How to shoot faster (With Mojo)

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That was a great moment. The sudden realization that this is even possible. Hilarious

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 45 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/7ipptoe šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 08 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

I just finished watching this episode too. Loved it.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 16 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/tracer_21 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 08 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

Well now. Iā€™m going shooting on Sunday and Iā€™m either coming home with a new trick or one very broken Glock. Wish me luck

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 9 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Diesel11122 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 08 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

Daddy thumb on the sig sub, I like it.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 9 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/SockeyeSTI šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 08 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

Is it me or is his hair getting longer and longer? #milspechairdo

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 8 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/neopanz šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 08 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

Yeah I loved how EVERYONE on set lost it. Craziest thing I've ever seen. Someone in the comments asked if the glock mags do the same in the Sig and apparently it doesn't work. I was very disappointed.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 8 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/jpate719 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 08 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] if you've ever shot a match but you forgot to load your gun and all you did was dry fire go ahead and hit that subscribe button guys like and comment the comment section is out of control get in there find out what is the most important part of youtube if you guys are looking to support the channel the biggest support of the channel right now is big daddy unlimited big daddy unlimited is like the costco the gun world 99 cents for the first month after that price goes up is it worth it if you buy products yes if not no we have les concealment for all of your holster needs and of course vertex discount code grantham 25 off ladies gentlemen am i often forgotten but most certainly not by me suppressors welcome to the channel today we have a guest star mil-spec mojo so if you guys don't know uh mojo how do you what do we call you okay so mojo uh you wanna tell me to find you on instagram first off uh instagram middle spec mojo same with youtube no specimen joe thanks do you have a youtube i do uh you can't be on this channel though so um mojo tell us a little bit about your background uh but before we do we're gonna be doing a video on how to shoot fast because if you don't know mojo is asian fast he is incredibly fast so mojo i don't want to take away your time to go ahead and talk about yourself talk a little bit about you sorry prior marine corps um and then now current law enforcement nice do you want to do any shout outs to any of your marine corps guys like your job yo one two love you guys somewhere like they're all like scattered half of them are cops half of them are college students i'm like oh man he shouted us out yeah one two alpha company company a-ha awesome so the question is everybody wants to know how do you shoot fast just pull the trigger faster there you go ladies and gentlemen thank you for joining us okay okay tell us about how you got there because um you know you're like compared to like some guys like we got lucas right he shoots a ton and tons of competition shooters have tons of ammunition sponsors and tons of money to buy ammo but i mean you're just uh you're just a military dude and then you work law enforcement currently like you don't have a ton of money to blow on ammo like you're like it's a normal person so how do you can how do you consistently have speed and accuracy how do you stay good how did you get good so it first started out with the the concept the idea of like doing doing more with less so growing up uh it started with percussion actually drumming so understanding really idea of tempo and cadence and stuff like that yeah so saying i need rhythm you need rhythm i don't rhythm is we're the missed big one can you dance mike okay okay so like the biggest thing is rhythm it's literally it's so understanding that everyone has the capability to pull the trigger super freaking fast okay but the idea now is to tell your brain to be able to listen to what cadence and what works for your gun obviously every gun has a different trigger reset it has a different feel to the trigger so you can do with a milspec trigger a geissele a cmc trigger doesn't matter really yeah anyway because i'm i'm mostly running i'll be honest guys triggers on my right on my rifle amazing triggers yeah they're amazing and then on pistols stock for the most for the for very much so the most part but you run stock triggers on all your ars pretty much actually just right now if like an hour before showing up here i put a cmc trigger in one of my rifles i've heard good things i've heard good things too okay it's cool but for the most part you've run stock triggers prior to that yeah so what what happens for a lot of guys i know as i was working on getting fast and getting better with my tempo is you have a tendency like hang up you know what i mean like you gotta shoot fast like you draw and you're like like fire one and then it's like two really fast and then it's like you know a couple more really slow what drills should we be doing how do we do this there's actually one drill that i i picked up that i liked quite a bit is from my buddy uh brian velissa slide tech training solutions oh great guy rammy through great great guy so you ran me through a drill called the one to five drill not the vtec one to five that everyone thinks about um actually if you want to run that real quick i'll run you through yeah sure you want to do it rifles yeah right okay let's run it all right so um this is a drill that i picked up from my buddy brianville's slide tech training solutions so it's a one to five drill good so from starting positions you're gonna work sequences of one shot reset two shots reset three shots four all the way five work way back to one okay so one of the things you're paying attention to here obviously other than just working the cadence um site pictures i mean getting your site picture actually get presenting on the target finding what your dot's going to be tracking the gun and recoil and then obviously understanding what this wants to do okay so the principle of resetting during the cycling of the gun if possible make sure shooter ready first gun ready make sure that gun is always in the position to be ready so when you're ready to pull the trigger all you gotta do is pull okay so one of the things that like for example if you fire five rounds at the distance right you see dudes one of these numbers yeah weight down that trigger reset yeah they're waiting on the trigger reset so one of the things you started implementing like slower slower cadences so i'm like all right i want your fire case to stick so it's like one two three four five six one two three four five six so you notice now we're immediate reset of the trigger immediate reset yeah that's one of the things you pay attention to and obviously that's working the basic fundamentals of working to get fast so now if we do the actual drill one reset safety two set three four five after that forker five be clear that's semi-automatic to be clear so you work from one to five yeah after that from five down to one okay and one of the things is so you can see i threw a shot i threw that i counted that in my third shot during the string of four jesus sure i shrubbed it back so everything's in the a-zone one is going to be out so understanding that if you start to get stuttering so if you go like if you do one of these numbers if you're trying to fire five all of a sudden you're like uh uh you fired this every time yeah if you stutter back it off a little bit okay and then focus on the trigger pull and then one of the biggest things we talked about as well um is counting the cadence in your head so that's one thing so like saying one two three four five one two three four five so again like so we're gonna focus on actually like counting the cadence in your head during the course of five right so one two three four five one fifty four five one two three four five ah so i've messed that up so if you count the cadence in oh thank you sir so if you count the cadence in your head okay again you're talking to your finger so anyone has a capability to do that as fast as they can right so understanding that if you talk to your brain your brain can tell you what rhythm you need to follow obviously following the idea of music so one two three four five one two three four five [Applause] yeah easy yeah yeah so again go slower that's the biggest thing it's working blocks you can't just all of a sudden pick up a guns go ah start yanking rounds down range you want to actually pay attention to focusing on going slow at the beginning yeah doing it right and then working your way up from there so i feel like a little baby about to shoot all right you're gonna do great all right so on you so just go from one all the way to five and back down to one got it you're watching your surgery do it again yep honey you want me fire give me five i gave you my bag okay so what you're i you're you're actually not leaving the face of the trigger that's okay so that one of the things obviously we want to pay attention to if you're doing a shooter shooter coach whatever yeah pay attention to see what the where their finger lies on the trigger so like if they're obviously slapping the [ __ ] out of it trying to get an intended result yeah and you know one thing i did notice too so if you actually if if we had a can of throw on that so the guns that are gassed properly are cycling slower so sometimes i think you can actually outrun the gun it's happened before yeah so because your gun obviously paying attention to ejection patterns for those who don't know um you want a gun to have a consistent three to four o'clock ejection yeah so you're not taking as much wear and tear on the parts so um my rifle for his triarch and this thing is like gasoline yeah phenomenal these guys gassed it perfectly for me so i had to throw a can on it so it over gas the gun so the gun cycles faster so i actually can keep up with me so then i'm not saying i'm like oh i'm super fast i need to keep up with me but that's literally what you just no but okay so everyone has the capability to again going back to the beginning everybody has a capability to get fast and everyone can outrun the gun yeah the only difference between me and everybody else is i may have just put more time in it with everybody else that's literally anyone can catch me everyone can get me um it's not a big deal but so if you put a can on that down the road like i know you're going to cancel more lane around with that thing if you put a can on that bad boy it'll over gas the cycling in the gun and you can actually shoot a lot faster because right now i think you're probably at your peak just watching the gun cycle and seeing how it cycled when you were shooting it yes our 16s are a little bit over gas because [ __ ] combat guns you know what i mean true all that kind of stuff um so one quick note so you talked about my trigger leaving the face so i'm always very cognizant of trying not to slap the trigger i mean i understand that there's a lot of argument about that but but in any case um what is something if somebody's trying to shoot fast and what is something they should look for that's really common for people trying to shoot fast and they [ __ ] it up so uh juana's just eating the trigger like ah and start pulling the trigger so they just straight up try to go for it yeah i mean which is not a bad thing sure if you want to do it it works it works again nothing i ever say nothing anyone ever says in this industry right now is like the law yeah so everything is subjective and it worked for us during our careers during our time everybody's different yeah everybody's completely different so i never want to say someone's wrong or someone's right but um with when as it pertains to that like the actual like the biggest thing to look for obviously leaving the face of trigger and then the part of the problem is obviously just eating it trying to pull the trigger as fast evenly possible um if anything again say a kid into your head everyone can clap to a beat of a song i don't know if you can or not though okay no rhythm where should i look i'm just leaving now here's a question i have for you can i just see you uh run that pistol a little bit really quick yeah you want to see right yeah once you run this okay this is important to me this is important to you yeah uh could you just do the target reports over here i threw two out a little bit you have a lot of steel here this is so much fun i know i don't you get carried away oh shoot come on that's not gonna work the sigma it'll work promise watch you're welcome okay god what what just [ __ ] happened did you know that oh did you know that uh no i did it jesus jesus christ what he slammed a sigmag held it in place and shot the glock on it yeah oh there's your magnets and essentially over time it it's not like a secret or anything crazy like again like i said everyone has a capability to shoot fast and i think the idea now behind it it says just to get the reps yeah so you need you need the reps um you could work trigger like frick you could work trigger control on a mouse as long as you have the idea that your brain can talk to your finger yeah because again everyone can do this really quickly so if we actually just said skirt here that's for a vehicle control so that was six rounds so then what i'm paying attention to here specifically is where when am i feeling my trigger during the reset and when i need to pull again and obviously you need to do that by getting continuous reps on the trigger and working slower so again working the slow fundamentals right so let's do four okay so what you're doing is you're working on that reset immediately yes okay reset immediately that's what we want obviously the ar triggers are very aggressive on the reset so they help you reset and helps push your finger forward again but you want to so focus on resetting the trigger immediately as soon as you fire the trigger as soon as you pull the trigger because again we if we talk about shooting pistols at 25 yards these are trying to shoot at v8 and they're like yeah boom clicks true boom click now it's like you're going to train your brain even though you're shooting farther away and you're not shooting fast you're going to train your brain to reset immediately so that you understand when you need to pull again interesting okay yeah it's weird it's a weird concept but it's again like everyone watching the video anyone shooting has the ability to shoot fast it's just again getting the reps in and that's the biggest thing now obviously with the ammo shortage is going to be hot sometimes i even practice with my freaking uh my airsoft really what is it elite force uh gas wool back lock 17 from kate uh from ebike evic i bought that as soon as i bought that i started running that and i started like doing random drills in the house like again working dry fire because you're still working the same principles i have the same trigger uh it doesn't feel the same yeah cause i've heard a lot of arguments against airsoft the idea being that you know with airsoft your triggers are different so straight up i mean our unit has a couple airsoft guns in our unit to test out and it's actually pretty good so they have they're the uh gas blowback yeah and they guess what the rifles is you actually get pretty pretty good recoil and i think they're actually made for this type of training yeah um but you get the pretty good uh you know recoil from them it feels very similar to like an m4 absolutely and you have like a similar trigger press so like there i can understand the training we have a little laser dot and all that kind of stuff that's how we train with that with the screen setup on the laptop and all that but i've always kind of been hesitant to go to a different like uh airsoft pistol that's like not exactly like it but you're saying it doesn't matter something honestly in my opinion it doesn't so that's like saying that your duty guns are glock 19. yeah but you can't shoot a sig because it's a different trigger pool you got me there you know i mean that's the same principle so you're working again it's for you as a shooter understanding your capabilities and understanding the different triggers and working those basic fundamentals of actually shooting resetting the trigger immediately and pulling again and then obviously working the cadence and again you have to count the cadence like that's one of the things that i've been doing like prior to a builder with a pistol or rifle i'm like one two three four five six one two three four five six that's yes so okay that's very interesting it's like it's like you're telling your brain like you're you're telling your brain what beat to follow interesting so that's a that's a very similar um concept to a lot of halo's favorite haley's the big one that yeah and that comes from professional sports um you think you're dead i don't know maybe yeah i heard he was out here he sure hasn't been supporting me dad no uh but the the idea being that in a professional sports arena um you know before they play they envision what they're going to be doing you know how are they going to be pushing off that track to start running or uh when they're hitting that ball you know picturing all the motions and going through it in their head over and over so absolutely that transfers right over to rifles and pistols you should be doing the exact same thing but what's interesting is counting that cadence off in your head now here's a question so no airsoft pistol let's say we got people who just i mean dude times are rough right now right people don't have a lot of money so the question is like they're not gonna go out they're not gonna buy an airsoft pistol they have their glock at home they're low on ammo you know what can they do at home what do you do at home dry firewise that they could possibly do to work their trigger so the couple people that i've seen actually um they picked up cert pistols that's one yeah yeah you're training again you could sit there in the living room you could sit there with a target you could draw from a certain pistol out of a holster and you could work the cadence can you tell them what a certain pistol is yeah the cert pistols may i think you're out of washington i think i'm not sure so it's a it's a it's a training pistol that emits a laser so every time you pull the trigger the laser emits from the barrel and it you could see the trigger press you could see what you're yanking the gun in one direction or the other so um cert pistols are great training tools especially for dry fire a lot of organizations like law enforcement agency filter agencies and even training facilities they have like the um the laser system where you could like put your phone up to a screen and thank you every time the laser pulls on a target you'll see it project on your screen it's very cool it's a very cool train i mean of course you don't get the recoil you don't but it's it's a very cool platform exactly and so again we have to look at one of the one of the things i took away on buddy uh buddy ryan out of vegas is a cop down there um he always told me he's like you know freaking yeah so he always says like you know you know uh what is it the football players don't run through tires in a football game but they do it prior to the game they do for training yeah so it's one of the things it's like you're still working individual aspects it's like in in the middle of a football game they're not gonna be running through tires or so there's a reason why they do it during practice exactly you're isolating your agility you're isolating a lot of different things and that's what we want to try to do especially right now because times are tough um and honestly and one of the biggest things i will say the ability to shoot fast is awesome yeah but one thing you try not to lose is overdriving your headlights trying to shoot faster than you can what do you mean by overdriving your headlights so shooting faster and shooting more than your capability so that's like i i i could easily point pull up like what point one two splits point one one splits on a target that sounded like point one oh switch to me so we could do those on a target all day but then the problem is like did you really be doing that in real life if you had to shoot somebody probably not man no yeah because you need to shoot as fast and a lot of process because then all of a sudden you zip a dude because you're trained in your back your head 15 rounds all right burn it down and that's the problem with doing like the reactionary drills where you're like on like dude you're not gonna pull on a target at a point three out because you need to look at the target process yeah friendfold yeah you shoot till you get your intended results but at the same time like it is isolating a part of that movement it is and that's what we just talked about it but again um it's it's good to be able to shoot fast knowing your capabilities and backing it off from there finding your 100 percent and then every time you go into the range driving it to that 110 if that's even possible can you can you go past 100 sure why not i do like i do one thousand percent all the time so the idea being is is we're shooting fast at one point should they become concerned so for me personally when i'm shooting so if you take a look over at this target over here so we're shooting at just an m9 silhouette um definitely not stolen um but on this we have our azon right here right so we have it all within the a zone that's what i usually call my failure point i say is everything within the a zone if so i figure i can probably push it faster push it harder push it further right is that kind of your metric as well is kind of basing off of the a-zone yeah so what i what i start to do i start to i base it off the a-zone so which is the accuracy portion yeah and the the uh the ability of that actually my trigger finger so like my agility i guess in the hand okay so if i start to skip cadence where i'm like that yeah back it off um same with the target if i start to lose control the gun then i know that i was starting to shoot beyond my capability so i need to back it off a little bit and that's one of the biggest things now i think i find with with getting stutters right and we talked about those earlier is usually especially with pistol it always comes from me tensing up my firing hand yeah so it's like too much tension in my fire hand same thing it's like when i'm very tense travis haley was talks about that [ __ ] he showed me pretty hard for it but when i'm getting tense with that hand is when i start to stutter i found right the looser i am the faster i can allow my trigger finger to flow i got to kind of relax you kind of got to get into that flow state if you know what i'm talking about especially like professional sports and that type of thing there's a lot of um i think uh you know connections to professional sports when it comes to shooting that i think we're missing out on yeah um just just because of the way the nature of what we do and stuff i mean at the higher t level levels probably not but for some of us there are absolutely huge parallels to be drawn between professional sports and shooting and a lot of those can directly apply mechanics agility uh freaking what is it individual tasks uh test delegation so like your right hand your left arm your right foot your left foot's doing different things especially if you start looking dynamic movement shooting on the move um doing these little drills like i mean we can talk through one reload one all day and how much stuff you're working how much processing that's happening during the actual reload itself so 100 that could all be taken away so question for you so on as far as drop by is concerned clear okay so one thing that i have done a lot to work dry fire because i brought my earpro is what i'll typically do is i'll bring my gun up i'll present a fire i'll right the slide and what i'll do is from here i'll work on how quick can i let that trip that finger off to reset the gun and then work the trigger again if that makes sense so i'm working that kind of reset to trigger pull i mean is that is that something that i've always done because i'm watching what my dot is doing shooter ready versus gun ready right so now if you want to shoot when you're when let's say okay let's mimic that here so let's go ahead and do that real quick so the idea that you wanted to go ahead and layer clear thank you so let's say this so the idea now that you wanted to do this pull the trigger boom get your intended result do this number nine yep so now you're introducing when you want to shoot again you have to do two things now you have to reset the trigger yeah it's it's a lot of weather and now because you're like i gotta go so fast you're like ah yank the trigger right yeah so one thing i've been doing actually for dry fire purposes what i do is i i'll pull the trigger yeah when i rack the slide notice you didn't hear my reset interesting yeah okay so it worked i work again it's a mental thing yeah so i try to work that and so that's one thing i've been trying to push forward in my ability now so like now when i shoot targets at 25 yards you don't hear me though going to boom now find my target again click boom introducing bad habits is what you're saying yes so working that on the driver again drive fire is phenomenal it works a lot of different things so one thing again do pull the trigger during the reset i'm already resetted i'm already resetted and if you watch mojo's instagram you'll notice that like almost every day i see you [ __ ] get your belt on and you're [ __ ] sitting there just dry firing just over and over you're sometimes yeah absolutely practicing presentation all that thing so i think there's a lot to be said about getting those dry fire practices in you know um i mean obviously there's nothing that can fully replace live rounds unfortunately i wish that there was but dry fire um if you can get a certain pistol or an airsoft pistol and practice that you can absolutely help yourself but unfortunately there's no complete replacement for shooting and that is the one thing that does kind of suck but what you can practice is a lot of the body mechanics that go along with shooting and that can definitely help lucas did a great video with liko yes sir pretty much asian asian lucas uh from japan and he's just an air softer but when he got there of course he had to get used to the recoil but once he did the guy was blazing it down because the guy had the fundamentals he had down the sight picture he had down the trigger press the mechanical movements and he ended up being a pretty freaking faster than me oh yeah the kid was fast like and if you look at the idea too like um organizations that you're part of for example organizations that i'm a part of and other people here that in this industry that are part of a lot of the times during range days what are they doing dry firing dry firing right fundamentals dry fire and fundamentals like that's like everyone thinks that it's all the cool [ __ ] yeah it is to an extent there's a lot of different things different mission sets for different organizations but what it comes down to is legitimately is the the simplicity and the idea of focusing on the fundamentals i agree because then everything else you tack onto that you don't have to worry about how to clear malfunction because that's second nature guarantee if i gave you a double feed right now you'd be saying back up in it yeah so it's super cool about that i just shoot sometimes you fight but no absolutely man i mean that's what it comes down to so i mean you can't replace wi-fi you can't but but absolutely you should be working the fundamentals and your dry fire and all that stuff that will play into it but when it comes to if you want to get really fast it's going to come down to rounds yeah it's good it's hard right now especially during the uh coronavirus as cardi b says so like one of the biggest things now is obviously the price of ammo sucks it's horrible for everyone i mean i felt badass all the shooting this ammo just for a second i was like oh my gosh that's a hundred brought to you by brought to you by big daddy unlimited uh plug so like um one thing i've been telling people not split m with your friends so like if you guys want to throw down on some ammo like get a thousand rounds split it with your buddy split in four ways yes it's going to suck but you're not taking 5 600 out of your bank account so that's one big thing so you can still hit the range and working these low round count drills like again we could still i could we could fire five rounds and work the same principles that will allow you to get faster immediate immediate reset of the trigger pulling straight to the rear or straight back and all that fun stuff you could work all those fundamentals and still become a proficient shooter over time yeah um just know that it won't be in the same progression as someone in that is actually putting rounds on range yeah because like again you and i could sit here and fire 2000 rounds all day and not get [ __ ] out of it but we could also sit back over and we could sit back here and box of 50 between both of us have some amazing conversations work some great fundamentals talk through what we're doing specifically and explain what we're doing to each other and we can have a phenomenal training session and i think that's what it comes down to is making sure that you're being deliberate with your with your shooting just like working out right if you go to the gym and you sit there and you just do arm curls all day i mean your biceps are going to get a little bit bigger but the point is is that to have a good workout to really increase your strength you need to have a good varied workout the same thing goes to shooting you need to make sure that you're doing the right thing and know what you're doing there are tons of great drills out there i highly recommend following guys like lucas bear solutions cog works these are guys who put out great drills constantly yeah that you can get to the range and you can do a bare solution drill and be like oh wow i see precisely where i'm deficient at you know and then you can work from there so make sure when you get to the range you have a plan don't just get there and you're like all right i guess i'll put my stuff yeah i'll put my put my fridge out there and i'll shoot my fridge and it looks good i'm fast you know have a plan and get into it and you're going to see dividends and it's going to pay dividends to you as far as your ability to shoot recording yourself is a big one too recording yourself yeah honestly put your camera in a corner you get a lot of you got id a lot of differences especially if you're going by yourself and then even shoot with your friends go have fun go up in the mountains and do it go to a range and hit the front hit the range with your homies and so at least there because your friends will always talk [ __ ] your friends always know your deficiencies either because they're watching you shoot yeah you're right like if this camera wasn't on we'd be talking so much [ __ ] right now oh yeah i mean because we care like we're that close to the point where we can do that so bring your friends out to the range and you guys can learn together and make these make these uh coronavirus times precious memories together social distance six feet but yeah i mean that's pretty much it guys i mean the biggest thing we've talked about is getting training yeah you know make sure you get training i really do despite all this i do recommend getting professional training i think it is important to that somebody who has a lot of experience take a look at you and give you kind of that jumping point to get in it's just like swinging a golf club or swinging a baseball bat you want somebody who knows what they're doing to be there and be like hey this is how you do it tons of great guys out there do you want to do any plugs for any of your guys who do training uh there's a lot scitec training solutions yes big one centrifuge uh been talking to guy dan smith dudes that cop out of here in washington state awesome there's a lot of a lot of phenomenal trainers like dudes are awesome guys are awesome too so what you have to do is pay attention to what instructors align with your values um listen to look at the bios look at them look at their ability to shoot um make sure the instructors can definitely i mean there's a if an instructor sucks at shooting it's not the biggest thing in the world but because he could still teach something you know like there's a lot of old dogs that definitely don't know the new tricks but they can still think teach you a thing or two absolutely but just vet your instructors make sure that they're teaching you the things that align with your core values and after that you'll be good to go awesome well guys i mean that's pretty much what it comes down to thank you for watching guys i mean we could go into this ad nauseum to get out there get some of that practice and training that we talked about thanks for showing us those drills and uh guys we've got we've got nothing else for you we're done we're done we're done okay um mojo last thing i let all of my guest speakers give a little piece of that advice to my viewers it's really important you put me on the spot i wasn't expecting they're a lost people and i do this to every single one of my people on you give them a little bit of that advice as in me as a dad no no my dad advice i mean advice for life yeah make sure every time you see your parents give a big old hug thanks guys you know if you've gone alright survival dispatch survival dispatch is a survival site a subscription base get in there you're going to learn a lot of survival knowledge highly recommended final shout out to my patreon people thank you so much for all of your support you guys are the wind beneath my wings love you guys we are done that's good
Channel: undefined
Views: 800,020
Rating: 4.972815 out of 5
Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb, shoot fast, fast shooting, quick shooting, gunslinger, special operations shooting, special forces shooting, shooting, pistol shooting, rifle shooting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 7sec (1687 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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