witness to the people who says you can never have it remember what brother creflo said but the plan is the matter you can't dream what's wrong with dreaming I'm not taking your money George and Terry can Terry preach café's a woman's coming I said George I don't get a chance to play much very seldom you know but I happened to be home but I blow his conference and it's a woman's confidence I'm saying sir we're not supposed to be there yes I said George won't you come in we'll go out and have fun I'll show you around the wards so Josh can we had wonderful and just that they said can we come back I said yeah yeah I got ya cuz see they believe with it they don't criticize it and we put it's full of beautiful artwork I I don't want you to say this I'm trying to shut up loss I said I mean kathas collected artwork for 28 years the furnitures worth more than the house I collected it all over the world the bed I sleep in was louis xviii slip in it the and irons in the fire screens belongs in the pulley in Bonaparte and me and Cathy's the six family that homes it I'm a brat I'm giving God glory I can see it Napoleon's just standing there going well I have CREP Lola told me said you sell one vase you can live a year I have vases that were behind glass for a hundred years my son beautiful post I don't know I just like the constant I was raised up in an eight-foot-wide 32 foot trailer sleeping on the floor which mom and dad did the best they could I don't care I started collecting I know I'm making something old man but I'm being a witness settles in heaven but then they help you when I get there I won't be used to it ha ha it's just gonna be useful it's wonderful to be the blessed and then some people come and they spend the day or spend the nicer mama it's a blessing and I'll say this in those days when you came to home like that the first thing they gave you was the King's fruit which was pineapple they called it the King's fruit because nobody could afford to eat it unless you were Kings to mister dole bought lanai the island of Lanai in Hawaii and planted the whole thing with pineapple so they gave you a pineapple and when you come I have the Gone with the Wind staircase that big beautiful white staircase the does this goes up and get pineapples on it's all hand this is big this is beautiful so you when you went to that house they gave you a pineapple but then if you stayed too long and you found a pineapple at your door it's time to go time to go stay too long it put upon everybody but you do sound bill people tell them all the time I don't even know but you only need to travel my god you got a sauna bath you got steamed back yeah you can't work out yeah hmm hmm that bragging or it's a God's using it to provoke people some to honor one man say can I bring my whole board let's appreciate and I bury something I'll do it in the law said let him do that here walking in with my God why can't we do this you know why I learned it from the Bellagio they went a billion dollars over budget building the Bellagio that's my money and it paid it off in one year just on the slots that's your money how long you gonna let them keep it when it won't start believin with brother Copeland sister girl been preaching for 30-40 years all they want to do is be the beggar it's not a money thing it's that just the byproduct is what you can do to produce the gospel so you won't have to walk on concrete no more you just walk on gold streets and go to heaven yeah people are witnessing so say what you're gonna say you watching say what you do what you gotta do you can criticize - you blue in the face I'm gonna live this gospel I'm gonna have what this gospel says I can have and I'm gonna do with this gospel said I can do I'm like Jerry said I'm like Jairus affair he's el shadow the god that's more than enough and it's not just so you can live with not out care about that that has nothing to do with me cuz that don't make you happy a lot of people that rich it up commit suicide but what makes you happy is when you're able to be a blessing to a waitress who've been working all day cooking all day beating our brains out trying to make a living probably a single mom tough as a nail it's got some little worthless man to refuse that they take care of his own children I'm for your mama I'm for their mamas buddy I ain't kidding I'm telling you not easy so you're able to be a blessing Soapy's are Egyptian what are they showing off just want to be a blessing did you enjoy it today you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 97,257
Rating: 4.7966537 out of 5
Keywords: 4337057684001, jesse duplantis, word of god
Id: TjVKS-sxPj8
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Length: 72min 51sec (4371 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2017
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