Would The Iron Man Suit Be Bulletproof In Real Life? Adam Savage Finds Out | Savage Builds

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i am standing in the alameda county sheriff's department shooting range in dublin california where we are planning to shoot some guns at our newly completed iron man armor to find out if it's bulletproof and if it is well then it has crossed that divide from costume to real armor kind of excited to find out it's like a cooking show but with guns for today's test my team and i constructed a remotely operated gun stand that will allow me to pull the trigger from behind a shield to avoid ricocheting bullet fragments we'll be firing multiple calibers of bullets to test the armor's resistance to increasing impacts a 22 caliber a 9 millimeter and a 45 caliber think of them as small medium and large and why are we shooting at a steel plate when we're trying to find out if our titanium armor is bulletproof well it's because i also want a comparator so we're gonna shoot our three calibers at steel plates as well as at the titanium so we can see how the titanium responds in comparison to the steel plate [Music] okay here we go firing a 22 subsonic hollow point into steel in three two one that's a successful shot all right look at that a perfect splash okay i didn't expect that bullet to go through this steel plate and it didn't but it also tells me that my sight picture is pretty good next up nine millimeters this is firing a nine millimeter hollow point into steel in three two one there we go i can see that it hit this is nine millimeter regular bullet in three two one excellent hollow point normal round 45 caliber bullet and three two one that is a big ass dent all right all right shall we recap this is 22 caliber this is nine millimeter hollow point and ball round and this is 45 caliber the 22 caliber i'm not that worried about that but if i'm wearing steel armor and i get hit with a bullet like this that's going to hurt like hell [Music] now it's time to fire the same three calibers at our iron man armor and find out just how well the printed titanium resists the onslaught of these bullets awesome i feel like that is in a good position the impact of a bullet is determined by the projectile's mass and velocity the bigger the bullet and the faster it travels the greater the damage done to the target we're hoping the bullets won't penetrate our titanium armor but if they do we want to be able to measure the damage cue the dummy right here right there perfect we found this company that makes ballistic gel dummies with bones and organs that have been calibrated to be the correct density of proper organs and as you can see this one is slightly used all right get the armor we'll be firing all three of our different caliber bullets from handguns at a distance of 20 feet close enough to inflict mortal damage to an unprotected human torso safety is off here we go gonna shoot at some iron man armor all right buddy see on the other side there we go 3d printed titanium iron man armor versus 22 caliber bullet in three two one [Laughter] there is no break in the surface there is no dent no nothing i can see the mark where the 22 caliber hit but there is no tactile sign that a bullet hit this and that means that this is bulletproof but it's a 22 caliber round i would like to fire some higher firepower at it to find out just how bulletproof it is i can't believe i just said that sentence we're moving up to nine millimeter round it's not just bigger than the 22 caliber because it packs more gunpowder it travels at a much greater speed there we go we're hot here we go nine millimeter round versus iron man armor in three two one the cover for the light fell out but let's go check out how we did okay wow i hit right next to the other shot a tiny dent i mean i can feel it but it's probably moved in less than a millimeter that is impressive and you can see the bullet hit here and sprayed this way and the amount of force actually knocked the lens out of the chest this sort of thing happens from time to time a close examination of the armor post shooting at it is uh revealing this here a little bit of shrapnel in the ballistics gel and if i pull that out i can confirm yup yup that's a piece of lead from the bullet and this is uh apparently one of the hidden dangers of wearing iron man armor is that as the bullet splashes off your chest if you don't have proper neck and chin protection well all the pieces of that bullet have to go somewhere and they're going to enjoy burying themselves into your tender flesh now we're going to move up to the bigger bullet with 60 percent more mass than the 9 millimeter the 45 caliber bullet is capable of much greater damage all right safety's off here we go 3d printed titanium iron man armor versus 45 caliber bullet three two one [Music] there's a hell of a hit let's go check it out whoa some significant yeah it uh it came up and hit the shoulder bell hit the pauldron but seems to have skipped right off of it wow right there that's a 45 caliber bullet hit and it hasn't even left a significant mark that is bulletproof armor in the movies you're always seeing tony stark in the iron man suit while people are shooting at him and the bullets are just bouncing off of him we have now determined empirically experimentally here at the shooting range that that is an accurate picture of what a titanium iron man suit would do in relation to bullets it's totally bulletproof you
Channel: Discovery Australia
Views: 4,118,908
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Keywords: discovery australia, discovery aus, australian videos, australian youtube videos, discovery australia youtube
Id: 0rB6L6AsBT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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