The Graham Norton Show - S13E12 - Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig & Chris O'Dowd - 21st June 2013

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on the show tonight the star of the American office I see we've got some office workers in and he's also meeting date night oh I see you've got some people on a date he also starred in the 40 year old virgin we've got a great trophy tonight star of the American office and for dear old virgin Steve Carell is here bridesmaids Kristen Wigg is on the show larry's after chris o'dowd is joining aside oh yes we've got music international supers are mr. Josh Groban everybody yeah now Kristen Wiig is here as she started horse in the hilarious bridesmaids with we all adore was altar in that film was tonight's other guest Chris O'Dowd do you member yeah cuz well she paid a cake maker who fell in love with a policeman you doing that is very Hollywood cuz in reality if a policeman fell in love with the woman who made cakes yeah you look like this grease also has a big hit with his own sitcom moon boy Mumbai all about a young boy growing up in rural Island I know from experience there's plenty for a young boy to do in Ireland sport culture even adventure so many sections of the library you can sit in jest the library has been closed down for chatting to a Steve Carell he's done so many great films Despicable Me data and of course 40 year old virgin yeah they're actually padding a remake called the 80 year old virgin yeah come on mind you you do think it's no wonder cliff still a virgin dress like that what idiot thinks a pink suit is gotta get him some action hey Steve will not be falling command to and yeah and we all loved him in the first one he played a useless weatherman who was lovable but thick I think he was based on this man Raisa briam see she's very good in that film but he's not the funniest weatherman I've seen Oh clapping we're cheering it's nothing now you all know each other oh yeah we know each other not like that no do you guys were in was it dinner box yeah for Schmucks and bridesmaids are now Despicable Me 2 or Despicable Me as well right right yeah where you play a super villain yes but everyone who's talked about you just says you are the nicest kindest man in all of Hollywood yes that's true and beautiful modest too but what's weird is so you're really nice but you attract niceness I can't believe the first time was it the first time you came to London first time I ever came to London was in 1984 I got off the plane with a buddy of mine and we had no idea where to go what our schedule could be we had no transportation and a guy out of nowhere came up to us and said would you like a ride into London and the trusting innocent souls we were we hitched a ride with this guy he had just dropped off a friend we got in his car he drove us in the London hey would you like a tour of London absolutely he took us on an immediate tour of London want to go to lunch I know a great place I belong to a club we went to his club we had a delicious lunch hey you need a place to stay I know a great little Bed and Breakfasts he he was the nicest guy in the world and he didn't murder us at the end of it we're not being a good experience and this was London England this it's not a city we recognize from that story is it high ball I love it here Wow only good experiences until tonight and it is because obviously you weren't known in London there no not at all and it's urgent when kind of Fame comes later cuz cuz Christian isn't your parents they still don't quite believe you're doing the pain well they make comments sometimes like I'll do a film or something and they'll be like that's so great is it is it gonna be in theaters sometimes they don't quite understand the like I you know that I do have a job it's worried about the retirement home what the quality of their retirement so yeah you know how to settle that buy him a house then they're like okay that that works for us a really enormous house they can't afford it's like that em what's the that show Extreme Makeover you know and they leave them with like all that stuff the thing who's gonna pay that electricity bill a giant glowing beacon for thievery he's really shitty neighborhood really hotter Falls and moat yeah like they never do a follow up show on that showed and they build it in a night so you know its quality yep I'll huff and I'll puff well we poured the concrete think it set and of course once you become famous you have to worry when you leave the house and crease it out now you're very dapper have you sort of consciously decided become more dapper would you know after you know it's a weird thing because you start going to a lot more event stuff when things are going well and and it took me a while to determine what my look would be you know oh yeah and uh you don't want uh so I thought I'd go for like disheveled chic for a while but because I'm kind of disheveled I look like I was a [ __ ] who had just pilfered Birkin something so I tried I thought I try like the madman look and that would be kinda sexy it was kind of sharp you know but it didn't not it didn't look good until one night I was actually watching Mad Men and by accident I realized that I was wearing exactly the same outfit as one of the characters in Mad Men and I thought that was pretty great and I brought a picture of it you took a mime work exactly the same outfit as a character from madman I think we put here happy awesome chic Hey Despicable Me 2 it opens here on June the 28th and now you're back as GRU right the arch-villain right but at the end of the last movie you stopped being a villain yes he he has a family now so he has to kind of retire and go legit and now he has a line of jams and jellies and he really does yeah I have you guys have used watched it you yes yes yes cuz I went to see the screen there was children there to her I laughed more than anyone I was sort of I was embarrassing I had a lot of medication that day colonoscopy in the morning and they said don't operate heavy machinery or you're not allowed to sign legal documents but I laughed like a drain me the same day you saw the movie yes oh well that's good cuz that's really you got your key demographic it was a special deal wasn't it yeah included the price of the ticket sleep preview I'll just make one me and a small pop yeah don't need it now later on so here's the thing here's the thing he's this time round he's sort of been turned into a superhero in a way yeah yeah he's been recruited by the anti-villain league which is a spy organization that Kristen's character is one of the lead spies and she recruits my character to be sort of the villain in residence so he goes undercover with her to find the true villain of this story and that you are so romantically there's much attention there's a connection you happen looks clear yeah chemistry yeah oh it's hot yeah for a family movement that's how we're selling it that in the colonoscopy part yeah something for Dad yeah so this is a your character Lucy and GRU you've gone undercover in a mall mm-hmm and this is the two of you if do I need to give that media any more explaining no that's that's basically it and we're trying to find the super serum that is turning people and things into horrible versions of themselves oh yes it's very scary are you doing all that piston the dancing all of the moves exactly like that might have been done crumbling funny go yeah sometimes just hard to stop it you know I find it hard not to Crump talk about the minions cuz they are my favorite yeah yeah they're just fantastic there are so many minions now there are thousands of them yeah and they're following us through this press junket everywhere we go there are people dressed as minions really in the hallway in the hallway walking around we're just walking around and they're always in character there are people in minion costumes jumping around constantly it's the creepiest thing they've been hired by somebody um I hope so I'm just really keen fans of the film hey listen kids who are fans of the minions because obviously GRU has created all these evil weapons and things and this will sell well so well imagine getting this for a child have you seen this they bought it they brought out the fart gun there's these far Oh like what that's amazing and it's different farce throw it into it I know if some of them are little little stretched out the tiny little one that you forget about that sneaks out it's bringing my colonoscopy back to me in a little while all right not now ya know it's timed it's armed okay it's armed okay yeah I won't it'll go off in about 1000 series you can put a timer on it really yeah oh that's clever no he's not really clever yeah yeah any minute that will go off really I swear to bottom oh okay oh my god Donna's gonna love this oh yeah yeah that was the end of the show it's 40 minutes of Chris O'Dowd doing a fart God oh my god that's the biggest fly Oh God that is an enormous bird I know I know if it landed here what you do is you go Oh get it over here cuz you put it there and you go because the fly feels the pressure of the air coming from either side so you trick it all you go and you get it every time never murder that fly has no idea what the danger it's in I so hope he comes back I could just see you when you learnt that ah you're so happy I actually did it on during a take of the office there was a fly on the desk and during a line of dialogue one uh and people were the cameras went down like oh my god probably the coolest thing I ever did I must mention must venture I grant to you could you both in that yeah which is a lovely thing yes people are so I'm right people are so excited to see a crown to hear you all there's Steve down the end eglee that was one take we did and will said you know what look upset that they gave you a perm Rick doesn't like the per I thought you play you play Briggs love interest uh yeah yeah another connection audience bark sir fire oh there she is not I kind of don't know how I feel about the perm well I would just say if you're ever getting married don't go with that hair I have to say doing those scenes with Kristen I there was a level of attraction to that character I thought she was just sort of weirdly hot that's that character yeah yeah why is everyone getting quiet hurt yeah thought it was kind of calling someone weirdly hot with us at right there she's not weirdly hot she's hot yeah alright saying get a roomie a break notice it oh oh oh my god did you just drink the fly in your mouth oh my sweet God I'm on your hands okay all right put it there taking it the gas I gotta tell you it's junk now it's drunk I've chewed it [ __ ] drink all right I didn't realize I had any ice in there oh let's see let's see okay are you ready super you ready Oh looks like sexy si fly which is drawable chalk outline around it ah I can't believe that get worked in a million shot it though everyone said it's too ambitious don't try it this is surprising look I'm a line that was surprising but you didn't swallow any of it it's also there that's what I have a good girl Oh moving on I'm doing this I'm hosting a chat show we're going for it push it out he's back on screens with this very posh it's family tree it's gonna be on bbc2 for the middle of next month and it's Christopher Guest who did spinal tap and lots of other things and it's a mockumentary is that what they call them well it's I don't know if he calls it that but it is nt it's an improvised show so there's he writes really great story lines and stuff but there's no dialogue so we kind of we make it up a little bit as we go along and it's a comedy version of who do you think you are something I do it's somewhere in that area it's I kind of like a parody of that and where a guy is kind of left by his woman and he loses his job but he's left a big trunk of stuff by this great dead ant grid and the dice go delving into his past and looking into his family roots and all that kind of stuff and meets these interesting people as he goes okay listen we've got a clip of the show and this is you you're taking a photograph of a great grandfather yes sir probably so dangers I live upstairs from a guy who owns a like a ye oldie Curiosity Shop kind of place and I think I'm bringing him a photo that I've just got this trunk hey have you done the real who do you think you are I haven't no you've done it though I did this how was it it was well I did well my mother was interested so I did it for yeah yes and I didn't cry they want you to cry and I didn't really want a really wanted to cry yeah they say things like like a lot of people find this process obsessing I was at what point would you have cried during this so far again fairness hours okay it's big in America is that do they have it in America we do yeah yeah yeah but then look into my past but what we were doing it and there would be no reason for me to do who do you think you are essentially I look back to like the 1700s and found the very first door doubts and there are from 15 minutes from where we live now nothing traveler real seasick group now since you were last year Chris O'Dowd Chris has got married a lovely marriage as take a picture of you and dog there you are on the left but there is all that pressure cuz you know it's supposed to be the perfect day it nothing could go wrong so did you get to enjoy at all yeah I mean weird we really had a fantastic time and I feel like if I one regret I wish I drank a little bit less because I thought of the adrenaline and all of that kind of stuff I don't remember a lot after like 12:00 or 1:00 p.m. in the morning like you know and they in the nice oh my god yeah and right after the ceremony it's gone yeah we were talking the next morning and dawn you know we were kind of post-mortem in the whole thing and we were saying with a great time and and I said I wasn't too drunk was I and said no you were fine you were fine and I said I wasn't rude to anybody or I didn't go wasn't dancing on tables or and she said no no no you were absolutely fine you were great um I was surprised that you wore the crown for so long and I had no recollection and I was like no I wasn't wearing it you're taking the piss and she said no no here's here's a picture of you and I'll be today we have the picture yeah you brought it up it like haha everything Dawn looks awful that's we had like a whiskey luge of our car was that your cat I was wondering yeah it's hater something melted here that's right I probably I've been sucking the [ __ ] out of that that's my best man I don't know where the crown came from face is brilliant that is just copy very good now you done bridesmaids before getting married yes did that scare you well I mean I've always found women terrifying so I I wasn't so much worried about all of that I mean you must I always remember thinking when we used to do the press for the move like nobody can ever ask you to be a bride no that is that tricky I guess yeah want to ask me something because the thing is so bridesmaids you you wrote bridesman yes co-wrote it covered and it was the first thing you ever wrote yes we read full script I mean I'd written like little sketches and stuff but it is that thing with first groups to first novels or anything people tend to just steal big chunks of their own life so like Arthur what are the big bits that are oh I am NOT not as much as you'd think I mean I've never you know lost control of my bowels that was the only thing that was true and we just wrote the whole time we all shout ourselves I mean honestly not that not that much where did that come from because that that is one of the funniest scenes of all time thank you um I remember when we were fighting that scene my writing partner kind of acted out that part she was like walking and she's like what if she just sort of right down to the ground with yes we have to put that in there is it like Holly Hunter in the piano you know because it then oddly Steve you know kind of similar experience where you got to write a script and wrote 40 year old virgin yeah I co-wrote that but you chose to write this scene for yourself which is like which was a form of self-loathing and yeah I thought it would be funny I mean he's very funny well I thought it would be funny for the guys that we're watching it in the scene because there's no way you can replicate that there's no way you can act the the horror that you're witnessing and the joy of watching a man go through something like that and at one point Romany Romany Malco has to leave the scene because he's so utterly grossed out by the put by the whole process for real for real he has to leave the see her there that actress I love her face I know she lied in the audition yeah she said that she knew how to wax yeah it was I I think she was told that they needed someone to wax a chest and she said that she was proficient at it it turns out she had tried once to wax her boyfriend's back and obviously that didn't go well either she there was a point Oh the point on you put the wax on but when you wax around the nipples you're supposed to put a little Vaseline so the nipple doesn't actually good reaction you know where I'm going with that you the waxes is so viscous that it will rip your nipple she did not put the Vaseline on all we got and she reached down and somebody had the forethought to say hold on hold on hold on it's the only time we cut and said you got to do that before you do oh and so I still have two functioning it's not the only person who lied it audition Chris O'Dowd jacooz oh [ __ ] well you know what everybody does this and for whatever reason it is actors don't drive they're really bad like that learning to drive so is country in this country we got no money you can't afford a car I just pick public transport group so I just don't need to so um yeah so I took a job where I told them that I could drive but the job was I was the getaway driver so they just shot it from behind oh god somebody has to do it yeah it's Christy why didn't you say do you say you were professional dance or something well I didn't I didn't say I wasn't professional you know ok at the bottom sometimes of your resume they say like special was it like special skills or whatever so you put like a kayak and like I could dance like I what kayaking and they're my original agent at the time called me and they said um can you dance and I was like yeah dad I'm like but really like this is for like a damn can you dance and I said yes she's like alright well we're like your clothes go to this audition so I was like so I just put like sweats just like sweatpants on like a sweater and I go in and women are fully like buns leotards stretching and I'm like everybody what is gonna happen I go in the room and I'm they're already looking at me like what are you doing here told me to the direction was it was for some like HBO like thing they told me to start on the ground and they wanted people to like like rise up like their flames don't like that so I just had crouched down on the ground and I just did like a turn like this and I just stopped and this is Derrida 7 they're like so humiliating because they seem genuinely mad and it was all I would pay thousand pounds to see and hear another share I didn't whether you're a struggling actor but didn't you do a weird thing selling wine on the phone oh yeah I wasn't I was a [ __ ] yeah what seems like never called me and I'd be so easy well I knew very little about wine - so you have your cheat sheet in front of you the varietal characteristics of this vintage are you know an oaky afterbirth or whatever i-i never clearly never sold a bottle of wine i only work there for one day because it's uh it buys wine over the phone you go to the store and buy wine you don't have to buy some some guy cold calls you and say would you like to buy some wine i think you would you wanted to arrive immediately ok where are you ding dong why didn't you work in a call center as well a charity one I did I worked in charity call center for a year so for uh for like an animal charity I go for an animal charity and you would call up people and say and we were kind of we weren't quite cold-calling we're calling people who already had like a director but nothing to increase it and we were kind of tell them my whole campaign was endangered species and you would tell them about the endangered species and more often than not you date your species was a bad so we're and everybody's like great I'm glad they're dying [ __ ] about this fashion career is this musician you see nobody gives a [ __ ] so essentially if you want to get anybody you have to make up the bottles that are you know in trouble so for like a month there was people across England terrified about the disappearance of the tigress want which was just a normal Swan but with the stripes of a single they're disappearing and they'd be like it's well I don't know I haven't heard of it well it's [ __ ] rare why I'm calling we're is a tree on thousand-pound Ibaka why'd you get fired like it is that music type everybody and now it's always reach welcome my final guest tonight performing I believe when I fall in love it will be forever please welcome the fabulous mr. Josh Groban trees worthless years here remaining cast inside a hollow shell began and then once done and now I stare into a cold and empty well the man sounds indeed our ears the sound of emerging heart I believe we're a fall in love with you before believe when this time could be for without dismay and the joys of caring will not be replayed the speed must never band with the strength we have would be the drums of love a plan through their wall my speed - you will echo it will be believe when I when I we're no Pauline love prior oh that's that looks delicious yeah and all the musicians and everything not egg everywhere amongst them good family this is this is by the way the greatest couch in the history of mankind I think these three people I'm so excited to finally be oh I love it I just I love you guys I agree I love you guys okay okay well we'll do some gushing in a minute but let's do some business is all through album all that echoes yes which is in shops now it apparently hope so yeah you know disc shops yes there's still two of those yeah and yeah by that yeah and by the way if you're watching in Glasgow tonight and your wife said she was going to a Josh Groban concert she's not having an affair and you are in Glasgow time I'm on stage right this moment you're doing a spontaneous encore yes yes yes it was like it's like that Tupac hologram I'm just I'm everything and then on Sunday you're at you're in Dublin I'm in Dublin we're finishing the European tour at the o2 and Dublin yeah it's gonna be fun we really excite we also have a good time there and you going yeah this I feel like you could be my brother from another mother I know you're sorry yeah I've heard that what I'm clean yeah can I get that a lot and when I grow a full-out beard I get that all the time so we need to coordinate we should we should go fooling please don't drink [ __ ] but I said on the connected couch what's weird is I cuz I'd forgot you and Steve are in a movie together movie together there's a wonderful film Crazy Stupid Love and he was he and his team were kind enough to and to include me in this point you played an absolute do should absolute do that for you were fantastic thank you the audition in one in one go oh yeah great audition oh yes oh absolutely it was a formality and the other link that you have is because we were talking about the waxing you are really hairy you're like gonna come huh yeah well I mean oh right could she have that in common too or all on the back like bookends okay you don't want it 24 the jewel but I don't really yeah right I just want to point out I don't have it yeah because for the big it's great but I have actually a very new testing way too much we have that tiny little circle right here I know that everything else I know air conform I chest I know what an actress that can help you out with the rest of it yeah apparently yes you have to be experienced the thing is now she is experienced now she does know what to do it but do you do manscaping occasionally uh you know I mean just just actually even the odd the odd trim here and there yeah good lookin holidays yeah I would never do the full body thing I just know I feel like I want to stay I want to stay you know lumberjack yeah I think that's matter lady gardening I think they call it dope no I've never heard it is lady garden but I like that I thought it was that's what was called I'm gonna call the babies in this choir lady gardening isn't it yeah look at them yeah I answer the women I'm its lady foresting really depends if it's pre or post up Oh you have time for a Soria to in the red chair so who's who's up first Oh okay next one now hello hologram hi did I meet you outside earlier dump these huh no I like to think you'd remember my name's in the show title are you going to see I don't know q I don't own a television hey what's your name Paula Paula hello Paula and where you from is inton a suited auntie of a job Paula yeah my manager of a sheltered accommodation oh very good all right doing good work and they're off you go with the story right so years ago I four kids under the age of seven and my husband he was quite lazy had joined a Sunday a couple the same thing yeah anyway I used to come home every Sunday free sheets of the way and sit on the settee where's me dinner and then it fall asleep I'm asked for know what I've really had enough of this so don't over my weight is real to mislead if I'm gonna make up some gravy and I flick it on his shirt and then your way cabbage so where's more than I said you've got it look this down there son used to come home strip off to his boxers and fall asleep on the city so I couldn't do the gravy thing anymore which really annoyed me and I was here every one day it was really hot the kids were screaming I was doing the washing and it was all the money can I was to sort of so fed up with him and as I looked round he had those boxer shorts on with the little buttons and this little chap he was just pointing at me he said to me take the power off the of the Hoover and I went over a bull exercise and I went to go and no no don't do it before I could get away it just lived it up well I ran in the bathroom not like if it's shot back was the best blow job y'all ever the choir applauding dozens of our website at this very address hey thank you to my five minutes guys tonight mr. Josh Groban join me next week with musical guest a bow propagated across columns great samuel l.jackson an oscar-winning actress Sandra Bullock I'll see you then goodbye
Channel: VikingMarauderUK
Views: 2,642,938
Rating: 4.873642 out of 5
Keywords: the graham norton show, s13e12, steve carell, kirsten wiig, chris o'dowd, josh groban, chris odowd eats a fly, steve carell on graham norton, bridesmaids, the office, 21st, june, 2013, full episode, funny, chat, red chair, i believe performance, new movie, despicible me 2, cast interview, dinner for shmucks, chest waxing scene, call centre job, pkrips, viking marauder, the graham norton show - 21st june 2013, season 13, episode 12
Id: p-1TKxLZXC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 16sec (2536 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2013
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