US Army's new handgun The Sig Sauer M17

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[Music] if you were ever angry that the military adopted the sig over the Glock go ahead and hit that subscribe button guys like and comment the comments section is full of very confused people get in there find out why it is famous across the internet if you're looking to support the channel we have a gun mag warehouse they sports monetarily we hooked them up by buying magazines and saying thank you it's digna Shahs were all the cool guys over there he's former Marine so I know my marines getting all pumped right now if you're looking for ammunition Alex ammo and then of course a plaid in outdoorsy stuff is vertex 25% off with grantham and like 6 percent off with lax ammunition it's gonna save you a little bit gentlemen ladies today we're gonna be talking about the Sig Sauer M 17 if you are unfamiliar with what this firearm is or why it is significant this is the newest handgun of the United States military many US are already moving over to it including my unit although we haven't moved yet but it will be very soon and yeah this is gonna be it you know the m9 is no more so that's kind of a big deal so it's kind of fun that we're able to get our hands on this and really get some good impressions you know prior to the full adoption by the United States military so let's get into it now before we do the full disclosure what is my you know relationship with sig there is none I don't really know the guys over there I might be working with some optics of their optics division a little bit but as far as the company itself they they don't talk to me we're not in speaking terms this handgun was provided for by Big Daddy limited so you know pretty cool you just kind of go through third party no bias I think never is but it kind of makes a little less biased I suppose so I'm not talking directly to the company and the ammunition was provided for by the fancy brass company so let's thank them both so what I think is funny about the m17 is this was adopted and then immediately people are like I would take my m9 nej over the m17 and I'm like this is just like when the m9 was adopted and everyone was like take my 1911 over the m9 yeah I do think that the m17 is an improvement wanna throw that out there but let's talk about why it's an improvement why I think it's good in several ways so let's get into it a little bit here so first off the heart of the weapon the barrel the barrel is well made I have no complaints at them about the barrel is about 4.7 inches long which is plenty long for its intended application and the barrel is surprisingly accurate for me I've heard a lot of commentary a lot of shooters comment on this where they shoot and they're like that's going precisely where I want it to and I think that's due to a lot more factors than just the barrel because I believe a Glock barrel is just as accurate as a Sig barrel I just think that a couple of the factors that play into the sig you know including trigger and sights and grip and all that kind of stuff just make it a more pleasant shooting firearm a little bit easier to kind of get your shots where you want them so barrel is is you know perfectly okay for this um moving up in the barrel let's talk a little bit about the slide right here so the slide has front serrations right here I know there's a lot of like but frustration around front slide serrations or people like oh you know what before are you gonna sit there and press check what's the point there's a loaded chamber indicator and all that kind of stuff so let's talk about them I've kind of mentioned this before but a lot of handguns throughout history have had either serrations on the front or some type of scalped front slide that way you can easily grasp at the firearm from the front and manipulate it I do find manipulating the slide from the front to be easier than hitting it from the back so I do enjoy the fact that they have front slide serrations and they're very grippy they're easy to get your hands on too and they work now why do you need front slide serrations and I kind of mentioned a little bit well one for me you know working about functions is easier because I can kind of keep the gun out it's just easier for me to work them another reason is if you need to do a press check now press check is very debated in the firearm world but you know for a variety of reasons on a lot of firearms where they don't have a really good loaded chamber indicator or where it perhaps it's not working very well you do need to do them it's simply into letting you know if you actually have it round loaded so by pulling back you're able to either feel or see brass why would you need to feel wrath if it's in blackout conditions and you can't use have a light to feel and make sure that that cartridge is indeed in there now the m17 does come with a loaded chamber indicator that is fairly reliable I haven't heard anything bad about it now it doesn't say in its manual does say to check the function of it you know every once a while as you do your kind of your regular maintenance checks but in the case of mine it's been fine I've put around 4,000 rounds through this particular m17 I haven't had any problems with that loaded chamber indicator kind of having some issues before we kind of move on the finish on this slide is PVD which is awesome it's known to be very corrosion resistant very abrasion resistant and it's a good coating in my opinion so you know no problem there I think they did a good job with that is it as durable as a Glocks finish I don't think quite as durable but I think it's very much so adequate for the intended duty that we'll be performing which is as a service pistol okay the sights so the sights are tritium so they have tritium inserts on the front sight and the rear front sight is totally fine the rear sight leaves a little bit to be desired in my opinion the rear sight is very very wide and that's due to the fact that the rear sight is also a plate for an optic mount that being the loophole Delta Point Pro but for whatever reason they made the rear sight super super fat and because of that it obscures a lot of review it doesn't need to be that fat in my opinion something like the Glock still has fairly you know thin sights or any aftermarket sights are a lot thinner so it's pretty disappointed in the rear sights it obscures a lot of your sight picture when you're looking down the firearm on top of that I find the front sight to be a little bit fatter than what I want I would want something a little bit thinner in my opinion and I understand why they have it fat it's for that you know fast target acquisition and all that type of stuff but still I think a thinner could definitely benefit the m17 in my opinion okay moving down from the slide into the frame the frame is pretty cool the frame is can be completely swapped out so the actual serialized portions within the frame so they can easily be swapped out for whatever I've seen a lot of diagrams or this is doing crazy stuff and you can install them the rifles and all that kind of stuff so I think sig has a lot of ideas about modularity in the future to make sure that this is a future proofed firearm and I think that's a very good idea so good of them for that I think that they're doing really good things there they take down lever right here is simple to use it's very similar to other sig handguns new issues are takedown simple I don't think it's quite as easy as the Glock I do find the takedown lever to be a little bit stiffer then I would actually like but unless it is very much so functional kind of get into these controls right here so we have two controls they are ambidextrous so we have our safety so the m8 this m17 does have a safety and that was as required by the MHS program so the military required them to have a manual safety the Glock submission as well had a manual safety so in my fan of manual Safety's no I prefer the trigger mounted safeties but it's fine it's easy to actuate it's pretty small and it's unobtrusive and it's been perfectly fine the slider release is probably my favorite part of the m17 it's one of the reasons one of the many reasons I think that the m17 is in certain ways superior to the Glock and the reason for that is the Glock with its positioning of its slide release it's in such a position that with a standard thumbs forward grip a lot of people tend to depress the slide release to wear and they're firing they don't get slide lock on an empty magazine and that's kind of frustrating and that about 50/50 on the slide to blocking back and I know you can adjust your grip a little bit as far as kind of how you're doing it but I like that really nice high grip and I always depress a slide release now in comparison the m17 has a very small slide release and that might be a problem you might think oh that's gonna be awful you can't hit it but it's perfectly positioned at least for my medium-sized man hands to where if I need to hit it by doing a reload easily just lock it down and when I'm shooting it's a little bit higher and it has this little raised area around it that protects it from my hand so I'm always sitting slide lock on the m17 and that's something I can really appreciate when they design this in my mind I'm pretty sure they took an account modern handgun holding techniques and how we're gripping the handgun and they designed the controls around that because of that I'm never depressing the slide release or putting pressure on it where the guns locking back at weird times which can happen with a lot of handguns so I really appreciate the fact that they think they took a lot of time to look at how the modern shooter fires his handgun and they've appropriately designed the controls around that as opposed to a Glock which is has kind of been stubbornly obstinate and it's placement of its slide release in my opinion because of the way your thumb rests when you draw this handgun your thumb is just right on that on that safety so it just automatically releases from here every time I bring the gun up 0.96 so I can really appreciate everything that they did here just a wonderful job as far as control placement on the m17 magazine release is easy to use no problem reversible if you need to reverse it if you're lefty like I am but yeah no problems they're very easy to actuate magazines drop free now one quick note the magazines are very well made but here's one thing this particular matte magazine holds 17 rounds now if you were to take the 17 round magazine and put it in there with the slide closed pulling that slide back is going to be very difficult the reason for that is there's a lot of pressure on that spring in that magazine so it puts a lot of pressure on the slide and makes it very hard to retract so when you're doing a reload I prefer to lock the slide back and what if I'm using a full mag just as a quick note after that it's perfectly a okay but just so you guys know so we've talked about pretty much everything kind of going into this let's get into the trigger here so the trigger is always a hot topic when it comes to a striker-fired handgun there's a lot of great striker-fired handguns out there like the Walther like the vp9 and others but how does the Sig Sauer m17 compared to the other NHS candidate which was the Glock now in this case this is Glock 45 of course it's not the actual one that they submitted but the trigger there's no difference so let's try it out so we're gonna go ahead and go sis so you guys gonna go ahead and put your finger on the trigger I'm gonna put my finger right over yours and we're gonna make some pottery you play a little unchained melody' let's try this out so pulling into it I got about a two and a half a millimeter travel or so okay press him down okay about 5.5 pounds maybe six pound let off feels okay I kind of have heard it described as like anti-climatic when you you pull the trigger when you're dry firing in okay reset so make sure we're good then afford okay a little gritty coming forward that might be because I threw Huck this into a muddy creek but about four pounds to let office when it came forward it's not amazing but it works okay it let's pull out your overtime okay okay a little bit of mush and then it crisps up and you got to get a nice little let off there about that kind of six poundage mark okay compare that to a cloth right here okay put your finger right over mine let's go this together okay pulling that okay we got about three three a little bit more travel than the m17 okay we got mush mush mush mush mush 5.5 pounds let off let off is softer however there's a lot of creep and mush going into it okay reset going off there letting off about three pounds of nice three pounds of pressure and it resets it's a very short reset it feels very smooth really good okay pull that trigger again 5.5 pounds um between these two they're very different it's kind of hard to say which one is better because they have such different feels to them I do prefer the EM Seventeen's a little bit more and I'll let me explain why with the m17 is when you're firing it you get that take-up and a little bit of mush but you have a pretty light lighter than the Glock let off overall and it's a little bit crisper the Glocks you get a lot of mush and that pressure is kind of builds until this kind of mushy click at the end and it makes the nice really satisfying click but the m17 this feels a little bit more precise to me that being said the clock definitely has a superior reset than does the M 17 and resets do matter they make it easier when you switch when you're firing you know at speed in making multiple shots which is probably gonna be something with a service handgun so I can't appreciate if the Glocks trigger is definitely better on the reset but overall I think that they're equally matched and they're just kind of trading blows when it comes to that so let's talk about the grip angle the M 17 is much straighter and for me a much more natural to point very similar to like a brownian high-power compared to like the Glock which is kind of an aggressive angle which helps you control recoil however makes it so you have to kind of catch your wrist down in an odd angle to make sure that you're getting the sights on target which is fine you know everyone trained to do that and me included but I definitely can appreciate how nice CM 17 feels now that being said I do think that the grip leaves a little bit to be desired the grip kind of ends down here and I wish the grip would have continued up through here we would have had some texturing up there to help your kind of thumbs grip into it much like what you know modern staplers are doing to current Glocks right I just wish they would have had a little bit more texture up higher they don't it's okay but it could really improve the feel the handgun and have they added that texture all the way up the firearm right there now another comparison is although for the military the 320 was very very cheap in fact they even undercut the m9 for civilians it is not so cheap this thing is costing a little bit of money here around six seven hundred dollars and the magazines are quite pricey around forty bucks per mag now compare that to a Glock which is around five or six hundred and the mags are you know twelve to fifteen bucks it's kind of a no-brainer when it comes to civilian world but the military these are very cheap so you know way to go go up just crushing contracts by just under bidding everybody and they certainly are they are crushing military contracts right now so if all that being said how does it feel to shoot it's actually very pleasant I really enjoy shooting this firearm now the bore axis is a little bit higher on the m17 than the Glock what I mean by that is where your hand grips the gun the height of the barrel is higher than it is when you're gripping a Glock what that means is I have a little bit of height in mathematics and science kind of going against me so I should be feeling more felt to recoil now with all that being said I think due to the grip angle the nice trigger got everything going on up there the m17 feels very pleasant to shoot and i've really liked it i can be just as aggressive with that m17 as i can with a Glock 45 so you know I I kind of put that all in perspective I was like okay so we have the M 17 it was chosen how does it do reliability wise the Glock is fairly well known for being a just durable tank that will just chew through anything so we took the M 17 and I'm know you know the reliability tests or by any means I think military arms channel does a much better job but I took this little [ __ ] and I hooked it into a muddy river after that I pulled it out and we just ran a mag through it [Applause] worked fine put another mag in it ran through ran fine so as you can see no problems there this is a very reliable firearm and haven't had any hiccups and all the rounds that I put through it which is to be expected of a modern nine-millimeter service pistol I would expect no less from a Glock and I I've seen the same performance so here's what it comes down to for me the m17 and the Glock trade blows you know when they're in the NHS program I'm sure they were fairly equally matched because they both feel really good they will shoot really good they both have pretty good triggers for striker-fired weapons you know sights are always kind of suck from stock pistols but what it came down to I think is probably price the sig massively under bed Glock and because of that it was selected I find them to be very much so firearms that match each other but because of bidding the m17 one now that being said do I think that that was a bad choice no I don't I think that the m17 is a good pistol and I think it will prove itself over the years to be an excellent service weapon I enjoy quite a bit and I'll be switching over to this as one of the main firearms that I shoot due to the fact that in military this is what I'm gonna be using so I need to become more and more familiar with it so if you are planning on buying a 320 or an M 17 yeah you'll absolutely be happy with it if you're not in the military I don't know that the M 17 is the best version to get the manual safety is in my mind kind of not needed but if you want to have you know that military type firearm you want to get as close as you can the M 17 is pretty close if you want a exact replica there's an M 17 commemorative where it has fde controls and that is apparently what is standard in the military that also costs a lot more money so if you want to you know spend more money get some Gucci FTE controls then good on you otherwise the M 17 will be just as well but here's the thing is the pistols good and all that but the fact the matter is is if you don't train with it you're still gonna suck with it you know if a guy has a m17 and he puts you know ten thousand rounds to this thing over a couple of years and trains hard he's still gonna crush got the Glock who doesn't shoot at all so make sure you get to training guys there are plenty of great places to get training huh hog works and Baer solutions Travis Haley who probably grew me in a vet totally out in esoteric plenty of other great guys get that training learn how to shoot get better better yourself in every way gentlemen thank you for so much for watching the m17 is a pretty interesting pistol we'll be having a lot more videos talking about this is this design as we get upwards on the round count towards twenty and thirty thousand rounds so here's to the future and uh let's get going oh I've got nothing else for you okay last thing I have for you just kidding oral hygiene brushing your teeth flossing rinsing with mouthwash all that stuff really matters because that can directly affect other areas of your body so make sure you're taking care of your teeth because you know bad oral hygiene is kind of gross also it's bad for you so make sure you you're doing it you know if your parents never told you I am now so brush your teeth now if you've gotten this far you know what I'm going to talk about Big Daddy unlimited it's like Costco but for guns and you subscribe you pay in and then you have things for cheap are they're cheaper deals other wet places sometimes are for the most part it's cheaper at this place because I can ignore a lot of things so get in there look through the link find out if it's good for you if not no big deal finally if you've made it this far I want you to comment with your favorite vietnam-era war film and go
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 1,139,511
Rating: 4.9244103 out of 5
Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb, sig sauer m17, military handgun, us army pistol, us army handgun, m17, sig m17, sig p320, p320, sig 320, special forces handgun, handgun, shoot, military, coolest pistol, fastest pistol
Id: F2cOfS4-SY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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