You can own a Grenade Launcher (40mm, not a flare launcher)

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Any specific instruction? Which ATF form should I file?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TyCa55 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

The question is - how much are grenades going to go for now that this video has driven demand up 5,000%?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/aforlano 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

Yep, I'm going to go ahead and get my stamp for a receiver.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Dat-Igloo-Big 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Before I watched this video I didn't really want a grenade launcher.

Now I want a grenade launcher.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/jicty 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
if you've ever wanted to fire a 40 millimeter because of battlefield bad company go ahead and hit that subscribe button guys like and comment the comment section is out of control i will do nothing to control you make sure you get down there be your crazy little selves if you guys are looking to support the channel the biggest support of the channel right now is big daddy unlimited big daddy unlimited is like the costco the gun world 99 cents for the first month after that price goes up is it worth it are you worth it and of course we have our other sponsors we have sword international with whom we are developing a piston based ar they've already developed it but we're kind of doing some signature things so it should be pretty cool definitely go check them out and of course acre gold for all of your gold needs definitely go check the link right below let's get into it ladies and gentlemen am i often forgotten but most certainly not by me m203s welcome to the channel today we're going to talk about a little known subject and that is going to be you can own a goddamn grenade launcher so not a lot of people know this but to own a grenade launcher all you need to do is buy a receiver the receiver does not include the barrel you can then take the receiver and e-form it what e-forming does is it is you building your own short-built rifle or in this case a destructive device at that point once the paperwork clears you do what is necessary such as engraving you buy the barrel and you have yourself a fully functioning grenade launcher people may ask do you need a grenade launcher well during the revolutionary war people owned goddamn privateers so your god damn right i need a grenade launcher so to start off with we're going to talk about a couple of the different rounds that you can buy out there i want to be clear about the reason i'm bringing up grenade launchers because recently the atf has come down on your ability to own 40 millimeter ammunition by classifying it other than what it once was very similar to what has happened with armor-piercing ammunition that is imported so hopefully with a little bit more eyes on this subject perhaps we can get those uh restrictions eased a little bit but in any case to start off with so the easiest rounds to get your hands on are chalk rounds uh if you're in the military you probably spent some time with chalk rounds they're pretty sick on impact you have a lot of chalk that comes out so we'll fire this first one for you guys so you can kind of see what it looks like that is your 40 millimeter chalk round now the question is what other types of rounds can you get can i get hc rounds not legally but in any case there are lots of very interesting rounds that the 40 millimeter has i like to think of the 40 millimeter is kind of like a shotgun there's a lot of very interesting very uh different rounds that you can get out there for different environments in different situations you never know when you might need one so why not have one on you now besides the m203 there are of course a lot of other very cool grenade launchers out there the first one we're going to talk about is the m79 m79s are easily had they were made popular because of the vietnam war so of course we've got to talk about them a little bit how the m79 works it's a very cool mechanism much like a break action shotgun to actuate it you simply hit this lever right here you can open it at that point we can pop in one of our rounds lock it into place at that point what we can do is we can pull off the safety and then we're ready to fire all right the next one that we're going to talk about is going to be another standalone for the m203 so what's cool about the m203 is that there are a variety of different standalone launchers that you can mount the m203 receiver to so there's two types of m203 receivers we have the type that mounts to the under barrel of an m4 like we had right over there and that is what we have an adapter for right here from fab defense so in any case of course we have to try this out pop around right in again the m23 is a very simplistic design you have your safety right there you can simply pop our safety off we need to unload the round simply open it up and it pops out so load this up again pop our safety off and we have our chalk round right there so that is the standalone m203 right here we're just going to talk about this one because it's much the same but we have a knights adapter for a railed excuse me we have a nice adapter for a barrel mounted m203 right here so what's really cool about the knights is it has a retractable sock that you can easily mess with so it is a very cool design a little bit harder to get your hands on but like anything made by knights very well made right here we have a very cool design unfortunately this one is harder to get your hands on unless you're an sot or a dealer so this is a bnt 40 millimeter what's very cool about it is of course we have our normal sling points right here we have the cool b t stocks but what i like the most about it is it's reload mechanism so we have this little latch right there when you press it that automatically pops up for you so you can load your round right into there so pop our ground right in so once you pop that in go ahead we're going to pop the safety right off then we can go ahead and send it around once you've done that simply pop that right up pull your round out and go into your next round with the bnt so very cool little design right there from bnt so right here we have the pen arms there's another 40 millimeter i like this design quite a bit but there's something very cool about this that i this is kind of the reason we're talking about it is this little 40 millimeter holder right here so it can go on either side of the picatinny rail we have single and double holders and they're made by hurricane butterfly who we want to give a big shout out to for this video and allow us to do these videos on these 40 millimeter weapons so again another cool design definitely go check out hurricane butterfly yeah if you're uh [ __ ] around a lot of 40 millimeter here's my personal favorite this is one of mine right here this is my little pirate gun so i figured would it be cool if we could make a 40 millimeter as small as possible and just make it really handy so that's what we have right here this is a standalone from lmt uh no stock on there just a quick and dirty little weapon if you need to fire a chalk smoke oc cs gas whatever have you a very cool little handy device right there now you do lose a lot of velocity on 40 millimeters when you get rid of a lot of this barrel length but nonetheless they are still very effective so much fun all right so we've been saving some of the good ones for last so right here we have the pen arms grenade launcher right here very cool pump action shotgun right here so for expediency's sake what we'll do is we'll have sean help me load this right here thanks buddy of course shawn right here army soon to be veteran getting out i'm helping congratulations all right so again we're going to do we're simply going to close that lock into place at this point and what we're going to do is simply pump the weapon and pull the trigger all right we had one chalk round explode because that's how chalk works but you can see the pen arms very cool design right there next up we have the nil core it's a south african grenade launcher so it is relatively semi-automatic but it is powered by springs very interesting design thank you sean of course what are you gonna do after the military work at mcdonald's congratulations all right we're gonna go ahead and you have a twist it runs off spring power once you've twisted it what you can do at that point go ahead and close this up and then you can simply fire this bad boy all right so we have the milk or very cool little design right there awesome little system so there are a couple different ways you can set up for 40 millimeter to be clear i'm not a grenadier but i've had the opportunity to work with a lot of cool guys who really know their craft really well so a couple different really cool products we have out here is of course have the tactical tailor 40 millimeter holders they hold 12 individual rounds of 40 millimeter they'll fit your less lethals your more than lethals all that kind of stuff they are a good belt to use and they've been used all over the world so well proven right here what i have is one of the brand new travis haley rigs so if you need a little bit more heat on you just drop down that sub abdominal pouch and you have a couple more 40 millimeters and then again to plug it once more you can have an on uh gl holder from hurricane butterfly lots of cool products out there definitely just find what's going to work for you everybody has a different job whether you're a grenadier in the army and you have a ton of hg or if you're a le and you have to carry them a different way just find something that works for you good that check for you guys yeah as well so right here we're going to talk about some of the more interesting rounds you can fire of course you have the chalk rounds but we're going to get into some more interesting ones right here what we have is a 40 millimeter wood baton smokeless multiple projectile specifically three so i can't wait to see how this works this is a less lethal round let's go ahead and give it a shot right here less lethal he's good to the people all right so next one we have right here is a 40 millimeter rubber baton multi-projectile three rounds right here so again with these you do want to be a little bit away they are less lethal past a certain distance it's important that you know that type of stuff before you shoot somebody with them again he's still alive he's good it's a less lethal so you're absolutely good okay right here we have a 40 millimeter sting ball rubber pellets these are interesting you don't want to fire these into the upper torso of somebody what you want to do is you want to hit them into the thighs or skip it off the ground into them but you know here the grantham channel we're just going to kind of go ahead and send it less lethal bean bag we have the super sock so think of a bean bag on steroids it's been lifting for a while spending a lot of chicken breasts just ready to [ __ ] your life in half jesus super sock this is the super sock so you know okay we have right here is an aerial burst 40 millimeter flash bang set to 100 meters so this is kind of like if you want to let someone know that you respect them but not that much cool i'm loving it so we're gonna be testing out some oc some cs tear gas all that good stuff but who better to test it out than one of our nation's finest a united states god damn marine so right here we have tyler with us tyler you want to tell us a little bit about you uh i served in the marine corps for four years motor t hell yeah i always keep the hat pretty high anytime even in the civilian world so do you want to do a shout out to your unit i'll give i'll give a shout out to jack scott staff sergeant i know where he's at right now but i hope you're doing well bro hell yeah tyler's also my brother-in-law so anyhow [ __ ] him let's do this i'm ready okay so we have a 40 millimeter riot cf smoke multi-projectile 80 meter be free little bird yeah oh [ __ ] okay [Music] did it jit oh i don't even feel it here look at me [Music] oh oh i think you gotta go back in bud i'm big i think so give me a full sentence like 10 words uh i've never been tear gassed by girls you've ever been tear gas by grand thumb hit that subscribe button oh oh here here now with the eyes watering now give me a if you've ever have you've ever been tear gas by grand thumb hit that subscribe button that didn't seem like it was horrible is that what we're shooting at antifa what the [ __ ] that's it no i'm good so right here with the impact round cs so this is the type of round you're gonna shoot uh you're skipping to the ground into a person shooting to a vehicle something like that but it needs the impact against something to work ty how you feeling i feel good dude i can't feel it he's great so we're gonna shoot this one into a rock ty's gonna experience this one as well didn't even phase me didn't even phase me i can't feel it i can't feel it right here we have an impact round oc a little bit of a different flavor a little cheeto try this one that one still wasn't as bad it wasn't as bad yeah tear gas is much worse yeah so they say that the uh those three projectile tear gas rounds the ones that we use are the ones that are have been used a lot of places um because they are short range and they are very effective you can see how the cloud is still sitting pretty heavy right there right it's a lot here guys so those [ __ ] you up pretty good yeah those are the worst i could feel it right in my lungs right away you can feel it even before you hit like the actual color part of the cloud but yeah that was much worse than the cs and this is a very popular round so very cool if you can get your hands on these if you're in a position to do so honestly they should be of course available to everyone but unfortunately laws are the way that they are hopefully we can lift some of those and just everybody can get their hands on these thanks dude that was good dude he's down there i thought it was like this he goes just an awesome awesome little design well guys hopefully you uh got to see how much fun 40 millimeters are hopefully these become much more available the ammunition becomes much more available in the very near future appreciate you guys tuning in but here's the thing make sure you get training with us make sure you check get yourself a 40 millimeter they rock finally before we go i do have something else for you ty will you come right in here so ty i always let my uh my guest you know give a little bit of dad advice since you got oc actually it's really spicy i'm kind of breathing it in a little right now if you want to go ahead and give these guys a little dad advice yeah i'm gonna say that don't compare yourself to anyone else just uh be better than you were yesterday and just always do that every day you know you'll get to a farther place than you were so love it man thanks brother appreciate you being on here guys thank you so much for watching a lot of fun tons more coming make sure that if you guys have gotten this far you check out survival dispatch survival dispatch is a site it's a repository of survival information lots of great stuff these are skills that we have lost make sure that you gain them back guys a final shout out to my patreon people thank you so much you have made all this stuff possible love you guys couldn't have done this without you i've got nothing else for you we're done
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 760,325
Rating: 4.933424 out of 5
Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb, grenade launcher, m203, m79, pirate gun, gl, noob tube, noob toob, call of duty grenade launcher, less lethal, tear gas
Id: zAAiFLr4y6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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