The Future of Armored Helmets tested

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welcome back to the science channel today we have a really cool one for you guys i'm sure you've seen these here and there dev tech was nice enough to send us these helmets these are some of the most advanced futuristic armored helmet you can find on the market it's all a sectional armored helmet uh if i'm not mistaken if something gets damaged you can take out a section and then put a new one uh just give them give us a little close-up one they sent me this one to keep for myself you can put a night vision on it light it's got a vent on the top you can turn it off and on so it can circulate the air inside of it and there's also another switch over here i put a red laser down on the flashlight and i mounted this uh scope just for decoration just to show you guys some of the things you can put on the side i'm pretty sure it's not for a scope unless you are a predator then there's really gonna need one of these on the side of your head these two they tend to destroy i tested one of them out with a grenade it did pretty good these stickers i put myself just for decoration again and i can see a little bit better from far away what i'm shooting at it's a level 3a and some parts i think are level two i don't remember that either go to their website check them out there will be a link in the description thank you so much devtech for sending them over that's very ready i'm ready let's go let's do this thing okay for this experiment i'm gonna use an automatic shotgun just by you check this bad boy you see that we're gonna do the bird shot just curry you ready i'm ready so that's on the safe we're gonna go to full automatic right there no that's uh yeah this is automatic oh yes bird shot we're gonna see if we can uh i have five shots raspberry ready i'm ready firing a hole i probably don't even need to aim that was quick let's see what happened bunch of shots in the head five rounds did they go through dev tech don't disappoint me on this one uh none of them made it in i wonder where they got this from i need something like this right you can always use a okay shotgun five rounds bird shot didn't do it next round 22 22 22. okay so everyone's going p over there in the desert somewhere so i'm gonna try this 22 out on this helmet this is a open bolt 22 machine gun with the oil can silencer on it so let's see if we can ah cabron limousine are you ready i'm ready [Laughter] he shot right through the lens and the lens it's not supposed to be obviously armored it's a small little lens glass lens so i went through the um you shot both of his eyes out how did you manage the only place i said don't shoot it you should ride in the glasses both of them both of his eyes went right in and that's what happened here in the inside but obviously the parts that he hit right right over here none of them came out see only the glass parts is where it came in the only places i told richard not to shoot but this thing is so awesome right there yeah it this oh there's a 22. or was that the shotgun the 22. yeah there's a 22 right over there stuck not gonna mess with it and cut myself and edwin continues messing with it okay this is not hot yeah so it destroyed the surface but nothing came out impressive so let's do uh next round just spray this time it's your turn okay please don't do what this guy did try to shoot the uh the armors area maybe in the mouth yes okay thank you very much let's go compadre listo i don't know why i always shoot this thing i don't know just looks so good on you really yeah oh you should just carry that from that one okay this is a desert eagle 50 ae ready to go do you want to do uh do you want to just shoot one and then do a close-up one like a little closer yeah yeah because nothing should fly back wait let me hold on ask me if i'm ready are you ready ah no but go [Laughter] remember i told you this thing is sectional the back of his head came out did it go through no the bullets don't go through no that's the back part no this is the front the bull didn't go through no oh yeah it's stuck right in there oh my god so what happened the back part came out because of all that energy so just pretend that was your head the back of your the back of your head will fall off but the good thing is you're not gonna have a bullet in your head this was just the back part i think uh the force the energy pushed all that back yeah the bullet didn't make it out it's stuck right in there so here's what happened the force also managed was there a nose here i think there was a nose here or something the no the force from this it pushed it so hard and it broke the nose off whatever was sticking out it managed to push this back but lucky for this guy for this gentleman uh the bullet stuck right in there if we take out the bullet i don't know how we can cut this open this is some hard material that's the 50 ae okay point blank got my glasses on just be ready i'm ready fire in the hole yeah they're not coming out even at the 58e round desert eagle right in your face and the bullet there it is i shot they're both shot over here and none of them are coming out see they're stuck right in there just i can't take this other layer out it's kind of glued all together oh yeah this glock 17 it's a machine gun actually we're going to go 30 rounds machine gun yeah so we put the watermelon here i want to see what kind of damage we get okay that's pretty what kind of damage do you think you're going to get ah a out all how many rounds 30 30 rounds yeah we destroyed the watermelon i think okay here we go fire in the hole [Music] [Laughter] no more every time i shoot this at full auto at any kind of armor it's always going through there's no stopping it it's just one after another and pushing through well this could be the inside of your head no there's bullets inside just ready yeah it's inside eat no love watermelon juice you got some vodka no i can make a drink okay this is so funny keep in mind this these helmets it's a it's a level 3a it's not designed to handle that many rounds just right check the back there's all bullets here that many rounds and that fast so a lot of this will go through i mainly did this for the purpose of entertainment as you saw at 58e got stopped nine millimeter it's a lot smaller than a 50 ae which is a desert eagle round thanks to ravencrest for sending a bunch of these automatic knives look at that beauty so thank you so much there'll be a link in the description for them check them out if you like this kind of knives there's a bunch of bullets more bullets here that's it for that we're gonna do one ounce slug and i borrowed my grandpa's sawed-off shotgun it's a 12-gauge that's pretty you know how this works yes here i'll put that in there for you all yours just the safety is on look at this beauty this was made in 1912. safety off are you ready um was born ready okay let me you can go closer if you want no like this okay let me zoom in hold on ready uh yeah i don't know why it's cream but well it's nice oh yeah center shot like where's the the lock the slug it didn't even go through so it fell down here somewhere right here went in i mean didn't go in sorry it hit the surface and it just bounced back okay that's the video devtek thank you so much for sending this as you saw it can stop a 50 ae shotgun slug if it was few rounds of a nine millimeter yes but not at that high speed of a um multi-rapid fire 30 rounds right in there it's just always opening up a bunch of room and is uh turning up that kevlar in there so an automatic machine gun most likely is not going to work other rounds is definitely going to stop them thank you so much devtech for sending it over i really appreciate it i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did give it a thumbs up subscribe and as always thank you for watching we'll see you guys [Music] you
Channel: Edwin Sarkissian
Views: 2,018,971
Rating: 4.8912244 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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