World's first Bulletproof Lamborghini

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okay we are back with the lamborghini i promised you guys i was gonna shoot at it and i'm gonna keep my promise but there's something i didn't tell you guys my grandpa actually owns the world's only and first bulletproof lamborghini we're gonna shoot at it he is out of town but with the help of armor max out of utah they volunteered to change the glass for me uh we're gonna shoot at it it's supposed to be bulletproof i don't know we'll find out and uh my grandpa's out of town he won't know so by the time he gets back we're gonna try to get the glass changed so he's not gonna find that we shot at it and put it back in his garage so armor max mark thank you so much for uh willing to change the glass for me i really appreciate it they're the ones actually made the car bulletproof for us so uh we're gonna go ahead and test to see if it's actually bulletproof or not just betty are you ready i'm ready okay let's get to it hey come on yeah wait wait wait you wanna cover the paint or something oh yeah uh i'm gonna have to cover the like the roof and the body because i can't have uh any damages or chips off the uh paint so i'm gonna have to i'm gonna come back and cover the the hood and the roof with some plastic material so the fragments from the bullets are not gonna hit the uh the body just betty can you help me with that yes let's go there's our little rig hopefully uh the fragments from any of the bullets are not gonna hit the paint or the body so we don't have to take it to a body shop also that will be a disaster it'll cost thousands of thousands of thousands of dollars for start we're gonna go with the nine millimeter i'm gonna skip the whole 22 go straight to the nine millimeter and i'm gonna be using the mck sent to us by caa it's a conversion kit that makes your turn your handgun into a little submachine gun just better give me a zoom on this so i got my glock 19 in here so simply this opens like this there's two little buttons here you hit it this slides out there's my glock 19. it's chambered nine millimeter and then just show this here it slides in there like that snaps in and just locks in very easy they are very popular i will put a link in the description check them out they are coming out with a clear version of this they do have other colors also but they're also going to make the clear version it's pretty cool you can see your glock inside and they're also going to make it for glock 26 and i think 27 if i'm not mistaking the sub compact glocks so check them out also comes with the just spray i'm not pointing at you just want to show you the light right in the front it's got picatinny rail on the sides on the top they also have a red dot sights if you're interested but a cool brace it folds like that and you can put it in your car very easily compactable opens like that just are you ready i'm ready like i said nine millimeter full metal jacket oh where's that there it is oh my i'm scared let's just stop at nine millimeter at least right cabron is a bulletproof glass we think all right bulletproof car no glass yeah the whole car is bulletproof so we'll shoot i'm gonna go over there ready i'm ready i know it might ricochet go back a little bit i'm sorry fire in a hole it did ricochet okay ah drop them okay first shot there's the lead thank god i put this uh mat over here the fragment came up and hit the uh it cut open the mat this is why i put the stuff here so it hit the glass and nothing happened it just maybe broke the first layer of the glass little shatter in the middle but that's about it right about now you're probably sitting on your nice couch at home wondering what kind of insurance does his grandpa have to be able to cover this kind of work well if you're asking yourself that you're asking the wrong question what you should be asking yourself is do i have a concealed carry insurance if you answered no then you need to consider getting one and uscca offers real good deals they will cover all your attorney fees court costs and among other stuff you never know what you might run into in case you do end up in a situation like that you always want to be protected and uscca offers real good protection at really good cost and here's the cool thing you don't have to actually have a ccw to get yourself a concealed carry insurance as long as you have a legal weapon they will insure you so check them out there will be a link in the description you never know when you might need them okay i'm gonna jump from nine millimeter gonna go straight to the 50 ae no playing around and i got the double desert eagle gold ones for magnum research and it shoots those bad boys right in there i hope you guys can see him 50 ae ah the problem is shooting two aiming sometimes gets off that's pretty oh i am wearing this so the glass doesn't hit my face fyi you ready i'm ready okay here we go lock and load woo that's pretty you want to go back a little bit so the glass doesn't hit you okay you're good over there i'm good okay a little nervous you want to do it no you do it okay hopefully it doesn't hit my body the glass okay here we go safeties are off fire no [Laughter] check that out it did not go through you can see the lead right on the surface come wrong where your grandpa come back uh he's coming back next month okay he's in europe yeah i know i know yeah we'll be good we should have enough time they can replace the class next round next is going to be a 500 smith and wesson this is the gun that uh demolition ranch in kentucky ballistic have a feud over they have a bunch of drama going on recently why don't you shoot it show kentucky ballistic and demolition ranch what the little girls they are okay yeah you come do it yeah they cry about this every time and they got drama going on like little hey cabron just please don't miss okay okay you ready i'm ready uh okay go for it okay [Applause] this is nothing i know they cry about it 24 7. there you go this is my favorite guy scooter and uh maddie boy there you have it that's how it's done there it is the bullet did not you know what i should go inside the car so i can show them that nothing is going on okay that's better you hold on to the gun let me go inside the car i'm sure a lot of you guys have seen the interior of lamborghini but this is how it looks okay let me show you guys the damage now that as you can see nothing as smooth as the baby's butt nothing is coming out everything is looking good here's the inside everything looks good you guys probably didn't think i was gonna shoot it with the ak-47 you're totally wrong we will stop at nothing 762 by 39 ak round that's very ready i'm gonna go two rounds just to prove you guys my grandpa is legit he doesn't bs when he says the car is bulletproof it's bulletproof if he says he brought m16 from world war ii then that's what he did he has a time machine that's pretty go back a little bit okay lock and load you ready i'm ready let me go back more as you can see all the damage is really surface damage over here the bullet is still not going through let me double check on this one it kind of looks like it went but it also doesn't no we're good we are 100 good okay next round armor max out of utah they make some of the best armored vehicles if you guys remember i shot one of the suvs they sent over and it was a really cool video i put a link in the description you guys check it out thanks to mark out of armor max he's always hooking it up and this is some of the crazy stuff that they do you ready just buddy i'm ready okay let's go okay everyone's favor my grandpa's car 98 german mauser my grandpa's service rifle from world war ii and it shoots this eight millimeter mauser italian car german technology are you ready i'm ready okay now quiet for the action this is the best sound ever just pretty ready already there you go go back on this one this is a big boy round oh i can't believe i don't know if it's rated for this kind of round we'll find out mark if this bullet goes through you're going to owe me a new lamborghini for my grandpa ein spy there it is just betty give me a zoom in from over there as you can see it hit the surface and nothing happened maybe one layer of glass and all the lid got spread right over here it peppered the top and it destroyed the rubber on the top on the surface okay it's also a car 98 proof this keeps getting better and better next round next is gonna be tavor x95 thanks to gun prime for sending this over to me gun prime is always hooking us up check them out and we have a really cool new holographic site just better give me a zoom in on this one it's sent to us by vortex is their new amg uh-1 gen2 yeah it's a red dot holographic sight the gen 2 one of the main upgrades on gen 2 i believe it's their um capability of uh hooking up a night vision to it their previous model wasn't able to do it i will put a link for one of the videos that gives you more full-blown detail on this i'll come back to this another video but i just want to show you guys how cool it is wait wait let me let me assume it okay yeah look how cool it looks on it wow it works really awesome so far i've been using it no problems thanks to vortex optics for always hooking us up uh oh where's the round five five six and uh we'll shoot the war loads up right here iwi okay are you ready i'm ready sides should be kind of on let's see i'm gonna go i'm gonna go here ready i'm ready fire note okay clear on this when right over here no wait was it this one or this one i think it was this one right uh i think so it did not go through anyway none of them have been going through long story short it's been stopping all these rounds which makes this glass one of the highest rated bulletproof glasses out there this is what they use on a lot of their military application government application for the front glass and it just so happened my grandpa has it too on his lamborghini that's very one last round and that's it i promise okay okay all right my favorite m24 remington 700 model the upper was sent to me by gun prime the lower chassis sent to me by wolf's chassis systems they make some of the most beautiful chassis for your uh rifles this is a walnut stock they have other options different colors available they also make really cool knives and axes so check them out there will be a link in the description for volks this does come with the m lock key rail on the sides and the bottom in case you want to add more stuff to it yeah you guys can go ahead and laugh at me i did put a close distance scope on this sent to me by vortex again this is their newer spitfire i'm only shooting at uh 10 yards 15 yards so there's no need for a big scope on this one this was a perfect one and uh man such a beautiful gun folks i really love this one just betty you ready i'm ready this does shoot of course the 308 right there that's very ready i'm ready okay back a little bit for this one this is also a big boy round well it it kind of stopped i should have shot this first and then moved on to the eight millimeter mauser this is a less powerful round but you never know we'll see what happens okay folks thank you for sending all this check them out but i vinyl yeah nothing happened it got more glass everywhere just better you're gonna have to be super careful we don't scratch the carve and we clean it up but uh nothing is going on let me show the inside just buddy i'll switch you a rifle for a camera there is the damage right over there nothing is going on on the inside thank you so much armor max for saving my life so my grandpa don't kill me and here's the proof no damages to the seats the seats all look good okay good my grandma grandma's not gonna beat me up hopefully we can fix all this up before he gets back okay thank you so much again to uscca for hooking my grandpa and i with the insurance carry insurance check them out there will be a link in the description i'm also doing a giveaway if you guys check them out there will be a link in the description i'm giving away about 10 amazon gift cards 50 each all you have to do is go to their website and check them out and comment what you guys like also thanks to volks for sending the chassis and caa for hooking it up with the conversion kit for that glock 19. just betty you want to thank anybody else hi i want to thank your cousins in mexico no 10 10 scott thank god for us and uh for me and uh thanks so much no no thank you grandpa thank you my grandpa grandpa grandpa i'm so sorry i did this also thank you so much to armor max for uh willing to change the glass and at this point you're gonna comment and say well you didn't shoot the car that don't count that was only the glass if this video gets 100 000 likes i will come back and shoot the doors and we'll call it a day you should have some time before my grandpa gets back to get sent into a body shop also this but is that fair enough 100 000 likes and we shoot the car yes okay fair enough i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did please give it a thumbs up subscribe and as always thank you for watching we'll see you guys next time grandpa so sorry i can't stop this guy you know that i tried but nothing happened to the car we fixed okay [Music] you
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Views: 3,898,861
Rating: 4.8518767 out of 5
Id: Ti9sX2nRWyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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